Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, July 10, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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Wby pay f 1.26 to $2 60 a
month for Dally Papora
whoa you can get tho Dally
Journal by Mall for 25 eta.
a Month?
BScta. a taentk by " I
Prepaid la Advance.
NoS Papers Sent Wfcw
Titne'ls Ont.
VOL. 6.
NO. 101.
. all iiiiimm y
PSSwMsslWSlBMSMBnK. " " ' "
8 I
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Of our stock and prices will quickly convince . you that
Th? N?W York Racket
Is tho place to trade, when yoti .want to save money on your purchases. N They carry a full
line of Boots and Shoes, of the best St. Louis make, also a general assortment of other goods.
We buy for cash only, and sell for cash only, at a small profit. See our prices beforo buying.
E. T.
General Insurance Agency.
Representing the following well-known and reliable Cempanies:
BTATB INSURANCE CO., Etna Insurance Co.,
Trader' Insurance Co., bun Insurance Co.,
National Insurance Co., Westchester Klre Ins. Co.,
Lion Klre Insurance Co., Imperial Klre Insurance Co.,
Iiondou k Lancashire Fire Ins. Boo., London Assurance Corporation,
Alliance Assurance Co., Norwich Union Fire Ini.Soc.
Oldest and Leading Firm In the City Devoted Exclusively to Insurance,
Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture. Long Experience In the trade
enables me to turn out first-class work. Samples of coverings. No trouble to
give estimates. State Insurance block, Cbemeketa street.
Ed. C.
Lamoureux's Stables,
At tho Commercial street bridge near Willamette Hotel. New stock and ve
hicles being added constantly. Only the best service rendered. No sbabbj
rigs nor poor horses. H. L. LAMOUREUX, Proprietor.
West Printing
First-class Work.
203 Commercial St.,
From Terminal or Interior Pokk the
Is the line to take
To all Points East and South.
It Is the dining car route. Itruns throngb
vestibule trains, every day In the year to
(No change of en.)
OompMed of dining can unsurpassed,
Pullman drawing room sleepers
Of latest equip meat
Sleeping Cars.
Best that can be constructed and In which
accommodations ore both tree uaA mr
n Uned fur holders of first and secoaa-cttss
tickets, andi
A continuous line cease sting with all
lines, afiordln d'rert and uninterrupted
Mrvlee. .
Pullman slr- wr u'lonscan be se
cured in advL i U. any agent of
Through tickets to and from all points
In America, England and Kbtom pan be
purchased at any ticket oatoe of this com-
r3& information concerning rates. Urns
of tralrujoatea and other details fnnsUhed
on explication to any acent or
rtrscTwa4C5 "-
in rmt
Wholesale and Retail
Dealer in Fresh, Salt and
Smoked Heats of allKinds
95 Court and
110 State Streets.
Spraying Outfits,
State Street.
Reasonable Prices.
Balrni, Oregon.
'ilennua cniua wftn tuooruanieniat de
tails In relief is out in new forms. One
of thDS0 is a caravel with sails spread.
These are not only in ornamental pieces,
but tea sots aro worked out with raised
floral borders. Jewelers' Circular.
F. H. Thomas has been appointed gen
end superintendent of the Buffalo Cen
President Clark of the Mobile and
Ohio is trying to raise money to extend
his road to Montgomery, Ala.
The general offices of the Buffalo,
Rochester and Pittsburg railroad have
been removed from Bradford, Pa., to
Mr. Isaac W. Fowler has been appoint
ed superintendent of the Chicago, St
Louis and St. Paul (Bluff line) under tho
new receivership management
C. A. Henderson has been appointed
general superintendent of the Jackson
ville Southeastern. He has been acting
superintendent since Mr. Itider accepted
the superintendency of the Kansas City
belt line,
Frank J. Reed has been appointed
gstteral passenger and ticket agent of the
"Monon" (Louisville, New Albrjst
Phlrum railroad) in cl&ce of J MM it
Barker, resigned to take- tS2 ''positlok ot
fl P"K and Uckei agent of
tU Missouri, Kansas and ?ex&s railway.
Thirty-five Firemen Banted in a
Few Minutes.
$1,000,000 LOSS TO PROPERTY.
Firemen Consumed in tke Pres
ence of Twenty Thousand
Several Women and Many Olorks
Buried in the Ruins.
Chicago, July 10. Fire broke out
this afternoon in the cold storage ware
house just south of tbe sixty-fourth
street gate of tho world's fair. About
thirty firemen are burned to death.
Tbe fire startedlot the top of the cupola
which rises fully 300 feet from tho
ground. Through this . cupola the
chimney passed. Near the top ioa
landing. Tho Are broke "out 30 feet
above this. As soon as tho firemen ar
rived 35 out of 40 of them climbed up
ladders to the landing and were prepar
ing to throw a stream of water on the
burning portion when the fire, which
had eaten its way inside tbe staff to
the .point below where the firemen
stood, broke out with volcanic ferocity
on all sides.
An exclamation of horror broke from
the lips of 20,000 people gathered about
tbe building to see the fire. Five men
saved themselves by sliding down ropes
but before the others could follow the
fire bad burned away the ropes. Those
who remained huddled together on the
north side of tho cupola. It was be
yond the reach of any ladders, aud the
crowd stood horror stricken, helpless to
aid the burning men, The ilames
leaped higher und higher until the men
were almost concealed from view. At
this momentone fireman sprang for the
iur side and wub dashed to pieces on tho
roof CO feel below.
Another and another, crazed by tbe
awful heat, followed his example, and
met the same fate. When five had
jumped, the upper portion of the cupo
la gave way, and tbe remaining fire
men were swallowed up in the mass of
burning timber.'.
In the meantime every effort was be
ing made to extinguish tbe fire, most
of which was above tbe reach of the
The entire building will be destroyed.
It cost a quarter of a million dollars
and wan stored with wines, meats and
fruits. Tbe loss will be half a million.
It is reported that three women and
several clerks In the office on tbe third
floor, were crushed by tbe falling cu
pola. Several small hotels on Btoay Island
avevue, Just outside of the grounds,
caught fire aud are now burning.
Bah Francisco, July 10. Wheat
member 11.181.
Chicago, July 10. Wheat 651; Sep
tember 68.
Poktlam, July 10. Wheat valley,
f1.1G7ifl.l0, Walla Walla $1.00
State Ins. Block.
IlTouchos Iho Big Windy World's
Fair City.
Immense Balloon Collapsed by
of .the Army Bill will
Bring His Majesty Onto
Free Soil.
Real Estate Failures Nebraska
Bank anda Powder Mafia-
ziae Bursts.
Tho Big Windy City.
Chicago, July 10. A furious wind
and rain storm passed over the city bo
cween 6 and G o'clook last evening, and
caught many a craft on Lake Michigan.
Four persons are known to have been
drowned, and .. in several cases boats
were capsized and narrow escapes from
drowning were had. By the capsizing
of the sailing yacht Chesapeake, near
the life saving station, tho occupants
were thrown into the water and four
were drowned. Their bodies were not
recovered. The dead are Thomlstocles
Ftambolls, William B. Cornis, Ethel
H. Chase aud,Haryy Marlow. Those
who were rescued are George Gray,
Edith Compton, Fred Avery, William
Avery aud William Elliott. The
Chesapeake was a well built yacht,
and was owned by tho Avery brothers.
The former waa captain, and was
counted skillful in handling a sailboat.
When the storm struok them they
were unable to battle against its sudden
fury, and before any one on board bad
time to prepare for the emergenoy they
were all In the water, Some were able
to swim, but others were not, and be
fore assistance arrived four lives had
been lost. The Avery brothers and
Gray swam to the assistance of Miss
Compton ana succeoded in getting ber
back to tho overturned yacht, where
they were rescued by Captain Moltao,
of the tug Robert Torrance. Ethel
Chase, the young lady who was
drowned, formerly lived in Boston.
She was a te'egrupb operator employed
by the Western Union In this city.
At the world's fairgrounds little dam
age was done to buildings, but tho pas
sengers who were aloft in tbe captive
balloon had a close call and tbe balloon
itself was blown to pieces. Tbe balloon
was aloft when Aeronaut Alitor noticed
a black cloud to tbe northwest. He sig
nalled to draw In rapld!y and the
balloon camo down none too soon, for
the passenger were barely out of the
basket when the wind struck It. It
flattened out and trembled under the
terrlblo force. Then, with u succession
of cracks, the giant silk coverings was
rent completely In two and the two
balfs were blown in different directions.
Tbelos.1 Is about $35,000. Two boys
who hired a boat in the afternoon have
not been beard of up to midnight, and
at a late hour it la reported that the
sloop Beashell, having on Itoard ten
persons, is missing. The boat was seen
Jut before the storm and nothing has
been heard ot her.
Real Estate Failure.
Denvjsb. July 10. The Chamberlain
Investment company, largest real estate
firm In tbe West, failed Ibis morning.
Liabilities direct and contingent f 2,862,
118, of which $1,112,182 are direct.
Nominal assets t0.U4O.001. Failure to
precipitated by attachment by Denver
Barings bank, Bhtrlff to In posais4on
Three quarters of liabilities aro held In
London. The company became large
ly Interested In real estate In Pueblo,
Fort Worth, San Antonio, Hpokan
Falls, Helena und other cities,
Emperor William Coming.
Chicago, July 10. If tho army bill
passed, as now seems probable, it is be
lieved that Emperor William of Ger
many will visit tho world's fair. An
attache of Germany's commission hero
is autorlty for the statement.
Takes a Sail. ,
Buzzards Bay, July 10. President
Cleveland took a sail down the bay this
morning. As he walked from Gray
Gables to tbe landing he appoared to
be somewhat lame, moved slowly, ac
companied by Dr. Bryant and Secretary
Cashier Absconds.
Falls CitfY, Neb., July 10. The
state bank at Bhubert, a small town
south o? hero, failed. G. V, Argab-
nght, cashier, left tbe country leaving
statement he was $21,000 short. He
preferred to leavo his family to going
to tho penitentiary. Argabrlght was
also treasurer of tho American Bend
Attempted Escape.
Ionia, Mich., July 10. A gang of
prisoners attempted to escapo from the
state house of correction this morning.
Three killed lu the effort to prevent it.
Not a Bank.
Denver, July 10. A powder maga
zine seven miles from tbe city, contain
ing two tons of dynamite, exploded
this morning with a fearful conousslon.
It is believed two tramps were blown
to pieces.
Washington, July 10. Congressman
Burrows Michigan sends a local paper
a telegram -denylnlg any truth in pub
lished statement from Jerry Simpson,
that populists and silver men uro pro
posing combine with republicans to
elect Burrows speaker of the house.
A stock company has been formed in
New York to produco in German trans
lations of plays on American subjects
by American authors.
Edward E. Rice's "Evangeline" has
the record of having contributed more
stars to the American stngo than any
other play in oxtatence.
An American comedy by David Bo
lasco will succeed "Liberty Hall," the
English piny which will opon tho second
regular season at the Etnpiro theater,
New York.
Ramsay Morris' company made such a
success of "Joseph" during the past year
that it will continue tho same comedy,
with tho addition of soveral new ones,
next season.
It Is said that several successful Amer
ican playwright enjoy weekly incomes
of more than $1,000. Thoro are, how
ever, not more than half a dozen of these
fortnnato gentlemen in existence,
Walker Whitesido, tbe brilliant young
western tragedian, will dovoto all of his
time hereafter to elaborate Shakespear
ean revivals. IIo will play a long en
gagement in Now York next winter.
Augustus Thomas, whose fame as a
playwright rests on the remarkable suc
cess of "Alabama" and "Tho Burglar,"
will have at least two new plays on the
boards next season. One of them will
probably bo seen only in New York.
Two prima donnas, with the assistance
of the "grwii eyed monster," were enough
to bring about the diibanjiment of tbe
O'Neill Grand Opera company, which
was playing a summer engagement at
Charleston and othor southern cities.
A certain well known operatic mana-
Ser in answer to all inquiring would bo
brettista and composer! states politely
that be has contracts to produce new
operas which will occupy the attention
of his company "for at least two ycare.'1
And still this same manager complains
of the difficulty be experiences in get
ting good Americaa. works!
Tan colored tnlle hats are trimmed
with maidenhair fern fronds and wkMe
The opalescent ribbons are seen on ks
sorted cotton dresses, serving as deeply
pointed girdles dotted with tiny empire
bows, and for cuff trimmings aad folded
stock collars.
In all derangements of the liver a cure
Is certain If you take Simmon Lira
TUIT8 PILLS la use SO years,
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S Gov't Report
ABsouraar pure
The Goal Striko Ovor.
Leavenworth, Kans,, July 10.
The coal mlnera''strlke hero, which has
been on six weeks, in sympathy with
the strike in southeastern Kansas Is de
clared off. It Is believed the samo re
sult will bo reached throughout the
state soon. Tbe men return to work nt
wages offered before the strike.
Banks Resuming.
Los Angeles, Cal., July 10, The
Southern California Natlonul bank and
tho University bank opened their doors
this morning. Only two banks now
remain closed of tho six that closed
bore, the City bank and the First Nat
ional. """"
Yacht Capsized.
London, July 10, A yacht having
on board 80 excursionists capsized oil
Skegness Saturday afternoon. Twenty
seven people were drowued. All tbe
persons were railway builders, who,
bad gone, to the little watterlug place
for or few dayB' sport. Tho yacht
Stannon, licensed to carry 00 persons,
took out 80 of them. When well out
tho yacht was overwhelmed by a thun
derstorm. The darkonlug of the sky,
combined with tho rain, obsured the
yactht from tho view of thoso on shore
at tbe time of tho accident. After the
sky cleared the yacht was seen bottom
upwards with three rnon cling to her.
The other 27 bad been dround, An old
fish boat, tho only oratt available, wus
launched and the three survivors weio
brought ashore. Twelve bodies have
been resued. The three survivors ugrce
that nobody was to blame-for tbe acci
dent, as the suddonness of the squall
could not be anticipated.
No Thief.
A lady from Buffalo had quite an ox
perionco in a largo Berlin hotel. She
was a bravo littlo woman "doing" tho
continent alone with her two children,
tfcoutr being- able to speak n word of
any language except United Statos, One
night, having retired early with the lit
tle ones, she was snddonly awakened by
a peculiar noiso, which sho soon became
convinced was caused by somo ono try
ing to open tho door botweon her room
and the ono adjoining. Sho "wasn't a
bit scared," but got up quickly, turned
on the electric light and rang the boll,
which 'resounded through the whole
houso. Tho sound at tho door ceasod
suddenly, and after a slight delay a
"Dutchman," as sho called him, ap
peared to answer the bell.
"Speak English?" (tho usual question.)
"I shpoaks hocm a leotle," was the re
ply. "Thore is somo one in the next room
trying to open my door," excitedly,
"No, he is out," positively.
"But there is somo ono thore a robber,
a burglar. Don't you understand?"
"Ho Is oudtl Ho vlll bo een at halluf
past zwelf,"
"No, a robborl a burglar I a thiof a
thief, I tell you a thiof in the noxt
room I"
"Veil," meditatively, "I do not fink
heoesat'ief, but he eos oudt. Ho vlll
be een at halluf past zwelf, and I vill
toll boom zat you want to see
beera." Exchange.
For summer teas are shown beautiful
tablecloths and napkins embroidered
with silk and gold. Theso glvo avery
rich and dainty look to the supper room,
and tbe linen retains Its color remark
ably well if tho laundress understands
ber business. Now York Evening Post.
Whether quaffed
from a vessel of
tin, glass or gold;
good for thti young
or the oiaas
oot Beer
A. delicious, health
giving, thirst-satisfying
beverage. A
teraperance drink for
temperance people.
A W. Dlitl nuke I gaOont.
SM mi Ettjtys EYerywlure.
I my
JL (.
rr""iT -'ii V-
I ff T
Danger of a Rapture Between
Sweden and Norway."
It is Charged tho Government
and Centrists Uayo Formed
a Compact.
Berlin, July 10. Speeches were
mado for and against the army bill in
tho relohstag Saturday of a purely par
tisan character, indicating nothing of
tho undercurrents whloh may ultimate
ly guide tho votes of the several par
ties. Each speaker Indicated a known
program and avoided any reference to
a compromise. Tho obvious determi
nation of a largo number of tho mem
bers to bo heard on the bill implies that
tho discussion will last until the end of
this week. Wednesday is the day for
private members' motions. Tbe cen
trists will then raise tho question of the
readmlsslon of tbe Jesuits into Ger
many. Tho frolnelnnlgo papors persist
in Btatlng that tho government's sup
port of, or refraining from opposing,
tho ultra-montauo proposal will bo the
price paid tho centrists for their sup
port of tho bill. Both the centrist lead
ers and tho government adherent deny
thore is a compact. Tho Ghancelt cen
trists In tbe lobbies today stated It was
not the Jesuit but the taxation question,
upon whloh tbooontrUts declared an ar
rangement for their support was possi
ble. While HerrCroobor proclaimed do
compromise lu tho house, members of
tbo Lleber wing of the party stated In
tbe lobby that if tho chancellor pledged
the government to cover tho increase
lu expenditures by a progressive imper
ial tax on incomes oyer 12,000 marks,
tbe centrists would vote for the bill.
Privately they nre angling for a deal
Which is likely to bo arranged giving;
tho government a largo majority, Dr.
Llober insists that the bill will go to
committee, aud this will give time for
negotiations to be airrUdou. The na
tional liberals huvo given notice of a
motion In regard to distress caused by
drought, and also In regard to lack oi
fodder. Tho Rlohterlsts will prppose
tho entire suspension of import duties
on fodder until May, 1801. The social
ists obtained a chairmanship of one of
the permanent committees to elections
for members of the Buvarlan wandtag
proceedings; for tbe first time tbe so
cialists captured the seat of two candi
dates elected In Munich. They also
won scats In Nuremberg, Augsburg and
Tho emperor will receive tbeczaro
witz at Potsdam on the return of
tho latter from England tomorrow.
After taking diunor at tne palace the
ozarowltz will continue his Journey to
Moscow 1'he emperor has abandoned
his proposed trip to Norway. The oou
lllct of the Norwegaln radicals against
the government to approaching a dan
gerous climax. After decreeing tbe
exclusion oftho Swedish colors from
the national (lag, a majority of tbe
storthing now refuse to vote supplies
for tho consular service, unless their
demands for consular represntatives for
Norway be accorded. The Stockholm
Allehanda, an ofllolal paper, says that
the refusal will provoke a conflict be
tween Norway and Sweden,and recom
mends an immediate dlsciMslon of tbe
position by an extraordinary session of
the Swedish diet.
Deutscher Advocat.
Admitted to praetle ta all 1 wrc.
tteedat attsBlloa strsa V .Qswwa , s
sulv4 Wir utua conkBt r. w. mS
Ina-f'ma tho Brio. O. W. Wawis -"MM
fcH MM u an pay inh WiSWst,