Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, July 11, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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V PMslislillll7ta Vll
Why py f l.J!B,to9 (SO a
month for- Itall Pityftrrf
wkn you en Rt ttta Dally
Jottr-nat by Mali foi SIR tie.
n Month?
flflct it month tf Ufal!
IVujiiild In AtlvAnacfc
NoJJ Paper flflitt WKih
Tlmo'l Old,
VOJL. 0.
"With tho high prices you nro paying for your Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoos, Furnish,
ing Goods, Etc., Etc. If not call at tho s
Where you got tho best bargains for the least money. ,
GOODS Bought for CASH and sold for CASH
can be, and are sold For a smaller margin than goods sold on
J. W. THOMAS, 297 Com'l,
General Insurance Agency.
Representing the following well-known and reliable Cempanies:
HrATE IN8URAN0K CO., -tna Insurance Co.,
Traders' Insurance Co., Sun Insurance Co..
National Insurance Co., Westchester Klro Ins. Co.,
lilon Plre Insurance Co., Imperial Klre Insurance Co.,
Londou s .Lancashire Fire Ins. Soo London Assurance rorporatton,
Alliance Assurance Co., Norwich Union Fire Ins.Soc.
Oldest and Loading Firm In the City Devoted Exclusively to Insurance,
Recovers and repaint upholstered furniture. Long Experience in tbe trade
enables me to turn out first-class work. Samples of coverings. No trouble to
give estimates. State Insurance block, Cbemeketn street.
Ed. C,
Lamoureux's 'Stables,
At the Commercial street bridge near Willamette Hotel. New stock and ve
hicles heliiK ndiied constantly. Only the hest wrvlce rendered. -No shabby
riuH nor poor horse. H. L. LAMOUREUX, Proprietor.
West Printing
FJrst-cluss Werk:
803 Commercial St.. i
From Terminal or interior Points the
Is the line to take
To all Points East and South.
It Is thedlnlnj car route. It runs through
vestibule trains, every day In the year to
(No change of cars.)
Oomtxned of dining can unsurpaased,
Pullman drawing room sleeper
Of latest equipment
Sleeping Cars.
Best that can be constructed and In which
accoinmodatlena are both tree and lur
utshed for holder ofnrst and second-cUs
tickets, andi
AeonUnuors line oonnestlng with all
lines. aBordlng direct and uninterrupted
Pullman til ct r"t lon can be e
cured in adnioe U.r any agent of
the road.
Through tickets to and from all point
In America, England and Europe can be
purchased at any ticket otttee of this com
Pny. Full Information conoeminc rate, time
or tralnsoate and other details rurnUbed
on tpUeaUoa to any agent or
Assistant General FaMir Agent, No.
121 Flrt UK. eor. WsJ&lstTWa, "ort-
l-i.B flaAiBJsl
Wholesale and Retail
Dealer In Fresh, Salt and
Smoked Meats of allHiuds
93 Court find
110 State Streets.
Spraying OMfits,
State Street.
Book and job
'Reasonable Prices.
falttin, Oregon.
The Yaquina Route.
And Oregon Development company' steam
ship line. 225 mile shorter, 20 hoars less
time than by any other route, First class
through passenger and freight line from
iorUDd and all joints In the Willamette
valley to and from I tan Francisco.
T1MK BCUKDULK, (Except Bunday.)
Lv Albany 1:00 pmlLv Oorvallls 1:40 p m
Ar YaaulnaMW p m Lv Yaquina 8.4 . a m
Lv OorvaUls. 1035 am Ar AlbanyrU:10a m
a A a train connect at Albany and Cor
vallls. The above train connect at Yaquina with
the Oregon Development Co.' line of steam
ers between Yaquina and ban Francisco.
M. U Passenger from Portland and all
WMamette valley point can make close con
nection with the train of the Yaquina Itoute
at Albany or Oorvalll and U destined to Han
Krancisco.anould arrange to arrive at Yaquina
the evening before date of sailing.
Fastenger and Freight Kates at way the
lowest For Information apply to Jieasr.
HULMAN Co., Freight and Ticket Agents
tOO and fl Front street, Portland. Or or
a C. iioaUE, Ac't Uen'l Ft. fc Pas. Agt
Or. Paclflo K. It. Co . CorvallU, Or.
C. H. HABWKLL, Jr., Qen'l Freight and
Pass. AgU Ore. ItevelopmintUo.,
VM Montgomery HI
Meat Market.
Fresh and Ba-'tf meaU of tbt best quality.
Poultry and tock. Free delivery.
.7 ; 'ix-.Mf.mrvryi-r '
time. Bo sure and get' our
More and More Dead
in the Ruins.
Ancilicr Kansas Cily Trust Com
pany Failf.
At Portland to Inquire Into
Smuggling Cases
And to Look After Enforcement of
'the' Geary Chinese. Exclu
sion Act.
The Warehouse Plre.
CrnoAao, Ills., July 11. Early thiB
morning the remains of three more tin
forunates were recovered from yester
day's fearful fire. The remains are so
badly charred that Identification Is im
possible. They are evidently not tbe
bodies of firemen, owing to tho. locality
In which they were found. The total
number of dead bodies so far recovered
Is 15, but the search in tho ruins thus
far has been very slight There Is great
beat and confusion, and there is no
doubt the list la still incomplete.
It is now certain that a number of
visitors and workmen were In tho
building at the time the fire broke out.
Therefore It has been deolded to make
a minute examination of the ruins, foot
by foot, as rapidly as possible.
The eleetno light company have a
number. of men missing, and four Co
lumbian guards are still unaccounted
It has been deilnitoly ascertained
that only 11 firemen lost their Uvea as
follews: Captain James Fitzpatrick,
Lieut. J. II. freeman, Wm. Denulng,
P.. B. Breen, Captain James Qarvey,
John McBride, John Cablll, Paul
Bcbroeder, Captain B,. E. Page, Lieut.
Charles Purvis, J. A. Bruitb.
There are three unidentified bodies
known however, not to be firemen.
There are 17 wounded in tho hospital
and elsewhere. Of these L. J, Frank,
a fireman, will probably die.
A coroner's jury was Impanelled,
viewed the bodies and adjourned till
Thursday to give tlmo for a preliminary
Chicago AMingiuaemt.
Chicago, Ills., July 11. The heavy
financial loss entailed by tbe cold stor
age fire at tbe world's fair yesterday
caused tbe Hercules Iron Works, ownr
of plaut, to make an assignment tbtt.
morning. The company owns the
plant at Aurora, Ills. Assets fiOO.COO.
Liabilities 1200,000. Yesterday's Are
caused a loss of f200,000, which tbe
eoBy will have to stand, ai the In
mbimi eomnanv recently cancelled all
. . '.
Wu) on tbe structure.
KIaWi OH? TaUtus.
Kanaas City, Mo, July, II, The
Kanwui City Hare Deposit and Trust
Company, with n capital of $300,000 Is
supposed to bo otto of tho strongest In
slltutlonrf of tho kind In tho Bute,
falledto open Its doors this morning.
A notice oh tho door says tho bank
bad. assigned last nluht.
The assets are two million. Liabili
ties one million and bovm hundred
thousand. Officers say thoy will be
able to pay all obligations In full In 80
days, when tho company will go out of
business, y
In Texas.
Gaiv-boton, July 11. Tho North
Galveston Land and Improvement as
sociation Is In tbe bands of a receiver.
Liabilities', 1500,000.
t Indiana Failure
Aunrjnri, July 11. Tbe private bank
of John L Davis failed today. No
statement Is made. Davis also opera
ted a bank at Gowett, Ind.
i i r
Nebraska Failure.
f ONAIIA, July. 11. The Holt County
Bank at O'Neil has failed, no statement.
Sunday Opening Wins.
Ciiioaoo, Ills., July 11. Judge Jenk
Iub, In the United States circuit court
today, decided against Wanamaker &
Brownln their suit to restrain Bunday
openlnsr of the world's fair. "
Vice Pxesident Coming.
Kansas City, Mo July 11. Vice
President Stevenson and party passed
through this city at noon, In a private
car on the Santa Fe road, en route to
the Paniflo coast and Puget Sound
Federal Court Opens.
Portland, Oregon, July 11,-rThe
grand'Jury was sworn In in tho U. B.
dlstrfcb 'ctiurt this morning.- Judge
Bellinger in his charge to the jury in
formed them that they would be called
upon to consider tho offenses against
thu smuggling laws and Chinese exclu
sion acts.
The Annual 8ummer School of Peda
gogics. Bupt. Graham opened his annual
teachers' institute yesteaday, at the
East school building.
He is assisted by two teachers from
Multnomah county, Messrs. Wetzel
and Ackermau.
Prof. W. I. Btaley, of tho Capital
Business college, is In charge of the
writing classes. He Is a grujphio and
bright spirited worker.
Prof. F. N. Learned, a down Eas
Maine school teacher, who 'does good
work in a county school will make a
display of his work.
There are 72 names enrolled, leas than
last year, but many teachers are away
at the world's fair. Tbe commercial
classes meet at the Capital business col
Quarterly Report
for Term Ending
Board U. S. Prisoners,
Convict labor,
Rent cottage,
Bale old Iron, etc.,
$ 620 00
2.623 04
8 85
$3,003 80
t 4,53 14
42 00
Board U. 8. Prisoners,
Rent oi cottage,
$ 405 14
4,275 00
10,052 00
No. at close of quarter
Employes and officers,
General Expenses,
It costs 8T cents to pat np a can of to
isatoes. One cent pieces are being introduced
In Oakland, Cal., for the first time. Tbe
smallest legal tender formerly wed" was
B-cent pieces.
In Michigan 8,707 women are running
farms, an they cultivate 70,489 acres,
valued at $13,600,000. Their earnings
aggregate ft.853,000.
For several years past nearly all the
slate pencils used throughout the United
States have been made at one factory
at CharlotteaTille, Va,
11, A8SKI,
Thirty Dead, as Many Injured
And Mere Missing.
Chicago' Mayor Says tho City
WillTflko OhargoofSuch
Chicago, July 11. Asa fire trap
tho cold ntorago warobouso could not
have been mora perfectly constructed.
ItvasJJ50 feet long and 150 feet srldo,
made of wood and covered with staff.
Tbe main body of tbe building was
flvo stories high. In tho center rose tho
smokestack in the shapo of n cupola
200 feet high. Its base was about thirty
feet square, and ninety feet up there
was a balcony from which rose a tower
culminating in (ho mouth of tho smoko
stack, where the firo was lafd. It la
Supposed that tho framework around
tho mouth of the chimney caught Ore
from a defect in the iluo.
At fJiBt It appeared to be an Insignifi
cant affair, but, knowing the inflam
mable nature of tbe structure, Fire
Marshal Murphy called oil the compan
ies nut. With about forty of bis men
Captain Jfttzpatrlok climbed the ladder
Inside the tower to the balcony and
from there ropes wore lowered to haul
up the hose. Ono line of hose bad beeq
gotten up when tho wind caused tbe
flames to break out in an alarming
manner about ten foot from the top of
the cupola. In tho meantime tho Are
had eaten its way down the inside of
the structure and all unconscious of
the fact the firemen were standing on
the shell of a burning volcano.
Tho fire bad been burning scarcely
twenty minutes whon suddenly flames
burst out around tho baso of the balcony
In perfect fury. All tho roperv hanging
from tbe tower were burned away.
One hose withstood tbe heat, however,
and John Davis caught hold of it and
slid down to the main roof where he
fainted. His face and bands were
terribly burned but physicians say
he will recover. Two of his fellow
firemen attempted to follow blm but be
fore they were half way dowu tho hose
gavo way and they dropped Into tbe
seething mass of Are and were lost.
Another man started down a portion
of rope hanging from tho tower but it
gave way and he full, striking on bis
head and being Instantly killed.
There now remained, according to
tho count of various spectators, twenty
five to thirty men on tbo tower. Thoy
wero hopelessly beyond human help,
tho longest ladder falling short by fully
thirty feet. At this terrlblo moment
Captain Fitzpatrlok's tall ferm appeared
before tho mon who wero huddled to
gether on tbo narrow balcony. He
seemed to bo addressing bis bravo fol
lowers. As he ceased speaking one of
the men crept around the burning bal
cony and returned a moment later with
a rope. It was hastily fastened to the
rrulllng around the balcony aud thrown
to tbo roof. Fitzpatrick was seen to
point to It aud ono of tho men started
to slide down but before he was half
down the cruel flumes rolled up and he
was swallowed iu tho awful volcano.
Another tried it aud met the same fate.
One after another ilvo of tho men at
this point sprang from tbo balcony to
tbo roof. If any survived tho awful
leap they were burned to death after
wards. The rope burned off about half way
down but Fltzpatrlok, seeing the men
jumping to doom, seized tho strand and
started down. Ho dropped from the
end of tho rope and caught on tbo lad.
der which was raised to within twenty
feet of It. Fire Marshal Murphy, who
was on the roof, sprang forward and
soon reached Fitzpatrick. A shout of
admiration and encouragement went
up. Tho heroio marshal started back
with bis friend, enveloped In flames.
With tbe energy of despair heolutcbed
bis comrade and slid down tbe ladder.
Both Murphy and Fltzpatrlok were un
conscious when picked up. The Form
er, however, was not seriously hurt,
but Fitzpatrick was not expected to
survive tbe night.
Scarcely twenty-five minutes htd
elapsed since tbe fire was discovered
but so rapid bad been Its progress that
the entire tower burned away aud fell
with an awful crash carrying with It
tbe unfortunates who were left on the
balcony and several firemen who wero
playlugon the flames with (he hose
from the roof.
Seeing It was a hopeless task to at
tempt to save'tbo building tbe remain
ing firemen directed their efforts to
keeping tbe flame from spreading fur-
Highest of alt In Leavening fWcr. Latest U. S Gov't Report
ther. Thoy wero already within reach
of tho world's fulr stables and tho roofs
of several hotels across Stony Island
avenue, just outside tho grounds, were
on nre. Tho hotels wero saved with
difficulty but tho stables wore des
troyed. Less than two hours after tbo
fire started tho cold storasco warehouse
was u smoking ruin. It Is doubtful if
any of tho bodies will over bo tecovured,
so furious and terrlflo was tho beut.
A fow weeks ago Marshal Murphy
inspected tho burned building and re
ported it extremely unsafe. On no
count of his report tbe Insurauco com
panics cancelled all risks on It, so the
loss Ib complete. It Is reported by some
of tho Columbian guards that n nam
ber of women lost tholr Ilve In the
building. Firemen discredit the story
but tonight a lady'a watch was found
ou a body so badly burned that It Is im
possible to toll whether It Is that of a
man or woman.
A relief fund was started by tho
council of administration as soo t as tbo
extent of the disaster was known and
in less than thirty minutes (2,000 was
subsc-ibed, andcontributious continue
to pour in.
Mayor Harrison said: "Well, this
settles ono thing; tho city of Chicago fs
going to assume- control over the fair
buildings as far as protecting li yes Is
concerned, at once. Tomorrow morn
ing I will soo that all buildings are care
fully inspectod and wborever changes
aro necessary for the safety of tb,o peo
ple thoy must be" made."
At midnight tho following are also
missing and aro. Bald to be lest: M.
AfoQuade, engine' driver; Ralph Drum
mond, electrical engineer storage build
ing; Howard, Lloutenaiit englna Co,
No. 3; Wm. Hoyt.
London, July 11. Tho New Zealand
Loan & Mercantile agency company,
limited, failed in conscquenco of the
crashes that lately occurred in the Aus
tralian financial world. Tho concern
waB one of tho most Important engaged
In colonial financial ailairs. Tho cap
ital of tho company Is 500,000. It is
feared that tho company was carrying
on wide speculations in Australia.
Washington, D. C, July 11. A
cablogram was received at tho navy de
partment announcing the arrival of tbo
cruiser- Philadophla at Rio Janeiro,
Brazil, Sho will remain at Rio Inug
enough to coal and thou proceed to
Valparaiso, Chill, whero sho will slop
for further instructions. Hdr instruc
tions, it Is suld, will bo to proceed to
8amoa unless tho stute of affairs In
Peru and Chill requires her presence
there. Bhe has been olgbtoen days In
coming from New York to Rio.'
Ban FitANciaoo, July 11. Wheat
December $1.18.
Chioacio, July 10. Wheat C5J; Sep
tember GO.
Pohtland, July 10. Wheat valley,
S1.107JJ1.10, Walla Walla 81.00
If you want a desirable rosldenco lot
In CupltuL Park dou't buy until you
have seen Levi Magee's bargain. Ad-
drew, Balera P. O. 7-8 2 w
I '""Hill ..... A
Said the
to himself, "If the
moon I could get,
whenever I'm dry
my throat I could
wet: The moon Is a
quarter win. a quar
ter I hear; you can
purchaso five gal
lons of
Root Beer."
A Dcticloa, Tinwm
Good tor any tlM a year.
Asjsaduft BAstuiss-ttlaai. Bssuraaiul
I Miss'.
tVW flllfllW "MM.
no. ion.
There seems to bo a rcrlous hitch la
tho progress of building the jute mill at
Salem. A largo appropriation was
made by tbo last legislature and soon1
after It adjourned stops were taken to
got tho plant In working order to turn
out bags for tho grain crop ofl893
The officials In chargo bustled about
considerably. Exports wore consulted
In several branches of tho subject. The
superintendent of tbo prison, anxious
to have his convicts employed, made
several trlp9 of Inquiry, and since then
we have beard nothing but.a dull lull
n tbo prpceedlugs. Tho way tho ora
tors spouted In the legislature one would
bavo thought tho people were suffering
for tho institution more than for re
ligion. Speaker Keady and others told
bow muoh would bo saved annually to
tho farmers of Oregon. It was stated
at sevoral hundred thousand. Well,
tho farmers aro ready to be saved. The
intere t on tho money could be saved
too, for that Is u very neat sum to Ho
Idle a year. And If'tho Jute mill Is not
built this year in tlmo for tho crop to
got tho benefit of cheaper bags, they
may as well wait u year. The farmers
will lose tbo use of cheap grain bags
when they need them as never before
to mako a living out of cheap grain. If (
tho 100,000 Juto mlllls not to be built
then the tax should not be levied. If
i( is levied and collected It should not
lloidle. The writer may not be an ex
pert at managing scch matters, but he
Is pretty euro no private business would
bo managed In this way. There is no
good reason whythojuto mill, 'which
was a sop thrown to tbo farmers to
pulllato tbo other acts of this lato legis
lature, should not bo erected and iu
dpemtlon before this, or at least in time
to sell tho farmers bags In tlnn for this
season's crop, as was so confidently
promised a few months ago by Its
champions. There Is also a great loss
to tho state from the hundreds of con
victs at tho state prison not being em
ployed, It will be said money comes
Iu slowly aud If warrants were issued
to pay for tho work as it preceeds they
would havo to bear Intercut. Be that
as it may, tho Interest on oven a hun
dred thousand dollars of jute mill war
rants would but be a bagatelle com
pared with ameliorating the depressed
agriculturists by giving tbem cheaper
grain bags to haul their 60 cent wheat
to markot in. Tho legislature certain
ly Intended to give the Immense grain
crops of our country an opportunity to
bo marketed moro cheaply. It Is truo
thoy did not opon tho Columbia and
Willamette rivers to the sea. But they
passed an appropriation bill of S 105,000
to give tho farmers cheaper grain bags.
If thoro wasoeratlme when tho farm
ers needed to get their grain to market
cheaply it is at presout.
Congressman Blnger Herman Is sub
jected to some criticism at present on
account of his tackllug the finance qucs
est Ion It is difficult for a public man to
reveal to much ignorance on that ques
tion too not bo rewarded by a largo vote
fur his revelations, Besides Mr.
Herman must uot bo taken too seri
ously. But a few years ago a politician
mado a canvass of tho state on the
Issue of courts of arbitration to settle
difficulties between labor and capital.
He got tho entire labor vote and was
elected by a large majority. That
was the last ever heard of the subject.
He never believed In It. Ho shrewdly
.took advautage of a popular olamor
and rode lu ou the wave of an excite
ment over a proposition which he
never Intended should be relieved. He
was himself a largo employer and the
last man Iu tho world to submit bis
aflalrs to the arbitration of anyoae.
Ho atteuds strictly to his own business)
aud expects every body else to do Um
same, Bo Blnger Herman may mean
nothing by his finance bunoombe, All
his personal and political association)
are of the hardest of hard gold variety
While ho believes In running on fie
sliver speeches, ho lets the matter JwU
clotuly rest there. All the same beia
a good runner and as a canldate always)
gets there. He can throw dust for Uw
dear people aud look out for alm..rf
and his Pottland friend at tb i
Continual w iitt paye.)
'v .ilti.