Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, July 29, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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BookCoupon p A.pjT
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f ji1.',' wj
VOL. 0.
NO. 178.
Is tint the way you have been buying your goods Wo
have tried it for a year and a half in our bufinos and it has
proved a decided success.
Try this same method for yourself once. Buy from a cash
store. Save the usual per centage added for bad accounts at a
credit store, and you will bo happily surprised at the result.
The New York Racket
Offers you genuine bargains in 'BOOTS and SHOES, HATS,
general line of notions.
Bring your cash and get full value for it.
General Insurance Agency.
Representing tie following well-known and reliable Cempanies:
HTATK INdlTRANCK CO., Altna Insurance Co.,
Traders' Insurance Co., Bun Insurance Co..
National Insurance Co., Vestclieter flra Ins. Coi
Hon. fire Instiranoo Co., Imperial Kire Insurance 0".,
London a Lancashire Fire Ins. Sad., London Aasurancs Corporation
Alliance Assurance Co., Norwlon Union Fire Ins.aoc.
Oldest and Leading Firm In the City Devoted Exclusively to Insurance,
Becovera and repairs upholstered furniture. Long Experience In tbe" trade
enables me to turn out nrst-ciass worn,
give estimates. State Insurance block,
Ed. C.
CHURCHILL Spraying outfits,
ac 10.3
BURROUGHS State Street.
Lamoureux's Stables,
At tho Commercial street bridge near Willamette Hotel. New stock and ve
hicles being added constantly. Only the best rvlce rendered. No y
rigs uor poor home. H. L. LAMOUREUX Proprietor.
West Printing
First-class Work.
S03 Commercial St., m
- i i
On impioved Ileal Entate. In aujounU and
lime to suit. No delay In considering loans.
Room 11 Bush Bank block. 5 IM"
CflflS. WOLZ, '
Proprietor of the
South Commercial HL, Balem.
AH kinds Fresh, tilt and Smoked Meat
and Sausage.
Ins. Block.
aampiea or- coverings, xmo iruuuie w
Chemektta street
Wholesale and Retail
Dealer in Fresh, Salt and
Smoked Meats of allKlnds
95 Court and
110 State Streets.
Seasonable Prices.
Salem, Oregon.
LeaTe orders tUoltle-l'arklinrst bloclroom
15, Halem, Oregon.
Manufacturer of Wagons, Car
riages, etc.
Repairing a Spollty.
Shop 45 HUte street
ionle rd Umber. Term. W .
rftAU O. L- ?".
MMnWtw WneaUand, Or.
Tricks 61 the Celestials to Got Into
Oar Country.
New Yohk, 20. The actkmsoftbe
cutora-bouso oflcora hero would seem
to Justify the charges of Special Treas
ury Agent Rcharf that there bus been
smuggling of Chinese through the port
of New York. Notwithstanding
Kcharfs protest against the Admission
of six Chinese who arrived from Hava
na Tuesday on the Seneca, one of
whom called himself a merchant and
tho other flvo students, four of them
were admitted by tbo collector because
tbelr passports issued In Havana by the
Chinese consul there, In Mr. Hood
rick's opinion, described the four Chi
nese sufficiently for Identification. The
alleged merchant, Tu Kl Lin, and one
of the students, Cbl Lin, who said be
would be supported by Lee 8ee,,of the
flrm-Lee On & Co., of Mott street,
where he Is not known at all, were de
tained by the collector; the latter be
cause his passport makes him out to be
5 feet and inches blgh,whereas he is 5
feet 6 inches high, and not because of
the false address given. The collector
had not waited to hear Col. Soharf'a re
port on the students or to back bis opin
ion. In tbe meantime tbo special
agent had founa out that all live stu
dents gave tbe addresses of guardians
or supporters In Mott street who had
no knowledge of tbo arrivals. Colonel
Soharfs report about Tu Kl Lin did
not satisfy the collector, who sent to
Providence, R. I., on h'ls own account
and has entirely ignored tbe letter giv
ing him the information which the
Chinese Inspector received from Col
lector Pomeroy of that place, showing
that Tu Kl Lin had given a false ad
dress. The two Chinese detalued will
appear tomorrow in the United States
court On a writ of habeas corpus. In
making Inquiries about the students
who were admitted, two special depu
ties for Colonel Scharf encountered
Chu Fo'ng, proprietor of a Chinese the
ater, who inadvertently made s me
startling discourses. "Why Scharf at
tack? me?" said he. "1 gave him jto.
inuctxitrforrratlon and no say anything
about Lee Fol and Young Luck, who
smuggled in moro than 800 Chinese
last year." These are the two Interpre
ters characterized in Soharfs report to
Secretary Carlisle us smugglers. The
inspector has Chinese letters saying
that these two theatrical manngors are
bringing their countrymen as mem
bers of large local Chinese firms.
"The collector and his dopullea," said
Colonel Scharf, "have not taken tbe
slightest notice of Assistant Secretary
Hamlin's directlon'to aid In the enforce
ment of the Chinese exclusion act. In
stead of help, I have been opposed step
by step, As I am reporting to my su
perior tonight, I have not been informed
of the arrival of ship carrying Chinese,
and even today the Yucatan came here
from Havana wlttf seven, aboard, ac
companied by' this nefarious interpreter
Fol, and I could not have known it
were it not for my special assistants."
Collector Hendricks has taken a rathbr
novel means of defending bis men.
Yesterday he brought out the records of
his department to show just bow many
Chinese had arrived In New York dur
ing the past few years, it being his In
tention to squelch Mr, Scharf with a
solid array of cold figures. To bis as
tonishment, apparently, he found these
records very Incomplete. He announced
that he would get his figures from tbe
Chinese cousul, and with them prove
tbe honesty of bis men. It remains to
be seep whether tbe treasury depart
ment will accept these figures, whose
authenticity can In no way be proved.
Boles Out.
Keokuk. July 20. Governor Boles
declares he will not be a candidate for
re election.
San FBANCiaoo, July 20. Wheat
quiet, December $1,251, seller .03, new
Chicago, July 20.-Cash, 67J; Sep
tember 01 J.
Portland, July 20. Wheat valley,
1.02tl.05, Walla Walla .06,
Cclvln, La., Dec. a, i8.
My wife tued "Mother Friend" before
fcer third cenlloecacat, n4 My b would
not be without It for hundred of dolUre.
Bent bferpree on recent of price. It JO
per bottle. booK To iXftotn" Jlld ttt.
roruIolyaUarucsWu. AtUnU,0.
m Ti
Three- Big Portland
Bapks Close.
h '
Real Estateteacrificed to Save
w r
Peace Res'tered Between Fraico
ami Siam.
' m i
Outlook Favorable for a Decidedly
BIho Monday.
Throe Moro In Portland.
Portland, yuly 29. Three banks
failed to open their doors this moruing.
They were the Commercial National,
Portland Savings and Alnsworth Na
tional. With exception of a slight run
on tbe First National there Is no exclt
ment. Notice Is posted on each of sus
pended banks and says: "Banks forced
to temporarily suspend owing to heavy
withdrawal pf deposits during last sixty
days and inability to reahzo on securi
ties. Depositors will Ira paid In full."
Tbe Corarae,rolal National bank has
paid up capftai stock of $250,000. Frank
Dekum is president. The Portland
Savings bank is under tho same man
agement. L. Ii Hawkins is president
f tho Alnsworth Nutionai which has
a capital stock,of (100,000. Statements
if the Commerciul National aud Alns
worth National published July 12
rthows resources as follews: Commer
cial, 51,059,000; A'lnsworth, $087,000.
Despeslts: Commerciul, $1,455,000;
Alnswprth, $447,000.
The Alnsworth National Is a United
Slates depository. No statement 1b yet
made of the condition of the Portland
Savings bank. It has a capital stock
of $200,000 with a surplus of $202,1)00.
The uso of ready cash demands big
fluures and several ban kshavq sacrificed
valuable real estate to raise money.
France Accepts.
Pakis, July 29. In ylow of tho Siam
ese action in acceding to the terras of
tho ultimatum it Is expected that France
will withdraw tbe notice of a blockade
and accept Siam'a surrender. It is un
derstood tbo provinces on he Upper
MeKong will be sunject to runner ne
gotiations between France aud Great
Siam Accepts.
Bangkok. July 20. Tho Siamese
government has accepted in full the
terms of the French ultimatum.
Paying Silver.
Tkentok, N. J., July 20. A run
was begun on the Trenton Savings
bank this morning. Tho bank Is one
of the strongest In the state and no
danger is looked for as a result of tho
run. Withdrawing depositors are paid
in silver dollars.
Unemployed From Denver.
Kansas City, July 20. The chief of
police with a large force of men went
to the state Hue this morning and
met a train load of 800 unemployed
men from Colorado who left Denver
last night over the Union Pacific. Tbo
men agreed not to stop in Kansas City
and the train was allowed to proceed to
the Union depot. After disembarking
the men soon scattered, some going
east others south.
Crisp Surrenders.
NewYobk, July 20, The World's
Waahinittou special says, Crisp will or
ginlze the house In harmony with
the wishes of the administration.
New York Solid.
Nkw Yoiik, July 20. As a result of
the action of the Hsvlugs bunk presi
dents at a meeting last night, declaring
they would rwjulre loal notice for
withdrawal If funds caused slight runs
on tbe Savings banks of this city and
Brooklyn today. They all are able to
protect themselves under tho time
clause of the law and no failures have
occurred or are anticipated,
Bank at Forest drove Closed City a
Heavy Loser.
Portland; July 29,3 p. in. Al clos
ing hour all was quiet at tho baiiK. A
slight run was promptly met.
D. P. Thompson was appointed re
ceiver of tho Portland Saving Bank
this afternoon. A statement of this
bank shows resources estimated at $-'.-
wm.wu, wuicu is considered a
conservative estimate. Its llabllltes
aro placed at $2,476,000. During tho last
sixty, days there has been a shrinkage
of $600,000, whllo $800,000 has
beeu withdrawn from the Commer
cial National during the same period.
Tbo Commercial National paid out
$100,000 yesterday, A email bank at
Forest Qrovo has closed owing to Com
mercial National's suspension A
statement of tho Union Banking Com
pany, which closed yesterday, shows
assets $98,000, liabilities $63,000. The
city has a claim of thirteen thousaud
and le tbe principal creditor.
Hops Steady.
New York, July 29. 8peoial to
Jouknal. Hops held steady for all
grades, but the, busluess and demand
are light, and quotations unchanged.
Wheat Lower.
Chicago, July 20. Apotber bad
break In wheat today. Price of Sep
tember Is plunging down to 00, de
cline 2i cents from lowest point louohed
yestorday, which In turn was tbe low
est figure ever made on.thc board.
No Use for Safes.
Hamilton, O., July 29. TheMo-1
fteal& Urban Bafo and Lock Co., ono
of the oldest safe firms in the country
assigned Assets 160,000. Liabilities
unknown. Tho firm claims to bo sol
vent. Favor Selling Bonds.
Chicago, July 20. The Iuter-Ocoan
publishes u series of Interviews with
local bankers on a remedy for tho finan
cial depression. They nearly all are un
animous in tbo opinion that the
Bilver purchase clause in tho
Sherman act should be repealed, and
that the government should sell three
hundred millions, three per cont bonds,
In order to build up the treasury gold
Results of Rumors.
Yodnostown, O,, July 20. As o re
sult of the malicious rumors, a run was
started on the Dollar Savings and
Trust Company, this morning. The
bank required legal noticp and not a
dollar was paid out. It bus wealthy
stockholders. A number of merchants
have drawn largo sums from other
bauks and deposited with It, thus al
laying excitement.
Bop Telegrams.
San Fkanoibco, July 20. Hops
Steady at 1820o per pound, Tho
Commercial News says: "Reports
from abroad Indicate an Impaired out
look on the Continent, measurable con
firmation being afforded by tbe reshlp
ment from England of hops that had
been consigned to that market by tho
Continent. Tho English situation is
rather less complicated, owing to more
favorable weather. Scarcity of Pacific
coast offerings, and limited supplies of
desirable grades generally, should lead
to a renewal of business with England
at an early date. In tbe East, holders
show a firmness under a less promising
outlook as to quantity, although it Is
generally agreed that tho quality will
be floe. On this coast, matters have
taken more favorable shapo for tho
holder and higher rates aro demanded,
ono 'dealer osRlng 26o for about the
only available lot of choice old, while
lower grades ore proportionately firmer.
Trading lu forward deliveries has beeu
on a basis of 20a per pound for choice,
which ure firmly held. There has been
Bomo picking In tbe Sacramento valley,
but the only sample received was
rushed aud did not, therefore, afford a
basis either of value or quality."
Nkw Yohk, July 20. Hops are
quiet and unchanged, with only a fair
brewers' trade. Lets stock is going
abroad. Receipts aro much lighters
and holders are not urging business.
Euoknk, July 20.-M. J, Netter,
auent for Wold & Co.. of Ban Fran
cisco, has beeu making examination of
ine nop yaras in huh vicinuy, aim says
the proect are favorable fur a spleu
did crop, with little damage to be feared
on account of Hoe.
In Illinois.
Kankakkk. III.. July 20. Tho First
National bank failed this morning.
Assets sulDclent to pay depositors In
Highest of nil in Leavening rower.-Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
.- s&mm
Germany Levies Duties Against
llussin. r
Franco Wavering About Attack
ing tho Wliito Elephant
Cholera in Spain.
Madrid, July 20. There were 40
oases and 12 deaths from choloratlo dis
ease In El Pindo district.
Bkhlih, 'July 20. The federal couu
oil hold a meeting to consider what
customs reprisals should bo niado
against Russia for the Increased duties
levied by that country on Imported
German products. Tbe Council Anally
resolved to placo an additional tax of
60 per cent on all Russian products I in
ported Into Germany. The new duties
will be collected after August'l.
Mexican News.
Ciiiiiuaiiua, Mexico, July 20. Tho
legislature of tbe statoof Chihuahua
has Just passed a law which, If enforced,
will rid a considerable portlon-of the
Rio Grande border of the desperate
bands of cattlo thieves aud smugglers
who havo committed depredations for
tbo past sovoral years. The law pro
vides that any ono caught lu the act of
stealing cattlo should bo shot. A great
many of tho thieves have their runde
vous In Toxhs, somo owning extensive
ranches. They make raids on Mexi
can ranchers at night and drive the
cattlo across tho river to tho ranches
which they own. The stolen eiock-ls
robranded and started on tho trull to
northern markets.
Parliament Row.
London, July 20, Tho uewapapers
dovoto much space to cd'torlal com
ments on Thursday night's happening
In tho commons. Tho Times gravely
talks about tho suppression of free do
bato by the tyrannical majority as
being tho moving cause, but has noth
ing to say about the way the closure
was applied during Balfour's relgu. It
regrets that tho opposition took notice
of tho "dlsgruceful Insults" with which
Chamberlain was assailed and says
such pot-houso manners mlsht have
been left to servo as an example of
what would occur In au Irish legisla
ture should Gladstone succeed In cstabi
Hailing that "preposterous body."
Other tory papers comment In a similar
vein The Gladstonlan papers refer to
the Insults flung at Gladstouo by Cham
berlain aud call atteutlou to tho fact
that tho first blow In tho xcufllo was
struck by a conservative. '
Tliey also find It worthy of note that
O'Connor is a man who apologizes fur
what ho said whllo there was uo hint
of uu apology or retraction from Cham
borlalu and his abettors.
Situation in Slam.
Bangkok, July 20. Representatives
horo of the several powers, lending
merchants of the city aud commander?)
of the British und German gunboats,
met today at the British legutlon to dis
cuss what action should be taken in tho
event of rioting on tho part of Chinese,
who form a largo per ceutage of tho
city's population. The question was
left open, but It was decided to ask
Slam to station military guards lu tho
business centers as a measure of protec
tion. i'ho night passed quietly. Anxiety
continues. Tho French gunboats pamed
out of tho Meuam river last night and
wlllreudezvoui with the other voxels
ol! the Island of KohHl Chang, Trade
Is at a ktaudstlll. There aro uo vessels
In tho river,
Tuo Siamese government continues
making every eltort to maintain pence
with Franco and is eucouraged by
events of the last twenty-four hours to
beltove that au undentaudlog will bo
reached shortly. Tuo Freuch Hag lias
been hoisted at Kali Chang.
French Affairs.
London, July 20. It Urunnred
there aro dltjontionsln tin French cab-
luer, growing outof tho troubles with
Slam. It is said some of tho ministers
aro dlsjatlilled bocauso tho blookade
was not effected with more promptness
und roproaoh their colleagues forrecall
Ing tho French gunboats from Bang
kok. 'One report has it the delibera
tions of the .cabinet havo been marked
by a number of violent Bcenes. The
concllatory.fttlUudq of Lord Roseberry
tho British foreign minister, Is aaurlbed
to his kuowledgo of tho French cabinet
dissensions and to assurances from the
Frouch ministers lu favor of using
modo'ruilon In the treatment of Slam.
In commons tho forelgu secretary, iq
reply to a question, said the French for
eign minister had assured the British
ambassador to France that tbe block
ado of the Slameso ports would not be
gin till July 31. Tho British minister
at Slam, however, telegraphed it ac
tually begau July 20, and this has been
couflrmod. The minister at Paris has
been telegrap'hed for an explanation of'
.ho discrepancy.
New York, July 29, Tho New
York World says of the organization of
tho cengress:
"Whether Bland gets head of the
coinage committee or not, that commit
tee will favor the unconditional ropeal
of tho Sherman act.
There will bo radical ohanges lu
tbe complexion of tho ways and means
appropriations and rules committees.
All leading committees will bo in ac
cord wttb the president's views.
Foster & Oo.
Fostoria, O., July 20. At a meet-
lug of tho creditors of Foster & Co., and
Charles W. Foster, thoy decided to em
ploy an expert to examine tho books of
tho bank to see whether thoro aro any
Irregularities lu recent transferor real
FkMj Tiuiouau. A team was near
ly lost through tho big bridge on the
Polk couuty sldo today by falling
through a holo. They were rescued by
a forco of men, but tho horses were hor
ribly skinned up.
William Hopps, a wealthy Baltimore
mail, has been trying to huy Mascot, 2;01.
Tho host English paciug record is
2:20 4-6, by Happy Johnny, an American
Tho U-yoar-oUl filly Fron Fron, year
ling record 2:2.11, has already uoen a
tnilo in 2:2JJ.
Tho largest colt in Michigan is owned
by Newton Knno. It is a 4-year-old and
weighs 2,110 pounds.
Tho Arabs inako extensive uso of bar
loy for their horses when oh long, hard
Journeys, preferring It to anything elso
"It is impossible to breed a raco horso
unless your warn equals In form and
blood tho stallion with which she is
raatod," says "Hidalgo."
Buffalo Bill 1ms purchased from L.
Bank Wilson, Creston, la., tho imported
liacknoy stallion Top Shot to head his
itud at North Platte, Noh.
Islugloss, winner of tho English Derby
this year, has also won tho Newmarket
stakes, beating tho record for tho dis
tance, and tho Two Thousand Guineas
Whether quaffed J& 0&
from a vessel of f 1&
tin, glass o- gold;
There's nodiingso
Kood for thu young
or the old as
A delicious, health
giving, thirst satis
fying beverage. A
temperance drink for
; temperance people.
' Ai". iucUimiW JSillani.
; Sold and Enlovetl Everywlserc,
J tiiwrwiMiMfii'ii i nnfiwypL