Tpyw,. . , wtww tjmft, . i,jji .' "turn a. v liWt'' ii J - . ? MafMMMmi Ws&s&irmml&r Om cf the let hwwa'lttiliwiaKvJji Cafeago, repmoatatlTs cf tnygret. grauitrgft OA HEADACHE. SLEEPLESSNESS, NERVOUS PROTAATIMf. Dr. Jfttea JtVtJWe 0., JHWkfl r Jfnd. Qcntleinen: I take pleasure In informing yon of the very bensaclal results which havefoUotred the use or D. Miita Rcctonativs Nekvinc In tbo case of myself end wifoT; For aivear I was iudioci v a ainrcsging- pun lit mo uise or the brain and upper portion of the spinal cord. I wo kOSt txen m -b " ,- " uesa ana m greauy CU R F D troubled with sleeplessness. " S S Baa Be? Vnnr Nan-inn hlvhlv "" " "" ""' Your Nemno was highly recommended to me. I uyctxahad becnBOnbttt. nato that I bad no confidence In the efficacy of any medicine. Tot aa a last resort X contented to SfSTHOUSANDS aINIO TWCKT MONDt, ALL THIS OCCURRCO rR LCARNCQ AND WtlL KNOWN PHVSICiajLB. NaqraiLCD. My wllblB taking the BCTTine wIDS inebeat of results. lovn D. XMDunxxx. SOLD ON A POS'lTIVE-OUARANTCC TRY DR. MILES' PILLS. 50 DOSES 25 CTS. told by D. J. Fry, id'ruggist, Halem.? World's Fair, Chicago. HOTEL - - calumet Avonuo ana Situ btreet. FlroDroof ! 241 ruems: near Fair u reunds: bains on every uoor. American and European plans. RlMIIRnPT'ltoKB1)'- First-class family. unnviiwi a noiBi. nmoiorcircuiiu.- PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS OAKDS. P. n. D'AKOY GEO. O. BINGHAM. Ti'AttOY A BIN&HAM.t Attorneys at JUaw, If Hoonis 2 and 8, DArcy Building.-141 Suite street. Special attention given to oust-, ness In the Bupreme and circuit court of the suite. 2 11 R P. BOISE. Attornty at low, Balem, Ore ,tron. Ufllce 274 Commercial street. TIL.MON FORD, Attorney at law, Balem, Oregon. Office up stairs in Fatten block H J. B1QQKR, Attorney ai law.Salem, Ore gon. Office over Bush's bank. J J. BUAW. M.W.HUNT. SHAW&UUNT . Attorneys at law. Office over Capital National bank, Baleuif Oregon. CI T. KICUA HDSON, Attorney atlaw. . Of j. flco up stairs la front roams 6t new Busli block, corner Commercial and' Court 'streets, Balem, Oregon. JOHN A. CAItiON, Attorney at law, rooms 8 and 4, Bush bank building, Balem, Or. 11. f. BONHAM. W. H. HOEMEB BONHAM-& UOliMES, Attorneys nt law Office in Bush block, between State ana court, on Com uoerclfll.s tree t, Mil. 1'OeUE. Htvupgrapher ai . writest 'Best equipped typew Use but one in Oregon. Over Bus! and Tjdo- ewnunir oi-: ush's bank, tjaiem, uregon. QTELLA BHEBMAN.-Typewriting and, ij uuuiuicivmi BicuugruiJuy. niju 11, urajr block. JK1 rut-class work. Hates reasonable. Q O. BROWNE, AI: D., Physician and Hur O. geon. Office, Murphy blouk; residence, 48tt, Lommerclal street. ER.T O. BMITH, Dentist, 92 State Btreet Salem, Oregon. Finished dental opera, is of everyv description. Painless I opera tions a specialty. , T D. EUQH, .Architect, plans, speciaca- T r uons ana superintendence lor an classes ol buildings. Office 290 Commercial street, up stairs. c. A. ROBERT, Architect, room 424, Mar quara building, Portland; Oregon. P. J. LARSEN & CO., Manufacturer of Wagons, Car riages, etc. Rcpalrinn; a Speolalty. Bbop 45 State streeti T)ROTECfION lODQE NO. 2 A.O.J7. W. I Meets in their hall In Btate Insuranc building, every Wednesday evening. Ai w; DENNIS, M. W. J. A. BEL WOOD, Recorder. Deutscher Advocat. POSTOFFICE BLOCK, - - SALEM, 0flr Admitted to practice in all the courts. Bpeclal attention given to German speak ing i eople and business at the county and stato offices. K. IIOKER, Notary Public. Authorized Capital $600,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Balem, Oregon. W.A CUSIOK; Prea. W. W. MARTIN, yioe Btate, County and City WarranH bought at Par. dw MONEY TO LOAN On Improved Real Estate, In ambunts and" time to suit- No delay In considering loans, FEAR & FORD, Boom 12, Bash.. Dank block. 8 lldw II P. M. CARS. 1 1 p. m. Cars leave Hotel and 1'ostoffice dally for Asylum, I'cnitciitiary and Cemetery oh Capital City Railway. Car leaves 5 a m., conncc ingvfith Overland train aa4 cars leave Hotel every 20 minutes; frew 6:20 a.aa. to 11 p. m. for- H peiNtaHitke tike esct'i)tlafCcmeteryCar,TakeH off to iHcoi lssaer-'r?ali8. fwem ftr k r Trade. On euy terms, four miles east cf Sublimity, WHiw 8ubUlty,0r. gll!JLH.JilJlU'fJliaRlUJ.WJ3UJiUJ'JjaHM-'j,lJJJI HONDURAS neVOLUTIONS. ffatirea'Afw Tlr'od of'Tliim, arM Thy A. true f.MU Attention. ' Tlio political condition of Spanish Hon (lnrnn Is represented by returning trnr clorn from that.llttlo romiblla to bo In n Tory disturbed rjondilion. Business Ik flnsMtlad, nnd pending nn Adjustment of tho prosont difficulties no liopo for An amelioration of tlio existing stato of Af fairs can safoly bo entertained. Tlio ln tcrnal strife now prevailing there can not, It'ls nalclj Irt dignified with'thd namo of rovolutfon, It consists more bf war ring factions, each eager to servo .his country for 'tho monoy. thero maybe In It for hltnsolf and his supportcra. A fow resolnto men well onnlnpcd with fluns and ammtulltlon and under go6d leadership could easily wipo out tho ma landing gang of political disturbers, whoso acts of brigandogo nro rotartllng hej growth of tho country, agitating tlfOso who liato invested their catiital dlerowith assurances that theywbuld havo a fair prospect of, getting, good re turns ana precipitating generally disrup tion and demoralization. Tho native Honduranean of tho lower order is represented to be not much above tho bruto, creation, being lazy, slothful and shiftless, with not enough pride or- self respect to keep himself clean. The ujjper classes aro tolerably well bred, but such finished adopts in duplicity and misrepresentation that they are,.as a. rule, utterly, unworthy of belief. This is tho statement irdad6 ton reporter by a gentleman whojhas ;only recently returned frotrii Honduras,' who is' familiar with tho people t.and their habits and who is a man of largo means. "If you should ever go to Honduras," 1 6aid he, "go there without, a.cent. If j'ou'do ,this,you will como.away no poor er than'swhen you put f let upon their soil, but if you go there with money you will inevitably be robbed. Tho people there will either steal from you outright or through tho mockery of rtho (tribunals Which thoy tqrm courts." Tho height of ambition of tho average Honduranean is to have a few silver coins in his pockets. When this meta morphosis takes placo in his condition, he works no longer, interests himsolf no further in anything which might' cause him to exercise cither his hands or his brains, but :slecpily and drowsily con soles himself with tho cheap rum which is tho native drink. This stuff, made from sugar cano juico, is strong enough to burn a hole in a bar of railroad iron. The) banana is the diet of tho poorer1 Classes, uney gorge tnemseives wun this fruit, which can bo easily obtained for 'almost nothing, and wash down the primitive nourishment with a glass or two of tho sugar cano liquqr. Tho com bination would, kill an ostrich. Now Orleans'Timos-Democrat. Educated Washington Women. The first thing which strikes a woman from New York or Chicago on sottling in tha.fiuency withwhich every one sno meetsjspeaus a renem m half the drawing rooms she enters she might as wel Paris. -She goes into a' bookshop, nnd half the things she sees are in French. -It is really embarrassing. She feels at once the need of brushing up her vocabulary and fortifying her store of irregular verbs, Whshington women speak French as a matter of course, and very good French too. A woman without tho samo accomplish ment feels almost as ill at ease as if her gown were cut badly. This is only one of many gaps which her money will not nil, aiidyn sheer desperation th'omorti-v fiod .stranger calls in a teacher. Knowledgo is tho fashion. A. small matter that, you may say, bnt significant of- other things. The butterfly woman from New York, whoso society stock; in: trade consists of skim ming; from ' the latest -novels and plays, gown's ''from the Rue do la Pate and a reservoir of superficial gush, is amazed to hear Washington Hvomen italking about prison reform, our publio school system-or the Behring sea. controversy. And they not only talk on such subjects naturally and without any suspicion of posing, but they know what they are talkingabout. It is no longer sufficient- to throw out a smilingly carq est remark about some book of Ibson's and trust to fate that tho woman you. aro.talking to is as ignorant of it as you are. Oh, no; tho odds aro against you in Washington. Sincerity is the fashion. Washington StarJ Obliged to Serve as a Juror Harrison Reed, a modest young farm er residing near Kokbino, Ind., started to Delphi Tuesday, expecting to bo niar ried that evening to a young lady of that place. While at Logansport, where ho had to-, chongo cars, tho county-sheriff called on Uim. toervo as a juror in an embezzlement case about to bo tried, Tho rural young man protested, but tho officer would accept no excuse, and Reed waa held there fonr days. On his release ho continued his jour noy and when, ho arrived at Delphi ho found the family in a high state of in dignation, the expectant bride refusing to see. him and ordering. him oil the premises; Reed was compelled to return hema without his bride ,adjtaow threatens a damago'suit agtihwt .kS court officials for detaining k&.--Corj Ban Francisco Examiner. Tbe Haroaeaa da Rotfasdtlld. The Baroness Nathaniel de Rothschild ippeared on tho drive at Cannes tho other morning handling tho rulnaovera.i mag nificent four-in-hand aad drssaed su perbly. She was wearing som sort of black gown as impossible to analyse as a complex piece of French cookery. All that remained after she had passed was the impression of its exquisite outlines all but tho tiny bonnet on her- bead. Its sell, sod chief ornament 'silbotHjttintf Itself against the blue waters of Hapoule and becoming distinct to the eye. It wu In its consequential part a aemictrcnlar fan of black lace that stood above the forehead and radiated from an faomou. carbuncle. From this center radiate tieo eptees set witb smalt toBe.-ra Letter. i JDVJSlNXtNfff. eAtf?AJ IlftftNXf, .UICaDAMttJJbTJiJ 117, 1W0. ODOa-ANP EN08, Two per cont of ma watnr Is common salt. An oyster may carry M many a),000, 000 eggs. Remove Ink from white goods with a ripe tomato. At Roman feasts nil viands woro sorved In hot chafing dlihos. "Qod keep us from roa, flro and wom en," say tho Sicilians. Rather bo called the children's friend than tho world's king, Tho mariner's compass was a Chinese InvontiOn in 1200 B. C. To bo proud and inaccosslblo is to bo timid and weak. Massillon. A heart lino in tho hand pale nnd broad shows a hoartlesa debauchee. Starfish have tho power to -change their color to that of surrounding obr jcots. It takes 100 gallons of oil a (year to keep a largo ized' locomotive in running order. A man sees' nothing thisWdO bf hcav 'en that ho so reverences as h6 does n good woman. A woman may say sharp words, but sho is sure soon to-flndtbat.ihat?edis sharpor. A sedentary occupation is tq a -certain degreo .unnatural and, must, bo off sot by exercise. Tlio, bones and muscles of . tho. human body aro capable of over 1,200 different movements. Kentucky .leads all tho other southern states in .number of her, women school commissioners. Greek temples erected in honor of the superior- deities'wero always uncovered or open to the sky. No one dies because ho does too much work. Many a man dies becauso he works tho wrong way. According to life -insurance statistics, tho average of man's'lifo has increased S per cent dnringtho last 23 years. Mount Vomon took its namo from Ad miral Vernon of tho English navy, with whom Lawrence Washington-served. If tho modern" woman does not laugh in her sleeve, it is not becauso there is no room therein .to accommodate tho cochin -nation. So small is the thread carried by tho spindle -ofitho .phonograph that tho proc ess of threading requires tho aid of a 'mechanical dovico. Women In .the Pulpit. There seems o bo no objection whotr ever to woman taking control of Sunday schools, benevolent institutions, church fairs, festivals and all other means of caring for the flocks and fillingthoecclo siastical exchequer, but when it comes to womon in the pulpit theve is trouble at bnco. This is only another of tho rel ics of barbarism. In old. times if tho ohurcbiceu.ldget control of the women and.littlot children they felt pretty sure of their ability to rnanago tho rest .of tho-human family. ' Halfia, century" ago a wonmn, doctor was scarcely recognized in reputable cir cles, nnd a woman lecturer was.O: mon strosity. Contrasting that date with the present and taking noto of the chango in sentiment fromonodeendetb another, it is scarcely too inuchito expeothat by another 60, -years we -shall see a most wopderfnl revolution in matters of 'this sort. Ifis safe to-'prcdict that before the ,end ofth. first, decade' of the next con- jury rue woman, preacner wm do no more,of,a,novelty than, tho wpman dpc tornow..i8 Woman is specially fitted for'such work, and even were sho, not so it would, be. only the strictest kindiof justice to givoiher- some of the honor as well ost most1 of tho hard work of the church. When once it dawns fully upon the, minds of tho pooplo of 'this genera tion that there is no sex in intellect or moral achievement, the first and most difficult partof, this, knotty .prphlenj.wiU, hayo been-solved. By all means open.. tho pulnit, doors to women, ns well, as, those,. of-he Sunday; school room,i tbpiospital and the.oxecur. ttvo committee. Now York keagoT. ilawanti) PrptaetioA. Tho prisoner at tho bar was a prisoner not so .much, possibly, because ho had knocked, a,, roan, dowa on tho4dghway and robbed him,. as that he. had been, caught-in tho act by the polico and, brought tboro. In any event bo was there, and tho policeman in the unro-. mantle manner of policemen had nar rated tho circumstances. "You hear what tho officer says," said thq pourt sternly. "Ho states, that you knocked the man down and robbed, Wm, Whathayo youito.say?" "Nothing, your honor, that part," responded the- prisoner, "but I-want to deny emphatically certain aspersions ho boa cast on my character, your honor." "Indeed? And what are thoy, pray?" inquired the court sarcastically. "Why, your honor, he, said he believed I came from Chicago and hod been run ning a feed factory on the World's' fair grounds. I hope, your honor, that I am still entitled to protection against cal umny." The court, having been at tho World's fair opening' week, made the officerJapob ogse at onco.-r Detroit Free Press. Alcohol aa m Pick Ho Up. When yon are traveling, alcohol is in valuable. After a long, dusty journey there Is nothing more refreshing than the; odor of rose scented alcohol, and ap plication of the saturated flannel to the face will rub out the tired wrinkles as wefl as the accumulated dust and per spifation and leave, your face fresh and spqtlessly clean. After a tiresome shopping expedltiosv it is the best thing imaginable, to brie. up your color and your spirits, for lunch. and the matinee. In fact, it is just ono of those never failing helps that a wom an .always likes to. bive at hand, and if. once you learn its value yon will fool that it is a necessary adjunct to yo"r toilet taUj4ih4d. New. Yor Commercial Advertiser, ry VajL., -SRRflBi Jfcfr. Oeo. It. Ttorner Simply Awful Wdrat Case of Scrofula tho Doc tors Ever Saw GomfleUly Cured by HOOD'S BASlSAPAJtlLLA. "When I was 4 or 5 years old I had a losofulous sore on tho middle finger of my left hand, which got so bad that the doctors cut tbo finger off and later took off more thata halt my hand. Then the sore broke out on my arm, cams out on my neck and face, nearly destroying the, sight of ono eye, alip on my right arm. Doctors said It was The Worst Case of Scrofula they ever saw. It was slmpty nwfal! Fiw years ae6 rbeean to take Hood's 8ar saparllHw Gradually, the sores began to heal. ' I kept on till l had taken ten bottfcs, ten dollars! Just.fiilnk-o( what o, return I. got for that Investment! A thousand percent! Yes, many thousand. For the post years I havo had no lorei. X . Work All, the Tlmo Before, I eonld do. no work. I know not what to say strong enough to express my gratltudo to nood's Barsaparlila for my per fect euro."1 GEonaBiW.TunNKn, Farmer, Gaway, Saratoga county, N. Y. HOOD'S PILLS do not weaken, but aid dig jtton snd ten the stomach. Try tham. Skin Food. Ladles who puffer from Culling Winds and bcorching ,bun viliflnd. Mrs. Harrison's Lola Montez Creme The 8kln Food, The best remedy for keeping the face-cool and free fmm Irrita tion, as It sooths and comforts thesklnand pieymts frecxles or HUDbu n, it is not a beaullflerbut a skin restorative and pre nriwiofj 1uu.rttU servative. It a. lltt'e Montez Oeme Is rubbed In the skin and thnroneblv, wined off uraln. lust before nonlvlllE- nowdir. thM mmnltilnii ,wlll be softer, and .the powder will remain longer.- dealdes preventlne the nowder from dngging the pores of the.,sKln- Prlra75 cculs. For pale by FltED.ltopj Druggist, Patton Block, r Sa)ein,r Ore. i For any special or .complicated blemish of facepr form, write MRS. NEHIB: HARRISON, AMKBIOA'S BkAUTV BOCTOB, 26 Geary Bt., Baa Francisco, Cal. Superfluous Hair Permanently Removed. The LINE That- LEADS: ALL OTHERS FOLLOW. THROUGH TRAINS LEAVING Portland?;; 3 1 DAYS to CHICAGO flniipo the Quickest to Chicago and Wm the East. HOUH ?u'c'(er to Q$$. and Kan Pullman and Tourist Sleepers, Free Reclin ing Chair Cars, Dining Cars, for; rajes nnd general Information call on or address, W H. IIUIU'OORT, ABst,G,T.A. 2 wasningion uu, VOHfLAHV. (IKKi.tO"-. From Terminal or Interior Points the Is the line to take To all Points East aai South, It Is the dining car route. It rnna through vestibule trains; every day In the year to ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO (Noehenge of cars.) Composed of dlnlngcara ansurpaaaed, Pnlfinan drawing room sleeper Of latest equfprntat TOURIST Sleeping Cars. Best that can be constructed and In which acoommodatlana are both tree and tar nished for holders of first and second-clAM tickets, ana ELEGANT DAY COACHES. Aooatlnnois Dot coiin3tlni with 11 llB.aordln rt-rnot ao uatnUrrupted aertfea. Pullman sl ' "'a'lonaeau beee eared In advt any agent of Uue road. Through tlekeu to and from all points la America, KogUnd and Europe can be purehaaedatany UckttoUleeol thUoom peAV. PuH loibrmatlon cc-ncernlna rates, time of (mlaaoatea aydother detail furnished appttcauouaneor AastaUnt Oeuaral Itueanger A genu Wo, Ul Klrat sttwl, oor. .Waitilngtni ilort-- Uad,Urtou ' BHAW IK)WNING, Agent LlOArtllfi. fftiuSi DAILY T. JsKRKSS MOUBB PAINTING, 1'AI'KR IIANOINO, Natural Wood finishing Cor, JOili and Chtntetet BirotL Goo. ITondrich, , CASH' MARKET Ilast meat and frs dsllvery. I3& btate Streot. FRED A, ERIXON, BTONK AND BRICK CONTRACTOR. EsUmatcamadeon all kinds of ltesldsnceCor.isthand Belvlsw HL Halern. I THE GREAT I Ilavo yon abused tho laws of nature and injured your nervous system ? Aro yon despondent and melancholy with contused ideas nnd gloomy thoughts ? ' ' ES PAN O will positively euro you. It contains no minora! poisons and Is romarkablo for awakening organic action throughout tho. system' and an improvement In every tissue. It produces hotter muscles, bones, nerves', hair, nails, skin, blood and gives vigorous Ufa to tho unfortunato who hag .exhausted his powers. Prepared' in tablet form (and packed .in .boxes convenient to carry in tho pocket. Each box contains worth many times Its weight in gold. Tho price $1.00 per box. or ( boxes for $5".00 if ordered at one tlmo and a guarantee will bo given that any ease men tioned abovo that it does not euro, tho monoy will be refunded. As to our financial standing' fre rofer to any any address in United States marie to distinguish what it is. (SPaJKXSalX X Stockton Street SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., U. S. A. An. able iBrain and Narve.Spealalist oan at any time bo confidentially! consulted entlroly tree of eharge, personally or by mail, at the above .address. t'vtyvWt''fAVvaVfV GflflS.WQLZf Proprietor of the GERMAN :-: MARKET South Commercial. St., Salem. All kinds Fresh, salt and Smoked Meats and )3ausagea. FRKK DKLlVERr. POWER HOUSE Meat Market. , Fresh and Bait meats of the best quality. Poultry and stock. Free delivery. FRED WAYMIRE, BH0.0D DISORDERS A New Remedy A Ira Sptclflc a peilttrs and pcrmuunt tllffllnallon fall poiun from th blooJ, sod a rutoraiion of bulthy (fiof to th tUsuts II offtrcd to tuflcrers for lh Tint lims la rtmwly which hu been undcrfoing th mott mtct. prime xperlacnt for cbe put Ihrta ytil. It ku not yt Ctiled. and it will not fall, u it ii a True Specific for Syphilitic polton and all blood dUeaies. Do you U liey u t Send for full particular! and proof fre. , Stop nllinr your fytieni with mercury and othu pouom. This remedy will cur you in jo to oo dayi without fail, Wq Kuarantoe a cure or refund the mosey. Address MOFFAT CPMICAL CO., HO glrst Btreet POItTXAWP, OB. J. H. HAAS, TBW ATOHMAKB 215X Commirclsl 8t, Slni, Dragon, (Next door to Klein's.) Specialty ol Spectacles, and repairing Clocks, WatobM and Jewelry. ,Axm&M'a ELibl RIG BELT as IATI3T PATENTS WITH lltCTM EST -HtPftaVEaUNTS. MAGNETW WlUeer. Wllteil . V W ITKt twslttof tttm nuUuUn pi krata, seer (mw,iihuu er, aa miuJ eaaauttea, Srataa. taw, aerteu SttUlt, tiers luuw, laafear, laeuMUaav aUaf.Ur.r aal i4.f MilUiU, Imm Vuk. lae. eeiaiiu, seaenl ilMealik. u, TU. tUeitte ui weule. WeeeeeM l.,,m.l. t a ni.ul Ikil I luuaUr Ml WIS r letiut ,. aa mi nn an m kohi 41 Tawaa aar Uea erS y 11. mtr airekBaafeajaf iwUeMaUlelaiklaeaS rM4art, eeieae laer real4 laue. aa vv,rst4IWITlllU.t4lM IlealU aaS t lsrM .lleauk M,'aaiSTMW la H H !. Sa4MmeutrMtlrt.)ll,.il.a,lr.a4arw JsaXaXSOaTJWXO C3CX. N. 171 Ft (K., rOtTTLAIMf aMkCs .wry SgiXJyj ?iiK? KMXi!ZKXnjMSJl,J,tUU.lLi. a-BEiM'JSg. X J- " J'JJ Screen Doors AHD JOIiniNO,- Merle & WIn(atilcy. BhopttBtaU street. J.K. XWV11Y. Tile for Bricknnd TIIYtfrd, NOHTIf. RAI.kM. j. l,;ashbyi Take It .- EVENING JOURNAL, Only J cents a day dellvtredat your door. Meat'Mke), , SOa.Coramerolal Mraat. Qood moats, l'rompt dellvsry. Darid HcKillop, Steam Wood Saw , save, orders i at Balem Im Wement Co., ,95 Btate street, JOHN a MARTIN, Horseshoeing. . , ,., , tnte Btreet, - PAN'" Hi Thl; wonderful preparation U Purely Vegetable : compounfled from tho (prescription, of tho Official Physician ttf'tho Courtof Spain. "Espano'" recreates MontaLand Norvo Power1 in Man and Woman. An infallible remedy for Nervous nnd General Debility, Nervoufc Prostration, Creeping arfl,iysj9, Weakness Caused by DebilitatlngfXosses, Excessea or Over-Indulgences, In cipient (Softening1 of the Brain or Paresis, Dfcalness, IVosa of Memory, Confused Thoughts and all'Brain,,erve or 8exual Weaknesses.. It has no equal in restoring tho Stomaoh and Brain to its normal condition' following tho abuso :of Alcoholio Beverages, or indulgonco in tho Opium, Morphine' or Chloral habit. SPANISH BRAIN INDlEBi 00 dososor enough to.last ono,montb; bank in this city. Bent charges prepaid, to or Canada. Put up in plain wrapper with no Send Jor circulars and teatlmonJs. Addrosa, JWDEIIOI2SnE&, GO, COMING ON. ITS OWNl SPECIAL TRAINS Europeand America's Consolidated Tented Titan I THE. MOST INTENSELY INTEHPKR EXB1B1T10NS ON THE GLOBE ANGER GRAND INTERNATIONAL ALLIED SHOWS. WILL EXHIBIT AT f ' ' "' ' A1" J '! '-ii' i "' 1"M Salem, Wednesday, July 5th Unparalleled In Original Coucoptlou nf Pre-eminent Exclusive Features. Great Double Monster ltomun Oceaulo. Coneress. Clrous. Meuaeerle HIdbo- drome Aquarium of World's Wonders, , All Nations' Greatest Arenlo Itepre sentatlvwi Selected to Exce) I Tho greatest wild beast gathering that ever Invited publio attention I ONLY GREAT SHOW OF MARINE WONDERS Ever Perfected for Travel. Be on band to see the Brand freo spectacular paceant. Ouo ticket, for the usual price, adn.lts.Lo tho great combined shows I One hour given la which to. Inspect the menagerie and the many woudera previous to commencement of th circus and hippodrome perforineuces. Two grand exhibitions, and perform ances dally I JDoori open at 1 and 7 p. m. - Barginas in Land. II. W. Htnltb, postmaster ol Lewlsvltto, and W.H. Mun.hv.Df Saltm. have for aaie abou a.COOaorraoftoodtirmluaand.tiK-k land In tba Luoklajnute munlry la pone onuuiy. PrloesinnselVomietolalJperawa. All good BroMfiy. and qa tbe market for I lie. nrat me. Great Uratna. Call oa or addieas th above, dw Hf-U JilLl V i-'-ll Ja- T.l'Eit'J.JJ'll.UI. X.lJlIililgiaJlJI HU J, L BBNNEff 4 SON. CAXIS, Sale t O. Mloak, n. v.uvuvHttr.yii, Clatarmanet Tobatee, BltLlAHI) PAULOR, 040 Com'i Qtraal. T, W. THORNBURG, Tho Upholstoror, . Remodels, re-covers and repalia lU.AnTrHXfTTtTTMri nnholsured furniture. .First . cfaMi work. Uheiueketa street, - Balem. H ute insurance block. and is & LENT'S ' THE WILLAMETTE, 8ALEM, OltSGOm Tbo bMt boul bi.tweun Portland aad. Nta Prancikoo, Klrot-clni In all Its aiipohitm-HHs. Its tables arv served-wllh Ih Choicest VFruiU Unevrn lu th WlUamelte Valley. A, I, WAGNER; Pro? . E REVIVER i j t 'HatBSBBBaKJli T aPaaB9aT, WMrt$Jr i k I I 4 a ' I mi i Jt uf a lt 5 """-""-"- - - .,