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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1893)
n AYMHUiO (lAJWAI dOVHHAlii tiA'ffllMAlP, dVXti il, ttM yjHWtyinrnillili Wjmji irmilUiruiriii'liriiiiliiiip" 0kt')infi"l't''"''T'""L rIT'"''l ' T'TTl'T "' ""';"'''"; "' -" ",., StinwP at Last ! WtMff ftMfOMfc AfonUtn in kc flr H f SUMMER GOODS. J)0'li, HTItllAttlJ, 1'liAliJ AtfiJ 1'JjAiN1 WM'IW tf WXfcWJH l'oiijpo Mlk WaIuI, flalaoii "WftfHty BwIm WaIhImi elo mrrrf, kmsiiI jjt&w Gold Wflicii. ftfid jjcauiirai set of U..1K. IIUU (.,.... ..i V'lTVU U1T 10' ,rjirnnim jruim yiw ""'""." Hllver ware given away nspiemuf r m .OMr sfiev otoofe Ia aIIIJ ofn At oonh All new good And good fjualll DRY GOODS AND SHOE COMPANY THE PALACE 307 Commercial Street, - if - Vow it going to build of msks ny Kind of iMprortffisut, Mil on tlis undsn'inftd or (fll. Wo hnr ft oofnplfllfl HiKm, nod ure 4 to supply any propmed oon tract, wwsr work, (rsdlaf, eta. Salem Improvement Co, On IIoKflhiMCK. Tho one-armed man who reports that he has three ribs broken, la now travelling on horseback giving hit oamo as Ward, He says he lost hi arm In tho Balem mills. If there hi any truth to his report ho needs help, but he Is to all appearances au offensive fraud. He stoppod some boys at Hazel Green tho other day and threatened to commit sulcldo If they did not Immediately give up some 'money. Inquiry at tho Capital saw mills shows that no huoIj man ever worked there, and that ho novor loot an arm there. This man Ward tells 'people he has sued thu milling com pany for $80,000 damages to extract sympathy and dollars, all of which Is a fraud on the unsuspecting public. Polior CdUKT. OHlcer Mlnto up rested Peter Bloan late Thursduy oven log charged with larceny of a gold ring from Emma Thurston, Ho was allowed to plead guilty to petty larceny and was fined, whloh added to tho costs amounted to f 42.20, whloh ho paid, and was discharged A civil aotion was commenced by James F, White Bgulust Mr. Tanner for the recovery of G0. The plaintiff got Judgment by default. . Frank Froman who ran Into Win, Anderson, the saloon keoper, with his bloyole and was lined 110 and costs, had blsfWmado up voluntarily by his fellow wheelmen at tho asylum, Ho says be had uo iutoutlou of hurting anyone and Is a raw hand tt'lbo wheel. The wheelmen cannot bo too cureful of the rights of pedestrians on uldowalks, or the whole byoyolo craft may suffer prejudice, m Fink Art. Tho ' crayon portraits presented by Harrltt & Mclntlro are not Ilka cheap luotory uindo cliromos or anything of thul sort, but aro truo to life, made by tho best artists. Whut Is better still, thoy cost not a cent, Bee then. KI VAL BOATS RUMW1WO, Devices of the Shaver to Dovra Competitor. Tho Geo, W. Bhaver cams up to Ha lem from 1'orllatjd to carry excursions on thu river to the Independence races. Jtatea were put down to 76 ots. for the round trip and thu boat did a good bus lllCSS. Friday the Hoag entered tho field with a 26 ct. round trip rate, Hoys wore sent around town last night with llluminutlous announcing tho cut, Tho Bhaver got out Immediately with u burlesque parade, as a take-off on tho Hoag, meeting tho cut, which thoy re- (card as an attempt to drlvo them off tho Hold. Tho Bhaver crowd tooted horns, had banners, uud attracted great atteutlou. Tho boats wore hold until 11 riJO today, both crows parading with plucards, tho Shaver keeping up Its burlesque of tho Hoag. An Immonso crowd went on both boats. GOLDEN MO. This colleo makes a lfoT KLKO ANT CUP and cun Ijo had only at the IIluk Fhont. Thoy got II direct from the growers, as It Is not handled on the coast. Try It. It will pteaae you. m BAD Roaib. J. W. Jory of East Ba ton returned from a trip to BlUortou yesterday and reports tho roads almost Impassable, He hroko his buggy and aawamauaud woman thrown out of a wagon near that town. Tub Fourth ov July. Will bo eel ebrated In Balom In gruud stylu uud everybody Is going to want a mow pair of shoe for the occasion, and thoy will bear In mlhd that I will sell them shoos at Just half prloe. lookattho display Id the window in the Opera Housu bloek. E. Willis, agent, dw Good new house to rent, six blocks from postoMoe. luqulre of Geo. M. Heeler. 6 Stt-tf Chtofcen dinner at Strong's Sunday, TBE BMOK BUSINESS. Indications for a Big Season's Build ing Enterprise. Tho brick trado Is a barometer of tho building business at Balom. Besides their big contracts for burning state brick, Burton Bros, have been furnish ing tho brick for tho walls and the pressed brick for tho fronts of somo of tho finest new Balom buildings. They have Just HnlHhod burning a kiln of 250,000. Thoy arc preparing to put out a now size In spoclal clay, ilnlshod uud moulded for arches and ornamontul columns for (ho now city hall building If it goes. They also report orders for a number of new residences that aro under way. First Puksiivtkuian. Morning services at 10:30. Bubjeot "Tho Itoso of Bhurou uud The Lily of tho Valley." Eyuulng services 7:!t0. Subject "Our Common Schools, l'urioseu uud lto suits." sugggested by commencement wcok. Sunday sohool at 12 in.; Y. P. B. O. E. nt 0:16. Unity Oiiuuch. Services at 10:30 a, m. uud 8 p. in. Sunday school ut 12, Itev. V. IC. Copeluud, pastor. Buhject of morning sermon "Is tho chief end of Mun to Glorify God" 7 Subject of even ing tectum "fho Light of Africa or the Arabian Christ, Evanokmoai. Abho'oiatio.s. Gor until ohuroh, corner "Liberty and Cen ter streets, Ber views II u. m. und 8 p. m. Itov. A. A. Euuloburt English rabortiuololu East Balem. Service at 8 p. m Sunday school ut 8 p. m. Itov, i. Ji. Fisher. Conorkoationau Regular servlco In tho morning conducted by P. 8. Knight. In the ovouing Miss Ilose Trumbull will lecture, Beats free, all welcome Atthk Y. M, O. A. Four o'clock Sunday, "Reasons why you should lto a total abstainer," from "A Girl's mint or Ylew," by Miss Trumbull, tho eloquent W. O. T. U. workor. All moil inviiou to Dear her. Cool rooms, ico water, una a cortnai welcome, Nkw Puoi'uiktok. Joseph Richard, son, lute of Minneapolis, has purchased the Depot sash ami door factory of U. F. Broer. and will im-atlv Imnrovoaud operate It. Mr. Uroer'a health Is poor and he was compelled to retire, and hu is succeeuea oy a oompeieni man. tn"1" Tf-t'rn ll II i limn i'jiiSI 0t,niintli1tiiM M in WilililWi IB.. l, .1 UlAJy iMf I) h in (ft HtA KeilN oHfirj (nm ht llmhn, 011FM MATH TIIK WOULD in Mil 'Che Attnm Vwtal llontfht mm Mid JioHfrimiifAl vrllh A llg p wild (do lid bit, A Jell cake, Inytst o( tmt UMitbttm betwsftri, liuttalt tot His HAletri fruit and flow er fifowoM I The executive board 0 tlieftnlerri Florlcultliral society are Mtn, J, lti Bfrlckltr, Urn, Jud((o 1(, H, il'nti, Mtn, LW.llottlo, Jtov, Win, Lund, Mrs, Wriii Jtrown mid Mm, A, N Mirnttn, tho two latter being prcsfdutit and My rotary reiplctlvely, li, M, Walla Is vloo president. Tho psiiio swlety holds the ohrysatithouium show in (ho early winter. 11. w, navage tias 21 tmticn on ex titbit that make a gallon, They aggro gate nearly 800 Inches In circumference, The business men who put up tho 910 prize for a gallon of largest berries will have to eat through and around 'Mi feet of strawberries, linear 'measure, The armory tonight will bo a dream of beauty, blasse of light and an ocean of perfume. Ladles, roses, wild Mowers, strawberries, music, decorations, what a combination! Why should notTjiK Jouknai.'h enthusiasm reach tho point of cilerycpccuco und bubble over with happiness? You bet, we hubblo I Hero Is tho 2d Regt. bund's program for tonight : 1AIIT FIIMT. March, "Tho Dominant." Casey. Medley, "Ta-ra'ru-Boom-der-e," Ve razzl. Baratone solo, "JustoTrlflo," Harris, Mr. R. II. Ryloy. Ovorture, "La Slrone," Aubor. PART HKCONIJ. Medloy, "Tho Old uud tho Now," Beyer. Schotllsoho, "Pretty as a Pansy," Christie. "" Waltz, "Love's Golden Dream," Bon heur. Overture, "Out of Bight," Albert. Following aro the flower exhibiters: ROHKfl. Mrs. E. V. Edes, Mr. Jay Cox, Mrs. It. B. Bean, Edna Moody, Mrs. Wm. Brown, Mis. II. W. Cottle, Mrs. Go . Burnett, Mrs. Ed. Cross, Mrs. A. L. Buchtol, Miss E. B. Waterous, Mrs. Cora Moores, Mrs. E. M. Walte, Mrs. J. F. Buvage, Mrs. J, II. Birlckler, Miss Agnes Gilbert, Mrs. Geo. Smith, Mrs. It. B. Pullorton, Mrs. F. J. Babcock, Mrs. A. F. Hofer, Mrs. F. B. South wick, Mrs. Blanche Bell, Mrs. Perry Raymond, Mrs. L. O. Simmons, Mrs. Ebc. Laforo, Mrs. E Swatl'ord, Miss Lorona Kirk, Mrs. A. T. Gilbert, Mrs. F. N. Gilbert, Geo. Hutch, Mrs, Z. F. Moody, Mrs. Oeo. Williams. WII.1) KI-OWKItfl. Master Mua Hofer, Grace Dm per, Claud Mathuny, Smith Miller, Fred Cottlo. Prof, Coote.ot the agricultural college was ut tho Rose show last night. By an oversight, ho was not Invited to ex hibit this year, as ho ulwuys has In the past. Ho had 46 vurletlesof strawber ries and a choice collection of roses that ho could huvo brought. Tho tlnest collection of vases contain ing tho beautiful wild (lower exhibit, aro from the stock of Harrltl & Molu tyro, growers. BTKAWUKIUtY ENTRIES, Plate largest-Chas. Tlchulskl. J. S. Vuugbu, II. W. Savage. Piute beat, sweepstakes Wm. C. Johnston, Mrs. F. B. Southwlek, A. men, II. W. Bavage, C. M. Beak, 0. finltb .W, MH, fHuU m i(M And itttt'w)h i'Ji Ll uiitmUf AAM ttovthiiittditttt, tftik'nUmu aA-ntitit, mm.Mim tl Mf, 'lm tmnn I .Mum (! M jiuiipf, ih nvuin liigii sireeij HMtM lit rfilet htlt. ('XOeedWI aim HiaHiiii wmaitlH Rich golden Jersey milk la being eup- ynmi uy tun tiairy 01 u, j, onar(). Genuine Grand CLEARANCE SALE! "v Millinery and Fanoy Goods 1 ' With a view of puttlug In a MAMMOTH FALL STOCK All goods now on our shelves tuuvt go , !U:trdl of Coit- Jfcaffaiptji bMHXimW statement, but we au every woiilweMy. O, Bressler. uraio 't ooxes 11. w. Havoe, V JI. Y, Five varieties, now- Best tieok cmiiiiIuk H. " Bavaue. W. Savage, ol &K ttr knit sow. Every thing new adfAOHaW MRS. MARK SKIFF. ) Frank Yack. Busltiees men's price II. W. Bavagc, J. P. Weberg. TIIANKH. The. ladles deslro to thank the Messrs. Allkeii & Palmer, M, T. Rlne man and Harritt & Malntyre for their generous loans of vases, Jurs aad pitch ers. TIIK HUSH AWAHDH. Prof. Coote, of Corvallle, Jfrs. J. H, Brldsea and Mrs. Marv llua urn Judges: j. largest collection varletlei, Mrs. J. II. Strlckler. II. Best collection varletlpfl. Jv Cex: 1st; Mrs. R. 8. Beau, 2d; Mra. H. C. Kdes, Sd, III. Best collection 0 varkHle, MIh E. S. Watrous, Mi Mr. K. M WalUj, 'Ml, A. L. Buohtel, 3d. IV. Best two varieties, Mrs. J. H. Strlckler, 1st nod 2d; Mrs. J. F. Bav age, Sd. .y. Rest single variety. Miss E. B. wairous, jsi Mrs. jj. u. and8d. VI. Rest exhibit buds, Mr. J. II. Bfrirawf, jsi. au. 0u. ' VII. Late rts-w, ditto. y.IlJ' Hi'l premiums! Maresehal Nisi, Mr. P. Jtaymond 1st, Mrs. Will HrowM, W; Bride, Lomna Kirk 1st; yhK(HiMws Kolkstoue, Mrs. A, T. Gil' bert 1st; La Marque, Mm. Kb. Ufere 1st, Mr. P. Raymond W, La Knuw, Mrs. L. O. Blwmaus let. MOKKWIM) VUiWXM. , Tbrt aaar beautiful dtstoys have bB MASW ftlnfl I H. SL Lv KtUui ILuu NsIHe IHrby aud Arthur Dvtbv. WILBrU)Wfc!K l'HMMIIIM. BevelbMtkw, Yi4W. CttU M: Mm Wfl the mm MlitwinVi t itf.Hth, hi high iifoifL whefi t'e ilv. i, il, KellefMiaM.of Iheif. V church, 11 n very imprewiivo mid eiwtueiil Mr fee" till led in itmrfittUH ttUtitt W Wttiti A prmiltiflht ad bfotnlslhg' yoiing mnri or .rwieiM, mid mim jewie BinottUtup, th beautiful mid aecotip pushed niece of Mf, and Mti, John Hughes, At lirr-olsc V 13 6'oiook MIm Gene fleve HllghcH Ngrtfi the benutlflll strains M Mendelssohn's grand old wedding rimrelr, to which the bridal party ontcfed (he liaudsorrioly dctmr nltd stirtol6e Mirlors, the lirldeatid grwuri Miik preceded by little Miss Ama Strong, a6mipntiled by Mastof Asahel Iluslii mid Miss Ethel Hiigfiee ami ir, j, m, Kmtie, The mrty MHik their, placee under a beautiful floral Wedding bell (xmipoeed of the rarest out nowers, Which was suspended from the center of the Urge east bay window, garianus 01 onoice roses forrnlHg a prot tybitckgroutid, After the ceremony and conarntula- lions Jhf company repaired to the ureaKfastrwn where a dainty wedding urvuHinni was rervoii, . The bride was very charming In a delicate ea foam silk with rich law trimmings, She carried a bouquet ol luvoijr uriuo rows, Llttlo Miss Strong appeared vory dainty and sweet In an empire gown ol yellow silk. She carried a basket of yellow roses. Mies Ethel Hughes was prottllyni tired In u nlle green cropo cloth gown and carried h bouquet of pink rows. The gentlemen wore drcMcd In their usual becoming stylo, and looked vary hundsoniu. The decorations woro vory pretty, yollow being tho color selected for the parlors, .while tho brcukfust room was II led with pink flowers, roses predom inating. Tho profusion of lovely low ers everywhere breathed forth their per fume unit benediction upon tho newly married pair, . Tho happy couplo took tho 1,40 train for uu extended tour of the Sound coun try and British Columbia, after which thoy will soltlo down to tho stern reali ties of married life lua cosy homo on Church street, where thoy will bo at home to their many friends utter July 10. Those present were: Mrs, E. E. Wa ters, Mr. A. A. MeCully, of Portland, Miss Leila Wators,Mr. Oooruo Wuters, Mr. Fred Wutors, Muster Wuyno Wa ters. Mr. and Mrs. John Houhes. Mr. und Mrs. A. N. Bush. Mr. and Mrs, F J. Hughes, Mls Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. xoung,Air. unci Airs. i, it. Hmltli, Mrx, Rhoila Edes, Miss Holoiw Edes, Ml liOlu Prluirlo. Mr. and Mrs. Hitmlln Smith, Miss Clara Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Htrong, Mr. and Mrs. E. Shelley Morgan, of Portland, Miss Helen Mor ...... u... iirm 11....: ......... Ku, wiin, ..III ivillllt'.V, UI SMHOriU, lilfn, h, Btronir.Mrs. Fullerton.Mr. unit Mm.. John II. McNury, Mrs. G. L. Brout. MlssSroat, Miss Bertha Broat, MI-h f?AH, Kr.lil 1lum All,... I3rnat f. I,.... I riroat, Mr. Jlenry Myers, Mr. George Hughes, Mrs. H, G. Gsubbe. A I'IMC THA. Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. J, II B. Royal, assisted by tnelr daughter Currlo, entertained a number of the Bu lem public school teachers in honor of Miss Capwoll. Miss Tbelss and Mrs, Hmltli, of tho Lincoln school. The re ception rooms and table were decorated with pink, which color prevailed beau 1 1 fully In the entire refreshments, In oliidlug niiK-ry, ilowers, salads, cream sud cake. All tho appointments were appropriate and beautiful. Others than 1 ho atiovi present were: Mrs. B. O- Grulibe. M axes C'otiurn. Mnlflnlni McKlnnlo, Frlnk, Ada Reynolds, Roy, ! v' Royal, wife and daughter, Mrs. Olierg, who woro here for commence ment week. f VSSrrSfWf v lsliBkE3 fltsV'' SMbftaSaOKft 1 KEEP COOL iald, 6t4M4 stid Ail (ne (bf ragb 1 Root Beer ik,Xsf, mms ItitifMlfefiipttAhOt drlftWl Hi. Vxilt. dniii I11 tVwiillitirt. Thos, MainrkeV tnthe oh, t, hktio Mm arkef htf Vllfsfd dttttl LadV UUIIV W F, Malloek tidfries bf, d, Marrow hV Leon, dnlil mttP.UA, W. 11, Anderson namee . f, Oregon Belie by St. Pitul, dmu Kitty Wells, Phillip Painter names b. t, Wanly Paul, by Bl. Paul flam by wooduury VHWtttlti-WNO YKAfl-OLbS. John Sawyer names br, (, Elba L, by 1'loilmoiit IPiy, dam Jtetiiati, Hi, Mosher names blk.f.Adda Alone, by Conor de Alette, dam Lakeland Queen, by Lakeland Abdalla. John W Tlldeu names g. f. Ellen T, by Altamont dnm, Daisy Dean, T. IL 'longue names br, f, Lois B, by Fred iJumblotonlan. Lurn B, Witch Hnel stock rami names br. c, Carple Carmc, by Hambletoulan Mambrlio, dnm Lndy Gray. RUNNINO. Oregon Derby for 8 year-olds, Chas, J, Bird names ch, f, Grates, by St. Paul, dam Easter Minor. Chas. J. Bird names 1'icltlc, by St. Caul, dam Countess. Boise studies names ch. f. Miss Idaho, by Warwick dnm Jules S. A. M, Allen names h. s. Nehalem, by Leon dam Flavolla. J. W. Phillips names n. 0. Jim Tntom by St. Paul, dam Why Not. W. L. Wbltmoro names b, f. Mowit za, by Caloma, dum Lucy by Glen Dud ley. TROTTINCI YKARMNCIB. J, F. Kennedy numes b. h. Sham rock, by Spilugllcld Abdul la, dam by Genl..McCiellau. Wm. Bright names b. c. Loyal, by Rosemon, dam by Vernon. -1. 0. Mosher numes ch. 0. Daylight, by (Joner Do Alone, dam Abdalla Maid by Spauldlng's Abdallu,- h, P. W. Qtilmby tiuines h. 0. Maplo mont, by Puidmout dam Maple Loaf by Swlggert. G. F. McKlnney names h. f. Nellie Whipple, by Malheur dam Nellie Rock- WlXMl. J. B. Smith names br. c. No Name. by Malheur, dam by Altamont. H, P. Isaacs names Kittle I, by Cau tion, dam by Bellfoiiuder. t. 11. Tonguo numes en. r. Kitty Hunter, by l'hmter dum Kitty Hum. ' T. H. Toiiuuo numes oh. f.Wiunlfred. by Fred Hnuiblctonlan dam Lticy. ' Witch Jliizel stock farm names Net- lltf Ham. bv Hamhletonian Mambrino Vll, out of Almonotto, by Allam'out .WW, Tl2XB9t .mm.ali-ML mm s jmuLtjHi i i art flsi Ui-L .... iAtLWWAL tl urowDon ti6iui8 iirc 11 ttrai rati wiui UW Viiti mtMA Dik bum otf uomh vimvim is aoot) tfOMeW iioiiii MAVti OliOfliNGf 8V011 A8 OAK Ii) T1AT) SIX VATtti IN THIS WMC AT THE VI00itl VWJ.U STORE SALEM, OREGON, Special Sale FRIDAY AMD SATURDAY LADIES m TRMMED HITS French Chip, Tuscan Braid, English Milans, all colors, includ ing a lino of pretty plaques, every one cheap.a $4.50, will be sold for 2.00 fil COO SEE SHOW WINDOW. PERSONAL AND LOCAL. came up from Aurora OREOON STATE PAIR SEP. 11,1893. Llat or Entrise, Clesing: June 1st for tHako Races. No. 1. Tnorrf NO.-8 year olds or un der eleglhle to U;,'HI. I. C. Mosher immrs h. 0. BprlriHsteln by Iluron-telo. -l' W. Qulmby names bile. m. Dttlny 2 by Altamont dam Hello Price by Uoble. John W. Tllden, names ut, t. KIlaT. by Altamont dam Daisy Dean. r,JHlf,ct.'mw!r stock farm namrs b. a. Ited Osk by Hedwood, No. 11,614, dam Victress. K.J.Morris Home gr. .Silver How, by Ilockwood, Harrows llros. name hlk. 0. Multno mah Hoy, by Multnomah dam by Bon of Pathlinder. T. II. Tongue names ch. f. Pauline by Planter dam itoxy, Witch IlMrel stock farm names h. tt. JJMhniutt, No. 10,770 by Noouday No.V Pnwj.-Btakefor8 year olds. John W, Tllden names Prlmros,Ped eyrea unknown, John Parker names Altawood by Al tamont, dsm Hollywood, No. 0, KtiNNiNo. Two year olds. Wm. Uilbbls names h. f. Manett by W. B. Hearst this morning, . C. B. MoNully wont to Coryallls to day. Drink natural Wllholt at tho Spa. Many of tho Indian war veterans re turned to their homes today. Btronji's restuurunt takes tho loud for popular ineuls. I. M. Wagner and wife returned to day from Tlio Dalles, where ttiey have ueeu siteuaiUK a iuw WocHs Willi menus. Dr. E. H. Phllbrook today acoomna nled his family up to Detroit, where they will spend thu summer, tho doctor iinoming. Miss Lulu Orcattrax, who holds a professorship In a Seattle college, Is tho guest of her uncles, Damon Hros. Wllholt Water tot labloiso, by tho case, at the Bpa. The fumou"-Llttlo Nestucca pure cream cheeses forsalo only at Clark & Kpply's, tho monarch grocers of Court street. , Miss Emily Henry started oumiult, Oregon, where slio has iiiviicu 10 again tiiKo u school which she taught lust year. Willis E. MoElroy, who has been taking In the big fair nt Chicago, re turned this morning. Wllholt water for tablo into, hv M. case, at the Bpa, Ilemembrr the Humano society gold Coin prize contests at tlra opcru house tonight. Bt;aklng, music, addresses, admlxslou only 10 cents. Drink natural Wllholt at the Bpa. Drop In and look over F. B. Dearborn's ClKCUfiATINO LlllllAUV. If li-. nvar 2000 paper and cloth bound books to Blrong's restaurant serves strawberry short cake uid cream. Fruits, nuts, candles, etceteras, fruit flavors, extracts, or table delicacies, are very needful to put the finishing touch on that Hunduy dinner. Hoise. keener will find It nil t r av.- 'Eaton 'a grocery. IP LI! W GOWSI Now Lt, summer stylos, elegant shapes, beautifully and artistically trimmed, cheap at $3.00, "will be sold for today for 1 been $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 mm BITS New and stylish, just the thing for summer, wear, assorted colors, pretty and daintily trimmed, every one cheap for 1.50, will be nold for 50 cents 50 cents 50 cents 1 Koal, genuine, big-hearfod, bankable values; just what the pe p 0 want, and to be appreciated ' must b sfen. OnpjUCFS FRIDAY A-ND SATURDAY. MRS. S. C. REED. 9 SALEM, - - 266 Commer&l Sfree't. -siic. . :-. OREGON .V T rtaflWiDaKine W IB - Millinepy :$;f hl,l!?, JT'ft "' worth Children's black aad saw trl-am-4 aad aayy trlaaeafd haU Children's blank tn Zt.-C " ' Chlldrva'a Aim triiwtnad Imi ib" " 95o JSe We 76o owder TLm aittu l. n r . . . JI limi rMHMr.-K Aamoala; No Akut. UMMi iM UiUioM i H ' .. .-- ,..-: Me for v for 76e for. fliiiM.... n-riiirm r":" "?; -.-. . , .ai m far w" 7., iL'rr rwen" -.-r 1 rii oo rLUfTi'!iN" WIBUNS AND WREATHS -t. -irf ww,-w tvr beiigitt.tbsw. WILLIB BRPTERS Jb CO. MOtMUC QBftWM, - - MAJJtM. OBMOOV. 'IR'., msim" I T'JWkmf 40 Hun Um Bmmutl W.t m t