Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, July 25, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 3

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    " II T'juipfl
Nirru ssgv
in. ..- .-.I.- J
Rick Hendftch and relfo all the troublos Incl
lont to a bilious itAte of the fjttHn, such as
OlulneM, Kmi-xn. I)rowlne, Distress after
efttlnif, Fain In the Bide, Ac Whli!lhtlr mot
rentarkablo success has been shown In curing
Headache, yet Ciutch's Ltttlb Uvea. Pills
are equally valuable In Constipations curing
and preventing this annorlrigcompjalnt. whllo
thoy also correct all disorder! 6f the stomach,
stimulate the liver and rcgulalq tho bowel.
Even it they only cured, ,
nctio they would be almost pHcelesa to those
who stiller from this distressing; cemplaint:
hut fortunately' their goodnesrdoes not Vnd
bore, and those who once try them will And
these little pills valuable In so many frayf that
they win not oe willing to ao wikioui mora.
Hut after all sick head
is tho bane of so many lives that here f s where
we make our great boast. Our pills euro it
while others do not
Carter's Linus Livtn Fills arc very small
and very easy to take. One or two pills make
a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do
not gripe or purge, but bythelr gentle action
S lease all who use them". IrfbUfa mSS cents;
ve f or $1 . Sold everywhere, or sent by mall.
UH. Small J Mftm
ITow tliellalr on Ills .Face Dominates the
ifVearer's Character.
"Among" the-mend meet at inter
vals on tho road ism very intelligent
fellow from Boston, tsaid a drum
merT "Ho ia about 35, fend with a
capacity fOrTaising liair tonl his face
beyond tiaat of (any) jterson f- over
met. Heihas fun with it, too, and he
has his whiskera 'in- differentshape
every time I meet him. Now and
then I don't know him, but he-al
ways comes up smiling, and I catch
on to tho new man -without much
difficulty. , . ,
" 'It's queer about whiskers, Baid
ho tho last timo I saw him. 'Don't
you knoW they change tho character
of the man?'
I didn't know it and said so.
" 'They do, however,' he continued,
' 'whether you know it or not. Now,
I have been hairy for 20 years nearly,
and in that time I have been all sorte
of men. For instance, when I wear
large, flowing side whiskers with a
mustache, I grow gradually as they
do. and become quite dignified and
self important I can't help it, you
know. Its "whiskers oblige," as we
say in French, and when I catch a
look at myself in a glass as I walk
along I unconsciously swell out and
strut. I'm bound to do it to match
those whiskers. Then, when I cut off
the mustache and run the side whis
kers alone, I never see that mouth
and chin back there but it makes me
feel pious, and I begin to assume the
demeanor of a minister of the gospel.
Can't help it, either, to save my life.
Sometimes I go smooth faced, and
my cmu-acter oscillates between
priest and actor, according to the
one of tho crowd I'm in. I even get
boyish sometimes and frisky when I
see my smooth, round face. ,
" 'Once, for the fun of it, I cut my
mustache a la prizefighter, short and
stubby, and, do you know, before' a
week I was a yoritablo tough, with
my hat cocked over my eye and my
general manner provoking a slug
ging match at every turn. I was
anxious for a fight all tho timo and
only saved myself by shaving. When
I wear a full, neatly trimmed beard,
I feel exactly like a banker or a suc
cessful professional man. and my
manners after a little while fall into
that rut, I look it, they tell me, and
I can't help but bo it. If I wear a
mustache alone, long and silky, I
feel like a gay Lothario, and want to
smilo at and ogle every woman I see,
I want to bo one of "the boys, too1,
and whoop it up all along the line.
When I add an imperinl to the mus
tache, I throw my" shoulders back,
brace my muscles and assume a mil
itary air. In ono or two of my towns
I am known as colonel, for I have
always worn my imperial while there.
" 'It I run my beard down to a
point in the French stylo, I feci quite
diplomatic, and can be as slick as the
politest of them. I feel my shoul
ders shrug on tho slightest provoca
tion, and to all intents and purposes
I am a foreigner. If I part my
whiskera in tho middle anabrish
them out to either side, 1 am a Ger
man nobleman or a British land
owner, according to my surround
ings. It gives mo a halo and hearty,
middle aged feeling that showB at
once in my manner. If tho whiskera
aro let grow very long, I feel liko a
patriarchal farmer and become quite
elderly and innocent in mydepoiV
raent And bo it goes through all
tho phases. . , ,
" 'I fancy that tho stylo of a man a
whiskers ia in consonance with, the
man's character, and that as a man is
so will hia whiskers be. In my case
I have reversed the operation, but I
feel as I grow older and become mora
settled that I ehall adopt one style of
whiskers and keep to that Even
now I am getting around to it and
have been wearing this close cut full
beard for almoat six months, and
I dot feel like changing it nTto-
A Trkh rf ttm,
y cvllUfifj tlirco etflfS of white, pa
per of 'tlio eutno longui oxnctiy, wnn
ntio f lliciTi lntlf ns u'ldu its tlio olh-
'fern, bn6& flit lirntcqttrJoknof'ojitlfMl
Illusion cnu no produced, If thoso of
the Btilno vldth tiro lnlil crosnwlsu,
tho narrow strip plnced In tlio editor,
It will invnrinbly Bi-ein iia If tho broad
trim woro oomtidornhly shorter than t
tho narrow ono Tho illufliou Ih en
hanced by laying tho cticn of paper I
on' A black surraco. ay placing tno
thrco strips In tho form of an Invert
od "N" nnd using tho narrow Htrip
for tho diagonal lino tho latter In
turn will uppcar much shorter than
tho othor two. To nn unpi noticed
oyo tho illubion will seem very re
markable indeed when it is demon
strated that all Ui6 strips hro of" tho
same length. St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
The Discovery of Purple.
A dog belonging to some Phoeni
cian fishermen 'was in tho habit of
feeding upon a species of mollusk
which tho sea occasionally cast upon
tho beach. It was noticed that tho
animal's mouth after such meals was
always died a rich purple, and by in
vestigation that color, which it is said.
tho moderns have never been able to
dmitate, whs obtained. Boston Her
ald. Curing; Horses' Fears of Thunder.
Dogs and horses' can be entirely
cured of "their fear of thunder by
being present at artillery practice.
Belioving they now know what pro
duces tho dreadful roar, they no long
er fear it. Popular Science Monthly.
A Stranger In the Land.
The refusal of tho house of commons
to adjourn over Derby day recalled it
story related of ond of thoKdman Cath
olic peers who took their seats s6mb four
or five years' before tho passage of 'the
first reform bill after tin (exclusion of a
century and a half. Ho gave notice that
on a certain day ho would make a cer
tain motion, whereupon there arose from
his noblo colleagues a general cry of
' 'Derby I" Tho astonished novicenamed
another day, only to be greeted with an
equally unanimous expostulation of
"Oaks!" At this ha explained that he
would have to ask the forgiveness of
their lordships, but having been educat
ed abroad ho was forced to acknowledge
that ho was not familiar with the list of
saints' days in the Anglican calendar.
San Francisco Argonaut.
Typevfrltlng by Wire.
The telotype, or electrical typewriter,
has been designed to meet tho require
ments of a rapid and reliable printing
telegraph instrument, which has long
been needed. This instrument is ma
nipulated very much in the sanio way as
a typewriter. The transmitter as well
as the receiver maltes a copy of the mes
sage, and tho liability of mistakes is
thus largely decreased. Tho instruments
work In unison, and it is impossible to
send a message from one machine unless
the corresponding machine at the end of
the distant line is properly receiving'.
The record is plainly printed on the strip
of moving paper in front of the opeWor.
The same instrument can send and re
ceive.' New York Telegram.
Dainty llaudlwork,
A marvelous curiosity Was a set of
1,600 ivory dishes which wero said. t6
have been purchasod By ono Shad from
the maker, Oswald Northingerns, and
exhibited beforo Pope Paul VI.' These
dainty turnings, though ixjrfent in evei-j
respect, were scarcely visible to the
naked eye and could bo easily inclosed
in a casket tho size of a peppercorn, A
Jesuit father, Ferrarius, fnado 25 wooden
cannon capable of being packed away
in the saine space. Boston tiommbh
wealth. TURF TOPJCS.
More green horses will bo in training
this season than ever before.
Ten of tho 20 horses which Dr. Dayl
took to Europe can beat 2dJ0.
Rupee, 2:11, pacing, has not yet sired
a pacer, all of his get being square trot
ters. Ono thousand nine hundred nnd forty
four horses started to make cup records
in 1892.
Tho Horse World saya that a brother
of Charles Marvin drives a hack in Kan
sas City.
Two of tho most noted farms in Ken
tucky aro now for sale Falrlawn and
Lucille Golddust, 2:10i, has the fastest
record of any inaro in the great brood
mare table.
Tlio Palo Alto stallions Racine, Flam
beau and Geoffrey will be put in train
ing this year.
Robert Bonner owns a full brother to
Majolica, 2:15, which ho will have
trained thi wowm.
A Noted Divine 8ay:
I havtf been alarVMttMl.lver VIII?
Tor Byspcpain. WcU Mtownca maa
'CoiUTCHess. wltt nblcV I JtvlB
Reed. 1 rcccKntweuUUtiri t iHh
'" Kv. 1?. U. UtiGUOO, New York.
O&lef, 140 to 141 WashlmrtBB Stt V. .
Tuft's Pills
Sooth OommercUl Ht, Elm.
All kind jTrn,Kand tmokeH 41U
r ' i ' ' f "
Tho Nervous 8y8tom tho 8ca'
of Life nnd Mind. Rccotlt
Wonderful Dlscovorlos.
No mystery Iiim ever rnmparcil with that o
human life ll Inn been tlio leading subloc
" notwithstanding this fact it f i not Kenuro
r5 .t .uftm
tllM til Sa
ot iWMuTa
WS-AJ s YvJ. m-ar thr b i
Sf.Ji fsq j,A ,
tem iiihi ever .
liXViil I
rnuso instant
Koccnt dlscovorlos have demonstrated that
llthboriransof tho body tire under tlit" con
y tire under
Br: loeatwi
trol of tlio1 nervo centers,' loeiltcd In tirneat
thn hnqu nt ttin hritln
nml tlim ulit'ii thfsonre I
doranpod tho ontnm wliiiMMliey mi.p'yj with
nerve iluld tiro also deruiird. WIium it Ig.jror
memoerea tnnt it acco H niiiiry io iiicspiiiai
cord will caiMo pimlyon of tho body below
the Injured point, becnuso the ncrvtf' force Is
prevented byitho Injury rrpm .TOhthlng tlic
paralyzed portion, It will bo understood now
the deranifomout or tlio ncrvo center will
cause the deraugemont of tho varlonsoocans
which thoy supply with nerve, force.
.Two-thirds of chronic diseases nre due to
tliQ imperfect action of tlio norvo cen'i at
tho base of tho brain, not from n iu mo
ment primarily originating- In the oris It
self. .Tho great mlstako of pltyslclt . In.
trcatln? theso diseases Is that thoy trett llu
oran rather than 'the horve centers Viilch
are tho causo of the trouble. . .
Dn. Khankmn Miles, the celebrated spe-i
clallst.hasprofoundly studied this subject far
o or 20 yean, and has mado maryr Importnnt
discoveries In conniictlori Wlthlt, clilofitrtiontt
them being the facts contained In thn'aKo
statement, and.that.theordln try methods of
treatment are wrong. 'AH llcaditehe.'dlutl
neis, dullness, confusion, pressure, bluq,
mania, molancholy, Insanity, epilepsy. St.
Vitus dance, etc., are tiorvous diseases no
matter how caused. The wonderful
Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine Is due to the
fact that It Is based on thtiforcgolng nrlnlpl.
Dn. Miles' Kestorativk NEnviNBissoldby
all drugglstsun trposlttvo guarantee, or.tent
direct by Dn. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart.
bottles for 45. express prepaid. It coal
mu , on receipt oi price, w. iwr.uuuic, i
"cither opiates nor dangerous qjrusK
tfold "by D. J. Fry, druggist. 8ajem
J. H. HAAS.;
2iH Commrtll St., - caUm, Ortos.
(Next door o K eln's.)
sjpeolaltyot Bpectaoloii, id repalrlna CJoolcs
Prices Current by Telegraph Locl
'and Portland Qubtfttjioas,,
Salkm, July 25, 4 p. rn. Office
tloua fpr day and up to hqur,' of gpbjg U
press were as follews:
Peas 8 cents a gallon.
Raspberries red and, blofik 4 to.5 ct?.
Ulierrlea-5 to ,8 qta a It?. OonJUquj
Veals dressed 41 cl.
Hogs-dressed CJ to B.
Live cattle 2 to 2J
Bbeep alive $1.50 to 12.00.
Spring lambs,-$1.60 to $2 00.
MILl. PH'fJbS,
8aletn Milling Uo. quetes: Flmn
in wholesale lots $3.20. Retail $3.6(1
Brail $17 bulk, $18 suckeJ. BhdrU '$lb
and $20. Chop feed $19 nnd $20.1
64 cents.
Oats 40 to 45 cent,".
Hav Baled,' new $Sto$12j old $10 U ,
$14 "WJld iff bulk, $0 16 $8. .
Barley No demand except for feed.
50 cents.
Wool Best, 10a.
Hops Binail sale, 151 to 17c.
Ezgs Cash, 18 cents.
BU iter Best dairy, 25; faqejf
dreamery, 80.
Cheese 12 to 16 cts.
Farm smoKed meats Bacon 12;
hams, 13; phpuUlers, 10.
Polatoes new. B0c.
nnlnnB 1 tn 1 Renin. .
Beeswalx 34q. Caraway .peed,
Atilae BWd, 20(. Ginserig, $1.40.,
nines .ANp'Kyrfl
Green, 2 clu; dry, 4 cts; ebeep pelta.
76 eta (o $1.25., No quotations on fur.
Ohickena-7 tp loctsj boi;era WM.
ducks, 12' turkeys, slow sale, cl?o,h
10 ctsj'geese slpw.
Oroin, Fecit, etc
Flour-fltaudurd, $340jWall Walla.
$3.40; graham, $3.00; ,suberflue, $2.60
per barrel. ...
Oats VVhlte,45o per bushel, grey, 42c;
$0O0.76; caBea. $3.75,
Hy Best. $1617 pr tonjeommpn,
ool valley. 10 to 12o.
MlllstuOs Bran, $17.00; shorts, $21
ground barley, $26&24 chop feetl. fit
Mr-ton: whole feed, barley, 8Q85 w
cental; middling, $23v28 pr(ou: brew
inirbkrlevi 00ffi05o vat cental: chickeE
wheat. $1.22Jfel4 percental.
Hops-10 to 17jc.
Ilutter-OivKon fancy creai
25c: fancy dalryi 17J20o
1515ct common, 12jo per
- m mT - 111. -. vv k. I I
Cneese Oregon, 12J; Eastern
twins, 16o; Young American, 16o per,
perpoand; California flats, 14c
Eggs-Oregon, 18o per dtnwn.
Poultty-Clilckens,old,$6.00; broilers,
large, $2 0023.0u; duebs, old, $4.60i
fc00; youngT f2 604.00; geese, IftOO
turlieyp, live, 12Jo; dtetwed, 16c, per .
Woel: Oregon Extern choloe, 12
15c: dp Inferior, llc; do valley, .14
Pf?utow-ew E-rly Jtote, 60c80;
60 00 per cental.
,i.rz unil itfi mr rs-ntal.
Onldns 7685o per cental for fed.
and fl,00l au for sllversklos,
Brly-TFeeJ,609U S2Jq per cnl
for good quality and WJo for cno0e;
brewltiK, 90l.p0 ptr captal.
Oat-MHlluj,$f.45l 62; fucyeel
t.45J.62h gciod tocuoloe.:),3l:45:
comar6td!Wr'.l.101.25i gray.-fUO
f J 1 T X.
W j,ra
k W
. JOtTJ.ilA.lj. MONDAY, JtTZf?94,
1 T.i' nifl lii ll Jlt tifciiii'iinli ( i VfailA.iiji1 ' 1 &
8UrfltBto..ny,UH'rowaa nr genera?
or concerted plan of street or house-td
(houso decoration nt tlio World's fftlr'
ownlriR. I expoctca to iimiuiicnsoont
blnto of color ntid ft Voritahlo gtrdei
of ilowerl I, whfr havd Men with in
own eVes and 'dhMjHbed with toy owl
pen tlio entrnnco oi Atexanura oi uen
nlnrk Into London i.ths lhy before b1
t mpnMl tc, nun Bns Ish l'nnoo t
"" W'JW "" '"H""" '""W"
lWaIc a co. of, beauty nnd trtlstlt
c"cct a" "l0 W,V lro:" wnvescnw w
wiurtflor whlcu J wwj,inouiw never ueen
,n r,,, u.uMtiooiiM lov in tlio loni
history ot English mrMuU: 1. vho
.1 .1 .ttT -lit IllhUtvnhil 4!iVl ilnv
'ou"'ijlwhen hU roJfll'WBhneHS'thb -Prihca ol
rajM just recovered from hla -nimo
fatal illncM. went in tho carriogo of- th
quecntotVnnUQodtln St. Paul's cntta
dral fpr his. infinite, mtrdos; 1, who, out
side the nbbey chhrch of Wcstinhistei
on tho tiny of days rt tne jubilee year
saw a alghtand a pageant which ndatng
scend I have cter witnessed had "ever snr
passed that spWmdld Jarid 'tritnatMhi
procession ofesnpretB-qHeen-tBad 'Wag
and ciara asdlenrQr8jiwHhtheiag-
ninceflttwHite,unifojTOod EtlJ.off4e
many, iuo,gsirvfc,""F - iuuuhihht
alloled show-rvell, jierhansl was a)it$e
too critical and skeptical In tho matter
of decoration and pageantry. U'ut tin
that -wild'-May morning when I 'drove
out'toJaokso&npark in Chicago it'was
,pretty:plateito,imft that no-1 decora tiv
citizen dcpratd in his ovn way,. and
tho way was. to fling xrat the-American
banner from the- first floor window or to
exhibit tho stars and stripes in tho busi
riess shop front. I candidly own that 1
llkd this" independent stylo of 'decoratibn,
Clement Sdottln London Telegraph.
A. Young XVuiftn'tiDrve Act.
Genuine ielf forgetfulnoss -In a goner
ous action is always admirable. An an
ecdoto of sjiph ( deed, mtiquo in its wayl
has re;enj.y been told. A gentleman
wh9so veracity cannot bo impeached re
lates the incident. Nearly all Austral
llan snakes ro venomous. Some authori
ties ovn go o if ar as to declare theri
aro no nonvenomous snakes on the great
A young lady of high social position
whoso homaJa at Brisbane was walking
in tho garden ono day when she saw a
laborer employed on her father's grounds
just ahead of her. When within a few
feot of tho man, she was horrified t& see
a small but exceedingly venomous snake
dartits ugly length from a bush whicji
the iellow was passing and fix its fangs
In his.pnxo arm.
Theypupgjajdy, uttered a cry of alarm,
ran forward and hit tho reptile a stun
ning blgw with her parasol handle, and V
then, without a moment's delay, prof f
duced hertionlcnlfe, ojiene4 it ana cut a
cross on the arm through the wound
mado bv the snako's fangs. She next
.applied her Ji pa to tho wound and sucked
out tho PWPn.
The man was but a laborer, and his
arm was n,pt overclean, but, tho noblfe
pniiTur wnmnn did not ston to think OI
that. Sho know what to dp, and wlthj-
out squeamisnness sno am is ana savea
the man's life.
"Tho heroine of this incident' is now
my wif e," Qonoluded tho i narrator, "and
it was tho story of her bravery which
first attracted my attention to her."-r
Youth's Companion,
MemuromenU of School Children.
Stiperintendent Powell- of tho Wnsh
ington public schools and Dr. Harris1 tj
the bureau of education' wish tofind by
actual experience twhetherior not -tketi
canjja. eatahlishodjaaycertaiBftrelatkni
beweenitbe physical and meptaldevelj
opmentpffthe.childrjon 4n th8.variou
grades, and fpr this purpose there will
be taken a series of measurements of
about 20,000 of tho school children, urn
der the supervision of the director '"of
physical training,
Miss Stoneroad, tbo te&cher, has mad
a study ,pf the systems of physical! tneasj
uroment in use. in tho gymnasiums and
Hchools throughout tho United States
und Germany, besidos having dono a
good deal of experimental work in the
same line, und the results of her oxperM
ments will be embodied in 'tho series of
measurements to be taken in tho public
schools of Washington, which will 'fan
elude the height, weight, cheat measures
ment and I0'"6 cranial measurements
besides a series of experiments as tp
nervpua sensibility. Theso last consist
principally In ascertaining at what dial
tance apart tho child is able' to aistihJ
guish between toe points oi a 'pair oi
calipers touching the- wrists. Th rw
sujtsln this experiment aro Interesting
soma of tho. subjects being-' able to dis4
tlngulsh between pojnts a very small
fraction pf, an inch apart, whilp others;
require a dlntanpB of more .than, two
inches beforo they can tell without look-'
ing whether one point or two is touch'
ing their wrist. Washington Post.
Thinking pCKr Thto Buctr
What L would like .would boa devke
to helr me to forget things. If a wan
could alwolutely forget all about bis1
busineiyt w)en he locks the office door at
night, his hair would not grow gray
'nearly so soon. The secret of the con
tinued activity oi socti men as unauncey
Depew and Mr. -Gladstone, who always
seem ablatta talk about everything ad
anything at a minute's notice; and who
have forgotten what it is to be tired, is
their ability to forget everything except
the one subject on hand. The little
school child rhyme about "one thing at a
time and that done well" applies to men
tal as wellas physical labor.
No xeasonahle maa ever attempts to
do two physical acts at one tlras, bcit
nearly everybody t to tula oi sav
ers! things avonce.
If some philosopher
would arise 04, tell us how to school
the brain the aawe-siwe rt-gulat ta
muscles of our,kuds and legs, be wosW
prove a benefactor to kk race and ba Uta
means of causg a If e autabur U va
cancies in intana, asyknwa and Domas ror
people who aro calted weakmladed. bat
-T l.iiiwii.-u. d..1,
rtn vi at r. huh iiiimi bbe asama an va rm aiv-A aar
9r-UK, LaaW GJoW-Dwaawat
iiuu. . 1m rim; fr
BAWD 'ntAPb!
What Is the condition f yours? Is your fattr dry
fersri. brittle? Does It setit at the ends? lias K a
Mfcfeslf aearatte?.
brushed? Is it fun of danortmy uoe your scaip nenr
Is M 4ry er Ih a treated condition ? If tfiene are some ef
yew nyWptotBSbe warned In time oryou wIW become fcW.
SkookuniRoof Hair Grower
K-WlrMi iiiH. hi iJWnotbm U not an aeldi bjl lha imH f ctaattfla '
of bow to lrtt tbem. , "BVorkw
Sot a Dr. but dslijti trolly ooolli
VoUlolM, tlept jWing Mtr.
a . 'a .k Ja
mi AmMt
MM, rrolpt oi pric.
lit ciaiQ
.f inri w bi rvu i-rkiAiin iirvi haiu riunwuu rfi
! TB4We . nlniklM AfHIli Kw Tfk. f.T. . . ..,
4 UvrSik -U'i. -njiTtjiWHrrtBRfin '
Have yon abused the laa of nature and Injured ypur ncrrgus system?'despoBdent and melancholy with cdnf used Ideas and gjoomy thopghts ?
"ESPANO" wllliposltlveli' euro you. It contains no mineralpojson,s and
is romarkabk for awakening organic 'action throughout the system
. l i tt nnvinM Viifr mimrlftfl. bones, nervesi hair.
nails, sklnk blood hnd gives vigiroUs'llfold tlio unfortunate who hashauscd .
his pdwersj Propared in tablet form and pacKoa in doxcs convenient, w cw.
in tho pocket.- Each box contains 00 doses or enough to last one month andls
worth many times its weight in gold. Tho price $1.00 per box or GJjoesfor
15.00 if ordered at one time and a guarantee will be given that any ease, mop
tloned above that it does not dure, tho money wJH bo refunded. As to our
financial standing we refer to any bank in this city. Bent charges prepaid to
any address in Unlfed Htatea dr ganada. Pit up In plajn wrapper wjth no
mark todistlngulBh what' It is. Bend for circulars and tcatimouwls. Address,
1 Skeleton Street
An WjIo BraitfattdUervJ Sheelallst can at any time be confidentially
consUlledr!eHtlreljr' frae'ef eharfe, personally or by mall, at the above
t: j. khes's.
Natural Wood Finishing;
Oor, aotli and bhemeketa Street1,
G6o. FeHdridh, v
Best-weM aafrM'deilverr.
13d Mate Street.
!! . r
East and: South
Of thl
Southern'' Pacific Company.
eiurouHiA KxrBisss tuaiw bum dailt db
twckk foxutiiiXvD B.r,
IM p. m.
8-.1S p. m.
8:15 a.m.
Ban Krsn.
7M. Ui
"Above trains auipoaly tlpllowlnK nUlioum
north of Boaeliarg;Kat Portland Orjon City,
Woodburn, Halem. Albany Tancvnt. 8tidd,
HaUey, HarrUburj, JunctlouClty.lrvIng and
wm a. in.
. IL.V.
Ar. I t-o t. uu
iiV. I 1:W p. m.
I.v. 7.-00 a. w
1117 a. ml
LjiO p.. ATf
Vitauy Loeal, Dally
kzxotpl uuuilay,
7Jtl p.m.
fcflO p.m
HlMlag ra h tJgdeti Kntc
Second Class SteeptttgCars-
Attached to All through trains.
ftiiSifc KtWh, Btiweei FtkJ
iti Cmaii:
jAii.v(Bzcarr swday).
i-jij h. ui. n.v,
KAJ y, UI.
ms p. m.
' 1'tW p. m. I Ar,
it Athi.nv .nil (iDrvallla connect wuo
trains of Orwroo limlflo Railroad.
tkM fMMTMAlH-'-IUlt. KtiayTt'lUA
t.iu n. ia. I IjV, rontawu at.
TiSpinT.lAr; McMlnsvllls Ev.
Toaii points la the "w.?4
aad Karot can pblal4 at wwjai raw
km ,
W. w.
w w-i t !!..'!)
pees H fall out vM cofntreCer !
nseoMrani'coiiiini noitorniinrjsnoroii. is
lln nd rfrthif Ttmla. UtHlmulJ
CMT99 oananur una grxns$ Aair vn pais ,
hMtttir ' tovm lrHUtlni frapttoftt by
Qenroja jwnwww nvpit wnwr i
luf if 7U4 r nn uinmi ww S ana """"
&kij aam J ifuai a mmM a m ittft inBia n
orowsr, uh psr cotu (or K.W
Soap, Me.
Uj, KJr-s jA
" 'ES
jiul 0,
This -wonderful preparation .Is Purely
from the prescription of tho Official Phyelcian totho Court of Spain,
spano " recreates Montal and Nerve Power infcan and Woman.
An irlfalliblo feme'dy for Nervotf Js nnd General Debility,
NdrVouso'sfration, Creepiijgr'oralysis, Weakness caused
by1 Debllltatinglosses, BxdeSses ordver-Indnlgences, In
cipient Softening of tbel3raln orTaresls, Diincs, i;oss of
Memory, fcynsedThougnUand all Brain Nerve or B&xxud
W'eaknesses. It has no equal in restoring tho Stomach and Brain
io'its'nbr'mal' Condition following tlio nbuso of Alcoholic Bovcrages,
dulgbnco ih Ih'o Opium, Morphino or
J. E. MllllPHY.
Sciieen Doors
Mbrfy & WInstaHley.
fikop 61 Htale street.
-Brick and1
Talce Itj
Mesf Market,
20S.Qotameroll Street.
Good uinata, Prompt delivery.
Only 3 eeats a day 'delivered at
your door.
Iklvid HcKillep,
Steal' Wood Saw
LAVt order at Balem Im
provemtnt Co., 96 Bute ttrott.
State Street, - - Salem
3 A.O.U. W.-
Heeu in vtieir
hall In Htats.lntuiance
lulldlnff, every Wednw day eyeniiit.
J, A. BELWOOD, Recorder,
OncaaV'tertniand'ohtap. A ?0 acre orchard
on Bunny Hide No. one. amlleaaouth
of Baieui,
tSMt-dw JOHN 11 ART.
ironv U, V. Dock St t o'clock a. in. e?rry Wed.
eaoay ana rwiuraay.
tmml'harvmtrat dockat foot ol WaabllZton
treet erery Hnnday andllmnnlay.
for Albany every Monday and Tuendoy, re
taming wine darrt.
fonoeruln frefsbt and pannr 'a,',l
call on thaasent, AIj HKItltKN.
gle, $2.50 te $5.00 r Iky
Tbe beet hotel between Portland and Han
rrancUco. Pirftrlaat In all 1U appointments.
1U tables are served with th
Choicest Fruit?
Grown in th WUUroetU Valley,
A. I. WAGNER. Pron.
Meat Market.
Prsehand Halt meats of thej bejtua'lty.
italtry and stock. yr delivery.
Steamer Elwood.
Electric Lights
On Mclcv System t
O ( ON8UME11H :
Hi i-nt Lliht iH foiiof (1)mpriy t
p n n liftve tqillppl tholr Kiettrm
eti nun i with then t modi rp itirntu
4b j r it w t),4 ( rll'i- thtt tiubl nit b-tr
hi tlim mi y sT.tfiu and at n rata lowor
'mu uli) 'lit un jlietBAs'.
Xvi- ntid IntniidcHCCUt I ljtit
Im;. ! !cdiIc Siotorn for nil
purtJohCh nlioro frowcr 1b re
qui cil.
11 MJenTsrttn be wired for as many light
is Uw.rtil mic tho cunsumrra liy lor utdy
tsksiitc uted. This boing regiKterca
irtjXter. OOlco
179 Commercial St,
jy a . t
Vegetable : compounded
Chloral habit
nnd handles.
. O. Bloolc
The Upholsterer,
Remodels, recovers and rewtlni
nithoUUred rurnlture. FlrtU
cUm work. Chemeketa street,
Htato iDJurance bloolc.
Tv'AnoV 4 BINGHAM, Attorneys at Iw.
1) ltoomtl. 2 and 8. P'Arcy Buildnis. Hi
State mreet. Special attention given to bojl
neM In the aupremo and circuit coarU of ths
late. U
Rl. U0I3K. Attornty at Uw. Halem,
. on. onlce iff Uommerolal atrect.
Halem, Or
KOItb, Attorney at law, Salem,
Oregon. OlUoe up italra la rauoa uiorK,
HJ, IllQUKlt, AltoineyatUwaleru.Ore.
, Bon. O'llceovor Hugh's bank.
. Attorney at taw. OMre over Capital
atlonal bank, Halem, Oregon.
JOHN A. OAltiON, Attorney atlaw.rooms
S and 1, Uh bank bu'ldlns, Baity , Or,
DON HAM & HOIiMKsl, Attorneys at law.
13 oniooln limb block, between Stataaaa
t ourt, on Onmtnerclal ktreet,
J. VQQUK, Htvnogmpber 8,TJ:
u.vlla UmI ftntllitnAri IvnAwrrlttlu of.
co but one in Oregon. Over Noah's bank,
HHKUMAN Typotvritlnir aa
oomraerclal aleuography, room 11, Gray
yrt-clani work, riaies reasoDaui.
DK A. OAVW.Lata I'nat Graduate of New
York.KlveaaptcUlalieutloato tbe dla.
ease of women and children, bom, tliroal,
lungu, ktdneya, akin dlwaaes and aurtwry.
Offlca at rtnldenoe, lot state atroeC Oonu"U
tlon from to 3 r m and'JtnJp m. 7-l-wa
W "" i.ilvmniAH INniimOKOS.
OHlc Hlo rommerrlal streaMa KMridse btoek.
llnldence 17o Commercial irt.
G o. intovyNK. M.
D. I'byttelaa aad aa
rpsy moo j
4SH. I nmiitrclAl nt'ooti
ii n- 11 uufrir. liiitit. M
12 t.1 . a jp j jn jm -- a - rM m ah.
r L -I 1 "
A Rl aTa " ::
- - w
w0 ,
i .
Saiem. ureson. inu. hiw . m mi
on of every deecrlptlOB, liunwa afi
tloni a peclal
ur n. iMTdll. Architect. HUM.
W linn, atlil KiirtfrtntAttAeJM
cui'fe ol building. OtMce iaW OewmeeeM
street, up atalra.
Deutscher Advocat
AdMlttftd to jwaell l tM tk t
Hfeeta aMeatiM lva to Oarwa Maatt
ids rijr"
VtaWjaafaP & tjHI MMW8p
m ! m
i.rt.V Wafc.A AltitA.