T - W 5 Tt ." r., - Vi5MJNl uAl'I'PAts (lOUitKALf MOKDAY, JtXiTf U4, IbtfB. I .m 2gMLLJ')Mlu!jMll UHL 'L MtmmG&mmmmimmjytip mm B UK !,; ffi ii mi hip. wm, JODRKIL runuiHttr.it hah.y. hxoispt nwwnr. nr tit Capital Journal Publishing Company. itOfflt Own fMJ . IIOfER BROTHERS, UUtt. -. WMkfv.l MfM. tser tear... ... ' FEOM AUMSV1LLE. Tbl clijr i udumIIjt juW, bot tlw financial crista bat not .true It. Tbe batiks are all open, aud ibcm who bare plenty of mean are tint cramped for luo(tyy,y Tbe f'slonoftbe present floaodal CTli'ls h fweu thoroughly In esilgalevl by our citizen, aud several of litem know tbe r-xacl caoee, bat uow of tbem are o plain f n tbelr rea aons, as" o'ur worthy Macktmitb, aDd bla reclpo Is hIwi plainly stated, tIi: Free coinage of fllveffrte-liide, gar ernment coot Vol of railroads and tbt" telgrapb, government loans of money to farmers on tbelr land and produce st 2 per cent, loterest, lo fact a general turn over of tbe affair of tbe country. Everything I wrong at present. 'Gold bogs" rule tbe country, and be wind up by Baying: "What we want is more money." Now, llr. .Editor, you can't deny thai. Would not a few thousand divided between you and I, be a good thing lor u, why not for other? lam srry to confess that 1 don't know how this can be done, bat I hope our worthy blacksmith may succeed in influencing tbe government and the "gold bug" to "whack" up, but I am awfully afraid that we will have to earn all the raeeey that we ever get. A fsw weeks .;? Mr. JE&iycaxd struck aa he Xhoagbt, a. guni ttlnj, and bo confident was be " faaztdale wealth that be wasted to give away bla old clothes, tot I goem tbe "crisis" has struck hftn, Car be still needs them bim telC Mr. Cole has stocked up in binding twice, and he allows no village like 6a-. leaa to undersell him. Miss Dell 8m! th bad a narrow ecape from being badly bnrt, and nothing but her great presence of mind saved her. Tbo horse before a buggy in which she was riding became frighten ed and at tbe first jump broke the ton gue, she asked her companion what she should do. He said jump, she carefully dreW her skirts around her and jumped from tbe swiftly going buggy without receiving any Injury, her companion also got out safely, but tbe buggy was smashed to pieces. The harvest machines have started, and in a few days will be in full blast Several of our people have gone to Chicago, among them Sirs. E. J. Wil llama. We shall miss her very much, we wish her a pleasant time and a safe return. DOWN GO THE RATES! The Union Pacific now leads with re doced rates to eastern points, and their through car arrangements, mairnlfio ently equipped Pullman and Tourist sleepers, free reclining chair car and fast time, make it tbe best time to trav el. Two trains leave from I'ortlana dally at 8:45 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. The rates are now within reach of all. and everybody should take advantage of them to visit me world's fair ana tneir friends In tbe east Bend for rates and schedules of trains, and do not purchase tickets until after conMiltlng Boise 4 Barker, agents, Balem, Or. W. II. Hcrlbuiit, Ass't Gcn'l Rma. Ageut, U. P., Portland, Or. "We always fry our5 ip Cottoleije." Our Meat, Fish, Oysters, Saratoga Chips, Eggs, Doughnuts, Vegetables, etc. Like most other people, our folks formerly used lard forall such purposes. When it disagreed with any of the family (which it often did,) we said it was " too rich." Wc finally tried COTTOLENE and not one of us has had an attack of "richness" since- We further found tiiat, unlike lard, Cottolcne had .no unpleasant r odor when cooking, jtind Jastly Mauler's favorite and con? servatiye cooking authority came out and gave it a big recommendation which clinched the matter. So that's' why wtf always fry 1 11. ... i- pure in Cottoleac. Sold by all grocers. ST. LOUIS and CMICAftO. NEW YOU. 9TON. u Tiii 11 Bgf- CONSTIPATION U CftIM tin "Fnlhcr f Dig." It li cam Hi bf ft Torpid Mrer and ligenerallr wxywnjwnlwlwHh loss of appetite, sick headache, BAD SHEATH, Be. To ireal constipation aaccwrfniiy TadaCSS It is a jnifsflsStf Trjibcta. tonic to lie aig0f0T taking Bimmon3 iaTeTRe5atoiuyoa promote digestion, firing ozaPreg nlar habit o body and prevent Biliousness and Indigestion. "Mrnle nt KrrJr fixnnrf rirh Ceotija tfea aarf cost&ug. fctWrf wak ISeedizg FUrs. After foer Beetas aw of Saaoeaa lira Regslstor ie abaatt manly rdlertd, puiwnnstA lad fcV." W. B. Lcanca, Ddsvarv, (&& I ban bmxI SxtBCat Lhrar Rrsluof-far Cccs&puxa oT B7 Borl. caasel by lesrpcnrf dcrafnsxst cli Um, sd atnjt wtth 1 cuicd btorft.- Huunc Wuni, Utt CLiU HOPS AITD 0EOPS- LAKE COUSTY. Ecoexe, July 25. Tbe hops are com leg on nicely and tbe lice are not num erous eno gb to came any alarm yet; some yards are being sprayed but gen- etally not. Nothing has happeued-in tbe market here, there still remain over 400 bales of 9Za in Eugene. XSTTOBK. Accounts from K. y. stale are en ooaratdnir tbey will not have tbe quan tity they did last year but under pres ent conditions tbe quality will be fine, the market there Is sllnlnc l torn me old crop and 20 cents is being offered for S3 bops and a good many are being contracted at that figure. IK WASHIOTOS. Puyallup Citizen: Offers are freely made to contract the coming crop at IS cents. No hops shipped this week. About 40 bales etored but uncertain when thej will be shipped. But two-thirda of a crop can be rea sonably expected in this state from tbe present outlook. Lice cut but Utile figure. Spraying is being generally done. It has been noticed that lice do not multiply on or nBmental ylnes that have not been sprayed and that in many instances they have disappeared. Some of tbo yards are so far backward that tbey caunot catch up, but In most of them tbe bot weather has developed long arms, and tbe vines are in blos som. In yards where the soil Is apt to bake tbe want of rain is visible, as the vines are slightly yellowing. IN NhW YORK. Tbe Otsego Republican says. JLast year's boivs In hands of grower materially lessening every week. Since last report dealers of UiIb village report purchases of C72 bales at 17) to 21i Yards looking well, generally, and Ju dications are that crop will be fair, and If nothing unforeseen B3ta in to damage It, there will be a floe quality. Several dealers In tbe couuty have been trying to contract new crops al twenty cents,, and in a few Instances a little better, but so far we have heard of only one sale, and that Jalho Oliver Wood lot luMlddleueld. Joseph R. Dickenson returned yes terday to Turner to look after bla hop farm. He has Just returned from a trip through Washlugton and reports tbe hop fields In excellent condition, there being but a few lice as yet. Summer Weakness And that tired feeling, loss of apnetlU' and nervous prostration are driven away by Hood's Sarnanartlla. like mini before the morhinghun. To reahza tbe beuetlt of this great medicine, give ft' a trial ana you wiiijoiutneariny or en thuMastic admirers of Hood' Bursa fi arllla. Mum -t1IMonf enai'-TTruvfa Pill. TdJi. should lie In every traveller's crip and every family medlclue chest. :&) a box. Before Going to the WwJd'a Talr Enquire About The Limited Espresa trains of the Chi cago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Railway between St. Paul and Chicago and Omaha aud Chicago. Tiiese trams are vestluuled. electric lluhted aud steam heated, with the tlu. est 1)1 11 lug and Sleeping Car Service lu 1 110 woriu, The Electrlo readlug light tn each berth la the successful novelty of this nroumalve aire, and is hlnlil v annivclat- el by all regular patrous of this Hue. e wish otiiera to Know its merlin. a the Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul Hall way Is the nuly line In the wwt enjoy ing the exclusive use of this latent, for runner Information apply la uearest coupon ticket agent, or addres C J. honv, Ueueral Agent, j. w. UA8UY, 1 rav. rasa. Aut. 225 Stark St., Portland, Or.p tf MONEY TO LOAN On Improved Ural KiUU, tn amounlt and Umsloiutt, HoiteUr la ront(Jertajf louu. . FEAR & FORD, Boom U. Both Hank bloek. SIM 3 Vf rnrMMf. a tmitttl f Ixtfl- rUti ftiffi tttrweA Miunu. TH 4MnWki! Ml ft) Mi4kw hk MKf, a r i'JMigfr. "in m prow Wrtfio Awt wfc kmiwn Mawip writer that i(Slh tJlectka wan gro- bltio It woW bo WortB H.ww.wo, fhn (irtvtAe retirrMtit 'VWVkoWn tamp atnl were tmtfb hi oMevii'tOB WnlfiH iir. riuner psBtaaurea'uanrnj his 83 yeare' experionco m a collector To collect the 70.000 forged stamps tooV almost 80 yearn. To make wall paper out or ttietn Kept tour pairs w band busy tor thretfrnontlia. They are pasted upon canraa. so mat in order to retnore the stamps it will not be necessary to remove the bouV tog. Paste, not gmn, has been used, of gum discolors stamps. Having been fastened to the canvas, tho stamp were treated-to a coat of shellac and were then Tarnished. In tho "Cham ber of PbUatelical Horrors," as Mr. Palmer calls it is a flat topped deck. Instead of leather, tho top fa inlaid with poetago stamps. These are gen uine, and they number 1,440. Near the desk stands a screen. It is about 5 feet high and 0-feet long. Both sides are covered with stamps. The most valuable among the lorgenesjs a Brattleboro, an American stamp of th face value 01 a cents, u it were cennine it would bo worth ?1.250. A genuine, Brattleboro was sold by Mr. Palmer lor that amount. .ran aiau Budget. Squire Abingdon's Good Deed. Some years ago a letter was hand ed to Mr. Baird written by the wife of a former Inenu. intniatne iauy informed him that her husband was dangerously ill in Paris, and that they had unfortunately reached the end of their resources. Under these circumstances she ventured to ask for assistance. 'Without a moment's hesitation Mr. Baird summoned the most eminent physician of the day, and having stated the drcumstancea he handed hi a blank check, with orders to proceed forthwith to Paris, and at whatever cost to bring"the in valid man back to England com pletely cured. His orders were carried out to the letter, and three weeks later his friend returned to London accompa nied by the doctor, snatched literally from the grave by Abingdon Baird's millions, and, what is immeasurably more creditable, by Abingdon Baird's generous impulse and genuine kind heartedness. After this let the over righteous stop their cackling criti cisms concerning tho poor lad who, Tvhilo he befriended many, was his own worst enemy. London Truth. The F&ithfnlnei or Doc. The historic dogs of Franco were no time servers. They took little heed of reverse of fortune or change of dynasty, well content if allowed to attend their owners in prison or palace, to the throne or the scaffold. Lord Bacon says, "Take an example of a dog and mark what a generosity and courage he will put on when ho finds himself maintained by a man who to him is in the stead of a god." A dog has no wish to command. 'Ich then' is their motto, and more willing, easily remunerated servants it is impossible to find. Their fidelity is proverbial; their constancy is not to be bought. If there is a life be yond this for them as well as their masters, they will not only love them "to tho death" here, but "out beyond into the dream to -come," Art Journal. Sudtrlch Island Print. It is said that tho Kahunas were wild and weird in their methods, their gesticulations and howling when an extra healthy victim did not take kindly to tho scheme of pray ing him into tho grave being some thing terrible Co witness and hear. Tho most recent victim of frenzy and fanaticism on the part of tho Kahuna isonoin connection with a double murder on tho island of Lanal about a year ago- One of them was fairly clubbed to deatli by an aged beldame, the other being burned alive in a building. So great was the influence, of tho hag that thejterrified Kanakas who witnessed her acts were afraid to interfere to save tho lives of tho vic tims. Honolulu Cor. Chicago Trib une. Two Vlw or City Lire. Suburban Visitor should think you'd die hero in tho city. There's absolutely nothing to see but bricks and mortar. 8Out of town, now, there's Buch a lovely view that onoV never lonesome City Friend Ah I but you cannot imagine how blissful it is to sit here and tlunk, as tho electrics go by, that you aro far above tho reach of their grinding wheels. Boston Transcript. rutie In Winter. Unless thoy aro disturbed I doubt if sonio of tho hllwrnating fishes inovo so much 'as a fin during tho winter, A frog will remain for four months, looking apparently into tho heavens with wide opened eyes, with out onco moving them or any other portion of his body. Crar Animal Friends. Ah Inseuuou EktUrOOVrlus. Alittlo child laboriously nreuaml an Easter gift for her saintly grand mother. It was a cardboard motto selected by herself and bore tho words in scarlet worsted. "Oo ami Hood' Cu foe f -3imWlP 2tr. T. A. Whrelrr f DUriner the War ;? 2 wt Uktaal with iptaaf ditcase and rota staUim. Wsen I cam betse 107 trouU a sua with me, sod 1 m eeoS&fd to my bed, acable to help arrwU, er 33 moaUu. JLnerUU&oereq bottle oj Hoofs 8rsa p&ruU I wu well, bar cot txea troubled with my old eonptxtnU. tr wUe was In til health. tuSnlnx wtth headache, dlulnesi sad dyspepsia Shs took two bottles of Hood's Sarsapariila sad feels like' irmti." J. A. V urr.tr tu 1900 IHrtslon St- Baltimore. H2d' PHtS l emlrvret prompUT sad-eocienUj', oa tho llrer and bowels, WoRi,Dfi Fair, Chicago. MOTEL OthBMt Arsat tad Sth Etrwt. m nxeprooli Ml moet: near Fetr Orauniii bull on trtrr ttoor. - ' wA ITn - iei 11 lilint mHVRi&rwsiEsgzr"' -SHERIFF'S SALE. XTOTICE 1 hereby trlven that br litne ol XS an eaecpUon Unix luued oat of tbeClr ..ait Conn ol ice Stale ol Oregon for tbe Conn. iy oriianon ana tome directed onuioraiu darcf Judc, 1S9J. upon a Judgment duly en n.lled ana docketed In the clerks omesof tald Circuit CrmrVonlbBrjtn day or June .Wilna cert-in ull whcrln The J 003 Peel Co.. cor poraiion was puiotirr and wsi. lienderanut waa defendant in fvoror plalntinandfcelDsi Jtfeodant by whlen eaecafon I am coaj- maoded taat oat or the Deraonal Drocxrtrol aid defendantor ITsamcient cannot be found then ont ol the real property ol aald deiend- jniimtaia coaniy on or alter tne 22a aay oi Mat 1KB, toeatUiy thesamol fbrty-tbreeand s5-100 oolUra dne on aald ludrment. with In terest thereon, at tbe rate of 8 per cent, per annum, iroxu w zza oaj ui jiitjr ,csuu MU and ezpensea ol raid execution. I nave levied njon and will on Satnrday, tbe 2Gtb dar of Aopisl, 1893, t the hour of lo'cioct p. m of said day, a1 ...a ..M. w mf . k .. .......t.. .in .. hrR ,,. ,4jW !, UUU , UB VUlitJ wl. w, ,u -kalem, Marlon county, Oregon, sell at public luctloa to .he higoit bidder for ca-h In band, ju tbe day of sale, all the right, title, lutrrest. ana estate wiuco saia aeieuaaai, win. uen denbot had on or after tbe 13d day of May, A. 1L. ism. In or to tbe fnUowlne described real property, to-wiu AU tbe following; bounded and described real property, situated lu the coaniy of Marion and state ol Oregon, .ill of lets one (I ) two (O, tnree (3; and fear U) in section twenty-one ruj a lowrsnip ioui l.) soalh of range one II) west nf tbe WUla mtte meridian conlalni cSKJIOO acres roort or leu. together wltbailandslacularthe tene ments, ncreaiuraeuis ana uppnnenantw tbereanto, belonging or in anywise appertaln- ' Dated at Salem, this list day of July. 1830. JOHN KNIGHT, ' Pheriff of Marlon County. By F. T. WRIOHl'MAN, Deputy. 7-7J ww Smith Premier Typewriter. Bold on easy payments. For Rent. W. I. STALEY, Agent, Salem. U.N..BOKPEK,Gen'lArent, 101 Third St. PortUsd. Bend for catalogue. FAEaM eoe, sale. A BA.Iia.UN16oftcrea with Improvements over haif undr cultivation, rest pasture and some good Umber. Terms very easy. Ad 6-77-lm-dw Wheatland, Or. The Yaquina Route. RR. And Orernn IVivclonment comMDT'l steam' hip line. 23 miles snorter. SO hoars le tine than by any other route. First cUa throueb caaaenrer and frelsht line from Portland and all joints In the Willamette vauev 10 ana iromiwa rnmoKu. T1MK BCUtDULE, (Except Sunday.) Lr Albany 1.03 pmlLv Uorratlls 1:10 p m Ar Yaaulna&O pmlLv Yaquina &iS a m L,v OarraUls. ilka am I Ar Albany IklOa m ttiO, trains connect at Albany and Oor Tallls. The above trains connect at Yaquina with laeurrgonueveK pineal ixvs line onioun era between Yinnln, and Han Francisco N. U.Huumrrm from IKrtland and all vVlilameite valley points can make close con, occtlon with the trains of tbe Yaquina Route at Albany or OonraUls and u eatinea te saa KraucUoo. should arrange to arrive at Vaqalna the ATnlnr brtftin, Mtnf AalliDSf. faweseer and Freight Ualea always the lowest ror inrormation appiy to Messrs. HULUAN a Oj, Freight and Ticket Agent juu ana 3Q3 Kroot street, i-oruana. ur or U C. UOO UE, Aot Oen'l FU a Fas. AgU ur. ivciao iLituo. uorraiu, ur. C. H. UASWKtXs Jr, Qen't Freight and l"aa. Agt, Ore levelopment Oo.. SX Montgomery Bt SMITH BROS., CONTRACTORS i PLASTERERS. Leave orders at UotUe-Farkhurst blodMvxim U,rAalem, Oregon. P. J. LARSEN & CO., Manufacturer of Walrus, Cui rtigtw, etc RepolririB Spooialty , Shop tSBUU street. MAC KO MORE MISTAKES OIIARLEB A. aMTTIf KUNS.( j The Rustler food Saw .' w I And he doesn't barn QP half yoarroo4. hi fuitl.wueube saws it. Uaka your contract Willi nlin cemanallr orlnn Drain at Vanxrrn lsr atom I ei bom's bcktk uorSLMi Mommw I what TfaablH Wm, I VWn nvw tmtmn wHtMtin who tad jtMt hhwtVI a rowtaf wir ven9 np' 1 fftortM t an lax-r'! imn1 rrtrjr ; 4is, M itfutf iit m t In tewiff kptttn . nn.1 HiM.lr I wnt iMftnl wt ii ikM r -wettc tntjin nflkfcil !9rtia thmMaail tMHiMtt a &er" S)yi. V hl"i HtO llN) tlWHght. ancriWf yonr wife Md rattm twrr- feySa tfefnk ft pxfraViiwrlTP'" "It hi net that." rettirol br hosbatid diowly. "1 was womlerlnjt wlwt 1 ghoakl do with tlw other 500 of my salary ." Tlt'Bita, L , Thlr !. She Whatever poes5ed yoo to get one of t!ii9 vide hrira hsh? He So that folks can't see what eoea on the other side of it. Truth. Trying It on Jennie. A son of tho soil who was as crafty as ho was free with his relatives approached tho ticket office of the elevator leading to the roof of the Manufactures bnilding the- pther day and Ea(d to the lady ticket seller: "Bo yon sore these elevators air safef "Oh, perfectly," the lady ticket seller said without missing a chew of her tntti fruttl, "Well, I dnnnolxratit," he said, step ping hack and looking up the web of light ironwork thromrh which the eleva tors were noiselessly gliding, "It looks pretty flimsy. Do yon want to try itr he asked his wife, a plain looking woman of evident rural antecedents. . She, having the boldness bred of igno rance, expressed a desire to try it, when he again approached the window and said. "How many'a been killedpn these ma chines bo far?" " "Oh, they are perfectly safe, not a single accident yet." "Well, I dtumo," he doubtfully mus6d, with another look upward. "Do yon want to try it, Jennier" She said she did. "What'a it cost, miss?" "Ronnd trip 25 centa." "Looks to me like a perpendicular trip," ho chuckled. But the ticket seller only frowned and impatiently tapped the desk with a pack ago of tickets. "Other people waiting behind you, sir," she said, as the man hesitated. "Is it 23 centa for one?" - "Yes." "Well, Jennie, perhaps you'd better go, and if yon like it you come back and tell me, and 111 go." Jennie wen$, while her weak, unde cided husband stood with open mouth and staring eyea and watched thoele Tator waft her to the dizzy heights above. Chicago Tribune. lie "Weakened. Tppnoddy made up his mind that he was not going to bo trampled oa any longer by his wife, so when he went home at noon he called ont imperieusly: "Mrs, Topnoddyl Mrs. Topnoddyl" Mrs. Topnoddy came out of the kitch en with a drop of perspiration on her noee, her sleeves turned up, a dishrag in one hand and a rolling pin in the other. "Well, sir," she said, "what'll ye 'aver Topnoddy staggered, but braced up. "Mrs. Topnoddy, I want you to under stand, madam," and ho tapped his breast dramatically, "I am the engineer of this establiahmentr "Oh, you are, aro yert Well, Mr. Top noddy, I want you to understand that I," and she looked dangerous, "I am the biler that'll blow up and fling the engi neer over into tho next garden. Do yer 'ear tho steam escaping, Topnoddy?" "Yes," said Topnoddy meekly. And then ho inquired if there was any assist ance ho could render in the housework. New York Mercury. A Growing UablU She (on the train) When wa were on our wedding tour three months ago, you sat by my side during the whole journey, bntanow the moment we are seated you want to rush off to the smoking car. He Well er -the smoking habit grows as one grows older. New York Weekly. . . Enfant Terrible. Littlo Annie Please tell me, mamma, why yon have bought a rubber ring for the baby? . Mother So that he may cet teeth. Littlo Annie Oh, if that's the case I think you ought to give our old Aunt Mary a ring also. Schalk. How Tl Knew, Blind Beggar (to old lady) You aren't tbe land to pass a poor blind fellow on the street and not give him nothin. Old Lady How do you know? Blind Beggar I can tell by lookin in your sweet, pretty face, ma'am. Har pec's Bazar. A Doubting Thomas. Mrs. lAdow The naner sava U11 rain tomorrow. Farmer Meadow It does, eh? Well. I hain't much faith in thM noB-nuBu. rlssifclilssssft-aeMssassaairsssssss-SMSMS, , t jflk HV a K sbsb Dm rlsU .aQ sssT A TmS B .SBSSSSTa IbsVbBSSwj asM BKl VaB 11 - BSn BWj for Infant "Cas ort a Is to wB adapted to children thai t iw:otiuue.ttd ft as superior to any prescription ksowntome." fL. A. AacHza, If. IX. ill So, Oxford EC, Srcti,,H. T. "The 4 of 'Catnrla'is'Br universal end Its nvrltt so well known that It seemsawcrk of scpererorstlca to endorse It. Few ervtbe tBtelligeot families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Clixos Xivrnr, D.D- Hew York City. Late Pastor Bloccnlnrdalo Befonned Church. Tea CWrxcsi TME ?EW WILLAMETTE STABLES Completed and ready to wait oa customers. Horses boarded by day or wctk at reaaoosble prices. We' Keep a full line of Truck", Draa and Express to meet all demands, f Also keep tbe finest 8talllnns in tbia county. rnr-rvlee. Bam and "residence 2 block south of poslnftlce. RYAN t CO. CLEAN If you would be clean an'd havej'our clothes done up in the neatest and dressiest manner, take them to the SALEM STE?AlVi LAUNDRY where all work is done by white labor and in the most prompt manner. COLONEL J. OLMSTED, Liberty Street. Skin Food. l-adies wbo Mirier from Cutting Win 1s and ncorching t-an vilinnd M. Harrison's Lola Montez Crcme The hln Iood. Th .bet- remedy for. kerpi gtbe fire cool and free fn-ra Irrita tion, as it soolbs and, comforts the r kin and pev.nts irerKle T snnbu . It-is not a beauiiflerbat a sKln 4rtWtt i 'KdtnHjfiu restorative and 'pre servative. I a lltt'e ifontez C erne is nibbed la the f Kin and thoroughly wiped off oealn, jat before applying powder, th complexion will be sorter, and the powder will ren ain loncer. desldes prevenllrg tbe powder from clfgelng the pores of tbe sKln- Prii e 75 cents. For sals by Fit ED LEGO, nrngglst, Patton uiocK, coifim, ure. Foraty spec.at or complicated blemish of iacc ur iurm, wnw MRS. NEHIE HARRISON, America's BrAtmr Doctor, 16 Geary SU "an FrancUco. Cal Saperflaous Hair Permanently Removed. THE PACIFIC CEIECTiVB AND COUECnXQ BCREAD SALEM, - - Or(jon Private work a specialty. C B. CLEM EST. Manager. HOWARD, The House tyover. 451 MarioH Street. ilaa tbe best facilitiea tor moving' and Fals ing booses. Leave orders al uray Bros., or address Salem, Oregon. Frw Terminal or Interior Points liie Is the line to take . To all Points East and Sooth. It Is the dining ear ronie. Itrnns throes u vestlbole trains, every day in they oar to ST. PADL AND CHICAGO (No change of ears.) Composed of dining cam unsurpassed. Pullman drawing room sleepers ';OI latest eqalpmen' TOURIST Sleeping Cars . Best that can be constructed and In which aooommodatlena are both tree and tar nlshed for holders of first and second-das tickets, and ELEGANT S)A.Vxx5XciHE8 A. con tinners line, eoatMaiagc with 'all lines. aQordlnr direct and uninterrupted service. r Pullman sli eper reserratlons can be se cured In adTLLC tiKw.gU any agent of the road. Through tidbits to and from ail points In America, England and Europe can be purchased at any ticket omce of this com. Poy. Full information eenoerniug rates, time" oftralnajoateaandotherdetallsrumlahed ; on &;nlleaUon to any arent or . A D, CHARLTON . J Aaaltutnt Operal PassinvaTActol o. W First street, or. Waahlngten: 1-ort. Und.Oreeon .'i ' i WISC0S1N CENTRAL UNES. (Nsftiisrs Pacrle R. R. C, ItneeO UTESTTIWEAftD. Two Through Trains Daily. tt5pm3pmHillnnal fctttml SciSpm L3pm T:lipm 1 HtPanl,..a Jun fcWpm .OcJQam 4Spm 1 Dulatba 11.10am T.aipin 1 5P TjBipm i Ashland, a tukm ASm 7JSam ltaai aChlogol a.Qipm Hj Tickets told and hacgage checked throuab to all polns tn the Dmted Klatea and tit4 Cloae oossctloa soade la rtilr o with all tralas golac KaM aad MMath. -',lLJ T.fUauXrf and Children. Caaiorf a cure Coftc, OoBxtfpaUVa, Pour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Lructation, KllWorma, grege sleep, and,, promotes d W'-JcSttaJeitoinedfcaUoa. For several years I have reoornmertv. your Castoria and shall always cooUnoe m dti so as It has) Invariably produced beoeflOU resottx." Etnriv F. Paum. M. D, "Tbe Wlmhrop," UJth Street and Tth Are, New Tork City Ckncnurr, 77 Jfcaaar Btuzt, Kit Toax. W. L, S3 SHOE no'Wtp. Do ym vht tsa? Wbea wxt la need try t pair. est In the world. 00 2.50 $2.00 rsJtuazs $2.00 FOR BOYS 1.75 SES Ifyeawaat a Cite DRESS SHOE, made lattotitet trrles, doa't piv $6 to $3, try my $3, $3 JO, $4.00 er $5 Shea. Ttsy fit eqsil to nttsm made sad lock ltd wtaruwtlL Ifyoawlihtoeccaorakslnyourfootwuf, da to by perekulsg W. L Dosgtu Sbset. Nirai ud fries stamped oa the bottom, lock for It when yo bey W.XIXTJGlAS,BroclEton,Xass. Soli by Kkait&or Hhi8 SYPHILIS! A New Remedy A true Specific a pomive aad permanent cEmini&a cfaS pouoa hca tbe blood, and a restoration of htiltif vigor to the txssoes u odcrad tosuflercrsfbrthefint uas ia a nady which bal ban endcrgoing the mast ttrcn Txfnte upRUmu ar the put thrrc years. It his not yet tiBid. sad it wia not Uh. u a U True Specific tor SrphiUic pouoa aad an blood dbcues. IX yoa be EcTCitl Sena ior full parucaUrs sad Froof free. ,Sop. GUsg 'year tyaesi with mercury and other pouocs. This retaedy wSS cur yoa tn 30 to 00 dayi withoat Ui. f"e rnarmatee m care or refund the money. Addms MOFFAT CHEMICAL CO., 1TO Tint Street PORTI-KD, OK. "w"0IMftI8Hlj l4UTiMup, jSokktloft,' KKtm nty ComplalntSf Lame bgk9 c C. SJHIKrS'ELE.TBIC 1ELT WWi ClerrMatlo SUSPENSORY. lust funuriUrt himauiu I ITffl ears wuhbat ntddM all Knbai reeaaiac freer ejcUoa. u aeiioQi aVbttity. eW.pl wrual. turw. p bMU health, et; Thi eleetno Belt eosttaa Wi lii 1 fui l.i.natJii over all other. Correal if Sfi'J.1 !l '$ ' yCtarer-or.ir forfeu gs,aso.o(ki ad S2S? tf tLS alsea or rio rr. o SJSf.WIt fcwo o1 by this iwkiiiJiiTttOai '1"'hiai.dTycihtr s&t. OwTrfia Imfnnt lUCTUC STJSrXXMIT. the Pjjteejtooa rm veered weak men, raxs Jsbjh view auMfia scailxTKU l Mee Bodrcrliral PajpKt,milJ.eW,re . SAN0CN BUsVOTRIO SO.. The LINE That LEADS: xll others FOLLOW. Zj THROUGH AILY TRAINS s 1 ( liMih portland78;34;;S: 1 DAYS to J2 2 CHICAGO Hftiiw the Quickest to Chicago ari m the East. Djaw Quicktf to Omaha and Kan IIi,Ri sas City. Puliffian and Touritt Slw-pcfS, Free Fm& hg Chair Cart, D.n ng Cars. Kornuea aad ocseral lnaim.atKn call ea. oradArasa, , ;f&MLt4!?niJ3 $4.Mm: ik 2.51 MPI FOR .ofEnBbC pwsm predktloa. What dots the r'-irrn aav-.T4xV Ma No How."-ifw York Time street, or addres i bfaiall, -tt-Ul V, . HPRI BUKT, Ant, u. r. wmr AS. ST. rwiMS, itm.mm.wWKa.JnfL1itm0, in 3 ' iTaTt.J, WPvl rerntu miecanawoa ffij TMur MM