Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, July 24, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

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wyWUMSM"' 'i
L""Ji-iJl' J'lS.iiSiS!
I Till
what raoro cool and light to wear than a silk, sateen, or Swiss
BIouho Waist?
Evidently many ladies agreo with this, as our sales lately
has been surprising.
J!ongeo Bilk Waists
Hurah " "
Dotted Swiss "
Plain "
Sateen "
French Flannel " -
Outing " "
To be worn with these watsta we atrow the moat complete and choicest line of
WlDFJ3L Our two grand gifts will be given air; iy September 1st
307 Commercial Street.
- if -
You Jare golnj to build or mnke any kind of
Izaprorement, call oq the underlined lor
material. We have a complete stock, and are
resdy to sapply any prepared contract, sewer
work, Trading, etc
Salem Improvement Co.
8aturday, Aug. 6. State Dairymen's
convention, court house, 10 a. m.
Sheriff's Report. A. delluquent
tax list gets to be a very monotonous
affair after being in the hunds of the
sheriff and his deputies for six months
orso. The county commissioners will
help Judge Hubbard close up the year's
work of tax collecting by Sheriff Knight
. when they meet in August next. The
work Is already closed now having only
to be accepted bythecouit. The doll n
quent roll for 1892 was 128,506.09; sher-
Ifl'o assessments for 1892 $394.71: for
1891 $195.08. The amount of the delln
quent roll to be returned is (7,536.75;
the amount of errors $2,519.22. The
delinquent tax Oregon Pacific railroad
will be paid as soon as the receiver gets
orders from the courts to settle it. Tak-
Insr this Into consideration the delin
quent roll Is in reality only J5.151.07.
The Oregon Pacific company is in debt
to Marion county for three years taxes
as follews: $2,277.44 for 1890. $2,114.68
for 1891,
$2,385.68 for 1692-a total $6,-
Military. An election for major
of 2d battallloa Oregon National Guard
was held Saturday at Balem. Major
Geo. O. Voran, of Eugene, was present,
as Inspector of election, and the unan
imous voto of ail the companies was
cast for Copt. D. C. Sherman, of Salem.
After the election the major elect In
vlted all the officers to a supper at
Strong's and an hour or two were put
In very agreeably.
Street Work. The assessment of
coat of Improving Oak street will be
levied on the abetting property by the
same mon who recently assessed the
costs of Sta to street. The council has
put all the wheels In motlou to make
more street Improvements than were
made last year. Salem will Inside of
two years see nearly every street In the
city put In first class condition.
Teachers' Examination. Notice
la hereby given that the reg ular quar
terly examination of teachers for Mar
lou county will be held at the court
house, Balem, Oregon, at ono o'clock,
Wednesday, Aug. 9, 1893. Applicants
forstato papers will be examined at the
same timo and place. Dated this 24th
day of July, 1693. J. S. Graham,
County Supt, of Schools. 7-24d-lw-w2t
May Losk a Uorsk. The horse be
longing to Clarence Merrill of Lincoln
Park, that got its hind leg through the
big bridge, la disabled and may die. It
Is too bad that by the neglect of couuty
authorities a working mau should lose
the use of a team, and Mr, Merrill
may buo the couuty.
Nkw Poles. The Electrio Light
and Power Co., are putting up magultl
ceut new poles for the new city light
plant. Thoy propose to paint them and
will enforce the city ordlaauco against
tacking bills on them.
Nothing to Head. Thore is no
excuse for such a statement us tnls,
when you can get standard works of
every conceivable klud, for 20 cents a
vo'uma at Dearborn's bookstore.
all the samo with the Lock wood Mes-
MUger service. The blue box responds
wltk a swift and reliable boy any hour
in tbe twenty-four.
Ax Obeoon Ari'KTiTK Is gener
ally difficult to appease, but J. A. Vau
Eatoa, the grocer has a line of supplies
to gratify and satisfy the most exacting,
Iwunk, Mattle Jane Keaton, of
OW), Grant couuty and Sophia Wal
Urn of MarokfteU), age 74, veryvipleut
Msdlww ud liquor to xcm, were
lNubt to the uyiuta t4ay.
aaieaagBgSiaieM' i' n &iijulsi
Mil w
Mrs. Fannie Reeee, who baa been
visiting her father R. B. Lucas, of South
Salem, departed for her home In Hel
ena, Montana, this morning.
TUPFS PILLS effective in results.
David Harvey and wife,of Hutchison,
Kan., arrived this morning for a visit
to W.F. Ohn.
For a mild tonic, gentle laxative and
invigoranttake Simmons Liver Regula
tor. Bert Bowen is in, Jefferson.
Ed. Kendall and Arthur Darby are
at Newport for a vacation.
Misa Cbarman, of Oregon City, who
was the guest of the Misses Breyman
the past week, returned this .morning.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Albert and Miss
Albert returned from a Sunday at Al
bany. Gen. W. H. Odell returned from his
trip on government land business to
Gold Beacn. He goes to Portland for
a few days; t
How can you afford to print a One
Cent Daily? The price of paper is
so cheap and our business is upon a self
sustaining basis, that we can make
money at It. See?
To euro constipation, sick headache
and dyspepsia Simmons Liver Regula
tor has no equal.
Nearly everyone who leaves town
for the mountains or the ocean orders
the One Cunt Daily. One month
by mall 25 cents. Four months 122
days for $1.00.
Mr. and Mrs. Gray are at the Bay
view, Newport.
Charles Knight, who died at Canby,
Clackamas county, Saturday, July 22,
was a half-brother of Sheriff John
Knight of this city. He was born in
Pennsylvania, came to Oregon in 1870,
and was sixty-five years old. Mr. and
Mrs. Knight went down to his funeral
Sodaville Is a very nice little place
and easy to get to. The hack makes
two trips a day at 25 eta from Lebanon
the railroad point.
1 hit U a sad fate of Judge Humpbery
formerly of Linn county, who is now
at tho asylum with oue leg oft In a rail
road accident.
The Introducttou of the penuy dally
nowspaper among the farmers is the
precursor of free railroad delivery.
County Superintendent Graham Is
closing up the work of holding tho an
nual teacher's Institute.
Children enjoy perfect health give
them plenty of Sharpe's Jersey dairy
Fresh fruit, clear cold .water and
sugar are all you need to put up fruit
with Gilbert, Patterson & Co.'s an(l
fermeutlne. Tho Milwaukee & St. Paul .railroad is
reducing its payroll about one-tblrd and
the De Pauw steel rail mills In Indiana
have closed.
The Rweburg Review Is notified that
tho solid voto of the military organiza
tion of Roeburg was cast for Capt J).C.
Sherman, of Halem, the uew major of
tho Second butullou. It will be charg
ing Balom with hogging again probably.
Every plato glass factory In the Unit
ed State is said to be closed,
Governor Markham, of California,
has pppoluted ex-Governor Goo. C. Per
kins to succeed the late Leland Stan
ford as U. 8. Senator. Ho Is a promin
ent business man.
Tho president auuouucea bis polloy to
congress as, flrt silver reToroi; Bocond
larlfl reform, "as soon as, but not be
fore, tho couutry Is upon a socure finan
cial basis." Tho tar HI was not tho
great Issue then after all.
Mr. Carr and family, who have been
teuanta or B. A. Clarke's will move In-'
to his realdouce on Lookout fruit farm, !
while the owner of biggest all around l
fruit orcliurd In Marlon county will oc
cupy rooms u his residence In Bouth '
Salem, which will be occupied by Or.
Ilrown aud family,
Engineer Brown Inspeoted the Fair
mont Park reservoir yesterday and'
found tea feet of clear, cold water In it, '
ready to be turned oa at a momsut's.
notice la case of Hre. I
dyJ5IfJtjfG UAi'lTAL JOUItNAfc, MOOTAY, JULY 4, l3.
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i ( T 'n i" '
Vice President Stephenson To
Bo Received
Gorernor Pennoyer and Salem
Democrats Make ail (he
Arrangements, v
Governor. Pennoyer baa madaall the
arrangement? lor receiving Vice Presi
dent Stephenson and party upon their
arrival at Salem Tuesday morning on
the overland. He called on Secretary
Wagner of the Salem board of trade
early this morning and notified him
that a salute would be fired by the exe
cutive authority and that be ordered
Adjutant General Mitchell, of the Ore
gon National Guard to go South on
last night's overland to apprise the
party of bis intentions. A brief recep
tion will be given at tho early hour of
5:19 a. m.
Governor Pennoyer nas ordered out
the famous old brass cannon over
which there was such a short struggle
between the civil and military author!
ties on March 4th when the governor
would not allow It to be fired In honor
of Cleveland's inauguration. It will
belch forth the regulation vlce-presl-de'ntal
salute of nineteen discharges
The governor is very enthusiastic about
making arrangements for the reception
of Stephenson. He says it will not do
to let the vice president pass through
the capital city without proper recognl
He is an old states rights democrat. If
he remained for any length of time
would call on the governor flirt as -be
did in California. But as he will not
leave the station grounds Governor
Pennoyer and bis staff will meet him
there and welcome blm to the state,
He will be escorted through the state
by the adjutantgeneral of the National
Guard, as the governor's, personal mill
tary representative. Tne governor
called on Mayor Gatch and received as
surance of hearty co-operation in that
official's part. Mayor Gatch and the
city officials will be present with the
Second Regiment band to represent the
city on the occasion. A platform will
be erected just south of the depot and
it Is the intention to have It properly
decorated and draped with the colors.
will be fired by Capt. D. C. Sherman,
under order of Adj. Gen. 'Mitchell of
date July 23, "using cannon In h's
possession by order of Commander in
Chief." Capt. D. C. Howard will han
dle the gun in his custotua ry approved
Assault. A. J. Belden and wife
were cited to appear at 2 p. m. before
Judge Batcbelor for an assault commit
ted Sunday. The parties live In En
glewood. ,
W. H. Murray and W. O. Qulmby of
the San Francisco Journal of Commerce
are in the city looking after a special
edition of that paper to boom the 'Fris
co Merchants excursion to arrive in
Salem, Aug. 1st.
John A. Singleton and wife, of Hood
River, are In the city. Mrs. Singleton
is a daughter of Rev. and Mrs. J. H.
B. Royal, of South Salem,
Mrs. Singleton, of Yew Park, bas
been quite sick but la now Improving.
F. J. Catterlin and family will move
back to Salem this week trom Eugene.
Douglas Mlntb Is at bis ranch and
townsito In the Cascades for a few
Rev. Lund and Kellerman were pas
sengers for Idahna today for a fishing
excursion until Thursday.
Alderman Cross aud Kllen returned
from a Saturdaaay night fishing trip.
The net result Is reported as three half
trout split up the back each.
Douglas county has paid in about
$13,453, out of $32,544 due for 1892 and
that only on July 12 to the state treas
ury, If the other counties did not pay
any bettor the state could not run an
asylum at Salem to say nothityr. of
building a uew oue In Estern Oregon.
Ed. and Burt Baruett of the Salem
art company aro In the mouutalus
about the head of Butte Creek for an
General Win, Vandever, formerly of
Iowa, Ventura, Cal.
Sunday closing was rigidly enforced
at tbe Chicago World's Fair.
Tbe oaly Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Awmoata; No Atom.
Ud.i MUlioas of Hoiaw40 Ytars 0 StomAul
hltod Brethren Ohorch Dedicated.
A crowded bouse greeted Bishop Dll
loc, of Dayton, Ohio, at the new Har
rltt memorial churcb.on Mission street.
The bouse easily bad three hundred
people and many could not get In. A
Sunday school was organized at 9:30,
with Mrs. Sargeant as superintendent.
At 1020 Presiding Elder Barclay
took charge and conducted an experi
ence meeting, at whlclr many spoke
and showed that there was great spirit
ual Interest.
Bishop Dillon was Introduced and
preached from the Scriptures, 1st Cor.
15, 3d verse. The bishop had among
bis hearers men and women whp bad
beard blm preach, east and west, or
bad heard of blm as an able speaker
atfd a great preacher.
Prof. Baldwin's singing was a great
feature and the new pastor bas a good
voioa for a leader. He bad only been
in the city a few days and had already
a .good choir organized. Miss Lulu
Sargeant sang a solo, Mrs. Bbarpe pre
siding at the organ.
Rev. Dollarhide bad a -seat on the
Hon. T. T. Geer and family, of Ma
cleay, attended the dedication.
Among others present were C. P.
Bishop, Chaa. Jobnson.E. O'Flyng, H.
H. Smith.
The church was finished nicely with
snowy walls, gotbic windows, and ceil
ing, pale green curtains and neat chan
deliers. The pews are made of white
pine with hjgh comfortable backs and
asb rails. The altar was nicely car
peted and decorated with flowers. The
aisles were also carpeted.
Many stood during the entire service,
Tbe happiest man in-town was Elder
Barclay. He baa worked bard and
long to build this church. A year ago
he came to Salem and held a revival
He did not convert everybody at those
meetings, but he drew together a body
of faithful workers at Balem who have
under bis direction, assisted by Rev. L,
B.Baldwin, built a church in one of
the prettiest spots at galena. The
property is worth $2500. The church is
well organized, bas a talented popular
young pastor, and Salem will hereafter
be on United Brethren stronghold
Barclay has reason to be happy.
There lajBomethlDg in mercy, when it
Is administered in consonance with jus
tice, which touches the hearts and re
forms men." That was a noble senti
ment of' Bishop Collins, who said yes
terday that be expected to come to Sa
lem and live.
A picture of Rev, Harrltt, now dead,
a pioneer preacher of this society, or
namented the platform.
Tbe women subscribed more money
to lift that $450 debt than the men.
But it was lifted.
This popular new -church Is on the
8alem Motor Railway, making It easy
of access to remote parts of the city. A
new church Is a source of revenue to a
street car line.
The ceneral conference voted to lo
cate a Ptfclflc coast bishop at Salem and
a residence is being procured now. It
will be located somewhere convenient
for tbe work of tbe bishop who bas to
travel a great deal.
The well known strenetbenlng; properties ot
Iron, combined wltn other tonics and a most
perfect nervine, are found In Carter's Iron
rtils, which strengthens tbe nerves and body.
ana improve mo D.ooa una ouuipicxiuu.
There lino one article In the Une of medi
cines that elves so large a return lor the
monev a, a tood Dorous streneth'nlnr plaster.
such as Carter smart Weed and Belladonna
Backache riosleis.
Those unhappy persons who suffer from ner-
I .lit ii Nrrvs Pill., which are made ezoresslr
fur sleepless, nerveus: dyspeptic sufferer.
lrloe 2o cents.
A large part of the town of Spauldlng
Ohio, was burned Sunday. .
A complete dally newspaper by mall
at $3.00 a year Is much more valuable
and satisfactory than six weekly news
papers at the same price. And six
weeklies will -cost you trom $9.00 to
$12.00 a year. Try the One Cent
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Marsters, formerly
of Rogue River, are now residents of
Mrs. Jos. A. Tyler and daugbter,wbo
have bem visiting Linn county friends,
returned home Saturday.
A. Bush, banker of Salem, is in tbe
city. It Is said he now favors a reor
ganization of tho Linn County Nation
al bank aud Is here to work for that
purpose. Albany Herald,
Hon. Jesse Applegate, of Balem, who
has been In Klamath since the death of
his father last year, has concluded to
locate In Klamath Falls and practice
law. Mr. Applegate Is an old attor
ney aud will undoubtedly fall Into a
lucrative practice here. Klamath Falls
By Rev. Harry Watklns this evening
Subject "Importance of Time." Go
and hear something good.
Machink Oil. Farmers, buy your
oils at the Blue Front, and save 25 per
cent. dw
For Rent. House of 8 rooms, new,
basement, bard finish, apply at premises
No. 67 Division street. 7 25
A good choice bouse to sell on easy
terms. Will take carpenter work In
part payment. G. M. Beeler. tf.
Economize in Paper.
Clean newspapers, tied in bundles of
100, not cut, for sale at this oflleo at
mieen cents a bundle. A Heavy straw
wrapping paper, large sheets, two cents
a pound. Next door to tbe postofflce.
Rev. Harry Wa'tklns, of Portland,
tbe most eloquent and humorous orator
on tbe Pacific coast, will lecture at the
Congregational cnurch, Monday, Tues
day, and Wednesday evenings. Ad
mission &cts 3 tickets oucts. ror
sale at Patton's book store.
Stockholders' Meeting.
Notice is hereby given that tbe an
nual meeting of tbe stockholders of tho
Capital Consolidated Gold and Silver
Mining Company, of tbe city of Salem,
Oregon, will be held in tbe office of the
company, on tbe second Tbursaay, tne
10th day of August. 1S93. at 3 o'clock v.
ax., for tbe election ot directors and
such other business of may come before
the meeting. J. H. Haas, fcjec'y.
Salem, July 20, 1893. 7:19-d-2w
The Trask River Toll Road, with fur
nished hotel aud farm, at its western
gate, in Tillamook county, title cleat
aud renting ror $600 to $1000 a year
can be secured now, in exebange for
productive city property, or a cooa
farm in the Willamette valley. In
quire of N. W. G. at residence of B. C,
Ward, 18th street, near Court, Balem,
Oregon. 7-7-dw lm
To Builders and Contractors.
Salem, Or., July 12. Sealed propos
als will be received at the office of tbe
secretary of state for tbe erection of an
addition to the State Reform School
building. Bids to bo opened at 12
o'clock m., on Wednesday, July zotn,
lews, flans .and speoincations can be
seen at the office of McNally & Knigh
ton, architects, Salem, Oregon, begin
ning Tuesday, July 18ih. Bidders will
be required to accompany their bids
witn a certified cnecic or SiiMJ.OO as evi
deuce of good faith. The right is re
served to reject any and all bids.
8. Pennoyer,
G. W. McBridf.
E. B. McElroy,
Board of Trustees.
Hard times and too much stock. As
we are overstocked witb gilt wall paper
and high grade stock, and, as it bas al
ways been known that ,tbe border bas
been tbe expensive part of papering a
room, we will sell all our gilt wall paper
tnls week, at the regular price and will
give tbe borders free of charge, simply
as a present (and this offer Is for this
week only.) Some of'our slock howev
er, is marked down at greatly reduced
prices and we will limit tbe amount of
border to be given away. We will give
H yards to every roll of wall paper
bought thus allowing enough for each
room. If you do not wish to paper
your home now, buy your paper and
have tbe work done at anv time.
7-22-4t C. W. Hawks.
97 State street "Yellow Front"
The Union Pacifla now leads with re
duced rates to eastern points, and their
through car arrangements, magnific
ently equipped Pullman and Tourist
sleepers, free reclining chair car and
fast time, make it the best time to trav
el, two trains leave from .Portland
daily at 8:45 a. m. and 730 p. m. The
rates are now within reaeb of all, and
everybody should take advantage of
them to visit tbe world's fair and their
friends In tbe east Send for rates and
schedules of tralos,.and do not purchase
ucaets unui alter consulting uoise &
Barker, agents, Salem, Or.
W. H. Horlburt,
Asa't Gen'l Rass. Agent, U. P.,
Portland, Or.
Free t everybody. Tonight at
the Christian Church the Y. P. 8. C.E.
will give everybody who attends, a fine
China teacup and saucer as a souvenir.
All are Invited. Come 1
Miss Iula Bradley, who bas been
teaching school in the western part of
the county, near Hale, went to Salem
on this morning's local. Eugene
The Tacowa National bank suspended
today. .
800 Men Oat.
Brooklyn, July 24. ArbuckleBros.
Coffee mills, employing 800 men are
closed on account of depression In trade
They hope to start up again Thursday.
8ak Francisco. Julv 24. Wheat
December 11.29.
Chicago. July 24. Wheat 63!: Ben.
teaaber 661.
I POKTIOS.D, July 24. Wheat vails,
jjWfi.iv, nana wall ,.
and wh'Jo we nro
Pushing a Head
we will push a lot o Bargains
to the front in the way of ALL
Police Court. One drunk five
days; state vs. H. A. Earle tried to
jury, uot guilty; costs assessed to prose
cuting witness; Richard McGee, state
vs. Geo. Williams fpr passing morphine
into jail, .fined $50 and costs; be tried
to escape from Doc Gibson, who overtook-llim
in an alley with bis pistol.
Draymen and EJcpressman. The
committee appointed by tbe city coun
cil at tbe last meeting, to receive tbe
license ordinance, will meet tonight at
8 o'clock, in tbe council chamber, and
will be pleased to have all tbe draymen
and expressmen present. By order ol
Jones Again. For the fifth Mm
Oliver Jones bas been committed as in
sane for excessive use of whisky and
tobacco. This time he threatened to
kill Mrs. Parrish if she did not sign a
check for $250. Dr. Jeesup examined
blm and Judge Hubbard sent him out
to the asylum.
Band Concert. Tbe Second Regi
ment band will give a free open air con
cert at Momingside Tuesday evening.
Knocks Them Odt. The Salen
Mills "Pride of Oregon" flour knock
out all tbe other stuffs of life. Call foi
no other.
Lost. Set of gold beads. Finder
will please leave at this office, and re
ceive reward.
There Is more catarrh In this section
of the country than all other diseases
put together, and until the last few
years was supposed to be incurable.
For a great many years doctors pro
nounced it a local disease, and pre-
Lscribed local remedies, and by constant
ly falling toourewitn local treatment,
pronounced it incurable. Science bas
proven catarrh to. be a constitutional
disease, and therefore requires consti
tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
(Jure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney
& Co., Toledo, Oblo, 1b tbe only consti
tutional cure on the market. It is
taken Internally In doses from 10 drops
to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. They oiler one hundred dol
lars for any case it falls t? cure. Send
for circulars and testimonials. Ad.
dress, F. J. Cheney fc Co., Toledo, O.
S"Bold by druggists, 75c
Baby cried,
Mother sighed,
Doctor prescribod : Castorfa
8eattle Post-Intelligencer says; The
official statement of commercial and
banking failures of Indiana. Ohio,
North Dakota, Illinois Nebraska, Min
nesota and Wisconsin makeaafarworso
showing than anything on this coast.
Tbe stale of California bas, compara
tively speaking, made an excellent
showing; so bas Oregon; so bas Wash Wash
ingeon: and Mr. Eckles has no business
either In Ignorance, malice or Indiffer
ence, to lend the weight of his official
speech to a false and exaggerated state
ment, concerning tbe "boom cities" of
the Pacific Coast,
Hardware, Wagons, Carts, Road Machinery
Latest Improved Goods sad Lowes Prices.
K. W, Cor. State and Liberty St. SALEM, OREGON.
Silk Gloves nnrl Mitt. iCtfn Hl.flO a pair
Le Bon Ton. celebrated oriaranteeri Virl 1.50 a pa"
Other kid gloves 75c to 2.25 "
Cotton, Lisle, Taffeta and Jersey Gloves f ..,...., .all pnceS
Men's harvest and working gloves , ... 50 to $1.25
Driving gloves, dress gloves, party gloves" arid uritts,
A oomnVsia urtMsat of emrtU. all aioika. naiUaa tad Usoleoeas, tt
lowt aMufktt wis, -
BMggaegwn' mini iiajjum
n rrw -w r"tti
The pope's handwriting is clear, deli
cate and upright and is more the calig
raphy of a poet than that of a church
man. Emperor William has been presented
by tho Italian government with a superb
album containing photographs of everj
ship in the Italian navy.
Ismail Pasha, the famous ex-khedire
of Egypt, now aged 03, lives in regal
splendor in his iSalace on the shores of
the Bosporus. His wealth amounts to
about $25,000,000.
The EmpTess Frederick feels particu
larly at borne when at Windsor and
much enjoys going to London for the
purpose of visiting studios and chari
table institutions incognito.
Venus, the pet dog of the late Duke of
Clarence, sat for his portrait to Ifiss
Lucy Waller at Marlborough House re
cently. The Prince and Princess of
Wales watched the progress of the pic
ture with great interest and have ex
pressed mnch satisfaction with the re
sult The celebrated oculist, Duke Charles
Theodore of Bavaria, a member of the
Bavarian royal family, performed his
two thousandth operation for cataract
at bis private hospital in Munich cot
long ago. His consort and the Duchesses
Charles and Sophia assisted on the occa
Thai la n nHvvnasilnn Vlllt Tlfit & bit.
U "rX." "r'"rwW-uh tn d
icrlb ur elegant .tnrJc of
nrl thTA ar nn i.thflr nnrdl thfl, Will OO
it bo well. That' our opinion and youl)
'mnKBOioowneaToa nayo wbvuow.
L... i-t- l... -, 1 . arnnM fldTlU"
Kruu wiiu w ua iu bvjio - - i
.. t bam a. nfth. natur fmm III. I ODi
Wi K I I, knttf s. fahlsitl WA alW8)t
tmVB the verv latest in wrlUne paper as H
KWimsi nt
The LdYe Voting Booksellers.
31UIS PArEK U kept on meat E. C. Dssel
Advertising Agency, 61 and 63 Merchants
eontrao (or advertising can be mude for a. ,
CURIBT1AN RClEN'CE-Llleniture of sfl
kinds on sale at 828 Liberty street. S-'T
ATTEHTIOrt.-Cosu money paid for rsp,
batUea,oId Iron and all kinds of meUU,
aiso hides, at old Const Hobs. Balem.
Regular Seventh Day Advent st services l
Id Unitarian Hall opposite opera hotue.B
Um M.itf,. iva Q.hhalh i-hrwl ttt lO W.
followed by iilbU reading and other serrlo
Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 P.m. "
jEjV Jaf ii