Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, July 28, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

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what more cool and light to wear than a silk, sateen, or Swiss
BIouro Waist?
Evidently many ladies agree with this, as our sales lately
has be2n surprising.
Dotted Swim
French Flannel
Outlne "
To be worn with these waists wo enow
Dp.8EL Oor two grand gifts will be
307 Commercial Street.
- IK -
Yoa are going to balld or make any Mod of
Improvement, eslt on Uw undersigned lor
material. We nave a com plete stock, and are
resdy to supply any prepared contract, sewer
work, trading, etc
Salem Improvement Co.
Saturday, Aug. 5. State Dairymen's
convention, court bouse, 10 a. m.
Am Attack Beous. It waa not ex
pected that anything would come of
the action of the city council the other
evening in ordering the police to en
force the city lawa against houses of
prostitution. An effort will be made
to drive out the new one that was
started in the block north of the Wil
lamette hotel. A warrant was issued
this morning for the arrest of Mattie
Richardson, for keeping a house of ill
fame at the rear of the lot on which
the Bimon cigar store stands. The
complaint waa made by an adjoining
property holder for the purpose of
driving her out.
Badly FmarrrENED. Last night as
four young ladles on Front street were
irrigating the yard, a lady and gentle
man passed; the force being very strong
some of the spray fell on the lady's
shoulder, her companion reseuted this,
and turning, frightened them all by
ssylng: "If you ever do such u thing
again, I will break your neck." Em
pbaslzing bis remark with an oath
The young ladies, now very pale, fas
tened the doors securely and spent half
the night in watching for his return to
carry out bis threat.
Bio Estate, The appraisement of
the estate of the late W. B. Ladd, the
Portland banker, was filed In the coun
ty court. The total valuation was as
follews: Realty, N,120250; personal
property, 13,873,608.05; total, $7,600,
858.05. The appraisers of th estate
are: Henry Falling, John Catlin and
J. Mel. Wood.
BuritEME Coiuit. The Judges of the
Oregon supreme court are closing up a
ten months siege of work and prepar
ing tbelr final opinions to be bauded
down Monday. Then the court will
adjourn. All other cases left over will
be filed up for the next term, and the
Judges will gambol In the surf, climb
tho mountain sides for trout or roast at
the world's fair.
A Fine Record. Tho capital city
can feel proud to have gono through
tho present crisis without a bunk or
business failure of any kind. If this
record Is kept up It will bo a great
feather in Salem's c tp. To be one solid
cliy out of a thousand would boost us
up not a Utile.
State Funds. All state warrants
are paid on presentation at the state
treasury, There la plenty of tuouey to
do it with and that means a great deal
for the state treasury transactions aver
age 1100,000 a month ntid over,
Pkettv Pet. Elmer Worlek, who
lias been out on a government survey
lug trip with A. Geauer, captured a
fawn which Is now about threo months
old and perfectly tame. He brought It
down to Salem with him and it will be
kept for a ot.
Panic or no Panic. Its all the
same with tho rushing Court street
grocers, Clark & Epploy, who are sue
eaedlBg because thoy strive to please
their customers and "get lupro."
France or Sum 7 But before that,
and all otber questions cornea your gro
wer. If J, A. Van Eaton la supplying
yo, all right, your safe and bound to
County Warrants, TJio couuty
warrants of wauy oouutlea In Washing,
tee, Idaho, and a few lu Oregon, are
pot being received by banks at Port.
Fivj Days Eaoh.TIuics are pot so
bard tait four uieu could afford to get
4nutk mhI U bound over Avetkya each.
the moat complete.and choicest lino of
given ati'iy September 1st
No insurance companies seem to be
Will Taylor, head bookkeeper with
Slagulre fc Browne, Pullman, Wn.,
left this morning, for bis borne.
Perfect haying and harvest weather
continue, with delightfully refreshing
cool nights.
O. Ollnger went to Portland to lay in
a stock of cigars to open up next door
to D. J. Fry's next M-mday.
Tanglefoot sticky ily paper at Clark
fc Eppley'a.
Byron Herrlcfe, county " surveyor,
went to Hubbard today to do some
If your blood is impure regulate your
liver with Simmons Liver Regulator.
Salem camp Sons of Veterans bad
a big meeting last nigbt. Twenty-two
new members were taken in during the
past three months, leading every camp
in the state.
Lightning fruit jara and rubbers at
Clark & Eppley's.
J.C. Cooper, the Independence bank
er, was in the city this morning. He
says there will be plenty of money in
sixty days.
Harry Simon and Mrs. L. HIrsch
went to Portland today.
"Pride of Oregon" flour at the Salem
Flouring Mills will go further for a dol
lar than any brand on the market.
Take no other.
Preserves fruit without cooking. Do
the work on the lawn or piazza. Anti
fermentine at Gilbert, Patterson & Co's.
Pains in the region of the kidneys are
cured by Simmons Liver Regulator.
The Misses Jane and Laura Cunning
ham left y&jterday for Portland, where
they will Join a camping party ne: r
Hood river.
The New York Racket has a fine line
of lace curtains and counterpanes and
sun umbrella's all at yery low pricee
Call and eoe them. dCt-wl
David Harvey and family of Hutch
inson, Reuo county, Kausas, are lu the
city, guests of the Messrs. Burnett, of
the Salem Art Co.
Morley & Wlnstanley have bought
out the Omnrt Combination fence busi
ness, on High street near the Cook
house, and moved tbelr carpenter and
obbiug shop oyer there. They will
put you up a neat fence.
Table oil cloth and heavy and light
crash, at the New York Racket.
Run out to the Gypsy camp fire at
Fnbritui Smith's, South side, this even
ing. Arthur Bocben, son of the chief cook
at the Insauo asylum, was yesterday
picking balls from an oak tree In the
grove in Glen Oak uddltlon on asylum
avenue, when he fell getting shook up
some, but no bones broken.
Plain clear cream and milk at
Sharpe's dairy.
You save time, money, temper and
business reputation for promptness by
employing the Lock wood messengers.
Day or night.
Levi Bawmer Is at the seaside.
Prepare to pay your bills promptly
August first.
Railroad Commissioner Eddy Is In
Now Is the time to get in and kick
or you will lose your mudholes aud
quagmires on Ceutei street.
Charlie Cook of the Pacific Postal of.
floe at Portland returned today after a
The soveuth marriage license for July
was Issued last eveuing to Miss Blanche
Adams and Frank LIbby. The bride
has been the adopted daughter of Mrs.
Ruth Auderson ever since she was a
little child.
W, E. Burke aud E E. Mallory of
Portland, are lu the city.
Mrs. IL B. Holland pratCcallctt to
Oregon City yesterday to attend the
bedside of her mother, Mrs. James
Athey, who Is seriously 111.
Boys waists at the Now York Racket
from 25 to 45 ceuU, d-lit-wl
Cut Ratw. Save 69 or 63 centa, by
baying a round trip excursion ticket to
Portland or East Portland over the
Southern Pacific, good for thirty days.
Mr. and Mrs. Kabritus Smith Invite
all tbelr friends and neighbors to attend
the Gyray Camp fire; this evening at
their residence and lawn In South 6a-
Jem. Good music. Cholrtrelresh
ments. Merry company.
Miss Laura Goltra,, is visiting in Al
bany at the home of her parents Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Goltra.
P. H. Hatch returned yesterday from
a visit to bla brother.In.IawC.T. Loccy
Malheur City. He eays the mining ex
citement np there Is considerable and
people want water worse than money.
Alonzo Geancr Is home-from tbeBan-
tlam where he baa completed a survey
fog contract.
The New York Racket has just re
ceived a new Jot of ladles', gents' and
cnildrens' hosiery, curling irons, hair
brushes. Windsor neck ties, laundried
and unlanndried, light and. medium
shade dress shirts, pants, overalls, hata
belts, dress shields, towels; ladies' vests,
shoes of all kinds, and notions. All
at Racket prices. Call' and save 10 to
60 per cent.
Malarial fever and Its eflects quickly
give way to Simmons Liver Regula
tor. MARKlKD.
AND REWS LIBBY. At the resi
dence of Mrs. C. Borroughs, near Ma
rion, Oregon, on Thursday evening,
July 27, 1893, Miss Blanche Andrews
and Frank Llbby, Rev. C. R. 8cott
All of Marlon county, Or. Mr.
Llbby la an old settler here, and
owns a farm near Marion.
8PRAGUE BOONE-In Portland,
Tuesday. July 25, 1893. Emmett R.
Boone and Lillian 8. Sprugue, both
of Salem.
The bride is a daughter of Geo. D.
Sprague, a blacksmith and real estate
dealer of Salem, and the groom was
formerly a carder at the Salem woolen
mills and a son of Henry D. Booue,
HOLLAND. To the wife of Cbas.
Holland, of Bubbard. at 7 a. m. July
27, a nine pound daughter. All do
ing well.
DUBBIN. At Deer Park farm, near
Howell, July 24, 1893, to Mr. and
Mrs Frnnk W. Dutbln, a daughter.
Summer Weakness
And that tired feeling, loss of appetite
and nervous prostration are driven
away by Hood's Sarsaparilla, like mist
before the morning sun. To realize the
benefit of this great medicine, give it a
trial and you will join the army of en
thusiastic admirers of Hood' Saraap
arilla. Sure efficient.easy-Hood's Pills. They
should be in every traveller's grip and
every family medicine chest. 25c1 a box.
Hurrah for Buffalo Bill and Carter
Chicago. July 23. Yesterday was
the day set apart by Mayor Harrison
for an outing for the poor children in
the city, and, as mayor, he asked that
they be allowed to see the world's fair.
in which the corporation of the city of
Chicago has S5.000.000 invested. Their
admission, however, was declined.
Buffalo Bill's Wild West show is a
private concern and under no obliga
tion to the city of Chicago. Colonel
Cody, however, so soon as he beard
that tho world's fair knew no "open
sosame" for the poor children, made
up his mind he would have them, and
today 15.000 girls and boys from the
slums and alleys marched In procession
through the streets, were given a free
ride by the Illinois Central road U
Sixty-third street, and were royally en
terteined by Jtsuuaio xtui, wno gave
them the most glorious day In all the
history of Chicago walfdom.
Qrant's Pass Items.
Grant's Pass, Or., July 23. Two
tramps giving the names of Moore and
McKiunon were arrested for breaking
Into the bouse of Rev. J. P. Coleman
and stealing several household articles.
At their examination they were held
to await the acvion of the grand Jury.
Mrs. J. H. Williams died Sunday
night and the funeral services were
held in the Bethany church, under the
auspices uf the Daughters of Rebecca.
The deceased leaves a husband and
three children.
Flood Loss.
Pueulo, Col., uuly 23. Seven Uvea
lost In the tlood here. Financial loss a
quarter of a million.
Tb oaly Par Cream of Tartar Powder, Na Ammonia; No Ala,
Um im.Millioas of Hoawfi 40 Years tk Staadui
Haxdtred His Wife.
Astoria, Or., July 28. Mrs. Caro
line Hansen waa murdered In a patch
of raspberry bushes near her home
Wednesday evening. Hbe was found
facedown, her skull crushed In, and
tho bead resting In a pool of blood,
Which was still warm. She waa a
quiet, good old woman, against whom
no mortal could be expected to hold
either enmity or Jealousy; and neither
lust nor gain could have Incited her
slayer to the dreadful deed. The scene
of the murder waa the family residence
on Bear creek, 10 miles from this city.
There were no tramps or desperate
characters about, and the evidence at
the coroner's inquest is conclusive that
her killing simply amounted to wantcn
The general opinion is that her hus
band, John Hansen, now under arrest
on suspicion, committed the foul deed.
The murdered woman was struck from
behind, a stalwart arm swung the axo
and a cold-blooded Send left the body
where it fell.
Wednesday, soon before her death,
Mrs. Hansen told her niece she believed
ber husband would kill her. Hansen
drank heavily and waa known to have
frequently quarreled with his wife.
There was some talk of lynching
among the settlers and the suggestion
made that Hansen be strung np to a
tree with a view to securing a confes
sion, but the sheriff's presence deterred
the men from acts of violence.
Suicide of a Mahar Ajah.
Brindist, July 28. Maharajah Tal-
tal Bragracommitteed suicide by poison
on bis arrival here by steamer. It is
supposed the cause of the act waa the
theft of a casket containing all bis
jewels and money. He was 19 years
Reducing Expenses.
St. Paui, July 28. The appeals of
the Northern Pacific stockholders for
more economical management have in
duced President Oakes to make a re
trenchment Wednesday thirty men
were discharged from the auditing de
partment alone. Other departments
will be cut down In proportion. Tne
train service has also been greatly re
duced. The management says that a
reduction of expenses is made necessary
by the reduced rates which the Great
Northern have compelled them to make
and also by the difficulty experienced
In floating 12,000,000 of bonds which
are now on the market.
The French-Siamese War.
"New York, July 28. It is learned
through authoritative Itussian sources
that the Russian fleet now at New
York are under orders to join the
French Mediterranean squadron at
1'oulcnr It was also stated that three
of the Russian warships now here have
received preparatory orders which may
cause tbem to continue, after reaching
Toulon, to East India waters. The in
formant, when asked if the orders bad
anv connection with the Slam Im
broglio, professed entire Ignorance.
This Ignorauce waa emphasized by a
peculiar shrug of the shoulders. The
date of sailing will depend upon cable
orders from St. Petersburg.
Bangkok. July 28. The French
fleet gave notice of a blockade yester
day. All outgoing vessels are being
warned to clear by Saturday or be tied
up. The blockade extends along the
entire north coast of the gulf. There is
little doubt among foreigners that it is
the French intention to make Slam a
French colony, and unless Eng
land Intervenes there Is little hope that
the French will desist from extreme
measures, although it Is well known
to them that the crovemment ofSiam
is exceedingly anxious to avoid war.
London, July 28. The Pall Mall Ga
zette says it learns from high authority
that the Franco-Siamese difficulty has
been settled and that France has agreed
to accept Slam's proposals and abandon
her claims to territory between the 18tb
aud 23d parallels.
Parib. July 28. A local paper pub
lishes a St. Petersburg dispatch saying
he czar has ordered Vioe-AUmira: Tit-
toff, commauder of the Russian Pacific
squadron, to proceed to Biam wnn ai
available a Deed. It is understood Rus
Bia Intends to remain neutral lu the
Franco-Siamese dispute.
8an Francisco, July 28, Wheat
easy, December S1.20J.
Ciucaoo, July 28. Wheat 59; Sep
tember 62.
PORTLAND, July 28. Wheat valley,
1.02Jfl.05, Walla Walla .05.
A good choice houw to sell on easy
term". Will take carpenter work In
part payment. G. M. Heeler. If.
i - i
LOJnv-Eot of gold beads. Finder
will please leave at this office, and re
ceive reward.
Wanted. Position by experienced
young colored man, as hotel, store,
bank porter, or work In store or drive
express waon. Enquire at this office.
v 7-25 3t
Teachers' Examination. Notice
is hereby given that the regular quar
terly examination of teachers for Mar
lon county will be held at the court
house, Salem, Oregon, at one o'clock,
Wednesday, Aug 9, 1893. Applicant
for state papers will be examined at the
same time and place. Dated this 24tb
day of July, 1893. J. B. Graham,
County Supt. of Schools. -24d-l w-w2t
Oregon Peaches.
I am receiving daily Southern Oregon
peaches for sale cheap by box. Also on
hand fresh tomatoes green corn and
huckleberries, John G. Wright.
Economize ia Paper.
Clean newspapers, "tied in bundles of
100, not cut, for sale at this office at
fifteen cents-a bundle. A heavy straw
wrapping paper, large sheets, twocentB
Stockholders' Meeting.
Notice is hereby eiven that the
nual meetlnir of the stockholders of the
Capital Consolidated Gold and Silver
Mining Company, or the city or Salem,
Oregon, will be held In the office of the
company, on the second Thursday, the
lutn day or August, itsitt, at so'cisck p.
m.. for the election ot directors and
such other business of may come before
the meetiug. J. H. Haas, BeCy.
Salem, July 20, 1893. 7:19-d-2w
The Trask River Toll Road, with fur
nished hotel and farm, at its western
gate, in Tillamook county, title cleat
and renting for 1600 to 81000 a year-
can be secured now, in exchange for
productive city property, or a good
farm in the Willamette valley. In
quire of N. W. G. at residence of B. C.
Ward, 18th Blreet, near Court, Salem,
Oregon. 7-7-dw lm
Contractors and Builders.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the Kovernor's ollice until 2 p. m. Mon
day, August 7, 1893, and opened imme
diately thereafter, fur erection and com
pletion of two cottages and a congre
gated dining ball, which are to be
erected at the O. 8. 1. A. cottage farm.
Plans and specification can be seen at
the office of Cbas. Burggraf, architect.
A certified check of 100 must accom
pany each bid as a guarantee to furnish
satisfactory bonds. The right is re
served to reject any or all bids.
Sylvester Pennoyer,
Geo. W. McBride,
7-25-tf Board of Trustees.
The Union Pacific now leads with re
duced rates to eastern points, and tbeit
through car arrangements, magnific
ently equipped Pullman and Tourist
sleepers, free reclining chair car and
fast time, make it the best time to trav
el. Two trains leave from Portland
daily at 8:45 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. The
rates are now within reach of all, and
everybody should take advantage of
them to visit the world's fair and their
friends In the east Bend for rates and
schedules of trains, and do not purchase
tickets until after consulting Boise &
Barker, agents, Salem, Or.
W. H. Hoblbdrt,
Ass't Gen'l Rass. Aeeut, U. P.,
Portland, Or.
Hilda Thomas is announced as the
prima donna of the Alcazar Opera com
pany. Anna Boyd will play her old part of
the Widow in "A Trip to Chinatown"
next season.
May Yohe, who Is now in London, is
said to ha ve captnred the heart of a prom
inent Englishman of the farce comedy
name of Lord Travis Pelh'am Clinton
David Belasco has just finished a play
which will bo presented at the Empire
theater. New York city, during the win
ter season. This is a domestic play, the
scenes of which are laid in New York.
Dore Davidson and Ramie Austen have
extended their enterprise and will have
three plays on the road next season,
"By the World Forgotten," "Dangers of
a Great City" and "Guilty Without
Manager Robert B. Monroe announces
that the clever comedians, Monroe and
Rice, have reunited. The contract -was
signed a few days ago. The reunion of
these performers will result in the reviv
al of "My Aunt Bridget"
The spectacular operatic comedy play,
"Monte Carlo," written by Ed Marblo
and introducing the famous minstrel
comedian, George Wilson, in white face,
will commence its tour in August under
the management of Prhnroso and West,
who are the sole owners.
Colonel Henry Mapleson and F. C
Whitney, the well known western man
ager, purchased recently from J. M.
Hill Reginald do Korea's "Fencing Mas
ter." The price settled upon was 20,500
and includes the entire production, scen
ery, costumes and proportion.
A Clcvar I)k((c
A country paper tells of a teautj
ful, amiable, fascinating and im
mensely wealthy young lady in a
village in tho country, who carefully
concoala theknowlMim nf lioTiTAoiti.
wears cheap clothes and works in a '
muunery anon, waiting for an inter
esting young man to woo and win
her "for herself alone," There will
pot be a milliner left ia that vilb&e
m wn muawui, ixoj TK-Stia.
and wh'lo wo aro
Pushing a Head
we will push a lot of Bargains
lo the front in the way of ALL
Murderous Officials Executed.
City of Mexico, July 28. Colonel
Jose An (trade, who, during the admin
istration of the late General Manuel
GoDzales as governor of Guanajuato,
wasjefe politico of the Penragorda dis
trict in that state, was arrested a few
days ago on the charge of committing
a number of atrocious crimes while
serving in his official capacity. It was
alleged be shot a number of Innocent
persons without a trial. Upon being
arrestea uoionei Anaraae was con
veyed to the city of Leo a, where he
was given a trial. He was found guilty
of the charges against him aud ordered
to be shot When the death sentence
was pronounced, the prisoner stated
that he was ready to meet his fate nnd
that he would demonstrate that be waa
no coward. He was shot at daylight
in a public square of the city, the exe
cution being witnessed by hundreds of
A Complete Collapse
is occasioned in our feelings by derange
ment of the liver, stomach or bowels.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure sicb
and billlous headache, bowel complaints
internal fever and costiveness They
remove ail waste matter, and restore
health to body and mind. A dose, as a
laxative, consists or one tiny, sugar-
coated f eiiet Ubeapest and easiest to
tike. By druggisU, 25 cents a vial.
At the Capitol.
Bangkok, July 23. The night
passed quietly. Anxiety continues.
The French gunboats passed out of
Menam River last night, and will ren
dezvous with other vessels off the Is
land of Koh-Si-Chang. Trade is at a
standstill. No vessels are in the river.
Polish Explosion.
Pittsburg, July 28. An explosion
of stove polish being applied to a stove
this afternoon caused a lire in which
Maggie Mitchell and Fred Hassel were
burned to death. Charles McDonald,
an unknown polish peddler, wai burn
ed fatally.
Sbe Got the Scat.
"Let me alone," eaid Kate; "see if
I don't make some man give me a
seat t" Selecting a meek looking gen
tleman with the married air about
him, she walked up briskly and ex
claimed: "Why, Mr. Smith, I'm so glad to
see you. What's that? Take your
seat J Oh, no well, I am tired, I won't
Meek Looking Gentleman (with a
twinkle in bis eye) Ah, it k you,
Mary, is it? Did not suppose your
mistress could spare you on washing
day. You must be tired. Sit down.
Kate got the seat, but somehow she
feels that the meek looking gentle
man is not beaten at all points Bos
ton Transcript
Probably an EUacccratlop.
Snooks What makes you so glum!
You say her father did all he could
to hasten your suit
Sledgeby You do not seem to real
ize that I was in the Euit at the time.
Hardware, Wagons, Carts, Road Machinery
Latest Improved Goods and Lowest Prices.
N. W. Cor. State and Liberty Sts. SALEM, OREGON.
Bilk Gloyes and Mitts 15c to $1.00 a pair
Le Bon Ton, celebrated guaranteed kid $1.50 a pair
Other kid gloves. . , , 75c to $2.25 "
Cotton. Lisle. Taffeta and Jersev Glovea all prices
Men a harvest and workimr cloves- 50 to $1.2
Driving gloves, dress gloves, party gloves and mitts,
rJJfliMliii Mwrtaiat ef Mntti,
"We want facia." observed Dlekpnn wplii
known character, Mr. Tboma Ornderina.j
md It Is well euonch to confine to onr.1
aniesa we are a wci. Jailnowletnsdlrtctl
v oar attention to the fact tbnt we Hre bav-j
ing a Dig we on uuu fAftili uouks. I
New book! arrive datlr. Call amnnril
each day and leetbem. We have just wnttl
vou warn, loreaoat the tetulde Every I
body aayi we nave a flne assortment. No
trouble to show yoa tne line. Come In and!
mate youraeii ai nome.
Patton Bros.,
Boolcaellera 'and Stationers!
Blockade Begun.
Pabis, July 28. It is seml-offlcially
stated that the French blockade of the
Siamese coast will begin today. Fi'
teen hundred troops have been ordered
to be in readiness-to proceed to Slam.
World's Fair, Chicago.
. Cahunet Avenue and ZHbBtreeL
BlTFI m m Fireproof; Ml room; oetrFitr
HU 1 Bale Gronndi; balb on ererj floor.
. . . 0 AKA... tl.
MHVflUr I botel. WrilerordrcaUr.
la rali
lar a famOr ft nla eauarcn. ay osiy
ly ft Const. Cold and Croup wa. osioa
1 ww
t ur.
uuliaoMTilMunttotastaatSk Bold ertryweer.
ZucebottUeeOeaMa, faka no okatiraU to
i for II.
Bold by Baakett fc Van Slype-
LO.iT. Wednesday, la Salem, a pa kagoof
lace and fringe w japped In ntwipaptr.
Leave at tbla ol -
LOOT COW. strayed irorn the gr-iotbeti
near the Fair Qronndi, a spottfd cov
wiln the tip of ber horns a wed off AnynDl
returnlnc herto my relancwlllbea uf -tonty
ro -raided. Ixso. Wlllla July 27, 1883 WO
THIS P.vrEK U kept on file at K. C Dak '
Advertising Agency, 81 and 63 St rcbanti
exchange. San Frauds, o, California, wbtr
contraca for advertising can be made for II.
kind on sale at S2SUberty street. -S-7
ATTKNTrON-Cash mosey paid for rl.
bolUM.old iron in 1 all Hinds of metala,
aiso hides, at old Court iloase, KaUm.
l-ae-ly lTOLFOLAB.
old Unitarian Hall opposite opera bnute.8
lem. Bator say. Baboalh school at !-,5J?
uuuwcu uy cuuia reading ana uiucr ku 'ztz
Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:33 . m. "
eU lots,- latUaas mm Maoleum, M
f- It IV.
BtT fc3
v&U Prty fc'c-ta" r
I sas-ar ttjsttsgAaA