Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, June 26, 1893, Image 3

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TJf J3 SON(.tfhOc IH IlflS.
TJi raltires1 Ijrajtiiefe Sing- ff and
IIp awl ramify l.lfnsjnil yi 1immi I
Were- Her ! Iin of 'afjierfiiysiftf'fotie
( Mtxl7 Nature's
Brooklyn. .Jtuio 20. I$oy. Dr. Tnl
Biftgo thin morning chose for Ujo nttbjoct
of fain sermon "TJio Song of Dirds."
Till, liko ninny of hlssprmons, li ntiHcl
to tho season of tfao year In ylilcli It In
preached. It In woll fitted Jp bo rnml un
der tho trecn and has In itho honttb. of
outdoor Hfo. Text, Psalms, clr, l, "U
them Bhall ho fowls pf .'tho, "heaven havo
their Imitation! whlc uln among" tho
Thorp Is an injportont imd Improving
flnbjcot to which most' people haVo given
no thought tyid concerning which' this1
is tho first pulpit dlsctls'slon namely,
"Tho Song of Birds." If nil that has
boon wrillen concerning music by hu
man votco or about music sounded on
instrument by finger. or breath wero put
together, volume by tho sido of volume,
it would fill a hundred alcoves of the
national libraries.
But about tho song of birds thero is as
much silenco as though a thousand years
ago tho last lark had with his wing
swept tho door latch of heaven and as
though never a whippoormll haa sung
its lullaby to a slumbering forest at
nightfall. We give a passing smile to
tho call of a bobolink or the chirp of a
canary, but about tho origin, about the
fiber, about tho meaning, about tho
mirth, about tho pathos, about tho in
spiration, about tho religion in tho song
of birds tho most of- us aro either igno
rant or indifforent. A caveat I this morn
ing file in .the high court of heaven
against that almost univorsal irreligion.
First, I remark that which will sur
priso many, that' the song .of birds is n
regulated and systematic song, capable
of being written out in note and staff
and bar and clef as much as anything
that Wagner or Schumann or Handel
ever put on paper. As wo pass tho
grove where tho flocks aro holding matin
or veBper servico wo are apt to think
that tho sounds aro extemporized, the
rising or falling tone is a mere accident,
it is flung up and down by haphazard,
tho bird did not know what it was
doing, it did not care whether it was a
long meter psalm or a madrigal. What
a mistake 1
The musician never put on the musio
rack before him Mendelssohn's "Elijah"
or Beethoven's "Concerto" in Q or
Spohr's B fiat symphony with moro def
inite idea as to what he was doing than
every bird that can sing at all confines
himself to accurate and predetermined
rondering. Tho oratorios, the chants,
the carols, tho overtures, the interludes,
tho ballads, the canticles that this morn
ing were heard or will this evening be
heard in tho forest have rolled down
through the ages without a variation.
Even the chipmunk's song was ordained
clear .back in, the eternities. At the gates
of paradise it sang 'in sounds like the
syllables "Kuki" "Kuk!" "KukI" just
as this morning in a Long Island or
chard it sang ",Kuk!" "Kuk!" "Kuki"
The thrush at tho creation uttered
sounds like tho word "Teacher 1" "Teach
erl" "Teacherl" as now it utters sounds
liko "Teacherl" "Teacherl" "Teacherl"
In the summer of tho year 1 the yel
lawhamnier trilled that which sounded
like "If 1"' Ifl" "If t" as in this summpr
tttrills "If I" "If I" "Ifl" The Maryland
yellowthroat inherits and bequeaths the
tune sounding liko the words "Pity me,
pity mo, pity met" Tho whit sparrow's
"Tseep, tseep" woke our great grandfa
thers as it will awaken our great grand
children. Tho "Teo-Jca-te-ka:tee-ka" of
the birds in the lirst century was tho
same as tho "Tce-ka-tee-ka-tee-ka" of tho
nineteenth century.
nature's unchanging bono.
Tho goldfinch has for O.OPQ years been
singing "De-ree-deo-ee-ree." But these
sounds, which we put in harsh words,
they put in cadences, rhythmic, soulful
,and enrapturing. Now if thero is this
order and systematization and rhythm
all through God's creatiou does it not
imply that wo should havo the same
characteristics in the music wo mako or
try to make? Is it not a wickedness that
bo many parents givo no opportunity for
the culture of their children in tho art
of sweet sound? If God stoops to edu
cate every bluebird, oriolo and grosbeak
in song, how can parents be bo indiffer
ent about the musical development of
tho immortals in their household?
While God will accept our attempts to
sing, though it bo only a hum or a drone,
if we can do no better, what a shamo thai
in this lost decade of the nineteenth cen
tury, when so many orchestral batons
aro waving and so many academies of
rausio are in full concert, and so many
skilled men and women are waiting to
offer instruction there are so many peo
ple who cannot sing with any confidence
in the house of God because they have
had no culture in this sacred art, or
whilo they are able to sing a fantasia at
a piano amid the fluttering fans of social
admirers, nevertheless feel utterly help
less when in church the surges of an
"Ariel" or an "Antioch" roll over them.
The old fashioned country singing school,
now much derided and caricatured (and
indeed sometimes it was diverted torn
the real design into tho culture of the
soft emotions rather than tho voice),
nevertheless did admirable work, and in
our churches we need singing schools to
prepare our Sabbath audiences for
prompt and spontaneous and raultipo
tont psalmody. This world needs tope
stormed with halleluiahs.
We want a hemispheric campaign of
hosannas. Jfrom bearing a blind beggar
sing Martin Luther went hqrneat 40
years of age to write bin first hymn. In
the autumn I hope to have a congrega
tional tdnging school here during the
week which shall prepare the people for
the songs pf the boly Sabbath. II the
churoh o Gc4 universal is going to take
uaaJMMg.'ir.'.y arregeggggasg
tnofijr m well an n li
lfpjil of tmxa
ToliHrt In Mtcrtri hit
Further, ijiAtleelfl
rtllfft lit til
to wnu of IHrtli
that It Is n dlrltmly Mnidit song. Tim
rwrMt prima donnA of all tho earth could
not trnoli tlm robin (ran inimical not, A
kingfisher flying over tfao roof of a fpin
,plo nqnakrt with linrmonlon would not
Catch up ono melody. From tlm time
Hint tho first bird's throat was fashioned
on tho banks of tho 01 lion nnd Illddekol
ttntll today on tho Hudson or Ithlno tho
winged creature Iias lenmed nothing
from tho human race In tho way of enrol
or anthem. Tho fenthcred songsters
lrnirncd all their mnslo direct from God.
Ho gavo them tho art In a nest pf straw
or moss or sticks and tnught thorn how
to lift that song into tho higher heavens
nnd sprinkle tho earth with its dulcet eiw
chantments. God fashioned, God tuned,
God launched, God lifted musio 1 And
thero Is n kind of mnsio that tho Lord
only can Impart to you, my hearer.
Thero hnvo been dopraved, reprobate
and blasphemous souls which could sing
till great auditoriums wero in raptures.
There havo been soloists and bassos and
baritones and sopranos whose brilliancy
in concert halls' has not bcon moro fa
mous than their debaucheries. But
there is a kind of song which, liko the
song of birds, is divinely fashioned.
Songs of pardon. Songs of divine com
fort. SongR of worship. "Songs in tho
night," liko those which David and Job
mentioned. Songs full of faith nnd ten
derness and prayer, liko those which tho
Christian mother sings over the sick cra
dle. Songs of a broken heart being
healed. Songs of tho dying flashed upon
by opening portals of amethyst.
Songs liko that which Paul com
mended to tho Colossians when he said,
"Admonish one another in psalms and
hymns and spiritual songs, singing, with
grace in your hearts, to the Lord." Songs
liko M03CS sang after the tragedy of tho
Red sea, songs like Doborah and Barak
sang nt tho overthrow of Sisera, songs
like Ibaiah heard tho redeemed sing as
he came to Zion. Oh, God, teach us
that kind of song which thou only canst
teach and help us to sing it on earth
and sing it in heaven. It was the high
est result of sweet sound when under
the playing of P.iganini one auditor ex
claimed reverently, "Oh, God!" and an
other sobbed out, "Oh, Christ!"
Further, I remark in regard to the
song of birds that it is trustful and
without any fear of what may yot come.
Will you tell mo how it is possible for
that wren, that sparrow, that chickadee,
to sing so sweetly when they may any
time bo pounced on by a hawk and torn
wjng from wing? There are cruel beaks
in thicket and in sky ready to slay the
songbirds. Herods on tho wing. Mo
docs of the sky. Assassins armed with
iron claw. Murderers of song floating
up and down the heavens. How can the
birds Bing amid such perils? Besides that,
how is the bird sure to get its f pod? Mil
lions of birds have been starved. Yet it
sings in tho dawn without any certainty
of breakfast or dinner or supper. Would
it not bo better to gather its food for the
day before vocalizing?
Besides that, the hunters aro abroad.
Bang! goes a gun in one direction. Bang!
goes a gun in another direction. The
song will attract the shot and add to the
peril. Besides that, yonder is a thun
dercloud, and thero may be hurricane
and hail to be let loose, and what then
will become of you, the poor warbler?
Besides that, winter will come, and it
may be smitten down before it gets to
the tropics. Have you never seen the
snow strewn with tho birds belated in
thejr migration? The titmquso mirjglgg
is voice with the snowstorms as Emer
son describes the little thing ho, found in
tempestuous January:
Here was tills atom In fall breath,
Hurling defiance at vast death;
This scrap of valor, just for play.
Fronts the north wind In waistcoat gray.
For every bird a thousand perils nnd
disasters hovering and sweeping round
and round. Yet there it sings, and it is
a trustful song. Tho bird that has it tho I
hardest sings tho sweetest. Tho lark I
from tho shape
of her claws may not
perch on a tree.
In tho grass her nest is j
exposed to every hoof that passes. Ono
of the poorest shelters of all the earth is
tho lark's nest. If she Binge nt all, you
will expect her to render tho saddest of
threnodies. No, no. She sings exultingly
an hour without a pauso nud mounting
3,000 feet without losing a note.
God wo all might learn tho
Would j
Whatever perils, whatever bereavements,
whatever trials aro yet to come, cing,
Bing with all your heart and Bing with
all your lungs.
If you wait until all tho hawks of
trouble havo folded their wings and nil
the hunters of hate have unloaded their
guns and all tho hurricanes of disaster
-have spent their fury, you will never sing
at all. David, the pursued of Absalom
and the betrayed of Ahithophel and tho
depleted of "sores that ran in tho night,"
presents us the best songs of the Bible.
John Milton, not able to see his hand be
fore his face, sings for us tho most fa
mous poem of all literature, and somo of
tho most cheerfpl people I have ever met
have been Christian people under phys
ical pr domestic or public torment. The
sopgs. of Charles Wesley, which we now
calmly sing in church, were composed
by him between mobs.
Further, in tho sky galleries there aro
songs adapted to all moods. The mead
ow lark is mournful, and the goldfinch
Joyous, and tho grosbeak prolonged of
noto. But tqe libretto of nature is vo
luminous. Are you sod? You can hear
from the bowers the echo of vonr erief. I
Are vou ulad? You can henr an echo of i
your nappmess. Are you thoughtful!
You can hear that which will plunge you
into deeper profound. Are yon weary?
You may catch a restful air. So tho
songs of birds are administrative in all
circumstances. Ana we would do well
to. have a bymnplogy for all changes of
condition. You may sing your woea Into
peace and rouse your Joys into greater
altitudes. Upon every condition of body nueuu mo ,"'- "" "n.
and soul, let us try the power of song, colors, which frighten the winged Bong
The multitudinous utterances of grove eters into silence or flight, and put on
and orchard and garden ud forest W.rmeoto aWre aaoUa.
Rvnynsp capvtax,
faints Is n family song. rTvfii think of
(ho fwitliwd thi-mig whMi Imvo no
song nt nil iimkn what ttltrsnrs (hoy
Ao In sounds of llHr own family of
birds, Tho hoot of tho owl, tho chitter
of tfao magpie, tfao crow of tho chanti
cleer, tho ilrntnmlng of tho grouse, tho
Intigh of ilto loon In the Adlrondnoks,
tho OAcklo of tho lien, tho torenm of tho
cngle, tho croak of tho raven, nro sounds
belonging to each particular family.
But whon you cotno to thoio which havo
rent songs, how suggestive that 1' It al
ways a family song! All tho skylarks,
all tho nightingales, all tho goldfinches,
all tho blackbirds, nil tho cuckoos, pre
fer tho song of their own family nnd
never sing anything else.
So tho most deeply imprcssivo songs
wo over sing nro family songs. Thoy
havo cotno down from generation to
generation. You wero sung to sleep in
your infancy nnd childhood by songs
that will sing in your soul forover.
Whore was it, my brother or sister,
that you heard tho family song on tho
banks of tho Ohio, or tho Alabama, or
tho Androscoggin, or tho Connecticut,
or tho Tweed, or tho Thames, or tho
Itarltan? That song at eventide, when
you wero tired out indeed too tired to
sleep, and you cried with leg acho, and
you wero rocked nnd sung o Bleep you
bear it now, tho soft voice from sweet
lips, sho as tired, perhaps more tired
than you, but sho rockod, and you slum
bered. Oh, thoso family songs!
Tho songs that father sang, that moth
er sang, that sisters and brothers Bang.
Thoy roll on us today with a reminis
cence that fills tho throat as well as the
heart with emotion. In our house in my
childhood it was always a religious song.
I do not think that the old folks knew
anything but religious songs. At any
fate I never heard them sing anything
lse. It was "Jesus, Lover of My Soul,'"
or "Rock of Ages," or "There Is a Foun
tain Filled With Blood," or "Mary to tho
paviour's Tomb." Mothers, bo careful
what you sing your children to sleep
with. Lot it he nothing frivolous or
Bettor havo in it something of Christ
and heaven. Better havo in it something
that will help that boy 80 years from
now to bear up under the bombardment
of temptation. Better have in it some
thing that will help that daughter 80
years from now when upon her come the
cares of motherhood and the agonies pf
bereavement and the brutal treatment
of one who sworo before high heaven
that he would cherish and protect. Do
,not waste tho best hour for making an
impression upon your little one, the hour
of dusk, the beach between tho day and
tho night. Sing not a doleful song, hut
,a suggestive song, a Christian song, a
iSong you will not bo ashamed to meet
when it coines to you in the eternal des
tiny of your son and daughter. The ori
olo has a loud song, and the chowink a
long song, and tho bluebird a short song,
but it is always a family song, and let
your gloaming song to your children,
whether loud or long or short, bo a
Christian song.
These family songs are about all we
keep of the old homestead. Tho houso
where you were born will go into the
hands of strangers. The garmonts that
were carefully kept as relics will become
moth eaten, i The family Bible can go
into tho possession of only ono of the
family. Tho lock of gray hair may "be
lost from tho lqcket, and in a few years
all signs and mementoes of tho old home
stead will be gone forever. But tho
family songs, those thqt we heard at 2
years qf age, at 0 years of oge. at 1Q
years of ago, will bo indestructible nnd
nt 40 or CO or 60 or 70 years of age willi
givo us a mighty boost over somo rough
placo in the path of our pilgrimage.
Many years ago a group of white chil
dren wero captured and carried off by
tho Indians. Years after, a mother who
had lost two children in that capturo,
went among tho Indians, and there were
many white children in line, but so long
a time had passed tho mother could not
tell Which were hers until she began 'to
sing tho old nursery song, and her two
children immediately rnshed up, shout-
ing, "Mamma!" "Mamma!" Yes, tfaero
is an immortality in h nursery sdng.
Hoar it, all you mothers, an immortality
of power to rescuo and save.
What an occasion that must have been
in Washington, Dec. 17, 18.J0, when
I Jenny Lind sang "Home, Sweot Home,"
the author of thoso words, John Howard
fayne, seaieu ueioio nor. suo nau ren
dered her other favorite songs, "Casta
Diva" nnd her "Flute Song," with fine
effect, but when she struck "Honio,
Sweet Home," Jolin Howard Payne rose
under the power, and President Fillmore
and Henry Clay and Daniel Websternnd
the wholo uudienco rose with him. Any
tliing connected with homo ransacks our
entire nature with a holy power, and
songs that get well started in tho nur
sery or by the family hearth roll on after
the lips that sung them aro forever silent
and the ears tlmt first heard them for
over cease to hoar.
I preach this sermon just before many
of you will go out to pass days or weeks
in Jhe country. Be careful how you
treat the birds. Remember they are
God's favorites, and if you offend them
you offend him. He Is so fond of their,
voices that there are forests where for a
hundred miles no human foot has? ever
trod and no human ear has ever listened.
Those interminable forests are concert
halls with only one auditor the Lord
God Almighty. Ho builded those audi
toriums of leaves and sky and supports
all that infinite minstrelsy for himself
alone- Be careful hqw you treat his fa-
vorite choir.
In Deuteronomy bo warns tho people,
"If a bird's nest chance to be before thee
in the way in any tree or on the ground,
whether they be young ones or eggs, thou
shalt not take the dam with the young,
that it may bo well with thee and that
thou mayest prolong thy days," So you
see your own longevity is related to your
treatment of birds. Then go forth and
Ah, X02TDAT, JUKJB i!6, 1S
f'f rwTfon. hit nfAnJ" A'doncerl In nnd on I
of door m bfmt ruined by pprsldtetit
Idlkcru, .tnd then sit down on a mossy
Wlir it wllil ttresm with hdlontf shook
Com Us tins down a W of took.
And after perhnps ft half sn hour of in
teino solitude thero will be a tap of a
beak on n tree brnncb far up, sounding
liko tho tap of n mnslcnl baton, nnd then
first thero will bo solo, followed by a
duct or fiuArtot, nnd nf terwnrd by doxol
cl In nil the treo tops nnd ntnld nil
tiiu brunches, nnd if you hnvo n Illblo
nlong with you, nnd yon can without
rustling tho leaves, turn to tho ono hun
dred mid fortylghth Psnlm of David
and read, "Pralso tho Lord, beasts nnd
all cattlo, creeping things nnd flying
fowl," nnd then turn over quietly
to my text nnd rend, "By them
shall tho fowls of tho heaven havo
their habitation, which sing among
tho branches," or if under tho power
of tho bird voices you aro trans
ported, as whon Dr. Worgan played so
poworfully on tho organ at St. John's
that Richard Cecil said ho was in such
blessed bewilderment ho could not find
in his Biblo tho first chapter of Isaiah,
though ho leafed tho book over nnd over,
and you shall bo so overcome with forest
harmony that you cannot find tho Psalms
of David, novcr mind, for God will
speak to you so mightily it will mako no
difference wh'other you hear his voice
froni tho printed' pago or tho vibrating
throat of ono of his plumed creatures.
Whilo this summer moro than usual
out of doors let us have what my text
suggests, on out of doors religion. Whnt
business had David, with all the advan
tages of costly religious service and
smoking inconso on tho altar, to bo lis
tening to the chantresscs among the tree
branches? Ah! ho wanted to mako him
solf and all who should como after him
moro alert and moro worshipful amid
tho sweet Bounds and beautiful Bights of
tho natural world. Tiiero is an old
church that needs to be rededicated. It
is older than St. Paul's or St. Peter's or
St. Mark's or St. Sophia's or St. Isaac's.
It is the cathedral of nature. That is
tho church in whioh tho services of the
millennium vrill beheld. Tho buildings
fashioned out of stoho and brick and
mortar will not hold tho people.
Again the mount of Olives will bo tho
pulpit. Again tho Jordan will be tho
baptistry. Again the mountains will bo
tho galleries. Again tho skies will be
thobluo ceiling. Again tho sunrise will
ho tho front door and tho sunset tho
back door of that templo. Again the
clouds will bo tho upholstery and the
morning mist tho incense. Again tho
trees will bo tho organ loft where "the
fowls of heaven havo their habitation,
which sing among ,tho branches.' St.
Francis d'Assisi preached a sermon to
birds and pronounced a benediction upon
them, but all birds preach to us, and
(their benediction is almost supernal.
Whilo this summer amid the works of
God lot us learn responsiveness. Surely
'if we cannot sing wo can hum a tune,
and if wo cannot hum a tune we can
whistle. If we cannot bo an oriole, we
can bo a quail. In some way let us dem
onstrate our gratitude to God. Let us
not bo beaten by the chimney swallow,
and tho humming bird, and tho brown
thrasher. Let us try to set everything
in our life to music, and if wo cannot
givo tho carol of the song sparrow take'
the plaint of tho hermit thrush. Let
our life bo an nnthem of worship to the
I God who crentcd us, nnd tho Christ who
ransomed us, and tho Holy Ghost who
sanctifies us. And our last song! May
it bo our be3t songl Tho swan was
I thought by the ancionta nover to sing
.excent when dying.
1 In the time of Edward IV no ono was'
allowed to own a swan except ho were
a king's son or had considerable estate.
' Through 100 or 200 years of lif o that bird
,was said nover to utter anything like
music until its Inst moment came, and
then lifting its crested beauty it would
pour forth a song of almost matchless
thrill, resounding through tho groves.
And bo, although tho struggles of lifo
maybe too much for us and wo may
find It hard to Bing at all, whon tho last
hour pomes to you and me, may there bo
a radiance from above and a glory Bot
tling round that shall enable us to utter
a song on tho wings of which wo Bhall
mount to whero the musio nover ceases
and the raptures never dlo.
"What Js that, mother?" "The swan, my love.;
He Is floating down from his native erove.
Ho lovod one, no nestling nigh
He Is floating down by hlmsolf to die.
I)oalh darkens lili eye and unplumes his wings,
Yet tho sweetest song Is tho last ho sings.
Live so, my child, that when death shall come,
Swanlilce and sweet, it may waft theo home!"
Said the
to himself, "If tho
moon I could get,
whenever I'm dry
my throat I could
wet; The moon is a
" f " "... ...
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rlll be aofter, and the powder will remain
longer, dealdea preventing trie powder from
clngging; the pores of the sKln- i'rh e 76 cenla
Forsaleby FltKD I.KOO, Driigfc-Ut, J'atton
Illock, Balom, Ore.
Foranyipeolal or complicated blemlih of
face or form, write
AusniOA's HeautV Docron,
8 Oeary Ht Haa Fmnctsoo, Cnl
Sunerfluoui Hair Permanently Removed.
A New Remedy
A tru Spel(!c poiltlv and permanent climliutiloa
of all poUon from tlw blood, end a rtorllon of hulihjr
rigor to the tbsutt if ottered to tuflcreri for U firat tlm
In a remedy which has been undergoing the most sever
private experiments for (he past three years. It has not
Kt railed, and It 'will not nil. as it is a i rue opeciuo
Svohilltlc DoUon and all blood diseases. Do you be
. lauea. aim u win noi nu, as it is a iruo oiivvimw
Syphilitic poison and all blood diseases. Do you be.
lieve it T Send for full panlculirs and proof free, btop
nlhnr vour system with mercury and other poisons.
Ailing your system with mercury and other poisons.
This remedy will cure you in 30 to 50 days without fail.
We guarantee a curst or refund the money.
170 First street l'OiaXANn. OB.
2ISH Commercial St., S!m, 0rcn,
(Next door to Kleln'i.)
Specialty of Speotaelea, and repairing Clock-,
Wslobee and Jewnrv
VUletre WlUeet U,
Wssaaeee resettles tress
ftruseuee ef krels, aerre rsea,essesses er laSlMrtllsa,
esses ssl sseeeeuee, uimiam, M..,fvv. aeiMiiir, sit.p
iHiini. testae', ibeeatesfsss, sllasy, liter ak4 HUS.f
MarlelaM, lease Vies, tessUs, selellsa, eeaerel III kssllk,
els. Tils eleeu Is belt soeulne If Me(l lre.iail ef ef
all steers, ss ctiee a eerrsatlsel Is lastMuy l.lisrtas
wssrsr er e l.rf.ll ll.euo, sa UI ewe all ef Iks eVef e
Ilium er ae rv. leewaff asrs ksee ef U r sals star
life aae4rs4i r UsilsseaUU la itl. ae4 et m tiiu , isle.
laveauea arter ail eiasf rfveinee isiiee, see wv
- a ear. sLUBiina-n wwwtimtr aWBavari
...-Till isrsuiio auiiaic rHarineour. tt
I fitness sweetie VVIBS-Tevaia huh aee,
lesuete rai Wels, ssaUei, seesW, free, aaarssa
I set meet
Txxsmcntrsxxo p
falisssSMI I Tr BlaaiaB
BttleUAsk sUl
We IVf ftf .. 'WtTtW, tHe
19. JJWL'J!'jI.J'JI!f1'J."lilJ.1l
Screen Doors
AMU ionniKfi,
Xorloy & Wlrwtivnloy.
n hop II MtaUMtmt.
Tile for Sale,
Brick ancf Tlla Yard, '
Take It f
OnlyaecntflB day dllfrd at1
your door.
Meat IVarljet,
303tConunroBl Street,
Good roMia. l'rompt deliver.
IIstIiI HcKitlop,
Steal food Saw
i,cave orders at Ratem Im
vexnenl Co., X Bute street,
tato Btrcot, - -
TIb wonderful preparation is Purely Vegetable-! compounded
from tho prescription of tho Official Physician to the Court of Spain.
"Espano" recreates Mental nnd Norvo Pocr in Man and "Woman.
An infalliblo remedy for Nervona and General Debility,
Nervous Prostration, Creeping Paralysis, "Weakness canscd
by Debilitating fosses, Excesses or Over-Indulgences, In
cipient Softening of the Brain or Paresis, Dizziness, 1,033 of
Mexnpry, Confused Thoughts and all Draln, Nerve or Sexual
Weaknesses. It has no equal in restoring tho Stomach and Brain
to its normal condition following tho nbupo of Alcoholio Bovoragee,
or indulgonco in tho Opium, Morphine or Chloral habit.
Europe and America's Consolidated Tented Titan I
Salem, Wednesday, July 5th
Unparalleled in Original Conception of Fre-emlnont Exclusive Features.
Great Double Monster Roman Oecunlo. Co nit reus. Clrcuu, Menagerie Hippo
drorao Aquarium or World's Wonders,
sentatlvts Selected to Excel I Tno
Invited publlo attention I
Ever Perfected for Travel.
Bo on band to see the grand free spectacular pageant. Ono ticket, far the
usual prloe, admits to tho great combined shows I One hour given In which to
inspect the menagerie and. tho many winders previous to commencement of the
circus and bfppodromo performances. Two grand exhibitions and perform
ances dally I Door opn at 1 and 7 p. tn.
Barginas in Land.
11. W. Hmltb, iKMtmaater ol LewUvlIle, and
W.H. Murphj. of Salem, lunra for aale atxm
8X60 acre of food farming and ue land In
tbe I.ucklamiite rountrr lu I'olk pm-ntr.
frio fDf from to M rr acre. All good
property, and on lb warnr. tor toe aril
lima, rirmt tormina. fVll Sa Of addieM
iftaWT ' 4T-H-U,
Fruit 4 CfgAtt,
' I. O, Woole.
It. T. llOflrKKKYB,
Clriat- and Tobacco.
Jll'MilAIII) 1'AllMHt,
U4U Com'l Mtroat.
Tho Upholstorcr,
Remodels, recover and repairs
upholstered mrolture. First
Nfnik sib f 1l.aiaiiutijiS.i a,Fdt
Bnlcm. btto Insurance uiook.
All Nations' Greatest Areola ftepr.
greatest wild beast fathering that aver
Hut, $2 jo to UM mr
TbebeertboUl feet rtoMeuU
irrancieao. wit hhwmsi j tvi iw
ltd UiilM are mot wHb Mm
urowa w im wuxmewe tmht,
! ".' jsi'mimh i
'hi kWAGNIft, Pro
I 1CM1 iuuj uio nuvui lajius uu tat
1 Ur frow tba main rcd m4 kre ko Gee
tUoUL ot mow fat IftflH. x nW W t& f0