Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, July 08, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 2

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CaplUl Joufrwl PuWhWng Compart.
HOf-B BROIHOtS, - - . ;
srr - t'jti mMmmmmmmrtr "-
ln. w vuitot. ft i
JJxbte -tbSelc.
Lighter batatm.
LigbU-r repair,
lighter banc.
Lm profanity'.
More Intelligence.
Greater Boefabltity.
Better returns for crops.
Finer bore- and carriage-.
Adnf !a farm rslne.
T " -l
oceiiiive shucks-
Oregon's feathery, plumy, Jacsfike,
native, flowering abrob calWJ "Ocean
Spray," wbieb it certainly resembles, I
now In blajta. It Is one of tbe nomer
oca Spire family, of which by road
aide and broofcside there U another va
riety In bloom at present foil of wine
colored sprays. Oregon Is rich in na
tive flowering, shrubs, any of which
wonld be considered a choice ornamen
tal plant in any eastern state. Tbe
wild ayrioga now in bjootn all over
thla valley U only to& by narsary
mea elaewbere.
In his Foaftb of July oration discuss
ing nilver Representative Hermann was
not clear aboat gold. He would en
courage larger circulation of silver by
demonetization of one-half of tbe
If aacb a thing could be done it would
be manifestly unjust to demonetize eold
or any part of it. What becomes of all
tbe talk of tbe crime of demonetizing
silver, when it la proposed to do the
same with gold ? Is it not a wrong
thing to do to propose to demonetize
any of our money? It is to say tbe
least an awkward way to enhauce sil
ver. It ia doubtful If by any action of our
country the money value of gold could on "squares or sixes, the otuer, stand
rMafftvtnloxronthv fmnUhininlon.i ing right behind the paying croupiers.
tv of other Pood monev nnnn M
basis. Could Mr. Hermann demonetize
a gold eagle any more than be could a
ten dollar gold nuifget? Scarcely, to
any extent. Our country wants more
good paper notes in circulation, ltwued
by tbe national government upon a coin
basis, and with sufficient coin reserved
to redeem all tbat would ever be pres
Hon. J. B. Montgomery, of Portland,
ably reviews lu tbe Oregonian tbe fin
ancial article of "General" Heudersou,
of Miasouri. Tbe Oregon writer is very
evidently a student of finance and ha
facta aa bis fiogeniends that make even
tbe finance tbundererof the Oregoulau
Of the great bvueof tbe hour Col.
Montgomery writes
But It U not tbe luteient of any man
or woman either lu America or Eu
rope or In Asia to bave a single gold
standard ave and except the people
who live on fixed incomes, gold-bearing
bouda or mortgages orauuultled. So
even bankers or brokers.
Mr. Montgomery is a prominent Re
publican, baa aerved as a legislator, has
traveled extensively and Is a inetropoll
ton rf tbe broadest culture. He is a
man of wealth and a man of a flairs
who baa met and conversed wltb tbe
leading men of our oouutry. Of tbe
ftUyer crisis be says:
"The action of European countries In
demonetizing silver, followed by the
United Htatee, was an act of supreme
folly, If not a crime agaiuat mankind
But I am persuaded that we cauuot
solitary and alone, take the burden of
restoring silver to ita Just place as mon
ey. It can only bo done by interna
tional agreement. Tbla will I think,
bo forwarded by the repeal of the Hher
Bian law, so-called; fork will produce
a cruu mat tue omer natloua will have
to take note of, If the crisis la not al
ready at band."
The Tillamook Advocate got out a
Fourth of July dally.
Tbt 11000 subscribed for a Fourth of
July which was not paid would build a
Nff aMHta of good road ou t of Bale in.
Jiaaioa county's share of tbe 5 per
awtt la4 fund should be Invested lu a
) of meriel county road.
Tbe deaad for tbe Onk Cunt
Daily ia something unusual, but uot
wmH(-I wbea the hard tlmea are
OMkfcred. v
Tfcer are still UfiOQ "llvluga" for
- . T - . - i 1
HtweCwM pawoua oriite jHmrou or iig' bM spotted hU man. Croupiers and in
4 in Great Britain. Gladstone Bpcotor look with a benevolent eye on
alfW abolish the "soft suaps" before those green balio piratea and generally
jta (rls, si W',Q them. Cor, St. James Qaxette.
lVit4 ftwstf wW bite lb l'jci!
atsf 0 fw rf f,rrj. WHh Mt
i ftutrrl. . I
H v
I JI.III.IM Jl J I .1H)"1
i Tb pff re &4t waxl Ulmt
, kfokto eref" it Uw fel ptvpnHy
Rfffd tb Mn4r J?m;wtl alrulr
I .mmm.
Vt Cltmtt H all tore up wflh
rfeiiM ! Tfotbfag wHl on I iWs
tbslfurple Jh bl, qui- a lit
tle MiUir Ms
Kecy. K.VV. A lies of tbe PerOand
ex petit ion seeds out baadoroecol
ored anoooneetneut bt that great event
epln Sep. 57 to Oct. 2S.
At present there ia no demand for
wool la Hamburg, ot any other pUce,
for tbat matter, rays a Joebarg paper.
There are over 100,0) poandj of wool
now in tbe different warebooseiin tbat
city, and tbe prospect are very favor
able tot Its remaining there for some
time to oome. Democratic Escbange.
Wool is wool under a Democrarlc ad
ministration. And it ia likely to re
main wool. It will not soon nor easily
be converted intocah. Tbe contry is
fall of prod uct In tbe same fix. We
are rich in unconvertible materials.
Bat when will tbe' crop of voters be
converted to see tbe result of tbeir
It would, be safe to tta cent to a
1 100 bill, if a person could get bold of
either, that the "veteran Democat''
who fib up tbe columa of tbe Portland
Telegram with long financial articled
does not pay a penny to defray cot of
type setting, proof reading, editing,
publishing or mailing his compositions.
In ibatcaeis be not an Impoater? Is
be not one of tbe 'daca- who contribute
only to the bankrupting of newspa
Bo the Great Gambling Concern Kpi
Jltn From Winning Iarge Sams.
A typical row at the casino comes in
the nick of time as a postscript to the
yearly balance published by the keepers
of the notorious gambling den some
thing like 3 dividend for every 20
share and I take it as the earliest oppor
tunity of exhibiting a few of the ways
of the place. This is the official version
cf the row aad its cause: Two players
tad been caught, experimenting with
ruccesa in a simple and ingenious way of
"giving tbe chance a chance." While
, one of them was punting 50-franc notes
I & contrived to slip two or three 1,000-
franc notes underneath the 50-franc one
each time the ball had favored hU con
federate's stake. The croupiers, busy
paying and scooping the stakes, did not
notice thedodze at first, but feelinz that
! there was something wrong established
a watch, with theresult that theculpnts
were caught in the act. As a matter of
course payment was refused, words and
blows ensued, and with the aid of tbe
ch ackers out the men were ejected and
Well, anybody who knows the ins and
onts of the place will take tL j version
with several grains of salt. That Monte
Carlo swarms with unprincipled ruffians
nobody will deny, but the organization
of the partie precludes all possibility of
such childish tricks as the one above.
What with eight croupiers at every
table, the chef de jwrtie, the inspectors,
the detectives and the losing players,
there are too many eyes on each stake to
admit oven its probability. The cue of
the situation is in the word feeling, and
what I wish to imply here in all earnest
is that nobody connected with the ad
ministration of the caino can admit a
suggestion of heavy gains on the punt
er's sidc they know better. Old Blanc,
the founder of the place, used to say, "I
will give a million to anybody who will
prove that he can win money at roulette
with certainty, and there is a good deal
more in this saying than a reference to
the calcul dea probabilities.
The fact is that nobody is allowed to
win largely, and that iu cates of extraor
dinary luck the administration knows
what precautions to uke. First of nil,
the casino being in a way a club, a card
of admittance is necessary. This card
must bo renewed every day and may be
refused to au unpleasant punter without
giving 1dm any reasons for it But there
are other ways of getting rid of tbe ob
stinate winner. Tbt-re is a regular
squad of agents provocateurs, whose
mode of operations is very simple. They
pick a quarrel over a stake with the man
pointed out to them, and as they are not
in the least particular about epithets or
blows, whether taken or given, arow be
gins, a smiling inspector cornea up with
ro-en force nients, invites you politely to
come with him and gets you out of the
precincts of the place. There he ex
plains that although he has no doubt
you were in the right the rule of the
place is not to readmit those who bave
been the cause of a row and there you
Quarrels about stakes are always plen
tiful at Monto Carlo, and very often
they am genuine. In tome cases, espe
cially wiieu tue stake are small and on
single chances, the administration pays
both claimants and keupn an eye on them
if unknown, for there is a whole army
of ruiued gamblers hanging round the
place, known to everybody in It, and ex
ercising the- profession of so called "or
phan jiiokcrs" (cueillcurs d' orphelins).
An "orphan" U a stake luft by inexperi
enced novicee about a minute longer than
it ought to be and kidnaped in the
twinkling uf an eye by a cueilleur who
iwuituuc m u
Ifr. Darfd it. Jordan,
of 4BKitoa, V T.
Colorless, Emaciated, Helpless
A Complete Cure by HOOD'S
This b from Mr. D. M. Jordan, a
retired fanner, aad one of the most
respected dtizens of Otsego Co.,N. Y.
Teerteea Tears ago I had aa attack of
sraTet, aad bare riace beea trooHM wlUi 07
Liver and Kidneyj
OTdsallT zronriny wor. Tarre years tso
Iu ViOW that I ccnld tcarcclr walb.
I looked more Hie a corpse Uua a Hrtag
bets;: I bad to appetite aad tor fire -at-.
I ate thiag bnt xrmtl. I iru badly
esvrUted a bad so more c.lor than m
r-arble tutMie. Hood'i SartaparlQa waj
recoanoadwl. Before I bad aiuabed Um
Crst bottle I nouM that I flt btw. sul
Ieredl. tbe inftn mean tiwi t ti blad
der bad satnMed. tbo color bezan to return
tors face. aad 1 began ! feel tonrrr.
AJWr I bad taken thrm- bottles I erriA eat
aaytoiaz with-".'. hsrUm; n War. I got
loheuSTTttui: I had to eat 5 tfc: a day. I
tire now faHy recoTtxtd, thaaks to
Hood's Sarsaparilla
I feel well aad am well. At bo ksow
e isanel to see ra f wetL" I). If. JoEo.uf.
Hood's Pills are th bt itia-t2zzz
World's Fair, Chicago.
... CaJstATnBeaedStaStr.
UiiTEI b m Fireproof; M roost; near Fair
nil I tb GrocixK; buh oa ererr Cocr.
Aziencan a&d European jxao.
DaHPDflSTTxtoBaiur. rtriuj usmj
DJlnwnUr I tcU Wrsotorctrcsr.
a DTrrsest of tt bvwelj e& (tax. I ccMar7
tefllwTin Tm pOl apclT vUl Uut iriua
Uok to nui tt rernTir. Care ffwiluti, bnr&tra
Jl St & elw Um Craplexua better Una
Misle. Tter Kt miliar, sutfcrr crlpe tr
uexea u otter salt do. To eoarteae rem of tbetr
ma we ! hbcIci free, or ran box SSe. Sold hnuiin 3tA.ta, w-o.ij-y pa.
Bold by Bkett 6c. Van fclype.
A cottage of seven rooms and base
ment, with 2 or 4 lota set to fruit trees
and fine garden; for sale at a bargain.
Located on Front street, North Salem.
Houe new last year and in beat condi
tlon. New barn, fine well of water,
nicely fenced, most desirable in tbat
part of town. Enquire of Mrs. D
King. 7-7-2w
Tbe Trask River Toll Road, with fur
nished hotel and farm, at IU western
ate, In TllUmook county, title deai
tud renting for 600 to $1000 a year
can be secured now, in exenang fo
productive citv property, or a good
farm In tbe Willamette valley. In
quire of N W. G. at residence of B. (J.
Ward, ISth street, uear t'nrt, Salem,
Oregon. 7 7 dw lm
Farm for Sale or Trade.
On tar term, four mlleaeait or babllrultj,
containing 117 acies- will trade fur properl)
In or nearealem. B. O. DOVE.
S--dw BablluUly, Or
Manufacturer of Wagons, Car
riages, etc.
Repalrlne a Specialty.
riuop 15 State itrtel.
PitorKcrtoN LOOOK SO. 2 A.O. v. w.
MteU in ttae4r ball In cute Insurance
building, oYcry Wcdneadar evening
J. A. S EL WOOD. Recorder.
Have had U sears iperlenoa tralnlne fr
rcs or carnage. irm rcafcooDie. ran be
round at Weilaooti'a auible, ur addrrM Kalem.
On improved Ileal Eatata. In amount and
Urn to suit, o delay In ronaldertnx loana.
crAR x. mon
i unit t 1 wiiU
Hoom U. Bnah Bank block. S Uda
Id bulk, all good shlnpiutr varieties
of cherries iu tho Willamette valley.
r -.. v...i. a, t ... r.. u-i
uirgvu a-tun iv x iuuuk uj,, onieui.
Baby cried.
Mother siglied,
Boctor prescribed t Castorl..
JTOTCCO TtUBS kaowa by laautmia
Uke )Mrprkaaa. (um kaiuue ivcau
. Tkle fora &4 UMU1X
SLKSPiMu 0 r&OTutmuto ru-i3
wtua uu ainotlr aa tru affaeUd
aWrbe tutor all r neaiu, eawoaa
PHmiMIHit, frt fcWPraatSi
cut Cfr.MUraU4jplu,!
by iUtkeu A, Van Slype,
f Axda y
11 H Ylf.
1h tferlf nll.
I Tho kiwi jdTwtk in Uso cwiromy
ot ttAUag tUiok on rallwayn M to
tnrn the cars At the end of cuoh trip,
wbcrehy a Iatj irfrilMfO ot extra
wtflrsjrxl trtavrtl Horso years
; ago a portion of tho Wafea.h raHrwwl
, was kr-1 with oM EogrLrh Iron rails
aad a small part with steel raits
. from the Car&egio milU It became
ncce-wtry aftT a thne to maore
tamo of the raain Une rails toaa-
ethcr rrt of tbe road, aad it wm ob-
iTTexl tbat after retayisg taeni
I many garo out immdiat?ly. while
others manifested no sign of wear.
To detormino the ration of this ap-
Eirently tinacorantab(e condition an
vostigatton was ordered, whkh
showed that the road from which
tho rails bad been remoTed was btiilt
in a northwest southeast direction,
and in relaying n large number hid
been torned end for end. Those that
had not teen so placed exhibited no
additional los by attrition, while
the tamed rails succumbed in from
SO to 90 days. The conclusion ar
rived at waa that the metal had be
come polarized from long use when
first laid, and that the fiber was
broken up by the traffic in the oppo
site direction.
It was further proved that cast
iron wheels generally yielded twice
the mileage when the cars were
turned at each end of the journey
than when they were run backward
and forward without reversing. Not
withstanding the value of this di3
covery, it was not universally util
ized, and it is only recently that
some of the American railroads have
begun to recognize it importance.
St Louis Globe-Democrat.
Admiration WeU Distributed.
"I never Eee a man ride a bicycle
without mentally raiding my hat to
him," Eaid Luke Cross, wht is at the
Laclede. "It looks bo easy and Eeems
to come to a man bo naturally that
when I was advised to ride to get rid
of dyspepsia I purchased a machine
and had it sent home. Every even
ing for a month I tried to learn to
rido it, and the advice I had tendered
me from neighbors on the other side
of the fence was sufficient to have
educated a man in almost any art or
science under the sun. But it failed
to teach me how to ride the machine,
as did the salesman who had guar
anteed that I could ride anywhere
in a week. By the time I had cut
my face twice and skinned the backs
of my hands and the fronts of my
shins, I gave it up and sold the ma
chine at half price to my next door
neighbor. He had about learned tho
trick by watching my failures, and
his graceful riding is a constant re
proach to me. But I still affirm the
feat is not so easy as it looks." St.
Louis Globe-Democrat.
Marreloa London.
London is center aye, soul of the
British empire, and England without
the metropolis is "Hamlet" minus the
Prince of Denmark. .
The traveler who whirls into this
vastest of human hives, with its 6,000-
000 of inhabitants, cannot be any
thing but a profoundly impressed
London contains one-eighth of
Great Britain's population, has a
larger daily delirery of letters than
all Scotland, a birth every four min
utes, a death every six, and the lord
mayor, "prince of parvenus," holds
passing sway over a greater number
of his fellow mortals than the king
of Holland.
Though this miniature world num
bers more Jews than Palestine, more
Italians than Rome, more Germans
than Hanover, it remains an Anglo
Saxon city. S. P. Cadman in Go
dey's, A Woman' launching Itoom.
A man has opened a woman's lunch
ing room in Boston in one of the
busiest sections on a novel plan, at
least for this country. A large table
in the center of tho room is attract
ively set out with a good variety of
food suitable for a wholesome, palat
able, inexpensive luncheon. Coffee
and tea are provided, and comforta
ble chairs with a projecting arm
upon which to rest cup and plate
stand about. Tho customer selects
her luncheon, waiting upon herself,
pours her beverage and withdraw
ing to a chair eats it Afterward she
pays what she considers a suitable
price, tho matter being left to her
Bense of honor. New York Times.
An Economical Trip.
Two girls who went to Europe by
themselves last year and 6aw some
thing of Ireland, of Wales, much of
the beauty of rural England, spent
two weeks in London, three in Paris,
went through to Genoa, did some Al
pine climbing and saw the prettiest
Swiss towns, went to Germany,
down tho Rhine, and to Brussels and
Amsterdam, spent just (350, includ
ing every expense. Their trip last
ed three months and included CO
places. They always went to a ho
tel, had all they wanted and saw
everything they desired. And yet
all tradition agrees that women are
extravagant New York Bun.
Ca7 Enough.
Stella's papa had been talking with
a gentleman while Stella, and Charlie
were present After the gentleman
had gone Stella asked, with a puzzled
expression, "Charlie, what's a drafts
man P "Pooh," waa the lordly an
swer, Mont you knowthatt Adrait
xnan is a mau that aita in a draft"
JJew York Adverir.
The R maftaWa Core of J, B, VWte
of tbh City.
A I'rlppk tor Two Years. i'rftfieod '
ifejrirte by I'll t4ni and Ol'en
M by lit frteiid to d lliW be
OtrtaiHed H-lrf and bruf '
well mau- Mm rMMgiiler's
Mar verwus i ta pre veuieu U,
(front ttlaef9'MJo-at.j
"i'evtous is the pas Uiat cures
when bope is gooe awl medical ad? lee
pronounces the death sentence Mireur
abfe.' II iw terrltrk It h to think tf
leaving this sweet hfe before the allotted
years of man's time here on earth are
....... t -rt.... ..., r It
13)1, 3d St, N. E , last night to a Jour-
, uat reporter. Mr. White has been
; mueb talised about of late, and tbe fol-
I lowing coovertalion explatus wby:
I am a native of rjhedlae, New
Brunswick, and of Freueh descent I
I bave been in Minneapolis for many
1 years. I am now CO years old. I fell
I from a building two years ago and
J broke my thizb, besides injuring myself
internally. Tne doctors could do uotb
I iug tor me but let the bones gnw to
gether as test tney couia. nen 1
was able to wait on crutches I came
uear dying from the complication of
1'ouble that bad set In after tbe fall.
For one year and a half I walked on
crutches, striving In vain to find some
relief from the misery I felt night and
day. The worst part ot my afflictions
w&s that I could uot eat anything. If
I could bave taken nourishment and
kept ltdown Icould have stood tbe pain
better. I bad four doctors, aud kept
taking all sorts of medlclues. I bad to
stop ail of tbeui or I would have been a
dead man. I have enough bottles left
to start a drug store. I would be
troubled to with headaches, and my
hips would pain me so tbat I often
thought I should go erazy. 1 was so
emaciated that there was nothing to
me but skin at d bone. Lsst summer
I f felt a3 If I was nearly dead. My kid
neys men oegan to ootner me. a got
t-u I could not sli-ep only at Intervals.
Finally I gave up in de-nalr. One da
I wa3 sitting out on the porch. It
was a beautiful, tunny day. Tbe sing
iug cf birds and tbe odor of flowers set
me to thinking of mv childhood days
From that my thoughts reverted to the
nitie l-rencn weeklv uaper, Le iloal
teur Aoadlen, tbat we cot and I
thought I would like to read it and
see bow things were at my old home
I told my w ife to give me tbe last num
ber, fcne brought me tne one tbat
came that morning. Tbe first thing I
saw was a long article about tbe mirac
ulous cure of a cripple. 1 read ou aud
ou.becomine more mteres ted tnauever.
Tbe patient dej-enbed in the artiele
said tbat Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People cured bim aud tbej would
cure others. The story aroused m
interest and I induced my druk'bt to
send for them. I did not expect relief
ngnt away, bnt soon they made the
headache pae away. After laiu;
them some days I could eat. People
l&ugbed at me when I began to laKe
tbe pills, telling me I was taking so
much candy. iiui the day I threw
away tbe crutches they thought difler
ent. I am now w ell aud hearty as a
youug mau 013."
At tbu juueture his married daugh
ter, Mrs. .X. Wane, cimeiutu thetore,
Tbere." be said, "Is auotber cade.
The has tried them, too." The report
er thought it would be a good idea to
sneak of tier case, also, since it was a
woman's. Mrs. Wmte married a mau
of tne same name as her fatuer, so tuts
accounts for the same name.
"The doctors,' abe said, 'told me I
bad utenue trouble. I was iu a miser
able conaitiou. Nothing that I toot
Could alleviate tbe) palus I would feel
iu my limbs and abJomen. I ofteu
uad nutteriugof the heart, aud fre
quent weak soclls. I wouid eat. but 11
oUlddomenogoO'J IcoUid Uoleleep
1 was iu miser anu uepalr. .My latb
er tood Er. Williams Pink Pills, audbis
improveuieut was so rap'd that I
thought 1 would take luetn too. At
tlrst 1 fell worse, aud theu I beirau to
ojend so rapidly tbat 1 Waa aatoUlshed
I have takeu seveu boxes and am uow
nearly well. 1 cau do my owu work
aud can sleep aud eat well, iu tbe
cuuruiugs I feel refreshed afier a uigtns
August Grutefend, who keeps tbe
Gcrmauia Drugstore, at 1011 Maiu si ,
N. E., corniboiated what Mr. While
bad said above iu regard to bis condi
tion, saying, "I have sold a great mauy
xiuce these cures, home of tne lumber
men going iu tbe woods have taken
half dozeu box lota of these pills witu
them. Tbey certainly bave doue a
wouderfut lot of good and should have
the entire credit of the cures."
Ou mquiry the Journal reporter found
tbat these pills are uow on sale at tbe
various wholesale drug houses of Miu
ueapolis aud tit, Paul and ar meeiiug
wlin a good sale, but not as as the
will sell as aoou as their merit is fully
knowu. He als 1 fouud that they were
manufactured by Dr. Williams' Medi
ciue company, feobenecudy, N. Y..
aud Brockville, Out., and the pills are
sold In boxes (never iu bulk by tbe
uuudred) at 60 ceuts a box, or six boxes
for $2.50.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a per
feet blood builder and nerve restorer,
curing such diseases as rheumatism,
neuralgia, partial paralysis, locomotor
ataxia, hi. Vitus' dauce, nervous bead-
ache, nervous prostratlou aud the tired
feeling therefrom, and after etlects ol
la gnppe, tnnueuza and Severe colds,
diseases depending ou humors iu the
blood, such as scrufuU, chrouio erysipe
las, etc Pink Pilis give a healthy glow
to pale and rallow complexions aud are
a specific for tbe troubles peculiar to
tbe female system; iu men tuey effect
a radical cure lu all cases arising from
mental worry, overwork or excesses of
On easy tertua and cheap. A tt) acre orchard
on ounny 'u. ooe, 1 mile ouin
of rjrin.
Oar T-lirtCTtOX tTUSOt torn -rX rwr wtk.
i"- .rfTix rsxvuna arurrezs.
c-cosotaawcLT.o.u rrmT
a qcicx ceu s uvco-aaaa m wb n
aaikfitarcdura. kntwu,jLianiit
X-tTOOa Xjwumim Qv iw ffer- Htft
m corriEiFr-0-.
wL V7 t h xfi 1 m m M mm
for Infants
CaoTia b Hta ifil todaMa Bui
2 rveoenroend It M toprtor to any creaaiption
kunratofiM. If. A. Aacmrjt,if.rjL,
' Ul So. Oxford St., Brookla, K. T.
"Tb twsof 'Cstorta'Ii MBnlreria aad
h arriU if) well known that It tza a week
ot (npereroratkn to endono It. Few are too
lntlr))rrot faraflie woo 60 not kp Cattorla
Caatca Mirrrx.D.D.
How York air.
LaH FaxScr Wocrnlnedala Eetormed Cnoreh.
Tax Cnraca
Do ya tror Ck? Kbta Kxt U ceei try a pair.
est In the world.
If TMvirf ii:a DRESS SHOE. ck4i Is&i bierl
tiyH tet ?j S6 b $3, try xsj S3, $340, $4.00
55tce. Tteyst 67111 tacinsa node aad took aad
veiruveQ. IfynvUhbtccsochelacerfxtmar,
dm by pznkuUg W. L thesis Sboet. Haas aad
price ttisftd eo lis beitoe, txk fcf It tea yea fciy
W. I- TiOVGLAS, Brockton, Sfaaa. Sold 7
Kkacsse Bkos.
Skin Food.
Ladies who snfier
from Cnttlnj Winds
and scorching Kua
will Cnd
Mrs. Harrison's
Lola Uontez Creme
The Skin Food,
Th-jbet remedy for
tn"pl g tbe nice cool
and free fr m Irrita
tion, as It sooths and
comforts tbekln and
p evnta frecKle cr
snnbn ". It Is not a
beam Iflor bat a sEin
restorative and pre
i . Si.x j"V-i 1
servative I a lltt'e Uontez C erne la rnbbed
iatbeKln and thnroazblv wlwd off uatn.
Jnt ceJoie applying powder, ths complexion
win be sorter, and the 'powder wUl remain
loneer. desldex preventl' g tbe powder from
elgzlng the pores of the sitta- Vri' e T5 cents.
For sale by KRED LEnG. DrngsUt, Patton
Block. Salem, Ore.
Torany spec'al or complicated blemish of
face or form, writ
AvcKicVs Biatrrr XtocroB,
M Geary HU, San Francisco, Cat
Bnperflnoas Hair Permanently RemoTed.
- Oregon
Private work a specialty.
& B. CLEMENT. Manager.
Steamer Elwooc .
fmm II. P. Dock at 6 o'clock a. m. every Wed
neaday and tinn1ay.
trom tbe Central dock at foot ol Wuhlogton
street every annday and Thureiay.
for Albanv eve-y Monday and Tuesday, re
turning tame days.
ixmcerning freight and paasenger bnsinesa,
call on the agent. AL UEKRE.N.
Electric Lights
On Meter System.
Tha UsUm 1 . .a r rm .
w-sw-ixa A-afc xiu lontr i uoipaoy HL
cTet eipente bave equipped their E:-tno
l-iffbt pUnt with the n t xuod-ro pparatoa
satiti aa nnw K1a m aMa a fc. ,- l.ii. . 1 .
Ufht than any jMem and at a rate lower
than aHD-K-A- u
M an; VJ VU W-O ( TlUli
Arc and Incaudescent Light
lug. Electric Motors lor all
purposes where power is re
KeHenre can be wired for as many Ughu
rt?.,r?, ' ,he consumers pay for 01 It
by Hi CecWcMeter: Om """6 "
179 Commercial St.
(MS. W0LZ,
Proprietor of the
South Commercial st n.i.n.
and8au-i.FT11'Mllmnd 8ike, MeU
toiimakeb -
..., h-i .b . cawai urifM, I
(Next door to Kleln'a.)
dpsdaltyof Spectadea, ana repairing rw
Watckas a4 Jawalry.
MkmW ft
K" --
F0K .sMR12?ii)l.
VwTl r -H??1. Sm?
and Children.
Caatorta eon CWla, Oeeetlpattvu
8or8Socnan, IViarrbcea. XroetaUon.
XXEiWonna, err alevp, aad pnaotm 4
W-JUw Udarioos oedicatloo,
" T?rJV'Ttl. r I car ronnntrt
roar 'Catton and isaS alr conuaw u
MJjall ta larariaMr prodaced ttZMOdaJ
Enwnr T. Paaen. Jt. D,
" Tb WloUuop,- 13a Str aad tta Are,
Corrjjrr, T7 KcaxaT &Txxrr, Strr Toax.
,y,mu SU
MA2NET1C sosPEHsoar.
TB rr Vlt&wt yUix Wfc rmhfxf fr?n
st texw riavftii trtixx. rMHittrmi 4b tj ltc
4itteM. lurMr, rk&sUlrt, fc-Jity Urtr tot mUt
a;-Ulsu mli kut, Itsfrtf. ttuilo, cai L -rt t.
?t, TU tfmrts kit oUIXj W 9m4rwtl lmyrfnu t
ii Mien. uJ fle & mt tit U tzsUAXtj fej y u
wajfr.r w9trrfttt f !,. asd QI rr H. f UtiUu
- jaj Tlc-xfAS.!. kr ttr mKl j ti f mr
tA tarv2dm ftT a-T Sr rta4li fa. H, 1 1 .
(lr aV&lrif tMilw-iUTii I tli. a1 mrr thr rutt
oTfwrfU larftoitp bwixjc srrt-iit. ai
rniatVwt vrtr t5r4 wl tuxHIXI WITH iLL Bill!
-arcxi2xr xixXaCrrxuo c:o.,
No. 172 First St.. PORTI-AND, ORE.
(Nsrtitra Pacfc R. R. Cfl Lessee.)
Two Through Trains Daily.
lipm&23pnl Mfnn a I 9:13am 4:!5pa
liproT:L5prat StPanI al lOTtaroi 40pm
IftlSimkl'ipm lDalnthaJII.OAm 650pm
isrpm Tspm 1. Asbuna. al saamf 3:pa
T15m9'fcim lrhtccoa 5.Tira lOtjpm
Tleltettold and rega?e checked throtub
to all poln's In tbe Unl-.ed SUtes and Canada.
Close connection made in Chicago with all
trains going East and (-oath.
Vorrall Information applv to yonr nearest
Ucket agent or JA. C. POND,
lien. Pass, and Tkt. Agu Chicago. IU
The House Mover.
451 3Iarion Street.
Has the best fadlltlea lor moving and rais
ing house. Leave orders at ray Bros., or
address Salem. Oregon.
Smith Prpm'er Typewriter.
8old on easy payment. For Rent.
W. I. STALEY, Agent. Salem.
H.N. BURPEE, GenM agent, 101 Third BL,
Portland. ftendCnr catalogue.
'EtVK T, , . .
iLT me Liit mai
Iall others
portland8;3 J; m
i DAYS to
IIOUFS e u'cest to Chicago and
Uniirc Quicker to Omaha and Kan
uuuli sas City.
Pullman and Tourist Sle-peis. Tree Eeclln
i z Chair Lars, Dm ng Cars.
Korrate aud general inruniialiuo call on
w.u uoiuairrn. Avst, o f a-
TIib Rosllei
Wood S;i
A"4 dvnt barn up half jour wood. In
fuat, wbeuh t ji. uae yonrtonutru
Wltb ulm personally orlrare or. ere t.1 Vea let
1a- aiuix. .waj oom-a look Btor,ua oum
fttre, or addreaa ma by mall. -W
BUSfc t-asfSrlB BlVir5rV
yl-al JS-'
I Kw'-B
R Jmm'Z id LI
a -