Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, June 28, 1893, Image 4

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    ffTi iWlliiifitiiiiiillilMl iiM
Stinuner at Last !
W cll SPECIAL attention I mt flw H of
Pongee Silk Waiata, Sateen Waists, Swiss Waists, eta
o-rnvn niPTR. Ktennt Lsdl'
Silver ware given away September 1U
Oar shoe stock Is still goto at coL All new good and good quality.
THE PALACE anddshegc?mpany,
307 Commercial Street.
- if -
Too an tXa ki build or mike any Med of
Improvement, call oa tas under goed lor
xnaierlaL We have a complete-stock, and an
ready to supply any prepared contract, sewer
work, grading, etc
Salem Improvement Co
Good Work. O M. Smith, of the
Union TlUe Abstract Co. has Just com
pleted a fine piece of work. It is noth
ing short of a complete alphabetic list of
all the mortgages and judgment ever
rendered in Marion county. There are
13.400 morUrazes of record and 8000
judgments" that affect titles of real ea
tate. The judgments were rendered
asralnst 200 different parties. This Is
not a large list when it is considered
that it extends far back into territorial
davs and afiecta a population now
grown to twenty-five thousand.
Taking the Crowd. So far Morn
ingside is the best advertised -suburb of
the capital city. It possesses direct and
dose electric car line facilities and has
other merits. Iu great natural charms
and lovely residence spots make it the
Ideal resort for pleasure seekers. Is it
any wonder all the new bouses are be
ing located there? Property is still
cheap and fine scenery, elevations and
natural drainage are desirable consider
ations to home seekers. Bee plats with
Pacific Land & Orchard Co.
Hard Times Defeated. Money Is
scarce, and people buy nothing except
tney get their money's worth. Miss
Plnkham, the Court street milliner, is
selling her choice stock at prices that
cannot be equalled. See her hard times
offers and yon will be surprised. A
whole family can be fitted out for a
trifling sum. dw
Fab Away. The let. dally goes to
Drewsy. That is In Harney county. The
mall route covers well upwards towards
a thousaud miles, via Union Pacific to
Ontario, the live new town on the bor
der of Idaho, then by stage over moun
tains and across rivers Into the heart of
Harney county. The people appreciate
the One Cent Daily.
Half Fare. The S. P. railroad will
tU half-fare round trip tickets for the
Salens races from all poluts between
Portland and Eugene. The tickets will
be on aalo beginning the 4th and will
be good to return until the Sth.
Bounties. Harry Price of Turner
drew $260, he having brought iu fifty
gray-digger squirrel scalps. ...Walter
Hatch of Salem brought two gopher
scalps and got 20 cents 10 cents on
each, Walter Is 10 years old.
All Hands ark Happy. Fruit is
moving, the weather floe, crops promis
ing, and J. A. Van Baton is head aud
front in choice, fresh supplies of staple
and fancy groceries.
Wool. It remains firm at 10 eta.
and nono sold. If It is a fine article it
might command 12 eta. but there are
Bo buyers. Wool Is wool, and nothing
Not Buncoed. Peas that are peas.
vagotaDiea ireaa, clean ana crisp, gro
ceries full weight and new stock U
what ladles get every time at Van
Xatee'a grocery.
Those Jacks re We are selling so
feap are New York's best. The prices
aw cut from one-fourth to one-third.
Cobm and see. T Hoi vereon & Co. 2t
m '
Hard TME3.-The price of flour was
Saver bo low as it Is now, and the Sa
lem Flouring Mills turn out the best
product over know Just the same.
A Close Call. TUo priw we are
wtailag o our jackets. Theycootlnue
to move, and If you want a bargain,
Come at once, T. Holversoo & Co. 2t
Gamblers. A number of Chlua-
mm wtre arrested last night on charge
ef poker playing and will be tried to-
atorrowatlOa. in,
i am - efcsjs-Wn
Orchestra andjcbolr at the Morning
M picnic Friday afternoon and even-rf-
Geld Watch and Beautiful set of
Cut rates East at The Journal of
fice. Banker A, Bush arrived home from
his Eastern trip yesterday.
Druggist Fred A. Legg and bride are
borne from their trip to the Sound.
L. C. Fisher returned yesterday from
Southern Oregon, where he has been
looking after his mining Interests.
John Savage, jr., who bas been in
Southern Oregon Yor Eeveral weeks is at
8ome of -the merchants in Salem talk
of closing all day on the 4th.
Tennis shoes of all Bizes at the New
York Racket- 2d-lw
Miss Mammie Ledgenvood returned
Friday, from Monmouth, where she
has just finished a formal course in
the State School located there.
R. C. Carter, alias Rose, the man
who bas written a book, "Twice Undei
the Gallows," bas again been respited
to July 13.
Twenty-Ate Indian boys and girls
are coming to the Cbemawa Indian
ollege near Salem from tboLapwai
reservation, Idaho.
Black satteen' and light drees shirts
and white laundried and nnlamndrled
shirts at the New York Racket. 2dlw
8. S. Martin and wife transferred to
day pts. bl 14, Capital Park and 1 8, 9,
bl 10, Falrmount Park, to Fred Hurst
Rich golden Jersey milk is being sup
plied oy tne dairy oi 15. J. baarpe.
Just received at the New York
Ricket, a new lot of shoes of all kinds.
Prices low. Call and see.
I can save 20 per cent buying
stamps and seals from F. 8. Dearborn,
the stationer. Do not pay traveling
agents exorbitant prices.
Life Is too short even for farmers to
get along with a weekly. Prepare to
take the Daily Journal at 25 cis. a
month, July 1st.
The Lockwood messenger office is
open all night, and a boy can be called
at any hour.
Flags at the New York Racket. '
- 2d-lw
Think of it, I am giving away to
everbody who makes a purchase at my
store a piece of sheet musiu free. F.
8. Dearborn, stationer, 233 Commercial
J. F. G rover, of Dalles, sold his 1692
crop of bops at 17 cents. He was of
fered 21 last hop picking season.
Jessie Breyman and Leucy Williams
return form Oberlin college tomorrow.
Eugene Breyman want down today to
meet them.
Geo. W. Davis vent to Portland to
day with his daughter Allle. His sis
ter Mrs. M.J. Dlnsmore and her son
Harry of Humbolt Co., Col., were In
the party.
Gen. Compson was In the city today
on railroad commission burinees. Irel
goes tomorrow night to take charge of
the sham battle of the Oregon National
Guard, at Fort Klamath with the
Modoc warriors. His orderly Senator
Cogswell accompanies blm.
Collector T. J. Black, of Halsey, Is in
the city.
Miss Nellie Morgan, who has been
the guest of the Dearborns, returned to
Portland today.
C, E. Porter, a merchant miller of
Prairie City, Grant county. Is the
guest of C P. Bishop, the woolen mills
man. He says wheat is worth 75 cts
there and flour 15.00 a barrel.
The Lane coun.y banks are all right.
Published statements over the names
of good men on the outside show that
the First National and Eugene Loan
and Savings bank have good assets of
12.25 for every dollar liability. The
Lane Co. bank shows that! I has 1225,-
000 assets and $35,000 Uabllltes, and
that all depositors will be paid In full.
The Liuu and Benton county moneyed
men should now pull themselves to
gether and secure all the depositors
there and eaoape the odium of repudia
tion that will attach to their oommunl
tie If they do not make good every dol
lar en trusted to them.
Afid Engine OulfiL for the Sea
son of I89B.
JJj Knapp. Barrel! k Company of
Geo. a Swkb & Boa of Dixie today
received from the machinery warehouse
of Kaspp, ilurrell k company ofthi
dty a IS bene power Buffalo Pitts trac
tion engine. This con with their new
style Buffalo Pitts separator and com
pletes their tbrwblnjj outfit for 1&
which crt all told about $2700. Knapp,
Burreil & Co.. are the only firm at Sa
lem who supply such an outfit from
cooking wsfcon to road locomotive, aud
this is the seventh sold this season. For
reliable Information about -harvesting
and threshing machinery call on their
local representative G. W. Townsend,
warehouse next door south of Hotel
Willamette, Salem. d-w
What Was
Dose First
Two Days'
First-class match 10 singles. Tues
day Hughes, Harritt aud G. Froman,
10 eacn.
Match 2-25 singles, seven prizes ag
gregating 31&.7o, forty entries; VIn
ing, Jesse and Froman 24 each, $150
bicycle. Howe, Evans, Long, $55 shot
gun: the bicycle will now be shot ofl.
W. J. Riley won match No. 3, mak
Ing tweuty straight; Kuizbe, Long,
Turner 19 each.
Match No. 4 ten singles, Evans,
Cavinesa, Oregon, 10 each; A. Shade-
len, Robinson, Martin. Froman, Howe,
9 each. .The next biz match was for
prizes and purses of $259.05.
The State Sportsmens' Association
holds its annual meeting tonight atS
o'clock for election of officers at Hotel
State vs. Hknsell. The prosecu
tion of the Brooks druggist for perjury
in Recorder Edes' court began at 2 p.
m. Bon bam & Holmes appear for de
fendant and Deputy District Prosecu
ting Attorney A. O. Coudit, assisted by
Tiimon Ford, for state. Some of the
witnesses and papers in the case of
Jones vs. Hensell at the recent term of
circuit court were Introduced. On trial
to jury.
Nicaragua Canal Lecture Last
night at the Y. M. C A. was weH at
tended. The lecture was both instruct
ive and entertaining as well as patriotic,
showing the advantage of our position
inter-nationally and commercially upon
the completion of the enterprise.
The Holman Block. The Tom
Holman Block Is looming up in true
sky-scraping style. It is now up three
stories and Are walls with cornice will
yet t;o eight or ten feet higher.
Great sport at the Morningside social
Friday afternoon aud evening.
Social at Morningside Friday after
noon and evening, by the ladies of the
Presbyterian church.
Rich, Bed Blood
As naturally results from taking Hood's
Sarsaparilla as personal cleauliuess re-
ult from free use of soap and water.
This great purifier thoroughly expels
scroruia, salt rneum and all otner im
purities and build up every or-an of
the body. Now Is the time to take IL
The highest praise has been won by
Hood's Pills for their easy, yet efficient
action. Sold by all druggists. Price
25 cent.
CARR. To Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Carr,
near Liucolu, June 26, 1SS3, a daugh
ter. WE3TERFIELD. To Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. H. Weeterfield, of Salem, June
27, 1893, a daughter. '
RUBEKSTEIN. To Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Rubenstein of 473 Commercial
street, Salem, Tuesday, a sou.
8HRUM. At the Riverside retarding
hou:e on Wot State street, at 9:"45 p.
iu. Tuesday, June 27, IS93, from
drqpsy, Mrs. Eleuor E. Shrum, aged
about 77 years.
Deceased was- tbe widow of Henry
Shrum of Macleay.
fVrpw (K. nAa. In Vf.M.
And, pray, be not too long,
For she is fast declining.
And, surely, 'twould be wrong
not to tell ber of Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription. We do want Mary to
know, In some way or other, that this
world-famed remedy will cure her be
yond any doubt! It's lust tbe medicine
for young womanhood, and thousands
has It bridged over that perilous sea.
From every state, from every city,
from nearly every neighborhood in
this broad land, comes tbe grateful ac
knowledgement of what it bas done
and la ilolnic for our daughters.
The only medicine for the distressing
and painful irregularities and weak
neva of womau, told with a positive
guarantee to gtvo satisfaction la every
every case, or money lefunded. In
other words, sold on trial!
To o&yeftVrWr npl Wikwli
minate burnt fA lb itot
WV, frteV an! 4An jtin fuU
n mr vakMete iku kMM
Every (f kjxrwn t (Im tafUary Has
txwn feaad fa ta VtMM !Ht,
Aa bmbI Htten4 WAn very math
like a VM f t W gam ralr
Tae iwt peart are tmuA oa tk Cy
ten eet aad fa the I'rrrtan irstf.
Tae Mack dlanasd Is eh harder
than tha transparent wfctte variety.
Pop Julio II were ia hit tiara an
aquamarine of an azqsfaete ta green
color 3 iaeaea in each dlmeanon.
The pcrfeetly round prl are the
most valuable. Next come the pear
shaped, and lastly the eg? rhaped.
The Greeks stained quartz to so close
an Imitation of emerald that it was al
most impossible to detect ths fraud.
A ruby of the best quality and more
than three carats is worth more than a
diamond of the same site and weight.
The diamond is belieTed to be of recent
geological formation, and a microscopio
examination often discloses in its sub
stance minute plants and vegetable fibers.
For ages there has been a flow of gems
as of silver from Europe to India and
none eTer return, the people, of India
preferring a gem to any other form of
When Pixarro sacked Peru, many gems
were obtained, but a monstrous emerald
as large &s an ostrich egg, called the
"Great Mother," was hidden iy the na
tives and has never been found.
The most beautiful specimen of the
natural emerald in the world is that at
the shrine of Toretto in Italy. It was
presented by Don Pierro Darayon, who
was formerly viceroy in Pern. It is a
mass of limestone crowned with emerald
crystals, some of which are more than
an inch in diameter. St. Louis Globe
Democrat. STAGE GUNTS.
Josephine Plows-Day, late with Rich
ard Mansfield, has joined James O'Neill's
Alrna Aiken has been re-engaged for
the leading heavy part in "The Ven
detta" for next season.
May Yohe has been engaged for the
principal role in "Nitouche" at the Tra
falgar Square theater in London.
"The Blue Bonnet," a new comedy by
Charles Barnard and Mrs. Doremns. has
been purchased by Jefferson, Klaw and
Erlanger, who will produce it at the be
ginning of next season.
It is A. B. Schade, Charles Wynd
ham's private secretary, who has trans
lated and adapted D'Ennery and Burani's
libretto of Planquete's opera, "The Tal
isman," for Manager Hammerstein.
J. W. McAndrews, the veteran min
strel, known as "the watermelon man,"
has been engaged by Nat Goodwin for a
negro part in the new play, "In Mis
souri," which is to be produced early
next season.
Maude Durbin of Modjeska's com
pany, a Pittsburg girl, who has only
been acting since last October, has en
tered into an agreement with Otis Skin
ner to 6tar jointly in a Shakespearean
repertory during the season of 1SJH-5.-
Gns Heege (Yon Yonson) Bailed for
Europe recently, going in the steerage
to pick up ideas of life among the emi
grants on an Atlantic liner. He will
pass the summer in Sweden and Nor
way gathering material for a new play.
A. Hamburger, E. L. Thompson, J.
L. Fuller, Nellie Viccars, W. P. Smith,
T. J. Beaumont,SL Jo, Mo.
A. H. Hardrutt, San Jose.
G. R. t'hllds, San Francisco.
T. J. Black, Halsey.
J. a Truax, Chicago.
Silk Dress Patterns Given
Away. Mis Allen 253 Front street
carried away the leading present, a nice
silk dress patern from the auction sale
yesterday. Mrs. Shrelber, 424 High
street got the second prize. The bal
auce of the bankrupt stock intended for
Albany was opened yesterday and a
full line of fashionable dress goods is
now going off at about 25o on the dol
lar. There will be fine valuable pres
ents given away each afternoon to the
ladies who arrive promptly at 2 p. m.
and three presents given away each
evening to the gentlemen who attend
Prompt relief la alckheadache! dlxxlnesa.
nausea, contU patlou, pain In the side, guar
anteed to those using carter's Utile Over
Pills. One a doe. Small price. Small dose,
small pllL
Are free from all crude and Irritating rust
ier Couerntretod medicine only Carter's
LttUe Liver Pills. Very small; very esy to
ukr; no pain; no griping: no purging. Try
Ministers, lawyers, Teacher, and others
whose occupation elves bat Utile exfrese.
should um Oner's Little Liver Pills far te:
liver and biliousness. One Is a dose.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alma.
Used ia Millie of Homw 40 Vttrs the SUuwkii.
iMlMile U grt tewpcraace drink
Lit gives New Life tothe OM F
nare 10 ic iii
Health to the Children.
Rev. B. F. Ulnshaw and wife, also
several other) from Marlon, attended
thecamprneetingat Turner last Sun
day. Frank Dorin bas moved into a houw
on Scio street.
Mra. John Fresh, of Jefferson, died
Tuesday morning, of a cancer. She
has been afflicted for some time.
A. B. G orge and son have traded
Tor the warehouse here, of Hadley,
White & Co., and they will run that
business this year.
A petition is circulated, asking the
county courts of Linn and Marion
counties to build a bridge across the
North Sistiam, at what- is known as
the Davis Ferry. This Is a much
needed Improvement, and we hope the
counties will grant the petition and
build the bridge.
J. J. Cook lost a valuable cow last
Sunday morning. It is thought she
obtained poison from some place.
The station car of the fencing gang
pulled out from here Monday, for Jef
J. F. Osborne, of Stayton, was in
town one day last week.
Rev. Stoops, of Jefferson, came to
town Monday evening, to buy some
Rev. B. F.HInshaw, Rev. C. R.Scott
and family, Joseph Cook, Alfred Cook
and wife, Anna J. Winslow, P. Z. Win
slow, Willlan Fresh, Mrs. Fharaba
Morris, Lizzie Morris, Mrs." W. J. Had
ley and Mr. Arthur George have gone
to attend the Friends yearly meeting
at Newberg.
A base ball nine of Indians from Cbe
mawa arrived here on the noon train
Puesday and were met here by a back
Irom Scio where they go to play a game.
Most of the business men of the town
were out Tuesday afternoon cleaning
up the town, grubbing,sprouting, burn
ing, etc, helping the appearance very
much. .
J. L. Farnbam and H. A. Hinshaw
have put a lath fence between their
Roger St. Helen is getting out lum
ber to build a barn on bis ranch on the
hill west of town.
The One Cent Daily Journal is
gaining in thU town. Several new
names have been added to the list at
For health and happiness, the boom
of all mankind, take binimons Liver
Good new house to rent, six blocks
from post office. Inquire of Geo. M.
Beeler. 5 20-tf
For water brash and sour stomach
take Simmons Liver Regulator.
Braudreth's Pills are the safest and
ujoet effective remedy for lbdiRcstion,
irregularity of the bowels, cousllpatlou,
uiiiousness, neanacne, dizziness, ma
laria, or any disease arUlnir from an
I impure state of tbe blood. They have
been in use in tnis country for over
fifty years, and the thousands of unim
peachable testimonials from those who
have used them, aud their constantly
increasing sale, is incontrovertible evi
dence tbat tuny perform all inat is
claimed for them.
Sold in every drug and medicine
store, either plain or sugar coated.
Baby cried,
Mother sighed,
Doctor prescribed s Castoria.
Rare Offer. Buren & Son have a
few good second-hand carpets which
can be bad at a bargain.
V 1 f
U W'"V
i Ih
lkT1a, AfsA
1 fCT2K.
i hLfl.Ww.
lfc r-T-sm 'ATM
ywia ntfo flfwhavf'i jrraftt
difioulty In touting up In uah
timw om Ihono.
Good flonesf Horn?
Made Goods
At low pricofl enables tho
benr up and incroaso
business every year.
We will continue our Book a-d Station-!
T nore ana wui nv oar mice on ninth
1000 GOOD BOUND 1000
Booki mod Nerel.
Joo tlUw from which to select, for So eents.
Patton Bros.,
Booksellers and Stationers,
"ferrr the lamst assortment m s'nn
uiga unes, c
...... f
hen wiia. Tliis fmui tad "3l.rirT
u ptrrvcirsoa. ouia m ltcbi nw
v&leb uudUKUr oa miu aSteted
I U.O otaUl Sr.Bonaka.I'kaH3atai?ab
Bold by Baekett & Van Slype.
Mrs. Mary Tnrnagle, of Jordan Val
ley is visiting ber parents this week.
Mrs. Mel Hamilton returned to 8a-
Jem after a few days visitine In town.
Mrs. Caldwell of Ashland is visit! Dg
old friends in town this week.
Mre.E.F.Neff of Salem is visiting
in town this week
Mr. H. Diwnlng of Lacomb Is visit
ing at Mr. Keen's this week.
Miss Edith Alderson of Salem ia vis
iting In town this week.
For bllllousness and headache Sim
mons Liver Regulator is tun best medi
cine the world ever saw. H. H. Jones,
Macon, Ga.
John Ledgerwood and Joseph Zim
merman made a business trip to Salem
Miss Sylvia Lacrolx la visiting in
Turner tnis week, she is the guest of
Dell Browning.
Frank Wrightman and wifeof Salem
were called to the bedside of his mother
who is seriously 111 at her home near
Dr. Golden and Lee Stelner and wife
of Salem made us a pleasant call Sun
day. John Craig of Macleay was seen on
our streets Monday.
bubllmity Is not going to be behind
this year. We are going to celebrate
the glorious Fourth in grand style, we
Invite everyone to come and have a
grand time.
At the Catholic church Tuesday,
June 27, Miss Aunle Zlmmermanh
aud George Spanoll. Rev. Father
Bentgen officiating.
The young couple will commence
housekeeping at Stayton, where the
groom is Interested in the milling bus
iness. A host of friends join tn wish
ing them a happy and prosperous life.
For Good Values and Low Prices Call on
Aseete for R. 4t G. Cbraeta Rati. In th. vnrM a tr ustoti xirr,
Rrealarerenth SXtj Adtent it errlot it
old Unitarian Hall oprxMlte or-rr hnoe,B.
lem. Kutor j. 8both school at lit. m
followed bj- Bible rradlrr and other Mrrtre.
Pnjtf meeting Wednedy 7a p. m. 6-17
A BARGAIN 16o acres with Improvement
over hair und.r cultivation, rest putoreand
come good Umber. Terms rery easr. Ad o. Iu AHH,
e-37-lndw WheaUand, Or.
FR SALE. 2 choice lot, i blocks south or
M. B. church, H em. Big bargain, or
wtU trade tor span el hones.
Booth Kolem.
WAN TED Single bone and bngxy to hire
for a. few weeks. Address -lElhinof-flce,
glvlag term. 6 C a
? talnlng& rooms, all famished. In a good
town, size oi lot lo-.xlSa fee, price ilooo cash,
balance oa rsjiT pa menu. For partlcalars
lcqulreoX PH1L.K. MiETZ. oTer (Colombia
Shoe Store, 116sUfSU 623
Oil Uf A-U HAVE OCWT8. All p-n
JL owing me, aotn or accounts thai are
overdue, of $&o or under, p ea-e pay up and
tave costs. JOilN HA VAGK, Hr.
6-a-dw 1W
TTtOK aALE. A Terr nlcelr located lou with
house, on MU1 street couth oi Wlljamette
university For terms and particulars, please
Inquire at thU oSloe. 5-S-lm
rnQIS PAPER Is kept on Ole at V.C Dace's
I Advertising grncy, M and 65 Merchants
Kxehasge.San FrancUo, California, where
contracts for adverVrlcg can b made for lu
HEJ.P WANTED. Agents paid a good com
mission, and tixo dividend among
tnem next winter. Special attractions o be
pushed this year for which we want tbe ser
vice of best agents evaryw ere.
Room 5 Chronicle BbUdlng,saa rrsneteco.
LX RC1ENCE Literature
of all
kinds on sale at 38 Liberty .street.
ATTENTION. Cash money paid for rags,
bottles, old Iron and ail kinds of metals,
swso hides, at old Court House, Kalem.
NOTICE is hereby riven that by authority
of an oidr Issued out of tbe County
Court of the State of O-rgonfor Marion coun
ty, on tbe 5th day of June, 1393, 1 will. s ad
ministrator of the estate of Duenna Boone,
Saturday 1he 29th day or July, 1893,
at 1 o'clock of sa d dsjr, sell at pubUa auction
to tbe highest bidder the righL title aDd in
terest of tald decedent In and to the following
des ribed lands, to-wlt: Lou Nos. 5 and 6 la
block So 51, In NoithSx'em, ilarion county,
Ot egon. as known by the recorded pUt or said
Norh&alem.inthe office or tbe recorder of
conveyances or sal i H rion county.
Tbe sale will be conducted at the west door
of the county Court House In Marion county
Orecon, terms of sat e. cash.
6-S-5t T.UHHAW.Alminlstrator.
The Rustler food Saw
And he dnesnt bum up half your wood. In
fuel, when he saws It. Make your contracts
with him personally or leave oruers at Veatchi
cigar store Dearborn's book storeyCS Hammer
street, or address me by man. 6-l U
partnership heretofore existing between
C. W. Hawks and P.CrLevar U Ibis day dis
solved by mutual conk-nt ; P. C. Levar retir
ing from the flrm. C V. Hawks wIU C" lect
all bill due aud pay out standing accounts
against the flrm. dlw-lil
A atmnsstj of Un tmvsU sack Ux. U imwt
tar feMlta. Ism ptna sapplr wb li sjitto
Ueks to ka tt ncnlsr. Co EekUtU wun
& Itm sad slr tfc OsasUHea brtxr tats
" " euur pins daTTTioarUUM yna of tk
naw wlluaplMfm.wlUl bas XSa. 8li
ivsrrsrksi. aotafcratCa, ytflftliljUls. r.
Bold by Btakett t Vn tSlype.
., . $
HJar J f
L V frt jlf A&
WLSsa n IM
asi hi lrsaYift:Jii'i';liasM