IOB5S& 'VJWWI S"tyf !YVi gp """0!"" ISVNJLNO CAPITAL. JOUEKAJL, TUESDAY, JXTLT Ji, IMS. fl FEW POINTERS Our store is foil of the choicest, frehest, and latest style goods. We offer rare bargains in every department, and call attention to the folkrvring SAMPLE BAROAIINTS: Ffee MArseflSes 0aasjxx eoy - BoExjcomb " " Ssrperic Hse. twet- Fatscy tovei?. (we wtl I LOT) TerkeyRedTatteLte is) Amfrixa tees) Damask (WtoTiloefeesL. Tisi?- are ev a few-samples ice Hoe of goods. wMefe'are in many Tbe ladies of SSrn are invited to tbey cannot have an opportunity to know ti bey get. e are pceznve trial sacnsicck wa never triSd so krw. Otbr uiices in prcportios. THE PALACE ANDSHcffWANY, 307 Commercial Street. - ir - Yea are p3tajv hsBdorciiaeasr Ksfle 1 jTti ,' turc & iwnfrrae tsoex, sard are rer xo kJ? asr -eeToreS costrart, rre - Salem Improvement Co.' Jf!?efIJSfmit1 oa r . Picnic met yesterday evening, paid aH Th Crrr CASZS.-Tbe street ' b have neany tx c left in , the tretsarv. pc-r-eenent eases are dragging throogn i J theraprameeoart, witt. all tb teebni-' Fine cashmere shawls, with silk caStiesand exeeptisos that Phasdei- fringet the New Tort Racket. 2d-lw phis lawyers can raise. TbepabSeis! Window shades never cheap a jx maea eooasraed la them. If aeity nerw at Wa Sargeant's. St coancil that vcrks for nothing and has ! .Dr. a, D, McCaH, of Atlantic, I. , to pet op with legal talent itSSi1 who ha teen tb guest efL.lL Kirk, month has got to raa the gauntlet of .returned to Iowa esierd&y. He i U the tftChnlcaSUts Aod cCeneal error : weJI encczh pletsed with this vcaatiy of all Its rarioas oQotn before It can ' id Sales: epeclaUj to talk of cocoibg impnrre a Utet, and if citizen can ' here to rive. valt ustil tbe work is all done before taking idranUge of technical defect 1b tbe proceedings, tbe eoort might as -veil decide that all attempt at street iasproTesneati by aoy city gorem taint is fstare are soli and Totd. Oocsrr Fmjlscxs. Marios coanty kac do bonded debt. Varranti were all called in op to Sept. 1st, ii&2. Since that Gate up to Joly Itt, ISC there were J33.673.CO of varrants oautaoding. Oat of this is to come about fl2.XO delinquent taxes, not yet collected. Of this sum all will not be collected bat a goodly share. Joit bow much tbe county will be In debt is a matter that will depend on collections by tbe eherifl and John Knight and his depotles are poshing that badness for all It is worth. On the firt of July, 1S& 41,000 was oatstanding. This would show a de crease in eoanty debt of something over tevetf tbcasand dollars. CHEaPEBTHAX Raic TheEngene Guard say: Lane coaoty now furn trite the usual spectacle of the trans portation of 10,O bethels of w beat by wagon roads alongside tbe railroad track for a distance of 17 mitts. Tbe Bpnngflelg Milling Cabas teams bring. Ing that amount from Junction to Springfield. Tbe teamsters receive G cents per bushel, and almost half tbe wheat has already bren conveyed to the mill bins at Hpriogfleld. Fibji PaoTxcnox. Bagai Bro. to- dsy comDleted their contract tot put ting in an additional Are protection on the State CapitoL Tbe last bosereel i put in place and the water turnd on from the Asylum Water works. Engineer McCari came down tbls after noon to teat tbe system for proteJlon of tbe state bouse. Tbe walls are all of olid brick and a Are breaking out any where In the building would be confin ed to that room. Oub Climate. A Salem woman pleked some fresh eggs yetterdsy and' one proved not so fresb. So sbe threw out tbe whole batch. Imagine her sur prise when she went out a little later and found crawling out of the debris a lively wblte Leghorn chick. Sbe teth ered the llttls fellow up oot of the wreck and pot him under the stove whereat last accounts be was doing well. Max Shot.-This does not happen often In these quiet timss In a thronged place of businea-. Bat yesterday It shot through a man's mind that tbe Little XesUccA cheese at Clark A Ep. plsy's was tbe oaly kind worth baying far the whole family to enjoy. ' Poucb Docket. R. Ash more and Alex Jofeanson were tried for vsgrancy sum Chandler and one Smith were tried for drunks at tbe Recorder's court tills saornlog. AatXVVT. A boy named Elf red JTsMer ssMSulted Chaa. McSoeley who I ! s rock at him and paid 15.00 and is tbe Recorder's court, t gAUOt's Pkide. Of all good things kiss beasts, tbe "Prids of Oregon" floor Is Mrs. It wakes houskeepers happy, ImmsmsmU Is always tbe same, and every Mttk is -arraatd. HACinXIOII FWtMers. boy -reurflUsattlso BLUE FRONT, and MV M BMNT St. J-W-t list ruraltura at Wai.asr- sjsswsi's c htw'if. X S X . 25 IS .!& SSe WcasdO 45e Bto .Kteacdop rftreoeep'tfeoal prices made co. a places sVlfor 6eab"s tbe mooey examine these goods before baying where FE2S0KAL A5D LOCAL. Mrs. P. H. Easioa, d Portland, is visiting frisds in this eSty. Tb Dew eseetrSe light po"ea axe 49 Secretary Tezier of tbe State Press AasodaUon refca to EM. Walte, of Sakm, as the S3 year old representative of The JonaXAX. If be coaJd nee Poppa Gootier Waite spianing along on ni bike with tbe roses of yoath mount ng his cheeks be wocld be tritb lap be vui as yoang and active ts tbe oldest printer in Oregon. Capt. Ad. Chapman, the old Indian ; ar tcoat, has made a Flandinz wager of IK'.O that be can with a bone beat Any bicjcie from Vancouver to Salem 1 and return. This was brongbt abect by some blaster made by a fancy bi- eydUt that a bicycle was superior to a bone. Chapman is a good rider and understands a bone. He has silenced tbe blusterer of yaacouver. Dbpatch An exchange thinks tbe bicycle with tbe rigbt man on it would undoubtedly win. 2teat counterpanes at low prices, at tbeXrW Ywrk Backet. Sd-lw Look over my new books in the Are na Library. If you cannot drop in send for catalogue. F. Dearborn, the bookseller. Baby carriages at greatly reduced prices. Wm. Sargeant. Zt Tbe IUddell, Douglass county, Enter prise is five weeks old and says: "There is no room in Riddle for slow ! people, and ibe Oid-fashioned man,! K , , i..., .j a ,.w "T,r".,-"r"6-'r:w' er did. Progressive ideas are in the sn- P'1? Dd w " j There Is no place in the public life of ; he future for men wiib gancrened lives and who think the country going to tbe bow.vows. Miss Mary Bsker, sifter of F. C Bsker. arrived tbls forenoon and is a guest at tbe state printer's home on State street for a week. Mrs. Pentlaad returned today from a vUlt to tbe world's fair. F. L. Heatb, of Santa Crux, is In tbe city on a visit to Salem for tbe first time In msny jesr. He was raised here and is a son of Luden Heath, one of the first state treasurers of Oregon. A good choice bouse to sell on easy terms. Will take carpenter work in part payment. G. M. Beeter. tf. Mrs. T. U. Stitnsou, of Roseburs, Is visiting at her brother's, B. W. Hatch. Tbe Salem Rod and Gun club are holding a silver medal shoot at Mora ingsldf this afternoon. Mrs. J. C. Smith is oot after her ac cident, with a allgbtly lamed arm. Mrs, Sewell of Portland la tbe eueat of Mrs. Dr. Williamson at the asylum. H. V. Bsy, has returned to Salem and will unite bis talents at tbe drum, of which be to a master, with the Se Regiment band. There is more catarrh In this section ' of tbe country than all other diseases put together, and until tbe Ust fewl years was supposed to be iDcarable. J For a great many years doctors pro f nouoced It a local diaaaL and nre- scribed local remedies, and by constant-' ly failing tocure with local treat meat, ' pronounced it incurable. Science has proven caiarru la m i eonsutattonal disease, and therefore require consti tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney k Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is the only const J. tutiooal cure on the market. It Is taken Internally lo doses from 10 drops to a leaspooniui. it acts auecuy oa tbe blood and mucous surfaces of the ' system. They otter one hundred dol lars lor aoy case It falls t- core. Send for circulars aud testimonial. Ad. drve. F. J. Cheney X Co.. Toledo, O. ( mtmcM, by arT-ggtAU, 75a i Ilf aSTJTT UP TO THEX& KECK. State Ecrtienlfcsrijrti Anesll it Salea The Bccccattsra. PJSO0KAX TCSAT AT2 P. K. Qaartet -FaroBer Johs,M Mrs. Lcck weod and Mn.H.aVmB&, Mr. Cook mad Mr.Panin. Address of wetacae J. H. Albert. fiiVm Bespoase Dr. J. R. CardweH. Prt laod. Mosie Vocal scte Mha Earns Sf OMa Fnngcs growths Dr. A. Sharpies, Eogeoe. Dtscaslaa. Spraying. DesirabSe Imnrsrresnents in Methods of Law Making. W.'S. TPRen, Mil waskie. DiscoieSon. Mcric, vocal doet Mrs. HoUand and Prof. ParTin. THE OOVZT BOOX baBeaofiirisggreeaacdfioral blootn. Spire, feres, evergreens, Tiger lilies, yringa, Oregon water HKes, wild flow en and Oregon grape cover tbe judge's room, tbe Jury raiis, the witness stand. and the scores hare utterly disappear ed beneath dusters of native shrubbery. The comsaitiee oa 'decoratioES deserre Treat creditfor their work thcae who did anything. A piano .and a bop sprayer divide the honors with fruit driers and other apparatus. . "'T-: . B. Moores, J. M. Waltacs, and C. others go to the trains and boats to act as a reception committee to wait upon arrivingdeiegate, delegates. Secy. E. W. Allen, Prest. J. R. Card- welL H. E. Dicb, G L Sargeant, sec- retary of the statebortkaUural society. Chairman Mrs. M. E. Card of the flor - tieakcral departoeat, and Geo. H. HimesofPonland, M. O Lonsdale of La Fayette, Mr. Schanno of Tbe Dalle?, J. W. Long and R. D. Alien of SilvertoE. J. Haines of Forest Grove, amvedontbe 11:15a.m. train to at- tend tbe meeting of the state borticnl - tnral sodety. Dr. Sharpkss, of Eugene, Gen. Var ney, of Oakland and K. C. Case of De troit are attending the meeting of the state horticultural society. J. R. Shepherd, of Zena, is attendinz tbe state fruit growers convention. J. M. Long, of Eilverton, has been oaeof the hardest workers to make this fruit-growers meeting a success. m WASTED. In bulk, all good shipping varieties of cherries in tbe Willamette Talley. Oregon Fruit fc Produce Co Salem. 6-lSdw REAL ESTATE TBJlSSFEZS. Oregon Land Co. to School District Xa5;LS3 acres InaSl and 25 tSs,3 w, II CO. D. and A. A. Chandler et aL, to M Beatey ; 1 9, b 5, Riverside ad. to Salem. JS50. M. Young and wife to Martha Mo- Canley;.47ofao acre In dicofB. 3. Bonney, 1 5 s, r I;w, $101 J. H. Palmer and wife to J. and A, Sihaffer bi 3, Mt. Angel. J3C0. D. C Remnigbten and wife to EL E Copeland bl 13 add. toWoodbaru, J150 lulur-"on uu wuc uj.oa a. ruii:K .. sr. .. t Shaffer U W2. Palmers -add.. Mt. Angel, -2SflL The Bird of Wisdom. An ovt HScpmt &Sc7 ire. Aad ull Is u Irapcitct manner to roe. -ICZ-DfXXZ ur dgou ti-oux I uitd htr. poUufj- -Ton lortlT otd bird. Uare-oaoTthcGoidra rXtcOTtrr bcaj-fr h raSiKl tr ttUT ad spike batavard TalOrt&tj. oocotosoat "A'bor Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery Is a warranted lung, liver and bioco remedy, a powerful tooic and alterative and a reliable vitaluer for weak persons a panacea forscrufula, blpJoJut disease, fever-eores, swellings and tumors; con. Ulns no aloibrl, and Is a medicine without a peer. Tbere I no rwfc in buying a guaranteed article. Your money back if it don't benefit or cure. M0BK1KGSIDE PIOHIO. An Elegant Menu and Mule by the Regimental Bend. Tbe ladles of tbe M. E. church will give a picnic at "Morningslde." Wed nesday July 12th, from 3 to 10 p. m. Supper from 5 to 8 p. m. MEXU- Biscuit, homemade bread, bam, tongue, baked beans, salad, cake, tea, and coflee, 2$ cents. Ice cream and cake, 15 cents; lemonade, 5 cents a glass. Tbe Second Regiment band will dis course sweet music, throughout the! evening. 7-S d-3t Di-PRICITS QaRsas aae ocuy rare Cream of Tartar THE iraS COLTTHBIArTS. Celeirxtica la Seser of ts Oreat XyiiiXTUlX. Misa Ajbjs Lease Strosg, ofbslem, Oregon, ay'asywbse between four, or thereaboatSL save a grand reception M&eday ereelng at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W.G. WestacoU on Sooth Commercial street to her Mttle friends. The jroraDds resembled a grand natural epera souse. Tbe stage was a bower of green grass, exlctiL TbeceSiBg was Immense fir trees. The drop curtain was red, white and blue. There one hundred and fifty actors, innamecabSe grown-cps forscene shifters, enpef, etc The play was an Immense kindergarten exercise lattioz from 2 to 5 p-nx, Interspersed with nvsuic, ice .cream, cakes, swing, ham. tuoeks and tbe wboie animated group had their ptetares takes. Following were the goe&te. Area Leone Stronr Dot Berry Greta Rosenberg ucrusuroas AirauTOss Georgia Bmith Fred Meyers Alicia MeEIroy RsthAshby Cyma Wood worth Van Satberiand Gertrude Gray Iarios Gray Jenette Gray Mary Moody Mamie Bibcock VedaCrcas Alice Meyers Lillian McElroy AsahelBash Heien Pierce Helen Satberiand Mande McKay Margaret Gray Ruth Gray Georgia Booth AdelbTt Moody Leeta Norton Bcou Webb Gertie Hirsch Meyer Hirsch Memory Bell Allbea Moores Edrunnd Edes Blanche Brown Martha Brooks Marie Eofer Maggie Laysan Maggie Hudgkin M&be! Robertson Jefeap Strang Katie Perrina Jon ale Bozorth InexBozortb Merrill Moores Gertrude Moores Remo Holland GeorseGray Dafey Wagner Emma Wagner Ernie Klein Marguerite Klein Hugb Williamson Maggie Folsom Doc" Damon CUnde Belle Alice Croat Jeonie Collins Wanda ft'mlth Dannie Fry Gladys Farrar Both Gabrielson' Rath B-ianh George Meyera Clacdia Gilbert I E la Webb i Ltssie Arbozsat Leona Hirsch J wrfa B-n Ralph Moores 1 P Joboson Sg25 ? Le Rondo Parrisb Yoang iTks . jg Patterson ! Ormond Bean f Minnie Perrine , gjS?toorth Qx-zdva Moores : Chester Moorea Connie Holland i g . Baby Warner Mata KJcJD jEthei Knight KytbUatcn NrftieBckuer Clifford Brown Lela Belie Winnie Byrd Bessie Smith Jennie Fry Russell Farrar Agnes Gilbert Carl Gabrielson Myrtle Hatch Lillian Seilwood Rex Turner Joy Turner CiateVanBokkeienD Van Bckkelen B Vau Bokkelen Eieanor Cannon Lila SwaSord Corinne Riely Winnie Wain Lloyd Farmer Frankie Cnase Eonane Craig Alice CoJeman Lena Clark MacHofer Roy Stapleton Johnnie Holman Reynolds Ob mart Willie McCornack W Cnamberiain James Lunn George Stutsman Ivan Farmer Jo Chase Story Cbsee Emma Miller Curtis Coleman Clairetta Dumars Lawrence Hofer Ruth Purdy Lois Ob mart Cora White Ethel Calvert H Chamberlain Rafe Bon bam William Walton Jasmie Iinn Margneri teOsborn e Bessie Buckingham BOKN. HOFFMAN. At tbe home in Nuru, Salem, July 10. lSSSto Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Huffman, a won. ltitat. PEART. At tbe farm boose SJ mllet Soatbeast of Salem; July 10, 1S93, Mrs Eltxibeth Peart, aged about nitj years. The deceased with her family came to Oregon In ApnL 1S92. She was the m ither of ten children six boys and four girls. Funeral at 1 o'clock at tbr residence. Interment at Twin Oai Cemetrry near Turner. SCHWAIXER At the insane asylum Juiyy, is3, Chas. ficbwainer, agtd 43 years. SLOTH At the insane asvlum, Jol 9, 1 SOT. KUie Sloth, aged 13 yeais. Both committed from Portland. Are You Kerrcns, Are you all tired out, do yoa have that tired feeling or sick headache? You can be relieved of ail these symptom by takimr hoods Sarsaparilla, which gives nerve, mental and bodily strength and thoroughly purifies tbe blood. It also creates a -rood appetite, cures Indi gestion, heart barn and dyspepsia. Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy In action and sure In effect. SS cents a b'jx. Macuixk Oil. Farmers, boy your oils at tbe Blue Frost, and save 25 per cent. dw Take a look at the young mens1 stlfl and soft hats, at the New York Racket 2d-lw ITwdcr. XoAsaja(da;Ko Alstss, STAffE H1IJTAE7 NEWS. Enca-apment Ordered at Oladitcne Statlaa in Asgnst HtxL Tbe eite -military board was la sion last night and until noon todsy , auditing bills and attending to routine bus'oess. , Brig. General Compsra, Adjt. Gen. R. W. Mitchell, Surgeon Gen. A. L. Saylor, Col. M. E. Freeman were pres ent. Capt. D. C. Sherman, Lieut. Wil lis and Lieut. Roblin were also In at tendance on business. E3CAXPXE-CT. Part of tbe brigade will' go into camp August 12tb, at Gladstone Park, Glad stone station, Clackamas cronty, on Clackamas river on tbe 8. P. railroad First regiment, battery A., and three companies of the Second regiment, companies B and H, of Salem, and C, of Eugene, will go into camp. Tbe camp will last 6 to 10 days and willconclode with a sham -battle. The new equipments will be used for tbe first time. The election of a major has been ordered for the Second regiment as required by the new regulations. DWELLIKCJ BUSKED. It is with plea-ore that we testify to tbe prompt and satislactory manner in which the State Insnrancs Co. adjusted and settled the recent tea we had on. rnr Hntiino .nri mntu,) ;i... n. Madeay. Unfortunately thebcand extents bo-ned to the ground July 3d and the loss was adjusted, and the full amoant of oar elalm from the State Insurance C . was paid today, the lOtb, arveo days after tbe loss occurred. - We ean fully recommend the State Insor ane Co. for its promptness and liber ality in the settlemeBt of its losses. Mas. M. L. Cajtpbell. 7-11-a-dw D. F. "AICPBELU HOTEL'" ARRIVALS. WILLAKETTK. A. H. Carson, Grants Paas. Levi Morris, Talmt. Gee O. Yoran, Eugene. W. J. VaU, M. O. Iowcsdaie, C. W. Rinsome,E.W Allen, Mrs. J. a Card, J. R. Cardwell, Portland. Ecoile Thomas, Tbe Dslles. C.G.Dnid,X. Y. J. A. SUden, PojUand. SUPREME COURT. State of Oregon, Vs. WL McGulre, State of Oregon, Vs. F. C Barnes, and State of Oregon, Vs. F.C. Covacb, appeal from Multnomah county; judg ment of conviction in each one of the above cases reversed and new trail rdered. Opinion by Lord C. J. Ming You et aL, Vs. Coos Bay, Raeeburg and Eastern Railroad and Xavigaton Co., appeal from Coos county affirmed. Opinoin by Lord C J. J. M. Xiekum Vs. Walter Danvers et aL, appeal from Multnomah county; reversed and new trial ordered Opinion by Bean J. J. E. Smith; Vs. Penumbra Kelly and Multnomah eoanty; affirmed. Opinion by Moore. J. F. and L. Westenfeider, Vs. F. Green; appeal from Multnomah eoanty; argued and submitted. Baby cried, Mother sighed. Doctor prescribed : Cattcsie, NEW HOUSE POR SALE. A cottage of seven rooms and base ment, with 2 or 4 lots set to fruit tiers and fine garden; far sale at a bargain. Located on Front ttreet. North Silem. House new last year and in best condi tion. New barn, fine well of water. nicely fenced, most desirable in that pan. of town. Enquire of Mr. D. xxiug. T-7-2W DOWN GO THE RATES! The Union Pacific now leads with re doced rates to eastern points, and their through car arrangements, magnific ently equipped Pullman and Tourist sleepers, free reclining chair car and fast time, make it the best time to trav el. Two trains leave from Portland dally at-S-45 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. The rates are now within reach of all, and everybody should take advantage of them to visit the world's fair sad their friends lu the east Send for rates and schedules of trains, aud do not purchase tickets until after consulting Boise & Barker, agents, Salem, Or. W. H. HrmLBrjKT, j Asst uen'l Ks. Asent, U. P., Portland, Or. A RARE OPPORTUNITY. TheTTaak Riv fdl Road, with fur nished hotel and farm, at its western gate. In Tillamook county, title cleai ana renting for 1600 to f 1000 a year vau 1-srvuiQU COW. ID fTfhtnm fri productive ety troperty, or a good farm In the Willamette nli t. Huifowi. m.u. at nasiaeDce of B. C. Ward, ISth street, near Court, Satna, Oregon. 'tX4lJr I .- , -. . ..- M -2--s5K gesagfor -Kg sU ' 7 'it 17 Wall psper Is ' W& JssUysAnt's. m IE FiffiJ The Greatest place on Earth to Buy Cloth ing is at the Woolen Mill Store. ?i 411 Wool and Lowest Prices MJ00iEl VUiU STORE SA.LEIVC, OREGON, it ixwkcd as if Thej- Baa Corse to stj. On Monday a firigsl-u-occmence was wimt-ssedby a large crowd of men about the groGads of the Xational Soldiers" T;2sW ,J yj. ited so thickly that the groend was nearly ' covered with them. Immediately upon I their ahgBtmg they commenced palling I or tearmg.cS their own wings, and aftei haiing performed that singular act pro ceeded to the baacess on nand, that ap parently of besting for food, scattering in a lively manner in all directions and seetaicgly everywhere to be f oend, and almost as large as cockroaches. Lewis ten JocmaL How Peasiota Are Paid. Penaca money comes from two scarce the internal revence tax and the tax on imports. The internal revenue tax is on whif ky, tobacco and cigars, to that any man who objects to paying any por tion of the pension ftind of the country can accomplish hat end if he abstain from smoVi-ig or chewing tobacco, drink ing whisky and wearing fabrics of for eign rnascf acrare. Corporal Tanner in Brooklyn Eagle. Tbe Ilmbuwl of the InZaata Compared. Prince Antoine, the infanta's consort. wears stunning clothes; but, taking- one considerarion with another, we think be is hardly as lmprY-t-ig and we know he is by no means so terror coxnpelling as a Columbian guard. Chicago News-Record. SometlilKC to Bmrctbfr. "Did yoa see the Dnke of Veragca ( when yoa were in Chicago. Dawson? i -2o, bat I saw the fair entrance he ' went throcgh.asd I was introduced to a I man whose toe be stenned on while nass- cur throc?i th cro-m".- Trr,tlv CURE Sek Htce aai re&rr alt ti truofclx tad. dttoabaa eu, of Uw srecsa.ach as txrrnrm, Sum. Droinisen. Dusts arter eascPaiat3UaSUe.e WlsQeCctrExst rr ..wKmratu ceea tarn la SICK Headac&e. vet Cixrsa's Lrma Lma Poxa art rEr raisatie i-r Cocjtrpaacm. esnee aal fztTtatzg tiS aeacjisc eccspiatat. wiiv, tbeyj alio comet aa dxordcts clih g&ocoaeh. gmTl'i tt tmr ad repitau th tovtis. -a if 2vt ccJy cured HEAD -cb tbey trouU he alxaest pnccleaa ft cjom ho taSer from Uiis dtttreniar cetnnlalat: bat t ormsatelT ir gootexxtlou not eai tere, aal thota who core by Una will find tiee lone pSTU ralcabte iauBtsrnnttiit taey win sot bawffimr to ia wiutoot tbam. Bet after a3 tick bead " " ACHE tttbsbcaeofM ITElM fires taat bare Is vbera w stake oar (reat boast. OCX puis carta wuub OKaera aa &fit Clam's Lrrru Ixnot Pttu are verr caalt azdeetynuxtotiaB. Ooe or two tQ mate a doae. Tter are atricujr vegetable aal do BptrrtpecrporcAbct bj their rati acaca C?fL-wli? Vf ti-rB- taTia5atS5e-aB; SrrsrorSl SoU e-erywbere, or scat bj cxi CAKH XCXSX C4, Srv Tsft. iCARTEFfS Hardware, Wagons, Carts, Road Machinery AND AGRICULTURAL IlVUPLEMENTS. u mi r. latest Improved Goods and Lowest Prices. H. W. Cor. State and Ltbertv Stt. SALEM. OREGON. Down Ttiev Go We have cut in two the price vesta. $2.00 coats and 3.00 " ' 2.00 5.00 " " 3.00 Ladies Jackets at your own price. Bargains in every department WILLIS BROTHERS & OPERA HOU-JJC COR2CKR, - - AfxtforR.4G.Cots )mi t. tin lET Vc PUFFS AND DRAW. iSft "We oo"t Eed o pan ar Hard's Taxey Tablets 8acetheTt---Qrtiircwa-3rt WH fW exiccd aa laltiiioa to t izu; Tict. cs aaa f ee &x y&nrvel t. Thst t east: ooqv1:1cx ti-i tni yoa. Vft rt tw -cri &ir rca cm ltM roodi. Li toc vti! fcire vsieci a iir ma )oavmcw so oca Setter joa fccy oc soc; Patton Bros., BookieUDrs and Stationary, S3 STATE ST-flLEET. HITW ADVEBXlgXiarSTS. WAXTKIX a ilrR eU rlrl io do taas -rwk. Ooraef later aad Ferry. I .,, D. ,. . ,... ... j JL AdTera2 Atracj. Macd is Mtrthasu Kxrrnnge. Saa fraaetiro. Ci.' vuc iv uitruusc cxa rs zsace tar ft. rnH-USTlAN KaE-fCB-U-en:re j klsdsoamaatS-Sibcr-xcw-. of 13 ATTESTIOSs-Oulx tooaer pld Soe an, tkxUs,oS lraa all kisiit of j-j, jo bldea. at old Ocon fioue. ftil --lx I. TOLFUMB. ADVENHST. EeirolftrEeveaUiiHTAdteotst Kerrtet il i ?l "-H!1 " orrwlte o era p cm, 6s- i lem. Hxtcr ars. Rihcmih eboo at 1 . ex. iooowki or Jaoie tcicr and oiijtr ttrneet. Prjtr mttSisf Wseday TJC p. a. t-S AT SALEM. ITbiiPsday Jaly 20 I AneraooaaodSScht i LeonTT. WashbtirTi's Great Europea . . . RAILROAD SHOWS TbreeBlQcC-reas. Kojal Esytiiii le3;rle. I ATlarj, Utueaca sod Aquarian. KcaUttie WUd west, and Jtoccaa JUppodr xae- GUTTERIXO STREET PARADE dalr W a. m. Open Den of Wt'd Beuti, lW Bteasa PUao, JJarvdoosBtram Bone - J i " tts Motuter War Eenhant -CnDld." J t Ihlh. IOoort open at land Tp-ta. rertoroiaaeoi one hocr later. Adaisstoa to CbSdret, Half Price. on mens Summer coats and vests for $ 1.00 CO. woria, BALES, 0REG05. r "s rv3 c ' IssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssWssB . .!A