Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, July 13, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    ""' ""JJW
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Why pay $1.85 to $8 60 a
month for Dally Papers
when you can got the Dally
Joarnal by Mall for 85 ta.
a Month T
85 eta. a Moatk by XU '
r i.i . J
No; Papers Seat Wbwt
TImoJIs Out.
VOL., 6.
.... &a .
NO. 164.
With, the high prices you aro paying for your Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Furnish
ing Goods, Etc., Etc. If not call at tho
Where you get the best bargains for the least money.
GOODS- Sought for CASH and sold for CASH
can-be, and ate sold for a small
J- W. THOMAS, 297 Com!,
General Insurance Agency.
Representing tke following well-known and reliable Cempanies:
HTATE INSURANCE CO., - .Etna insurance Co.,.
Traders' Insurance Co., ,.' bun insurance Co..
National Insurance Co., ' , , Westchester fire Ins. Co.,
Lion KIre Insnranoe Co., Imperial Fire Insurance Co.,
London Lancashire Fire Ins. Soc., London Assurance corporation,
Alliance Assurance Uo., Norwich Union Fire Ins.Soo.
pidest and Leading Firm in the City Devoted Exclusively to Insurance,
Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture. Long Experience in, the trade
enables me to turn out first-class work. Samples of coverings. No trouble to
Rive estimates. State Insurance block, Cbemeketa street
Ed. C.
CHURCHILL! Spraying Offlflb,
& - 103
BURROUGHS State Street.
Lamoureux's Stables,
At the Commercial street bridge near Willamette Hotel. New stock and ve
hicles being added constantly. Only the best service rendered. No shabby
rlits nor poor horse h. H. L. LAMOUREUX, Proprietor.
West Printing
803 Commercial Br.,
From Terminal or Interior Points the
Il the line to take
To all Points East and South.
It U the dining car route. It runs throng b
vestibule trains, every day In tho year to
(No change of can.)
Composed of dlntngcan uniurpiuse4
Pullman drawing rootn ileepcro
OflatMt equipment
Sleeping Cars.
Bet t that can be comtructed and In which
aocommodatlena are both tree and lur
nlihed for holder offlnt and econd-dJuw
ticket, and
Acontlnnocs line connejting with all
line, aflordlng direct and uninterrupted
Pullman allrpe- rr rtlonscan base.
cared In advcitw thro ,u any agent ol
the road.
Through tickets to and from all polnti
In America, Kngland and Kurope can be
purchased at any ticket office oithii com
pany. Kull Information concerning rate, Urn
of tralnaoatea iwi ither details furnUhed
on implication to any agent or
A mutant General PatMniW Agent, Mo,
IS rtrat atreet, cor. WMhiiigtonjlrt-
margin than goods sold on
Wholesale and"iretail
Dealer in Fresh, Salt and
Smoked Meats of allKinds
95 Court and
110 State Streets.
Book and job
Iteasonnblo Prices.
Falem, Oregon.
County Treasurer Short
Roskbubo, Juiy, 13 There is a
shortage in the accounts of County
Treasurer Arrlngton but the amount
oinnot be ascertained until the investi
gation Is completed. It Is believed
that the shortage la between $20,000
and (30,000,
Young Mothers!
We Otter You Remedy
which Insures Sttety to
iifa of Mother and Child.
"Mathar's Fri.n."
Sobs OotJinement at its
Film. Morror and Risk.
. After Ming one bottle of "M?tlitr,i Prlerd'
ItuSered but little pain, anddla not expert
nee tkatweakneM afterward u.ual In och
cut. Htm. Akkik Qxok, Lainar, Mo.
tot brinrau.cfcurM wnU, o ntript of pck.
i.ja pwbotCU. aok '-T MkUo" M4lJl ft..
Sold by all druggbu. Atlaxta, Ox
Meat Market.
ftMh and Bait meaU Jof thel beet quality.
Porltry and itock. JTra OellTery.
time. Be sure and get our
Tho Ghoctaws Respited.
New York, July 13. A Washington
special says: "The Indian agent at
Muskogee, I. T., telegraphs that the
execution of nine Chocktaws has been
suspended till August 4th."
Great Horse Dies.
Saoiaw, Mich., July 13. Rolfe N.,
stallion, record 2:20, brother in blood to
the famous Nelson, dropped dead on
the track at Union Park this morning.
He bunted a blood vessel. Worth f 10,-
A Million of Gold Coming.
New York, July 13. Tbe Evening
Post's London special says; Two hun
dred thousand pounds of gold are on
gaged for export to America today.
The Earl of Derby, like Mr. Gladstone
fa an enthusiaatio tree feller.
Miss S. E. Puller of Now York is the
first woman to receive a government
contract for engraving.
Miss M, E. Braddon is said to receive
1,250 for, tho serial rights of each of the
'novels, that aho'writes'nowaaay'&r '
Mr. William Watson, tho English
poet who recently became insane, is re
ported to bo completoly rocovered.
Gny do Maui .ssant is now in what
his doctor calls a vegottitivo state and
incapable of connecting two ideas to
gether. Nat Crigham, who has been appointed
United States marshal for Utah, is re
membered at Harvard university as tho
most mellifluous tenor that ever roamed
tho college yard.
Mary E. Wilkins, with all her literary
success, is but a woman. During a re
cent visit to New York sho enthused
more aver the "big sleeves" than about
the big people who feted her.
The present aim of Zola'a life' is to
gain admission to tho French, academy.
Ho is not discouraged by numerous de
feats, remembering that Victor Hugo
had to present himself four times beforn
he became one of tho 40 "Immortals."
President Dole of Hawaii has found
time to write an artioloon the higher
criticism of tho Biblo for The Mailo
Wreath. Ho is deeply Interested in the
investigations of modern Biblical schol
p.73 and keeps hmself well informed on
tho subjoct.
General E. Kirby Smith died in debt,
but it was an indebtedness," says Gen
eral W.H. Jackson of Tennessee, "which
was honestly and conscientiously con
tracted," Half of the money needed to
moet the outstanding obligation has al
ready boon raised by the general's
It is feared that the days of Gounod,
the great composer, are numbered.
Isabelle Evesson and Ea telle Clayton
are said to be the two most beautiful sis
tors on tho stage.
A Scandal In High Life," Edgar Bel
deu's play, which was recently produced
In Brooklyn, scored a failure and will
probably not go out next year.
Charles Frohman has secured the
American rights of "Charley's Aunt,"
which has been received with almost
unprecedented favor In London.
Edward Harrigan will produce a new
play dealing with New York life about
Oct 1 at his own theater. Mr. Harri
gan is the author of the play, which has
not yot bean christened.
It is announced that J. M. Hill has re
tired permanently from theatrical man
agement and that Ncill Burgess of
"Widow Bedott" and "County Fair"
fame has left the stage for good.
Katie Lawrence, a particularly talent
ed London music hall artist, will return
to this country next fall, and it Is ru
mored that after an engagement at Tony
Pastor's aha may bead a farce comedy
organization of her own.
Harry a Smith and Reginald d
Kpven'a opera, "The Knickerbockers'
was sot s .very glittering success in New
York, sad It was withdrawn after a run
of om week, it may, however, be fariai
ifaia Utar ia Xtw York,
Monarch of Germany
is Coming.
germaAimy BILL PASSES.
Another Ghastly Find in the
Chjcago Firetrap.
More CeiltJent Feeling Generally
Advances in American Stocks Con-
tiuue to bo Notoil.
'aTk Emperor Coming.
BBRia&'Jfaly IS. Tho first clause of
the army bjlrpassed today by 71 major
ity. Thlsis considered tantamount to
the pasM0of the whole bill.
This undoubtedly settles the ques
tion of the "Emperor William coming
to the United States to visit the world's
fair. If the monarch of Germany
comes to the United States he will open
the eyes of ffrance by a display of bis
military prowess, as well as to do honor
to the millions of Germans in our coun
try. Tho visit of the court to America
will cost bis government half a million
and will bflbe great event of the Co
lumbian year.
The Chicago Firetrap.
Chicago, July 13. Tho workmen on
tbo ruins of the cold storago warehouse
made another ghastly And this morn
ing. It was that of a human arm, and
from a ring on tho finger it was identi
fied as that of Ralph Druramond, part
of whoso remains wero taken out yes
terday. The total list of fatalities from
the fire now number 17, with three or
four still unaccounted for. It Is now
believed the total will not-exceed 20 or
The gate receipts nUhe fair forSunday
will bo donated to tho relatives of tbe
dead firemen, and the several city thea
ters will also give benefits for them, so
that a handsomo sum Is sure to be
netted. Memorial services will be held
at the grounds Sunday.
The Money Market.
London, July 13. Stocks are quiet,
though somewhat improved.' Ameri
cans aro weak though there are advan
ces. Tbe failures of four small stock
brokers are announced.
Nkw York, July 13. A good buy
ing of stocks this morning caused ad
vances of from to 1 J at opening. A
more confident feeling generally pre
vailed. Stock Market Firm.
New York, July 18. Later In the
day tbe bears made a raid on granger
stocks. There was little support and
many margins were exhausted, forcing
out much long stock and causing nerv
ousness. When the pressure ww re
moved there was a rally J to 1, but the
market became dull. A firm tone con
tinued to tbe close, however, with
further appreciation.
The New Coraet.
Han Francisco, July 12. Director
Holden telegraphs as follows from
Lick observatory;
"The comet discovered at Salt Lake
city July 8 Is easily visible to the naked
eye n tbe northwest soon after dark.
It la moving with extreme rapidity to
the east and south. It was observed at
Lick observatory last nlxbt for a deter,
mluatlon of Its position. It was photo
graphed aud its spectrum determined.
It has almost tbe usual comet spectrum
rather brighter tban common lu the
blue region. Until the orbit U com
puted It can not be said bow much
brighter this Interesting comet will
Now Political Party to Down Tam
many in Now York.
Salt Lake City, July 18. A mon-
ster sliver demonstration waa held here
last night Resolutions were passed
praying congress for enactment of an
act repealing the Sherman law and all
other laws unfavorable to silver and
substitution of a la7 restoring to sllvor
its former value. .
New York, July 13. Tho first blow
at the Tammany domination was
struck at a meeting of citizens by tho
Democraoy of tho seventh assembly
district last night, when a permaaont
organization of a new political party
was effected.
Ironton, O., July 18. General W.
H. Enoohe, congressman from this dis
trict, was found dead In bed this morn
Suffers by Fire and Cyclone Stoves
and Fire Escapes Wanted.
Newburo, N. Y., July 18. The
West Bound West Shore train ran Into
an open switch half a mile south of
hero at nooa, and a bad Bmaahup re
sulted. Four bodies have been taken
from tho wreck. A large number of
badly injured are being taken to tbe
hospital. There are said to be 8 to 10
killed and over a dozen hurt.
A lator report says only islx or seven
aro killed, and fifteen or twenty In
jured. Tbe dead includo four un
known women, and a little child.
Pomeboy, la., July 13. Tho cyclone
sufferers are badly In need of staves. A
formal appeal was Isued today for help
In this direction. Tho committee asks
for 100 stoves, old or new.
Chicago, July 18. Tho national
world's fair commission today adopted
a report recommending fire escapes be
put on tho world's fair buildings.
Heat In Chicago.
Chioaqo, July 13. Thfr weather Is
excessively hot. Two deaths from
sunstroke so far.
Portland, July 18. Julius Ham
mer, a carpenter, attempted sulcido tbia
afternoon by shooting. Ho Is in a crit
ical condition with a bullet through his
Iubrs. Domestlo troublo Is assigned as
the cause.
New South Wales Cable.
Sydney, July 13. The latest advices
from Samoa are to tho effect that aotlve
hostilities have broken out between the
followers of Mslletoa and Chief Mataafa.
Each factlon)haoacamp,two miles from
Apia, and skirmishes occasionally oc
cur. Tho king's force is stronger but
the Chiefs have tbo better arms. Both
refuse to bold any district neutral.
A Ohehalls Sheriff Tames Them With
the Aid of Bis Gun.
Chehalib, Wash., July 11. Last
night one of the fllm-flummers accom
panying Sanger & Lent's show beat u
German farmer out of (20 by means of
the short-change racket. The German
swore out a warrant for his arrest,
which was put in tbe bands of Deputy
SberlfT Ed. Barnett to serve. Harnett
went to tho show train while tbe out
fit waa packing up after tho perfor
mance and arrested his man. As he
was leaving with him, emplyers of the
show, beaded by tbo manager, assault
ed him together with two other offl
cers, beat him insensible and rescued
the prisoner. A free fight with cit
izens seemed Imlnent as soon as the
affair had attracted attention. At this
Juncture Sheriff ilarnett, accompanied
by Deputy Carpenter, arrived on tbe
aoeno with drawn revolvers and pro
ceeded to search the enow train for the
short-change sharp. They were un
able to find blm, but arrested four em
ployes of tbe show. Tho manager in
tbe meantime escaped to the hotel and
bad gone to bed. They bunted him op,
got him out of bed aud took him with
bis hired men to the county Jail. The
five prisoner were charged with as
saulting tbe officers, and were to have
a hearing till Wednesday. The show
proceeded toOlympla without man
ager and several specialty artlata. The
manager waa released on ball this after
noon (furolsbed on a telegram from the
Oregon National bank of Portland,
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S Gov't Report
Address of tho Colorado Conven
tion on Bimetallism.
Colorado Asks tho South to Help
a Freo Coluago Act.
Denver, July 18. Interest in tho
silver convention was not In the least
abated yesterday and when called to
order standing room was not to bo bud.
After tho appointment of delegates to
tbe St. Louis and Chicago silver con
ventions and to the "gold bug" gath
ering at St. Paul tho committee on res
olutions presented its report which was
unanimously adopted. It is addreesed
to tho people of tho Uulted States aud
"Tho people of Colorado, standing In
tne gloom of Impending disaster and
representing In condition and sentiment
the peoplo of Montana Idaho, Wyom
ing, Nevada, South Dakato, Utah, Arl
zona and New Moxlco, with reverence
for the constitution and unswerving
faltb, ask your candid consideration of
the following facta beforo you give ap
proval to tbe destruction of silver as a
money and to tho final establishment
la this country, pf ajBlnglo-goJd. stand
ard of value and ttiue, at one stroke,
chango all debts to gold debts and In
augurate a never-ending rjso of gold
and a continued corresponding fall in
tbo price of every commodity. Con
gress is called to meet In extra session
on August 7th. Preceding this call tbe
clauses which struggled for tweuty
years to overthrow tho bl-metalllo mon
ey standard provided by the constitu
tion, inaugurated u panic which they
untruthfully charged to tbo oxUtlng
silver law, ignoring tho fact that tburo
are (800,000,000, of outstanding legal
tender notes commonly called green
backs, that are equally ayalluble with
treasury notes Issued in payment for
silver to draw the gold from the treas
ury; that tbe balance of our forelgu
trado baa turned against us, rendorlng
settlomont abroad with American gold
a necessity and tbe great bankers of
Europe are purchasing gold with
Wbicb to chango tbo monoy standard in
Austria and to fill tho treasury vaults
of other monarcbial countries. Tho
evident purpose 1b to creute a prejudice
against what is known as tho silver
purchasing act and under this pressure
to securo its unconditional repeal.
Tho success of this scheme Is only
partial. Presidential patronnge, sup
plementing falso and Incendiary utter
ances by tbo gold press and aggravated
by daily circular assaults upou tbo law
by eastern money brokers seut to every
commercial body and banking corpor
ation In tbe country,havo possibly won
oyer the house of representatives to It,
but even tbe president admitted that
In the senate thore is a staunch major
ity against it. Suddenly tbo uewu was
flashed beneath tbe oceans that free
colnauo In India had been suspended
and the market price of silver bad
fallen within forty-eight hours fully
twenty cents an ounce. Tho Sherman
law did not work In the sllvor produc
ing states. It was forced upou the
country against their will. Their con
stant demand has been that of tbo ag
ricultural states west aud south and the
working masses of tho whole country,
Tbey havo not sought to Impose upon,
the country some new financial nos
trum and have asked simply tho res
toration of tho coinage laws as they
wdro from the first year of tbe federal
conutilutloiruutil tho furtive repeal in
1878. The Sbermau law was a trick by
which the restoration was defeated.
Tbe charge that blmetallsts demand
that sixty couts be made a dollar Is a
lie. It U a trlok of the tingle standard
conspirators that lessened tbe value of
silver. Wbathl-metalllsts do ask aud
all they ask la the law regulating coin
age a,i It was for seventy-five years of
tbe country's greatest glory shall be
restored without addluj or expunging
syllable. IH-metalllsta will cheerful
ly submit to any legislation that exper
ience will suggest as necessary to make
every dollar of tho United States equal
iu Intrinsic yaluo to overy other bear
lug its stamp.
"Will you listen to us while we speak
In words of sober earnestness of tbe
local effects the unconditional repeal of
silver will have?- The silver mining
states and terrl tori ties, embracing 1,000,
000 square miles of the continent with
2.000,000 Americans inhabiting them,
depend pccuularly upon silver mining
for prosperity. This Industry Is the
very heart from which nearly every
other Industry receives support. The
reduction of tho price of silver to about
70 cents shut down 00 per cent, of tbe
silver mlues of the country and tbe
smelters must In consequence soon fol
low their example. In Colorado today
thero aro 15,000 Idle miners. There will
soon bo added to tbls 4000 mon from
tbo smelters. Stone quarries are nearly
all abut down, railway, companies are
laying off train crews by the score,
foundries are nearly all out of orders,
farmers and fruit growers will be barely
paid for tbe cost of Baying tbelr crops
and merchants are countermanding or
ders. The destruction of the sliver in
dustry will devastate tbe country as if
swept by a cyclone reaching from the
British possesions to tbo .Mexican bor
der lino. We say to you In tho most
solemn and truthful manner that reli
able statistics prove, including but
legitimate items in tho account, that
the sllvor of Colorado costs by the time
It is on tho market not less than $1,29
per ounce. Like gold, some silver la '
produced for much less than tbe mark
et value, but tbo average cost of stiver
Is fully tbo highest prlco It ovor brought
In tbo market.
"Stop aud couslder, men of tbe East,
how many millions of your money are
In vested with us. No calamity can In
duce us to repudiate a dollar of honest
debt. All our assets aro at the will of
our creditors for tbelr reimbursement,
but If by bad congressional legislation
through congress you shall wipe out
tbo greut Industry of tbo section,
around which all others cluster for
vigor and profit, the values of our prop
erties will shrink, our business will be
destroyed, our Iowub and cities will be
largely depopulated and railroads tra
vorslug tbo western half of tbe conti
nent will bo seut Into bankruptcy. Cer
tainly In the face of such unmerited In
fliction you can't blame ua If we, thus
deprived of all, fall to pay all our obli
gations. You may, It Is true, tacce the
country In payment; but after you get
It what will will you do with It? We
will not submit to tbo destiny of pov
erty without a struggle. We shall seek
to open up new markets and build up
our silver industry along now lines and
with now and more sympathetic neigh
bors. "To tbo South Colorado appeals with
more soul felt words, Two years ago
you feared tho enactment of a law that
threatened to deprive you of self gov
ernment aud turn your election booths
over to tbo tender merclcd of federal
bayonets on election day. To save you
from tho outrages of tbe federal force
bill Colorado's two senators, Republi
cans, defied the edicts of their party
causes and defeated what to you waa
certain humiliation and tbo horrors of
subjection to tbe electoral will of your
former slaves. We saved you then,
you can save us now."
is tho right time
for everybody to
A 111 T5 Reer
A temperance drink.
A bomc-mndo drink.
A health-giving drink.
A thirst-quenching drluk.
A drink that is popular everywhere.
Delicious, Sparktbift Ufcmsciat.
A ctal udmi mtlu uUuat el tkk
dllctutt-vtfr. Uon'tUtilectlvtilkfadMUr.
! fur th Mki ef lugtr MvSt, WlU you Mat othr
kind it Jul (KhT-.'tU hl. Ma talutiM
U M f oo4 M lb gnuilM Nuh'i
Vfl mfi
Vvi v7
I V.I f IK M