Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, June 26, 1893, Image 1

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    f TvrmmKXfTm -
: . H-iVJW-ltt1iT-i,
Vlhf py $1.8fJlo$9BO
tf hn you en Kt if Hjr
Journal l Mali IW fl8 t
A Month f
SrteU. moath 1y MaII
IVupftfd In AdvAnco
No I'Apom Sonl When
Tlmo I Out,
VOL. 0,
NO. 140.
Salem makes a great mistake in
will make no
J. W. THOMAS, 297 Com'l, St., SALEM,
Keeping Pace With the Times.
Have your business accounts kepi in PZEFECJT books, such are
The Frey Patent Flat Opening Books.
Books that are worthy of the patronage and praise of the Government Of
ficials of the State of Oregon, and the greater portion of the merchantlle men
of the State, are surely deserving of a trial by everyone.
Manufactured In Oregon ONLY by The Meston-Dygert Book Mfg. Co.,
Proprietors of
Binders to the State of Oregon, Printers and Lithographers, Salem, Oregon.
H. W. COTTLE & CO.,.
General Insurance Agency.
Representing tke following well-known and reliable Cempanies:
HTATE INSURANCE CO., jEtna Insurance Co.,
Traders' Insurance Co., Hun Insurance Co..
National Insurance Co., Westchester Klre Ins. Co.,
.Lion Klre Insurance Co., Imperial Fire Insurance C.,
Iiondou E Lancashire Fire Ins. Soc, London Assuranoeiorpnratlon,
Alliance A.suranco Co., Norwich Union Fire Ins.aue.
Oldest and Leading Firm in the City Devoted Exclusively to Insurance,
J. W."TflORNBflRG, .
Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture. Long experience in the trade
enables me to turn out first-class work. Samples of coverings. No trouble to
give estimates. State Insurance block, Chemeketa street.
CHURCHILL1 Spraying Offlfits,
d8& r 103
BURROUGHS State Street.
F. T. HART, LE?1
Bd. C.
The undersigned will sell at the Sargeant
lAMlelng House In Opera House block, July
15. 189.). Any one having baggage there is re
quested to get same before sale.
0-19-3W Wm. BARQEANT
On easy terms and cheap. A 20 acre orchard
onHunny HldoNo. one. S miles boutn
of Baiem.
Have bad 18 years experience training fr
track or carriage. Terms reasonable, fan be
found at Weatscott's stable, or address Halem.
0-6-1 in J AUKS KING.
Private work a spec'alty,
a B. CLEMENT, Manager.
. P'Ttntniblp heretofore extsUng between
u. , Hawksaud f.C l.evar Is tbls day dls
solved by mutual coosimt tV. O. Levar rttlr
1 f,7n the tlrm. O V. Hawks will o'leo
all bllU due and pay out standing accouu.a
against tusflnu. dlw-lU
not colobrating this Columbian 4th, but wo guarantoa you
miatako if you buy all your goods at the
iflpfc. yf& - '
will always be found a nice
Wholesale and Retail
Dealer In Frcsli, Salt and
Smoked meats of allHinds
9S Court and
110 State Streets.
Electric Lights
On Meter System.
TheBalom Light and Power Company at
Ereit expense Cave equipped their Eleetno
Igbt plant with the m st rnodtrn apparatus
and are now able to oiler the publlo a better
light than any Bytetu and at a rata lower
than any city on the cvast.
Arc and Incandescent Light
ing. Electric Motors for all
purposes where power Is re
quired. KoMdencea can be wired for as many lights
as desired and the consumers pay for only
such lights as are used. This being registered
by an Klectno Meter. Office
179 Commercial St.
TTEI.P WANTED.-Areuta paid a good com
ll mlsslen, and ISOOO dividend among
(hein next winter. Bpclal attractions o be
pushed this year for which we want the ser
vice of best agents every w ere.
Hooin 3", Chronicle liblldlng, Han rancUoo.
0HW8T1AN HCIENOB-Ulerature of all
klodson sale at KM Uberty street. 4-5-ly
ATTENTION.-Oan money paid for rags,
b.,ttlea,old Iron and all kinds of metals,
a so hides, at old Court ttow.lrjg-1-M-ly
lino of-
Business men universally condemn
the building committee for its actfou
in changing the plans and specifica
tions for tho proposed city hall. The
doors were clearly opened to frauds, be
tue committee or tne council never so
honest in 1U intentions. No one can
read the careful statement of facts in
Saturday's Journal and come to
iny other conclusion. The city is in
no condition for haste or extravagance
in public business. If the city hall is
built under this kind of a deal the pub
lic will always believe there was fraud
aud a steal from the beginning. The
building committee should reconsider
its action and save its reputation in the
eyes of the people.
It is assumed that it was a mistake
when the committee asked bids to be
returned to it when the council ordered
the bids returned to it at a later date.
Thai was corrected after attention was
called to it. This second blunder Is a
vital one and for the benefit of the com
mittee should be corrected at once.
Armory Company B. 2d Regt. Infy.
Balkm, Oregon, Juue 24, 1802. J
Orders No. 8.
1. In compliance with orders No. 10,
C. 8., Headquarters 2nd Regiment In
fantry, B. Company will parade at the
Armory on Tuesday, June 27, 1893. for
muster and inspection, assembly at 8
o'clook p. m. All state aud govern
ment property in possession of mem
bers of the company must be strictly
accounted for and - members absent
without leave will subject themselves
to the penalties imposed by the regu
lations. 2. In compliance with paragraph 81,
Regulations, all uniforms of this com
pany will hereafter be kept in the lock
ers in the armory and members having
their uniforms in their possession will
see that they are immediately returned
to the armory.
0-20-2t I. "VV. Berry,
2nd Lieut. Comdg, Company.
is a Latin phrase that literally meonsl
Acaln and naaln." denoting repetition.!
gulnand again (we cannot repeat It too
nucnj we want to impress you wiin tnefl
iuci iuut
Patton Bros.,
parry ?the largest assortment of Novels,
uagaxine, so.
L' talnlngSto rooms, all furnished. In a good
town, nit o ot lot loxl3o feet, price (loon cash,
balance on easr pat menu. For particulars
li culri of PH1L.K. KHETZ, over foiumbla
HtioeBlore, 116 state 8t. 616
owing me, aoles or accounts that are
overdue, ofKoo or under, p'eake nay up and
save costs. JOHN SAVAaK.Hr.
rl HALE. A very nicely located lot. with
house, on Mill street south ot Willamette
university Kor terms and particulars, please
Inquire at this office, &-W-lm
TUIS PAPER Is kept on flieat E. C. Pake's
Advertising cesoy, Maud 65 Merchants
Exchange. San tfranclsro, California, where
oontrao for adverthitng can be made for lu
XTCHQf a FXXiXS known by motitar
Ilk. pnUloa. .fta.. IdUu.. ticlilna
hcn wira. TL1. fom and SIJKD,
suuouia or psoratniuro xiuut
wklah art. Amour on ura fMta
ab.orb. tooun,
ai.nmaimitour Vtio aba. Dnueisu
exauU. Dr.wnk,ytill..lrirfi;.
gold by Bakelt Vm Blyrw.
Turning Tide of Our Country's
Tremendous Dunk
Failure at
The fluaucial situation in Oregon is
decidedly improved. There never has
been any danger at Salem. Tho fail
ures at Albany and CorVallls are being
adjusted. If the state treasury Insisted
upon what Is due the stato in taxes
there would be a general suspension.
Those best posted hereseem to think
the financial flurry Is over in Oregon.
In Eastern Oregon mining Interests
are apparently well protected. In
Southern Oregon a great deal of gold
is taken out and there have been no
failures. Pendleton banks are sending
in good reports. Therp have been a
largo number of Binnll'fdllurea at Port
land that have Ijeen kept out of print.
The banks are not making any loans
and are prepared to help one anotner.
Taxes are coming intq-the state treas
ury slowly, but all warrants are paid at
the counter. All the counties complain
of large delinquent lists. Portland's
list is especially large,' includ'ng some
of the biggest taxpayers. The semi
annual treasury statement in Oregon Is
made July 1st and will probably make
a good showing.
Today's Telegrams.
Buffalo, Juno 20.-Tbo Queen City
bank has fulled. J
The bank suffered a steady drain the
past several weeks. jAfter paying out
all available cash eyen to dimes, nickles
and pennies, tho officers tbls morning
walked out and closed tbe doors. It
owes depositors over $l,400,0u0. Tbe
management claims depositors will be
paid in full.
San Diego, Cul., Juue20. The Bank
of Commerce resumed business this
Crisis Passed.
New York, June 20. The presidents
of leading buuks reported this morning
that the demands from country banks
for rediscount and loans are smaller
than for many weeks, that Indications
of a crisis had paEsed.
Good Name but No
Minneapolis, Minn, June 26. Tbe
bank of New England suspended pay
ments, at least temporarily. A. J.
Bletben, president, says depositor will
be paid in full.
Brewery Receiver.
New Yoiik, Juue 20. A receiver has
been appointed for the Mutual brewing
company of College Point.
Art Goods.
San Francisco, June 20. Tbe firm
of S. and G.Guuap, extensive dealers
in art goods, made assignment today.
Liabilities are placed at $140,000; assets
of the firm are supposed to exceed this
amount. The cause of the failure Is at
tributed to the calling in of loans.
Suspending Silver Coinage.
Loncon, June 20. Telegrams from
Calcutta say the Indian government has
stopped coinage of silver for private ar
count at tbe mints.
In the house of lords Earl Kimberly,
secretary of state for India, stated that
the Indian council bad paaaed an act
for the immediate closing of tho Indian
mints to the free coinage of ailver. He
further said it Inteuded to introduce a
gold standard In India, but that gold
iu the meantime would not bo made
the sole lecal tender.
Extradited by Death.
London, June 0. Dr. Cornelius
Herat, who fled from France as a result
of Panama scandal revelations, and for
whose extradition proceedings are pend
ing but delayed on account of illness,
died today at Bournemontb.
Cholera in Arabia.
London, Juno 0. Despatch from
Mecca: 455 deaths-from cholera yester
day. Electrical Execution.
Auburn, N. Y-i June 20. Butcher
Fitztbum was electrocuted here this
afternoon for the April, 1802,
at Buffalo of a young man named
Sunday Opening Bustained.
VyAauiNQTON, D. a, Juue 20. At
torney General Olney has decided that
appropriations made by act of congress
In aid of world's fair, including tbe ap
propriation for tho government exhibit,
nroaanvAl lablo now an before tho de
cision of tho circuit court ofappcnla per
manently opening tho world' fair an
Sunday, with the single exception that
no mora money ought to bo paid tho
Illinois, corporation known ns tho
World's Columbian exposition.
Men of Easiness and of All Parties
Disgusted by tho Dolays.
Honolulu, Juno 20. As each suc
cessive steamer from San Francisco ar
rives at Honolulu bringing no news
that Hawaii's aflairs will soon be set
tled by tho United States, the disap
pointment that permeates annexation
ists and royalists alike becomes keener.
Both parties aro anxious to havo tbe
vital question of a stable government
decided. Tbe long strain Is beginning
to tell on both business and society.
Blount is much disappointed at not re-
calving any word by tbe last steamer
that his successor had been appointed
Tbe government claims to have auth-
enic information that Mr. Blount, with
tbe exception of a few brief statements,
has not yet made any report to the
state department at Washington as to
the result of bis investigation here, and
that his report will not be sent on for
two weeks.
Anarchists Pardonod.
Springfield. Ills., June 20. (iov
ernor Altgeld today pardoned Fielden,
Neebe and Schwab, anarchists, serving
life sentences in Joliet penitentiary for
complicity in tbe Haymarket riot at
Chicago, May 4, 1880, in which a large
number of pollen were killed and
wounded, and for which Parsons, Spies
and others were hanged, and over
whose graves a monument was unveiled
by tbe Chicago anarchists yesterday.
The governor takes the ground that
these men did not havo a fair trial and
that the court was prejudiced.
Eoversing the Custom.
MoonnEAD, June 20. A robber en
tered the Merchants National bank
this morning, bold up the bookkeeper,
took tb ree thousand dollars and escaped
across the river. A posse is in pursuit.
Found a Floater.
Marshfikld, Or., June 20. Chris.
Keverson was found by some boys while
fishing for crabs under the ,wbarT at
Empire City. It is supposed he had
been in tbe water two or three days.
Deceased was a Swede, about 40 years
old, with no family.
A Kansas Visitor.
Wichita, Juno 20. A private mes
sage: "Cyclone wrought terrible dam
age at Oakley, Logan county, last
night No details."
End of the Long Eace Only a Few
Days Distant.
Dubuqub, Ia June 20. Berry was
the first of the cowboys to reach Dubu
que. He registered there at U:40 In the
morning and left thereat 1:23 p.m. His
horses are sore and appear jaded. Rat
tlesnake Pete registered In Dubuque at
1255 and left at 2:25. George Gillespie's
chesnut Golding was lame when be
reached this city at 1:16 p. m., but the
gray horse Is in prime condition. He
crossed tbe river at 8:10 p. m., and says
he will reach Chicago early Wednesday
afternooon and is confidant of winning
the race. Jones arrived at 6:55 and left
at 750. Smith came in at 050 and left
at 750. Smith came In at 050 and left
at 7:16. The horses are in a fair condi
tion, except one of Smith's, which is
slightly lame.
Galena, Ills., June 25, The cow
boys did not strike Galena, but took
tbe Council Hill road, four miles north.
Berry went through at 4:30 this after
noon, two hours in advance of all tbe
others. Jones will not arrive until 10
o'clock, after a long rest in Dubuque.
For health and happiness, the boom
of all mankind, take Simmons Liver
Good new house to rent, six blocks
from postoilice. Inquire of Geo. M.
Beeler. 6 20-tf
For bllliousness and headache Sim
mons Liver Regulator is tne best medi
cine the world ever saw. H. H. Jones,
Macon, Ga.
Rich golden Jersey milk. Is being sup
plied by tbe dairy of B. J. Bbaipe.
Rark Offer, Buren & Son havo a
few good second-band carpets which
can be bad at a bargain.
For chaugo of diet with TUTPB
Yon feel faint and week in tb stom
achno appetite. Take Simmons Liv
er Regulator
Don't lose time and make yourself
worse with pills and oils. Take Sim
mons Ltver Regulator,
Highest of all fn Leavening Power. Latest U. S Gov't Report
1 X m&m lOWQST
The German Government Has
Tho German Emperor Will Have
in the New Keiclretng 199
for and 19. Against Him.
Berlin, June 26. The second bal
lots were taken generally Saturday in
those Prussian, Saxon and Badanese
constituencies, where no choice of can
didates was made on Juno 15. These
returns have been received: Berlin,
first division, Dr. Langerbaus, Richter
1st, elected to succeed Dr. Alexander
Meyer, a radical, who voted for tbe
army bill. Ho received 8743 votes to
6459 cast for Herr Taeterow, social
Democrat. Compared with the second
ballot in 1890 tbe result shows a social
Democratic gain of 3517. Langerbans
is tbe first Ricbterist elected.
Berlin, second division, Richard Fish
er, Social Democrat, elected over Prof.
Rudolph Virchow, a Rlohterist candi
date, and the last candidate for this
constituency. This is a gain for the So
cial Democrats.
Berlin, third district, Alderman Vog
therr, a Socialist Democrat, was elected
over Lawyer: Munckel, a Ricbterist.
This Is a Soda! Democratic gain.
Berlin,fifth division, Robert Schmidt,
a Social Democrat, elected over Dr.
Baumbacb, a Ricbterist and last depu
ty. Tbls Is njgain for the Social Demo
At Offinburg-Maxlmin, a Richterlst
lerlcal, was elected over Von Bchaum
berg, a National Liberal Ricbter, wbt
was the last deputy,receiving 9292 votes
and Sobaumberg 8364 votes.
At Hauau, Mayor Strob, a Conserva
tive, was elected over Editor Hoch, a
Social Democrat.
At Tilsit, Herr Caeroswurm, a Con
servative, was.elected over Reibeniz, a
Radical. A gain for the government.
At Kluslngen, Frledrlch Scbacbtgen,
a Clerical, was eleoted over Commercial
Councillor Bander, a National Liberal.
At Hamburg-Nassau, Herr Bruhm, a
Socialist Democrat, wap elected over
Westernacber, a National Liberal.
At Danzig city, Heinrich Rickert, a
Radical Unionist, was elected oyer Jo
hem, a Social -Democrat. This Is a gov
ernment gain.
At Strassburg city, August Boel, a
Social Democratic leader, was elected
over Dr. Petrie, a national liberal. This
is a gain for tbe Social Democrats.
At Koenlgsberg city, Karl Scbulze, a
Social Democrat, was elected oyer Dr.
Krause, a National Liberal. Scbulze
was tho. last deputy.
At Mannheim, Lawyer Basserman, a
National Liberal, was elected over Au
gust Dreesbacb, a Social Democrat, and
tbe last deputy. This Is a gain for tbe
At Wolfenbutto, Herr Schwerdfeger,
an Agrarian, was elected over Herr
Wentzel, a Socialist Democrat.
At Holzmlnden, Director Kruger, a
National Liberal and Conservative, was
elected over Calwer, a Social Democrat.
Tbls Is a government gain,
At Naumberg, Julius Guentber, a
National Liberal, was elected over
Hoffman, a Social Democrat.
At Glogan August Maalegaar, a Radi
cal Unionist, was elected over Herr
Orocsbau, a Conservative, to succeed
At Speir Dr. Clemm, a National Lib
eral, was elected over Earhurdt, a So
cial Democrat.
At Buslan Philip Scbmelder, a Ricb
terist, was elected over Leopold, a Con
servative. At Heidelberg Consul Weber, n Na
tional Liberal, was elected over Dr.
Max Gehrke, a Ricbterist.
At Hagen Eugene, a leader of tbe
Opposition Radicals, was elected to suc
ceed himself.
At Teltow Herr Hubell, a Social
Democrat, was elected over Rlnub, a
Conservative. As tbls constituency
was formerly Conservative this is a
gain for tbo Social Democrats,
At Karleneb Max Pfleugor, a Rlch
terlct, and the lost deputy, was elected
ovor Karlrlcnau, a National Liberal.
At Hosen Stephen Celglski, a Po)o
and Inst deputy, was elected over HofT
meyer, a Conservative.
At WIesbadeu Rudolph Koepb, a
National Liberal and Radical Union
ist, was elected over Lawyer Schonck,
a Ricbterist. This in a government
At Dllsburg Dr. Hammacher, a na
tional liberal and the last deputy, was
elected over Euler, a clerical.
At Iserlahn Lawyer Lensmann, a
Ricbterist, was elected ovor Editor
Soppsetter, a national liberal, who
voted against tbe bill.
At Duaseldodf Karl Weuders, a free
conservative, and tbe last deputy, was
elected over Herr Grlmph, a social
At Constance Freideriche, a clerical
and the last deputy, was elected over
Herr Heilga, a national liberal.
At DarmBtdat Dr. Ossan, national
liberal and the last deputy, was elected
overBramer, asocial Democrat
At Stuttgart Gustav Slegel a national
liberal and tbe last deputy, was elected
over Koss, a social Democrat.
At Stettin Fritz Herbert, a social
Democrat, was elected over Max Broo
me, one of the few ladical deputies
who voted for the bill.
The result, therefore, is a gain for the
P Social Democrats at the expense of tbo
Tho results or second ballots in 75
constituencies were known at midnight.
With these additions to the list, the
strength of tbe parties,so far as known,
is as follews: Clericals 73, Social Dem
erols 44, Conservatives and Agrarians
53, National Liberals 33, Radical Un
ionists 11, Poles 13, Free' Conservatives
14, Government Clericals-, 11, South
German Democrats 6, Alsatians 7,Rich
ter Radicals 12, Anti-Semites 5,Guelphs
1, Danes 1, Bavarian Peasants League
1, Bavarian Particularists. Of those
deputies 193 are counted with tbo oppo
sition and 199 with tho government.
The progress of tho by-elections ap
pears to support tbe government calcu
lation that tbo balloting will give it 00
-teats. Taking tbe adherents of tbo 130,
ibe government will thus have In tho
new relcbstag 109 votes out of 897. A
uitf majority of one vote is not much to
rejoice over, yet tbe government organs
express content with tho result of the
A feature of tbe campaign has been
the appearance of a large number of
foreign socialists. Czechs and Aus
trians, who are assisting the canvass of
the German brethren. Basing the cal
culation of .tbe most reliable date, tho
aggregate socialist vote will fall short of
the 2,000,000 predicted by tbe Vorwaerts
and the Cologne Gazette. It Is estimat
ed tbat the vote will show an increase
of 372,000 oyer that polled in 1790. Tho
antl-semltes vote is calcalated at 600,000.
being 10 times tbe number of voles cast
by that party in 1890.
Both sections of the Fresslninge
party cast a total vote of 940.000, a loss
of 213,300 votes since 1890. Tbo enor
mous increase in the antisemitio vote
accounts for the failure of the socialists
to reach tbe figure they expected. Tbo
antl-semltes draw a large proportion of
tbelr gains from electors who would
otherwise have voted for social Demo
cratic candidates.
In an Interview a prominent minis
ter said tbat tbe government neither
anticipated a further dissolution of tbe
relcbstag nor any encroachment on tbo
suffrage; on tbe contrary, he hoped
tbat an entente between tue dominant
political groups would be effected and
the army bill speedily passed.
Chancellor Von Caprivl, Dr. Miquei,
Dr. Stepban and other political notables
voted for Langebaus. With this deci
sive examplo before them of ministers
actually supporting an opponent oi mo
out ratuer tnan to uiiow (socialists io
triumph and adhesion by electors to
tho government candidates where they
are opposed by Socialists has been se
cured. P&1TE WOMEN
Bradfiild's Finals Rwlitor
Every ingredient possesses superb Tonljs
properties and exerts a wonderful influence
In toning up sod strengthening ber system,
by driving taroogh the proper cbsnneU all
imparities. Health and strength giursotwd
to result from its use.
Mr wife jho was bedridden for slht,
months, after using BAxnEU's Ykuxim
Heoullto ft r two months, M Ktttlng vrtl,
J. It, JotiMtosi, Malrern, Axk.
Bnismxo ReiuuiTOB Co., AtUaU, O.
Bold bjr Druggists at Sl.W pr bottl.
I fl
f H