Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, July 20, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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HARD TllVlfS OFFER, $160 a
month for Dally Papers
when you can (jot ilia Dally
Journal by Mull for SB tt.
a Month
H0ei uonth lr
Prepaid In Advance
No Paper gent WIhm A"
Time i On$
VOL.. 0.
riALiEM, CttEUON, Tilt l?HJ)AY, JULY HO, 18U3.
NO. 170.
Is inn on i wall estublirihud j'lnu of business. Buying for cash from headquarters; selling for unlv, they uuiilie the customer to get, his oods at the very lowest retail prices. Our
ir ifits are small, which h is resulted in giving us an oxcepuouany large iraue. ii we sen you
for $2 10 a fine donsjolu shoe that usually retails for $2.50, wo have Baved y u 40c. with which
other articles may bo purchased. If for 5c you can buy a paper of the best brn'-s pins usually
pnld at 10c, ami all other articles in the sTune proportion, you can easily see that it will be
greatly to your adyantage to with us. We can save you money on boots, shoes, hats,
'ahirts, window blinds, table linens, towels, laces, embroideries, ribbons, pants, overalls, hosiery,
underwear, and notions.
H. , W. COTTLE & CO.,
General Insurance Agency.
Representing the following well-known and reliable Cempanies:
HTATE IN-JtlHANCU CO., .Ktna tnsuranoe Co ,
Trader' Insuiwce Ca., Han Insurance Co..
National Insurance Co., Wetcueter Klra Ins. Co.,
Lion 1- Ire Insurance Co., Imperial Fire Insurance ' .
Loudon Lancashire Fire Ius. Soo., London ssurance orpnraUon,
Alliance Ansurauce Co- , , Norwlob Union Fire Ing.aoo.
Oldest and Leading Firm in the City Devoted Exclusively to Insurance,
Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture. Loug Experience in the trade
enables me to turn out first-oluss work, Samples of coverings. No trouble to
trive estimates. State Insurance block, Oheinektta street.
Ed. C. Cross,
CHURCHILL Spraying owffls,
sa y ' 103
BURROUGHS State Street.
Lamoureux's Stables,
rlirs nnrnnnr horses. H. L. LAMOURLUX, 1 roprletor.
rigs nor poor horses.
West Printing
First-class Work.
SO.'t Commercial 81.,
Electric Lights
On -cter System.
ThefalMn Light and Power fompaoy at
ureal expense nave equipped their Klretnd
Light plunt witU the n Mt modern apparatui
mid are now ble to oiler the publ'nabelttr
Uebt than any sylem and at a rate lower
than any city on the coast.
Arc and Incandescent Light
iug. Electric Motors lor all
purposes where power Is re
quired. Residence can be wired for as many lights
as desired and the consumers pay for only
such llg-hts as are used. This belug registered
Dy an KJcctno Meter. OBice
179 Commercial St.
The Rustler Wood Saw
And be doesn't burn up half your wood, in
ruel.wtienhe saws it. Make your contract
With him nanmnallv nrlruve order at Veatcb
cigar store. Dearborn' book store.tM Hummer
ueei, or aaareea ine iy mail. - w
Give Us a Call.
Wholesale and Retail
Dealer in Fresh, Salt and
Smoked Meats of allHinds
OS Court and
110 State Streets.
Book and Job
Reasonable Prices.
Flllein, Orreon.
On improved Ileal Estate, in amounts and
time to suit, No delay In comlderlne loans.
Room 12. Bush Bank block. 6 12d
CflflS. WOLZ,
Froprletor of the
south Commercial HU,fialein.
All kinds Fresh, osltond Smoked Meat
and Sausage.
21SK Commirelsl St, Ssltm, Orejca.
(Next door to Klein'.)
Specialty oi Spectacles, and repairing Clock.
WatebM and Jewelry
Leave order at OoUlfr-Varkhurst bloekoom
15, Bal em, Oregon.
Ins. Rlock.
The Crab and the Sen Anemune.
Somo crustaceans hido their shells un
der another sea creature, apparently to
protect themselves. A certain hermit
crab found in the Mediterranean sea is
fond of a sea anemone, and it is unusual
to find a shell which a hermit has chosen
for his house unprotected by his auemono
friend. A gentleman relates that ho
captured and put in a large aquarium
one of these sea anemones on a shell in
which was a hermit crab who Bcemed al
ready to have outgrown his houso.
"All went well for awhile," he 'writes.
"Then tho hermit grew so largo that he
had to leave his shell and abandon his
friend. An hour after tho hermit left
his old shell I looked at tho aquarium
again and was surprised to find the sea
anemone on top of the new shell which
tho hermit crab had adopted as his dwell
ing. They both Beemed very well satis
fied. "How had the anemone como there? 1
soon found out. I cautiously lifted the
shell to tho surface of tho water and let
the anemone fall to tho bottom of the
aquarium. Then I put the shell down
near it.
"Hardly had tho crustacean touched
bottom before ho seized the anemono
with ono claw, then with two, and I saw
at once what ho intended to do.
"With great caro he went to work to
replace tho anemone on the shell. He
found tho anemone upside down, and ho
took great pains to set it upright again.
Then ho grasped it firmly with two
claws and raised it and placed it on the
shell. For 12 minutes ho remained per
fecfly motionless, pressing it firmly on
to tho shell all tho time. Then ho very
cautiously took away first one claw and
then tho other.
"I was pleased to see that when ho
moved tho sea- anemone remained in
placo as firmly fixed as tho energetic
little crab could wish."
A Meeting With Heine.
Ouo day as I left a cafo of Paris with
Dr. Heller of tho French "Academy of
Medicine that gentleman said: "Wait n
minute, I want you to meet tho witti
est man in Europo," and then presented
mo to the gifted German writer and sa
tirist, Henri Heino,
"Ah, dear poet," said tho doctor, "you
aro all smiles this morning."
"It is for good reason, doctor. I have
just been calling on my undo from
Hamburg who is visiting Paris," re
plied Heino.
"Your uncle, tho rich banker?"
"Ah, then I understand your cheorful
"Oh, it is not on account of tho 1,000
frano noto that that dear undo slipped
into my hand. No, do not think it It
is because of a remark ho mado to mo,
tho truo opinion of a banker, a Hobrew
and a German, After ho had embraced
mo ho said, 'Well, my doar nephew, you
aro as usual doing nothing in Paris'?
" 'Pardon, dear uncle,' said I, 'I write
" So I was saying,' said my uncle;
'you aro always doing .nothing,' " and
Heino burst into shouts of laughter as
he repeated tho words. Then ho added,
"And tlio drollest part of it is that my
undo is perfectly right." "Nineteenth
Century Memoirs."
.Jlrrcl lomnlllaonu
"There is no beef like tho beef of old
England," said tho Chicagoan to his
English host.
"That is a good deal of an admission
from you, isn't itr" said tho Englishman.
"Oh, uo," said the other. "Most of the
beef of old England is imported from
Chicago." Exchange.
We otter you a remedy vrhleh, it rased
A3 Olree ted, insures ste tr to lite
otboth mother end child.
Bob confinement of it Faijt. Hoaaoa and
risk, as many unify,
"Mr wl ud only two bottle of Mother
FrUnd. hwaMilyaadqulcUyrflUved;
milled free.
mnAortxta HZQUIATOH CO.,
gold by tU UruRteu. Axuvta, Ok.
But in Reality They are
Very Well Fed,
On Bord the Nasty Little Hay-
fen Republic,
Over Comtroller Eckles Comments
on Boom Finances.
1 Big Iron Failure Reported in
PORTLAND, July 20. Six y-threoCnl-nese
aro metaphorically starving to
death on board tho steanier'here, with
plenty to eat at their disposal. This
paradoxical state of allulrs Is brought
about in this way. After consultationbe
tween the officials of the state and the
treasury departments and the depart
ment of justice, it has been officially de
cided that either tho owners of the little
smuggling steamer Haytien Republic
must caro for the contraband passen
4ers,4his they will not do, tho Chinese
must starve to death in the midst of
plenty, pending disposition of the libel
In the courts. This is the official do
clsiou, but It has also been determined
the Chinese shall bo fed three unofficial
meals a day. While the United States
ovrnmeut is feeding the Chinese it
buts its eyes to the fact, aud in order
to be thoroughly consistent the govern
ment maintains that the Chluamon
muB' go without food until the court
settles the matter of libel. In uddition
to feeding the Chinese unofficially, Col
lector Black is looking after their san
itary condition.
Hot About Ecklos.
Chicaoo, July 20. Tho following is
self ixplanutery: James H. Eokels
comptroller currency Washington, D.
C. If associated press reports you cor
rectly, you have grossly insulted the
state of Washington In your speech be
fore the Union league club last evening.
The bank failures In our state have
fallen fur below those of many central,
eastern aud southern states. Kindly
furnish associated press Immediately
recapitulation of natural bank failures
lu the last 00 days. Our young state
asks forjustlce. Hlgned G. V. Calhoun,
Percy Rochester, world's fair commls
slonor from the state of Washington.
Washington, July 20. Comptroller
Eckels Bent a dispatch to the National
H ink examiner at Denver today, In
which ho says: "I wish you would an
nounce to the officers of banks which
have fulled in Dever.tbatltla my Inten
tion to lend them every aid possible
looking toward a speedy resumption on
their part." The comptroller advises
citizens who have foolishly brought
about the crisis by withdrawing fuqds,
to do the best they can toward repair
ing the damage by re-deposlllng.
Iron WorJca Fail.
Bhamon, Pa., July 20. The nherl'l
served attachment on the Douglnsa
furnaca company of riharpsville, aggre
gating over a q,urer of a mllllou.
'New Encland Failure.
Nashua, N. II., July 20. The secur
ity Trust company closed Us doors this
morning on account or withdrawal of
deposits. Depositors will be paid lu
full. Itbasa C4Ital nud surplus off
quarter of a million.
Fire In Oanad..
Annk Dk Pehadk, Quebec, July 20.
A etinflsgrstlon W raging here, The
whole village Is threatened,
Denvor'a Walt. -Denvkk,
July 20. Closing down of
silver mines, smelters, reduction works,
coal ruJticB, railways, and factories puts
tho laboring classes Id adeplorablu con
dlllun. It Is estimated 10,000 Idle men
nro In Denver, and 20,000 In'towns of
Colorado, half of whom aro mak
ing their way here to become a public
charge. To avoid this, commercial
bodies will ask railroads to make a five
dollar rate to the Missouri river for
this class, in tho expectation that they
will bo able to get work on farms. It
Is estimated Colorado, Utah, Montana,
and New Mexico merchants have coun-
termrnded orders for goods in Now
Yo:k to amount of over $12,000,000.
Gukely, Col., July 20. Union and
Greely Fatlonal banks closed. The
First National is O. K.
The last named bank has a stock
holder and former president at Salem
in (he person of J. M. Wallace.
An Attachment.
Denver, July 20. Tho Flanders
dry goods house, occupying five stores
five stories high, was attaoued this
morning. Assots estimated at two hun
dred thousand dollars; liabilities ono
hundred and twenty-five thousand. .
Two More.
Denver, July 20. Word Just re
ceived that First .National bank atCen
yon City and Grand Junction fulled.
Denver Quiet.
Dknvkh, July 20. There will bo no
more bank failures here. The panic
wore Itself out yesterday. Money Is
going back Into the bank vaults almost
as fast as it went out tho past few days
as a result ot the bank failures, but It is
believed no bad ones. It is stated that
the McNumara, dry goods bouse, which
failed Monday, settled with its princi
pal creditors and will resume next Mon
day. Kansas Troubles.
Weir City, July 20. A number of
striking miners, together with their
wives, attacked (he Btrlpplt miners lu
one of the mines near here, this after
noon, A fierce fight ensued. About
100 shots were flrt-d, and a number on
both sides are injured No ono killed.
Ex-Official Arrested.
Poim,AND, July 20. C. J. Mulkey,
ex-special agent of the treasury depart
ment, who was recently Indicted in
connection with alleged snuggling, sur
rendered, himself to the United States
marshal today. He was released ou
one thousand dollars bond.
Russia Will Help.
Pakib. July 20. The statement Is
published that the Russian ambassador
to franco, has given the assurance to
that country that Russia will support
France In all points Involved in the
Blameso difficulty.
China Supports Siam.
Tien Tisin, July 20. Information
received from Pekln to the eflcct that
China will support 81am against
France, This may result In a modified'
Hon of the French demands.
Encouraging to Farmers.
Bt. Louis, July 20. The Journal of
Agriculture, of this city, treating edi
torially on tho condition of the present
wheat crop and the probability of an
advunco In prices, says the best Ameri
can and European authorities agree the
world's deficiency will bo at least 100,-
000,000 bushels, The most reliable
figures now place the American total
crop of 1803 at about 683,000,000, which
added to the surplus carried will make
lees than 450,000,000 bushels. England
will want probably 260,000,000 bushels,
and the home trade needs 870,000,000
Tho Journal thlnks.ln view of the fact
that the American crop Is about 130,-
000,000 bushels short, as compared with
last year, and as Europe, with a short
crop, Is now grabbing up Amerlcau
wheat as fast as It can without attract
ing too much attention, the time has
come when American farmers should
not sell a bushel of wheat at the present
Haw Fuancuco, July 20. Wheat
December 11.20,
Ciioaoo, July 20. Wheat 02; Sep
tember 60.
Poutland, July 20. Wheat valley,
7JII.10, Walla Walla .02.
Highest of alt in Leavening Power.- Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Washington, July 20. An Impor
tant change has been made 'by tin
treasury department In the classifica
tion of wool and ono thai will loww.
tho duty on somo grades neatly 100 po
cent. The ohango follows tho conclu
slvo defense offered by wool Importeo
that certain grades of high class woo)
were practically nnalogus to gradet
classified lower lu the wool schodule ol
tho McKlnley bill.
Tho chief of tho bureau of statistics
reports that during the twlevo month
ended Juno 80,1803, tho number of Im
migrants landed in tho United State
was 407,030, and during the correspond
ing period of the preceding year 010,
320. The number of pensioners dropped
from the pension rolls since March 4th
1893, Is 245 and the total number o
pensioners suspe d d since March 4th,
pending further investlitlnn ofthel
Tho valiio of morchandlso exported
for tho year ending Juno 30th wen
$817,423,000, against $1,030,228,000 for
the previous year. Tmpnrts wore $011,
070,000, against $827,402,000 the prt
vlous year.
Cardiff, July 20. Tho Bntisl
steamer Blue Jacket from Marseilles ur- S
rived wlu cholera on board aud wa
ordered to quarantine. The BIuo Jacket
sailed from Kertch lu Crimea on Juue
City op Mexico, July 20. Thero Ip
much alarm felt among tho piopleol
Otumba on account of ncent so von
earthquakes lu that section. It Is fearer
that Cerro Is to become an actlvo vol
cano. There Is a constant subterraneat
noise heard at the baso of the mountain.
Tho vibrations have boon so heavy at
times as to destroy a number of houses
WA8iiiNOTON,July 20. The surgoon
general has received a cablegram from
Naples, saying tho cholera is there.
There were four fatal cases wldoly scat
tered, Sunday and Monday. Bacillus
wop found In all, The origin was not
traced. Thero have been no cases since
Victoria, B. 0., July 20. Rov. A
R. Reams, who was released before a
secoud warrant could bo issuod for hh-
arrest, seems to bavo mado bis escape.
It is said that ho, bought somo bread
and canned salmoa last night and was
Been wandering aboQt the water front.
Another warrant for his arrest was Is
sued last night on the charge of abduct
ing Lucy Ruukea, under elghteonyean
of age, for Immoral purposes. It Is be
lieved that Reams has escaped to the
Blot Threatened
Wabiiinoton, Ga., July 20. There
Is great excitement hero over tin
threatened outbreak and possible rlol
which is expected to take placo today.
It is the old fight between Democrats
aud Populists, growing out of last fall's
blttor congressional campaign, and Tom
Watson Is the central figure. So sort
ous Is the outlook that Governor North
en has issued secret orders to Col. Levy
of tho First Georgia regiment, putting
all tho companies of that region under
arms, ready to bo sent at a moment's
notice. Large bodies of armed Popu
lists are reported to bo camping near
here and are expected early lu the
morning. It was the knowledge of
this that caused the request for the mili
tia to be sent to tho governor. Mem
bers of the Clvlo Guards, a local com
pany and other companies of the First
reglmvut aro sleeping on their arms.
Conservative citizens say there will be
uo trouble, but the town and county
are full of hotheads and they will be
hero In force.
A Pennsylvania Oroesua.
Pmi.Ai)KLAHlA, July 20. The will
of A.J, Drexel probated thUmnruIng
It was stated merely that real aud per
sonal property each exceeded u million
dollars. The German hospital of Phila
delphia receives a mllllou and a fund
of a mllllou Is established to supjxirt a
publlo art gallery here.
Oreoon City, July 20. As James
Ward, an employe of the Willamette
oaper mill, was handling saoks of lime,
tho pilo tumbled over ou him, break
ng the leg below tho kneo.
Boise, Idaho.July 20, A nophew of
ho Into Senator Leland Stanford has
urued up In Owyhee county. He has
received uotloo that ho has Inherited
100,000 from his uncle. His name is
Leland Stanford. There Is a story to
he oirect that he Incurred his uuclo's
lispleaeuro somo years ago by contract
ing a marriage to which his family ob
jected aud that he hassincomulntalued
no communication with his rich rela
tives. Susanville, Cal., July 20. A dis
astrous fire occurred here resulting In
tho destruction of sixty buildings and
tauslnga loss of about $Jo0,000. Tho
tiro started in an outbuilding of the
steward houso und soon consumed tho
note). A high wind wm blowing at tho
time and the fliq w.w soon beyond con
trol. Five uutlro blocki wero burned.
With the exception of oae roatauraut
au I store not u budluejs houso lu tho
town was left. The Insurance amounts'
.o one-fourth the loss.
Boise, Idaho, July 20. A tragedy
tccurrod at Ilexburg on tho 17th in
vhlou Frunk Sullivan, widely known
throughout Idaho, was killed. A foot
i'aoe was hold and some trouble arose j
iver it in which .Sullivan was Impli
cated. Sulllrau threatened to kill one
if tho parties. He was kuowu aa a bad
nau and it was feared hojvn'ii -parry
luthls threat. Deputy 7nie,i'Hbpf
therefore undertook to disarm him.
julllvun resisted, reaching for his gun,
vhoreupoii Hopf shot him dead. After
Julllvun was dead U was found that he
md a pistol grasped In each hand.
San Francisco, July 20. M. Patter
n was arrested In this city by the
United 8tates marshal and will be sent
back to Portland, Oregon. A short
time ago Patterson, with others, was
indicted by tho United States grand
jury In that city on charges of smug-
gll ik.
Thomas Burg was also arrested. All
ara uow confined In tho county jail.
Telegram) were found upon both of
them reading: "Indictments against
you. Bettor leave. Answer quick,
digued, Kennedy," Patterson Is engi
neer ou tho steamer Enterprise &iCL
when arrosted did not seem to bo try
ing to get out of the way, but Burg was
supposed to bo hoadlug towards Arizo
na. Ueuriflu Method of Testluc Melou.
Various iwrsona luivo what they deem
to bo infallible methods of testing mel
ons, but wo must bo content to accept
the judgment of tho Georgia fanner
who, after experimenting for years, final
ly leaniod how to easily distinguish a ripo
from a groon wntermolon. "If," said
ho, "tho udgos of the skin ou each sido of
tho scar aro left ragged or granulated,
tho melon is ripo, but if tho edges of tho
scar aro smooth and oven, and tho
thumb null has dug into tho rind in
places, and tho skin docs not como off
clean, then tho molon is green. You can
easily learn on two melons, ono ripo and
tho other green (after tlioy lmvo boon cut
opou). mid tinting tho difference Brook
lyn Eagle
Some of tho Conwtock mines aro bo
deep that no moans huvo yet been da
wIhwI to nvorronie tho excessive heat.
Includes the great temperance drink
-T5.c? Root
it 1 II Z Beer
Lit gives New Life to Uie Old Folk, j
rieasure to uie iwsu,
Health to the ChlldrcH,
. 0J tat AH- AH Mm m, .
. A ! psdt Ft u
(suou. iniumwsw.
E l
i. I
t .'Wv..,,
f , lJPfltjtSl i
k. fc-i- -It -