Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, July 27, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    MtitffVtjyai me w m,
jJW ,L LLim
88 ct, raonlfc by Mali
Prepaid in Adrnace
No Paper Sent Wheit
Tlmo Out.
The I Cent
lg I 1 I
VOL. 0.
NO. 17J.
Is that the vr&y you havo beon buying your goods Wo
hiivo tried it for a year and a half in our business and it has
proved a decided success.
Try this same method for yourself once. Buy from a cash
store. Save the usual per centage added for bad accounts at a
credit store, and you will be happily surprised at the result.
The New York Racket
Offers you genuine bargains in BOOTS and SHOES, HATS,
general line of notions.
Bring your cash and get full value for it.
General Insurance Agency.
Representing the following well-known and reliable Cempanies:
STATE INSURANCE 0, jEtna Insurance Co.,
Traders' Insurance Co., Hun Insurance Co..
National Insurance Co., WestcneiOer Fire Ins. Co.,
Lion Klre Insnran.Te Co., Imperial Fire Insurance Co.,
Ijondou Lancashire Fire Ins. Soc, London ssurance corporation
Alliance Assurance Co., .Norwich Union Fire Ins.dbc
Oldest and Loading Firm in the City Devoted Exclusively to Insurance,
Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture. Long Experience In the trad
enables me to turn out first-class work. Samples of coverings. No trouble t
give estimates. State Insurance block, Chemeketa Btreet.
Ed. C. Cross,
CHURCHILL Spraying offlffls,
JSb 103
BURROUGHS State Street.
Lamoureux's Stables,
At the Commercial street bridge near Willamette Hotel. New stock and ve
hicles belug added constantly. Only the best service Tendered. No snabuy
rigs uoc poor horses. . H. L. LAMOUREUX, Proprietor.
West Printing
Firat-class Work.
363 Commercial Br.,
Room 13. Bush Bank block. 1M
CflflS. WOLZ,
1'roprUtor of the
South Commercial BL, Salem.
A kind Fresh, Mil ana Smoked Meata
Ins. Block.
Wholesale and Itctil
Dealer In Fresh, Salt and
Smoked Heats of alHiimb
OS Court nnd
110 State Streets.
..Reasonable Prices.
Balem, Orejon.
Leare orders at CoUle-Parkhunt block ,room
15, Halera, Oregon.
Manufacturer of Wagons, Car
riages, eic.
R.oalrlns o Specialty.
Sliop i5 BUvU street,
A BinaUS-icrewHUImprovmenU
&B Ur'fe W i Ad.
8ai.ku, July 27.
The Butlcvlllo hop growers met re
cently and decided to pay not over 40
cts. a box for picking this season.
An Independence correspondent
says: Last year there were about 350
acres in hops In Polk canty, and this
year it will reach over 1000 acres. As
au illustration of the money made in
this business may be taken J. H. Ben
ton, living near this city. With only
a few hundred dollars as capital, a few
years ago he planted hopyurds on
shares. Last year he was $4000 in debt,
but paid it all from his crop and bad
nearly $2000 left. This year he has
forty acres in hops, which will proba
bly net him $8000; also 100 acres in po
tatoes, fifty acres in wheat, twenty
In hay and thirty acres In oats, and all
on rented land. A poor man has a
chance to get rich in Oregon.
A Mexican Animal That Is Delng Hunted
Out or CxUtenco.
A very striking type of Mexican
zoology, the tapir (Tapirua terrestris
or Tapirua Americanufl), is found in
goodly numbers m tho densely wood
ed river bottoms of southern or trop
ical Mexico. This is a hoofed mam
mal, allied to the swine, yot of a sub
order more nearly representing the
rhinoceros. The tapir is about 4 feet
long, of a blackish color when grown.
With a grotesque head, very high
polled and extremely flexible snoutv
four small anterior and three poste
rior hoofs. Its flesh is very savory,
and its hide makes most serviceable
leather, so that it is largely hunted.
It does not attack humans save
when driven to bay, when it becomes
flerco and stubborn and inflicts se
vere wounds with its teeth. On dogh
especinlly it takes savage vengeance
when at bay. Thfl jaguar is a deadly
foe of this animaL When Felis ouca
hungers for tapir pork and jumps on
the back of some hapless specimen
the only defense that victim makos
is to dash through tho jungle in an
effort to brush tho jaguar off agaius;
the undergrowth or else plunge into
a Btream or pool, for the feline is nt
.liver, while the tapir is a great watei
lover and almost amphibious. Thi
tapir is of nocturnal habits and it
jreat traveler. It feeds on young
oranches antl twigs, fruits, gourds,
melons, water cabbage, otc. Its voice,
which Beldom is heard, is a curious
shrill whistling.
Its gentle nature makes it easily
tamable, in fact too tamable, for Its
affection takes the form of antics
and gambols, whoso familiarity is
discomposing as from a clumsy, lum
boring creaturo as big as a donkey.
Although still plentiful, tapirs aro
far less numerous now than they
wore a few years since owing to tho
eagerness with which they aro hunt
ed. Not only are tho numbers di
tninished, but they have grown shy
and wary, retreating before rutin's
approach into tho more- inaccessible
districts and nooks. Great Divide.
The I'oitnre of tho Ilody.
The position of tho body In our
daily occupations has a very decided
effect upon the health. Those who
lean over the desk to write or study
aro invariably round shouldered, and
eventually weak lungs sot in. An
other common position is to bend
forward continually, but to keep the
shoulders erect and thrown back
ward and the lungs in a position so
as to work well. This position might
bo called tho favorite one of man
kind now that attention has so fre
quently been called to tho danger of
leaning over But this position
should bo deprecated as harmful in
its results. It is not tho natural po
sition of tho body, and some of tho
internal organs receive a daily strain
that will oventually weaken them.
The position that best maintains
tho symmetry of the body is that in
which tho spinal column balances
upon the pelvis, with head erect, and
tho arms at tho Bide when possible.
This posture can boon bo made a sec
ond nature to those working in the
schoolroom, the workshop, or in rid
Ing. A litUo training would make
the person drop naturally into the
position, and his health would be
greatly improved thereby an well as
the erectnosB and symmetry of tho
form. Yankee Blade.
Is a. scientifically P"P'edJIL1?,m"?)
nd harmless every ingredient U of
recognized value and in constant .use
by the medical profession. It Short
ens Labor, Lessens Palo, Diminishes
Danger to life of Mother and Child.
Book "To Mothers" mulled free, con
taining valuable information and vol
untary testimonial.
Gent by express, charges prjM, on receipt
ct price, IM jt botta.
. . pHBnMji swuvrvn wwnwn ipw p
Accompanies Financial
Embarrassment in
v the East
TbousaHds of Hands on Re
duce Time and Wages,
And Nortkwest Loan and Trust
Details of ilio Suspension of Geo.
B. Marble's Bank.
No Use For Thread.
Newark, .N. J., July 27. Notice
baa been ported in the immense "lark's
O. N. T. tbnad cimjpany, reducing the
time of employes fiom 10 to nlno hours
per day five days In the week, on ac
count of falling off in orders the re
sult of monetary stringency. The
company employs oyer 1600 bauds. It
is rumored the Marshall linen thread
company and Mile 12nd Thread Com
pany, will go on" three-quarter time
next Wednesday,
Two Portland Failures.
Portland, Or., July 27. The Ore
gon National Bank and Northwest
Loan & Trust Company, an allied In
stitution, failed to open their doors this
morning. A notice posted on tho doors
says, "suspension forced by the with
drawal of deposits and inability to rea
lize on securities.'
Tho condition of the Oregon National
has been ku wn to be weak. It ap
plied to the Portland clearing houo for
help but examination showed its status
to be such that it was thought best not
to carry It through on account of the
character of its securities. The bank
has been known as Geo. B. Markle's
bank of late. It was formerly the De
Lashmutt bank. The failure created
uo excitement and there Is no appre
ciable increase in tho withdrawal of de
posits in other banks. George B.
Marklo, president of both bauks, says
the cause of the suspension Is fully set
forth in the notice posted on the doors.
While not able to give" the exact state
ment he could state that depositors
will be paid in full. Statement of
the Oregon National published
July 12th shows bank assets
eight hundred thousand, deposits four
nundred and fifty thousand, surplus
fund forty thousand, undivided profits
eleven thousand. The bank has capital
itook of two hundred thousand. The
Northwest Loan it, Trust Co., has capi
tal stock of two hundred and fifty
htusaud. Nottateracntyetmadei-flta
us eta and liabilities, which aro mostly
caving depmiU'.Cbisf creditor of Oregon
National Is Multnomah county, De
posit of which amounts to about three
hundred thousand.
The 0gon Nutloml also held some
of the city money. Owing to the ab
sence of the city treasurer the amount
U uot definitely ascertained. It is
thought it will rrach (25,000 at least.
The NorthwistJLoan and Trust cone
pany made au assignment to J. L.
Hurl man. Statement tiled shows ai
sets f805,000; liabilities over six hun
dred thouwni.
Helena, Mont., July 27. First Na
tional and Montana National bauks
failed iuU morning.
The other banks are standing the
run well. The failed bauks are among
the oldest and strongest in the city,
Both bad ample asset but could not
reallzv fat enough.
Middlksbobo, Ky., July 27. First
Na.tloos.1 bank Wl4 tU! morulsf ,
Populist Thunder.
Portland, July 27. United States
Benutor Pefler of Kansas arrived here
this morning from California. Ho left
at noon for tho Bound. He says Pupa
Hits v ill meet nil attempts In extra sea
slnn of congress to demonetize bIIvci- by
endeavoring to demonetize gold.
Iron Works Close.
HARRisnrjRQ, July 27. The Amerl.
can Tube and Iron Co., with plants at
Middleton, Pa., and Youngstown, O.,
employing 2000 pereonj,
hands of a receiver.
has gone into
Stocks Feverish.
New York, July 27. Stocks opened
feverish though some stocks received
better support than of late.
In New Hampshire.
Exeter, July 27. The National
Granite State Beuk temporarily
suspended this morning.
In Washington.
Spokane, July 27. At 2 o'olook yes
terday the First National bank closed
Its doors and with it went the allied
Institution, the Spokane Bavings bank.
A notice was posted that "owing to
tbecontinued withdrawal by depositors
and the inability to realize on securities
this bank has temporarily suspended
payment." President J.M. Glover said
that all depositor would be paid In full.
The news created no excitement and
no run upon any other banks.
Off by Wire.
auburn, N. Y., July 27. Wm. G.
Taylor, convlot, was electrocuted here
this morning for murder last September
of Solomon Johnson, a fellow couyiot.
After first contact tbedynamo gavo out
so that a second current could not be
applied and Taylor came to life again.
A current from the city electrlo light
dynamo then passed through bis body.
The second attempt proved successful.
Colorado Flood.
Pueblo, July 27. Tho lower portion
of the city is flooded, on account of a
break In the levee. Hundreds of the
poor are driven from their homes. The
loss is a hundred thousand dollars.
Not Guilty.
Valletta, Malta; July 27. Court
martial Inquiring into tho loss of tb
battleship Victoria acquitted Captain
Bourke of all blame. Verdict was the
accident was entirely due to the order
given by Admiral Tryon.
Banker Gone.
Pittsfield, MaM.,July 27. Cashlor
Edward S. Francis, of tho Pittsfield
National bank, committed suicide this
morning by shooting.
Theft Believed to Save Been Com
mitted by Some One in the
New York, July 17. A registered
letter pouch containing sixty registered
letters has been stolen while on its way
from Portland,Or.,to tblsclty. Amount
of money the registered letters con
tained is at present unknown. The
bag bad been out open, letters extraoted
and bag sewed up. Portland inspect
ors have not boon able to learn who
committed the theft nor do they know
where the robbery took place. The
bag may have been rifled In Portland,
or in tbe postal car on the way East.
Chief Postofflce Inspector James be
lieves that the robbery was perpetrated
by some one in tho postal service.
France Hostile as Ever.
Parib, July 27. After a conference
between the British ambassador and
the French foreign minister this after
noon, the following seml-ofllulal state
ment, was Issued. "It may be taken
for granted, France Intends to first set
tle the questions of treaty violation
and national dignity created by Slam's
attitude by Frances' rule of action,
will be not to allow foreign Interference.
Hosterey Gees.
Portland, July 27 The coast de
fense vessel, Monterey left this morn
ing for Wlllapa Harbor.
Rallroal Xa& Dead.
Portland, July 27. Assistant Gen
eral Passenger Agent Charlton of the
Northern PaelOo Railroad Co., received
the sews this afternoon of the death of
W. B.Mellen, general manager of the
Northern PaolHo. Hie death occurred
at Victoria, B. C, lt night about said
night, Cause, neuralgia of the heart,
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Every thing is Offered to beTnrned
Prediction of Troublo if Wo Fail
to Annex.
San Francisco, July 27. The
steamer Australia arrived from Hon
olulu bringing advices up to July
10th, as follews: ,
Blnoe yesterday it has beon learned
positivelyiwhat the provisional govern
ment's policy and position rogardiug
future treaty rotations with the Uultud
States are and will continue to be. In
brief, It is as follews: The now treaty
drawn, which was a douumcut cover
ing objections which arose In the Uni
ted States during tho visit of tho Ha
waiian commissioners .to Washington,
will not bo forwarded. The treaty
matter has beon fully dlsouasod ut
special sessions of the councils lately,
and a draft of tho new treaty has with
in a few duyB been returned from the
committee, which has been Indorsed by
flie government and the councils un
officially. The document contains 11 vo
articles, which are, briefly, as follews:
Article 1 cedes from the date of ex
change of the ratification of the treaty,
without reserve, all tho rights of sov
ereignty in and ovor tho Hawaiian
Islands and dependences to the United
States to become au Integral part
Article 2 cedes and transfers tho ab
solute fee ef all government and crown
lands, publlo building's, ports, rivers,
fortifications, military or naval equip
ments, and all other publlo property.
Article 8 provides that tho existing
government of tho Hawaiian Island,
and tho laws relating to Its internal
polloy are to bo continued for live years,
to bo executed and carried out under
the direction of a United States com
missioner appointed by tho president
and senate, said commissioner to reside
In tho Hawaiian Inlands, with power
to veto within ten days any act passed
by the local government, which shall
thereupon become void unless after
ward approved by the president of the
United States.
Articles prohibits tho Immigration
of Chiueso laborors Into tho Hawaiian
Islands until such time as congress shall
provide further legislation. It also pro
hibits Chinese laborers now hero from
entering the United Staton, other
wise tho labor and immigration laws
are to remain us they are whore they
do not come into conflict with tho con
stitution of (be United States, or such
future laws as congress may provide.
Artlclo 6 provides that tho publlo
debt shall bo assumed by the Uulted
States but the Hawaiian government
shall continue to pay interest thereon,
congress to provide the future surrouoy
of the Islands. The government bos
decided to include the substance of this
now treaty draft In the Instructions of
Commissioner Alexander and Minister
Thurston, who will bring the matter
before tho United States government
In form of suggestions in case Presi
dent Cleveland decides finally to with
draw the Hurrlson treaty of annexa
tion and determine to submit a new
treaty or some modification of the old.
Bpreckel's Opinion,
San Francisco. July 20. Glaus
Spreckels, who has arrived from Hono
lulu, says: "Tho provisional govern
ment of Hawaii Is doomed. Not a quar
ter of the people are with them and
the consensus of opinion la that tho
queen must be restored. The question
of government will oventually be put
to a popular vote and LlUoukalanl will
win. The government does not want
a vote takou and Is doing everything
to prevent It. Kx-Mlulstor bicvens
and a few mUslouarlee were the cause
of theuprislugand had It not bseu for
them there would havobeeu no trouble,
I think Minister Blouut i of the opln
Ion that President Cleveland would be
doing only what was right by putting
Lllloukalant back on the throne. The
queen Is In Honolulu and under no re
straint. Sbe Is mistress of the situation.
Should the United Btntes refuse to an
nex troublo will ensue."
The French-Siamese War.
Paris, July 27. It Is stated that an
effective blockade of the Slnmeso coast
by tho French fleet will only begin Sat
urday or Buuday. Until then all tho
powers will not have received notice of
Franco's intentions to establish a
Saiqnon, Jqly 27. Tho Frenoh flag
has been hoisted on tho Island of Hong
Samlem, which will bo made tho base
of future operations. The Frenoh gov
ernment has also decided to take pos
osslou of the other Islands In the gulf of
Paris, July 27. Tho Temps gives a
detailed account of how the French
marines forced a passage up the Menam
river. Too gunboats entered the chan
uol about 0 o'clock in the evonlng, and
Immediately both tho forts and the
Siamese gunboats opened fire on tho
Frenoh ships. Tho latter's gunboatB
crossed tho bar notwithstanding the
explosion of a subraarlno torpedo di
rectly ahead of the fleet. Tbo Incon
stante rammed and sunk a Siamese
gunboat. At about 0 o'clock the forts
at Paklam opened flro at a range of a
quarter of a mile. The French gun
boats all this time were making 10
knotB an hour against tbo stream. At
0:30 tbe-French fleet anchored 15 front
of the Frenoh legation ut Bangkok,
The cannonade had little effect, owing
to the darkness.
San Francisco, July 27. Wheat
easy, Dccembor $1.27j.
Chicago, July 27. Wheat 01 j; Sep
tember 06 J.
Portland, July 27. Wheat valley,
7J?1.10, Walla Walla Mj.
Plead Not Guilty.
Fresno, Cal., July 27. Oris Eana
was arraigned on two Indictments
charging him with tho murder of Vic
Watson and Andrew McGlnnls. To
eaoh be pleaded not guilty. Congress
man W. Woodhurn of Carson, Nevada,
Is associated with Patrick Beddy In
Evans' defense. Evans Is apparently
In good humor and spirits and bis plea
was made In a strong voice.
Tho unemployed at Denver are being
sen- East by their friends lu box cars
at 5,00 each.
A telegram from Nicaragua an
nounces that the Leon revolutionists
have captured tho city of Managua.
Peter Jackson, the Australian heavy
weight, has arrived at New York from
Liverpool. He loft for Chicago, en
route to Sau Frauolsco.
Wednesday the New York sub-treasury
was a dobtor at tho clearlug house
in tho sum of f 300,000 and settled the
balance lu gold. It Is almost entirely
out of currency, especially small bills.
Bank olllcers said the situation In that
respect was pietty bud. It Is estimated
that ubout 91,000,000 - was shipped to
the country today by New York bank
ers. Muoh of it was in gold.
Includes the great temperance driuk
Hires S3
Lit gives New Life to the Old Polks, i
rleosure to the Pareats, t
Health to tut Children.
,fio4fcr AU-aiU HwTH.,
t A Sttnl pcUIBaVt fl ,