mmmmmm mmmn i mwwwNiw '-r&0iwWiTnVtbiuii$liM m$ifrfci nNwo'ttj..,i'Tiin. ninmm iavEri! oAJMtai, jouhnai,, Monday, jtjly 3, itiia. IflE CAPITAL JOURNAL. FUBUHHKD DAILY, EXCEPT 8UNDAY, BT TIM Capital Journal Publishing Company, Post Office Block. Commercial Street. HOFER BROTHERS, Editor. Dally, by cat rler, per month mall, per year, Weekly, pages, per year.. - XO UO SUGURSTED COjWRST. InrNortli Carollua you havo to go on an oflldlal state druok or nooo at all. Yuti can gV8 wo' awy under tula administration but but you can't sell It. Always put your best foot forward. Bnow your gold pieces Hide your bluea and unpaid bills. In keeping with Us custom tbe Joim Ku wH obavrw July Fourth and Issue no paper on that day. Farmers will have to kill od their shwp or kill ou the Democratic party. It te not profltable to keep both. You cau now get drunk on state whisky In South Carollda. That Is not exactly a new thing In Oregon. Young man, you can succeed at any thing as an experiment. A life-atid-death determination to succeed alone will win. Theories about the low price of wool, cat no flgure. Neither tbe MoKlrilej hill nor the Cleveland administration help the matter. If yon are kicking at ten centaa pound for wool uow, don't bo surprised if you have to sell for six cento If a free trade tariff is enacted. A visitor to tho world's fair has been fined S5 for flirting with one of the pretty employees. Flirting seems to be tbe cheapest thing one can do there. If two British admirals cannot turn around in 3000 feet space without send Ing one anothor to tho bottom, the English navy needs new admirals, that Is all. There baa never appeared m print a statement of tho conditiou of tbe Lane county banks until tho recent collapse. Banks Bhould court public confidence more by publishing statements of their financial condition. Editor George W. Cullds is fitting up the Philadelphia Ledger with a band of trained pigeons to act as messengers and carriers of "copy" from distant re- porters. It is expected that the scheme will bo a great success. Tbe Linn county grand Jury humor ously says: "And It further appearing to us that about $35,000 of money be longing to tho county Is locked up m the Linn County National bank." It 14 locked up so tight that no onocan hold of It. "Locked up" Is good, Salem was to have had a Fourth of July celebration, but the business men and others enthused so feebly flnau dally that the project was abaudoued. Dallas Itemlzer. If Editor Wash will wash his faoa with clean water aud come to Salem on the Fourth he will see more celebration to tho equaro inch than he over saw before lu his life. Here is a sample of tho Improvements going on at Balem, paid for by Uulon, Joaephlne,Llnn and other Oregon coun tie, says the Uulon Sceut: There will bo 930,000 available for tho new build lugs at tho reform Bchool; $60,000 for tho Jute mill; 115,000 for new buildings at tho penlteutlary; at leait t40,000 for logs at the asylum and asylum farm; $12,600 for the deaf mute school; aud 16,000 for tbe school for the blind. Still Balem wants the branch asylum aud too soldiers homo. Balem does not want tho brauch asylum nor tbe soldier's home. Salem is perfectly well pleased to allow those laid utlous to go wherever the tegislu ture sends them, If it cau seud them anywhere It pleases. Thlr gentle action and good tflrctonlbe syivenirecuiy iuaio tbsui a perfect mil pill. Va. .."V. iwuiumwuo us locm oners 1. UttUwraUliuj well ts larmed 1'orri Uoa.H No one knows belter than those who have una Urwil Utile Ur filli what relief iu7 tii in wuau una i ruyeperaia. Do aot despair of cunug your sick headache J."" 'P.? oan! "T. bt'n carter utile TUrtr PIUs, They will eflot a prompt and permansat our. Their action u mifd and statural. OH. GUMN'S 0HI0N SYRUP ems AM CK$UF. GRANDMOTHER'S ADVICE lanteltur autUr f alas alldrsa, mr ealy naMf f OanerM. 0Is Orp woe ! eynuk It M lost m Mtlt to-MraltwMm mm sen. Haw ms aaakllra aaaVSaUa am, val U aliWr w mj fnniinwwe ur. mnne aa mvn uwwl e iMUat. Mia w srj LswlitanX . Ta.UUiU U Bold by Jfcwkett VanBlyr, ter "-15 aUrr aVv H rJTm ryp TODAY'S MARKETS. Prices Current by Telegraph -: Locl and Portland Quotations. SALKir, July 3, 4 p. m. Oflloo Daily Capital Journal. Quota tions for day aud up to hour of going to press were as follews: BALKM PRODUCE MARKET. trvxt. Good shipping strawberries 3 to 3 -ct a box. snipper lurnisues craw. Peaa 8 cents a trallon. Ooowlierrlefl 15 rls a gallon. IU pberrles red, 9 cts. Cherries 3 to 4 eta a lb. Continue scarce. BUTCHER BTOCK Veals dressed 4 J cts. Hogs dressed 6J to GJ. Live cattle 2 to 2. Sheep alive $1.60 to $2.00. Spring lambs $1.60 toJKtOOU mill PRICES. t Balem Milling Co. quetes: Flour In wholesale lots 3.20. Retail $3.60. Bran $17 bulk. $18 sacked. Short $10 and $20. Chop-feed $10 and $20. WHEAT. Market is flat at 66 cts. HAY AND DRAIN. Oats 40 to 60 cents. Hay Wild, $10; timothy and clover, $12. Baled $12 aud 14. Barley No demand except tor reeu. 60 cents. FARM PRODUCTS. Wool Best, 10 to 12c. No buyers. Hops Small sale, 16 to 17c. Ecus Caul, 16 cents. Butter Best dairy, 20 to 25; fancy creamery, is. Cheese 12 to 16 cts. Farm smoked meats Bacon 42); hams, 13; shoulders, 10. Potatoes new 76 cts. to $1. Onions If to 2 cents. Been was 34c. Caraway seed, 18c Auibe seed, 26o. Uinseng, $1,40. HIDES AND PELTS. Green, 2de;drv, 4 cts; sheep pelts, 76 cts to $1.25. No quotations on fun. LIVE POULTRY. Chickens 7 to 10 cts; broilers 10lol2; lucks, 12; turkeyB, slow sale, choice, 10 cts; geese slow. PORTLAND QUOTATIONS. Grain, Feed, etc Flour Standard. $3.40: Walla Walla. $3.40; graham, $3.00; Buperflne, $2.60 per barrel. Oats Whlte,45c per bushel, grey, 42c; rolled, in bags, $6 256.60; barrels, $6.600.75; cases. $3 76. Hay Best, $1517 per ton; common, 1013. Wool-valley, 13 to 14c. MIllstuHs Bran, $17 60; shorts, $22; ground barley, $324; chop feed, $18 per ton; whole feed, barley, 8085 per cental; miauling, $23():'S per ten: Drew Ing barle. 9095o pur cental: chicken wheat. $1.22l.24 per cental. Hops 10 to )7c DAIRY PRODUCE. Butter Oregon fatioycreamery,22J 25o; fancy dairy, 1720c; fair to good, 1516c; common, liijo per pound; Cali fornia, 3544c per roll. Oneeee Oregou, 11013; Eastern twlus, iGe: Young Amuncau, IGo per perpounu; uaiiiornia uats, Jtc Eggs Oregon, ICo per dozen. large, $3 004.0u; small, $2.002 50; ducks, old, $4.606 00; young, $3 00 0.00; geese, $9.00; turkeye, live, 12Jc; dressed, 15c, per pound. SAN FRANCISCO MARKET. Woel: Oregon Eastern choice, 12 15c; do Inferior, 0llc; do valley, 14 10c. Hops 1310o. Potatoes Ordinary kinds of new In sacks at 00c $1.15 per cental; nqw Erly Rose, boxes, 00el,25; new Bur. banks, $1 00 1 25 per cental. Onions 8500o per cental for red. and $1.001 25 forsllversklns. Barley Feed, Sll82Jo per cental for good quality and 85o for choice; brewing, 0001,02 percental. Oat-Mlllitig, $l.601.65; fanov feed $1.601.65: good to choice. $1.4dftl.60: common to fair. $1.151.35; gray, $1,30 (a) i 4a; niacK, ptr cnta'.. A New Shortening If you have a sewing machine, a clothes wringer or a carpet sweeper (all new inventions of modern times), it's proof that you can see the usefulness of new things. Gottolene Is a new shortening, and every housekeeper who is interested in the health and comfort of her family should give it a trial It's a vegetable product and far superior to anything else for shortening and fry ing purposes. Physicians and Cooking Experts say it is destined to be adopted in every kitchen in the land. This is to suggest that you put it in yours now. It's both new and good. Sold by leading Grocers everywhere. it ado only by N.K. FAIRBANKS COM ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO. NCW YOWK. BOSTON. MAuc io ..ORE MISTAKES CHARLES A. SMITH RUNS Tiie Rustler Wooi Saw And ha doran't bum up half your woatl, In nitt, whrnha saw It. Make yourcoairacu With ului perwiallr or Intra order at Vml? h. o)(arttora lai bora's took aton,i$4bammar ttml, or addrM u by wall, 6-jf u HOPS AND CROPS. SALEUf July 8. The cool, cloudy weather of I he.pant- two weeks has had a bad etToct orpyardn In the Buttevllle dlttrlct, vines are turning yellow and not growing much. It Is now thought tbe yield will be below an average, but tjielncreased acreage may even It up. Lice havo appeared In a few yards but are doing no damage. A visit to MlJaraonte farm, near Bar low,, will bo. repaid Jby seeing as. fine a BtandafCao jefmnd )n, this beckon, while some of the vines are young, they all have a vigorous, healthy ap pearance and arc shooting, out arms in great numbers. No lice have yet ap peared. With favorable weather from this on It Is estimated that this 35 acre ard will produce about 00,000 pounds or cnoco bops. Tbe yards that adopted the wire trellis are looking better than where poles are used and a better yield Is ex pected from therm Barlow paper. Reports from Douglas county Indicate that bops are looking well. August Kelt sold 61 bdles for 15-, Dr. Wm. Gleay sold his lot for 16c and Reuben Wright sold 18 bales for 10o to E. Meeker & Co. Phil Nets &1 Co. have consigned to M and H. LeMay, London i Wm. Thomp sons, 41 bales; Wm. Struve, 29 bales; Ideu Bower, 0. Mr. LeMay and H. J. Miller, Phil Nela's agent, have been visiting growers around Buttevllle, Aurora and Needy. LeMay reports the prospects for the next crop In England as looking very serious, on account of drouth and vermin and prices have ad vanced (u London the past week fully L5 shillings per hundred. Write The Joubsai, your hop news. Daily 25 cts. a month by mall. The Daily Journal four months, 120 days, for $1.00 by mall. Bend your address. IN WASHINGTON. Puyallup Commerce July 1: Mr. A. J. Query, Alderton, reports that so far lice have not appeared in his yard to any extent and that the vines are look lug better this year than he has ever seen them before, He has had uo oc casion to do any spraying as yet, but is amply prepared to fight the liceasBOOtt as they make their appearance. Among tbe shipments from theN. P. depot here this week were 41 bales to New York by Herman Klaber. E. Meeker & Co. this week bought lu Oregon and shipped to London sOO bales. Warmer weather bos increased the lice, aud spraying will become general uext week. M. J. Meeker, Hon. Robt. More and other growers are already hard at It. A California paper says : A majority of tho hop growers are now putting In their sparo time in getting plenty of wood up io their kilns, and lu cleaning out their cooling rooms and putting in order their hop baling presses. There is no loafing In the hop yards uow. CROP NOTES, Geo. Allen says of creps: Italn would help spring grain. It is growing but will be short In places without rains. County Clerk Wm. H. Egan, one of the thousand acre farmers on Freuch Prairie, says all kinds of crops never looked finer. There will bo no defect ive fruit or grain crop of any kind. Late grain especially Is coming on flue. Do Not Be Deceived. Persons with weak lungs those who are constantly catching cold should wt-ar au Allock's Porous Plaster ovt-r the chest and another between the shoulder blades during cold weather. Remember they always strengthen aud uever weaken the part to which they are applied. Do do not be deceived by imagining auy other plaster like them tbey are not may look It, but looks deceive, insist alu ays on having All cock'p, tho ouly reliable plaster ever producwl. Electric Lights On Vcter System. TO CONSUMERS: TheHlra light and Power Company at ntl BtwnM hare roulDtwtl lhIr Klwln.- Ltf tit plant with the n ml mod.m nrtu sndk'e now able to eflrr tba publvia Ixf.r llfbt than any ly-iem and at a rat lower man any city on ine coast. Arc aud Iueaudesccat Light ing. Electric Motors tor all purposes wkero power is re quired. ReaMaocea can b wired for a many llfbt aa dmlred and lhf consumer pity for orly uoh llf bta xa are ud. ThU bain mistered by an KJccina AUiir. Offlcw 179 Commercial St. CiiflS. WOLZ, rraprictnr of the GERMAN x MARKET Sooth Commercial St, Salem. All klnda Kreab, ealt and Smoked Meals ana Buscea. KUKR O&lJVKttr J. H. HAAS, TELE VATCnMAKER, ttJKCuMwdtlSU, . -i!a0rtM. (Next door to Klein's 8pcUlly ot Ipactaelea, and renalriu Uoclu. n ..m T n wj . tA T flsBBalsswfcRBBBEaaSBBs Mr. and Mrs. XT. O. Itlchardton of SUoam, N. T. Husband and Wife Both' Cured by Hood's Saruaparllla Catarrh, Kidney Complaint, Zleart Failure, Uver Troubles. "I think It my duty to Tolnntarily tell what Ilood's Sarsaparllla has done (or my sell and wile. Last spring my wire was In a very bad way with kidney complaint; felt Miserable All the Time andon)d hardly get around tbe house. She began to take Ilood's Sanaparilla. and In one trrk she was Improving. When she had taken but three bottles ot Ilood's Sarsa parlllashe was cared ot that dreadful dis ease. As lor me, I was troubled with Ca tarrh. Heart Failure and Liter Complaint. BuUereU so intansely that I Could Not Sleep at night, nor get any rest through the day. As soon as I lay down, my heart would beat soliard that I would have to get up. I had very severe pais la tba tmatll of my bmck and noises in my head likn a 0ocU of black blrda all Ringing at once. So you see I was hard up. I abo experienced bene fit from Ilood's Sarsaparilla within a. wreck alter 1 began taking It I have Im proved rapidly and can now sleep better man 1 nave lor bloat as 1 used to. a rev, can cat and not we praise Hood's Sarsaparilla for we think there Is no medicine like It" Hkrv a and Mvrtr E. KicitAnnsoN, SUoam, Madison. County, N. Y. HOOD'8 PlLLS ara purely Tgeubl, cam folly prepared from the but Ingredient. WANTED. In bulk, all good shipping varieties of cherries in tbe Willamette valley. Oregon Fruit fc Produce Co., Balem. C-18 dw Before Going to tho World's Fair Enquire About Tbe Limited Express trains of the Chi cago, Milwaukee & 8t. Paul Railway between Bt. Paul aud Chicago aud Omatm and Chicago. These trains are vestlbuled, electric lighted and steam beated, with the Qu est Dining and Bleeping Car Service in the world, The Electric reading light in each berth is the successful novelty of this progressive age, and is highly appreciat ed by all regular patrons of this line. We wish others to know its merits, as the Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail way Is the only line In the west enjoy ing tne exclusive use ortnis patent. For further iuformation apply to nearest coupon ticket agent, or address O. J. Eddy, General Agent, J. W. Casey, Trav. Pass. Agt. 225 8tnrk St., Portland, Or. tf Farm for Sale or Trade. On eaoy terms, four tntlea east of Sublimity, containing 147 acres' will trade for property in or near eaiem. u. u. uuvu, Rdw Sublimity. Or. East and South -VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE of the Southern Pacific Company. CALIFORNIA XXrRKSS TRAIN RUX DAILT BE- TtnttS FORT1.AND AND S. T. Woulb. I .North. 7MC p. in. 9:18 p.m. 8:15 a.m. L.V. i"ortland Ar. I 7:3a a. m I.v. Salem l,v. I 6.-M a. va Ar. San Fran, -t.v.1 7.-C0p. m Above trains stou onlv at followluz nutioni north of Itoteburg, East Portland Ortgon City, Woodburn, Salem, Albany Tangent, dliedds, Ilalsey, UarrUburg,JunctIonClty, Irving and r.U4Tcae, KOMIBUllO MAll. DAILY. h-3J a. m. I Lv. 11:17 a. m Lv. bM p. m. I Ar. fontand Balem Itoseburg Ar. I .a) p. iu. x,v. ju p. m. Lv. 7.-00 a, m Albany ljcat, Dally Kxcept auuday. &UID.U. 753 p.m. WM p.m. Lv. Lvi Ar. IHmland ealeia Albany Ar. I luuututn. I.T, l7B.m. Dining ars oh llgdea JSoute FDLLMAN BDFFBT SLBEPE11S AND Second Class Sleeping Cars Attached to all through trains. vYest Side Division, Between PorUind and Cemllis: TAILT- (BIC1TPT 8CNDAT). 2jUa in. I l.i. l&io p. m. I Ar. rrtlana tVirvallls Ar. Lv. o:3u p. it . 12Jap.m. At Albany and Oorvallla connect wltl trains nfOrrvnn twlnc Kallroad mrk-.IM - Hll. Ml kKTM l tal p, m. I KSx p. m. I LV. Ar. Portland JJcMlnnTtlle Ar. Lv. BTJUlt. W ,Va. m TIBltOUGH TICKETS To all potnu In tbe Ktrn states, Canada and Europe ran be obtained at lowest rates (nun tv. v. bKi.-.Mxji, Agui, csaiem. K.P. HOGK11S, Amuu K. and 1-ua.Atf I H ITOKHl Kit, Urniamr The Yaquina Route. II And Oregon Development company's steam ship line. 5 miles shorter, ai hours lesa Ubmi than hy any othrr route, tint claas through passenger and trelfht line from Portland and all joints In the Wtllamella valler to and fronilan KrancUco. TIME SCUKUULK, (Except Sunday.) Lv Albany 1-ft) p m I Lv fenralllal: p m Ar YaQut,iai.H) piu Lv Yaquina &t a m Lv Corvauta. lftiSam Ar Albany ILlOa m OlAC trains oruinMt &t Alhaiiv and IVw. VHiiia. Tho above trains connect at Yaquina with tat tllTKOQ ilevel timent Oo.'a Una at ateani. ra between Yaquina and ban Krancltoo. N. U IVsAtnctni from Portland and all W lUameiu valley point can make olo6 con nectloa with tho trains of the Yaquina KooU at Albany or UuttbIIU and U deallnod to Sast Fraucisoa, should arran to arrl v at Yaqatna I thTenlngb(n-rdatof sailing. I , Passenzvr and Kivlaht ttatea always the I lowwt For lnfortualfoa apply Mc6r.l nuLaanaurititDi ana licaei ArrnU Ml) and M3 oat slru Portland. Or, or O. U, UOGUK-Ao't Uen'l KL a Pass. Agt, or.PaclOoR.K Oo,Comill,Or. C, U. UASWJsJO Jr, Oen'l Freight and Pass. Agt. Ore. lVeTalopmanl Oo., 9H Moavtom(7 Bt 9 illlW A STrta-. BJ ami BB I Bl aw Mt B fl aaaaaBa bURS III saw a?TBl Bfl BV B9 (a ml ypes) JEi Lm w M m W for Infants "Caa'orla Is so well adapted to children that I recommend It aa superior to any prescription known to me," II. A. Aacnta, II. D., HI So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. T. "The nse of 'Castor! Is so untrersal and lu merits so well known that It seems a work of supererogation to endorse It Few are the Intelligent families who do not ktep Castoria within easy issth." Carlos Hahttjv D.D, New York City. LaU rastor Btoomlngditla Beformed Church. Tim CuTjm TOE NEW WILLAMETTE STABLES Completed aud ready to wait on customers. Horses boarded by day or week, at reasonable prices. We keep a full meet all demands. Also keep tbe finest Btullions in tbla county, for service. Barn and residence 2 block south of-ipostofflce. RYAN & CO. CLKAN. If you would be clean and have your clothes-done up in the neatest and dressiest manner, take them to the SALEM STEAIVI LAUNDRY where all work is done by white labor and in the most prompt manner. COLONEL J. OLMSTED, Liberty Street. Spiff m ! FAIR GROUNDS, SALEM, July 4, 5, 6 and 7. PRIZES $3,500.00. Trotting, Pacing aa Running CONTESTS. PROGRAMME. Tuesday, July 4th. Running, sAven-elghtbB rnlle dash, purse fXO Pony race, 400 yds, 2 best In S 10J Ponies not to exceed IS hands high. Trotting, 3.45 clasa. 2 In 3 " 350 T'Ottlnp. 3-year-olds, mils dash 1M racing, 2: class, J in 3 " SSO Wednesday, July 5th. Rnnnlnr, one-hulf mile, year-olds, purse f 15n Kunnlng, one-hall mile and repeat, " 300 Trotting, 23 clas,2ln3 " 2a0 Trotting, 224 class, 2 mile dash " JuO Thursday, July 6th. Running, J mile dash purae.tlOO Running, mile dash " 250 Trotting, 29 class 2 In 3 .. " SOO Pactofr, 2-i-ear-olds,mlle dasb, " 150 Friday, July 7th. Running, J mile dash puree. $100 Gentlemen's roaddter race 2iu3 u 100 Uorses .wjthout record, owners to drive Novelty running race,6 miles.. " S30 This race Is for ladles, enlraace nee; they can change hores as oXten as tbey wish. ADMISSION: Gentlemen, 50 osnts. Ladieo, 25 cts. Children over 12 years, 25 cts. Grand atauc, 25cts. officers. President, H. W. COTTLE. j- iiSSiT?,aenl W- J ""TIN. Becretary, F, jr. riKRBY. Treasurer, I. L. PATTERflON HOWARD. The House Mpver. .51 Marlon Street. Has the best facllltlea tor moving and rais ing bouse. LMve orders at oray Bros., or ntMVMklul,Vir(UU, Smith Prpmier Typewriter. tXHaooeasypajnwuu. ForBenU W.I.STALEY, Agwt,Sm. U.XBUHPK,QnM Agent, Iffl Third St, Porttaad. BuiatAir oaUlogus. bBsbbbbbbIssbbbbbbb' bbbb' and Children. Castorla cure Colby Gonrtlpjitiojt, Bour BUKnach, DbuTbco. Xmctailoa, Kills Worms, glras slep, and promotes d VTliottt Injurious medication. M For aereral years I hare tecouim ended your ' Castorla, and shall always con Una tq do so aa ithaa Inrarlably nrodnosd basMAalal reaults." Eowrx FrPiJum, K. X Xr Wlnthrop," 12Wh 8trt and Tin Ave, Hew York City. Ooirpjurr, 77 HoitaAT Btmxt, Kxt Toax. line of Truck", Drays and Express to WISC0S1N CENTRAL LINES. (Northern Pidfic R. R. Ce., Letws.) LATEST TIME CARD. Two Through Trains Daily. 12:pm 1:30pm 10:15am 1 SOpm 7.15am 6.25DmlL Minn 9:45am 8.30am lt.40am 8J0am S.7pm 4:15pm 3.40pm BS0p3 3.30pm 10 45pm 7:lSpm I StPaul a t-lSnm lDutntba .a. . .. . pmii .AKDiana. a 9 9amll ..Chicago.. a; Tickets sold and baggage checked through to all points In the United mates and Canmdi Close connection made in Chicago with ail trains going East and Mouth. for lull Information apply to your nearest ticket agent or J AS. O. POND, lien. Pass, and Tkt. Agl Chicago, in; Bids for Asylum Applies. The brard of trustees of the Oregon 8tate ln cane asylum Invite tealed proposals for the furnUhinc at the asylum earalem,egon, tbe loUowlng supplies for the six months end Ing January 1, 1SS1 : DRY GOODS. to cotton flannel, Nashua 500 yards brown. XXX 1.200 yards Auoskear, mariners stripe, bine and white. 6lW yards PequotA sheetings, 36 Inch, un bleached jards lxwnsdale sheeting, St Inch, uicacuru. M yards Continental, checked flannel. '300 yards Glass crash. lg Inches wide. 700 yards bleached linen ana French crash. 3U yards Amoskeag blue denim. 300 yards 9-4 bleached sheeting. Peanot. 100 yards superior satin damask, 58 Inch wiae, Suo yards Marseilles checks, York Mfg. 000 yards Dragon cloth, assorted co'ors. ttdoa. white stay binding leches wide. 35 doz. lad lea' c Uon note. . S doz. my stla Turkey red handkerchlels, U Inches. 75 dot. io. So white (Coat's) thread. 3 doz. No. IB white (Coal's) thread. 3 doz. .No. 50 wblte (Coat's) thread. 3 doz No. GO while lOoal's) thread. 10 doz. So. Sn b ack (Coat O thrta1. 50 yards table oil cloth, best quality, light 13 d'oz. papers pins. QROCBRIfcS. 10.000 pounds beans, small white. 6.000 lbs granulated sugar. 6.000 lbs O.C ear. M,?J 'J"8- rolled oat, In barrels, fresh ground. 3,000 bs cracked wheat. 4.000 lbs Gold Dust corn meal (or as good) fresh ground in barrels. r3 ? I'.ominy. fresh ground In barrels. 4,000 lbs choice Island rice. UX gallons New Orleans molaues. beat T, 11, i,w ins corn starcb, Oswego, uxaajiiw AorpoOI HAtU 600 lbs cheese, Cranston's or aa good, full cream. ' 110 lbs C. 4 Co's A. A a. brand crb soda. SO lb cream tatar. J. A. F.i ger"s best, V0 grtss Vulcan Bupertor Safety matches. doz brooms. 2 doz whsk brooms. 15 ooz. cans oysiers. Blue Point, or as good. 20 oox cans oysters, r lelds. 1 doz. c n corn, taeo or as good. 100 lbs. p. arl barley TOO lb. soda crackers XXX freah. Ifw lbs. oyster crackers XXX tresh. 100, bs. Ocwego gloks starah. SO boxes macaroni. OIL. JJRJi011 k,osne, Peart brand, In tanks. 20 gallons Albany splndie oil. 6 gallons Albany cylinder ou. FODR. BOO barrels more or lees, best roller process, delivered as wanted. ?, MEATS. -J?5.,b?pw",Uy! more or less ot beef, asre ?e PLrU tore ad WndquarT FISH. ft,ihMtw?a,rkiT,nrl'r,cePr Pound tor anT ionni d"r'rat klnU' Porfely treah SOAP. J.OMpanads KlrkfavoaorasroodT IXttl pounds lro ar . nimKi..i. .... good. -.--..,, DRIED FRUIT. fX5. R?an1 PPle, best quality. l.HUlb. prcbs. ' Jiwulbs prunes. 100 lbs, raUlns. SPICES. 25 lbs. mace, ground. 60 lbs, imistar-t, ground. SJ?Ji,-,bUck IPPf" rrocad. 3) lbs. cinnamon, ground. 30 lbs, ginger, ground. TEA. ' 1X lbs, OolurabU,hrand,ortas good. COFFEE. too lbs. c&ioory. TOIIACCO. 1A lbs. Biedit llamtnsr brand, BTATIONKItY, 3 gross pens, Olimtt'sf No, 404. I gross lend ptnells, rubber lip Ns. s. I iron lesd pencils, rubber tip No, I. I box ItraCtm Incandescent pens, No. 4 lira. nine.) " lb x locdon lcii(lwccntpeii,No,fB. ulne) w 1 b-'x 1indoa Ineandeacsnt peas, W o, 7 (gsa. nl r) 1 iwn Isgalap paper (lr good.) 1 Journal " - 1 " ledger " - - doz penholder i doz quart bottler Hanford'i prsmlua writing fluid. KOoi quart bottles Htafford's eomutrelal Ink. 3 quart bottle Hanlord'a oomblntd wrltlat fluid, CROCKERY, loflrz teacups. 1 dot saucers. Sdcz one qusrt foup bowls, 1 doz. one gallon pitcher. a doz, conp platters, 91ncb. 1 doz chamber pots. 3 doz s; rup pitchers, l'plnt, glass. Io doz. tumblers. 1 doz. lantern globes. 1 doz. t baker sails. PAINTS AND 01X8. pounds while lead. 1 barrel linseed oil, boiled. 1 barrel roof paint. Prince's metallo brown. 'io gallons turpentine. 3o pounds Venetian red. 10 pounds chrome green, dry In ft pound cans. 3 pounds chrome yellow. In oil. 6 lbs burnt umber. In oil. 6 lbs dry umber. 4 cans rose pink, In oil. z cans ourai sirnna. japer bronze. doz. Adams brushes No. So A. O. JC doz. round sash tool. lbs. French ochre drr. 6 boxes glass 7xlo. 8 boxes glass 8i2o. loo pounds putty, a papers glaziers points, Plumbing. 2 doz. sines car metal for Laelanch batteries. S,ll fiber washers. 3dor.J Sdz tAVatlps. I doz. El bo burner cocks. 1 doz. gas plllers. 1 doz.f lead -8'! traps. lso pounds solder and X- 4o feet IK lead pip, , S pounds. o jt"i it ieua pipe ppunas. 4 pipe reamers, from K to . o ponnas asDesios cbdlftwioK. 1 Jackson's scraper. S-lnch flue. 1 extra law each. 12 Lneh. IB-Inch and 2s.Inrk Btlllson wrench. 2 doz Kells. Kdu iells. Hdox Sells. doz sockets. 1 doz 1 inch sockets. K doz 2 Inch sockets, k doz 3 flange unions. 2 dox'iiK busblcgs. d'zkxKu'blBgs. 2 doz lithi bushings. 1 doz. Jenkins Bros, discs. y, doz i Jenslns Bros. diKs. K doz. 2 Jenkins Bros. dfrKS. valves, rnovabl valves, rnovabl valves, rnovabl ilozli square head stop cocks. 1 dozM roller hose bibs finished. 1 dm ll Fuller i lain bibs finished. I doz i .top and waste. 1 doz suijr aqd waste, K doz yt air cocks, Kdoii air cocks. HARDWARE. 3 doz. 4 Inch slim taper file. 3 d(z 5-lnch 3 doz 6 inch " " 1 each 7, 9 and 12 or. riveting hammer. 1 one pound 4 oz. octagon ball pin hammer, l.ooobs. each No. 18, 3o and 21 galvanised sheet Iron, best brand 3oxM. j. Doxeavoxjt jusjlx. tin redlpped. 1 box JoxJS XX Un redlpped. S paczagea 2 Eh. tinned rlveU u ooz boner handles. 1 pair 7t soldering coppe-s. 1 pair 67S soldering coppers, 3no Bis 8d flnl'hlng nails. 2oo Bki 6d finishing nails. 4oo bs 8d cummou nails. 4oo B lod common nails, loo lbs 4d -wire nails. 3 gross eah screws I Inch No. Io and X Inch No 9 ' 4 gross each screws ; IK and 3 No 11. 2 gross each screws brau No. 4 K No. i H doz. papers each 4 and 6 oz. tacka. a round Iron. N i round iron, Norway. 18 round Iron. Noniir. loo feet; io o jm niuuu iron, norway. to feet JJxJi flat Iron, Norway. loo teel JHK flat Iron, Norway. 6o feet lxJ flit iron, Norway. hi Keg No 3 hind shoes (Burden's). Keg No. 3 tront shoes " K keg No. 6 front shoes u HkegNaS hind shoes " 2a Ss Bweet American steel toe calKs No. 4. 1 IS inch rasp (Heller Bros.) Bn best blacksmith's coal. lo lbs. K Iron washer. Io lbs. b Jf Irn washers. loo feet anglesteel MxJi. 1 blacksmith slock and dies from 5-16 to Mf thread. IB, So, Hand 32 to 1 Inch with 4tap and 4 dlts. 1 Heliwjg's patent bolttOlpper No. 2, 6oo feet Ji manllU rope. 6 ptxkagca K and Ji No. 8 copper rivets. SHOEMAKER'S SUPPLIES. Kroll sole letther, Btockton extra heavy to 27 lbs. aside. l 3 sides or skirting, plnmp, 14 to 17 lbs, a side. 2 domestic calf skins, brand H, B 3 bnck skins, mealnnx-slxe shavtd. DRUOS.X lo lbs absorbent cotton, 2 lb acldum carbollcum pure. 1 lb acldum boraclum. 1 lb acldum murlaUcum O. P. 3 lbs seldom mnrtatleum commercial. 1 lb acldum snlpburicum aromat. 6 lbs aqua ammonlae fort, 3 lbs chloroformum tfqulbbs. l.too empty capules No. 1, Ijfpo empty capsules No. 2. 1 lb Aula extract cannabis lad. Wyeth Bros, or P. I) & Co, 3 lbs fluid extract buchu FoL Wyeth Bros, or pl lb fluid extract zlnglberls Wyeth Bros, or 1 lb fluid extract hyoscyaml Wyeth Bros, or X D. A ( X. l !b,?al1 "tract glycyrrh. Wyeth Bros, or P. 3 lbs, fluid extract Sarsap. Co. for syrup, wy ,hroH.or.D.ACo. llh fluid extract senna Tyeth Bros, or P D. ACo. 31b fluid extract pmnla "Vlrg. Wyeth Ere or D. m Lo 3 gallons glycerine pure. Colbs. fldxieedmeaL 1 dozen medicine guusea hi ox. 3 gallons oi rlclni; 8 ox OI. lemon 8 ox. OI aurantll. pepsin Racr h. vialrchlld. ?i rueuaccune njer. dein ftiiltin. i.Xt.i sn k-hiliips Emm. cod U.-er oil, largs size. 3 groMT nlU boxes, asaorted slzse. J Paiv. ixrreri. fonur, aoeiae, 6 bs. soda Bora t, 3v fta. I'otasa. Brom. J fc. Patass. cttraa. fc. Potats. lodldnm. ioo L pooopht lUn. U grain ao h. o ox. quinine ulph.. a M. sulphur snbllm. 6t.iodltblcjb. 5olu snlph magneslae. 1 pound l. Tolntana for rTUp. Jdox ayrtngcDaridsoa'aNo. 1. foTO,Mln8,XJCXr0of,J- "P1 wy.oesenatthefflo of board. Ooods mut ban arvu dan. tlierewlib, ana epmelu original packages when prsslbie. lb rtgutio rJ ct any or all bids la re.tvd. irI!?i7o,f0pP'Ie wl h required wli vavnntMel wlthlfl JSoiifeofaceepUcceof bld. A copy efitae advrtlseineBt muu iHonmr each Biastpa.thecaueote)afsoraBplemat b ih.J,J!.,?wan?lo"u in roU of Ih respecUT w, with the exceptions or flour, meat an AndlUBcoScera are prohtMted fromen 2l'aT aceooBU of purchaM wbea lh ocontalii a fnU and cjajpUtadesarlptlOQof the arUclse to be pur- SYLVE8TKX TKKJtOYER, GEO V.MeBRIDX, PHI1, KBTSCHArr. -- iliJaw-,i fcs-jfcJtllX.!