1 Tr: ---qyjrm 4.- yswi iCVJB.Nl.NO (JAJL'lTAJb JOUTCNAIj. SATX7BDAY, JUNE 24, 183. l ii 'W .? ,1 i f H' i-H ) If: If 59b fK CMM JOURNAL. auattztii lata.- tfSLiHD DAILY, KXCKW BUNDAV, lit THa CiNa(ifrtal Public Company, Pest orico fl'ock.-Oomtuertlal Street. HOT Eft MOTHERS, Editors. I hf tattU rlef , P niiyj bt rani' r jraie'- , i,, reify, I I , Per y' ,'w fef mall, er jriwrj StJflULSTKD COMMENT. Money Is getting easier to not get. Jloom the One Cent Journal I Hurrah f Newport, Or. That town Will celebrate. Balem U a big town all tlio wee, but a great big oM on'BAtUrday's, KanMM dot-n not seem to bo In It the grasshopper Mate r portB uo bauk failures. i The Willamette Vulley Hop Grow ers (and a few dealer) organize at Sa lem today. To the Preslileut, Grdtfer Cleveland: Restore confidence today and you re store business tomorrow. Of, course, nil the batiks will pa tbelr deptillbri. That's what they fall for, to protect their depositors. ii I "- Banks bust us readily In Oregon and California as elsewhere. The wonder ful climate ! rio protection. That Guu King or tho British war ship Victoria, with 430 souls was a clumsey eihibltlon br udVAl feklll at beet. ''-" .j, A little gold will create a wholo lot nf nlrnnlatlnn urlinn tlmrn In nlimtv of oonfldeuce iri tile boat of tho public pulse. Fay up your Weekly and take the Daily Journal, at 13.00 a year by mall, cash In advance. Many are do ing that ii Show the Daily Mail Journal at 36 easts a month to your friends. It In the greatest news bargain ever oflered the public ii i' ' ' Uncertainty and lack or confidence are bursting banks and causing bard times more than too much silver or scarcity of gold. That thing is getting monotonous, of all the banks having so much more as sets tbaa liabilities that the depositors can't get a cent. Having fused and swallowed the Populist .lamb, the Democratic tiger says he can'tafflllate with it,ou account of hte principles. Great Is principle! The power or one wunthlp to destroy and sink another at ono blow was ter ribly demonstrated In the collision be tween the Victoria and CVniperdown. If you do not get your Daily One Cent Journal by mall promptly and regularly, notify this onice.glviug facts abetit date and day. Thr Journal will have original and rHable hop news every day and every week, covering Oregon, Washington, California and New York, with tele graphic reportB from all ever the East and London. Cleveland is continuing the Ilepubll can flnauolal pollny and that robber MoKluley tarlfl aud of course every Democrat swears it la the Republicans that tore to blame for present hard times. It matters, not how hard times are, the people 'Waut tho uewB. They can get all the news twulvo to twenty hours ahead of the Portland p:ixr in the Da'ily Capital Jouknal by mall ui 95 cents a month, If that had been au American war. ship that collided with the Urltlnh mini o'f-war that sunk, what would huvu been the result? What would have been the result If uu Amerioau warship had geae down with -too Aruerlo.ua beard. Deafness Oannot be Oured ay loeal applications, as they caunot reaeh the deceased portiou or the ear. There 'te only oue way to euro Dwfueva, aad that Is by ooustliutiounl remedies. Deafaeas Is caused by au I nil tuned cou- Illien of the mucous llulug or the luetaebUH Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, ana wheu It le entirely closed Deafness Is the re sult, and unless the lutiammatlon can be taken out aud this tube restored to 1U Moruaal condition, Iiettrlutf will be d atfoyed forever; nine cases out or ten are eaused by catarrh, which is uothlug but an inflamed, condition of the aaueotM surfaces. We will give Oue Tlundrcd Dollars far any ease of Deafness (caused by eatarrh) that cannot be cured hy Hall's Oatarrli Cure. Heud for eliuulars, free. F. J. CHENKY, S Co., Toledo, O. Jflrdeid by DrugglsU, 75c. Jfctky cried, Vetta sighed, Jfeeter resoribed t Castoria FKOM OHEMAWA. Exercises at the Indian Training liool-aoctl'Nflwfl Notes. Commencement day Is past aud the most Interesting and successful by far than any of the former commencement exercises ever held at Chemawa Indian school. Although it was quite a dis narccabte. rainy day there was a large delegation from Balem and nearly every ono from tho surrounding country caftieirj td Del) the exercises. Thursday p. m. was tho most Interesting. The program was fully carried out and In the best of shape, showing thorough training and drill. The most enter taining thing on tho program, where all was good, was the piano solo by tho little tot, Miss Gertrude Brewer, "The Blelgh Ride." The sleigh bells were real and tho little miss received a hearty encore and the most enthusiastic ap plause. The graduating class was addressed by Inspector Lane In a short but elo quent speech, and after tho graduating exercises there was a grand social time In the big diulng room that lasted un til 11 p. m. It was amusing to see the different expressions or race atnoug the boys and girls when they were paired ofTln the promenade according to size, nnd theu again where each boy was al lowed to pick out his first best girl for a promenade. The change was remark able. The smiles lit up the whole room like an electric light Many of the children go home now. Somo stay and some visit during vaca tlon, aud the village of Chemawa will bo a llt'le More quiet for awhile. LOCAL NOTES. Mr. Cannon, who had Mr. Kelly V place rented and was sick so long, hat sold out and gone to Los Angeles, Cal. Mr. Gilbert is making hay but the rain has stopped operations. F. J . Beatty says he has thejbest orch ards in the valley. The -6 "year old prunes will make over two bnshels ol fruit to the treo this year. Mr. Tlllmon Ford bos let tho con tract of grubbing out his Lake Labial) farm to Win, Goodrich and will soon be a full-fledged granger as his beaver dam land will be making him bo much money that he Intends to abandon the law und j tin the grange. B. G. Pugh Is away from home on a trip oyer tho west side counties for pleasure. He is an old Indlau war veteran but is not putting in any time bowling for a peuslou. He was very near death from measles when out in the Indlau oauutry. but the o.uipauj he was In was uot so badly hurt by the savages as by bad food, exposure and sickness. J. It. Fairbanks from Nebraska has bought tho Will Masston place and L bow eujoylng our webfoot weather and fruit. LATE HOP NEWS. Interesting Letter From One of Lane County's Hop Growers. KuaiiNK, Juno 24, 1803 Editor Journal. I will be pleased 'to favor you with information about 'the hop crop. Oregon is rated first as a hop produc ing Btntu of the coast. Balem being 'central U a couvouleut placo for hop nows. Of course your information must be reliable, aud that Is the kind of a report I will glvo from this district. I boo you publish tho general news from Washington, California, and New York. The mti ket is very quiet hor aud news Is a scaice article The com ing crop Is very backward iu this coun ty. Llco have appeared Iu small qutin- ties. No spraying has been done yet. There still remains 200 to 800 bales of the 1602 crop left unsold Iu Eugene. Little Things That Tell. It Is the llt'lw thiugs that telllittle brothers for instance, who hide away In the parlor whllu sister entertains hut beau, etc. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel. IcU are little things that tell. Thoy tell on the liver aud lone uu tho system. Bo small und yet so eflectual, thoy urv rapidly supplanting the old style pill. Au Infallible reined fur Blok and Bil ious Headaches, Biliousness and Con sllpatlou, Put up In vials, convenient to carry. Ttieir use atteuueu w.tu no discomfort. Thk Whey to vo It Is to call round at Clark fe Epploy's aud ask for somo of the superb Nestucoa cream cheese, the dulutlest edible on this mar ket. VISOR of MEN EMllr, Qjlekty. PrnMI, Ritr4. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DXBItlTY, ail lllhttluof t(U trout nuIjt iiwur Utr iMMM, U .rv.ulu ol Wurnr.tla tPuUMniwh! ilmlupmMi ui (oat Ilv lo ;rjr otftu uj Kxtlna cf lb Ul. ml.BtturllutlkM. tniUi biiu1iuii talttjkawl VfWW ituthKKtwlnntrt ERIE MEMCAl CO. j wrrk, w. y. '111 FASHION'S FANCIES. In millinery black hats for the mo ment domjnato tho modo. One of tho most attractive and desir able styles for traveling uses is the now empire princess costume. . The newest skirts, made with three bias nngathcred flonncoa lapping ono above tho other, nro far movo fashion able than thoy aro protty. Tnecan hats, nfter a period of banish ment, are once more accbptable. They are iroquentiy tnmmcu wnn coior to match, but this Is very trying. Very nsoful to take tho placo of wash dresses for tho summer aro those of tus sore, theso being excellent for wear In CTorv sense cool, not easily soiled and most enduring. Thero Is a beautiful exhibition of In dlo silks for summer wear. Grounds of parma violet, dovo gray, fawn color, cream, pink and silver blue are strewn with lovely flowers In contrasting hues, onrl ftin nmhnr. tun. doo color and Tjalo golden mignonette green silks, with fins gay pompadour devices in copper, silver and tea rose, New York Evening Post, ODDS AND ENDS. London has 11,000 licensed pnbllo cabs, of which 8,000 are driven by the owners, Ono hundred detectives aro employed in the Bon Marche in Paris, -whoso only labor is to watch for shoplifters. It Is said that wood ashes mixed with alt will protect hogs from cholera If kept whero thoy have free access to it. A strange fact la that really good prints, etchings and engravings often bring moro than their market price at auction. Some idea of tho stamp collecting craze may be obtained from the fact that it employs a capital of about $3,000,000 and engages the attention of about 800,i 000 collectors. The terrors of tho famous whirlpool of Charybdls, or Golofaro, have been much exaggerated. It is hardly dangerous even to a small vessel, while largo ships do not fear it at alL The Iluttllnc Unilariklrt. There is no more melodious sound ol earth to the shell-liko ears of tho worn ' an of today than tho frou-frou of silken skirts. It is as soothing to her senses at tho plashing of limpid waters. She is content to wear a gown of last year's serge, and during tho summer she was satisfied with cambric or gingham, ii only tlio petticoat underneath, from which hor little feet peeped in and out, was composed of the proper material, which material is taffeta changeable, striped or even plain. Pinked raffles are giving place to flounces of lace, fes tooned and caught here and there with knots of velvet or ribbon. So widespread is this tendonoy to rus tle that the shops aro offering petticoats advertised as "rustle skirts," and the term catches more women in fifteen minutes than a placard bearing the sign of "silk petticoats" in letters a foot high would catch in a week. Whilo the rustling crazo lasts it is an excellent opportunity to lay in a supply of white muslin underskirts, which are bound to roturn sooner or later, and the dainty ones, with their frills and em broideries, mako one wonder if, after all, it is not more refined and fitting to wear pure whito underclothing, upon whoso surfaco every spot can be seen, and which can bo restored to its original purity by a flying trip to tho laundry. What would our grandmothers those dear departed dames have said to our wearing undergarments which did not how tho dirt? Now York Herald- CARTER'S ITTLE IVER PIUS. CURE Sick Iteadacha and rsllere all th troubles Inci dent to a bilious statci of th ijatem, such as PluinsM. Nausta. Drowslotu, Dtitren after eatlnif. l'aln In tbq Bide. Ac. Whilo their tnojt rsinaraablo succss has been shown la curiae SICK nadache. yet Cirtik's Littlk Litis Pills are equally raluablo in Constipation, curing and proTentlnc this annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, sUmulate the liter and regulate the bowels. Kvsn U they only cured HEAD iche they would be almost priceless to those who surfer from this distressing complaint; but fortunately their goodnest does not end here, and those who once try them will find these little pills Taluable In so many ways that they will not be willing to do without them. Uut after aU sick head ACHE Is the bane of so many Urea that here Is where we make our great boast. Our plus cure il white other do not UtRTiK'a Lrms fjr ritu are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dots. They are strictly vegetable and da not gripe or puree, but by their gentle action please all who use them. In vials at H centij Ave for t , Sold everywhere, or sent by tuail tuna xxsieun ea, vnr Tat UNLH.lm fcdMfc BJ SB) RSBSBj BS'BmPBSJ SPBBBSBBb BjISSySSj BLOOD DISORDERS A New Remedy A tru Specific pathlvs sad perauntnt sKmttutton Mall pouon from the bkuj. ami a mtoration of huhhy - in .-w uuw. u wotu u watrrri lor m era urn tat a rttnejy hkj tut ln ubJcti oing the mou hii prirsu tijwWnu for the put Ikra tun, Il tu net t fiWJ, and k iU not &. as tt I. a True SpeclHe far brplutNic noMEW oJ aH bkiod due. Ho vwi U Mew buUfdrfuttnutU-uUrtaiklptoaf fm, Stop fmtt )xxjt ,j-Metu tlh KHivury and other poiwu. mm rmly wtN cure , u a ao9d)-t wuluut Ud. wis. luanutte euro or re I una the uiouer. MOFFAT CHEMICAL CO., 1TO tint Street VOUTUk.V, OJU 1 f ri Wood Wanted. At Blind School 80 ctls. body fir, 25 cds. pole oak. Bids received until July 1st. E. H. Bollinqeb, Hup. 0-22-2d-lw Blind rjchool. WANTED. In bulk, alt good shipping varieties nf cherries In the Willamette valley. Oregon Fruit & Produce Co., Balem. 018 dw Beforo doing to the Wold's Fair Enquire About The Limited Express trains or tho Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway between St. Paul nnd Chicago and Omabu and Chicago. These trains are vestibuled, electrlo lighted and steam heated, with the fin est Dining and Sleeping Car Service in the world, The Electric reading light In each berth is the successful novelty or this progressive age, nnd la highly appreciat ed by all regular patrons or this line. We wlsb others to know its merits, as the Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail way Is the only lino in the west enjoy ing the exclusive use or this patent. For further information apply to nearest coupon ticket agent, or address . C. J. Eody, General Agent ' J. W. Casey, Trav. Pass. Agt. 2-6 Stark St., Portland, Or. tr Jlfrs. A. A. WUHama Lynn, ilsjj. For the Good of Others Rev. Mr. WW lams Heartily En dorses Hood's SarsapurlUa. We are pleased to present this from Rev. A. A. Williams, of tho Sillsbce street Chris tian Church, Lynn, Mass.; " I see no reason why a clergyman, more than a layman, who knows whereof he speaks, should hesitate to approve an Article of Merit and worth, from which he or his family have , been signally benented, and nhose commen dation may servo to extend those benefits to others. My wife has for many years been a sufferer from severe Nervous Headache for which she found little help. She has tried many things that promised well but Ee r formed little. Last fall she took Hood's arsaparllla. It seems surprising what one bottle could and did do for her. Tlio attacks of headache decreased In number and were less violent In their Intensity, whilo her gen eral health has been improved. Her appe Uto Is also better. From oxperlenco with Hood's Sarsaparilla I have uo lieiltatlon In endorsing iu mer lin." A. A. Williams. HOOD'S PILLS r tho bet family cathar Uc.Rcntle nnd effective. Try a box. MALv30R I BEGEflTLEMAN'SFBIEaU OurPEIirKCTIO.V STIUItOgfrM with rrwr tUl. I.clMO. Don tut STAIN. rBKVESiTS BTRICTUEK. CUMOONORBJICKAUklGLXmnOllto FonUfv A QUICK CURE (or LEVCOEBHOU r WHITES. SoMbrtUPrXOGISTS. B.DttouirAiUmoltI.k. MALYDOR Mirmrmmi Ok. LANCASTER. Ollla Skin Food. Ladles who suffer from Cuttlnz Winds ana bcoroning nun will find Mrs. Harrison's Lola Montez Creme The Skin Food, The best remedy for keepli g the faro cool and free fr m Irrita tion, as It sooths and comforts the skin and pi events frecxleri nr sunon ms noi beautlflerbut a skip rcbtorotlve and pre servative. If n lltfe llontes O emo Is rubbed la tbeKln nnd thnrouchlv wined off aealn Jut KefoieapplylnK powder, th . complexion will be softer, aud ins powder will ren.ali longer, desldes preventing tne powder from ri.-KKiuK iim pores oi me sKin' i ri'ovocenix Forsals by KIIKH LKfiO, Drticglit, 1'Btton uiurK, aiein, ure. Fornnyspeo'al or complicated blemish of incuur luriu, wrun ft'.RS. NETTIE HARRISON, AMIKICA'4 11IAUTY UOOrOR, to Qoiry Ht., an Francisco, Cal Kupernuous Hair Permanently Removed. Electric Lights On Ifetor System. TO CONSUMERS: TheBalm Light and Power Company at yret expense have equipped laelr Klevtno Light plant with the m et inod.rn Apparatus Hudnrenowsble to. offer the public a belfr Km man nuy sy.feiu ana ai a rate lower than any city on theotasu Arc and Incandescent Light lug. Electric Motors for all purposes whore power Is re quired. 7 Ad Man rt jut k. 1 .k A . u ! ft aeMred and tbe ooouiner py for only ujr au Klectrio Meter. Offloe 179 Commercial St, Barginas in Land. II. W. Smith, postmaster ol LcwUvllIe, and V.H. Murphy, of balem naelor sat aboa lAVaereanrtooaformlaxaaa stack lBd la the Luektsmute rnuutrr la rVUk enuoly. frlees rauge from W to W per aere. Allgnoa pteperty, and oa the msrset for the arst H- 0rwi1 bargvlaa. Call oa or addresa UieaVoTfc dwfrU-U a j niiFjk''-' '-?."!Si!? vVjjjjifl A GOOD REPUTATION r.ON DEM KfcP M"7?S- -MR"?3. 1 been 77RKC0HDENSpWu---J i for Thirty Years. Your Take no substitute for THE NEW WILLAMETTE STABLES Completed aud ready to wait on customers. Horses boarded by day or week at reasonable prices. We keep a full meet all demauus. Also Beep tne II nest Barn and residence 2 block south of CIvBAN. If you would be clean and have your clothes doneup in the neatest and dressiest manner, take them to the SALEM STEANI LAUNDRY where all work is done by white labor and in the most prompt manner. COLONEL J. OLMSTED, Liberty Street. Spring w! FAIR GROUNDS, SALEM, July 4, 5, 6 and 7. PHIZES $3,500,00. Trotting, Pacing ari Running CONTESTS. PROGRAMME. Tuesday, July 4th. Runnlne, srvenlghths mile dash, pnrse 1200 Pony race, 400 yds, 3 bett in 3 " 10U Pontes not to exceed 13 hands high. Trotting, 2-15 c'asp. 2 In 3 T ottlntr. a-yeHr-o'ds, mile dash Pacing, 2:2) class, 2 in 'i 250 150 250 Wednesday, July 5tb. Knnnlnz, one-hslf mile. 2-yearolds, purse f 15(i Kunnlug, one-hall wile and repeat, " 200 rrottlng, 2S clas,2lus " 250 TrotllDg, 2 21 class, 2 mile dash " 2UI Thursday, July 6th. Running, f mile dash purse,$100 Running, mile dash 250 rrottlng, 2:29 class 2 In 8 " 300 Pacing, 2-year-olds,mile dash, " 150 Friday, July 7th. Running, t mile dash puree, $100 Oentlemeu's roadster race 2lu3 " 100 Horses without record, owners to drive Novelty running rarx-,0 miles.. " &10 Ihlarace Is for ladles, entrance fire; they can change horoea as often as they wish. ADMISSION: Gentlemen, 60 centa. Ladles, 25 eta. Children over 12 years, 25 ota. Graud stand, 25cts. office its. President, U. w.crTTI.E. VlolTesldent, W.J. KRWIN. Secretary, F, N. DKBUY. Treasurer, I. U PATTEKSON HOWARD, The House Mover. 451 Marion Street Has the best facilities tor moving and rais ing bouses. Urave orders at uray Bros., or address Salem, Oregon. Smith Premier Typewriter. 8oldoesypTau. Per ttssHi W. I. STALEY, Agent, ikm. H N.BURPM,QaUtBt, M TWr4 eK, PertlaJta- fc'iilfte oaUlfiius. rmmWm)mfSSSSSmllt tttttttttHkS!ttt9tttttsVSik Is often ruined by manufacturers, who, relying upon that alone allow the char acter of their goods to deteriorate. The GAIL BORDEN EAGLE BRIND Condensed Milk is always the same. Rest assured that its standard of excel lence is constantly maintained. Its purity, cleanliness, richness and perfec tion of process in manufacture has never eaualed. It stands First. It has Grocer and Druggist sell it. the Eagle brand. line of Truck", Drays and Express to stallions in tills county, ror service. postofllce. RYAN & CO. WISC0S1N CENTRAL LINES. (Northern Pacific R. R. Co., Lessee.) LATEST TIME CARD. Two Through Trains Daily. lZlipm 1:30pm lftlPam 1 60ptn 7.15am 6 25pm II M'nn ul 9.45.1 uj I 4:15Dtn 7:15pm It 8tlBUl al .aOacol 8:40pm 7.2SDm I. Ashland, a I 8JXam 8.S0Dm 9f6aml..Chlco..a 5.47pm jj6tm Tickets sold and )aeeage checked through to all points In the United BUtesand Canada. Close connection made In Chlcaco with all trains eolmr East and South. Kor mil Information apply to your nearest ticket agent or JAM. c. FOND, Uen. Pass, and Tkt, Agt,, Chicago. Ill; Bids for Asylum Supplies. The board of trustees of I he Oregon State In sane asylum Invite ealed proposals lor tbe furnlKhtnir at the asylum near Valero, "regon, tbe following supplies for tbe six, months end ing January 1, 1894 : UBY GOODS. 500 yards cotton flannel, Nashua- XXX brown. 1,200 yards Amoskeag, mariners stripe, bine and white. 500 yards PequotA sheetings, Xi Inch, nn bleacbed 600 yards tiownsdale sheeting, 04 Ineh, bleached. 200 yards Continental, checked flannel. 300 yards Ulass crash, K Inches wide. 700 yards bleacbed linen and French crash, 18 Inches wide 20 yards Amoskeag blue denim. 200 yards S-l bleacbed sheeting, Peqnot, 100 yards superior satux damask, 61 inch wide. 200 yards Marseilles checks, YorkHfg. 00 yards Dragon clotb. assorted coiors. 12 duz. white stay binding 'A Inches wide. 25 doz. ladle' c tton hose. 5 doz. mystic Turkey red handkerchiefs, 21 Inches. 75 doz. No. S8 white (Coat's) thread. 2 doz. Ha. 16 white (Coat's) thread. S doz. No. 50 white (Coat's, thread. 2 doz No. 60 while (Coat',.) thread. 10 doz. No. 3A b ack (Uuat ) tbiaad. 50 yards table oil clotb, beat quality, light color. Ii dox. papers pins. QKOCEIUhS. 10,000 pounds beans, small white. i.OOOlbs granulated suKar. S.UOlbaO. C ugar. ti. 00 ibs. rolled oati, In barrels, fresh ground. S.OO0 bs cracked wheat. 4.000 lbs Gold Dust corn meal (or as good) fresh ground in ban els. 2,000 ibs bomlnr, fresh ground In barrels. 4.000 lbs choice Island rice. uOu gallons New Orleans molasses, best 1,000 Ibs corn starch, Oswego. OtiOOlbs Liverpool si U 600 Ibs cheese, Uianston's or as good, full cream. 1JO lbs C. A Co's A. & II. brand crb soda, so lbs cream tartar. J. A. Fu'ger's best, to grtiss Vulcan 8uperlor Hafety matckes. 25dnz broom. 2 dnx whisk brooms. 15 doz. cxns oysters, Blue Point, or as good. 2D noz cans oysn. Melds, li'dos. on- mm, sacoor as good. 1001b. p-arl b rley TiO lb, sodn cracker XXX fresh. KM lbs. o iter crackers XXX fresh. 100 b. Okwego gloss starub. 20 boxes macaroni. OIL. 100 gallons kerosene. Pearl brand. In tanks, 20 gulloos Albany sp'ndle oil. o giuions Aioany cylinder oil. FLOUK. 600 barrels inore or less, bst roller proceM. 4alllfaM4 a m m..l4 MEATB. nuiDs per oar. more onra ot beef, as re quued In tqual paru of fore and blndquar- Tiau. fumlahiDff toe dttTervat kin, perfectly lreh and ftountt SOAP, 3,000 poundg Klrk'aKavon or&n rwl. good. ' DRIED KltDlT. J-9S T?ana PP, t qnallty. lAM Ibs. prunes. ' 100 lb, rauini. H'ICHS, f J6 lbs. mace, ground. Ail Iru mxstHB . Atja oo lb, black pepper groand, x lb, cinnamon, ground. W lbs. gtofcr, froMd. TEA. ljreo lbs, OolumWa brand, or as ceed COFFEE. 4 099 lb. Coot Klea, II st grade. iSs.S2i75l?S:J'T,Wf,4fc TOBACCO. )Ao lbs. Bledse Hammer brand. STATIONERY. 2 groM pens, Glllotl's No. 4M. 1 gross lead pencils, rubber tip N. 1 1 gross lead pencils, rubber tip No. 8. 1 box London Incandescent pens, No. t (gen uine.) 1 b-x London Incandescent pea. No, 8 (gen uine) 1 box London Incandescent pens, No. 7 (gen ulue.) 1 ream legal-cap paper (extra good.) 1 " Journal " I " ledger ' Hdrz penholders. K doz. quart bottles Banford's premium writing fluid. Jtlos quart bottle Stafford's commercial Ink. 3 quart bottles Sanford's combined writing fluid. CROCKEUY. lodos teacups. lodoz saucers. 5 doc. one quart roup bowls, 1 doz. one t allon pitchers. J. doz, soupplatte.s, 9 Inch. 1 doz. chamber pots. 2 doz s rup pitchers, 1 pint, glass, lo doz. tumblers. 1 doz. lantern globes. 1 doz. i baker salts. PAINTS AND OILS. l,ooo pounds white lead. 1 barrel linseed oil, boiled. Vrrel roor paint. Prince's metallo brown. 2o gallons turpentine. 2o pounds Venetian red. 10 pounds chrome green, dry In 5 pound cans. 2 pounds chrome yellow, In oil. 6 lbs burnt umber, In oil. filbsdry nmber. 4 cans rose pink, in oil. 2 cans burnt sienna. l pnper bronze. aoz. Aaams orusnes no. o a. u. k.. doz. round saab tool. 2o lbs. French oobre dry. 0 wies glass 7XSO. 6 boxes gifts 8x2o. loo pounds pntty. a papers glaziers points, PLUMBING. 2 doz. zincs car metal for Laolancb batteries. Sdoz fi fiber washers. S doz. jj " " Cd z Lava tips. 1 duz. Kibe burner cocks. 1 dot. gas plllcrs. 1 dot.fi lead ' B" traps, leo pounds solder and K 4o feet i lead pip. , S pounds. 4o feet IK lead pipe 4 lounds. 4 pipe reamers, from ii to Jf. 8 pounds asbatoi caLdlewn k. 1 Jackson s scraper, S-lncb flue. 1 extra Jaw each, 12 Inch, 18-lnch and 24-lncfa, Uttllson wrench. 2 doz Hells. doz Ai ells, Udoz 2 ells. 5 doz V Rockets. 1 doz 1 inch sockets. Kdcz21ncbso.-kets. U doz 8 flange unions, if doz V,i-1 bushlLgs. 2d zxbusblags. 2 doz 5S bushings. 1 doz. JJ Jenkins Bros, valves, movable dlPKB. y, doz H JenKlns Bros, valves, movable di KS. H doz. 2 JenKlns Bros, valves, movabla dli-Kfl. K doz square head ston cocks. ldozM t tiller hose bltm flnlslitd. 1 doz ,l Fuller . luln bibs flulshed. 1 doz I Ktop and waste. 1 doz 5UT and waste. i duz yc air cot. xs, doz air cocks. HARDWARE. 3 doz. 4 Inch slim taper flies. Sdoz 5-inch " 8 doz 6 Inch " " ' 1 each 7, 9 and 12 oz. riveting hammer. 1 one pound 4 oz. octagon ball pin hammer, l.ooo ls, each No. .8, 2o aud 22 galvanized sheet Iron, best brand. 3ox96. 2 boxee 2oxvS XXXX tin redipped. 1 box 2ox28 XX tin redipped. 6pacKageit2tb-i. tiimed rivets. 12 dt'a boiler bandies. 1 pair 7 B soldering coppers. 1 pair 6 B soldering coppers, 2-0 Bis 8d flnli-blng nails. 2oo lbs 6d finishing nails. oo lbs Rd common nails. 4oo lbs lod common nalli. loo lbs 4d wire natls 3Eroaseah screws 1 lneh No. lo and Z lnh No U 4 gross each screws Ji. yt and 2 No 11. 2 gross each screws braxs U No. 4 No. 8 H doz. papers each 4 and 8 oz. tAoka. ioo leet K round Iron, Norway. loo feet 7-16 round Iron, Norway. 76 feet round iron, Norway. bO feet Yii.i flat Iron, Norway. loo feet lHtVi flat iron, Norway. 6o feet lxK flat iron, Norway. Keg Nu S bind shoes (Burden's). 5 Keg No.S front shoes " X eg Na 6 front fhoes keg No. 6 bind shoes " 2a lbs Bweet American steel toe calss No. 4. HHinchrasp (Ileller bros) l.ooo lbs best blacksmltb's coal. lo lbs. i Iron washers. lo lbs. 5 js Iron washers. loo feet angle steel x. 1 blacksmith slock and dies from S-18 to MI thread. 16, 2o, 21 and 82 to 1 Inch with 4 tap and 4 dies. 1 Hellwlg's patent bolt clipper No. 2, 6oo feet manllla rtipe. 6 packages and No. 8 copper rivets. fiUOEMAKER'S SUPPLIES. Kroll sole leather, Stockton extra heavy 33 to 27 ibs. aside. 3 sides of tklrllng, plump, 14 to 17 lbs, a side. 2 domestic cair skins, brand H.B 3 bnck skins, zneelum size shaved. DRUGS. ' lo lbs absorbent cotton. 2 lbs acldum carbollcum pure. 1 lb acldum boraclum. 1 lb acldum murlatlcum O. P. 3 lbs acldum murlatlcum commercial. 1 lb acldum sulphuricuin aromat. 6 lbs aqua ammonlae fort. 3 lb chloroformum Hqulbbs. l,2oo empty capsules No. 1, 1.2oo empty capsules No. 2. 1 lb fluid extract cannabis ind, Wyeth Bros. orP.D &. 2 lbs fluid f xtract buchu Fol. Wyeth Bros, or V. D. i."o. 'lib fluid extract xinglberls Wyeth Bros, or P. D. a Co. 1 lb fluid extract hyoscyaml Wyeth Bros, or P, D A Vo. 1 lb fluid extractglycyrrh. Wyeth Bros, or P. D. m -o. th Bro?. 6Fp. D. (5. r ' "' ' "nuid extract senna Wyeth Broa. or P D, orib7iTo r '' "'"lu """ 5 galloas glycerine pure. Bo lb. flxeedmeal. 1 dozen medicine glasses K oz. a gallons ol rtclnl. n 8 oz Ol. lemon Siz.Ol.auranttI. , PP sin Bacjh, Falrcblld. K E Kbtuaoettne Hiyer. . slze?"n 1MII,P Kuol. d liver oil, laige 2 CS PUI .bo. assorted sixes. 1 Puiv. lKverl. lBPnlv. no else. 6 lbs. soda B JrU 2i lb Potass. Brom. 2 B. Pstass. cllras 2 lbs. Potas lndldum. SoorlLpcKjophjrllln.JfgralQfftch. 5o os. quinine Hul ph. K. jj 6ttj sulphur subllm. ' 6 ttn.sodll bltaib. to Jbs sulph magneslae. 1 pound stL Tolntana f.ir syrnp. 1 doa syringe Dar-dmn's No 1 8SUaDudUftbrlnne,XXX)re0ned' nii m,T.r.'ir ZZZ21. u0, i Doaro. i Wat lo nj ct my or all bite to NaTML f7heyapiiim.rnJn,r.;c0mUySScS bid and tbe name .fclas rfuppUeVmotbS ontbeenUope. Earkbld rnu.t iVelrds sU das., with te exception of flour, meataaij Atlftlt'nfllMMM .. L.L.... wTir- i.. . . pnui-mea irom ob iv-T..r;. i " Preoaae WBes lt oewpieta deserlptlon of tbe arUeJo to be par- M:j?i?w? " W-mufm SYLVH8TER TRNKOY8B. OHO W.M'BIUDK, ' PHIL Jf rrSCHAN. I !tvj' frrr -HC.