Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, July 03, 1893, Image 3

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Tli t It I Rli ( on rhnrlM ITIiy tli
mlillcaiie Wetrn DlnllUfii and TliHrT'tl
Cecil m ullrrtiird Amnnelha Jmn-llilt
On Admitted lllehln l'rtf eM piWL,
DiiooKi.vl,Jnly9.-ftiy. Dr. T..I mnga,
Iwl aelecloil -na 'hffiirobjkt for today n
plctnro of crfntrnfit,"'Arrfcnnc Mini Hu
jilllty," thl tcxl behlg hnko xvlll, 13,
God bo merciful hnto iii6. a Dinner!"
No mountain over, lw(l(i!moro brilliant
coronet than Monnt'MjJrinh. Thuglorica
of tho nricicnt feirajilo btiifcM'ltioro. Tlio
rrfonntftln top wruir not (irffrlnftlly largo
wionuh to hold Iho foninlo. ntitl bo a wall
Cpd fetel hlgii-vyiis eroctod(nud tho tnonn
tain was btillt out into that wall.
It was ut tlmV point, that BAtan mot
Christ arid tried to persumlo hiin to enst
himself 'down tho C60 feet. Tho nine
gates of tho teraplo flaahod tho light of
silver and gold and Corinthian braes,
which Corinthian brass was muro pro
cions ntones welted bnd mixed and'ciys
Utilized. Tho to'tnplo itself won not so
very largo a structure, but tho courts
and the adjuncts of tho nrdhitecturo
made it half a m'ilo in circumference.
Wo starfd nnd lWtipSSwthat won
drous structure, What's tho matter?
What strange appearance iri tho temple?
In it fire? Why, it seems as if it were a
mansion all kindled into flame. What's
tho matter? Why, its the hour of morn
ing sacrifice, and the smoke on tho altar
rises and bnrsts ont of the crevices and
out of tho door and wreathes tho moun
tain top with folds of smoko through
which glitter precious atones gathered
and burnished by royal munificence.
I see two men mounting tho Btcps of
tho building. They go sido by sido; they
are very unliko; no sympathy between
them the ono tho pharisee. proud arro
gant, pompous; he goes up the steps of
tho building: ho seems by his manner to
say: "Clear tho trackl Never boforo
came np theso stops such goodness and
Beside him was tho publican, bowed
down, seemingly, with a load on his
heart. They reach tho inclosuro for
worship in tho midst of tho temple.
The pharisee goes closo up to the gate
of the holy of holies. He feels he is
worthy to stand there. Ho says prac
tically: "1 am so holy I want to go into
tho holy of holies. O Lord, I am a very
good man! I am a remarkably good
man. Why, two days in tho week I eat
absolutely nothing. I'm bo good. I'm
very generous in my conduct toward
tho poor. I have no sympathy with tho
common rabble; especially have I none
with this poor, miserable, commonplace,
wretched publican, who happened to
come up tho stairs beside me."
The publican went clear to the other
Bide of tho iuclosuro, as far away from
the gate of the holy of holies as ho
could get, for ho felt unworthy to stand
near tho sacred place. And the Biblo
says hoetood afar off. Standing on tho
opposite side of this inclosure, he bows
his head, and as orientals when they
have any trouble beat their breasts, so
ho begins to pound his breast as he cries,
"God bo merciful to me, a sinnerl"
Oh, was there ever a grentor contrast?
The incense that wafted that morning
from the priest's censer was not bo sweet
as the publican '8 prayer floating into the
opening heavens, while tho prayer of the
pharisee died on his contemptuous lips
nnd rolled down into his arrogant heart.
Worshiping there, thoy join each other
and go sido by sido down tho steps, 'tho
pharisee cross, wretched, acrid, satur
nine the publican with his face shining
with the very joyB of heaven, for "I tell
yon that this man went down to his
house justified rather than the other."
Now, I put this publican's prayer un
der analysis, and I discover in tho first
place that ho was persuaded of his fiin
f illness. He was an honest man; he
was a taxgalherer; ho was on officer of
tho government. Tho publicans wero tax
gatherers, nnd Cicero says they wero tho
adornment of tho state. Of course they
were somewhat unpopular, because peo
ple then did not liko to pay their taxes
any "better than peoplo now liko to pay
their taxes, and there wero many who
disliked them.
Still I suppose this publican, this tax
gatherer, was an honorablo man. lie
had ad office of trust: thoro were many
hard things Raid about him, and yet,
standing there in that inclosuro of the
temple tuuid tho demonstrations of
God's holiness and power, he cries out
from tho very depths of Uia soul, "God
be merciful to me, a sinnerl" By what
process shall I prove that I am a sinner?
By what process shall I prove that you
are a sinner? Shall I ask you to weigh
your inotives, to scan your actions, to
estinmto your betia vior? I will do nothing
of the kind. I will draw my argument
rather from tho plan of the work that
God has achieved, for your salvation.
Von go down in a storm to the beach,
and you boo wreckers put on their rtragh
jackets and launch the lifeboat and
then shoot the rocket to show that help
is coming out into the breakers, and you
immediately cry, "A shipwreck!" And
when I Bee tho Lord Jesus Christ putting
aside robe and crown and launch out on
the tossing eoa of human Buffering and
eatanic hato, going out into the thuridet
Ing surgo of death. I cry, "A shipwreck!"
1 know that our souls aw dreadfully
lost by the work that God has done to
save them. Arojouaainner? Suppose
you had, a commercial agent In Charles
ion or Ban Francisco or Chicago, and
you were paying him promptly his sal
ary, aud you found out after awhile
that notwithstanding ho had dinwn the
salary he had given nine-tenths of all the
time to some other commercial estab
lishment. Why, your indignation would
know no bound. And yet that is just
the way we have treated the Lord.
Ha sent us out into the world to serve
bipn Oa h taken, good car? of ua. He
baa dotfad us, he ha theltered us, and
nu ii iiijhbmmw w mi nm
tuciUm, andret manf of- n liare glrffi
ntiift-twitli i nt otirdirjn to tin mnln of
tfw wf'irldthJ nlf afld fJw derlt. Why,
my f riti'lf tliS Ulbft ( full of confrwdon,
'!! I do nofflrtrt unr'Mfa In pardoned
until Im has eoufnwtl.
What did David nfl "I will confmw
my transgreMloni unto tho Lord." What
did Ialah nay? ''Woo l inn, Wnrwo 1
am n man of iincl"nri lltw." What did
Ezra nay? "Our irilnnlticn are tncrenwd
over our head, and otirtresjpaM fa grown
tin into heaven." And nmonjr tho mil
lions beford tho tlirdno of God tonight
not ono got thcro nntil ho confessed.
Tho coast of, (denial orrpw fa strewn
wltli'tlio vrcclfbf those who, not taking
tho warning, drovo with tho cargo oi
Immortal, hopo into tho whito tangled
foam of thfc breakers.
Rp(ent the rolce celeitUI eric.
Nor longer Aaxp ilelari
. The vrrcteli that fcornrf the muhiUKrtlci
And mceta the flerjr day.
But I analyzo tho publican's prayer n
etcp further, and I find that he expected
no relief except through God's mercy.
Why did not ho say, I am an honorable
man. When 1 got $10 taxes, I pay them
right oyer to tho government. I give
jfull permission to anybody to andit my
accounts. I appeal to thy justice, 0
God! Hoimadono such plea. Ho throw
hifrtself fldt orf God's mercy.
Have you any .idea that a man by
breaking off tho scales of tho leprosy can
chaugo tho disease? ' Have you any idea
that you can by changing your life
change your hoart that you can pur
chase your way to hehveu? Come, try it.
Come, bring all tho bread you over gave
to the hungry, all the medicine you ever
gave to the sick, all tho kind words you
have ever uttered, all the kind deeds
that have over distinguished you. Add
them all up into tho tremendous aggre
gate of good words and works', and then
you will see Paul sharpen his knifo as he
cuts that spirit of self satisfaction as he
cries, "By the deeds of tho law there
shall no flesh bo justified."
Well, say a thousand men in this au
dience, if I am not to got anything in
tho way of peace from God in good
works, how am I to be saved? By mercy.
Hero I stand to toll tho story; mercy,
mercy, long suffering mercy, sovereign
mercy, infinite mercy, omnipotent
mercy, everlasting mercy. Why, it
seems in tho Biblo as if all languagowere
exhausted, as if it wero stretched until it
broke, as if all expression wore struck
dead at tho feet of prophet and apdstle
and evangelist when it tries to describe
God's mercy.
Oh, Bays Borne one, that is only adding
to my crimo if I corao and confess beforo
God and seek his mercy. No, nol The
murderer has come, and whilo ho was
washing tho blood of his victim from
his hands, looked into tho face of God
and cried for mercy, and his soul has
been white in God's pardoning lovel
And the soul that has wandered off in
tho streets and down to tho very gates of
hell has como back to her father's houso,
throwing' her arms'around his rieck, and
been saved by the mercy that saved Mary
But, says some one, you are throwing
open that door of mercy too wide. No,
I will throw it open wider. I will take
the responsibility of saying that if all
this audience, instead of being gathered
in a semicircle, wero placed side by" side,
in ono long line,- they could all maroh
right through that wide open gate of
mercy. "Whoseover," ''whoseover." Ob,
this mercy of God there is no lino long
enough to fathom it; thoro is no ladder
long enough to scale it; thero is noarith
metio facile enough to calculate it; no
angol's wing can fly across it.
Heavenly harpers, aided by choirs
with feet like tho sun, cannot compass
that harmony of mercy, mercy. It
sounds in tho rumbling of tho celestial
gate. I hear it in tho chiming of the ce
lestial towers. I aeo it flushing iri tho
uplifted and downcast coronots of tho
saved. I hear it in tho thundering tread
of tho bannered hosts around about tho
throne, and then it cdmbs from the
harps and crowns'arid thronos and pro
cessions to uit down, unoxpressou, on a
throno overtopping all heaven the
throne of mercy.
How I was affected when some one
told mo in regard to that accident on
Long Island sound, when ono poor wom
an came and got her hand on n raft as
she tried to save herself, but thoso who
wero on tho raft thought thero was no
room for her, and ono man camo anil
most cruelly beat and bruised her hands
until sho fell off. Oh, I bless Uod mat
this lifeboat of tho gospel has room
enough for the sixteen hundred millions
of the race room tor one, room lor au,
and yet there is room!
I nush this analysis of the publican's
prayer a step further and find that ho
did not expect any mercy except uy
nleadinir for it Ho did not fold his
hands together as some do, saying: "If
I'm to bo saved, I'll bo saved. If I'm to bo
lost, I'll be lost, and there is nothing for
mo to do." He knew what was wortli
having was worth asking for; hence this
earnest cryof the text. "God be mercuui
to me. a sinner!"
It was an earnest prayer, and it is
characteristic of all Bible prayers that
they wero answered the blind man,
"Lord, that I may receive my sight;" the
leper, ''Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst
raako mo clean;" sinking Peter, "Lord,
aavo me;" the irabllcari. "Ged: bo merci-
rni to me, a uunerr IJut IT you como
-up with tho tip of your finger and tap at
tne gate or mercy, it will not open, you
have got to have the earneetuess of the
warrior who, defeated and pursued, dis
mounts from lila lathered steed and with
gauntleted fist iwundsat the palace gate,
You have got to have tho earnestness
of the man who, at midnight, in the
fourth story, has a sense of suffocation,
with the house in 'flames, goes to the
window and shouU to the firemen,
"Help!" O unforgiven soul, if you were
In full earnest I might have to command
eilenc in the auditory, for your prayen
would drown the voice of the speaker,
.r.,1 nn wnnlil tiavato ttause in the CTeat
lerTice. It fa becauee you do not real- j
'Wl Mi!
I L i '; LTV" "J'JD'J IliHliiimV
tbfa fn)fsnt eryUig, "Mrrey, mercy,
Trw KvtttUi rnxrtn.
TM f.rir ft of thi pfihlWn wm f
n liHifibfo prayer. TTw p"wlwf looked
njn tb ptibliean foofal ifiwn, torn oan
not IO itrl m a-fnutapbrjlcfan htmii
rlvtorMnnj yon cannot be wvft! ah n
M'holnri you cannot tx nared an im art
fat; yon cannot be saved m an official,
If yon aro cvrr narcd at all, It will bo an
aslnnvr. "(lod Ikj nicruifnl to roe, n fin
ncrP Another t-liarncterfatfc of tha prayer
of the irabllcrin wm, it hod n ring of dm
fidenco. It wo4 not a cry of despair. Ifa
knew ho wan going to got what he niked
for. Ho wanted mercy; ho wikcd for It,
expecting It. And do you tell mo, C
man, that God ban provided this rn I ra
tion nnd fa not going to lot yon have It?
If a man bnild n bridgo ncross a river,
will ho not lot peoplo go over it? Ifn
physician gives n prescription to a sick
man, will ho not let him tako it? If an
architect puts up a building, will ho not
lot peoplo In It? If God provides salva
tion, will ho not let you havo It? Oh, If
thero Iw a pharieoo here, n man whe
says, I am all right, my past lifo hoc
been right, I don't wnnt tho pardon ol
tho gospel, for I havo no sin to pardon,
let me say that whilo that mauls in that
mood thero is no pcaco for him, thoro ii
no pardon, no salvation, nnd tho'proba
bility fa ho will go down and spend' eter
nity with tho lost pharisco of tho text
But if thero bo hero ono who says 1
want to bo better, I want to quit my
ains, my lifo has been n Very imperfect
life, how many things havo I flaid that
I should not have Baid, how many things
I have dono I should not havo dono, I
want to chaugo my life, I want to begin
now, let mo say to such a soul, God U
waiting, God is ready, and you aro near
tho kingdom, or rather you havo en
tercd it, for no man says I am 'deter
mined to Bcrvo God and surrender the
Bins of my lifo; here, now, I consecrate
myself to the Lord Jeaus Christ who died
to redeem mo; no man from tho depth
of his bouI says that but ho is alrbady a
My uncle, tho Rov. Samuel K. Talmage
of Augusta, Go., was passirigj along tho
streets of Augusta ono day, and ho saw
a man, a black man, sttp from tho side
walk out into tho street, tako his hat off
and bow very lowly. My undo was not
a man who demanded obsequiousness,
nnd he said, "What do you 'do1 that for?"
"Oh," says tho man, "mbssa.'the'bther
night I was going along tho street, iand I
had a burdon on my Bhonlder, nnd I was
sick, and I was hungry, and I-came to
tho door of your church, and you were
preaching about 'God benidrcifill to mo,
a sinnerl' nnd I Btood there nftheddor
long enough to hoar you fiay'tha't if, a
man could utter 'that prayer from the
depths of his soul God would 'pardon him
nnd finally tako him to heaven. Then I
put my burden on my shoulder, nnd I
started home. I got to my home, and I
sat down, aud L said, 'God be merciful
to mo, a sinner!' but it got darker and'
darker, and then, massa, I got down on
my knees, aud I said 'God bo merciful
to mo, a sinner!' nnd tho burden got
heavier, and it got darkerand darker, I
know not whnt to do. Then I got down
on my face, and I cried, 'God bo rnorci
ful to' me, a Binnerl' and away off I saw
a light coming, and it camo nearer' and
nearer una nearer until nn was ungnt in
my heart! and' 1 arose t am happy n'ow
tho burden fa all gone and I said tc
mysolf if evor I mat you in the ptreet I
would get clear off tho sidewalk,-and. 1
would bow down and take my ljal oft
beforo you. I feel that I owe moro to
you'thdh'to any other man. Thatia Ihe
'reason I bow beforo you."
Oh, are thero not many now whacan
'utter this prayer, tho prayer of the black
man, tho prayer of tho publican, ''God
be morciful to mo, a sinner?" Wiilo I
halt in tho sermon, will you not all udter
it? I do not say audibly, but utter it
down in tho doptlis of ydfar s6nlBs con
sciousness. Yes, tho sigh 'goes all
through tho galleries, it goes all through
the pews, it goes all through these, aisles,
sigh after sigh God bo morciful to mo, a
Have you all utter6d'1t? No, there is
ono soul that has not uttered it, too
proud to titter if, too hard to uttotf it.
O Holy Spirit, descend upon that bne
heart. Yes, ho begins to breatho it now.
No bowing of tho head yet, no starting
tear yet. but tho prayer is beginning
it fa born. God bo merciful to me, a bin
nerl Havo all uttered it? Thtin I utter
it myself, for no ono in all the hiiuse
needs touttorit moro than my owusonl
God bo merciful to me, a fiinuer!
What rocU Need.
A whimsical letter written by W. S.
Gilbert notes "a great want" ambng
poets. "I fahould like to saggest,' he
says, "that any inventor who is in need
of a name for Ids invention would confer
a boon on all rhymesters and atthoBamo
tiino insure himself many gratuitous ad
yertiBeinents if ho were to select a Word
that rliymes to one of the many wprda
in common use that havo very few
rhymes or none at all. A f ow more words
rhyming to 'love' are greatly wanted.
'Revenge' and 'avenge have no rhyme
but Penge' and 'Stonehengo. JCoif has
no rhyme nt all. 'Starve has no Thy mo
except (oh, irony!) 'carve.1 'Scarf Has
no rhyme, though I fully expect to be
told that 'laugh,' 'calf and 'half aro ad
missible, which they certainly aro not."
Philadelphia Press.
!iulorU In Ruula.
The reform of the passport system fa
about lobe undertaken in Russia. At
present nobody can chango bis dwelling
oven In the same etreet without sending
hfa paBsport twice to be vised by tho po
lice firtt on quitting the old house and
secondly on entering the new one. Thfa
fa aggravated by the slowness of the Rus
sian officials. The wife cannot leave hex
home even wero it on tho most urgent
business without a passport delivered tc
her by her husband, and tmscrupuloui
husbands take advantage of this. Wivei
have been known to purchase the mar
it! passport by tha sKrWcec ball tbeU
. M L T i fIVi YWi
personal lonuuc iu xwtmm.
jMBWHTtlMM1"'!'1'''!1" "" JJWWWI
Tho Nervous System tho Sea!
of Life and Mind. Recant
Wonderful Dicovcrto.
He mrM1 V 'wpr'l lih thst a
hcinmnlir HnMtii IM UASntttyri
of professional rpjwsreh siwl eiml In mi mi
ui poiwiiiMinnuiu w im) hi noi imer,
""7 inoii
Hi ui lhr t
m 1 1 mi MKira
I'd III Hi' tl
vr rmrtoftf-f
plnnt. in rd
tlGAt IliM ffrt&jai
of Hm brain
And eo ha
tire i hit
(Kirilnnnf Mm
nmone ey
frm llirrr
llieprlCK of
nrrilln will
3 HUM InntAlll
liivnnt fllu-ornrfe liftrn dcmnntlrnlrd lhal
1lthaor2anof tho body SMiindfr tlm con,
trot of tlm norm Cfincn, located Irtornwir
the bate nf tlm lirnln. nnd llmt wlii'ii llirwiiirn
dernnKoil tho organ which Dior nit.p'y with
nerve liulil nro alvo dnrniif-rd When li i rr-
mnmborod that a KorloiM Injury in tlitmpliiM
cnrtl will cniMO parnlyili of tlm hotly below
tho Injurud point, bocitino ilio nerte Torre I
prevented by the Injury from reaching tho
Paralyzed portion, It will lie understood Iioit
ha doranKement of tho norvo centum will
cause tho dorangamont of tha various organi
which thoy supply with nerve force.
Two-thirds of Chronic dlficne nro-due (o
tho Imperfect action of tho norvo cen nt
thoboiioof tho bralc, not from a ilcr o
mont primarily originating In tho orp, . It
solf. The' groat mistake of physlcm i- In
treating thoso diseases Is that thoy treat, tho
organ raUsar- than tho norvo centers which
am tlm camo of the trouble
Dn.' KiUxiatM Minns, the celebrated spo
clallst.has profoundly studied this subject, for
ovcr20yoars, and has made many. Important
dUcororlos In connection wltht,chlof among
them oulnstlio facts contnlncu In tho anoyo
statement) and that tho'ordlnnry method of
trocmont aro wrong. All hendacho, dlnl
nos'i, dullness, contusion, pressure, blllos,
mania, molancholy, Inanity, epilepsy, Bt.
Vitus dance, etc., aro norvous dlscasos' no
matter how caused. Tho wonderful buccoih of
Dr. Miles' KestoratlVo Norvlno Is duo to the
fact that it Is based on th foregolngnrinc Iplo.
Urn Mtr.xs' Restorative NeiivineIssoUI by
all druggists on a posltlvo guarantoo.or cent
direct by Do. Miles Mkdicai, Co., Elkhart,
Intl.. on receipt of prlco, fl per bouliv six
bottles for ti, express prepaid. It contain
faotther opiate nor dangerous drugs.
gold by D. J. Fry, druggist, Salem
World's Fair, Chicago.
..-.. CidnmotA.Tenuo and 29th Btroet.
UflTEl m m Klreprooti 241 roomii nssr tlr
nUlbk QrOundir balhs on ovcrr floor.
vmvriciui BQa.nirupuari plana.
ItoWttdsr. EinKlua funlly
oiol. wmexorciroaiAr.
A moTmnt ottha txmell each dyJtnMMrjr
for health. .These pills jupplr what tha uttam
U IyM and clear the Completion better tbn
loemetlce. TUer aot mlldljr, nelttter grip taor
Iteken aa other ptlU do. To ooortnoa you of their
nerlta we mf II aainplu free, or full box SSo. Bold
iverrwlierev Eoaanko Med. Co, raU4elpUl,Ta.
Sold by Baskett & Vm Nlypo.
T'AU0Y 4 BINGHAM, Attorneys at lAw,
iU Itoomsl. and 8, D'Aroy Uulldlng, HI
suite street. Special attention given to busl.
uoss In the supreme and circuit courts of the
siate. 2 U
r) 1 UOIdK Attnrnty nt law, Halem. Ore
V. on. Olllte '.71 Comnierclal street.
aHLMON FOHO, Attomey at law, Balem,
Oregon. Uttlce up stairs In l'utton block
J. BlQOKIt, Attorney at law.tJalem, Ore
gon. Ofllce over Uush's bank.
. Attorneys at law. Offlre over Capital
Nullonal bank, Halem, Oregon.
Ci T. RIOUAltDSON, Attorney at law Of
O, flooupstalniin frontrooms ol newllush
block, corner Commercial and Oourt strcots,
8dlem, Oregon.
JOHN A. OAHsON, Attorney at law, rooms
X and 4, Uuu bank building, tJolero.Or.
li. f. DONHAM. W. II. HOLME8.
BON HAM A HOliMBS, Attorneys at law,
O 111 oo In Bush block, between Btateand
t ourt, on Commercial street.
if K. l"OGUE, HlfnogrBplu'r uud Tjpe-
1.TA, Ytliwa
floe hut one In
Itpnl ntllnnAil tvnewrltlntf of.
i Oregon. Over Bush's bunk,
Halem, Oregon
OTKLLA HUKHMAN. Typewriting and
(O commercial stenography, roum 11, Gray
block. lrst-clas work. Kates reasonable.
Dll A. I)AVW, UU l'rt Graduate of New
York, gives special attention to the dls
tuses of women nnd chlldrvn, rose, throat,
lung, kidneys, skin discuses and surgery.
Office ut rw.ldt)iioe,lot bUl street. Consulta
tion from Vlolla. in. and 'i to J p. in. 7-l-fltn
C3 O. BBOWNK, M. I).. I'hysiclan and Bn
O. gron. (UlUe. Murpuy blouk; residence,
i&.lotttnH'otal street.
rHT U. HMITII, lWntlxt. W Btate street
l) Bjlein, Oreou. k'lulsbed dental opera,
Hons of every description. 1uIu1cm opera
tlons'aspeolAlty. WD. 1'UUII, Architect, plabl, spvclflca
. tlons aud superintendence for all
clumes ol buildings. OIUco 2W Commercial
street, up sUlrs.
Oi, HoUhltT, Arrtl,!t, room UI, Mar
. qum building, IVriland, Oregon.
Manufacturer of Wagous, Car
rlaj;ea, etc
RopalrUK n apejotolty.
Hoop 5 Bute street.
I Meets In their ball In Htate Insurance
building, every WngCnjg.
J. A. 8KUWOOD, Itecorder.
Skin Food.
Indies who ofIer
from Calling; Winds
nnd boorchlng bun
will find
Mrs. Harrison's
Lola Mente: Creme
Tbe hkln Tood,
The beat remedy for
knepli g the tare cool
aud freo fr m Irrita
tion, as it toot us ana
comforts theskln and
p events frecKle or
suntii r. It U not a
butlflrrbut skin
rrstoratttre and pre-
servatlve. Ifalittta Uonbrs O eme Is rubbed
lu theKin ana ju'iruuguij wipvu im, "i
jultxfoielplylngpowdr. tbe implexUu
will be sorter, and lb powder will rtmaiu
iosier. drsldes preventlr.g tha powder from
clogging the pores of the ssrlo- rrU76cenU.
Forests by VHKD I.KGO, Dmggl.t, Fatton
Block, &lem, Ore.
Forsnyspte'si or complicated blemish of
face or form, writ
AH MICA'S BkAtmr O09T0a
it Geary U 1 FranoUeo, Cat.
Bopsrnuon Half rriaBtnlly Hemovtd.
A h4& eSi
ikwn:v i t
."', iij .
tmvi l ,'imniivnmttmi!mmmv'mn.mi'wr
i.oUHii rAiKTrMci,
Hstunl Wo fMthlfifti
Cor, VAH Mi ObemeleU t(rt.
Oco, Fofulrioh,
Ilestrn'tttantt frMdsllvsrf.
130 bUt Strut,
J, L.
Ksll mates made on all kinds nt
IleildencsCoMHUmnd Ilelrtew
"l.M lfn,
IlaVd you abused tho laws .of nattiro and Injured yp.ur npF,Voufl systom T
Aro you despondent and melancholy with con fused Ideas aud gloorny thoughts ?
" ESPANO ' will poaltlVoly euro you. It contains no mineral poisons, and,
ia rorharkablo for awakening organic action throughout tho nyntom hmL an
Improvement in eVcry tissue It produces better musclos, bones, norvca, liar,
nails, skin, blood and glvot vlgorouErlife to tho unfortunate who Jms'oxliapM
hia pbwers. rropiired in tablet form and packed in boxes convenient; (o carry,
in tho pockot. Each box contains 00 doses or enough to last oio month and is
worth many times its weight in gold. Tho prico $1.00 por box or 0 bxes for
f 5,00 if ordered at ono tirno and ft guarantee will be given that any ca mon
tionod nbovo that It docs not cure, tho money will bo refunded. As to our
financial standing we Tofer to any bank in this city. Sont charges propaJd to
any address in United States or' Canada, l?ut up In plain wrapper with no
mart to distinguish1 what it is. Bend for'clrcularsand tcstlmoiuJs, Address,
1 Stockton Street
An able Bralh and Nerve- Specialist can at any time bo confidentially
cbnsulte'd ontlroly'ffeo of charge, personally or by mall, at the above
j 0,vv2v'
1 1 p. in. Cars leave Hotel and
Postollico daily for Asylum,
Penitentiary aud Cemetery on
Capital City Railway.
Car leaves 5 a. in., connect
ing' With Overland train, and
cars leavo Hotel every '40
minutes from 0:20 a. m. to 11
p. m. for all joints on tho lines
excepting Cemetery Cur,Tukon
oft" to meet Passonuer Trains.
Meat Market.
Frtsn and Bait ratata ,'of ttiel beat inllty
Poultry and elock. Free delivery.
10.3.1 KiP
Wlileere Wlrt.1 Uelldae ,li mI feeltla freae
niiuuilu et rl,.,, Iiim,mhwi r Ulu.r.ilta,
at mul uUwUm, nla. IwHiimM etkltli, !.,
umih,, Utr, ti.tM.ilia, H4.r. U,.r eel
M.iidiu.Ua, Wak. I.w.i, MUkUe, tiMtal III kitlik,
.it. TkU eieeuu toll mulH "IM UpmaeiU nw
all.U.H,aa4il,Ma enrt.alU.1 l laileaU (.It f l
uaHhiMlll,m, ut.UI m allef ItiiWn
lliwa ar ae fl TkMaa. k.te K , r lkl aur
telew la.aaUaa arur all aUw leailw h.1.4. eel n
a1,e eeaeiHj at iMiiaM.UU la I.I. . ' .".' tula.
lo.r--it umuim IWIIIC tieriiauiiv, ike
.a4 (M UIUU.U4 raatrkwu, tll. eeabe, tna. aiateM
AJnosie- xizaincrrsnjca co
No. 178 First SUPORTLANB, ORB.
A New Remedy
A tree Soectfc J Jllre anJ petnanem ellmlnallea
fall taiton frau lU WocJ. anl a rattatelion of healihy
Uor l ba liaeuae u Ulxed la euffeieii j the fint lUu
la reeeedr erliKh Ui been MaJw(oin( Ike BUM eeven
printe eperioenu (ur Ike raM Out jreat. It Ue no
m lailxL ud liwUiwlfaa. aeuUa Tf ue Spe'"
for SniWhle pnleoo aij all Uoxl ilUeaeee., fXirwba.
lUvekf SecJ U full penlwlkn and pnx-ee. 8t
Hie your mea uh nerewr '. !"?
TUe nmtif U1 can yoei la y WW dap Ulml fall.
Wa kojumi ur or rfuil tht tnonajr,
fob vilM RSftiLS
IBii,. -
Scroon Doors
An onniririr-
flMpll WAUtrWt,
at. , t
(If I J c
UtiHf II M,ht.
Tiikw Ul
Moat Market,
aotH)mmitil Hset,
U'l wwu, tnmttrfsrtr
IIatIiI Mt-KillopT ""
Hit Hiri, - - hMmn
ltvt fitAm at mum tm
pniysirtnt I o , M RUle sir m(,
Th!flt wonderful proparntlon is ruroly VcgoUbJO f GQmjftyMW
from tho proscription of tho Ofllolal Vhyalohn to tho Court ot pin
"Eapano " "rccroatca jrontal nnd Norvo Powor in Man unft'WQm&H,
An infalliblo remedy for Nervous ml Qsnttdl JStthWMy,
NdrvousProatrntion, Orcet)ingi Paraiyste, fftmlcnQW qrhwA,
by Dcbllltatinp;roa8C8, Excels or OvcrIndulgence)i; In
clpicut Softening of the Brain or PareMs, Dlwlww, JTyOfH of
Memory, Confuscfl Thoughts and alt Brain, Nerve or exHl
"Weaknesses. It haa no equal in restoring tho Stomach nnd Jrin
to ita normal condition following tho abuse of Alcohollo Jevefaflwf
or indulgonco in tho Opium, lorphino or Chloral habit,
Europe and Amorlca's Consolldatod Tented Tlfonl
Salem, Wednesday, July 5th
UnnimllatMl In Orililnnl Couwlloi nf ITo-iiiiiliiBiil Ujnllinlvii .I'lflM
Si2 M S Miooll Tho Hmm wllit WMtKHiiirlnKlliii(w
InvlUxl publlQ nttentiou I
ISver rurffoUd fur TrVl.
Tin nn imnfl to tu tlm Brand ffto Hi)tctnvtilur imtint, )it UqUuti foi tlj
u.u.1 ltL Sdmiu to i w KrSt w iiiiini low I ()m hour mvmi In wliloN l
oiraM ami liliinmlroina parfriiini-, Two Krnml exIilliltloiM " Wwm
auoea dnlly I lioon opon nt 1 mul 7 , in.
IS 111 li
II, W. BniltU, iiotmMlr ol MwUvl'ln, ijiiijj
iKj.ueklMiuU 2'lry lu IVlKj ftnJi
IMmii nun from M lo tM lf ACf. All fxi
ssaem "
9 ( Hlfmit,
Jl7rt MMHMWlt
01 p a fifi&tfijii$t
mm) mm,
l w, TMonwniBa,
lu Wil'M r 'ViK wli VHt
(Jriiwii In l WIIWHeViM VNf
A li WAGtHKi fh
Ue your n bwore uoq mat you are uu
, ....