Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, July 25, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

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C F,W-T ,
,4 jf ,. sw&ra
what inoro cool nnd light to wear than a silk, satoon, or Swiss
BIoubo Waist?
Evidently many ladies agree with this, as our sales lately
has been surprising.
Poogee Silk Walats
Surab "
Dotted Swiss "
Sateen u
French Flannel "
Outing "
To be worn with these waists we show the moat complete and choicest line of
'jl'JSL Onr two grand gifts will be given - y September lit
307 Commercial Street.
- IK -
Youre coins to bulld:or mtke any Hud of
Improremeat, call on lbs undersigned for
material. We bare complete stock, and are
ready to supply any prepared contract, sewer
work, grading, etc
Salem Improvement Co.
Saturday, Aug. 5. State Dairymen's
convention, court house, 10 a. m.
A Hdmank Marshal. This offi
cial at Lebanon was criticised for ar
resting some boys for abusing a dog.
He says: "The boys were not arrested
for caning the dog; but for inhuman
treatment of the dumb animal. Tbey
dragged it from the bank on Main
street Up to the Methodist church,
choking, rocking and dragging It nntl'
it Waa almost dead. If I have ever
caned a dog in Scin I have nn recol
lection of it. I want it distinctly un
derstood from this on, that any man or
boy who treats a dumb animal in the
way the boys were treating this dog,
will be coolerizea to the full extent of
the law."
JIahkas Uoupub. The case of Mrs.
Duncan Rosa of Salem, for writ of hab
eas corpus against Albert Sheldon to
produce the body of one Hallie Sheldon
came up for a hearing before Judge
Burnett this afternoon, itonham &
Holmes for plaintiff and D'Arcy fc
Bingham for Sheldon. Latter moved
to dismiss applications for writ and
same waa argued. The boy was over
fifteen and the case grows out of a di
vorce suit.
Cold and Hot. The crowd to wel
come Vice President Stephenson at Sa
lem this morning was not very entbus
iastl. It was evidently too hard times.
The unemployed at Portland will not
whoop It up for Adlal. The audience
at Salem seemed to enjoy the roast Gov
ernor Peunoyer gave Cleveland aud
Stephenson and the whole Democratic
pirty. Oregon's governor sustained his
reputation as national kicker and will
sleep sweetly on his well earned fame.
Foono City Engineer Cul
ver Inspected the big steel bridge yes
terday that spans the river at Salem
and found 24 holes In the Polk county
approach, and two in the main bridge.
Ou the Salem approach there are no
holes. It is double planked aud In
good shape. The rest of the bridge
should be put In order at ouce as It is
now positively dangerous.
Correction. This writer was in er
ror In saying that the "solid vote of
military organization of Iloeeburg was
cast for Capt. D. C. Sherman" etc
This Is an error aud should be corrected
In Justice to the new inujor aud the of
ficers of the Iloseburg company, who
have not as yet received their commis
sions, therefore cast no vote at the elec
tion. BtniriUBK. Merchants who have
examined the lists of the Daily Mail
Journal aro astonished. More Jour
nals are mailed to Salem people at the
Salem poatofllce than the total Issue of
some papers that are published. Sub
scription lists are opened to Inspection
of advertisers.
Bkvkntu Day Auvkntibts. A
Bible readlug will bo held at their place
of worship, In Btlem, Immediately af
ter the Sabbath school, on Sabbath
(Saturday) 20tb. Subject, "Home of
fee Saved,"
PKO u ate. John O. Estes adminis
trator of the esUto of W. W. Saunders,
deceased, was yesterday gruuted the
power to sell tho real property of the
'i m I.
Bahi'lks Of fruit, preserved with
aatlformeutltie, on exhibition at Gil
bert, Patterson & CoV.
IN tub Cool. Tho Salem Rod aud
. Gun club will contest for the Dlamoud
mwW at 0 o'clock this evening
A, J, BaMMtf KBgkwoed.wasflard
990 and ceata rW tlig nud ubus-
Ink kk wife whta tie waadruuk, which
1m UisUf .
Farmers should take a daily paper
from now until their crops are sold.
At low prices it pays to watch the
market. Try the Journal by mail,
$3.00 a year.
The introduction of the penny daily
newspaper among the farmers is the
precureer of free railroad delivery.
Miss Mae iijise, Miss Ethel Cusick
and Mrs. R. P. Boise, jr., chaperoned
by Mrs. E. P. Thompson, went to WJ1
hoit Springs today.
The livery barn cf Boot. Mulligan,
at Amity, burned to the ground Satur
day night. It wa a frame structure
and was totally consumed. The loss
was $1,200. The building was insured
for 600 and there was $300 on the con
tents. Heavy crops mean plenty of monej
in Oregon even at low prices.
There-is to be a special meeting of the
Myrtle Creek stock-holders at Eugene
August 16th.
The One Cent Daily bad the first
news of the actual condition of the Ger
man bop crop. It will have special re
ports of all Imported hop news by wire
from New York and Europe rightalong
and no hop man can afford to be with
out this Information. Reliable bop
news will-be found lo its columns near
ly every day. 25 eta. a month by mall.
Miss Carrie Royal of South Salem,
arrived home last night accompanied
by her cousin Miss Carrie Royal ol
Dayton, daughter of Rev-T. F. Royal.
J. W. Withrow of Eugene, was a Sa
lem visitor yesterday.
Mrs. George Millican has returned to
Messrs. Churchill and 8tarr of Salem
visited this city Wednesday. Our peo
ple may know them better later on as
they thluk of locating in Bilverton.
Mrs. Fischer, mother of our popular
J painter, John Fischer, came from Salem
eunesday, to visit her son. They will
take a little spin into the mountains
during her stoy. Bilverton Tribune.
Mr. aud Mrs. C. D. Gabrlelson and
children returned home from Portland
Sunday, August 0, a new Congrega
tional church will be organized at-Wll-lard.
P. S. Kulght assisted by Salem
members will be present to conduct the
In the sweet bye and bye tho best
things iu this world will do you no
good. Get sweet bread now by using
the Salem mills Pride of Oregon flour.
There Is no mystery about the matter
at nil. Van Eaton sells more and more
groceries simply because he has fresh
goods, excellent delivery aud polite
Mrs. Susan Harrison, mother of Mrs.
A. Rosenbaum of Rosedale fruit farms,
started East for her old home in Vir
ginia. As fast as people are finding It out
they are ordering the One Cent Daily.
A month's trial satisfies anyone that
they cannot atlord to be without It.
Perfect haying aud harvest weather.
Supt. Rowland, wife and grandchild,
Wnt to Yaqulna bay today for a few
day's rest.
The vagrant Leabo who destroyed a
lot of furniture Iu the county jail last
night was today bound over to tlio
grand jury fur wilful and malicious des
truction of property.
Geo. Jaokson, who was a little too
hilarious at the Stephenson blowout
was fined 10 and costs.
John M. Rennie weut toSodavllle to
day. Take the bull by the horns aud
swear oft on all other cheeses but the
Little Nertucca, sold only by Clark &
Eppley, Salem.
A petition was today imaii!..! tnr
me paruou oi josepu Jennings recently
Alt l I.. 1.1.1 ?. ..I... ...!.. .1
""" aiiuwiiiK ooacene pict
"", U sigued by everybody, at
Hubbard uearly, r.-
Mrs. J. G. Brownley, aunt of Mrs.
Jaa. Jtenule, left for Soda Bprlngs'thU
Joseph tffiiitid'er
nntntMl iinrl fnnk Mm
was today np
oatb as deputy
sheriff. .- - - "
Vice PrcsidenfStephen
son at Salem.
To this Beautiful and Glorious
State of Ours?
Declines to Measure Swords With
.Otr Execntire.
That Clerclaiwl aad StephcHSon
are (Tailed Upon to Hem ore.
Stephenson Answers Him With
Glittering Generality.
Governor Pennoyer and Mayor
Gatcb, representing the great state of
Oregon and its Capital City In their of
ficial capacity, were at the Southern
Pacific depot at five o'clock to meet
Vice President Stephenson aud party,
travelling through to Portland in their
special car from San Francisco to Port
land. As the train drew1 in nearly a
thousand people were In waiting, the
regimental band was playing, and a
detail of the Oregon .National guard
was firing a salute.
The people cheered as the governor,
mayor and local committee consisting
of Col. Wagner of the Board of Trade,
ex-Governor Chad wick and other
prominent Salem Democrats, and a
Journal reporter mounted the rear
platform aud were presented to
Adlal E. Stephenson, late of Illinois,
who in turn presented them to the
gentlemen of his party, among whom
were Judges Geo. B. Burnett of Su
Louis, Wm. 8. Eivlne of Chicago,
Chief 'Justice 8. P. Shope of the Su
preme court of Illinois.
The Governor and Vice President
after greetings stepped out before the
vast audience and were received with
clapping of hands.
Mr. Vice President: On behalf of
the people of Oregon and as Its chief
executive officer, I bid you a heartfelt
welcome to the state. We haye a beau
tiful country with varied resources.
Look around you and behold the vision
of beauty .which greets your eye on
every side. No fairer land upon the
whole earth Is visited by the sunlight
of heaven than our own Oregon. And
yet with' all our wealth of resources
many of our industries are at a stand
still and hundreds of our laboring men
are without employment and their fam
ilies are without sufficient bread. This
condition of affairs we believe Is the
legitimate result of a departure from
the financial policy of our fathers, which
was made two decades ago, and which
itlll exists. (Applause.) (An old fel
low yelled "Good for Pennoyer;" and
Stevenson let go his .hand, and he
dropped back Into the crowd.) Be
lieving this, we appeal to you to use
your utmost Influence to procure a re
turn to the policy of the government
which was successfully followed for
eighty years. The simple repeal of the
Sbermau law, thus leaving our finan
cial system on a gold basis, by the
great political party which elected you
to the next highest office in the gift of
the people, which has gained control of
the legislative and executive branches
of government, and which pledged
itself to the people in its last national
platform, "without discriminating
against either metal," to secure the
coinage aud use of both gold and silver
us the standard money of the country,
wouia do a most tugrant breach of
faith, wnlch all honorable men would
Justly subject the party perpetrating-It
to the unmeasured contempt of the na
tion and the world. Nor would It be of
any benefit. The people of Oregon
therefore beg you to aid In carryloir
out the written pledge of your party by
a restoration of the former financial
policy of the government, which would
rtsult in a retutn of prosperity, are-
vlval of our industries and the employ-'
Uiwa in Milboas of Home
merit of the vast army of tho unem
ployed. Again, "Sir. Vlca President, I wel
come you to Oregon sad wish you a
pleasant visit here, a safe Journey home
and continued health and prosper
ity. Ladles and. gentlemen, I present to
you the honorable A. E. Stephenson,
vice president of the United States.
Governor Pennoyer, gentlemen of
the committee, ladies and gentlemen: I
can only thank; you for the kind words
and generous welcome extended lo me
at this early hour In this beautiful val
ley and city of your beautiful and glor
ious state, I am profoundly grateful
for this manifestation and shall carry
the memory of It to my latest hour.
All through Oregon, the first bom of
tbestates of the Pacific, I bare received
only kindness that has toncbed me
deeply and for which I am profoundly
grateful. I can only say it is fully ap
preciated and I shall bear back the
memory of it, across the mountains,
plains and rivers to our distant homes.
In response to the words of your distin
guished executive I can only say that
to the best of my humble ability I will
co operate with those who on a higher
piano than partisanship will co-operate
for the best interest of our common
country." (Applause.)
The vice president bowed to the
crowd and bis remarks were well re
ceived. The train slowly pulled up to
the switch where the spiral car of the
superintendent of the S. P. Ry. Co.,
awaited him in charge of the Portland
was very mnch pleased with the
ot the reception. He said: "1 am
glad we did what we did and that it
passed off so "well. I regret that he
could not stay longer and that we could
not have shown him him more of the
As the governor jumped off the car
the vice president extended him an
other cordial handshake and said:
"We hope to see you on the other side
of the Rockies some day."
The governor did not expect a reply
to bis temarks of a political character.
He said to a friend at the state house
after it was oven "He agrees with me
on finances. We are in perfect accord,
but he would not say a word. Court
esy dictates such a course on his part.
He is meeting all. classes of men, bard
money, gold-bug and free-silver, and be
tabes exactly the right course in
refusing to express an opinion on such
"How can congress best relieve the
"By doing Its duty to the people who
sent it there."
"What will be the probable action of
"I cannot tell."
"What would you suggest as a remedy
for the evils our county Is suffering?"
"Excuse me, I am out on a pleasure
trip, and, "
"How do you construe the president's
policy as announced In Sunday's World
when he urges that the financial prob
lem be solved before his party under
takes to deal with the tarlfl?"
"I do not construe It."
"What do you think of the financial
"I am unable to give you any views
as I am only out on pleasure."
"How was present financial distress
precipitated upon this administration?"
"You tell."
"Has the worst of the financial sit
uation been developed?"
Here the train was already goiog at
such speed that it was only at the risk
of breaking his nee It the reporter
jumped without waiting to finish the
very Interesting and lucid Interview.
who came up to Salem last night In a
special car apd took charge of the vice
president, his family and party here
after the ceremonies this morning, was
composed of Col. Mofl'ett of the Tele
gram, ex-Senator L. F. Grover,ex-Sec-retaryofWar
Geo. H. Williams, ex
Mlnlster to Turkey Sol Hlrscb, Hon.
L L. MoArthur, Hon. C. A. Dolpb,
Hon. J. F. Flerney. Tho vice presi
dent declined in advance to be inter
viewed by any of the Portland report
ers. A special telegram to the writer
as special representative of the New
York World was handed him asking
his views on the financial altuation.tbe
probable action of congress on the sliver
question, what he would suggest con
gress should do to right matters, bis
views on the question of the relative
Importance of flnauco or silver, eta.
etc, were all met with a blank smile
40 Yaw tbt frisHnrl
and an affable declinatory handshake
and head.shake.
There was a Is rice attendance of ladles
to welcomo the vice president.
Slate Treasurer Phil Met.chan was
present to pay his respects.
The Tlce president travels on a regu
lar passenger train not a special.
Three cheers for Stephenson were
given with a will as the car pulled out.
Grover was not iu it. But don't you
imagine he would not have beep If he
bad been here.
Col. Tom Walt was present but be
bad nothing to say. But it was plainly
not Tom's celebration.
The cannon was fired with great
eclat and the band played well.
The street car lines did a big business
early in the morning.
Machine Oil. Farmers, buy your
oils at the Blue Front, and save 25 per
cent. dw
Fob Rent. House of 8 rooms, new,
basement.bard finish, apply at premises
No. 57 Division utreet. 7 25
A good choice bou to sell on easy
terms. Will take carpenter work' in
part payment. G. M. Beeler. tf.
Band Concert. The Second Regi
ment band will give a free open air con
cert at Morningside Tuesday evening.
Lost. Set of gold beads. Finder
will please leave at this office, and re
ceive reward.
Waxted. Position bv experienced
i young -colored man, as hotel, store,'
bank porter, or work In store or drive
express wagon. Enquire at this office.
7 25 3t
Nothing to Read. There Is no
excuse for such a statement as tnis,
when you can get standard works of
every conceivable kind, for 20 cents a
volume at Dearborn's bookstore.
Teachers' Examination. Notice
is hereby given that the regular quar
terly examination of teachers for Mar
Ion county will be held at the court
bouse, Salem, Oregon, at one o'clock,
Wednesday, Aug. 9, 1893. Applicants
for state papers will be examined at the
same time and place. Dated this 24th
day of July, 1S93. J. 8. Graham,
County Supt. of Schools. 7 24d-lw-w2t
Economize in Paper.
Clean newspapers, tied in bundles of
100, not cut, for sale at this office at
fifteen cents a bundle. A heavy straw
wrapping paper, large sheets, two cents
a pound. Next door to the postofflce.
Stockholders' Meeting.
Notice is hereby given that the an
nual meeting of the stockholders of the
Capital'Consolidated Gold and Silver
Mining Company, of the citv of Salem.
Oregon, will be held in the office of the
company, on the second Thursday, the
10th day of August, 1S93, at 3 o'clock p.
m., for the election ot directors and
such other business of may come before
tne meeting. j. it. iiaas, SeCy.
Salem, July 20, 1893. 7:19-d-2w
The Trask River Toil Road, with fur-
msnea notei ana larm, at its western
gate, in Tillamook county, title cleat
and renting for J 600 to $1000 a year
can be secured now, in exenange for
prcriucuve cny property, or a good
farm in the Willamette valley. In
quire of N. W. G. at residence of B. C.
Ward, 18th street, near Court, Salem,
Oregon. 7-7-dw lm
Contractors and Builders.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the governor's office until 2 n. ra. Mon.
day, August 7, 1893, and opened imme-
aiateiy tnereaiter, ror erection and com
pletion of two cottages and a congre
gated dining ball, which are to be
erected at the O. S. I. A. cottage farm.
Plans and specification can be seen at
the office of Chas. Burgraf, architect.
A certmed check of J 100 must accom
pany each bid as a guarantee to furnish
saiujiaciory nonas. une ngnt is re
served to reject any or all bids.
Sylvester Pennoyer,
Geo. W. McBride,
7-25-1 f Board of Trustees;
To Builders and Contractors.
Salem, Or., July 12. Sealed propos
als will be received at the office of the
sectetary of state for the erection of an
addition to the State Reform School
building. Bids to bo opened at 12
o'clock in., on Wednesday, July 26lb,
1893. Plans and specifications cau be
seen at the office of McNally & Knigh
ton, architects, Salem, Oregon, begin
ning Tuesday, July 16th. Bidders will
be required to accompany their bids
with a certified check or 1250.00 as evi
dence of good faith. The riehtlare.
served to reject any and all bids.
S. Pennoyer,
G. W. MoBridp.
E. B. McElroy,
7-12-td Board of Trustees.
Hard times and too much stock. As
we are overstocked with gilt wall paper
and high grade stock, aud, as it baa al
ways been kuown that the bordar has
been the expensive part of uanerinp a
room, we will sell all our gilt wall paper
fj?. 7fc. "!V'0,r ?rico au? wi
aa a present (and this oUari&foitbis P6 -on Ton, celebrated guaranteed kid ..$1.50 a fair
week only.) Some of our stock bowev- Other kid ffloves 75c to S2 5 "
er, Is marked down i UUyttuctii'nL T'i mi 'Tr Ai 'n
nricea and we will limit the amount of. Cotton, i.i8ie, lalleta and Jersey Gloves , .all prices
SSSi? s"' Jyl w! k! !
- j .v.j .un wi wan paper
bought thus allowing enough for each
room. If you do not wish to paper
your home now. buy your paper and
have the work done at anv tlrua.
a W. Hawks.
"Ytllow Front"
97 State etrat
nnd while wo are
Pushing a Head
we will push h lot of Bargaius
to the front in the'way of ALL
Salem, July 24, '93.
Tilman Howard, reap. vs. 8. N. How
ard and. Ira Allen, app. Appeal from
Lane county. Judgment of the lower
court modified. Opinion by Moore J
Isaac Jones, app. vs. Henry Gates,
et al, reaps. Appeal from Douglas
county. Judgment of the lower court
affirmed. Opinion by Moore J.
C. H. Bitting, reap. vs. the county of
Douglas et al.. Judgment of the lower
court affirmed. Opinion by Moore J.
The Westbhore Mitts Co. app. vs
M. M. Edwards, resp. Appeal from
Yamhill county. Judgment of the
lower court affirmed. Opinion by
Moore J.
L. J. Hill, resp. vs. W. J. Hill app.
Appeal from Douglas county. Judg
ment of the lower court reversed, and
the complaint dismissed. Opinion by
Bean J.
Mary A. Ramp, app. vs. Marion
county. Judgmeut of the lower court
affirmed. Opinion by Bean J.
E. O. Kane, respondent vs C. J.
Rippey et al appellant, appeal from
Jackson county. Judgment of the
lower court affirmed opinion by Lord,
C. J.
M. L. Crane appellant vs C. J. Jones
respondent,appeal from Marion county.
Judgement of the lower court affirmed
opinion per cunan.
Petition for rehearing were denied in
the following cases. Bamberger, vs
Entermille; Drake vs 8 warts, Pendle
ton term, and Joshua Hendy machine
works, vs. The Pacific cable car Co.,
et al.
Salem, July 25.
Edward T. Jennings, appellant vs.
Addle C.Jennings and J. C. A Ins worth
respondent; appeal from Clackamas
county. Argued and submitted. Y.
K. Strode attorney for appellant; B. F.
Bonbam and C. D. Latourette attor
neys for respondent.
Emma Jane Clayson, respondent vs.
Charles Clayson, appellant; appeal
from Clackamas county. Argued and
submitted. Joseph Simon attorney for
respondent; Brownell & Dresson attor
ney for appellant.
berland Presbyterian parsonage, July
24, 1693, James W. Card well and Mrs.
AunaFread, Rev. J. E. Blair offici
ating. The groom is a hardware merchant
at Jefferson and the bride has been a
resident of Marlon.
Dame Nature a Good Book-Keeper.
She don't let us stay long in her debt
before we settle for what we owe her.
She gives us a few years grace at the
most but the reckoning surely comes.
Have you neglected a cough or allowed
your blood to grow impure without
heeding the warning? Be wise In
time, and get th.e world-famed Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical, Discovery,
which cures. aa well as promises. As a
blood renovator, a lung healer, and a
cure for scrofulous taints, It towers
obove all others, as Olympus overtops a
mole-bill. To warrant a commodity is
to be honorable and above deception,
and a guarantee Is a symbol of honest
dealiug. You get it with every bottle
of the "Discovery." By druggists.
Hardware, Wagons, Carts, Road Machinery
Latest Improved Goods and Lowest Prices.
N. W. Cor. SUte and Liberty St. SALE M, OREGON.
i ilk Gloves and Mitts
Men s harvjjad working gloves 50 to ?1.2o
Driving; gktHiM gloves, party gloves and mitts
Men's hary
"" 60iBBsis PvssWVvHIsHsK C wMTp6Wf
lVllirssVat. liaasfiJMk4 ssVlaassA.
L-D J M -
That la afelronr exDreulon bnt not a bill
'v u pirong jor we purpose n e wud to ae
criuei-ureiezasi tinrtoi
ttad there are do other wards tha will do
nsoweu. inai' onr opinion ana tou'1
hick o too vbea you have seen them. II
rou wish to be In style ire would ad vis
proa to get some of th paper from as. ion
u uut it in ouii or uiDieu. we Blwxyj
have the very latest In writineDaDer&altl
LAM.t . - - . - -
The Lire Yeung: Booksellers.
Levi Burford and wife to LeviM.
Gilbert lota 11 and 16 Suunyside, No. 8,
Thomas J. Davis, Executor Garrett
E. Davis to Edward Keucber 9 a.
Fabrjtus Smith d 1 o $3250.
Jefl Myers today sold to Rosa Hofoer
1 3, 4, bl 14, Myers add. to Salem, (400.
Tha Stephenson reception was a
great, auccuss and The Journal is
glad of IU It Is glad that a Democratic
o(ficttl"Would honor a Republican city
with a call, and that a Republican city
would show'lts loyalty in tnrning out
as it did. All the Democrats who read
The Journal- are glad too. Now let
those 'Frisco merchants be as well
31UIS PAPER Is kept on die at E. C. Date's
. Advertising Agency. 61 and 63 MervtwuU
xchauje, 8n Francis' o. California, where
contract for advertising can b made for it.
CHRISTIAN fClEKCS-Uterature of all
kinds on sale at S2S Liberty street. t-S-lT
ATTENTION. Cash moneT paid for ran,
. b tUes,old Iron and all kinds of metals,
a so hide, at old Court Iloe, Kalrm.
l-awy 1. TOLI'OLAB.
BernUrBeyenth Day Advent st services st
old Unitarian Hall opposite opera house, f-
lem. Baturiays. Sabbath school at la, tn
followed by Bible reading and other serTlcrs.
Prayer meeting Wednesday 733 n, m. 6-ZT
One of the finest preparations known to
cuuuuuT, wiuca, woea ppueu on any nut"
lays toe dust, sayes goods, fires the floor nice.
ciraa app
n appearance, can be swept without rat
any dost; does away with sprinkling and
bblag, as no dirt wul adhere to tho floor
sera boil
When once thoronrhlr mm
For par leolars call on or address
313 Commercial 8t , Halezn. Oregon.
'JMm Agent for Oregon.
1 5c to 1 .00 a pair
u - - " fiALXM, OREGOW.
oil dotba, mattlnfi aMt Maeistia'i t