Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, July 29, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 2

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JO VUJjAlMtiftiftAV
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JULV lit), lltf,
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" THIf 'fllfffAL" JOBKBJIU I
runuiiiNi' imimt, jwcwr HUWiMt.
Capital Journal PubfliWng Company,
rmfflr II Ownrt' -
sw '
(M If , ttf Mff Iff, lf WHh- - "-l
wi. ?. '' ' .
r. rrsT i.n.r.
An KUr ri publMur tn ik Hrr-ai
to-do ovinia !' ' ftmiWi an r-ffj-clapodlitU
on i wi.t flatty, to limit!
to only f h topics a - olWly rr
lata! to 'be llfnMh world May.
Ilia oftVIa farol ably the btateuoyolo
podia oflaro' tin five. Bn whowa.tta
to read an encyclopedia when tbey ciu
get iwb Aatoc.ttte I Vrtt newapaiwi
wMinewarlitat b. oir the wire from
all orer the world f w -at htaiwi
t day for l be nmo price?
It la not matt ra i elatino to aflalr
of today tbl ttope want but tlie at
fain them-e ve. That l what the;
can get In theO.f Ckst Daily.
The writer has atudied long and bard,
thought deep and Incjulr d much and
find the following about the current
altoatlon of affaire:
high. uvv.
Iuterat Products
Taxes Public Confldence
Real Kstote Money In Circulation
Itenla Demand for Labor
Wages luveatmenta
There la some food f.r thought In
tbla parallel. Tboee who wish can write
long articles on the situation, but there
la little use printing them. Tbey are de
cllned in advance.
Wages are high compared to the cost
of necessaries of life, meat, Hour, fruits,
vegetables, manufactured goods and
farm products.
Bents, land values aud- Interest are
unreasonably high and -out of "all pre
portion to profits on business or crop?.
T tat Is one great caue of hard times.
T jo Inflation should bo squeezed out
just as the watered stocks should bo el
iminated. Ton years ago an ounce of silver would
buy a bushel of wheat. So would a
gold dollar. Now an ounce of silver Is
worth a bushel of wheat aud a gold
dollar will buy nearly two bushels. A
days wages at $1.60 could be bought
with a bushel and a half of wheat; now
It takes throe bushels. Wo do not
want to see wuges reduced but there Is
a great disparity somewhere.
Government costs too mucb. In
state and nation fabulous sums are
made out of political offices. There
must be an unloadlug of this burden
Tho producer cannot stand the strain
of princely salaries and wasteful legis
latures, the enormous bills of which
ruu into tho millions, nud It all must
come out of the soil.
There must be a return to Jefferson
Jan simplicity. The man who as a
public official, trusted by the people,
will work bis position for all It Is worth
must be reminded of the necessity of
smaller margins in office as well as In
business and on the farm.
You Can PBuaunvK Fifty pints of
fruit, without cooking, and have it with
its natural flavor, for GO cents, with
antlformentlne, fur cale by Gilbert, Pat
terson &. Co.
Know a
Good Thing
when they see it. That's why
Bright Housekeepers use
the New Shortening, in place
of lard. That's why Phy
the Healthful Shortening, in
place of lard. That's why
cooking Experts Endorse
the use of
the Vegetable Shortening ,n'
stead of lard, and that's why
Competitors Imitate
instead of selling lard.
Watch the name. Get
Cottoujne. Accept no
"spnuthlng else."
Bolo Manufacturer;,
h tailed the "tttthor f tt"
It H wM b ft Torpid Utw,
and gwiri1I Mmmptntel lth
To treat constipation tacctitnj
It ia a mild lazatif a and a tonic to
tho digestive organs. By taking
Bimmona Liver Regulator yott
promote digestion, bring on a reg
ular habit of body and prevent
Biliousness and Indigestion.
"Mr wife ert!dbBCTl wtthCoMtta'
ttoi and coughing, followed with Bleeding Mes.
After four month use of biramot Uvtr RcpiUUT
the it almost entirely relieved, galalaastrcagtls
and Beth." W. B. Lsxrsa, Delaware, Ohio.
I have used SinnoM Liver Regulator for
Constipation of my Bowels, caused by temporary
derangrmetit of the Liver, and always with de
cided benefit." II la Wawu, Law CUe
Justice of Georgia.
As forecast In tbwe columns, the
French were whipped aftar the Bret
-xebange of ahota with 81am. The
4uave, kindly reply of the monarch of
ihe land or the white elephant was so
ut and right, and so strongly Impreg
nated with the spirit of fairness that
the bellicose blue-coats were forced to
bluster and thus emphasized the weak
ness of their position.
Great Britain has acted the part of
pacifier, while Germany and Russia
have stood back with folded arms look
ing at each other. If fiiam will com
mit no overt or foolish act she has
France on the hips. France dare not
begin an inexcusable war. The moral
sentlmentof mankind Isagalnst human
slaughter of even such inconsequental
Inhabitants as those of the Malay pen
Salem, July 29.
It Is reported that buyers are offer
ing to contract this year's hop crdp In
parts of Marion country at 18 cents. ,
The Journal hIII revclve dally dis
patches of all hop.newa bv Associated
Presa as well as dally quotatiens:
John Cartwrlght left a sample of an
early variety of hops at the Courier
office this week, that has excited the
admiration of commissioners. The
sample was covered with hops neavly
ripe and Is said to be one of tho riuest
ever seen lu Harrlsburg.
Reports from our local hop yards aro
very encouraging. The crop is coming
along nicely, and there ure only a very
few lice to be found. If these pests do
not become numerous Inside of two
weeks, the crop Is considered safe and
above the average. Tho number of
yards in this part of the country has
increased to such an extent that the
owners of yards are already making ar
rangements with the parties who pick
for them.
Crop reports Indicate a large yield of
potatoes, hops In some places will yield
2500 pounds to tho acre, and wheat
through a little under the average will
still be a good crop.
Tho bup-growerd of, Marlon county
hove determined to keep themselves to
a circulating medium. Each grower
will Isauo script to tho value of his cred
it, not exceeding $100, In denominations
of ono dollar. This will circulate In tho
vicinity, und is redeemable at the hop
oxchauue which Is to be established.
Tho step Is mado necessary by the
hoarding of coin by Its present owners.
Those engaged in this system of bank
ing should be careful not to burn tbolr
Augers. Exchange.
A cumber of papers copy the above.
There Is very little foundation for It.
There will probably be no bop script Is
sued unless times get much harder
than at preseut. The bankers say they
expect to be able to furnish mnuey to
market crops to reliable partltB aa they
have til wujb done.
Lebauou Express: It will only bo a
few weeks now until Oregon's hop
growers aud farmers will begin to draw
money luto Oregon from abroad. Iheu
tho stringency in tho money market,
already much easier, will loosen Its
grip. (
iiiuiiiuruar imuui ueiiiunru ucer
arrived last night for the cold storage.
Phis makes the hoveiith air load of this
beer received hero sluce the season
opened. Eugene Guanl.
There will probably bo a great deal
of tlnauclal stringency among people
who Idle tbelr time away at the beer
counters, whether tbey be Populist or
ll.puDiiMD.MUMr or laraitr.
Oyer in the Puyallup country, the
coming bop crop could nowbeaoldal
18 cents,
aud the
Many sprayer are running
tew lleo dolug little or no
auvnuAi nmr
TImi fttfmm f V awl Hunt
rift alu l Mtft wart ' t tt
tttto tfwt tfilM rifif - to "
day f jnw-Hb aH lfmrly n ilwM
ari'M wtlt IImiI w rtotf alfwa
ttf mt UyiHo"l daye, l toil tvl-"l
Ofty awjMlfj by ltHM tmn Iwh to I
town m Hlffir nil miff J yaW
Affair Iban llMlMlrHl HHHHtef all- !
tmA abew. Ait jmi nt aeflalii Ihe!
olown waj funnier Ii Ittrwd.iy. Mi
ft-iiitrtade sweeter, and Ibat 'flnut
IjkI a richer fl ; the HU had red
der aheeka and their niuatln gowns and
ribbon had n HuMer we no longer
The elrou ewnu to (owp early In the
morning, a (ug irtlu of wituuos inmlf
up of animal eagM), ImU1 vtiariole aud
long reaching vehicles conveying the
blu painted enter rok-a and parapher
nalia of the big lent aud side abow.
Tbey wre geuerally a worn-out, nleepy
looking cr iwd, peop'e, bora a, dogs and
all. Then tuere followed the location
of Ihe show, the unloading, the setting
up. Soon the huekstera stand was up,
the side-show inau was bawl. ng, the
street partdetook place, aul the crowds
begin streaming in from the country
for the afternoon show. It h well once
In a while to close our eyes and dream
ourselves Into the joyous past of child
hood. There were circuses from Noah's day.
Our grandfather's youth In Germany
was enlivened by t circus tbut bor
dered on the miracle plays of the me
dieval times. It was a traveling show
called the "Old Woman Machine."
For rollicking fun it beat many shows
of the present day, His majesty, the
old nick, presided over the strange per
formance which was rigged up to re
semble one of oor present day thresh
Ine machines, with a straw carrier ex
tending high in air. It was operated
by bells and machinery and a hopper
at one end received the old women. Of
oiurse, they were not real old women,
but boys dressed up to resumble tooth
less old hags with long necks, hawk-
beak noses, and dressed in an ouiland
ish manner, fit brides or grandmotbera
for his satanlc highness who grinned
uihbollcally as the procession of beau
ties approached. The character repre
senting Satan had a pitchfork in one
baud and a book In the other where be
entered the names of those who were
willing to sell tbelr souIb to him in
order to get rid of their burden of years
and be restored to youth and beauty.
After all the ceremony of bargaining
away tbelr immortal pait the fuu be-
Satan who was a stout fellow would
stick his fork into the pauler of one of
the old bags and toss ber up into the
ar and she would fall into the hopper
nud disappear. A cloud of sulphurous
smoke would arise, a bad- smell would
illl the air, the wheels of the old-wom
an machine would revolve amid great
laughter of the crowd, and, presto!
change, out of the straw-carrier at the
other end would come, not a toothless
old hag, but a beautiful, elegantly
dressed, smiling young woman, pretty
us u peach. Satan would politely band
her down for the crowd to Inspect,
feel of and talk to, and there was great
merry rdakiug. Then another would be
ground through and the devil would
claim them all in succession as his
bride. At tho close of the performance
the Imitative Satan who was bis own
clown, advertiser, ring-master and
manager, would clear away the crowd,
close bis tent aud prepare his myste
rious go-devil for tho next day.
That was the funniest thing agoing
in our graudfutber'a day early In the
century In Europe. Of course, people
were more simple-minded tbeu than
now. They were also more supersti
tious and the devil played a more Im
portant part In the aflalrs of every
one's life then than now. He was au
active agent lu religious matters. But
the old-woman machine shows that
they were already beginning to poke
fuu at him and look,, upon him as a
wnolesome source of amusement rather
than au Inspiration of terror, or of
much moral importance. Tho devil
would not be a drawing card in the
modern circus. He would take a back
seat probably as against mauy of the
star features of a three-ringed show. He
is still a part of the stock iu trade of
the Iguoraut and superstitious and we
may all be very happy to be Intelligent
enough to get uloug without him, even
as a part of our Imaginings. Tho cir
cus and society lu general Is probably a
good deal Improved in the past century
und while we look luto the roseato light
of the past with many fond imaginings
U u quite likely there Is as much fuu
and exptnslou of the heart aud real
enjoyment of life lu store tor us now as
ever If we ouly set about to take it
A Noted Dlvlno
r haiiibnn lit: ntr Tut la 1.1 ver Villi
tn. tiMii.tTiklH Mtlx Rtomarli au,i
Loatli !, i"ftU vUKU X ltavIoBT
(joca nitct(l.
Kr5?cTiotiiiJA?JtU "
ktv. '. K. OS.UUOU, Haw York.
Tints Pills
Wet, 10 to 144 W-ubtegU- St., N, Y.
- imi aaaifajajL.
fMr rftov" and raftrr all tlvi itvuAA !(
dwl to if in rt( et tM frfm l-Mh at
tSrt(tMi, rtti. r-rKn,i;H(rt aftr
Uf, F!8'rfUiM a WhlMUrtrmr
rrm'kU feu S ttKia la earing-
HMtMh, re ftwnn' Lima Lrria Froa
urn tffutiif TfoaM4 In Conettpietfln evririg
aid fcrrreatine Iht anncrjlng comptaiot. whiW
tbaiM etTrt all disorder of IM tumiMti,
lUmuUb; Uk tlrrr and rrgtilaM UM bowel.
Ctii IX lhf an) cured
who i
hut t
ton, nd ttww who ones trf uxtn wm rum
Oteoa llttla pill ralnabla In ao maor wara that
But alter an ate bead
win not t) willing vo ao wiwoui man,
la the bans of $o many Urea thai bern U wbra
we make our great bceut. Our piUa cure It
while other do not.
Cimt'i Lrmx Ltm Pirxa arefery tnutU
and tbtt eaay to, Jake. , One or two pUi make
dose. They are ctrtcUy rrgetabM and do
not gripe or porgw, but by their eraUe action
pleaae all who uo them. In rial at S3 centa;
fire for $1. Sold ererywhere, or cent by nuiL
CA2TB VfZXm ca, Vrv Tut.
kdU MM kfllfa
postoffjce Annals.
1493 Richard HI established a system
of couriers all over England. Short
stages were fixed, m generally 15 or 20
miles, and the king's orders were dis
patched by special messengers. These
also sometimes carried letters, packages
and messages for private persons.
1500 Butchers and drovers, who went
about buying cattle, were in England the
principal carriers of measages and cor
respondence. 151 G Aletter and passenger post estab
lished between Brussels and Vienna by
two stable owners. This lino was sub-
seouently extended to Venice, Genoa,
Naples-and also to many seaboard cities
in the north.
1524 The French posts were permit
ted to carry letters for private persons,
merchants and commercial agents.
1527 On the Spanish invasion of Pern
a regular system of running posts was
found in operation along all the publio
1543 Tho courier system was said at
this time to be brought into a state of
comparative perfection in England and
1581 In this year the postal system ef
England had been developed to such, an
extent that general supervision became
necessary, aid Queerl Elizabeth appoint
ed Thomas Randolph, chief postmaster,
1019 Foreign postal arrangements
having been considerably developed,
Matthew de l'Equester was, in this year,
appointed foreign postmaster by James J.
The Postman Poet.
Of tho postman poet for whom Mr.
Gladstone recommended, a grant of
100 The Academy Bays: ''James
I Dryden Hosken is a young Cornish-
man of ttoiston, seir oaucaiea, ex
cept for a short time spent in an ele
mentary school. Untrained to any
trade, he found casual employment
in east Jsndon during three or four
years, part of which, he spent as an
outdoor officer in tho customs. He
then became a rural postman; then
a sorter in tho general postoflftce,
vhero his health failed, and ho re
turned , to his native place much
shattered and broken. A partial re
covery has enabled him to find par
tial employment as an auxiliary post
man." A. Curloilty In Initial.
Apropos of tho Christian names of
Harvard college graduates, there is
ono name in the Harvard catalogue
that would puzzle tho average inves
tigator of the subject wero he not
fully posted as to tho facts in the
case. It is a middle name, and it is
simply "X," which is known in the
law as tho symbol for "his mark."
In this instanco, however, it stands
for a $10 bill which was presented to
tho owner of tho namo on tho day of
his birth, and tho acknowledgment
of tho gift appears in tho reeipiont's
name unto this day. Boston Herald.
In a Library Catalogue.
Tho latest joko on a public library
branch, that shall bo nameless to
spare the feelings of those most con
cerned, is embodied in tho following
quotation from ita catagogue:
'Mill On Liberty " (in tho lino be
low) "ditto On tho Floss." Shade
of G eorgo Eliot 1 Boston Globe.
Value of a Good I)lcetlon.
A man with a good digestion is
moro likely to 1 true and loving and
charitablo and honorable than ono
who has ruined his temper aud diges
tion tosethor, and since ono of tho
best assistants to digestion is. a good
uso of tho teeth let us calmly sit
down to our diuuer as our English
friends do, and as wo enjoy our meal
rebuff any whispers of wasted timo
by remembering that if tho body is
not cared for tho mind and soul go
wrong; that to eat and drink and
sleep and bathe woll will not only
make us healthier and hand&omer,
but as n consequence, smarter and
better. A good digestion makes a
good man, aud though there may be
demons who chew their food well
there never was an angel who did
not masticate Wav-Now York Led-
TH6 $66MI OHAtn,
Hiiintf tit lfe frtrlwM f ehfefw TrM rsff
m l reft frt rfVr.
Whatl h rrftltoewi ! ftrrft- Pi f
f fed In hH Hiir tm f-rffti maMmtim
on the Ikw.- ( i . am t'J from
tflfl Hfllfl it" to lr flaattfW rlMlpl
nrid (ttAMrrfmlly Into th ioKitUt
aUtve tlifl wtrttff' of Jit i'Hr. h"
! frriu'llffliJy hm ln wlllfftiil ft f
roof, and II wm in un- Piwir '
pole time the Korrmn innifirttlm
tiitH-red at try JlirrMil wrrn lwrr
through tho nrowdfHl utrwrt of
Home nitwtmwm'r'KlhcdHfHirntwt
not bo confound 'tl with tho ancient
llttcrn, which very much rotVttnhled
in Hlinpo til" pnlamptln which may
bo MHn ovnry day In tho atreoto of
CnlnitUi and whloh woro n kind of
bed whoreiii tho intnato reollucd
citlior on hit elbow or nt full length.
Wealthy Hornnnu when they .trav
eled through tho provinces of the
cuipiro Bat In a covered sedan chair
during the day and lay in n covered
litter throughout tho night Itisn
mi-ions fact as regards tho oriental
palanquin that in 1751 the court of
directors of the East India company
ordered that their covenanted serv
ants stum! 1 "lay addo tho expense of
either boio. chair or palanquin dur
ing their writerehip" on the ground
that indulging these embryo nabobs
with chaira on poles boroo by coolies
contributed not a little to "tho neg
lect of buainpea and afforded them
opportunities for rambling.
Ldttlo jnoro than half a century
afterward wo find tho frugal and
belf denying Sir Arthur Wellesley
writing to Mnjor Shaw to give or
ders for a palanquin to bo made for
him. Precis in this as in most
other matters, the hero of Assaye di
rected that liis palanquin should be
"very light-," that the panels should
be made of "canvas instead of wood
and the poles fixed as for a dhoolie."
'Your Bengali palanquins, n adds the
future victor of Waterloo, "are sq
heavy that they cannot bo used out
of Calcutta."
To a traveler of moderate means
the principle expense of the palan
quin was in tho number of relays or
bearers required to carry it This
mattered little to the Romans since
the bearers were nearly always
slaves, and the pi-ice of labor in Hin-
dostan is moderate enough to war
rent the employment of a large num
ber of bearers, but in France in tho
seventeenth century there was a
Duchess of Nemours who half ruined
herself by her craze for traveling
backward and forward in her Bedan
to ber principality of Jeufchatel,
which was situated at a distance of
130 leagues from Paris. Relays of
bearers amounting iq the aggregate
to 50 men always accompanied the
duchess on these journeys, one of
wbich took 10 days to accomplish,
and the cost of paying, lodging and
feeding these retainers was neces
sarily prodigious,
French experts stoutly maintain
that tho sedan chair was invented by
La Reine Margot the first wife of
Henry IV, but it can only be proved
that the sprightly queen in question
availed herself so constantly of the
facilities offered by an uncovered
sedan that it is almost to be won
dered at that tho vehicle did not
come to be called a "margot" instead
of a "ohaiso a porteurs." In any
case it is certain that the first cov
ered and closed 6edans were intro
duced into France at the beginning
of tho reign ,pf Louis XIH by the
Marquis- de Montbrun and that
shortly afterward a concession for
building them was granted to three
Parisian financiers. LiOqdon Tele
graph. A Peaceable Use For Gun Barrels.
Tlie demand for wrought iron pipe
began with the invention of illumi
nating gas, but tho introduction of il
luminating gas at first was very slow
in consequence of prejudice and want
of appreciation of its importance.
About the timo of the invention of
illuminating gas, which was in the
latter part of tho seventeenth cen
tury, the long war between England
and France was drawing to a close.
It bad made a great demand for gun
barrels, which wero largely made at
Wednesbury, England, and at its
close it loft a largo amount of this
stock on tlie market, which (there
being no other demand for it) was
used for tho small gas tubes by
screwing tho small end of one tube
into the largo cud of another. This
supply apparently covered tho de
maud for small tubes for some time,
and tho larger ones wero made in the
same manner. Iron Age.
InUucnco of Free Libraries.
As a matter of fact, sinco tho estab
lishment of free libraries there has
been a manifest improvement in the
class of books read. Librarians tell
us that history is moro in demand,
and that the best books aro erradu-
ally superseding lu' the estimation of
inu peopie uioso wuiai migut oo con
eideral of a less favorablo tendency.
Thts'iajjood uowb, but thero is Btill
much room for improvement, and
Only in proportion as wo realize our
Individual responsibility in this mat
ter and act up to it shall wo bo able
to help to raise the tono of tho public
taste, for it is certiiin that degrading
and vicious literature is supplied in
answer to a demand, although it is
probably just aa sadly certain that
writers and purveyors, findinsr that
such a demand exists, do not hesitate
to lead tho way where formerly they
cautiously felt it Chambers' Jour-
I If kVft M A FT
for lnfar.t
t reomm4i ltMujrlorloariprtJel'Jon
known to me.M It A. Attcttf a, it. V
111 So. OXenl SL, firookla, N. T,
"Tha naa of'Cmttorla'U t tmlrrrial and
Ita nwlta ao well known that It (mm a work
of aupereroj-ation to endorse I L Few are tha
lMliKnt famine who do not keep Cantorla
within eeay reach."
Caaxoa Kjarri, D, O ,
N York City.
Late Paator Bloomln-'dala Reformed Church.
Taa Crnmcn
iiiliii ii
Completed nud ready-to watt on customers. Horses boarded by day or week
at re. sonable prices. We keep a full line of Truck, Drays and Express to
meet at) demands. Also keep the finest Stallins In tbla county, for service.
Barn' and residence 2 block south of postofllce. ." RYAN & CO.
If yoju Would be clean and have your clothes done up in
the neatest and dressiest mannar, take them to the
where all work is done by white labor and in the most prompt
Liberty Street.
Skin Food.
Ladies who sutler
from Cutting Winds
and Scorching Hun
v ill and
Mrs. Harrison's
Lola Montez Creme
llie -kin Food,
Tu btt remony for
beepl g the, fire cool
and free fr m Irrita
tion, as It Eootha and
comforts thegklnnnd
p ev.nU lrecsle ir
sunbti . It Is nil a
beantlArr but a SKln
restorative and pre
'I c.
servative. I n lltt'e ilontcz C eme la rubbed
la the HKin and thoroughly wiped off afraln,
Jut before applying powdt-r. thn complexion
will be soner, and the powder will remain
longer, desldes preventing tne powder from
clngelng the pores of the KKln- Price 75 cents.
For sale by FKKD LEGO, Druggist, Patton
lllock, Salem, Ore.
Foraty spec al or complicated blemish of
faca or form, write
6 Geary at., h-'aa Franclkco. Cal
Sunerfluous Hair Permanently Removed.
Private work n. specialty.
C. B. CLEMKNT. Manager.
The House Mover.
451 Marion Street.
lias the best facilities lor moving and rais
ing houses. Leave orders al uray Bros., or
address Balem, Oregon.
from Terminal or Interior Points tho
la the Une to.take 2
To all Points East and South'.
It Is the dlnlncr car ronte-lt rana throua b.
t Is the dining car ronte
aUbule trains, every daj
vesUbule trains, every day In the year u
(No change of cars.)
Composed of dining cars unsurpassed,
Pullman drawing room sleepera
"Of latest equipment
Sleeping Cars.
Best that can be constructed and in which
accommodations are both free and lur
nlshed for holders of first and second-class
A. conUnuot a ilna conns jUng with all
lines. aSordlng direct and uninterrupted
Pullman slf eper reservations can be se
cured In advtcce t&ro.gU any agent of
the road.
Through tickets to and from all points
In America, England and Europe can be
purchased at any Ucket office of this com.
FuUlnformaUbn eoneerninrf rates, time
of tralns,roate and otUer detalla furnished
on ;Dllc&Uon to Any agent or
A. Ii. "JHAJtljTON.
Assistant General
FasaeuLvr A rant. Nn.
in First str,
land, Oregon
121 First street, cor. Waahlnrtnn; 1'ort-
(Norths Pa'cUc R. R, Co, letsss.)
Two Through Trains Dally.
iipm6dKpmllMlnnB rttOarol &iSpm
liipm T-.lapm I Btfaul a aOJm fc.-OOpm
oaoajn UOSpni lluutlu.a U.lQan) ?JSpai
1 iJpm TjOopmll . Ashland, al SJxV&rul SOpm
T lfimiOam-hleKnl I &-fJ0.mU 46pm
Tickets sold and
Kaggage checked through
. United HUlts and Canada.
tnallDoln'sln tbsUn!
data oonntysUon tnade la Cblcaoo with all
train going Kast said Mouth.
For luU Information apply to "your nearest
and Children.
CMr? wM C-oh Obfe-apatiVyL
Botir Biota, ViMrtftrr. JttvcUtUm,
KiUn VfortM, giro tlmp, and prvenotea i
W'-Jiotlt injrafem medfcatloM,
Tor TfTaJ year t hats recommntj
your ' Caatoria. ' and ball alwaya oonUnue tn
do to m It tuMi lnrarlaU produoed beneficial
towtn T. Piint, H. D
"Ibo WUthrcrp,-' 1 JJUh Street and Tth Are
Oovrijrr, 71 Stcaaar Mx-uurr, Nr Tona.
I ii ifl fTT "
WW ta &
Do yea -rear them? When next In need try a ptlr.J
est in tns worm.
If yon want a fine DRESS SHOE, made In the fatal
ttyM, don't pay $6 to $8, try my $3, $3 JO, $4.00 a
$5 Shoe. They fit ejaal to custom made and look and
wear as well. Ifyoa wish toeceoombe In your footwear,
da to by purchasing W. L. Douglas Shoes, Name tM
price stamped on the bottom, look for it when you buy
W. I-DOUGLAS, Broclrton.Masi. Sold by
Kkaussf. Rhus.
World's Fair, Chicago.
..,. calumet Avenae ana zxnsiren.
HflTFI at Fireproof; HI rooms; near Fair
E1W I bk Ground,; baths on every floor.
American and European plana,
DARUllUr I hotel. Write for circular.
A New Remedy
A true Specific a positive and permanent .limuuticn
of all pouon from th blood, and a restoration of heil.thf
vigor to th' tissues ts offend to suflitrcrs forth tint tin
In a remedv which has been underxoinz the most severs
.private experiments for the past three yeart. It has jl
vt rsilM, :
for tjypluluk: poUon and all blood diseases. Ito wi be
ltcnitt Send for full particulars and proof free.. Stoo
filling- your system with mercury and other poisons.
This remedy will cunt you tn 30 to co days without taa.
We sruarantee a cars or refund the money
170 First Street ' POniXAND. OB.
luko, ana a win not sau, as it u a inn or"-
from U. V. Dock at 6 o'clock .a. m. every Wed
nesday andrlaturday.
from the Central dock at foot ol Washington
sueet every Unnday and Tburxday.
for Albany every Monday and Tuesday, re
turning fame days.
Concerning freight and passenger business,
call on the agent, aLHKUUE.'.
The LINE That
Hosrs ulcker l. and
Pullman and Tourist Sieve's Tree FeelV
- irg Chair Can, Din ng tars.
Kor rates and general Information call
OT tVuaiTalal. , a
IwaWWafe'T'-ffft Y TJ
fH IBWaWaWaBS-8'
Steamer Ilwooi.
ttM WingMn"-3a,.
Vffiuy-a, owe0'
Osa.Fsa,BaTkt,AfU,Cblc5fO, ill I
-gJdfcMtfMl4an nut
jdUMtaUflaataalJa , irKatasfMJal