Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, June 29, 1893, Image 1

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    HARD TIMES OPflffl,
') fw Mali Fpr
whanyo tfifJaU
Jnrtmsf ft Mltff 8 ftt
OtfB fftfff DAILY J
Mi4 t mmt hf MH
J O U liJN A JLj,
vy jl Jl JL J. jl JL
Pitpulii ft 4VmSt
ft t9a lfwl 1?fcw
T?i f 0n
"TJUfl IK01LK'tt I'AIMSH."
saaMsHBS 9 V m m lllfH
:-: II
Of our stock and prices will quickly convince you that
Th? N?u) York Racket
Is tho placo to trade, when you want to save money on your purchases. Thoy carry a full
line of Boots and Shoes, of the best St. Louis make, also a general assortment of other goodR.
We buy for cash only, and sell for cash only, at a small profit. See our prices before bu) ing.
Ll 1 B
Keeping Pace With the Times.
. Have your business accounts kept in PERFECT books, such aro
The Frey Putent Flat Opening Books.
Books that are worthy of the patronage and praise of the Government Of
ficials of the State of Oregon, and the greater portion of the merchautile men
of the State, are surely deserving of a trial by everyone.
Manufactured in Oregon ONLY by Tnr Meston-Dygert Book Mfg. Co.,
Proprietors ot
Binders to the State of Oregon, Printers and Lithographers, Ralem, Oregon.
General Insurance Agency.
Representing tke following well-known and Tollable Cempanies:
BTATK INSURANCE CO., JEtna Insurance Co.,
Traders' Insurance Co., Hun insurance Co.,
National Insurance Co., Westchester Hire Ins. Co..
Lion Klre Insurance Co., Imperial Fire Insurance- Co.,
London s Lancashire Fire Ins. Soa, London A ssurance rorporatlon,
Alliance Assurance Co., Norwich Union Fire Ins.Soe.
, Oldest and Leading Firm In the City Devoted Exclusively to Insurance,
Recovers and repairs upholstered furnlture?jLong Experience in the trade
enables me to turn out flrst-olass work. Samples of coverings. No trouble to
give estimates. State Insurance block,
CHURCHILL! Spraying Offlftts,
Lamoureux's Stables,
At tho Commercial street bridge near Willamette Hotel. New stock and ve
hicles being added constantly. Only tho best service rendered. No shabby
rigs nor poor horses. H. L. LAMOUREUX, Proprietor.
Ed. C.
The undersigned will sell at the Sarge&nt
lodging HorBe In Opera House block, July
15. 181. Anv one having baggage there Is re
aureted to get same before sale.
q6-l!Wif WM. 8ARQEANT
A BiUlQlIN tto acMS with Improvements
over half und-r cultivation, rest pasture and
tome gooa uuiutr. inuu . "If. JSr
J, u. .
' Wheatland, Or.
Have had 18 year experience tralulnehr
1ck or carriage. Terms reaonble. Cap be
found at Wettacott'a stable, or addrew alem.
SA.X.Irvf, - - Owgon
Private world a specialty,
0. B. CLEMENT, Ma&Hr.
Chemektta street.
State Street.
Choice Meats.
Wholesale and Retail
Dealer In Fresh, Salt and
Smoked Heats of allKinds
95 Court and
110 State Streets.
0 0
Electric Lights
Oil Veter System.
TlieUal'm Light and Power Pompaoy at
great expensa have equipped their EUftrw
Light plant with the mxt inodrrn apparatus
and ate now able to oflar the publ'o a bet! r
light than any sytera and at a rate lowei
than any city on the coast.
Arc and Incandescent Light
lug. Electric Meters for all
purposes where power Is re
quired. -n U.-Miika uir4 tfT AM tYiatlV HrhLf
u delred and the eonamrni pay for only
such lUhU a are ued. ThU being registered
by an tlectno Meter. Office
179 Commercial St,
I l
State Ins. Block.
J. A. Pooler and wife to Eugene
Browu and wife 2.45 a, (1200.
Eugene Brown and wife to
Pooler and wife 2.15 a, (1000.
J. A.
J. V. Prosser, Davenport, la.
H.H. Howard, Portland.
W. F. Mcllvaln, Africa.
H. Butten, Vancouver.
W. J. Morgan, San Fr.
T. F. Gallopher, J. M. Gallopher.
Bich, Bed Blood
As naturally results from taking Hood's
Sarsuparilluas personal cleanliuess re
sult from free use of soap and water.
This great purifier thoroughly expels
.scrofula, suit rheum and all other im
purities and build up every orau of
the body. Now is the time to take it.
The highest praise has been won by
Hood's Pills for their easy, yet efllclent
ictioii. Sold by all druggists. Price
25 cento.
HARDING. At his homo at Fairfield,
on Friday morning, Juue 23, 1803,
Larz Harding, aged 33 years and 2
He had been confined to the house
about six weeks previous to his death,
the result of an attack of the grippe.
Ho was not considered iu a dangerous
condition however till a few days be
fore his death, Larz was a son of E. J.
Harding who is well known In this
county. He was respected by all who
knew him, as was evidenced by the
large attendance of friends at his funer
al, the procession being nearly a mile
long. The funeral services were con
ducted by Rev. J, E. Day,-of Wood
burn, on Sunday moruiug from his
residence. He was buried in the fami
ly burying ground on bis father's place.
He leaves a widow and two children to
mourn his death. Mrs. Harding is a
daughter of Mrs. Win. Osburn of Eu
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
reach tho deceased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure Deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness la caused by an Inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube
gets Inflamed you have a rumbling
sound or Imperfect hearing, ana when
a is entirely closed Deafness is the re
sult, and unless the inflammation can
be taken out and this tube restored to
lis normal condition, hearing will be de
stroyed forever; nine cases out of ten
-tre caused by catarrh, which is nothing
but an inflamed condition of the
mucous surfapea.
We will give One Hundred Dollars
for any case of Deafness (caused by
catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure. Bend for circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY, & Co., Toledo, O.
jj-oold by Druggists, 7Gc.
Baby cried,
Mother sighed,
Doctor proscribed : Castorla
Which nature Is conatanUy clving la the shape
,n. imni.1 prnnt hu. ulcers, etc. These
show that the blood Is contaminated, and some
assistance must be riven to relieve the trouble.
Is lae rrmeaj to turce uui mws yvr
sons, and enablo you to
.. . mA A tinmnr in mv blAtvI.
which made me dread to shave, aa small boll or
pimple would be cut, thus causlne the shajrlnr to
tiarreat annoyance. After Ukfie three bottles
HWU should be-appettte spltadid, sleep
WrtTFM well, and feel like running a foot
all from the use or 8. 0. 8.
TreatiM on blood and skin diseases mailed free
bwwt yscmc CO., MUnt, Oa.
Immense Crop Coming In from
No SHrer 0re Purchased for Ilo
flncrles. BATES FOB, N. 7. CALL LOANS
Roach the Highest Figures in Prssont
Wheat Fails Again.
Chicago, Ills., June 29. Tb'ore was
a stump of over two ceuts In prico of
wheat In first hours of trading this
morning on account of monetary strin
gency. In addition to this came cable
statement that Ave districts In India
will raise 65,000,000 bushels more wheat
thau lust year. Other cables were also
weak. July sold down to G3, the low
est price kuown In this market.
London Market Flat.
London, June 29. A very uusettled
feeling prevailed at icloso of stock ex
change. S'lver securities are seriously
depressed. American railroad securities
are very flat. '
Smelters Closed.
St. Louis, Juno 29. The St. Louis
Smeltine and Re 11 til nc Co. one of the
largest In the couutry decided to shut
down owiug to silver trouble.
Mines Closing.
Aspen, Col,; June 29. Most of the
mines in this camp, are practically
closed. Only a flew pumpmen and
engineers are working. The mines
will probably close' today.
No Ores. Purchased. .
Spokane, June 29- The Crouer
d'Alene mlnlnirrnen now In the city
report that the Vtuelters all over the
country have refused to purchase- any
more silver ores ou. a&ount of the low.
price and the still falling market. A.
B. Campbell, chief owner of the Gem
mine, in which the recent strike took
place, arrived from Helena. So soon
us he heard of .he action of the smelt
ing companies, he telegraphed to Wal
lace to close down the Standard and
the Union mines. Campbell says that
he looks for all the silver and lead
mines In the couutry, except a half
dozen at the most, to shut down with
in the next 10 days unless a radical
change occurs.
Smelters Will Not Oloso.
Denver, Col., June 29. That, the
Omaha aud Grant, Globe and Boston
and Colorado smelters hero, together
with a dozen big silver and lead smel
ters throughout tho state will close
down at once, bus been reported in
the east. These works have contracts
on baud which" will keep them In oper
ation until January 1, no dlflerouce
what price of sliver may be.
Still Going Down.
Washington, D. C, Juno 29.
Secretary Carlisle received a cable
gram stating the price of silver today
in London is 08 cents per ounce, at
which rate silver dollars as bullion is
north 63 cents.
Teller's Opinion.
St. Louis, June 29. Senator Henry
M. Teller this morning said: "Tho
action of the government of India
ought not to have depressed silver to
the extent It seems to have done and
I think the fall in silver resulted
largely from a misapprehension. I do
not consider the action of tho Indian
government as alarming as alarmist
peoplo seem to think it, uor do I be
lieve It will aid in repeal of the Sher
man bill."
New York Call Loans.
New Yoke. June 29. Rttes for call
loans today reached blghe-rt figures since
present stringency set In. They rose
to 3J per diem and interest, equal to
about 74 per cent per annum. The
pinch Is particularly severe. Cleanug
house banks Issued 10,300,000 of certifi
cates, largest amount for any day thus
far. This relieved the market and
there wax a drop Iu the rate to 0 per
cent per annum and a rully to 20 per
cent. The drop of silver Iu Loudon
demoralized the market here. Up to 2
o'clock not a tale is reported lathe
miulng department stock exchange, at
consolidated exchange trailing to mln
log stocks la llt'iil.
Will MakoQjld Scarcer.
Helkna, Mont., Juno 29, Ex-Gov-
fHf itumutt nAfr, "Tin tfeMnl llM
mlnti wIIImjij tftUn In fittt( nil
w. Ktnty ftllver rnlrn that elmsM
down mltier ptwaethn f tcM ttmtt
In 40 per cant. lUmuU will m twin
trill Iwwmn rfcr. CJnfil will to a
prtinluni and IIiIa scarcity will eoTiipol
liicrnuHxl um of silver." I(aur thlnh
tho next congrrM will repeal tho Utir
man law and paan a law for coinage
three or four million of silver per
mouth on Inoreaftetl rate.
Interest in Advance.
Boston, June 20. Tho Union Pacific
announces It wilt today anticipate pay
ment of July Intercut. This Includes
all tho companies of tho Un'on Pacific
system. Payment will amount to
Washington, Juno 29. Tho presi
dent has appointed E. M. Bowman, of
Indiana, deputy fourth auditor of the
treasury; Eugouo Gormain, of Califor
nia, consul at Zurich, Switzerland.
Murdered a Sister.
Beading, Pa., June 29. Pletro Guc
clerl, Italian, was hanged this mr-rulng
for brutal, unprovoked murder of
Sister Hildaberta, a member of the
Order of Sisters of Mercy.
Frincessin Bismarck.
Beiilin, June 29. It is reported that
Bismarck's wife Is dangerously ill.
Great Train Bobbery.
San Antonio, Texas, Juno 29. The
boldest attempt at train robbery that
ever occurred In Texas took place yes
terday afternoon near Breckenridge.
The aflulr resulted in killing F. H.Mar
tin, fireman of the locomotive, and the
capture of one of the robbers, who give
bis name as J. D. May, cowboy.
At Breckenridge the train stopped to
take water and asshe pulled out Bob
ber May climbed up on the tender,
and, with a pistol In each baud, or
dered the engineer and fireman to
throw up their hands. Engineer Tier
ney obeyed but Martin made a move
ment as though he was ubout to se
cure a pistol and ho was shot dead.
Two other robbers, who had not yet
boarded the train, when they saw the
dead body fall out of tho cab mode
for tho brush. Bobber May jumped
Into the cab and ordered Engineer Tier
ney to run the train across Indian river
bridge but instead of complying ho put
on air brakes and the train camo to a
standstill. With a parting shot at the
engineer May Jumped from tho en
gine and started up tho track on
a hard run. Conductor Steele rushed
Into the engine, and, cutting loose from
the train, started with the express mo?
sengerond Engineer Tieruoy In pursuit.
Finding ho could not escape over Jho
brldgo the robber took to the- brush.
Conductor Steele Btarted singlo handed
and chased blra, firing as ho went.
The three robbers at the bridge com
menced tiring and volley after volley
were returned by the engineer and
messenger. Conductor Steelo over
hauled May and disarmed him of bis
two pistols.
A Murderer Finally Captured.
Hillsboro, Juno 29. Edwin
Schmeltzer, Indicted by tho grand Jury
In 1891 for tho killing of a man by tho
name of Munson at Soboll's Ferry, this
county, In 1889, was lodged in the coun
ty jull by Sheriff Ford. At the time or
tho crlmo the affair was Involved in
mystery. Munson was engaged at
work In his garden, and was found
dead, having been shot iu tho buck.
Not sufllcleut evidence was found to
fix tho crime upon any one until two
years afterward, when the grand Jury
indicted Schmeltzer, since which time
a bench warrant has been in tho hands
of officers for his arrest uutll the first
of the week, when ho was captured by
the authorities of Yamhill county and
turned over to tho authorities hero to
await tho convening of tho circuit court.
Schmeltzer has served a one-year's sen
tence from this county In the state
penitentiary, for stealing a horse.
Is Altgeld a Citizen?
Chicago, Juno 29. A sensational
sequel comes to Goveraor Altgeld's re
lease of the havraarket anarcnists.
The Journal raises tho question as to
whether be Is legally governor or tuo
state of Illinois or a citizen of the Unit
ed States. The Journal says Governor
Altgeld bases his claim to cltzenshlp on
the simple statement that his father
was naturalized while the son was a
minor child. Altgeld was born In
Prussia In 1818 and camo to this coun
try with bis parents when a boy. If
the father was made a citizen wuiietne
governor was under 21 there Is no ques
tion as to his title to citizenship; but if
the elder Altgeld waited until his son
was over 21 before taking out his
papers, then tho title of the governor
to citizenship Ib badly clouded.
The fact developed that tho friends
Hfgfit of all in lrtvnlnf IVrwfr lrttct V. CoVtKeport
of Fluldon, Schwab and Ncebo knew
before election that Allgold was In sym
pathy with tho cause of tlo amnesty
association, from tbo fact that ho was
one of tho signers of tho petition pre
sented to Governor Flfer.
8EATTLK, June 29. Tho Fleming
Ayorst company's shlnglo and lumber
mills at Ballard wcro totally destroyed
by lire. Tho loss will reach 155,000; In
surance about 130,000.
New York, Juno 29. Tho Commer
cial Advertiser says Henry Vlllard has
announced his Intention to withdraw
from nil companies with winch ho him
been identified aud rethe from uctlvu
business life.
Colfax, Wash., June 29. Tho trial
of Sam McCowan for the murder of
Langford Summers will eud today.
The caso will probably bo given to tho
Jury this afternoon. It is thought tho
verdict will be acquittal.
Seattle, June 29. James W.Balloy,
a negro coal miner, who murdered
John Downie, another colored miner,
at New Castle May 21st was found
guilty of murder In tho second degree.
Bailey pleaded self-dofouso but was uot
able to show his Innocence to tbo Jury.
Hailey, Idaho, Juue 29. John Hen-
del who was convicted of murder in tho
second degree for killing Lee Halstrom
in this city last winter, was sentenced
to sixteen yearn in the penitentiary by
Judge Stockslager. Hondel Is a physi
cal wreck and cannot live long.
Presbyterian Picnic Program.
Opening remarks by pastor, Rev.
Anthem "Praise the Lord"
Asylum choir
Vocal solo Miss Hepburn
Glee When Starry Eyes Look on
the Sea Choir
Solo Selected
Mrs. Boscheu
Glee Moonlight on the Lake
Waltz.. Lena
Asylum Orchestra
Bango, guitar and mandolin
Keller, Rogers 'and Rlsacher
Reading Coinlo
Judgo Henry
Anthem . "Hear Our Prayer"
Solo .. Selected
R. H. RyJoy
Gleo "Absence" - r...Cholr
In bulk, all good shipping varieties
orcnernes in mo Willamette vaiioy,
Oregon Fruit & Produce Co,, Salem.
More for a cent
At tho Capital City
Lunch Counter
Than any placo In town.
Barnett's, Adolph block.
There In no abatement iu enamel and
its uses.
A new sllvor belt bucldo has a sword
hilt for Its ornament,
Tho cano and umbrella straps have
taken now Importance. Thoy jro of
light calf and tbo buckles dainty and
enriched with carving.
Now soap holders aro mounted on
round bases liko thoso of a candlestick
and are hundsomo ornaments. Tho
framework is in repousso silver,
A now travoling cup lias stowed Insldo
an alcohol lamp aud a littlo can for tho
alcohol. Tho outer cup, which incloses
all, Is tho pot itsolf, Tho cup and Its fit
tings aro of silver.
Tho now hair ornaments of gold, sil
ver gilt and shell increaso in interest.
Tho ono of tho week was a waving, odd
shaped ring. Tho ornament that passes
through it bad a sword hilt of metal and
a waving dagger, If tho phrase may bo
allowed, of shell. Jewelers' Circular.
Tho Louisvillo and Nashvlllo now has
two fast vestlbuled trains from Nash
vlllo to Chicago.
Tho block system on tho Now York
Central railroad has been extended as
far west as Rome.
Tho Chicago ticket brokers wou their
haboas corpus cubo, which means mat
tho law against "scalping is iniconsii
fteRond class carriages havo been abol
Ished on the Cambrian railways in
Wale. Tho only clasat-s now run uru first
on I ThA nnlv nliolitloll of the ill.
teraedlato class Is becoming genoral on
'iradi in Ureal uniaw.
Great Preparation for Columbia
Splondfd Program Arranged fro
Morning to Night.
Thoultlzoiin of Aumsvllle, Marlon
county, wish to tiuuouuce that they
have completed preparations fur a prop
er observance of Independence Day
nextTuesday, July 4th, to which every
body is Invited.
B. W. Bard, president of the day.
H. C. Porter, chief marshal.
Thero will be a grand parade.
Good music by a brass band.
Good speaking.
Liberal premiums oflered for foot,
sack, potato and other races.
Baseball between tho Shaw and the
Aumsvlllo nines.
Good vocal music.
Good essays.
A Liberty car representing all the
A Jam up first-class celebration in a
first-class groyo.
A large plutform for dancing for
evening and night.
The best celebration In the county.
One of the Interesting Exercises of
July Fourth.
Tho dedication of tho new grand
stand and standard brod raco track
at the state fairgrounds on July Fourth
will occur at 12;30 sharp at tbo grand
Thero will bo a parado of all the
horses entered for tho four days races,
concert by tho baud, and speeohes by
ofllcers of tho stato board of agri
culture and state ofllcers. Remember
tho hour and bo in attendance.
O. P. Synod. Tho Oregon syncd of
tho Cumberland Presbyterian church
will meet this evening at their church
In Salem at 7:30 o'clock. There will be
a half hour song service. Opening ser
mon by tho retiring moderator, Rov.
J. C, Templeton; followed by a business
session. Friday will bo devoted to a
synndlcul 8. B. convention.
Carry the news to Mary,
Aud, pray, bo not too long,
For she Is fust declining,
And. surely, 'twould bo wrong
not to toll her of Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription. We do want Mary to
know, in some way or other, that this
world-famed remedy will euro her be
yond any doubtl It's Just tho medlcino
for young womanhood, and thouHuuda
bos It bridged over that perilous sea.
From every state, from every city,
from nearly every neighborhood in
this broad laud, comes tho grateful ac
knowledgement of what it haa done
and is doing for our daughters.
Tho only medicine for tho distressing
aud paiuiui irregularities anu weaic
nesses of woman, sold with a positive
guarantee to glvo satisfaction In every
every case, or money refunded. In
other words, sold ou trial 1
Good new house to rent, six blocks
from I pout olllce. luqulru of Geo. M.
Beeler. 6 20-tf
luiUo, outside, and all the war through,
by drlulclug v-w
Tills KrenlTemperanc drink) aUFWV
U u4 UMltUfUl, uj It If pleusant. Try It.