Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, July 08, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

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Our store is full of the choicest, freshest, and latest Btyle
good. We offer rare bargaiua in every department, and call
attention to the following
Fine MarwlBea Oonterpanea air
" Honeycomb "
Baperior Hoc. towete.--------- -
T,.n invI. (well worth I1JW)
Torkey Red TaWe Linen (OT ;) -Austrian
" " lb) v
n, " WW t-mcataj,
Thr above are only a few samples of Ibe exceptional prices made on a eapex
lorlioeofgortls. wblcbare Id many places Bold for doable the rroacx ked
y am. udica of Salem are invited to examine these goods before bayiog where
thtr cannot bave an opportunity to know what tbey get. We are positive that
iocn stock was neTer before eold eo low. Other things In proportion.
THE PALACE aniTshoecomSny,
307 Commercial Street.
- IF -
Too are FAaf to belld or nuke anjr MEd of
Unprortmeai. ail on tne nnders ft-ned tor
material. W bTe a com ptet start, and are
nd.y to t apply anr prepared contract, Mnrer
wort, pnOlnt. etc
Salem Improvement Co.
A Wixxuto CiXB. It Is announced
that the baseball nine of Independence
In the elate league has been transferred
to Salem and during the remainder ot
tbe season will be known as tbe Eaiem
baseball club. Tbe nine U composed of
Joe Shea, as manager and second base
man; J. Sullivan, catcher; L. Grant,
pitcher and left fielder; J. Johnson, left
fielder and pitcher; Cliflord Melleo,
first baseman; J. Billing, shortstop;
D. Btrand, third baseman; F. Kobl
man, center field. Today tbis nine will
play tbe Albany club at that city, and
tbe flnt game in Baletn will be on July
loth and 16tb, tbe oppneing nine being
that from Oregon City. Tbe grounds
situated near tbe oak grove at tbe stale
fair grounds will be put in shape. Tub
state of things Insured Salem some good
exhibitions witb ball and bat tbL sum
Slow Saxss. It is pitiful the way
property sold for taxes goes begging at
the court house. Sheriff Knight and
bis depuUes are making every exertion
to close out the delinquent list, but balf
tbe time there are no bidders present.
Moneyed men are remarkable for their
absence. When tbe mouey sharks are
unable to see a cent in a town lot sold
for school taxes at 11.50, or a quarter
section of land at eight or ten dollars,
tbe common eort of simulators eeern to
think there is nothing in it. Some
great bargains are going Just tbe same
at those sales.
Scored a Conqujbt. Having the
only day Associated Press franchise,
readers of tbis paper enjoy a monopoly of
telegraphic news. Forlnstauce.Frlday
The Jouknal bad a two column re
port of the great Iowa cyclone, and tbe
only correct account of the execution
of tbe negro Miller at Burdwell, Ky.,
wbo was hung for his crime aud not
burned at the stake. Tub Journal
gives its readers the only correct, com
plete and reliable news page In tbe
capital city.
Sunn va. Toojiey. Ruby Smith
bad one Frank Toomey and two asso
ciates arrested and tried before Judge
Batchelor yesterday evening. With
his usual generosity In malodorous cases
Tilmon Ford got to trying everyone iu
the court room Including the judge, for
tho offense charged of stealing the wo
man's foO puree. Of course, there was
nothing In it, the purse, .he woman, or
tho case and Justice Batchelor refused
to bind them over.
Bunday Entertainment. Tomor
row 8troug's will serve cream of chick
en soup, fish, an entree, ch Icken with
dressing, lamb and green peas, new
potatoes, strawberry pie, puddings, etc.
all for 25 eta. Such a dinner in Port
landif that city bad as good a restau
rantwould cost a dollar. Families at
home cau't buy aud cook It for fifty
Yesterday evening Mn. Burmester,
sister of Capt, N. B. Humphrey, wbo
lost a leg on the 4th of July by a
rail road nocldr-nt, telegraphed him
lor news of his oonditlon.The following
nswer came awhile afterward:
"I am one legged, but a better man
thau Sulllvau." Albany Djmoorat,
Quarterly Meeting At the Free
Methodist church, North Baloui, held
by Chairman Rev. B. T, Smalley.
Preaching this evening at 7:30. Love
feast at 0. Preaching at 11a. m. and
7:30 p. m.
p A) Fok Bid CHOI'S.' -W. II. King and
Henry Potera, of King P. O., today
bought a fine 93000 thresher for tho aea-
ou'a work. It waa a Russell, aud tbey
propose to do a heavy year's work.
i i i m i
Stolen. A golden spangled Poland
keu, belonging to Mao Jlofur, of South
Salem. Reward wlllbonlven for her
return to . Hofer, South Bulem or to I
Jqukwal offloe,
fl 2S
1 25
16c lo,35c
.-50cand 60c
50c and op
Get a brick of bisque ice cream at tbe
Spa for your dinner.
The Osa Cet Daily Is simply im
mense as a bard times offer.
It la no trouble to "break the ice" to
your befct girl these days, at Strong's
restaurant. All summer drinks kept
on tap.
The Osb Cent Daily is the biggest
acd beet newspaper ever oflered the
people by a hundred percent.
A good choice bouse to sell on eay
terms. Will take carpenter work in
part payment. G. M. Beeler. tf.
James W. Taylor, the newly appoint
ed postmaster of Whilaker, was in
town yesterday. He will move tbe of
fice from tbe store, formerly run by J.
T. Hunt, Wbiuker, to bis residence
three fourths miles west.
Tbe Cbemeketa street improvement
ca will be heard by tbe Supreme
Court Monday.
Thnt Sunday dinner will be far more
palatable If you use Prices Fruit
Flavors and extracts in preparing your
table delicacies. Sold only at J. A.
Van E-itou's grocery.
Wm. fiargeaut returned from Oregon
City yesterday, where he has been at
tending a conference of U. B. church.
Dr. and Mrs. B H. Bradsbaw re
turned yesterday eveuing from a short
visit at Portland and Cawley.
Fred Byars, son of Oregon's surveyor
general, has gone to Fresno, Cal.,
where he will study medicine in tbe
otllce of Dr. Deardorf.
Judge and Mrs. Geo. H. Bennett are
in Portland.
Ed. C. Cross has had bis business
ofUce moved into tbe front of bis shop
to secure better light and look closer
after tbe needs of his patrons.
Spring chickens Davison's market.
Levi McGee. of Grangevllle, Idaho,
is at Salem on a visit to his father, John
McGee, who lives across tbe river four
mile, and who recently suffered a
stroke of paralysis. Mr. McGee went
to Idaho to teach, and now has a store
and the postottlce. Mrs. McGee is ex
pected. r T w.. limit,. i..- ..i
.11 1 D. XVIlin 1, HUB X llKl HIIUIUKBl
Unity church tomorrow.
Spring chickens Davison's market.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Gray started
this morning for Detroit, and will go to
the coast next week.
Thos. Sims left this morning for Mill
Fish and poultry Davison's market.
Harry Singleton left this morning
for the white city and to see his old
Iowa home.
Miss McCormack, wbo baa been tho
guest of Iowa friends for some weeks,
started today for her homo at Bbeldou.
Fish and poultry Davison's market.
Tho Sharpe dairy Is still supplying
superior Jersey milk and cream. Near
Hou. Geo. W. Davis went to Yaquloa
bay today.
Doug. Mlnto was a passenger for Al
bany thU morning.
Davison's market buys your poultry.
Mrs. A. Strang went to Portland this
Geo. Anderson, at the Cook Hotel,
has a handsome pet otter which was
captured la Mill creek when very
youug about a year ago. It attracts
mtny admirers.
W. H. Smith, of Clymer, was a Sa
letu visitor today.
Silver export July 7, 605,000 ounce.
New York clearing house certlflcatea
Issued to date 22,615,009.
Ed. Glltuer is In Portland.
Preat Whlltaker, Rev. Roorkand F.
R. Smith aud wife weut to Canby thla
afleruoou to attend tbe bis M. E,
camp meeting.
Davison's market buys your poultry.
Choice table butter ouly 15 at Clark
& Eppley's.
Jakle Bern rdi weut went to Port
land today to visit hla slater,
Oate Eeceipts at the Jnly Meeting
Quite Large.
Friday conotaded the week of racing
at the ttale fair gmondt.
Btendle was oet of condition and
was Dot sent against the half-mile re
cord. The winners aud bones placed
In tbe several events were as follews:
Running, one-qaarter mile Viola
won, Sleepy Dave second, Ben third,
time, 03.
Banning, tbree-eigbtbs of a mile,
handicap Rockland Boy won, Black
Alder second, Lrncer third; time, 1:02.
Pacing, three in five Doc Bperry
won, Del Norte second, Graceful George
third; beet time, 2:19.
Ladies' six-mile novelty ranning was
won by Miss Berth a Price; time. 16:29.
she made five changes of bones.
Tbe gate receipts were about three
thousand dollars.
Give yonr pet dogs and caUSimmons
Liver Regulator, when sick It will
cure them.
Jumping From a Carriage This
Tbis forenoon Mr?. Jay Smith,
daughter of Supt. L. L. Rowland, of
the asylum, had a narrow escape of
losing her life. An iron weight of tbe
automatic gate to tbe asylum grounds
swung and struck tbe bugzy as she
was driving-out to come to the city.
Tbe baby and Bessie Smith were in the
buggy. Tbe horse began to plunge,
Mrs. Smith told Bessie to jump out
which she did, and threw herself out
witb tbe baby in her arms. A trace of
tbe harness bad broken and tbe horse,
usually very gentle, broke a shaft of
the bugzy before he was caught. Tne
baby was uninjured. Mrs. Smith bad
no bones broken but was badly bruised
on one elbow.
Chbistia- Chckch. R-M.Mfc&sick
will preach. Ucual services morning
and evening. All invited.
Unity Church. Services at 10:30
a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school at 12.
Rev. W. E. Cope'and, pastor. Subject
of morning sermon "A Daring Faith."
Subject ot evening lecture, "Father
McGlynn, Dr. Brlegs and other crit
ics." Mrs. Leona Piper will sing botb
at tbe morning and evening service.
St. Paul's A. M. E. Chckch
North Salem, services at 11 a. m.
Text St. John 4,2328, and at 7:30.
Sunday school at 1p.m. AH are wel
come. G. W. White, pastor.
Eyanoelical. Usual morning and
evening services tomorrow, at W. C. T.
U. hall. J. Bowersox, pastor.
There is more catarrh In tbis section
of the country tban all other diseases
put together, and until tbe last few
years was supposed to be Incurable,
r or a great many years doctors pro
uouueed it a local disease, and pre
scribed local remedies, and by constant
ly tailing tocure witb local treatment,
pronounced it incurable. Science has
proven catarrh to be a constitutional
disease, and therefore requires consti
tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney
& Co., Toledo, Ohio, is tbe only consti
tutional cure ou tbe market. It is
taken internally in doses from 10 drops
loa leaspoontui. it acts directly
.w n tcju)ruuuiui. J.I Bi;i9 UIICVU V uu
the blood and mucous surfaces of tbe
..! f 1 M. AH
i'D..tu. nt nn- . i -ji
OJOKUJ. AUC UIJC uuc iiuuuitu uui
lars for any case it fails to cure. Send
for circulars and teotimouialfi. Ad
drew, F. J. Cheney & Co , Toledo, O.
JEQrSold by druggists, 75c
The Union Pacific now leads with re
duced rates to eastern poiuts, and their
through car arrangements, magnific
ently equipped Pullman and Tourist
sleepers, free reclining chair car and
fast time, make It tbe best lime to trav
el. Two trains leave from Portland
dally at 8:45 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. The
rates are now within reach of all, and
everybody should take advantage of
them to visit the world's fair and their
friends In the east. Send for rates and
schedules of trains, and do not purchase
tickets until after consulting Boise A
Barker, agents, Salem, Or.
W. H. Hurlburt,
Aes't Gen'l Rise. Agent, U. P.,
Porllaud, Or.
Take Simmons Liver Regulator In
youth and you will enjoy a green old
If you want a desirable residence lot
lu Capital Park don't buy until you
have seen Levi Magee's bargain. Ad
dress, Salem P. O. 7-H 2 w
The onljr Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Asamoala; No Alan.
Uiwd in MilUoaa of Hosus 40 Years tk fittafliinl
Farewell to Yovvo Me. Bet.
Robert AVbltaker, reUrlng pastor of
tbe First Baptist church, of this dty,
will speak before tbe Y. if. C. A. to
morrow, at 4 p. m. Every man wel
come. Come.
New House. John ewrome, tbe
old county surveyor, has a new home
nearly completed west of the brick
store South HeJem. This old nloneer
will soon be taking comfort In his mo- j
del cottage.
Political. There is to be a political
debate Saturday at the Victor Point
school bouse in which T. T. Geer,
Miller Swank, Charles Miller, and
Cbeesemaker Cranston will participate.
It will be a redbot debate.
As They Roll. Tbe Columbia bi
cycle is slways in the lead. C M.
Lock wood has several of tbe very
finest for rent, and tbey are in use all
tbe time. Call at bis messenger office
for one.
Salem's Pbide. Of all good things
she boasts, the "Pride of Oregon' flour
is first. It makes bookkeepers happy,
because it Is always tbe same, and every
sack is warranted.
Bit Nine Times. It wsj not the
farmer wbo did not read tbe papers and
was buncoed. He only bit once. But
it was tbe man who didn't buy Little
Nestucca fall cream cheese at Clarke tc.
Eppley's, the Monarch grocers of "ourt
I prescribe Simmons Liver Regulator
and it deserves all -the praise it receives.
Dr. D. W. Atkinson, Slloam, A7k.
Red, White and Blue. Our na
tional colors are displayed as nature
made them, red radish, currants, and
raspberries, blue-black raspberries,
white currants. In tbe greens all tbe
vegetaoles, gooseberries, cucumbers,
et al., at J. A. Van Eaton's.
Correction. Tbis writer was mis
taken tn roping Martin Rowley's name
in with some other Salem Democrats
wbo managed tbe last two Democratic
campaigns in tbis county and refuse to
pay their bills. Mr. Rowley was not
on tbe committed. He was chairman
twoyears before and left no bills unpaid
paying some out of bis own pockets.
Tbe late managers managed to get
away witb tbe money and still owe ev
erybody, including good Demooratsas
well as Republicans.
Then and Now.
In ancient dajrs for many an ill,
Vi e uted to take a big b ae plU.
It did no sorely tear and erlpa.
We felt for pnrgat Dry ripe.
Today, when sick, we take Dr. Pierca
Pleasant Pellets. They are gently ap
erient or strongly cathartic, according
to size of dose. Cares sick headache,
bilious headache, constipation, indiges
tion, bilious attacks, and all derange
ments of tbe liver, stomach and bowels.
Put up in vials, hermetically sealed,
hence always fresh and reliable. Pure
ly vegetale, they operate without dis
turbance to tbe system, diet or occupa
tion. Sold by druggists, at 25 eta a vial.
City Will Win. A Salem man
wbo has examined tbe brief in tbe
cases of certain citizens against tbe city
of Salem, resisting assess nentsforstreet
Improvements, the only decently grad
ed and improved streets in Salem, has
come to conclusion that tbe city will
win those case) in the Sjprema court
next week. He says all tbe courts
bave been holding that where citizens
allow work to be done and afterwards
seek to evade paying by resort to tech
nicalities, they are obliged to pay a
reasonable bill for tbe same.
Rich, Red Blood
As naturally results from taking Hood's
Sarsaparilla as personal cleanliness re
sult from free use of soap and water.
This great purifier thoroughly expels
scrofula, salt rheum and all other Im
purities and build up every oran of
the body. Now Is tbe time to take iu
Tbe highest praise has been won by
Hood's Pilia for their easy, yet efficient
action. Sold by all druggists. Price
25 cento.
An Elegant Menu and Music by the
Regimental Band.
Tbe ladies of the M. E. church will
give a-picnic at "Mornlngslde," Wed
nesday July 12th, from 3 to 10 p. m.
Supper from 5 to 8 p. in.
Biscuit, homemade bread, ham,
tongue, baked beans, salad, cake, tea,
aud coffee, 25 cents. Ice cream and
cake, 15 cents; lemonade, 6 cents a
Tbe Second Regiment band will dis
course sweet .music throughout the
evening. 7-8 d-3t
The Bridge Bid.
FoHorinK business was transacted in
tbe county court Friday. Bids on Abi
qua bridge:
F.J. Miller I2B8, and 11.20 per foot
for the trestle approaches. Thos. La
Lond JS35; J. E. McCoy. $787, Peter
Stefflns. f794: C. F. Boyal had four
specified bids as follews: Howe truta
$-549 and 787.50; strain beam f491 and
same witb some iron f3$3.
Tbe Capital Fruit frm bridge to be
203 fet lone and it brio cross tbe head
waters of the Padding. J. E McCoy
was awarded tbe work at (2S7. Tbos.
La Lond had a bid for $1 85 per running
foot, F. J. Miller, 12.10 per foot, acd C.
F. Royal $397 to complete the whole.
S. S. Coulson acd others had a peti
tion for tbe location of a road from tbe
town of Mlnto to tbe railroad. Not al
Mrs. Bamer was admitted to tbe
county poor bouse, she having applied
for aid from the county.
A warrant was ordered drawn for
f350 for the payment of a road grader
purchased of W. L. Mercer.
Application of Jeff Meyers for tax
rebate; not allowed.
Petition of T. L. Golden et al. for
bridge over Santiam at Davis's Ferry;
awaits action of Linn county court.
Petition of H. V. Matthews et al. for
new road. G. A. Stevens, J. A. Pooler
and C. H. Chapman appointed view
ers, to meet July 21, 10 a. m.
A.T. Yeuton tax rebate; not allowed.
Petition of S. C. Adams for court
yard improvement; not allowed.
Application of Je&se W. Burgus for
ferry license at Buena Vista; granted
upon payment of $3.00 and giving
Bids for sixty cords pole oak and
twenty cords large body fir for court
house, to be opened July 26, 1 p. m.
Court houfre and jail;
Salem Water Co., $13; Electric Light
Co.. $79 40: Telephone Co., 16.S0; A B.
Buren, $6o.40; J. W. Watt, $12.00; Al
bert Lyons, $4 00; Keller & Marsh,
Pauper: J. A. Van E3ton $S, ding
er fc Rigdon, $15; Brooks fc Legg, $3.00
B. H. Bradshaw, $25; F. M. Xeal, $30;
R. G. Brown, $2.50.
Road and Bridge: F. M. Townsend,
$3; B. B. Herrick, jr., $4.50; F. Arnold,
$J46.67J; Salem Imp. Co., $7.80; Gray
Bros., $3 00; Cap. Lumber Co., $95.36;
Jap Minto, $13; Am. Champiou Ma
chine Co., $247.75; S. C. Shelley, $11.84;
Thos. Lalond. $14.65; O. R. R. R. Co.
$2 25; P. Stefien, $6S. A. J. Cobbisb,
$2.00; J. E. McCoy, $346.50,
Prunes C. D. Cunningham shows
this year's petite prunes that measure
four inches around tbe stem.
Baseball. Douglass Minto went to
Albany this morning and announeed
tbe management of the Salem baseball
clnb in tbe State league, taking tbe
place of the Independence club. Mr.
Minto has control of tbe grounds at
Salem which will be put in good shape
at once. Tbe club play Albany today
and tomorrow at that town. July 15
and 16 against Oregon City. Mr. Min
to will bring tbe Salem club here next
Monday .
Miss Ama Leona Strong has cards
out for a reception to ber little friends
at W. G. vVestacott'a Monday at 2 p.
Thos. Reynolds went to Portland
tbis afternoon to spend Sunday at
Regular morulnc and evening ser
vices tomorrow by P. B. Knight at tbe
Congregational church.
Dr Williamson, of the asylum medi
cal staff, it, in Portland.
W. A. Munly and family went to
Portland on the afternoon train.
Thursday Jiily 20
Atternoon and Night
Leon W. Washburn's
Great European . . .
Three Blue O cus, Rojai Knilish Menaane,
AvUrj-, Museam and Aquarium. Realistic
Wild West, and Bonus Ulppodroms.
W a. m. Open IXni of Wild Boosts. K aa
Btssun Piano, aUrrelous Steam Bona "ajar "I
th. Monster War Elephant "Cupid.- I it
oUtetla,17P'm' rertormaaee
" AMnloa to Children, Half Price, I
We are running a Woolen Mill
in Salem.
We are making the goods into
Garments in Salem.
We are selling the best ALL
goods ever sold in Salem.
The Grand Trunk has paid all its back '
taxes to tbe state of Maine.
The Jersev Central is going to build a
S-mile branch from Perth Amboy to con
nect with the factories along the Raritan
The Canadian Pacific railroad is tak-1
ing steps to acquire the Windsor an4 j
Annapolis ana western cuuuuca rautvaj a
in Nova Scotia.
L. G. Ernest of New Orleans has been
elected supreme chief inspector of the
Car Inspectors' Protective association of
North America.
A recent record of one of the Royal
Bine line fliers was 54.9 miles in 53 min
utes, deducting six minutes for a stop.
It was made between Bound Brook, N. J.,
and Wayne junction.
At the Columbus shops of the Pennsyl
vania railroad an order for 99 special
cars for World's fair traffic is being com
pleted. These cars are constructed in
such a way that they will be converted
into coal cars when the fair has closed.
E. Borden has been appointed superin-
tendent of transportation of all the roads
comprising the Atlantic Coast line sys-
N. C. J. A. Fountain has been appoint-
ed assistant superintendent of the Rich-1
znond division. '
President Lincoln' Pew.
About 10 years ago the pew in which
Abraham Lincoln bad sat while living
in Washington was removed from the
church where he had worshiped and
put up in the adjoining Sunday school
room. Now the church trustees have
voted to restore the pew and to mark it
with a silver tablet suitably inscribed.
This reminds an old Washingtonian, who
attended the same church, of a story.
He says that many of those who had
seats near Mr. Lincoln's used to try to
fill their own pews so that they might
be invited into that of the president.
"One person in particular I call to mind
now," he continued. "He never seemed
happy until his pew was filled, for Mr.
Lincoln's great hospitality sought trim
"He would wait out in the vestibule
and direct the old colored sexton to fill
his pew. Then just before the service
began he would walk up the aisle in 6uch
an innocent way until opposite Lincoln's
pew. Then he'd pause and look around
as if to beg some one to take pity on
him, and right there the president would
rise, reach out that long arm, draw him
up and push him into the pew, almost
seating him, in his own innocent kind
ness." Rochester Post-Express.
When Von IlmTe roar Picture Taken.
Having a photograph taken is a pain
ful ordeal to some people, while others
take to it as naturally as a duck does to
water and are always assured a success
ful pose before the camera. There are a
few things good to remember when you
go to be photographed. First of all
choose a day when you are in good hu
mor and at peace with all the world;
when you feel well and not tired; when
the sun shines, and when the photog
rapher is ready for yon. Choose a gown
that is simple and becoming, with noth
ing about it that will soon become "out
of date" a gown a little open at the neck,
with a frill of chiffon or lace falling over
the shoulders and you will have a pic
ture that will not look ridiculous in the
years that are to como when fashion will
have changed and photographs taken to
day will look quite as absurd as those
that were taken several years back do
now. Buffalo News.
Hardware, Wagons, Carts, Road Machinery
Latest Improved Goods and Lowest Prices.
N. W. Cor. State and Liberty Sti. SALEM, OREGON.
The season ia rapidly advancing, and as wa have 011 hand
too many Spring Jackets, we havo determined to cut the prices
in two, and sell them quick. We are now soiling
$3.60 Jacket for $2.00
W.50 " 13.00
650 J4.50
, , . 7" ,
PleaM & nd & J01"" cboloe.
wearrJ Vi Si to3.G00dj1' ClotWs CarU' HodK d V
We don't need to pnflnr
Hnrd's Fancy Tablets
Because they draw or thtr own merit We
imjr extend an inviiauoa to on iorio
.-ult tuandteeforyoarM'lres. That s more
-onrlnclng than teillne you. WearebuT
nea Die run on theseooas. It you will
nve tbeia a alr trial ion will use nooth
Jr. t ui dc pieasea to iuot you tmt uat
netner you Day or not.
Patton Bros.,
Booksellers and Stationers
AKTFD. A nrst claw eirl to do house
wrk, C-jrner v inter and Ferry.
FK 8AX.E. FaUjroung matched dark gmr
balf-Percheron bones. J. M. Long, 49S Btate street. They weigh about 24 0.u4
will go at a bargain. 7-6-31'
ABAR..AI.N-A first-ela Si model Colum
bla bicycle, as pxxl aa new. warranted
for one year. Has been nsd only' three weta
WiU be sold at a 1 tree discount. Can on W. L
Staley, Capital Buslnesi Onlltnee. 7-3 Sa"
LOaT. Eyglase and chain on Thursday
afternoon. Finder please leave at Jocb
aL office. O-oO-St
TX)R HALE. 2 choice lot. 4 blocks south of
JTJ M. E. church, tea em. Bir bargain, or
will trade for span ot hoie&
Sooth ealem.
TTOU 8AX. A very nicely located lot, with
P house, on Mill street south ol Wll.amette
uniTertity For terms and partlcufars. please
lnqnlr at this oRlc.
rnHIB PAPER is kept on file at E.C Dake'i
I Advertising Agency, 64 and 63 Merchants
Exchange. Ean Francisco, California, where
contraca for advertUlng can bttmade for lu
HEI.P WANTJED. Agents paldagoodconf
mission, and &u.0 d. idend among
them next winter. 6prc!a! attractions 10 b
pushed this year for which we want tte ser
vice of b-st agents every w-ere.
Koom 3, Chronicle Bonding, aau rranctsco.
of all
kinds on sale at 338 LJberty street.
ATTENTION.-Cah money paid for ran,
bjtues.old iron and all kinds of xnetaii,
a so hides, at old Court House, Balem.
Begulsr Seventh Dy Advent st rvi t
old Unitarian Hall opposite o -era hruse, Ea
lem. Batur ays. Sab oath school at lo . m ,
followed by Bible leading and other services.
Prayer meeting Wednesday 733 p. m. 6-!7
la rsiilnc a fsmfly of nla c&Udrcn. nr ealr
raiudr far Couch. Cold sad Croup wu enisa
Trap. It u Jut ss effecti to-4y ullwu fonr
Jim sro. How or rrmnrtehlldrro tsks Dr.
Dana's Ottiosarrap,whlea la slrM-lr prpd
sad nor clat to to lasts. Sold trrtrt.
Largs botuta CO essta. Take no satsUtala for Ik
Bold bv Bakett k VanHlvne
L a 4
B wy
"sKC"1 F-