Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, June 20, 1893, Image 1

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BookCoupon n A pTHP A T ,
mm i n t,iiihti nnii iitwimm jimmniiMjMiswrti
gajJMJamwjKJLiJiiBijjjif jara1 ' ; '-
hi i ii n i ''jjtnE$gpftft'
AUXii no, aimu
VOL. 0.
"TIJLIfl lMCOl'LJfl'S PAlMflit."
.JMW'JHl fMJJ L'XL'im'JL'L'L'l
' WN aw wwpuwwmmwmw mhmjih
The Question is Often Asked Why the
Tb? N?u) York Racket
Has such a lively trade, while it appears dull in many places?
That question is easily answored. thov buv their nhonn from nun nC tlm mnaf. mlinWn nul,
shoo factories in St. Louis, paying cash for thorn, thereby gotting thoir wtock at tho lowoat
miVu. uW auiiinhr mr cHsii, wioy nuyo no ailowanco to mako for bad accounts. That ox
juuns why thoy sell shoos cheap. In othor lines, such as Hats, White Shirts, Black Satoon,
and light Dress Shirts, Pants, Overalls, Underwear of all kinds for ladies, and gonts llosiory,
Laces, Embroideries, I aco Curtains. Ribbons. Gloven. Mir.tn. TulilnT.inAn. l.inm,'TnMnninrt
, .-, .VMV .uwawaai .Miuwa AUUIUUJVUUni
a j- - -WW . - i -
jNupKins, urasn, lamrnocks, Brushes and notions of all kinrla wlnVli nm ..11 Ui.t. r !.
in New York, and following that lino, (cash) from factory to consumer, they can afford to soil
at low prices. They ask an examination of their stock and prices.
L T. BARNES, State Ins. Block.
tinnkfl Clotting In All I'irfH of
I lie Comifry.
Charged Wlk BmugKlhig or Mil.
ticso Httd Opium,
c3SjB,fljB,T J 1 Vri.-T--"-' I MllSttutirr HaVsYsYsYsV.
PnffjijW-j-J vifsd."?- I w"ki wLsvYkbi
LsVsvasVsVsVsVaVsvS In I " isiAa II "wla -aW bVvvvvvvvvvv
flr? Yoii
Sea Shore?
Bible students should
i?et one of those Oxford
Bibles for summer Cha
tauqua circles und cumn
fjjuieeuugB. rorty styles.
Halem, Oregon.
Keeping Pace With the Times.
Have your business accounts kept In PERFECT books, suoh are
Tho Frey Patent Flat Opening Books.
Books that are worthy of the patronage and praise of the Government Of
ficials of the State of Oregon, aud the greater portion of the mercbautile men
of the State, are surely deserving of a trial by everyone.
Manufactured In Oregon ONLY by Tho Meston-Dygert Book Mfg. Co.,
.Binders to the State of Oregon, Printers and Lithographers, RaJem, Oregon
500,000 TREES !
FALL, 1892.
SPRING, 1893,
We would call tho attention of dealers, and large and small planters, to
our large aud varied assortment of Fruit Trees and Small Fruits, Ornamental,
Shade, Nut aud Evergreen trees. Our trees are clean, smooth, aud first-class In
every respect. Send for catalogue and price list. Address,
Walling & Jarisch,
3TMcntion this paper. Oswego, Oregon.
Wheat- flOo per bushel.
Oats 8540o per bushel.
Potatoes 6000o per bushel.
Flour (3.C0 per bbl.
Bran (Sacked) $18.00 per ton
Shorts (Sacked) 120.00 per ton.
Beans, white, 3c per lb.
Kggs 10c per dozen.
Chickens 8 to 10c per lb.
Chopped feed -(Sacked) (20.00.
Ducks 12Jc per lb.
Geese 7c per lb.
Turkeys 10c per lb.
Lard 12JlCc porlb.
Butter 2530o per pound
Beef 7121o dressed,
Veal 10 to 12Jc, dressed.
Pork 712o dressed .
Wool 1618o per lb.
Hops 14(a)15o per lb.
Eailljr, Quickly,
Permintntly Reitortd,
nd all tho train of arlli
from early error! or later
exc-et. tat mults of
overwork, aleknsai,
worrr.eto. Fulltrnftb,
development ana tons
Elren tu erarjr organ and
pnrtlon of the body.
een. Failure ImpoMlbla.
2.0UI reference!. Book,
explanation and proof),
mailed (aealed) free.
FOIt RENT. Two rroma auttnble for light
housokecnlne. Alo lumlsliid bedrnnm
n nd Irnui, clH-jip 11 Court Ml., two blooka west
of Commercial Blreet. 0-2o3t
FOH HALE. A very nicely located lot, with
honse. on Mill atreet aouth ol Wlliamcttfl
university Kor term! and particular!,, please
at thla omoe. 6-vO-lm
lnqulro c
General Insurance Agency.
Representing tko following well-known and reliable Cempanies:
BTATE INStJRANOK CO , JEta Insuranco Co.,
Tradora' Insurance Co., Hun .Insurance Co.,
National Insurance Co., Westcbetter Klre Ins. Co ,
Lion Klre Insurance Co., Imperial Klre Insurance C
Iioudou a Lancashire Klre Ins. Soc, London Assurance Corporation,
Alllanco Acsuranco Co., Norwich Union Klre Ins. dec.
Oldest and Loading Klrmln the City Dovoted Exclusively to Insurance,
Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture. Long Experience In the trade
enables me to turn out Hrst-clasa work. Samples of coverings. No trouble to
Rive estimates. State Insurance block, Cbetneketa street.
CHURCHILL Spraying Outfits,
BURROUGHS State Street.
Ed. C. Cross,
fjC ? JsyF SssbbbCTV I 1J jV.
IVliolcsalo HHtl Retail
Dealer in Fresh, Salt and
Smoked Meats or allKlads
06 Court and
110 State Streets.
HEM' WANTKD.-Aeenu paid agood com
mission, and fcXJOO dividend among
it next winter. Hnclal attrnotiona in b
pushed this ypnr for which we want tho ser
vice of bsi ngenU everywnere.
Itoom 3), Chronicle liblldlng, Han Kranclsco,
Wasuinoton, Juno 20,Tlio rcniov
nt of Patrick II. Wlnnton, United
HUtes attorney, Thoinnn It, Jlrown,
Uultod States marshal, Andrew Wan
son, United Btntcn collector nt I'ort
Towtiecnd, C. J. Mulkoy.Unltcd HlalcH
special agent, and six special InKctors
of customs in the l'uget Bound district,
all in tho stnto of Washington, and tho
appointment of their sncccHors In said
to bo duo to reports made to Hecretnry
Carlisle by special treasury ugonts
Wood and Lowls.
TIicho reports arc numerous and clr
cumstiintlal ns to dotal!, and tell tho
story of one of tho most extensive and
successful conspiracies ever formed to
smuggle ClilncBo and opium Into tho
United States oorosa tho far Northwest
ern boundary.
Theso ofllclals, It Is charged by the
reports received, havo been doing a
wholesale buslncsH for several years in
connection with private parlies In Vic
toria, 11. C, In smu(;sllK in Chinese
by means of fraudulent 'certificates and
permitting opium smuggling, either by
connivance or otherwise.
Politics never entered into It, but tho
Immense profit In tho business seems to
have corrupted many ofllclals, Other
removals are yet to come, and tho mat
ter In duo courso of time will And Itr.
way Into the courts.
PoiiTiiAND, Or., June 0. Arthur A.
Porter and David A. Johhubrf, custom
Inspector, h ive been dismissed by the
secretary of the troaBiiry. No reason Is
given. Their places have been illlod
by A. E. Raleigh and Lehmann Blum,
formerly of Pendleton, Porter was ap
pointed by Abrahum.
TU1S PAPKH Is kept on (lie at K. 0. Wake's
Advertising Agncy, 61 and OS Merchants
exchange, Ban Kranclsro, California, where
contrao for advertising can be made tor it,
kinds on sale ut 820 Liberty street.
or all
ATTENTION. Cash money paid for roes,
buttles, old Iron and all kinds of metals,
n so hides, at old Court House, Halrm.
1-28-ly 1. TOU'OLAU.
That's Where he's Going.
The rest of the people are going to the
most nertectlr eanlppcd BOOK AMD
in these llaes you want what U new
nly. The new things are always round a'
Patton Bros.,
Booksellers and Stationers
The undersigned will sell at the Bargaant
lx1lug House In Opera House block, July
15. 1MH. Anyone having baggage there U re-
qHa,3wtget"rae btfore; 8A.HOEANT
BAL.KM, - - - Oregon
Private work a specialty.
0. B. CLYMKHT, If anafW
The Eucono Failuro.
Euoknk, Or., Juno 20. Tho Lane
County Uuiik, tho oldest financial In
stitution In this county, foiled to opon
Its doors this morning. Having become
cramped by stringency of money mar
ket. Hovey, Humph roy & Co,, have
post'd a notice that depositors will bo
paid in full. No statement has yet been
made as to assets and liabilities, but de
positors do not seem to have any fears
and mauy say If the bank should open
this afternoon they would not draw out
their money.
EuoenbCitv, Juno 20. Spcplal.J
The Lane County Hank temporarily
closed Its doors this morning. The de
posits amount to about (100,000, assets
at least $250,000. No detailed statement
will bo made today. No excitement Is
apparent and no run whatever has been
made upon the other two banks. The
cause of the failure Is tho stringency of
money market and the steady with
drawal of deposits,
Ilia Unit btilfillfiK Mfirf Another lirfok Ifi
Am nKHofiiric nt mill wm Iipkum In Hi
oiruim court lirro ly A, it, rjliljifov,
Irrwwrnr ut (lin OreKon ftgrlmflliirftl evil'
lep, ngnlfist JlAtiilllori, JuU A (in, Tim
nlurillMl nliefl for (M f7rfJ07f
VontitAuit, Juno W. A fpcvr Jim
loo n nppolnlod Ut (alto olmrgo of tlifl
IlllslflCSS Of If, Ir", (iulllXSOIt k Co,, CUT
pot dealers, Mr. (Julllxoon myn lio In
solvoiitnudoxpoatsto ho able to take
ohftrgo of Ills inisftitM In tliort (Imo,
hut owliitf lo slow (M)IIdoIIouh Iio Is ihi
ablo to moot llio dotnnmls of III ore1l
tors now so ho applied for a rccolycf,
Another Wassom Orlmo,
Amianv, Judo 20V-I. L, Wlillo re
sldlnjC about ton miles cast of If arris
burg was roported shot and prolinps
fatally wounded hy Doug Wassom, Tho
cause of tho shooting Is not known at
this time, Aflor tho shooting tho m-
sallant cut his victim several times with
a knife. Wnssorn has not been seen
siuco tho shooting, Deputy Bhorlf!
McUIalti Is on his trail.
Dr. EuOas, who was called to attend
to tho woundod man, returned and ho
reports that, though four shots wore
fired, nellhor took effect, but Will to
was slabboll four times, throe times In
tho arms and hand and onco In tho
neck, tho latter wound being tho most
dangorotis, tho out ranging downward,
passing tho shoulder blade. Tho doc
tor docs not doom tho wound necessari
ly fatal. Wassom has not yet boon ar
rested. A Eugene Guard special says:
Doug Wassom stubbed I. L. White yes
terday evening about 10 miles cast of
Harrlsburg, Aftor cutting him In tho
left shoulder ho split his right arm from
the elbow down and cut across Ills loft
arm. He then ran In tho house, trot a
Wluohestor, and shot at White four
times neither shot taking effect.
Wassom Is a cousin to the Wassom
who killed bis brothor near Albany
last fall.
"-'- r-'itr im TTTT-fi t w-i " -
-"-'"' -- -- l Sji I. . Ml.
lihvficqtof fill fri Utmiltw l'owf,-L.6l V, g Ottv't K&tmi
Thunder Showera lVwluccd by
Heat In JtrJfaln !)oatli
From Sunstroke.
Another Tin Box Victim.
Albany, Or., Juno 20. Bpeolal.
Yesterday Wm. Abraham, a wealthy
farmer across tho river, made arrange
ments with two alleged Portland bank
ers to sell his farm, and also buy anoth
er. As a part of tho arrangement he
placed (1800 In cash with $700 of their
money to mako up (2o00 needed in tho
mattor, in a tin box to keep until this
morning when tho transaction was to
be completed. Tho box contained
bricks this morning. The men have
Bordon Murder Oauo.
New Bhdkokd, Juno 20. Tho prose
cution finished summing up this morn
ing in tho liordon caso.
Tho defendant was given opportun
ity to speak. Bho said "lam Innocent
but I will leavo my caso In your hands
and with my counsel," Justlco Dewey
then charged tho Jury. Ho defined the
different degrees of murder and stated
that any presumption of Innocence In
creased by defendant's character must
bo tho real and operative motive,
After being out one hour and twenty
minutes the Jury acquitted Llzzlo lior
don of murder.
Two California Banks Go.
Loa Anoki.kh, Cal., June 20. The
University bank and City Havings hank
cloned their doors this morning. The
president of the City bank says that the
hank Is closed temporarily In order to
collect money from Its loans and secur
ities. He says depositors will bo paid
In full. The closing of University bank
which Is a commercial bank, was a sur
prise. It has a notice on tho door to
the titled that deposltois will be paid In
Business Failures.
Coiivam.ih, Or., June 20. Tho cred
itors of Hamilton, Job &, Co. held a
meeting yesterday. Receiver Bryson
made a statement showing the total
assets to bo (105,000. Deducting (02,
000 for doubtful overdrafts aud bills re
ceivable leaves the avullable assets at
1103,000 including $16,000 In ctuh. The
liabilities are placed ut 1221,000, After
this showing an uwlgnmuut wus made
for the benefit of creditors. J, II. llry.
son was elected assignee. Wm. M.
Ladd of Portland P. Avery, P. M. Zh
rolf and President lllwi of the state
agricultural college, Corvallls, aud John
Priest of Ysqulna, were appointed an
advisory committee. Among the Items
of assets Is real ',nte (28,000, of which
120,000 is tbe value of the site of (be
World'o Fair Finances.
Washington, D. C, Juno 20, At
torney General Onloy lias been called
upon by tho treasury department for
an opinion of tho present status of all
tho world's fair appropriations, and is
asked several questions In view of de
cision of the United Btates court of ap
Harrison Denies,
Nkw Tome, N. Y,, June 20. In re
spouse to a question, ex-President Har
rison telegraphed the following from
Indianapelis: "If I am quoted as hav
ing expressed approval of action of com
missioners In opening tho world's fair
Sunday, or of the decision of the cir
cuit court of appeals, it is without authority."
The Wisconsin Fires.
Dui.UTJt, June 20. More accura'e
reports from tho fires in the Meaaba
iron range Indicate greater losses than
was at first reported, The lose at Vir
ginia is a million, and at other plows
will be at least a million, Reported
fatalities seem unfounded,
A ObattaBOOffA Failure.
Chattanoooa, Tenti. ,June JjO, The
City Bavlugs Ilauk, as a result of a run
was forced to suspend, Assets, (475,000;
liabilities, (224,000. All depositors will
be paid in full.
New York Imh,
Nkw Yokic, June SO. Tbe suburban
handicap was won this afUraoon by
Lamplighter, Mars second, Iddleslelgb
third, Lamplighter wis (18,000.
Bslnmaklng Succeeds.
Rapid Orrv, H. I Juno 20.--Dyua
mite ralnmaklng experiments here
were partlully saoccssful. There wen
two showors In tho city last night and
heavy rains In the neighboring valley,
Kurthor teats will be made.
Great Britain.
London, Juno 20. In toiiso heat pre
vailed throughout tho United King
dom yesterday. Tcrrlflo thunder
storms caused much damage In several
districts, Two deaths from sunstroke
Drouth in Germany.
Dkhmm, Juno 20. Tho heat Is In
tense. Fields aud woods are dry and
havo been for several weeks, Bo vera I
forest Arcs near tho city.
To Prevent Famine.
Bkkmn, June 20. The rcceut drouth
has caused such a scarcity of farm pro
duce, and so bllghU'd tho young oror
tbatHerrVon Herlopsch, minister ol
trade, will propose tho suspension of
duties on corn and maize.
Medal for an American.
London, June 20, Richard M.IIunt,
of Now York, received at the Royal In
stitute of Architects tho queen's gold
medal. The distinction Is conferred
upon him In view of hi work at the
world's fair, in Chicago. Hunt Is the
first American whoso uumo fs inscribed
on tho Institute's roll of honor.
Seal Bill Passed.
London, Juno 20,---A bill, concern
ing tho Anglo-Russian agreement for
tho protection of seals In that part of
the North Pacific of! tho Russian coast
and for (he punishment of poachers In
those waters passed second reading in
the bouse of commons wlthoutdlvlslon,
Refused the Challenge
Pahih, June 20. As the result of a
wordy altercation in tho deputies, dur
ing a debate on the electoral roform bill,
between Clemenceau, Paul Dsroulede
and Luclen Mlllevoye, tho former chal
lenged tho latter to a duel. Both re
fused to grant Clemenceau reparation,
but Mlllevoyo said be himself would
challeugo Clemenceau after the debate
on tho Her, extradition.
Three Riders Registered In Sioux City
Last Might.
PONCA, Neb., June 20, Dee. Mlddlo
ton, Stephens and Ollllsple, the cowboy
raee, passed through tho suburbs of
Ponca yesterday at 20Q p. in,, having
gained a lead oyer the others by riding
the whole of two nights. Doc. Middle
ton bad the misfortune to lose his best
borse at Coleridge, where be strained
one of bbi bind legs, Tbe remainder of
tbe horsea seem to be in good condition
During tbe first six days they traversed
400 miles, aud are beginning to Increase
this speed as they advance. The riders
are endeavoring to save their horses by
(raveling balf tbe time on foot,
Hioux Citv, la., June 20. At OM
Purdy, Mlddleton aud Gillespie regis
tered here last night. A great throng
welcomed (he riders. All are in excel
lent fettle, and tbe humane society offi
cers pronounce the condition of (be
horses all that could be expeeted. Berry
waited eight hours ba Mlddleton In the
last 88, aud be Is now oh even terms
with bliu. At this rate tbe rfderi
should reaeb Chicago Wednesday of
next week,
WANTHO.-CJIrl for general bous
work. Must be oaiMthle of taklNar full
charge, inquire 249 Union street oor.
Disastrous- FJr at the Lfghtnottfte'
Oity of Oregon.
TflfMAfoofc, Or., Jtfno 20, rbo busi
ness portion of (be town was destroyed
by flro early yesterday tnornlhtf. It
started nt 1 n, m, and Is supposed to be
tho work of Incendiaries, ra several
(Ires started sluiultanoot'sty, There is
groat exollcuiont and talk of lynching
ttio guilty parties If tboy can be dis
covered, Mahy persons are destitute,
and one tnan was seriously Injured by
a falling wall. Tho total low is nearly
The best portion of tho town Was
burned, Tho dead calm which pre?
vailed wits all that saved tbo few re
maining buildings, though many of
thorn wcro badly damaged. Excite
ment runs high and It Is hard work to
keep oltlscuns from banging parties sus
pected of sotting tbo flro,
Atl o'clock Buuday night several
ihots vtoro fired by unknown parties.
In an Instant it was fouud that 1 ho
largo doublo storo of Win. Olson was
on flro. All efforts to put it out were'
Ineffectual. Tho house next door own
ed by Wui. BtolutnotK was burned to
tbe ground, Tho wharf was partially
burned. Tbo steamer Garfield getting
up steam aud playing on the flro saved
tbe wharf.
Tbe fire bad died out and people were
going to their homed when there was a
cry of "fire" In auotbor part of town,
(n an Instant flames shot up from the
rear of Hadloy's saloon and shortly tbo
whole building was In flames. Tbe
Allen bouse weut next, then the bar
bur shop, G. O. Nolan's oflloe, Pock
ham's shoo storo, tho bank, tbo Larson
house, W. C, King's house und on tho
other side tho Occidental hotel,
Brown's butcher shop and residence
itud Colin St Btlllwell block, occupied
by Colin & Co.'n storo wore soon burn
ing like tinder. It looked as if tbe
whole town was doomed. A faucet in
an oil barrel In Hadley's saloon bad
been turned open and flro applied to
tho flowing oil. Pitch had been spread
In places,
The tow stores left aro badly damaged.
Tho principal losssos aro Colin k Co,,
ifoneral merchandise (8,000; building
und stock Itm'jrod for (4,000; L. H.
Urown shop und building (1000; no in
surance; C, B, Had ley saloon, building
und liquor stock (0000, insurance
J2O00; R. R. Hayes and C. B. Hadley,
Allen House, building, (10,000; O. and
K. Thayer, bank building and others
adjoining, building and fixtures (2000;
m, jm. i.arsen Hotel foooo, no insurance;
Occidental hotel and furnltura (4000,
Insurauce (1,000; Wm, Olson, store and
buildings fOOOO, insurance (4000, Many
others wore damaged badly.
Bnok buildings will bo commenced
at once and merchants have telegraphed
for large stocks of goods. Tbe total
loss will probably reach (70,000,
i Wheat valley,
Walla I1.02J
Pomtxamj, June 20.
(1,I2J(I,18, Walla
Ban Frt A NOifloo, June 20. Wheat
easy, December (1.841, ""I'm 9MQ
Chicago, June 20. Wheat eb,
Baby cried,
Mother slglied,
Doctor prescribed t Castor!,
Is tfis tost Mood MMlelsa, Maai
It au In is nature to throw ott Wta ta
mire organiM.
tlma t.maa un
contrary Ut tba rTtetof tin various r-ota,
inirr, aaruMrllla Kilitur, whfeti feoMM t)
twintritivt in lli
imrltMoMh blood.and at titM
i ih Hiiro oraaHMfti, turn hi
ituras, whfeti tout up the
M arstBt, thus uroauolna' i
mm and awflnlH. Tamf(Kt,fWl
tl tajMAt Aa lietUr than iaka M. M. ML
"As a (Jirttefaa, I hi praeeffW a4 M
II, H. M. In toiyiuMm as a Wto. as4 w alusi
rutiblx, awl wri hn trary BtuxiuM. IaTr
mI at rsirriallla Mlllotl aoalVsl fssaasll "" ajhssksfkuad
Sew to ut)ttt aail ta4(fli4.
"is. m, iuivmt, aa. u,,MAtft !.'
.KaLWWl-r "nm-
?A -