Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, July 26, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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.?$ - ; v " "
85 els. month by Mall
Prepaid in Advance.
No Paper Cent Wkea
Tlmo Is Out.
The I Cent
(jAl 1 JL Ajlj
NO. 175.
l Viik.fc H,. 2jaariB'rjita
I H -
We are still in it when
Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods,
In fact all lines of General Merchandise at tho
297 Cpm'l; St.,
General Insurance Agency..
Representing the following well-known and reliable Cempanies:
HTATE IN8TJRANCK oo., Mtna Insurance Co.,
- Traders' Insurance Co., Dun insurance Co.,
National Insurance Co., Westchester Kire Ins. Co.,'
lilon Clre Insurance Co., - Imperial Fire Insurance Co.,
London & Lancashire Fire Ins, Boo., London -Vssnraucet'oipnratlon
.- Alliance Assurance Co., Norwich Union Fire Insoc
Oldest and Leading Firm in the City Devoted Exclusively to Insurance,
Recovers and repaint upholstered furniture. Long Experience in the trad
enables nie to turn out first-class work. Satnpjea of coverings. No trouble t
ive estimates. State Insurunce block, Cbemeketa street.
I5d; C.
CHURCHILL! Spraying outfits,
Lamoureux's Stables,
At the Commercial street bridge near Willamette Hotel. New stock and ve
hides being added constantly. Only the best service rendered. No shabby
rigs uor poor horns. ' f H L AMOUREUX, Proprietor.
West Printing
First-class Work.
203 Commercial Bt yt J
On improved Real Estate, In amounts and
time to suit. No delay In considering loans.
Room 12, Hash Bank block.
CflflS. W0LZ,
Proprietor or the
South Commercial BL, Salens.
AH kind Fresh, aalt and Bmoked Meat
and Sausage.
f IT -
it comes to low pricen on
Wholesale and Retail
Dealer In Fresh, Salt and
Smoked Heats of allKiuds
95 Court find
110 State Streets,
State Street.
iliroKen LinesMrawnats
TA 1 T I m I TT I
Book and job
Reasonable Trices.
Ealera, Oregon.
Leaveorder at UoUlo-Parfcaurst block .room
IS, Bal em, Oregon.
Manufacturer of Wagons, Car
riagea, eta
Repairing a Specialty.
Shop 45 Bute street
A BAROAIN ' acres with lmppias
weir haif and cultivation, rest paluia4
nma mod Umber. Term wr ?
7t.M O. L. ?".
He Got Away
Nearly $200,000.
Into the Port of Portland That
is the Charge of Treas
ury Agent Tingle
The Custom House Frauds to ue
Pushed Uard.
Great Pressure Against American
Securities in London.
Intense Excitement and Stocks
Slaughtered at Any Price.
New York, July, 26c-Tho condition
of affairs at the stock exchange this
tftemoon Is panicky. Excitement Is
intense and slaughter of values not
paralelled in recent years. Loans called
'y many banks and failure of H. C.
Nicholas and Co, is attributed directly
to this faqt. Over $5,000,000 shipped by
banks to interior cities during the
past few days and there being no indi
cations of a letup in demand. These
institutions were compelled to call in
Joaus. This precipitated selling of all
classes of securities, bonds jts well as
dividend 'and
non-dividend" paylng,H3lck8 at opeuIoB-lbla m'ornlng?-w
shares being fairly slaughtered.' The
question of iniriusic value cut no figure
and it had resolved itself into a matter
of getting money uud that at ouce.
Money is 10 on call. At 2:15 p. in.
the market is somewhat steadier, with
a rally of j to 3.
After Lotan's Pile.
Washington, July 26. Supervising
special agent Tingle of tho treasury de
partment, says that the government
has a good case against the ox-officlala
of the customs service who have been
indicted at Portland, Or. Notwith
standing the indicted men claim the ac
tion against them is inspired by politi
cal motlyes, Mr. Tingle, who Is himself
a Republican, says that this allegation
is untrue. He regrets as much as any
body that be had to perform the dis
agreeable work of detecting these olll-
cials in dishonest practice but ho was
bound to perform his duty and will
push the cases to the end.
He says the collector at Portland
must have received about fifty dollars a
bead for each Chinese he smuggled In.
There were seyenteen hundred Chinese
brought in, In all. The revenuo derived
by these enterprising treasury officials
amounted In all to about $85,000.
Tingle estimated that there were
6500 pounds of opium rmuggled Id,
duty on which would have amounted
to $102,000. After the government bad
succeeded in making Its oases, several
members of tbe gang tumbled over one
another in their desire to turn stage's
For Big Thievery.
Denver, July 20. M. J. Lawrence,
president of tbe suspended People'
Savings batik and of the Peoples' Na
tional bank, bare Just been arrested,
and charged with grand larceny.
Latest London.
Loniion, July 20. General Credit
Company suspended. Capital concern
1500,000, stocks closed demoralized.
Americans very flit
Lowtoa FevtrUb.
London, July S. Market weak and
feverish. Great pressure to sell Amer
ican securities. Quotation nominal.
Loan Agents Fail.
Dallas, Texas, July 20. The land,
loan and collection agency of Murphy
and Bolan has failed. Liabilities es
timated half a million. Assets fully as
The Oriental Mail.
Vancouvkr. B. C, July 20. The
steamship Empress, of India, which
arrived yesterday brings details of the
murder of two Swedish missionaries,
by Chinese fanatics, at Sing Pu.
The explosion at Canton Powder
Works, killed over'fty people, injured
three Muttdred ahd,.destroyed homos of
two thousand people.
News was received at Hong Kong
that the Spanish steamer San Juan,
loaded with kerosene, was destroyed by
fire. Out of two hundred and fifty
people on board, only twenty-nine were
- -
jleok Makers.
Boston, July 28. Tlchner & Co.,
publishers, made ad assignment.
Boiler' Breaks.
Olymi'IA, July v 26. Word 'was re
ceived from Aberdeen stating that at
7:30 this niornlngjbo boiler Hue in mill
of theiWeutherwX Lumber Co., col
lapsed instantly Killing fireman vVm.
Welsh aud probably fatally injuring
four others. j
Canada Demoralized.
Montreal, July 20, Stocks are
more demoralized than ever in history.
Many persona are ruined between here
and New York. It is estimated over
5,000,00ti of Montreal mouey has ben
lost tbe past three months. So far no
banks or other failures.
Quadruple Crime.
PiTTSBOKa, Penn., July 20. John
Sniouse, a laborer, was arrested this
mormug, ou a charge of murdering his
wife aud two small children, and then
firing tbe house to conceal the crime
Erie Railway
New Yanic July 29. Appointment
of a receiver fur the ErleRoad while' not
unexpected had a disastrous affect on
Kansas Labor War.
Topeka July 20. Advices to
Governor indicate more peaceful
condition at Weir City and it is hoped
bloodshed will be avoided without
intervention of troop.
O'Brien Interviewed.
Capt. John O'Brien of the Federated
Trades Is In the city and said today
about the financial situation;
"The people are alarmed by foolish
speeches to a degree that confidence in
the banks Is impaired. It is not be
cause there is not money enough in
tbe country but because people are
needlessly afraid to put it out owing to
alarmists' statements. Eight persons
In this state out of ten are in faver of
free silver coinage but that does not
make It right uor a solction of the evils.
Tho governor's speech was not Incen
diary but only admonished those in
power to adhere to their platform prom contrasted with the fiery utter
ance of Governor Waite, of Colorado,
or those resolutions adopted last night
at Portland. They tend to impair pub
lic confidence and are suicidal In their
effect so far as restoring good times is
concerned.' '
An Oregon Crime.
Union, July 26. In the circuit court
tliis morning the Jury in the case of
Dan Tarter charged with killing bis
brother Robert Tarter in Eagle Valley,
this county, brought in a verdict of
Han Francisco, July 20. Wheat
December fl.2Sj.
Chicago, July 20. Wheat 02; Sep
tember 60.
Portland, July 20. Wheat valley,
7Jfi.10, Walla Walla .021,
Pains In the region of the kidneys are
cured by Simmons Liver Regulator.
Natare skoald
be assisted t
threw eT hnjhh-1-tieseftteWeea.
NethhHf It
seweti, Mfeiy
Swires fffte
i On ion I "" to"1! ' iuUjUI mh.
,kMJtkJUa..W, j.A.KILS.UStl.a.KM.
0 tok m surf m4 (Us Dimws twS4 P,
Fnll-Fiedgad Revolution Going
on is Nicaragua.
Fight, a Terflic Battlo la tho
Sandwich Islands.
New York, "July 20. A dispatch
from Managua, Nicaragua, says: "The
city of Managua, was under bombard
ment by tbe revolutionists for four hours
Monday morning. Two of tbe steam
ers seized by the Leons when they
started the revolt appeared oft Mana
gua at 4 o'clook Monday morning.
They opened fire at once; and contin
ued to shell the city until 8 o'clock.
Thirty shells in all wero thrown into
the city. Considerable damago was
done to publlo buildings and private
bouses, and two persons were killed.
No notice of tbe proposed bombard
ment was given, but the shelling was
begun before the women and children
had a chance to leave the city. One
shell burst near the house occupied by
Minister Baker and his daughters.
Minister Baker has sent a protest to
the leaders- of tho revolution against
tho violation of the rules of civilization
and their acts of barbarism in shelling,
the city without first giving notice."
Washington, July 20, The state
department received a dispatch from
Minister Baker, stating that the Nicar
agua n revolutionist steamer yesterday
bombarded Managua without warning,
killing ono and injuring several people.
At Bangkok.
London, July 20. The Times Bang
kok correspondent says: "There Is great
uncertainty as to what will happen If
the blockade begins today,, Tbe British
residents will meet the British minister
tomorrow to complete measures for
their defense in case the dangerous
classes, deprived by tho blookade of em
ployment, attempt to rlso and loot tho
city. It has been arranged already
that Jtad'Iog parties from foreign "gun
boats shall occupy strategic points.
Tbe Siamese probably will also quarter
detachments of troops In the most pop
ulous quarters. The government has
issued a proclamation warning tho pop
ulanco to behave peaceably and refrain
from attacking foreigners." A lato
dispatch to tbe Times from a semi-official
source says thai at 11 o'clock tbe
French vessels passed the mouth of the
Melnam river and exohanged salutes
with the Siamese forts.
Athens, July 20, Five cases of
cholera and two deaths are reported at
Smyrna. Quarantine bos been de
clared against vessels from that port.
Rome, July 20. Cholera Is prevailing
at Alessandro, Piedmont. Many
deaths have occurred and now cases aro
reported daily. Cases are also reported
in a number of other places.
Restricting Silver.
Paris, July 20. France, Italy.Bwitz
erYand. Belcrium and Greece agreed to
day to exclude- the two and a half franc
silver piece from International circula
tion In the Latin union.
Nine Killed.
Paris, July 20. Four explosions
shattered the Abion dynamite factory
lu Hontleur, near Havre. Nine men
are known to have been killed and
tweney more wounded.
Sandwich Islands.
Honolulu, July 20 Politics remain
virtually as at the last writing. A bat
tlo bas been fought between the troops
of the provisional governmentand Koo
lau, the leper outlaw of Kauai, In which
three men were killed. Koolau escaped
with his wife and child over tbe divide.
A reward off 1,000 has been plaood'up.
on bis head by tho government.
OnJulyOth a steamer arrived from
the valley of Kalalau, Kauai, giving
full particulars of the battle fought be
tween the government forces and the
leper bandit, Loolau who was driven at
bay on the mountain sldo of the valley
where tbe lepers had taken refuge.
Sklrsalsbea wero thrown out on July
4tb and a squad advanced to the bead
of the horsesboe-ebaped valley. A trail
was soon discovered leadlag upwards.
It was followed 600 feet up tbe cllft to
ward the ledite. The troops crawled up
the ridge, clinging to vines and tropical
growth. Three of tbe skirmishes were
within forty feet or the ledge when two
shots were flred simultaneously. PrlvaUt
Anderson was shot through tbe body,
ills body was recovered tbe next day.
On the noralng of July 5th another
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Prvl Baking
advance was mado in which private
McCabo, a veteran of the Ntutb Rhode
Island regiment was shot uud Instantly
killed by the lepers, nud private Hirscb
berg was accldeutly kilted by the dis
charge of his gun. That day und the
nextKrupn field nuns wore drairced un
the divide and an attempt was made
to shell tbe lepers stronghold. During
the day leper spies were sent up and
were so successful In treating with the
lepers that Koolau had Induced to Join
blm that by night, after tho flrinir bad
ceased, all tho lepers hud surrendered
and were brought Into "Camp Dole"
on the beaoh at tho mouth of tho val
ley, except Koolau, his wife and child.
rne uoy is n leper, the wire is not.
In tbo official report sent to Honolulu
It was stated that Koolau would liitelv
escape into the mountains back of tbe
vaiiey. Tiie lepers will bo returned to
the leper settlement.
Salem, July 20, 03.
In tbo caso of J. L. Colo ot al, vs.
VVm. L. Logan, motlou to amend de
cree, denied.
Charles Logus, admlnratrator of the
entato of Julius Logus, deceased, re
spondent, vs. Ezra Hutson, appollant;
appeal from Clackamas county. Ar
gued and submitted. S. Huelat attor
ney for respondent; A. S. Dresser, at
torney for appellant.
Mary H. Lolnenwebor aud F. J.
Goodnaugh appellants, vs. Hiram
Brown and H. A. Smith, respondents;
appeal from Clatsop county. Argued
aud submitted. Joseph Simon attor
ney for respondent; John H. Smith at
torney for appellant.
On motion of Judgo R. P. Boise, Pat
rick F. Benson was admitted upon cer
tificates from the supreme courts of
California and Nevada, to practice in
all tho courts of this state.
M'CORMICK At the home In North
Salem, July 25, 1B03, to Mr. and Mrs.
Jos. McCormlck, a daughter.
II, A. Johnson, Sr., put In the day at
that delightful summer resort at his
daughter's bouse, Mrn. John Harrltt's
in Yew Park. His family wero with
The Yaquina Route.
And Oregon Development company's steam
ship line. ZA miles shorter, 01 hours less
time than by any other route, First class
through paftienger and freight line from
1'ortland and ail lolnta In the Willamette
valley to and froralian Kranclsoo.
TIME BOHEDULK, (Except Bnnday.)
Ly Albanyl:03 p m I I.v Corva!lj.l:0 p in
Ar Y aaulna.J:HO p m Lv Ya(julna.8:ISa m
Lv Oorvallls. 10:35 am Ar Albany.... 11:10a m
O. 4 O. train oonnect at Albany and Oor
vallls. The above trains connect at Yaquina with
the Oregon Development Co.' line of steam
er between Yaquina and Man Kranclsoo.
N. il.1'asseniftirs from 1'ortland aud all
Willamette valley points con make close con
nection with the train of tbe Yanutna Route
at Albany or (Jorvallls and if destined te Man
rrancisoo.snouia arrange to arrive at i aquina
the evening before duteof sailing.
Passenger and Freight Rate always the
lowest For information apply to Mrsurs.
1IULMAN A Co., Freight and Ticket AgenU
WO and 303 Front street, Portland, Or., or
O. O. iilKJUK, Ao't Uen'l PL A Pat. Agt.,
Or. Paclno R. it Co , Ourvallls, Or.
C. H. HABWKLL, Jr., Uen'l Freight and
Pais. Agt. Ore. Development Co.,
KM Montgomery Ut
Mexican Kiuerulils.
Cortez obtained In Moxico fivo em
eralds of wonderful sizo and beauty.
Ono was cut llkon roso; another in
tho shape of a horn ; n third in that
of a fish, with diamond oyes ; a fourth
liko a bell, with u ioarl for a clapper;
tho fifth was a cup, with a foot of
gold and four littlo chains, each end
ed with a largo pearl. Ho hod also
two emerald vases worth 800,000
crowns each.--St Louis Republic.
The Unkmiwu.
"Yis, Mrs. Muggins, Put and 01 part
to meet no more. Oi wlnt to the hos
pital to ax after him. 'Oi want to see
me husband says I 'the man that got
blowed up.' Yes can't,' noys tbo doo
thor; 'he's under the (nlloocnce of Ann
Katliellcks.' 'OI don't know the lady,'
ays Oi, mighty digulflod lolko, 'but if
me lawful wedded husband kin act lolke
that whan lin'a at 1iih'a ilrxirOi'll have
I a divorce from hunt'" Newport New.
Salem, July 20.
Hops aro in bloom and a good crop is
expected. The arms are from six to
ten feet long and very healthy. Some
yards are expected to yield 2500 pounds
to the acre; on low lauds tbe bops are
not so good, being more backward and
f n yellowish appearance.
Tbo clear, warm weather was very
beneficial to the ripening of fall sown
jrain. Full sown oats and wheat aro
being cut In Linn, Lane, Benton,
Douglas, Josephine and Jackson coun
ties; in Marlon, Polk aud counties to
tho north harvesting has not yet be
come general, but will be this week.
The grain cut so fur has been heavy, of
good quality and very satisfactory to
tho farmers. Tho spring . oats and
wheat will not yield an average unless
rain should full within tho next week.
Spring wheat Is not over 15 Inches high
and It will be bard to safely cut.
Puyallup Commerce, July 21: Puy
tllup growers have reason to feel en
couraged by tbe backwardness of the
lice, and have reasou to hope that the
pest may not be at all destructive this
year. Tho experience of Wisconsin
was peculiar. Some years ago tho state
produced 800,000 bales. Tbe lice came
on, and wero allowed to destroy tbe
crop; tho production dwindled to noth
ing. Finally tho lice disappeared, and
lost year Wisconsin began to again raise
a few bops, producing 4000 bales of
choice quality, with no lleo. This year
she will raise 0000 bales.
Tbe tlmo to fill August contract! to
consumers is drawing near, and tbe
Llllonthuis have qul:o a few on August
delivery. So in tbo past two weeks I.
Plncus. & Soiib have been in tho field
aud bought 1800 bales, the highest
figure being lOJc. 300 or these were
choice. 600 were bought in Pierce
county. Mr. Pincus thinks there are
2200 bales left In this state, aud thinks
tbe state will produce 60,000 bales in
Geo. Rose has offered lOjo for the '02
hops at the Plerco county poor farm,
but Major Bartholomew thinks they
win bring 18o.
If VOUr blnnil la I 111 nil rn rnnlltnfn vnnr
liver with Simmons Liver Regulator.
Moro and more Salem and Valley
people aro taking their summer vacat
ion In the mountulus and at the Soda
Springs at this live town of Linn coun
ty. The way to go there Is via South
ern Paclflo to Lebanon, then a short
drive by hack to tho Springs for 25 cts.
Tho Seminary, a 11 no college, will be
opened in September in full blast with
a faculty second to none In Oregon
and for healthful and beautiful sur
roundings surpassing any educational
institution in the state. Scud to Dr.
D. W. Jones, secretary of tho faculty,
for a catalogue and full particulars.
Duby cried,
Mother elglied,
Doctor prrecrilMxl t Costori.
lather Wit time
for everybody to
A temperanco drink.
A home-made drink.
A fiMiltli.clvlne (Irinlr.
A tlltr.tsilinMilncr Hrlntr.
A drink that is populcr everywhere. I
Djjicms, 5pantiMft fc;rtcM.
A j '" p(ksr sukts $ nlloot of tttbl
fur iht k tbrgr profit, Ittls you sons etb( 1
Uud U"juls good'' 'itUt. Ne UsJwtksi i
M f 1. . M (CUU.HV hhm .
k.Ji,i v.