. 4 I I EVENING CAPITAL -rJOtttiNlAt,,SA.TXJEIAY, JIT":!1 1, 1893. lie Tfi"R'S ft'R-TftAlVWTQ'nfYlVr JUJJ O IXAVIIA-- Vl0JJUJll. REV. DR. COURTS REVIEW OF THE 8UNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS. Tliecrrnctjcftl- Side o( Religion nn Shown In-tha ,Wodatof Affljetcd, Job Tito Eru dition of the Hebrews Question Kor llie Student to Answer, Golden Text:- In, nU thyiwnys acknowl edge Him, and lie shall direct thy ways KProv. ill, 0). The lessons have been In , Job, Proverbs, Eccleslastea, Malachl. Ai brief review of the character of each of thena books would form tho mattor of an, instructive talk on the part of tho teacher. JobvProverbs and Eccjeniastes form tho prinoipal partofthu canonical .''Khochnio," or jvrfruloin of the Hebrews. This wisdom may bo described as.the practical side of religion the proper conduct oi lire, granting that Rod exists ond,that,HQ,takc8 oil Interest in human af fafra, Tho .beginning of iti is "the fenr of JehovaV duo revorenco for Him and obe dience to-Hls commands. In this the prin ciple of faith is implied, and faith nivcs confidence and inspires liopo in spite of all life's perplexities. The common things of life are good God's daylight, sleep, food, fumily lovo and a contented spirit. Then in the gloom there gleams a ray of light thut somehow or other shows that all will bo well at last If not here, yet after tho judgment which faith looks forward to. In' .lob this prac tical wisdom is illustrated and enforced by tho life story of Job, a Bedouin emir or chief, with a great household and greut wealth and prosperity. This life btory U treated poetically for tho most part. The author no doubt Intended that satanshould be taken as n real, living, personal being, as Job is real and Jehovah is real. The court of Jehovah as the moral governor is represented. Before His throne appear all His angels sons of God. Satan tho well known adversary ap pears among those holy servants of God. He, too, us nccuser, resister, enemy, has his report to givo in. Asked if hu had noticed righteous Job, quite in the spirit of the mocking fiend ho answers yes, but insinu ates a doubt as to tho sincerity of Job's de votion. Within certain, limits satan is suf fered to put Job to tho test by the loss of bis wealth and his children. Yet Job was able to bless God, retaining his faith. Thus it was proved that he served God with an unselfish love. Satan's test having failed to destroy the trust of Job in God, tho evil ono is suffered to smite Job with a terriblo disease. Diro are Job's sufferings, but yet ho refuses to curse God and die. Then come the three friends of Job and dispute with him. They argue that Job, in order to be a suiTerer above others, must havo been a sinner above others. Each of the three speaks twice, Job re plying twice, and then in the third turn ono of them drops out as having no more to say. Job replies. Then Ellhu, a new speak er, appears and argues that God often af flicts men in order to improve them by cor rection and chastisement. Job again re plies. At last God speaks out with majes ty, and His last word is to demand humble submission to Him who reveals His power and wisdom and love' in His works. Job's trials end here. He is vindicated as right eous, whilo his accusing friends nre cen sured. Finally Job is made doubly pros perous In all his concerns. The teaching is nt once deep, lofty and convincing, not clearing up all life's mystery, but showing that trust in God's faithfulness will bring the believer out of nil life's trials a con queror in the end. The book of Proverbs is a collection of popular Baylngs, attributed for the most part to King Solomon. A proverb is a con densation of wisdom into a compact form, fitting it for use in everyday life. It U part of the small change, the current coin, of wisdom. Often a simile is the form it takes. Driver says that most of the prov erbs in this book ' 'are works of art and bear tho impress of tho skilled hands which pro duced them." In I Kings lv, 12, wo read that Solomon spoke 8,000 proverbs. The learned Rabbi Wogue of Paris says that this book contains but 915 verses, and, the conclusion that he draws is as follews: "The book of Proverbs appears to bo in greater part tho work of King Solomon, a work oral at first and perhaps complex, then written and simplified later in part while tho author was living, and finally en riched from the time of Hezekiah by the ad dition of other portions emanating either from Solomon or from other moralists" ("Hlstoiro de la Bible," Paris, 1881, p. 47). This seems as plausible an account as any that the critics have given. No one can say that Rabbi Wogue is no Hebraist, for he is a professor in the Jewish seminary in Paris. Hebrew wisdom observed human life from a divine standpoint and saw God's provi dence everywhere. On everything that he sees the wise man passes judgment. Buying and selling, industry and .laziness, wealth and poverty, sorrow and gladness, youth and age, wisdom and folly, all are carefully pondered, estimated and made matters of inf.tru.ctio A in righteousness. He sees and feels that religion elevates life and is true wisdom tho most precious pf 'attainments and possessions. Ecclesiastesis called in Hebrew Kohelcth one that calls men together in order to near-wisdom. The book Is attributed to Solomon, the splendid king of Jerusalem, Ward Beecher's pulpit He has a. Land David'sroval son. Tbn ,,?,,,. nnn,L tA some residence on W illowstrect, Brooklyn. represent the experience of Solomon in his search for true wisdom. be taken as a whole. To nick nut. nn wmn me book inuat to found doctrine on is to pervert tho pur port of the whole. Modern critics, soul sleepers and destruc tionists have not done Justice to this, pro found book. Renan calls the author a gen- to a pamphlet by Voltaire. The preacher's; comparison of the godless man to a beast has been perverted into a denial of immor- tnlltv 7TU -nmro,i,i t .. i i ures has been construed Intn . r.nm.n.i. ation of a merely sensuous life. Even when ho refers to God. the future life and ml.iv of judgment men like Driver anc Cheyne insinuate that such passages are additions i to the original work. Why? Simply be cause the preacher teaches true religion as the highest good of niau. Would any one redeem human life from its vaulty, enjoy the good things of God's providence, avoid a cheerless old age and rise above the fear oi luture judgment, let him "remember his Malachl is nlaced the last of the books of the English Bible. In the Hebrew Bible the Arrangement is the law, or the books pf Moses, then the historical books, then the prophets, after which come realms, Prov- trbs, Job, Song of Solomon, followed by Ruth, Lamentations, Eccle&Ja&tes, Esther, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemlah, ending with1 Chronicles. Malachl Is one of the 13 minor or lesser prophets -not smaller in Import tance. but smaller In bulk of writing. Mal achlllrtdabout400 years bcforeChrlst, He" sissssis mon tho l'Pl6 uf 'irnel. Judgment is foretold. Ho predlcte.the coming of tin- I Messiah. Judgment looms bcforehlm th tern Die day of the Lord. Characteristically the last book of theOld Testament ond with the word "curse," while tho last word of tbo New Testament Is a benediction of grace. Both are from Jehovah, both are manifestations of His cssentinl being, for Ho is both Just and merciful, lovo itself, yet the avenger of wrong. And now let us givo a few hints as to the questions of tho review. The lessons of tho quarter were 12, as follews: 1. The Afflictions of Jeb: Job 11, 1-10. Golden Text: Job i, 31. 2. Afflictions Sanctified: Job v, 17-27. Golden Text: neb. xii, 0. 8. Job's Appeal to God:.Jobxxill, 1-10. Golden Text: John xill. 7. 4. Job's Restoratien: Jobxlli, 1-10. Gold en Text: Jas v, 11. 6. Wisdom's Warning: Prov i, 20-33. Golden Text: Heb. xii, 2S. 0. Tho Value of Wisdem: Prov. ill. 11-24. Golden Text: Prov. ill, 5. 7. Fruits of Wisdem: Prov. xii, 1-15. Golden Text: Prov. xi, 80. 8. Against Intemperance: Prov. xxiil, 2tt 85. Golden Text: Prov. xx, 1. 0. The Excellent Weman: Prov. xxxi, 10-31. Golden Text: Prov. xxxi, 30. 10. Reverence and Fidelity.' Bed. v, 1-12. Golden Text: Rom. xii, 1. 11. Tho Creator Remembered: Eccl. xii. 1-7, 13, 14. Golden Text: Eccl. xii, 1, 12. .Messiah's Kingdem: Mai. ill. 1-12. Golden Text: Mai. ill, 17. QUESTION'S. 1. What were tho Lord's words to satan after tho first assault? What did the evil onosayf What did he do? How did Job answer his wife jtvhen she advised him to forsake God? 2 Who Is called happy? Why? What advice is here given? By what promise is this advice commended? What blessings are promised? Answer Deliveranco in trouble, food In famine, safety in war, secured from slander, presorved from wild beasts, flourishing on earth, dying in old age. 3. What was Job desiring? . How did he believe God would treat him? Did he see God? Was ho sure that- all was well? How was ho to comeout? 4. Was Job abased at God's rebuke? Was God angry-with Job's-friends? What were they told to do? How was Job at last? 5. Where does wisdom cry out? Why does wisdom address tho crowd? Name tho three classes addressed. Which of them is worst? Does tho door remain open forover? What is the slaying of tho dis obedient and unbelieving? Can any harm befall a Christian? 6. Whom does the Lord love? To correct one to make one better is that good? Who is the happy man? What is tho value of wisdom? Describe her paths. Tell how wisdom's teachings are life to the soul. Why does the wise man walk safely? Is sweet sleep a blessing? 7. Whom does God favor? Tell what you remember of the state and prospects of' the wicked. How does a good man treat his horso? What is tho wiso man's reward? What a wicked man's? 8. Describe, tho woes of the drunkard. What stings like an adder? What strange things do drunken men see? 'When drunk, does a man know or feel when he gets hurt? Tell the best way to avoid becoming a drunkard. Are you an abstainer? 0. Whnt value does the wiso man put on a good woman? Describe her Industry, her wise and winning words, her good name at home and her praiso from Go.d. What Is deceitful? What Is vain? Whose works praise tho worker? 10. In prayer what should ono guard against? Why? Is it well to vow and not perform? Tell what tho greedy man gets. Whose sleep Is sweet? How do riches bring cares? . 11. WhyBhould the young be careful to keep the Creator in mind? Howls a life of piety best begun in youth? What is the conclusion of the whole matter? 'Why should wo heed God's commands? 12. What messenger was to come before Messiah? For whatvdoes Messiah come? What will He do to the. priests? How will the wicked be dealt with? What kind of land will that bo that honors God? RELIGIOUS BRIEFS. Rev. Dr. Lymnn Abbott, pastor of Plym outh church, Brooklyn, nnd successor of Dr. Henry Ward Beecher, is a tall, slender man, who looks as though his health were frail. He is strong and active, however, and does an immense amount of hard work. In addition to his many duties as pastor of-Brook-lyn's famous ichurch, he Is the editor of The (Christian Union. TJnder bis pastor ate there, has been no falling off in the membership of REV. dr. tVMAN ABBOTT. Plymouth church, a fact that speaks most eloquently in Dr. Abbott's favor, for much was naturally ex nected of tho man who stepped into Henry, . wbc.re hls Mr0"3 ftD" "rury worK are done. In the British islands in ISO) there were 15,000,000 people, and only 00 woiks on theology were published during that year. The population today is about 30,000,000, but last year there were 528 works on the ology issued. cut J0W'1 the C0Urt Prtnchcrs to slX ,Uln , utes for a sermon. ....,, A Methodist missionary In South Africa, tim Ttnv. Thomas Cook, reports that he traveled in bIx months that he was there 20,000 miles, preached 220 sermons and was instrumental In bringing in 0,000 converted touts. For Monzle narlsli church In Scotland there were 100 applicants. In Zaba, Hungary, 650 persons are report ed to have become Protestant because they prefer their owu language in worship. Professor Tbarer of Harvard says that the discovery of the spurious gospel of St. Peter "consigns eucn speculations aoout ma gos- Biblical antiquities.' "he Presbyterian church In Japan has Q presbyteries, 73 churches ant? 10,W mem-. Thero ore 8T.O0O different editions of .tho, Bible In the British museum, the titles fill ing 213 pages of ft special catalogue. An AnKllcan bishop is credited with thj sUUmentthat J, 000 benefices in England keep changing hand by simony. I The Biralugbftm polios fcvo rcauow zm -NKJ!fe i m i waftmwiji Mrs. Opdcn Snyder Albany, KY. " I Owe My Life to Hood's Sarsaparilla" " Words arc powerless to express tho gratl tudo I feel toward Hood's Sarsaparilla, for under God, lfecl andXnou-that to this medi cine I owe my life. Twelve years ago I began to bloat, followed by nausea at the stomach, and later wlthN swelling of the linibi, and severe pain. This gradually grew worse until 3 years ago. riiyslclaas told me the troublo was Caused by a Tumor For several months I had been unable to ro .taln any solid food. Iwas greatly emaciated, had lrcquent lirniorrhnircs. ami was sat isfied the doctors were right In saying my life wni nearly over. One day a friend KXgcstM that I try Hood's Sarsapailllaj I Id so. anil for 3 or 4 days 1 was sicker than -or. lint I kept on and gradually began to . .'1 better. I Began to Feel Hungry Could, after a time, retain solid food, In creased In weight, the saffron hue left my skin, tlio bloating subsided, and I felt better all over. For 2 years my health has been qulto good, and 1 have been able all lhatlmo to do the housework for my family. After What It has done for me 1 never hesitate to recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla." Mns. Oa DByBXYDEit, 10 Judson St., Albany, N.Y. HOOD'S PlLLO cure liver Ills, constipation, ' biliousness, Jaun&lco, and sick headache. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS. P. Ill D'AllOV. OSO. O. lUKQHAM. D'ARQY t BINQUAM. Attorneys at Law, Rooms 1, 2 and 8, D'Arcy Building;, 144 Htate street. Special attention given to busi ness In the supreme and circuit courts of the state. 2 11 R V. BOISE. Attornty at law, Salem, Ore eon. Ofllcovr74 commercial street. IUkMON FORD, Attorney at law, Salem, Oregon. O 111 co up stairs in Fatten block H. J. BlGUEU, Attoi ney at law.Balem, Ore gon. Ofllco over Bush's bank. T J.SHAW.M. W.HUNT. 8UAW4HUNT O . Attorneys nt law. Office over Capital National bank, Halem, Oregon. CI T. RIO a. RDdON, Attorney at law Of O. flee up stairs In front rojras ol new Bush block, corner Commercial and Court streets, Salem, Oiegon. , JOHN A. UAItsON, Attorney at law, rooms H and 4, Bush bunk budding, Halem, Or, B. f. BOSHAM. W. H. HOLMEH. BON HAM & HOLMES, Attorneys at law. Office In Bush block, between .State-una louit.ou Conimerclut street. ME. FOCUE, Stenographer and Tjpe , wrltest JUest equipped typewriting of-. tlce but one In Oregon, over Bush's bank, Salem, Oregon. VIEl.LA SHEUMAN. 'i'jpewritlntt and 5 commercial stenography, room 11, Gray flock, .birst-clafcs work. ' Rates reasonable. DK A. DAVIrf. Lata Fost Graduate of New York, gives special attention to the dls ruses of women und children, pose, throat. In nes. kidneys, skin dlwuses and surgery. Office at ra-ldence, lol Mute street. Consu'ta- tlou from t) to 2 u. in. and 2 to 5 P. m. 7-l-mn M O. BROWNE. M. D.. FhVhlelun ttod Hat- O. con. (ifflcc, Murphy UIojIij resilience, 458, v.orainerclul street. D11.T O. SMITH, DentlKt. VI Slate street Sclera, Oregon. Finished dental opera, ttona of every description. Painless lopera tlopnu, specialty. W1J. PUU11, Architect, plans,, specifics . lions nnd superintendence for all clusses ot buildings. Office 2X) Commercial street, up stairs. G A.' ROBERT. Architect) room' 424, Mar quaru building, Portland, Oiegon. P. J. LARSEN & CO., Manufacturer of Wagons, Car riages, etc. Repairing a Speolalty. H nop 45 Btate street. PROTECTION LODGE NO. 2 A.O.U. W. Meets In their hall In Btate Insurance bulldlns, every Wednesday evening. A. W. DENMri, M. W. J. A. 8ELWOOD, Recorder. J. H. HAAS, THE T7AT0HMAKEB, 215 Commercial St., Silera, Ortgon. (Next, door to -Klein's.) Specialty ot Spectacles, and repairing -Clocks, Wiclnw and Jewelry. JI W, 8mltl, pwttnaiter of LewUvllle, and ... .. ... 1... ..I.nl.lrt HA fiW CJllA.Ahill 8 000 acres of good farmlug And stock-land m Prices range from IB lo J5 per-acre. All good property, iid on the market for tnn Mnil tlrno. Orcat bargulus. CaU . on or dde. the above. dMM6-U Skin Food. f id lea who suffer from Cutting Winds and boorchlng hun v ill nnd Mrs. Harrison's Lola Montez Creme lite fkln. Food, Tlnbtt remedy -for ket-i.l g the bee cool and free fr m Irrita tion, a It soolbsand comloruini-iKiunuu u ev-nU irct-Kifc cr utibu i. , His not a beautlmrbata skin rmrutlve and pre. mjhiAiil ft t n ba4".. ' i TusI(Wfv rvilv. I all't'e Montw O emtUrut I ! tbeKln and tborougniy w'.ti , Ton jut iot applying powtn-r. c u -SK?1?! fKS wlil be .oner, and the powder ' re'f11" loager.dt.ides preventU'S ; t FlZg qKggiug tn pore of the jikln' 1 rtte7icnii. For Bale br KHKD LKOO, Orucgltr FU" Block, Ealeuif Ore. Poranysptoal or complicated biemUb of factor form, writ MRS. NETTIE HARRISON, Imkk ca'j BtJitnT Docron, 2 Geary HU, f o French, Cl BupetCuoas Hair remanent ty Removed. tains in Laud. 'iw3 - v " ! i v 1 STATES ry Native Sons and good people from-all States in the Union have a picnic every day at the Great Clearance Sale being conducted by Salem's Lending. Clothiers arid Furnishers. There is a feist of good bargains every hour f the day, and all are jnvited to profit by them. -Absolutely tho finest stock ever in tho city, going at prices that DON'T MAKE YOUR PURSE LIGHT nor break your bat'k account. Call early and get your choice) selections. ' M & The Peojrfe'a IIP. -M. CARS. lip., in. Cars leave Hotel and Postoffico daily lor Asylum, Penitentiary ami Cemetery on Capital City Railway. Car leaves 5 a. m. , connect ing with Overland train, and cars leave Hotel every 20 Minutes from :0 a.m. to 11 l. m. for nil points on the lines excepting Cemetery CarFaken 'dfFto'nicct Passenger Trains. T.Ji KRESS. HOUSE PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, Natural Wood Finishing, Cor, 20tn and Cbemeketa Street. Geo. Fendrich, CASH MARKET Uest meat and free delivery, 136 btate Street. FRED A, ERIX0N, STONE AND BRICK CONTRACTOR.' Estimates made on all kinds ci wore. IlesldenceCor. IBihand Bolvlew HU Halem, jg&Eisn i wsiir ablh urou sv mrnim miwimn I iK. van yen H JL vMlu"""" ! I Mr iilli- I AN ww dtW rmmmmr iw Mmwmmmrwm tnu w iw "-Af.imfTfi i iivi iaiiMer;i)ivv' .au-mi Mm m i , v3&m,M&MFn&$. wmmmMraw&tt!mB. KfSfitmA 1 M Uf.V n UMW mMM'S7JIWS LrtliXH re have a relief and cure lln your ignorance of effects anc! vitality -rbloh i yttri the clemeuti thus itreneth and vlcor will fol. euro or money refunded. $? Dr. Sanden Electric after all other treatments 2& tntifr. and from many of vS3 thb m W 1V.V ik. .t ri In two or three month 0km Immsm ? e-zn: 'miir It a eomnltte palvanlc battery, made Into a belt so as to be easily worn during work or at rest, end It gives soothlnir, prolonged current which ate Instantly felt throughout all weal parts, or we forfeit $5,000. It has an Improved Bloctrlo SuepOnuory, the rreateit boon ever given weak men, and we wnnt It to cure any of the above weaknesses, and to enlarge shrunken limbs, or parts, or Wnnv Refunded. They ar rrat4 1 slfeogtn to meet all stages of weakness In young, middle-aged or old men, and W owe s. Address ANDEH y.(pTRIC CO., I7S frt t., - PICNIC Day! ODT INVI TOD I Clothlcva. BliOOD DISORDERS A New Remedy . A true Specific a positive and permanent elimination of all poison from the blood, and a restoration of healthy vigor to the tissues is offered to sufferers for the first time tn a remedy which has been undergoing the most severe private enperimentt for the past three jean. It has not et failed, and it will notail, as it is a True Specific lor Syphilitic poison and all blood diseases. Do you be lieve it T Send for full particulars and proof free. Stop filling your system with mercury and other poisons. This remedy will cure you m 30 to 00 dayswithout fall. We guarantee a cure or refund tho money. 'Address MOFFAT CHEMICAL CO., 170 limt Street ronTLAND, OB. Farm for Sale or Trade. On eony terms, four miles oast of Hubllmltr, containing U7 acres' will trade for' property In or near Balem. B. a. DOVE, 8-8-dw Hubllmlty, Or. Semen Doors AND JOBMNCJ. Morloj & Winstnnley. Bbop 61 State street. J. E. MURPHY. Tile for Sale, Brick and Tile Yard, NORTH BALfcM. J. L.ASHBY. Meat Market, SOS.ComuieroIal Street. Good meats, Prompt delivery. Take It! EVENING JOURNAL, Only 2 cents a day delivered at your door. David McKillop, Steam food Saw JOHN C. MARTIN, Horseshoeing, BLACKSMITHING. Leave orders at Salem Im provement Co., 05 Btate iitreet. State Street, - - SPLECTRIC Whoarf SLEEPLESSNE55.Fb0RMEMORV&GEMERAUlLLHFALTrl the effects of abuses, excesses, in our marvelous Invention, which requires but a trial to convince the most sUmc,il. or by excesses, or exposure, you may have unduly drained your system of nesve forct electricity and thus caused your weakness or lack of force. If you replace into yom drained, which are required for vigorous strength, you will remove the cause, and health, low at once and In a natural way. This Is our plan and treatment, and we guaruntoe a Send for our Illustrated Pamphlets, free ; sent by mall, sealed. Belt Is no experiment, as we have restored thousands to robust health and vigor, failed, as can be shown by hundreds of cases throughout this SUtO, who would 'glaillr tv? whom we have strong letters bearing testimony to their recovery after using our Helt. T"irD AMf A bs SHNDBN DL.ISCTRIO BELT COMING ON ITS OWNrSPECIAL TRAINS Europe and Americans Cortsdlidated Tented Titan ! THE MOST INTENSELY INTERESTING EXHIBITIONS ON THE GLOBE SANGER. & LENT'S GRAND INTERNATIONAL ALLIED SHOWS WILL EXHIBIT AT alem, Wednesday, July 5th Unparalleled In Original Conception of Pre-emluont Exclusive Features. Great Double Monster Roman Oceanic, .Congress, Circus, Menagerie Hlppo dromo Aquarium of World's Wonders. All Nations' Greatest Areulo Repre sentatives Selected to Excel ! Tlio! greatest wild beast gathering that ever invited public attention I ONLY GREAT SHOW OF MARINE WONDERS Ever Perfected for Travel. Bo on band to see the grand free Spectacular pageant. Ono picket, for tho usual price, admits to tho great conibliied shows ! One hour given In which to inspect tho menagerie and the many Wouders previous to commencement of the circus und hlppodnimo porformeiices. Two grand exhibitions aud perform ances dally 1 Doors open at land 7 p. m. CHURCHILL! Spraying Offlftts, BURROUGHS F. T. HART f 247 COMMERCIAL STREET. Lamoureux's Stables, At tho Commercial street bridge ueaif Willamette Hotel. New stock and ve hicles being added constantly. Only, tlio best sarvlce rendered. No shabby rlfrs nor poor horsts. H. L. LAMOUREUX, Proprietor. J. L BBN k SON. CANDIES, Frnit and Cigars, P. O. Bloolc It. T. mJ31IIUtEYS, Cigars and Tobacco. BILLIARD PARLOR, ' 343 Oom'l Straot. T. W. TH0RNBURG, Tho Upholsterer, Ilemodeli, re-cover and repair upholstered furniture. Flmt. clous work. Ubeineketa ctreet, Salem Huueinuranoo block, isthak:? WWlV 5 m.JM)-' "o DSUSPENSORY FOFL mmm debilitated, and suffering from Nervous Debility Seminal weak ness.LossesPrains,Impotency ofl Lost Manhood. Rheumatism. Lame Back. KidneV Troubles. Nervousness worry and exposure. For f ucn si.tr rcn CORTLAND, OREGOH, 103 State Street. LEADING MERdHANl !A.lJUUi. CHflS. WOLZ, Proprietor of the GERMAN x MARKET South Commercial Bt,, Siltm. All kind Fresh, Halt and Bmoked Meat and Sausages. yitBK DEUVKRy. i POWER HOUSE Meat Market 'KreMh and Bait meats of tliel beat quality, Poultry and stock. Kroe delivery, FRED WAYMIRE. Electric Lights On y fetor Syntom, TO CONSUMERS : TlieHalm l.lplit and I'ower Coropnay at cteat utpeniia havo equipped their Kleetrto i.iKiiv piuut wiiu i ue noi inouorii apparatus undU'o nowble to oiler llie public a better Hunt than any iylem anl at a. rat lower I Imu nny city on t bo coaat. Arc hihI IiicaudeHcent Light ing. Electric Meters lor all purposes where power Is re (juiretl. KoKldenrea can be wired forasraany llgbU d ended and the eonnnmeni pity lur only ueb lights a are ued. ti li belog regUtera y un r.lectrlo Meter. Ofllce 179 Commercial St. TJMLAMETfE! SALEX, OJtXQOK, Kates, $3.50 to $5.00 r Iky The beat hotel between lVirtlftn sm Nasi KninrlMiri, Klrst-elaaa In all Us appolnttlwts. Its table are served with the Choicest Fruit Urtiwa lu the Wlllnmotte Valley. A. I. WAGNER, Prp. ) I 3 JJ i t A i i li i. 1 i i b-i '. '". '" ' Jms&7rz.czur?i&mr'Z: - -'f'S""t