Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, June 28, 1893, Image 1

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Why pr 91 $ r,o a
month tre IJftll Pap am
when 70U n Kut iii Dally
Joirnul b Mail for 8ft !,
Met, a Mfimth jkjr J
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Tims U Otti.
VOL. 0.
"THE i'JfiOFLJfl'S PAPJflK."
HAXJfiM, OttJCUON. WKhM;H)AV, JUNK 28, iHlia,
"TO-JJAY'tf NJflWN TO-JA ."'
Nth Itfi.
Sulom makes a grout mistake in not celebrating this Columbian 4th, hut wo gunrantoa you
will make no mistake if you buy all your goods at the
J. W. THOMAS, 297 Com'l, St.,
Keeping Pace With the Times. - - -
Have your business accounts kepi in PERFECT books, suob nro
The Frcy Patent Flat Opening Books.
Books-that are worthy of the patronage and praise of , the. Government Of
ficials of the Btalo of Oregon, aud the greater portion of the merchautlle men
of the State, are surely deserving of a trial by everyone.
Manufactured In Oregon ONLY by The Meaton-Dygert Book Mfg. Co.,
Proprietors ot
Binders to the State of Oregon, Printers and Lithographers, Salem, Oregon.
H. W. COTTLE. & CO.,
General Insurance Agency.
Representing the following well-known and reliable Cempanies:
BTATE IN3URANGK CO., jEtna Insurance Co.,
Traders' Insurance Co., ban Insurance Co..
National Insurance Co., Westchester Klre Ins. Co.,
Lion Klre Insurance Co., Imperial Klre Insurance On.,'
London Lancashire Fire Ins. Boa, London Assurance Corporation,
Alliance A.aurarjce Co., Norwich Union Fire Ins.Soo.
Oldest and Leading Firm In the City Devoted Exclusively to Insurance,
Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture. Long Experience in the trade
enables me to turn out first-class work. Samples of coverings. No trouble to
give estimates. State Insurance block, Cbemektta street.
Lamoureux's Stables,
At the Commercial street bridge near Willamette Hotel. New Block and ve
hicles being added constantly. Only the best service rendered. No shabby
rigs nor poor horses. H. L. LAMOTJREUX, Proprietor.
Ed. C.
The undersigned will sll at the Bargeant
Lodging House In Opera House block, July
If, 1KM. Any one having baggage there Is re
quwled to get same before sale.
On easy terms and cheap. A 20 acre orchard
on Huuny, bide No. one. 3 miles south
of Baiem. -
Have bad 18. years experience training fr
track or carriage. Terms reasonable. Can be
found at WeataooU's stable, or address Halem.
6-6-lm JAMEd KING.
BALBM, - Oregon
PrlTfcU work a specialty.
0, V. CLXMJEKT, ynWf
-Whoro will always bo' found a nice
Spraying Offifife,
'State Street.
Wholesale and Retail
Dealer in Frcsli, Salt and
Smoked Meats of allKiiids
93 Court and
110 State Streets.
Electric Lights
Oh Meter System.
andareno.wsble o ofler the pqbllo a betwr
light than any sy.lem and at a rate lower
than any city on the ceast.
Arc and Incasdcscent Light
ing. Electric Meters for all
purposes where power Is re
quired. Resiliences can be wired for as many llghU
as desired and the consumers pay for only
such llgnU s are used. This being registered
by on Electrlo Meter, Offloe
179 Commercial St,
lino of-
Official Bulletin for Oregon Week
Ending Juno 27.
Heavy rain fell In Lane, Douglas,
Josephine aud Jackson counties on the
22d, which ranged from .25 td 1.40
lucbes. The frosts on the 18th and 19th
were general In the southern counties
aud are the latest on record.
The wheat crop will be an average
one, possibly moro. The growth indi
cated 30 to 40 bushels to the acre while
at the present time from 25 to 30 bush
els per acre is indicated. Fall wheat is
out of possible danger, Its oonditlon
would be improved by warmer weather
and sunshine. Spring grain is from 4
to 10 Inches high and is the most
seriously aflectod by the laok of sun
shine. The cool weather retards
growth. Clover is being cut for hay,
it is very heavy; timothy is not so heavy
Corn is Hot doing well, owing to the
cool nights and lack of warmth during
the day. Strawberries are. yet very
plentiful. Cherries are ripening slowly,
tbey will be a short crop. Potatoes are
growing well and a large yield Is in
dicated. Hops have good upward
growth, hut growth is slow,
due to the cool, cloudy weather, more
than to preventative action. . The hop
Hue are not present to uo alarm lug ex
tent; in some yards spraying has com
menced. Prunes and plums oontinue
to be reported as belli 4 a large crop, the
same for berries, while peaches,' apples
and pears will not be an average crop,
the increase in bearing acreage will,
however, materially Increase the total
produot. Haying will be general by
the close of the week. Stock is in ex
cellent condition. Oats, barley, rye,
buckwheat, onions, and garden truck
promise good yields; but would be im
proved by sunshine.
Weather In the Columbia river val
ley counties the weather has been clear
to partly cloudy, comparatively low
temperatu re, brisk and dry northerly
winds. On the 22d rain fell In north
eastern Umatilla county, and on the
night of the 25th rain fell in Umatilla
and northern Morrow couutles. In the
Interior counties, on the, higher Nova
tions, 2,000 feet and upwards, light
rain on the 22d. The moan tempera
ture ranged from 60 to. 04 degrees, as
against 55 to 63 degrees of the week
Crops In Wasco, Sherman, Gilliam,
Morrow and western Umatilla counties
rain is badly needed. Rye la being cut
for hay. The first crop of alfalfa is
being cut In the Interior counties. The
corn is in need of warmer weather.
The cherries In the river couutles are
ripening, butarenot over J of a crop.
The peach crop iudicatea about i a crop.
The berry crop will be very large. The
wild bay crop Is fully up to the averago
and a good winter supply of feed can
be secured on the ranges. Stock is In
prime condition. Sheep shearing has
jbeen finished In all of the counties, and
a large wool clip 01 excellent staples
has been secured,
Portland, June 23. Wheat valley,
91.121fl.18, Walla Walla fl.02J
San Francisco, June 28, Wheat
weak, December f 1.301, seller 5.03, now
Chicago, June 28. Vihm 04Jj Sep
tember Q9
CXKVexAND, Ohio, June 28. The
Prohibition state convention met Ibis
morning and adopted the usual resolu
Qraro Offence; Hlnioil nt iw (ho
Dcmnnds from all (Jimrtcra for a
Session 6f Congress. t
Washington, Juno 28. Tho presi
dent this morning summarily removed
from office James Lotan, collector of
cuatoniB, at Portland Oregon. This un
usual action Is taken on receipt this
morning of a telegram from special
agents of tho treasury department, who
liavobcou engaged sorno time in In
vestigating tho fradulent practices pre
vailing in the Pugct Sound and Port
land districts. The telegram stated
they had Information of tho intended
landing at Portland of a largo number
of Chinese coolies. Lotan is summari
ly dismissed, hjs deputy Is placed in
charge, and will continue, to net until
Rlack, the Hew collector, qualifies.
Cleveland's Chinese Policy.
Washington, Juue 23. Inquiry at
the troaaury department discloses the
fact that tho aggregate fund available
for the carrying out of the Chinese ex
clusion act, Including the Oeary law, is
$05,000 on July 1st. A announced by
Secretary Carlisle, the policy of the ad
ministration will be in view of the lack
of funds to rid the country of all Chi
nese who have entered unlawfully In
Violation ot previously existing laws,
before' endeavoring to send out Chinese
who came lu lawfully but are now un
der the bane of the Geary law, because
they failed to comply with ltd require
ments ot registration etc
Demands for OonmresB.
Washington, June 28. Secretary
Carlisle's mull this morning was loaded
down with letters from bankers, com
mercial men and others calling on the
president to convene congress In extra
session to consider financial legislation.
The pressure is great, but there is semlr
official authority for the statement that
oougres9 will not be convened before
Hill Has An Organ.
AiiBANY,.N. Y June 28. Tho court
of appeals has afllrmed the decision of
the lower court giving tho friends of
Senator Hill control of tho Albany Ar
gus. They expect to take possession
today. Cleveland men will probably
start a new daily in the president's in
Stocks in Now York.
New York, June 28. The announc-
ment of further failures pf banks and
other corporations and Individuals
throughout the west aud Northwest,
has destroyed t lie good feeling which
was such a prominent characteristic
yesterday on tho stock market. The
failures lod to selling b toe Us for western
account. A further dettllub in silver to
71 cents has added to the bearish feel
ing. Heavy Hoosier Failure.
Bedvoiu), Ind., June 27. Tho Bed-
iord Stone Quurriea company, the lurg.
est producers of Colltio limestone lu
the world, have made an assignment.
Inability to realize iu time to meet
maturing obligations Is given as the
cause. Beyond JOOO.OOO lu required.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by locul applications, aa they cannot
reach the deceased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure Deafueas,
and that Is by couBtltutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by au inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube
gets iufltttned you have a rumbling
bound or imperfect hearing, ana wheu
It is entirely eluded Deafness la the re
sult, and unless the Inflammation can
be taken out and Ibis tube restored to
its normal conaltion.hearing.wlil be de
stroyed forever; iilue cases out of teu
are caused by catarrh, which la nothing
but an luuameu couuiuon or the
mucous surfaces.
W will give One Hundred Dollars
for any ewe of Deafuesa (caused by
catarrh) that caunot be cured by llall's
Catarrh cure, rami lor circular, jree,
P. J. CHENEY, ic Co., Toledo, O.
HrJold by Druggist, 76c.
For chaugoof diet with TUTT'8
lllonnt Wjll No. Obiarro Jnly 4th
Americana In Honolulu Excltad.
UoHot.vt.Vt Juno 2fl,-Theri are no
new development In politic, but Amer
ican (otiguni aro Wagging In a vigorous
manner at Minister Mount' refusal to
participate In tho coming fourth of
July celebration. Mr, Mount given as
tho reason for his policy of standing
aloof that ho believes tho political sit
urtlonhorrr so peculiar that It would
not bo becoming In him to take part In
any public colebratlon, Aow that hopo
of becoming a part of tho, United
Stated Is nn the wano, leading monMn
charge of tho government have appar
ently decided that If annexation falls
thoy will not Accept tho protectorate
until overtures have been made to Eng
land to secure a stable government,
Iron Mines Shutting Down.
Cleveland, Ohio, June 28. On ac
count of the great depression In tho
Iron oro trado, one after an other of the
great iron mines In tho upper Michigan
peninsula are shutting down Indefinite
ly, Theso mines employ thousands of
men and are practically tho solo sup
port of whole towns in the peninsula.
Wool Market.
San Francisco, Juno 28. Wool-
There 1b no business locally. Mendoci
no wools, oflered last week at Uklab
and Cloverdaie, woro sold at rango of
13 to Mo per pound. The quantity was
'not large, probably not over 200,00tt
pounds, The range of prices named is
at an averago of 60 per pound lower
than theso wools brought at tho same
points last years. Dealers do not look
for any trade of consequence hero until
after congress has indicated what it is
going to do, if anything.
Chicago, Juno 28. The Oregon com
missioner has received an exhibit
whioh, when placed on vlow in the
fisheries, building, attracted muoh atten
tion.. It was a salmon weighing soven-
ty-flve pounds frozen in a solid piece of
Eugene, Juno 8. A 14-year old girl
named Baker, whllo riding homo from
school was thrown from her horse, and,
becoming tangled in the baiter rope,
was dragged some distadceand literally
torn to pieces. She died before assist
ance could reach her.
Portland, Juno 28. H. A. Smith,
sherlfT of Clatsop county, was here and
had a conference with H. C. Grady, the
new U. S, marshal. Ho afterwards ad
mitted that ho had been 'offered the
chief deputy'shlp but had declined it
owning to having.anolher year to serve
as sherifl, and when that Is over ho will
drop out of politics altogether.
Portland, Juno 23. RaceB ntthe
Alblna track Tuesday resulted as fol fel fol
eows: FivoFurlones Verdo Paufwon, Des.
chutes second, Vaugevan third; time,
One Mile Arkrow won, Nipper so
cond. Wild Oats third, time. 1:14
Trotting, 2:50 class Hamrock won,
Alta A. second, Fred Sherman third,
time, 2:20.
Washington, Juno 28 John C.
Boyd Is plaintiff in a suit commenced
In the circuit court against Mrs. Joso-
phlne J. Allen, World's fair commis
sioner from Oregon, ana her husband,
Ethan W. Allen. .It Is claimed tho de
fendants by word of mouth and letters
written wore instrumental in prevent
ing Boyd's being put In charge of tho
hortlpultural display In tho Oregon
building at the world's fair grounds.
As a result Boyd estlmaU his pecuni
ary loss by falling to secure the position
and the detriment whioh bis good name
has suflered thereby at 120,000. The
trouble, It Is said, had its orlglu during
the cotton exposition at New Orleans
several years ago where Mr. Allen had
charge of the Oregon exhibit. .
Tho Prospect hill school gavoa picnic
on June 17, at the close of the term, on
the summit of the bill and the grove or
oaks, Superintendent Graham opened
the exercises with a short address to the
pupils. A program of muslo, declama
tions followed by a basket dinner and
games, etc., made an enjoyable occas-
slon-foroldand young.
Miss Birdie Cole has proved a teach
er of rare excellence and won the love
of her pupils and respect of the com
munity, We wish her success In he
higher position Aurora citizens have
promoted her to.
Miss Dolllo Culver U boms from B
lam to spend vacation.
Highest of alt In Iavenfni; Power.- latest If, 5 Gov't Report
Governor of Alaska Other Im
portant Places Filled.
And Glevoland Names a Former
Ofllco Holder.
Othor Important Appointments Made
by the ProBldont.
Washington, Juno 28.- Tho presl-
dent today made tho followlnguppolut
ments: Commodore A. W. Weaver,
rear admiral, vice Harmony, retired;
James Sheakle, of Alaska, governor of
Alaska; C. Btrauhan, surveyor goneral
of Idaho; -register of tho land oinco, at
La Grande, Or., Bonj. F. Wllsoq.
Chicago Takes the Oako.
Chicago, Juno 28. According to an
estimate on tho basis of tho new Chioa
go Directory just out, Chicago Is now
the largest city in the country. The
editor of that publication makes tho to
tal population 2,100,000.
Charged With Murder.
Ban Erancisoo, Juno 28. At an
early hour this morning Martin O'Nell,
foreman at the Union IrQU.Wfir,k8,.was
booked In tho city prison on charge of
murder. O'Nell and a woman known
aj Klttlo entered the baokroomofa
saloon on Water front. Half an hour
later the woman was found unconscious
having been maltreated and assaulted
In a horrible manner. She died on the
way to the hospital.
Heavy Wheat Shipments.
New York, Juno 28. A morning
papor says: The enormous export of
wheat from this port during the last
few weeks has created a demand for
canal boats whioh far more than oquuls
the supply. Engagements for freight
room have already been made at Atlan
tic ports alono for 10,000,000 bushels
which will go abroad within tho next
80 to 45-days. This aggregates 21,000,
000 bushels of wheat shipped since May
27, to bo exported within a few weeks,
Is equivalent to a draft upon tho banks
of Europe for over 510,600,000.
A Number Killed and .Wounded
Battle With Guards.
SA'CHAMEHTO, Cftl., Juno 28, At 8:80
Tuesday afternoon at tho Folsom prison
a gang of convicts consisting of George
Sontag, coubIu of John Bontag, tho
bandit, and Itussell Williams, Bon Wil
son and Charlie Abbott, life timers,
and a ten year conyict named Dalton,
suddenly seized Frank Brlare, lieuten
ant of the guard, put 11 pistol to Ills
head and started together to run up the
bill. Before reaching tho top of (ho
bill it developed they had two Win'
cheater and an additional revolver,
which had been concealed among tho
rooks. Up to this timo tho guards had
been unablo to shoot iaa.Bilaro was In
the grasp of tho would-be escapes, and
tbey were all closely bunched together
so that a shot might mean death to
Just boforo reaching tbo summit of
tho hill Brlare jerked away and tho
guards opened fire from all directions
The convicts took to the rocks, con
cealed themselves as best thoy could
and returned the fire as rapidly as pos
slble. The regular guard was soon re
inforced by reserves from the prison
and a terriflo fight took place which
lasted half an hour. After about thirty
minutes one of tho convicts held up his
bat on his rllle as. a token of surrender
and Warden Aull, Captain Murphy
and a few guards advanced to the con
vicU' stroughold, where they found
Williams, Wilson and Dalton stretched
dead on the ground, George Soutag
was badly wounded by three or four
bullets. Ho had ono bad shot through
the body and two through the thigh,
Abbott was groaning with a broken leg.
At tho beginning of tho fight two
prisoners not trying to escape were
wouuded but thoy wore Immediately
carried Into 'tho prison by other coa
vlcts. None of the prisoners escaped,
uor woro any of the guards Injured lu
tho sorlmmage.
Tho killed are as follews: A. Diltoti,
flvo years, burglary, first degree, Sao
Francisco; Hy. Wilson, twenty' yeatu,
burglary, Bolono county; Frank Will
lanu, Uulted States convict, life, San
Francisco. .
Tho wouuded are George C. Contant,
alias Soutag, sentenced for life lor rob
bery, Fresno county, right log badly
broken in 6 two places and left leg
wounded In thigh, will lose his log and
probably his llfo; buries Abbott, life
sentenco for murder, San Francisco,
shot In tho thigh, ankle braked, several
shots about body and faco. Tho follow
ing tw men woro wounded accidental
ly: Thos. Soholl, San FranoIsQo, fatal
ly shot through abdomen ;Joseph Duffy,
San Francisco, flesh wound In let;.
You feol faiut and week In th atom'
ach no appotite. Take Simmons Liv
or Regulator
In Spain the Dnko of Veragua Is pop
ularly known as tho bo3t breeder of bulls
for bullfights.
David McCoy of. Redlands, southern
California, has celebrated bis ono hun
dred and second birthday. Ho has been
an oxtensivo travelor.
Tho principal of tho school In which
tho Into Bishop Brooks once served asaif
ushof predicted, when tho latter entered
tho ministry, that ho would bo a failure
as a clergyman.
Ono of tho youngest nontenants in the
army is Will Wallace, son of tho lato
postmaster at Indianapolis (General Har
rison's first law partner) and a nophew
of Gonoral Low Wallace.
Hortonsiae, tho Roman orator, had a
memory so wonderful that, on a wager,
ho spent a wholo day at an auction and
at night repeated all tho sales, tho prices
and tho names of tho buyers.
Princo Bismarck is determined to
.never grow bent. Whonjtaking his daily
walk, ho curries a stout cudgel across his
back, held botwoon his elbows. This
helps him to keop himself erect,
Governor John E. Osborno of Wyom
ing is only 84, a doctor hy profession,
very good looking, of pleasing address,
and wont from Vormont wost notne 14
years ago, though n natlvo of Now York.
Bishop Franknoj of Bnda-Pesth, who
has spent Home timo In tho Vatican libra
ries searching for documents relating to
Hungurian history, has ho6n askod by.
tho popo to tako charge of tho library al
together. Nicholas Welsh, un olovator boy In
Jersey City, was elected a justice of tho
poaco. No ono wanted tho office, and
his naino wua put on tho tlckot as a joke.
Tho joko was mudo complete by his un
expected election. lie is S3 years old and
technically eliglblo.
W. T, Kcogh will send "Tho
Alarm" out again next season.
Fredorick Paulding o,nd MoidaCralgen
will taboo Bhakespcaro during their joint
starring tour next season,
Edward Lesllo has boon engaged to
play tho part of Gilllgan in Edgar Sel
den's "A Scandal In High Life."
Delia Fox denies that sho is to star
next year. She says that her present en
gagement is good enough for her.
Thero havo never been so many sum
mer opera companies as -during this sea
son, Many of them aro excollent too,
ho Prodigal Daughter," tho English
steeplechase melodrama, has scored an
empliatio hit at tho American theater,
New York,
As most of tho shrewd managers pre
dicted, Chicago has proved a regular
theatrical graveyard since tho opcnlsgof
tho World's fair.
T. Henry French's now American the
ater iu New York is considered by many
competent judges tho finest structure ot !
Its kind In the United States. !
Louiso Natal! and Mme. HatenM, Mm
prima donnas of Hinrich's Gmh4 Open
company, havo precipitated a swall war
by a quarrel over a drthag recm
Don't lose time. aud. make yesl
worse with pills and oil. TsJm Stat-.
mens juver iieguiawr,