Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, July 14, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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Month tot Vniif JVtpaf
when yon Oftn got the Dall
fotirnal f 9fa(l for flfl e l.
a Month '
28 cU. a mofitk by Mall
Prepaid In Advance.
No Paper Sent Whan
Tlfflo la Oat.
VOL. 0.
no. tU5.
Ih run on a well established plan of business. Buying for cash from headquarters; selling for
caAi only, thoy enable the customer to get his goods at the very lowest retail prices. Our
profits are small, which hns resulted in giving us an exceptionally large trade. If wo sell you
An -m n i i.. -i iUt ....ll nin;ia fnt. o r,n wo Viavn Hn.vp.ri vnti 40r With which
lor 92. iu a line uunguiu. uuuu umi uauuujr icwmo .v. v - ""- -- ; --
other articles may be purchased. If for 5c you can buy a paper of the best brass pins usually
sold at 10c, and all other articles in the same proportion, you can easily see that it will be
greatly to your adyantage to trnde with us. we can save you money on uuuuj, miuua, uuw,,
shirts, window blinds, table linens, towels, laces, embroideries, ribbons, pants, overalls, hosiery,
underwear, and notions.
Give UsPa Call.
General Insurance Agency.
Representing the following well-known and reliable Cempanies:
BTATE INSURANCE CO., Etna Insurance Co.,
Trader' Insurance Co., Bun Insurance Co..
National Insurance Co., Westcbester Klre Ins. Co.,
Lion Klre Insurance Co., . Imperial Klre Insurance Co.,
London 4 Lancashire Klre Ins. Boa, London Assurance Corporation,
Alliance Assurance Co.. Norwich Union Klre Ina.Soo.
Oldest and Leading Firm In the.Clty Devoted Exclusively to Insurance,
Recovers and repairs upholstered furuiture. Long Experience in the trade
enables me to turn out first-class word. Samples of coverings. No 'trouble- to
give estimates, State Insurance block, Chemeketa street.
Ed. C.
CHURCHILL Spraying OJiffiis,
JSB 103
BURROUGHS State Street.
Lamoureux's Stables
At the Oirmmerdal street bridge near Willamette Hotel. New stock and ve
hides being added constantly. Only the best sprvloe rendered .No shabby
rigs nor poor horstP. H. L. LAMOURKUX, Proprietor.
West Printing
First-class Work.
203 Cominorolal fit.,
From Terminal or Interior Points the
J the line to take
To all Points East and Smth.
Itiithedlnlng car route. Itruns thro ajb
vestibule trains, every day In the year 10
(No change of can.)
GompaieA of dining-cars ntuqrpawwd,
Pullman drawing room sleefcirs
Of latest eqiuftnent
Sleeping Cars.
lient that can be constructed and In which
aiymmodatUiu are both lrte and tnr
hUbed for holders of first and second-class
. Acontlunocs line eonnertln- with all
lines, afiordlof direct and uninterrupted
.Pullman slier "r Ttlonscan be se
cured in advt- u U.T ... any eent of
the road.
Through tickets to and from all points
In America, England and Europe can be
purchased at any ticket otnee of this com
pany. Pull Information concerning rate, time
of trains .routes and other details furnished
on amplication to any agent or
Assistant General Patenter Agent. Mo.
121 Vlrst street, or. Washington; PorV
Wholesale and Retail
.Dealer in Fresh, Salt and
Saiokei Moats of all Kinds
OS Court and
110 State Streets.
Book and Job
f -Printer.-
Itcasonablo Ft ices.
Flllelll, Orejf n.
The Yaquina Route,
And Oregon Development company's steam
ship line. 223 miles shorter, a) hours e
time than by any other route, Klrst das.
through passenger and lrelght line frou
Portland and all lolnU In the WllUmelU
valley to and fromltan Francisco.
TIME SCHEDULE, (Except Sunday.)
Lv Albany 1.-00 pmlLv uorvallls.l:40 p r
AT Yaaulna&so pm V Yaqulna.6:4S a i
Lv CorvaUls. 10:35 am Ar Albany 11:10 a i
O. A C, trains connect at Albany and Coi
The above trains connect at Yaquina wit
the Oregon Development Co.'s line of steal,
era between Yaquina and Han Francisco.
N. ILPassengn from Portland and a
Willamette valley potnts can make close coi
section with the trains of the Yaquina Itoul
at Albany or Oorralll and If destined ft Ha
KrancUco.sbould arrange to arrive at Yaquln
the evening: before date of sailing.
Paseesfer and Freight Kates always tl
lowest For information apply to Meetr
HULMAN A Cb.. Freight and Ticket Agen
100 and 303 Front street. Portland, Or., or
U O. ilOOUE, Ae't Uen'l Ft k Pass. Ag
M Or. l'aclflo It, K. Co . Oorvallls, Or
r.U.UASWELU Jr., Oen'l Freight and
Pass. AgU Ore. Development Oo.
80s Mouitomwyt
Meat Marked
Freehand BalU meaU of tbel best qoalll
Poultry and stock. Free delivery.
Dr. Sarah E. Sherman of Salem,
Mass., has been made president of the
Massachusetts Surgical and Gynaecolog
ical society.
Misa Helen Bradleo of Boston has
given $50,000 to add to tho comforts of
women patients at the McLean asylum
in that city.
The family of Toppans of Newbury
port, Mass., still hold land there that
has been in tho family without inter
ruption for 2 centuries.
Amilcaro Cipriani, tha Italian revolu
tionist who has passed most of his life
in exile or prison, is paying a. visit to his
friends in London, among them Louise
George Parsons Lathrop, who went
over to Catholicism not long ago, hag ac
cepted tho editorship of Tho Visitor, a
Roman Catholic weekly published in
Tho ComtesBO de Mirabeau Martel is
blond and no longer young. Sho is of
medium stature, with wavy hair and
large, brilliant eyes. Sho lives in an old
fashioned villa in tho envirdfts of Paris.
Tho Rev. William C. Winslow of Bos
ton, tho eminent archaeologist, has been
elected an honorable follow of tho Soci
ety of Sciencoand'ASrtrbf Great Britain
on account of his valuable labor as an
A hitherto unfamiliar portrait of Ben
jamin Franklin by Duplessia, tho French
painter, has boon recently discovered in
Germany by a young American physi
cian. Dr. C. F. Snyder, and had been
sent to Philadelphia.
Professor J. Rondel Harris of Cam
bridge university, England, who is ro
ported as having discovered at Mount
Sinai tho only complete Syrian manu
script of tho four gospels, was formerly
connected with tho faculty of Johns
Hopldna university.
Dr. Lennox Browne, who has stopped
into tho shoes of Sir Moroll Mackenzie
in London as an authority on diseases
of the throat, was at the age of 25 Sir
Morell's chief chemical 'assistant. In
addition to his skill as a physician he
has unusual artistio gifts.
Lieutenant Thorwald Fritschoof tho
royal Danish navy, who has como to this
country for the purpose of beginning a
3-years' sorvico in tho American navy, is
said to bo tho first naval officer of a for
eign power to recoivo permission to enter
the navy of tho United States.
It is said that tho game of craps origi
nated among tho Greeks.
Of tho 01,000 breweries estimated to
be in tho world 20.000 are in Germany.
British noblemen frequently pay as
much as $22,500 a year for their shooting.
Tho smoky tasto of Scotch whisky is
due to tho uso of peat in tho manufac
ture. Tho Scotch herring fishery is now the
greatest in the world, employing 12,000
boats and 100,000 people
Chicago's mortality statistics show
that a surprisingly largo number of resi
dents of tho lako city livo to bo over 00.
Virginia possesses nearly 2,000,000
acres of oyster beds, and here tho oysters
sometimes grow as large as soup plates,
A copy of the first dictionary, made
by Chinese scholars in the year 1100 B.
C, is still preserved among the archives
of tho Celestials.
To prevent fevers, keep the liver ac
tive and bowels regular wltb Simmons
Liver Regulator.
How is Your Blood?
I had a nulignsat breaklcg out on ray leg
below the knse, and was cured sound and well
wltb two and a half bottles of EgHD
Other blood medicine bad failed ffeTaTel
to do me any good. Wiix a Btwr,
I was troubled from childhood wltb an ag;
rarated ease of Tetter, and three bottles of
Imm earm.rm
BBS i i Uu-rlUcLT.
Oar book en Blood and iHrfa Disuses vtiUfi
sunn WCWig K Awe- wt
tile Day,
Chicage: hot and steamy,
More Bodies Believed to Be
""' Incinerated
The Mate ol the Schooner Mabel
Coroner'! Yerdict of Death by
Unknown Hands.
French Anarchists.
rAKis,.July 14. Today is the hun
dred anQ fourth anniversary of the fall
of Btistile. It is usually celebrated
With much rejoicing but today the fetes
ire tame. This is due entirely to feel
ing engendered by recent riots of an
archists. They have taken advantage
of the day to post Incendiary placards.
Cbe police aro busy destroying these
red posters. They made many threats
of what thoy Intended to do today, go
ing so far as to say they would destroy
the city with fire. The authorities are
prepared for any overt act.
Hot and Steaming.
OHiCAao.July l-i.-Theair isstlll hot
and steamy at the world's fairgrounds.
Large quantities of dislnfootauts are
jprlnked over the burlea ruins of the
cold storage warehouse to keep down
itench. No more bodies found. Offi
cials in charge of work believe from
odor in tho neighborhood of smoke
stack more will be found there when
they succeed in getting the tangled
mass of pipes and machinery cleared
4way. Funeral of eight of victims of
the fire took place this afternoon.
California Crime.
Euheica, July, 14. Coroners Jury
in the Case of R ibert Russell, mate of
Schooner Mable Gray, whose body was
found in the bay Wednesday, with
limbs bound and a gag iu his mouth,
returned a verdict that Russell met
bis death at the hands of persons un
known. He ba.i beeti threatened by
Union Bailors and they are suspected
of the del.
Poisoning Case.
PrrTOJiuita, P., July 14.-8tory Is
publlnbed this nfternonu to the efleit
that P. J. Oullughcr, one of cooks In
Curuegle iron works at Homestead dur
ing the siege by'strikerx, whose o nfe
siou led t. convlctl'in of Hugh Demp
sey, district master worknmu Instigat
ing poisoning of nou-uulon men inside
stockade, has made another confession
in which he declares Dempsey Inno
cent. Dempsey's attorney will bring
the case before the board of pardons.
Pensbn Ordr.
Washington, D. C. July, 14. Com
missioner Loohard of the pension
bureau has Issued au order directing
that hereafter In making calls upon
the war and uavy department for In
formation regarding the servloe of ap
plicants for pensions under act June 27,
1890, request shall also be made for the
military and medical history of the sol
diers. The order shows a purpose on
the part of pension officials to makes
more searching Inquiry than formerly
Into the cause of the nppllcanl's disabil
F nances Bitter.
Nmv Youk, July 14, Decided Im
provement In financial situation Is not.
ed by banker. Hanks are beginning
to retire clearinghouse certificates and
it is believed this will continue, Banks
are receiving largo amounts of curren
cy from the country aucT there Is notice
able decrease In applications by country
batiks for rediscounts.
AW-ra'l Opinion.
Minneapolis, July 14. Senator Al
llsonoflowft Is In tho city, guest of
Senator Washburn. He said todny the
present financial disturbance was due
largely to the fact that there Is n belief
If we continue the purchase of silver
we must soon reach a sliver standard.
Added to this is expansion of credits
and distrust of Democratic policy on
currency and tariff. Stoppage of pur
chase of sllvor will greatly aid In restor
ing confidence.
Will Not Retract.
Dknvkb, July 14. Eastern papers
have been telegraphing here, asking
the real Import of Governor Wallo's In
cendiary sliver speech. In the inter
view today, ho declares he meant just
what ho said, and will not withdraw a
single word.
Cutting Sates.
Montbeai, July 14. News of In
dictments against President Van Horn,
charglug him with the violation of the
inter-state commerce law, created great
consternation in Canadian Paclfio rail
way circles. Officials are all out of the
city, and nothing could bo learned of
tho railroad's side of the case.
War in Biam.
London, July 14. A special from
Bangkok, Slam, says twonty Siamese
are killed,and fourteen wounded yester
day, during the exohaqge of shots be
tween the forts at the mouth of Metnatn
river and the French gun boats.
Kills Himself.
Mkadville,' Pa., July 14. S. T.
Dick, of the banking firm of Dick &
Co., suicided this morning, A heavy
run on his bank yesterday, Is the cause.
Emperor Coming.
Behijn, July 14. The general army
bill passed second reading in Reichstag
today. Will pass third reading tombr
row. Union Breaks.
Tonawanda. N. Y., July 14. The
strike of lumber shovers ended In un
conditional surrender of men whowlll
seek work, as Individuals.
Cyclone U'crikes Stillwater
Fatal Results-
Stillwater, Minn., July 14. A
terrific cyclone struck Stillwater at 3:10
this afternoon. Rafting shed of At-
wood mill Is carried away. Bo far two
bodies have been removed. Thctwo
killed aro Bam Blmonson and Win
Anez. No estimate can bo given of
damage. Several others are known to
bo Injun d. Others aro missing.
Railroad Men Indicted.
Washington, July 14. Tho Inter
state commerce commission confirm re
port from Tucoina that President Van
Home, of the Canadian Pacific, and
several local agents of the road have
been Indicted by the graud Jury, for
Violation of lntertdute commerce act In
making secret cut on passenger rates.
Big Bank Failure.
Kasas City, July 14. The National
Bank of Kansas City, suspended this
afternoon. It has a capital of a million
dollars. Much excitement Is caused by
suspension. President J. H. Chick Is
one of the best known financiers In the
Report Denied.
New YoiiK, July, 14. Report that
the Nicaragua canal construction com
nanv ntnrvxt all work on the Nicaragua
canal on account of lack of funds Is offi
cially denied this morning by isx-uen-ator
Warner Miller, President of the
ftilTtr is Msxico.
r'nv nv Mwrfm. Julv 14. Tha trnv.
ernment Is pursuing a waiting polcy
In regard to silver and Is not disposed
to take action regarding Its foreign
debt until events shape themselves.
It Is clearly shown silver will not ko
much lower. It to not believed here
that France will wltbdraw rrom toe
Latin union and there Is also a strong
reason for bellevluK that, according to
advice received here, the repfal of
trwf Sherman act will be eceomnllshed
iroikbout compensatory action which
mav Doweriuuy aiu in busumuiux me
sliver market. Mine owners of
Pacbuea one of the most extensive
mining districts In Mexico, nave decid
ed that no matter how low the white
metal may fall in value In foreign
markets, the mine of Pachuca shall
not close or curtail optratlona,
Highest of nil fn Leavening Power. Latest U. S Gov't Report
la the German Reichstag for the
Army Bill.
Progress Making on tho Irish
Home Halo Bill.
Tho Gorman Army Bill.
Berlin, July 14 At tho session of
the relohstag Dr.Ojsau, national liberal,
moved tho adoption of a resolution de
claring that In consequence of tho fod
der famine the proposed urmy maneuv
ers ought not to be proceeded with.
Geueral von Kalteuboru titachau, min
ister of war, opposed the motiou and
said of the maneuvers It was tha pre
rogative of tho emperor, and the uoubo
had no right to interfere Ho added
the Prussian authorities, taking Into
account tho prevalent distress, would
provldo powder magazines for tho
horses and buy cattlo from t'e peoplo
In tho euflerlng districts for troops tak
ing part In the maneuvers. After some
further discussion of tho subject it was
dropped, and the bouse proceeded with
the second reading of tho army bill.
Lieber, centrist, made a speech against
the bill, but advanced no reason against
adoption boyond those employed by
him agaltiBt tho orlgluul bill in the last
roichstag. Chancollot Cuprlvl, who
bos rocovered from his, recont sickness,
replied and concluded by asking tho
bouse-to puss tho bill in the shortest
lima possible. A vote was thou taken
on the first article p( tho bill, and It
was passed by 107 to 187, a government
majority of 11. Count Herbert Bis
marck supported the government. The
attlolo fixes for two years tho peace
effective at 470,229 men. Volunteers
for the year are not lucluded In the
number. The ministerialists are Jubi
lant at the result, which practically
amounts to passing tho whole.
English Parliament.
London, July 14. In the houce of
commons Blr John Lubbeok asked
whether tho government had settled
upon the rate at which tho rupee
would bo received for gold. Gladstone
said he know nothing of tho matter
beyond what ho had already an
nounced. Blr John then gave notice
that ho would question tho govern
ment as to whether gold would be
given for rupees at tho sumo rate as
rupees for gold.
Tho house then wont Into committee
of the wholoon tho home rule bill. The
debate was marked by uu nltuck on
Qladstono by a member of hU owu
party. Robert Walluce, liberal Irora
Edinburgh, opposed tho withdrawal of
the "In aud out" sub-section of cluusu
nine and spoke at length against tho
course of tho prime minister. Joseph
Chamberlain charged Gladstone with
breaking his publlcally expressed
pledge against the detoution of tho
Irish members aud challenged the gov
ernment to appear before tho country
on tho Issues raised.
At 10 o'clock Chairman Mollor ap
plied closure on the amendment propos.
Ing the omission of the "In and out"
provision which was carried by a vote
of 826 to 298, Clause nine, which pro
vides for representation lu parliament
of Irish counties and boroughs was then
adopted by a vote of 820 to 207.
As Chairman Mellor proceeded to put
the question on clause ten, the first of
the flnanolal clauses, the conservatives
after cheering derisively, left the house
In a body. The government's proposal
that the consideration of clauso ten be
poetpoued was then passed, Tho bolt
ing conservatives then returned and a
number of other clauses were carried.
Nicaragua Oanal.
NkwYohjc, July 14. The Tribune
aysthU merning: "The Nicaragua
Canal Construction company Is out or
fundi and baa stopped all work upon
the Nicaragua canal. For some time It
has been rumored that tbey were af
fected by the general stringency of
money und it become known that there
were some internal dissensions In the
company and that there had been great
disappointment that the management
had failed to obtain loans from this
country and from England.
"Yesterday officers admitted that
work on the canal had stopped. They
said the failure to go ahead with the
work was duo simply nud solely to the
failure to raise tnouey and thoy had
not much doubt that when business af
fairs became easier work would go on.
For the present, boweyer,. tho vast
plant iu Central America will remain
Si'okank, July 14. Tho city police
commissioners reinstated Chief rf police
Mertz who has beeu on trial on charges
of Incompetency and corruption.
TAcOMA.July 14. The grand Jury
returuod au Indictment against Rev.
Thos. Hlng for violation of tho Geary
uct In attempting to laud thirty Chinese
laborers from tho steamer Mogul on
pretext that they wero actors for the
world's fair. Slug claims to be a mis
sionary of the Mothodlst church and' to
have beeu educated In San Francisco.
Tho United States grand Jury found
true bills against Arthur B. Guidon and.
Wm. R. Thompson, Canadian PacJllo
railroad ueents for this city, for viola
tion of the Inter state commerce law by
soiling tickets from Taconia to Boston
for $05 wheu tho soueduled fare Is fixed
t $73.70.
Carrie Bobs tad, aged 21 years, a do
mestical .the Humboldt housa.led
from injuries sustained by fire caused
by a lamp explosion. She had fulleu
asleep whllo reading as she reclined an
the bed.
ItoSKiiuita, Oregon, July 14. The
uaaouul appropriated by Couuty Treas
urer V. L. Arrlngton Is reported to be
$23,029.81. The treasurer has resigned
and tho county court has appointed W.
A. Frater to fill the vacanoy. Up to
uoou today Arrlngton's sureties, Hy
man Wollonborg and Aaron Rose, had
not made good tho deficiency and the
county court has ordered that action at
law bo brought against them for the re
covery of the amount duo tho county.
The sureties nro uouiidantly able to pay,
but tho stringency of the money market
may cause bo mo delay. Investigation
of tho books Is not yot completed and
reliable Information cannot bo had
further than as above stated.
Yesterday's Review soys; "Mr, Ar
rlngton was seon by a reporter and ha
stated that ho had turned all his prop
erty over to his bondsmeu and had filed
his resignation. iLj was at a loss to ac
count for the detlcleuoy being so
largo and did not kuow where tire
money could huvo gouu to as he had
uut speculated und lost It.
8an Bkiinakihno, Cal.. July 14.
Vice President Stovensoii und party
urrived lu this city from tho East this
morning for u brief visit to tho coast
A reception committee has beeu ap
pointed to meet the party and welcome
them here.
Poiitland, July 14. The United.
States grand Jury returned two Indict
ments ngalust N. Blum. Tho first Is
for smuggling Chinese into this port
last November aud the second Is for
smuggling opium lu February last. He
was arrested this evenlug aud his ball
fixed at 6000 In each charge.
includes the great temperance urlnle
It gives New Wfe to the Old Polks, ,
C4 Pleasure to tho Parents,
fiMd fer a11- AH .
l, A i c ckf H t VI
. ' "jpl