r hi i I i 1 o 1 1 i wmmrtmtxi"' mf Summer Wt nU ffPHCJI Af Aftonttoit fl ftf 1 " f SUMMER GOODS. DOT'lMfll), HTJUJ.MMJ, JLAiJ AKJ) JMxAJtf 'WJIJTJfl WJHM. l'onjfoo Bfik WhIsIb, Huloaii WhIbIh, BwIbs WaIaUj, olO .'um hmmm. if.tfuniit. f,ndlrV Hllvor wnfo ftlvefl nwny r3eiieliibr Inli Our aIiwj stook l rilll roIiik l cost. All now flood ntid flood fjuntlly THE PALACE andThoeTSpany 307 Commercial Street. - if - Vou are going to build or make any Mud of Improvement. enll on thi underd'gned lor niHUrlnl. We have a complete Hook, ned ntt redjr tosupptjr any prepared contract, ewer work, grading, etc. Salem Imrovomont Co, SALEM 8O0IETY NEWS. A KOSY APPAIK. Mr. and Mm. It. B. Fleming gavo n delightful party at their homo on Cot tage street, Wednesday evening, In honor of Mrs. Bum .'Mitirch of Portland now on a visit to her parents. The Ktiostn woro moatly close friends of Mrs. Church oud all were glad to welcome her back to her old home pveu for a abort visit. Hoses wero everywhere abundant throughout the house, and eaoh lady woro a corBago bouquet ot her choicest varieties. Drive whist as of yore, then refreshments heralded by a delicious pineapple sherbert and sup plemented by auti-sleep cakes, plain and fringed, berrls, coflee and choco late with spanked cream, and. ice cream served with a cold-chisel aud hammer on the side. Three libelous carrlsatures wero passed around tbo compuny, one showing Mr. Gilbert as be looked when his opponents won a "slam," one of Pap Walte with his threo-ply world's fair smile when he won his first prize, and the other of Judge Murphy's re ceptlou at the Mum olub. Later In the evening the Judge was overpowered and made an honorary member of this olub. During the excitement of this initia tion in which the candidate lost his taffy, Mr. Fleming was quietly making way with the Ice cream, using a spoon In size little less than that of a spade, and Mrs. Sutherland was In the same boat paddling along with a spoon in each band. Dr. Richardson promptly took their temperature with uu orna mental thermometer snatched from the wall, ordered Mr. Fleming's spoon re moved, and had them blanketed forth with, which measures no doubt saved the cream. Mr. Wagner entertained a group with some choice Arublan Knights selections, taken from the Bal timore Life aud some original Jokes which he makes in the yard back of bis house on North Frout street. An acquaintance who has the run of the bouse and always looking for some thing new, took great pleusure iu ex hibiting Mrs. Fleming's new JS-ist Lake rose. JNo cuttings wero disposed of but they can bo had by asking Mrs. Flem ing about this new variety. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. IMemlug, Mrs. Bam Church, of Portland, Mr.aud Mrs. E. M. Walte, Judge and Mrs. J. J. Murphy, Mr. aud Mrs, E. Ureymau, Mr. and Airs. J. G. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Gatch, Judge and Mrs. GoorgoH. Burnett, Mr. and Mrs. O. E Krausse, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sutherland, Mr. aud Mrs. R. P. Boise. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Frank Will man, Mrs. Monroe, Mrs. Dodd and Dr. Richardson. A ltOSK TRA. The Rose Tea that will be hold at the First Congregational church Tuesday evening, June 27th, will consist of a flue program and refreshments. The young people, who have it In charge will see that every one present will have a good time. A treat of the sea ton la promised. Delsarte movements will be executed by several young ladle In costume at the entertainment. Mr. Wlllman, the piano artist, has kindly consented to play. The pro ceeds wilt go towards getting a now carpet for the parlors of the church aud equipment of the parlors, upon which 1U0 baa been expended. w. b. o. PICNIC. The W, It. C. enjoyed a jdculo Wed sesday, at Mrs. R. E. Wands, in Hanpden Park. They wore met at the asylum street car, and returned on a, bay rack with feet swinging In the air. Tu any that all enjoyed themselves would be expressing It very mild. The strawberry abort cake, prepared by the hostess, was declared flit for a king, ad all would be glad to repeat the oo castas. A KINIMUIAKTKN BIRTHDAY. Paul I Ob Mead aftHHoon little mmmimfminpi '" at Lasl ! Mold Wflleli mill Jlfniillfdl set t)t Johnson entertained it score of his young friend, In honor ofhln filth tin diversity, nt the family home on (Ugh street. Mrs, U. W. Johnson, as sisted by Miss Lulu, nud Mrs. 11, A. Johnson, Jr., served n delicious lunch for the party of youngsters, who were nearly all kindergarten class-mates of Paul, nud assisted them In their Juven ile plays. All had a delightful time, and will long remember the event Those present were: Paul nud Crotn Johnson, Ruth nud Karl Gubrlelson, Allcln and Lillian McElroy, Bcott and Ella May Webb, Ivan and Murgerlte Putnam, Edna and Luclle Davis, Olive and Lulu Thompson, Weller and Hoi lister Cbamherllu, Rex and Joy Turn er, Orrnond Bean, Mario Hofer, Corlnne Riely and Ama Strong, JULY RACING ENTKIE8. Pay Day Among Employes at the State Fair Grounds. Hecrotary J. T. Gregg, of tbo State Agricultural Society, arrived iu the city this morning aud at once proceeded to tbo State Fulr Grounds office to receive the pay rolls from Supt. J. Q. Wilson. The bunds have not been paid since tno work begun. All will be paid ofl tonight and there will be several thou sand dollars seeking the tills ofBalem business men. This money will be paid out of the funds of the State Ag rlcultural Society and not out of the (11,000 special appropriation by the Inst legislature. IJST OF ENTRIES. For the July meeting of the Oregon Breeding & Speed Association the fol lowing trotting, pacing and running races have tilled: No. 1, seven-eighths mile dash Black Alder entered by R. R. Hays, Bilva S entered by G. V. Robbins, Nipper entered by W. H. Humphrey, Seretta entered by A. M. Alleu, Undine entered by J. B. Kays, Paddy Ryan entered by H. Tartar, and Ruby en tered by Thomas J. Strickland, Sun day Lewis entered by Jas. Phillips. No. 2, pony ruuuiug 300-, ard dush Nellie S. entered by Frauk Snyder, Birday entered by Charles Matthews, Jet F entered, by J. H. Ford, Snow Fit-ke entered by E. L Burnett, Thom as entered oy I. B. Heury, Digger en tered by H. Clurk. No. 3. trot 2:4.5 claos, 2 in 3 Multno mah entered by Burrows Bros., Delia A entered by Robt. Breeze, Alta A en tered by E. House, Malheur entered by J. B. Smith, HbamrocK entered by Vau Do Lushmutt, Cazmo entered by Kenwood stables, Black Diamond en tered by R. D. Cooper, Plato entered by J. t. Mosher. No. 5, pacing, 2:23 class, 2 In 3 Lit tle Muld entered by J. E. Kirklaud, Del Norte entered Barrows Bros., Due Sperry entered by Sum Casto, Rocket entered by O. W. Gill. No. 7, i nillo aud repeat Robin H entered by R. R. Hays, Nipper entered by W. Humphrey, Lancer entered by Will J. Garrison, Rockland Boy enter ed by A. M. Alleu, Paddy Ryan enter ed by H. Tartar.Ruby entered byThos. J. Strickland, Billy Ay res entered by J.A.Foster, Uudlne entered by J. B. Kays, East Lynne entered by J. H, Strickland. No. 8t trot, 235 class, 2 In 3 Tyball eutered by Oscar Willis, Tyee entered by Robt. Breeze, Desota entered by J. R. Sawyer, Belle B entered by C. W. Hawks, Anita eutered by M, E. Welch, Hamrock eutered by E. De Lasbmutt No. 0, trot, 224 class, '-' mile beats Lady Mao entered by Robt. Breeze, Pearl Fisher entered by J. A. Beach, Bishop Hero entered by E. Rothobild, Blondle 12741 entered by Van De Lasb mutt No. 10, running, three-eighth mile dash Black Alder entered by R. R. Hays, Lancer entered by Will J. Gar rison, Roanoake entered by H. B. An derson, innocence Abroad eutered by H. Tartar, Black Prince entered by Z. Craven, Arago entered by W. R. An derson, Viola entered by J, H. Strlok land, Bleepy Dave entered by J. B. Kays, Beu entered by J. H. Byerly. No. 11. runnlntr. 1 mlledasb NlDDer entered by W.H. Humphrey, Silya 8 J iWJIHIXrt OAPfTfi JOtfffKAIi, A'JPWUAY, iHWfl 4, 1WW, pfifofwl fy A W All, (ffli1ifi0tH oN!iy,l II, Nam Nth tt.Ubt, tfilffftln-Mffllii -i'llf ffiofiL lor Nilrfrd hy i, v. (julmfiy, FMfik O'WMI eriieml ly M itolli cifiHd, Kfllle Ijm enured fy 'f W. lint tU, Yfnmt mweu ly Khmh M Mr Vainibtn eilwtl liy 'f'lii it, Toll' WW, AiiIa eiilefed ly M W VftMi, tin, , nvUK ti fMUiUU, illffl lirrtl, AIM WWtl etHcred tijf Attlh Vntktf, itutm entered by.fi, W.'illdeii, Ada it entered by Kenwood steMe, Ahllifl entered (y J, U, Molief No, H, (iiinliiK iillfl dli-l'st Murphy entered by 0. Wi itobblne, ItonfiuHke entered by It, H, Ahdefcon, Hleepy Dnve entered by J. IU lUyn, lllnfik l'f lues entered by Tli A, Htfloh Jrttid, Lldft St enleredy Craven, Arugo entered by W. it. Anderson, Viola en (ercd by J. it, Hlrfoklnhd, Jlotl entered by J, if Dyerly. tio, 17, Indies 0 tnllo rilntiliig-lly Miss l)aiy Ulernnd Mtes Uorllin Price Entries to thlo race to not close until Ilia night before the rnco At meeting oftlio board held Juno 20, 1603, the following specials wero or deredl A free for nil trot, 8 In f Amount of purse to bo named Inter. " 2-yenr-old trot, 2 best In 8 Five to outer, three to start, purse, (200, Five-eighth tnllo running dnsh Flvo to enter, three to start, purse (ICO, Gentlemen's roadster race, purso (100. 01TY COUNCIL RECORDS. Qompllod From tho Recorder's Minuto Book of Proceedings. Bai.km, Or., Juno 23. Council mot in adjourned sossou, mayor and all members presout. Report of city hall building commit tee read, It appears elsewhere OMISSIONS AND A I.TE RATIONS. W. D. Pugh, architect, appended fol lowing statement to tho committee re pert: "As tho bids recently opened for tho erection of the proposed city ball somewhat exceed tbo amount washed to be expended, I herewith submit an itemized statement of several altera tions wbloh can bo made without in any way impairing tho strength, dur ability or design of the building. The same having been submitted to the lowest bidder for an estimate which is submitted herewith: Tewlt: 1. 50,000 common brick omitted in east and west walls. 2. Lower frieze of cornice omitted on south and west walls. 3. Plastering omitted in apparatus rooraB. 4. Truss timbers in roof reduced in size from 12x10 in. to 10x16. 5. Second story unfinished (and first floor laid partitions being run), except firomen's quarters und water closets which will be finished. 6. Two main flights of stairs (inside) in building omitted. 7. Plain wainscotting on ground floor throughout. 8. Vault omitted in second floor. 0. Stonework In towor and south entrance changed from range work to random ashlar, 8 and 12 inches thick backed with brick. 10. Inside walls of tower changed from stone to brick work. 11. All but two main partitions on second floor changed from 3x8 to 2x8 Inches. 12. Omit iron guards in sub basement windows and reduce trues rods as fig ured in section. 13. Batter footings of foundation walls instead of square set-offs. 14. Radiators omitted on second story except in firemen's bed and sit ting roomB and firemen's quarters. 15. Reduction of 4 inches in thick ness of concrete walls, tower walls ex cepted. 10. Electric wiring changed to con form with rules and regulations of Sa lem Light & Power Co. THE REDUCTION. Following Is attached and signed by the coutractors,Hutohlns & Soulhwick; "In consequence of certulu proposed specified list of changes which may be mado In the plans and specifications of the new city hall, by which certain portions of the iuterior may be left un finished, we will make a reduction of (4,253." All the above was read and adopted. Hunt moved to adopt report. Albert moved to amend report to In clude changes recommended by the ar chitect and council and be resubmitted for Lids. Vote on Albert amendment: Ayes Smith, Albeit, 2; noes Hunt, Lufore, Cross, Olmstead, Gray, Klein, 0. Lost. Cross moved to ameud by striking out changes recommended by commit tee and receiving bids aocording to original plane. Vote on Cross amendment. Ayes Smith, Cross, Olmsted, Albert, 4; noes Hunt, Laforo, Gray, Klein, 4. Tlie mayor voted no. Lost. The question recurring on motion to adopt report, ayes Hunt, Lufore, Olm sted, Gray.KIeln, 6; noes Cross, Smith, Albert, 3. Carried. Recorder was instructed to return all certified checks except that of Hutch ins South Wick, The motion to establish a new grade ob state street was reconsidered ; street oemmittee to prepare plan for lmprov fH((fhfl(fef,nfit. (tnfifdf ttflll Kfel fnilfoml COfllpUiy flbolll lilOYlrlK Hllf (MeklHfne7, riirildi mwvftl (tat Hie" btoyolfl w tfftUoii ba ftffihlfted Ut bill qiisftef mllft (WMiOrW twit In Wllion jmrk Hfidef (. tfolofi of the lfeel tmmU slorief. AUtl fnomi Ut Amend lMt (Ion o dial n eoiiiinlllM cofi'Mlii of Klein, Mmllli and Vtt, should net tbe ninltefi (tarried, iteoorder w Instrueted (o pubilsii nolle of lb liriproveihoiit of ifllli street from fatty Cohtef, ! Incite of ((ravel to be tined, eld, mht, BUILD A 01TY UAhh, Keport of flttlldltirf Commlttes Adopt ed frlday lit enlng by the Council. To tbo tunyor and common council of the oily of Bnlefri, Gentleineul-' We, your committed on ootistrtiotfoti of the city bull, to whom wns referred tho bids for tho construction of same, beg lenvo to report, Hint we linvo litul tho nme Under consideration, nud reo commend) l'lrflt-'Ilmttho bid of Hutchlns A HoutliWlok, for tho construction of tho ofty hnll, nccordlng to tho plans nnd specifications, ns adopted by tho conn oil, wlthstenm heating, to-wltjtho sum of (53,870, Is $8,325 lower than tho next lowest old or the bid of G. A. Stephens which was (50,195, Second Whereas tho bid of Hutch Ins & Bouthwlck ((53,870) Is higher than tho, estimated cost of tho building and after carefully considering tho plans nnd specifications, nnd upon the recommondatlou of Architect W.JJ Pugh, we reccommond sundry changes in the details of tho work, which will not Impair the strength or appcarnnco of tho building in any sense but will save to the city, the sum of (4, 253 00, an Itemized statement of said changes being iiereto attached, and that said sum of (4, 253 bo deducted from the bid of said Hutchlns & Southwlck.reducing said bid to the sum of (40,017. Third We reccomend that the city enter into a contract with Hutchlns & Bouthwlck, for tho construction of the city hall, in accordance with the plans and specifications as amended, for the sum of (40,017. Fourth We further recommend, that the list of changes, as hereby rec ommended, the same having been agreed to by said Hutchlns & South wick, be made and attached to the specifications, so as to be a part of the specifications and contraot. Fifth That the city attorney be in structed to prepare contract and bond in accordance herewith, which when properly signed by the contractors, to- getner witn good ana sumclent sure ties, in the sum of (50,000 and approved by the mayor, shall be the contract governing the construction of the city hall. Sixth We further advise, owing to the lack of funds in the hands of the treasurer, for use In constructing this building, that the terms of payment and time of contract be referred to the building committee, for an arrango ment with the contractors, the whole to be finally approved by the mayor. Seventh We further recommend, that Pioneer stone and Burton Bros. pressed brick, be used in the construc tion of the building. M. W. Hunt, Geo. W. Gray, A. Klein, E. M. La fore, Committee on construction of city ball. The question now was on tbo original motion of Hunt to adopt the report. This was carried, Smith, Albert and Cross voting No. Notice. Tuesday will bo the first day of the State Bportsmens' tourna ment at MorningBide. The shooting for prizes will begin at 0 o'clock, and it will be one of tho best days of the season. The people of Salem should remember that these exhibitions are free, and that the Motor company will run trail ers aud furnish the best accomodation for the comfort of all visitors. This 1b not a mouey-making enterprise, but conducted for the pleasure of the visi tors as well as the people of this city. Picnics. 8alem has had scores of picnics this season, and many a good time has been had out at MorntngHde. The beautiful high grounds, the run ning streams and springs, as well as the shady groves, make it the most de sirable place about the city, not to mention the great convenience of get ting baok and forth on the motor cars. Things are lively out there now, as many new homes are going up, and dozens of Salem's best families arrang ing to move out there. DPRICE'S . fflflKSB yI,CreaofTartarPwder.-NoAiBOHla;NoAlH. VA im MilUoM f H(Mt-4o Ynx. SuZLt ifiWiiWfwrff'lfJ?l3l!lIgfTl v'nf'!!lJ'JSJl? "' "y-H'Twwqy!wPPWffPW!B?g!g!gg DYSPEPSIA It UiHt iillscf cxlieftod wlitm fitiddefily inndfl Atfifa Ihftfc Joti jiosseM rt dlftbollcnl fiffnfltjfcfiiciii oitlled sloinnolu Mo Iwd ttysjieif iM lirtVd Hie SrtMd Jifcdofiiliinul ajfiiifitoiiisj Imt wlirttoY6f foftfi (tysiioiislrt takes' H1i6 UiittertytHtf twt 4t And otia liiiftg Is certain t6 one will rortirttn n dyBboplId -who will II itllt eerree Aelrfliofttifl fltnmtfi, JtfrtfonlgMM, Allsirrllntloti, I AsUt lilcettltm land at tho tame Urns Start tha Liver working nnd all boditu aumcnia will mtitppcar. "For mot ltin llife eurt 1 luffetKl with DnrMl In Hi wetii AririnA. bill the nffof dd flO ftlf. Al I Ml I If IM refit form. 1 mn MYtm filmmom Urttd Kepilitof, which tureJ me In a ihort tlm, 11 1 Reed medlcliw, I would not t wllhoul It' jAMi A, KoAH, PhlUd", l'. "A a general ftmll remedy for tyiepl, Torpid IJyef, Coiwtlpitlon, etc., f hardly rret me anything ehe, and lure never been dip pointed In the effect pfoduced. It eem lo m altnott a perfect cure for all dlteate of the btomacb and lloweli." W J, McElhoy, Macon, Oa THE CITY HALL COiNTKACT. Tho proceedings of tbo city council In nwnrdlng the city ball contraot are pullsbed In full in Tiik Journal as they appear on tho recorder's books. From tho record It appears that n long list of alterations and omissions are mado in tho contract and specifica tions which appear to amount fo (4263. Other bidders knew nothing of tho changes. Assuming that (4253 is tho truo value of tho work uud matcrlul omitted from the contract, the question arises has the council the right to leuso even that amount to tbo Judgment of any single bidder, but should It not have let all bidders know of the intended changes? The list of changes is long nnd mate rial, aflectlng tho construction of the entire building, and there is room for great difference in the estimated de ductions that should be made on uc count of such changes. The city should have bad tbo benefit of open competition from all the builders on the revised specifications and if the changes were deemed necessary the original bids should not have been made public. No detailed statement of cost in volved in these changes was required to be submitted to the council by the architect, and there is no evidence In their report that any such estimate was laid before the committee or was ever mode. These facts are submitted to the peo ple without comment. Wruld any member of the council make such a contract if acting for himself? A Bia Bun Has been made on The Fruit Palace for tboso mammoth goose berries and strawberries for canning and fumilv use. All demands have been met, however, and the actual re serve Is known4obo ample. Mr. Bine man commands great many acres, aud takes only the choicest plckiugs. Get your fruit now, while it is in prime and remember the FrUlt Palace, at 132 State St. Few Hop Lice J. M. Settle.of Leb anou, reports hop prospects in that part of Linn county as fine, but says a few lice are showing up. Henry Glesy says the crop about Auroraand in the north ern part of Marion county was never better, and that no lice have shown up as yet. Money. A banker says there Is more in Balem banks than ever be fore. Loans are not being made ex cept at regular ten per cent rates and only "for love and aQection" as one banker puts It. Coin is held back until confidence is restored. Times Good Tho way Lockwood messengers are flying about town is ev idence of good times. At any rate peo ple appreciate a public convenience. Notice. Members of the Salem Rod anujuun club are requested to meet this Saturday evening, at 8 p. m. at Brooks & Salisbury's store, to elect three delegates to the state Tourna ment. Rare Offer. Buren & Bon have a rew good second-hand carpets which can be bad at a bargain. m i Good new house to rent, six blocks from post office. Inquire of Geo. M. Beeler. 6 20-tf TAKE NO ON AN MAfll'JBilN SHODDY SUIT ATAlfAUULOUfll'lliaifl, BUT 0OM1U AND GET , OND Otf OUll HOME MADE ALL wool suits AT THE . SALEM, SPECIAL HUM! S1LE! For One Week. UDKS fflE French Chip, Tuscan Braid, English Milans, all colors, includ ing a line of pretty plaques, every one cheap a $4.50, will be sold for M 52.0G SEE SHOW HOT LI! New lot, summer styles, elegant shapes, beautifully ,, and artistically trimmed, cheap at $3.00, will be sold for $1.00 $1.00 mm New and stylish, just the thing for summer wear, assorted colors, pretty and daintily trimmed, every one cheap for $1.50, will be sold for 50 cents 50 cents 50 cents 25 doasen Ladles', Misses' and Children's fine untrlmmed hats, 25 cents 25 25 dozen Children's za cents 25 10 dozen Ladles' Bun Hats, zo cents .. 25 SPECIAL LOT. 6 dozen only Ladles' Rough and Beady White Sailors, 15 cents 15 cents 15 cents Real, genuine, big-hearted, bankable values; just what the people want, and to be appreciated must be seen. FOR - ONE- WEEK. MRS. S. C. REED, 265 Commercial Street. LACES, EMBROIDERIES, FLOUNCINGS -AT- SPECIAL LOW PRICES THIS WEEK Call and examine our well assorted stock of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Linoleums and MattingsPrices the lowest. WILLIS BROTHERS OPERA HOUSE CORNER, .... eyjfTf,g;gfy;fc werkL AtserU fifteen" CHANCES OREGON, WINDOW. $1.00 cents 25 cents Trimmed Bailors, cents 25 cents assorted colors, cheap for $1.00, cents - 25 cents & CO. BALEM, OREGON. TRIM HATS M W D ! HATS