BooSpon CAPITAL km mm BookCoufwn ; lll). imljiinlll KiillllliU WWW A'ni)AY, 'VfJSillT - LJ &TSSXJSSSS!lSiSSJS !2SW0f'mim inirmm miniinrninii uruiniuinojwu faiMiH miiM-Vm&miimi th fcilim iilnWni)iw iaMiyiiihUw illUlWIll'll1lirtlHtlilllllllW!llll VOtu 0, "Tint VMH'tiWH IM VMW AiWf OHiiiOOKf WllilHimitAlt, JVXM 14, 18i 0fA1M, JfoiWa Wb'tiAW1 If 6. i Itflntiflft JOTTRNATi m&tmxiimmmmmmtmm i - .i rr jm wwd Ami f nojilo will lfl iifldrt CASH STORE) .. Au( whan you find how tto money It taken to buy ft Suit of Clothes, a Pair of Shoos, or a Dross for the Family Von will wuroly aiilld. And myi "WHAT i?OOXS WJ0 MORTALS 13 J" Tlml wo hftvo lot Iwty traded with J. W. THOMAS, 207 Com'l, St., SALEM, Keeping Pace With the Times. Have your business account kopt In PUHFIJOT book, such are 11k; Vrey I'utcnl lint OjiuiiIiik HooIh. Hookn Unit ro worthy of tlio pntroringfl nrifl prnliMi of tint Uovormiiont Of' flrtuls of thu stnlo of Oregon, and tint greater portion of Uio irturoliMiitllo fiion of tho Htuto. aro surelv doMurvlm of n trliil hv uvcrvoiin. Manufactured In Oreiron - - ' . . . ". ,Yl.. . u;vjjy i-ropneiors 01 THE 0A1XTAL JJIndorn to tlioBlnto of Oregon, Printers ' 500,000 OSWEGO - FALL 1892, Wo would call tho attention of dealers, and largo and small planters, to our largo and varied assortment of Fruit Trees and Small Fruits, Onminontnl, Bha'lo, Nut und Evergreen trees, Our trees are clean, (smooth, und flrst-clum in every respect. Bend for catalogue and price list. Addrcns, Walling & Jarisch, r3T"Mcntton this papor. H. W. COTTLE & CO., General Insurance Agency. Ileprcecntlntr tke fotlovt'lnK well-Unown and re)Iatl Compunlttif HTATU INHUIIANOK CO., A'AtUi JnnuronM Co., Tmilorn' Ioaurance Co,, Huu Inmirtttico Co., Mutlonal lumimnce Co., YVentctientor Kirn In. Co., Lion Hr Xniurance Oo Jmnrrlttl Klr lnutnct On., . ixndou 4 Jutjcalilre Hire In. Hoc, Jwidon A wwriwico rorponilloii, Alliance Auriic Co., Norwich Union Hire lun.Uoe. Oldcitt and lAnalug Hlrm In the Ulty Devoted Kxcltulvely to Hmtinmw, J. W. THORNBORG, tiii; mmiolsi:hi;k. Rccovcro and ropalra upliolstorcd furniture. Long Exporfcnco In tho trade enables me to turn out tlrst'clnwj work, Hnmplm t covering. No trouble U Ktvo estliiiateti. Btnto IiiHuntuco block, OliomckelH fttrcct. CHURCHILL1 Spraying OMBls, B I 103 BURROUGHS State Street. F. T. HART, StfiCOMMERUIAL HTJIBKT. ESTABLISHED 1870. WILLIAM NILES & CO., Los AngoleM. California. BREEDERS AM EXTORTERS OF n Ed. C. Will h m, In (do rricftfiUfntf if null nrouml ah tho iy tiio Mosioii-uygort jhwk nng, vo,t ...r .- . ... .. .. . j s. . CITY JMNJJJOltY. and Lithographer, Balofrt, Oregon, TREES I NURSERIES, SPRING, 1893, Oswego, Oregon. , -r -var 'ft-"-" - LEADING MERCHANT TAILOR. INCOKPOItATKI) 1891 FINE CATTLE, RUUS, I'OUL'IRY, Berkshire & Folaiiil-Cliiiia Pigs a Specially, Fancy. Poultry, All Varieties. Fggj for Hatching, Incubalon. Nlles Puclflo CoMt Poultry ind HUick, llluetra ted, M oenut by mall, MrHISND FOIt cnfCULAlW.-tti Cross, Cioice Meats Wltttk-Kale m4 KeUll Denier In rrefdi, Httlt Md Mw(keIMeatN efitllKlHttH 0J C'or itd 110 Mate (ttrwt. be Cdebratcc at Salem you whli to mtu ilw flitted, ""iy " " '"" ""i ' ' A Ht'MiAlj lNtmitMkH'r-'fo pur oUnnotn now offered In our Jacket sale, The finest lino In tho city, and the greatest out In prices, Bee for yourself, T, Holverson A Co, Iteifit'tnler V, B, Dearborn, tho book' neller, will present every business tnnu A Bhntmon binding cane, who purchases g(Hna to tho mnount of 10 cent? or over lit his store, Open to Argument. Put Bo ycz nllvo, MoikoT Mike What A fulo yo be to nx rich (ineetlonl Kin nuy mftti bo aloiva ftfther fall lolko Ibat? Xlnrpor' Bazar. WICW ADVJCKTIMKMKVTa IMPORTANT NOTICE Owing to tho fnct that wo nro over stocked, wo will, until further notice. irmke tlio following sweeping reduc tions on jumocj; ItotiKh common.... (10 per M Hldowalk 10 " " Flooring Hustle, ntc, No. U. 20 " " Flooring, Uustlo.otc., No, 2.. IS " " Common 2d grade. ..--.-- 0 " " Other classes of lumber In same pro portion, ijuaiiiy not, ozcenou in any runrkcl In the state. CAPITAL LUMBERING CO. MAK15 NO MOJIE MISTAKES. OltAM.KH A. HH1T1I HUNS The Rustler Wood Saw And lie doean't burn op lialf your wood, In fuel, when lie aw It. Mnke roar wntrd vrllhhlmperfonsllynrlcnveorderiAtVesteLi ninr nioie. Dearborn's book hUjtAM Hummer etreot, or addre mo by tnall. 0-14-tf HORSE TRAINING. Jlnreliad tH yeare experience training rer IrnokormrrliiKH. rTerm reasonable. Can be fdiuirl at VVetlMCbtl'M stable, or aridreeD Balem, 0-O-tCrt JAMKM KINU. IMI'-A tilaek Weteripanlel pup, white ml. Hurt oollnr on. iteturn l'err till and be rewarded. 0 J3.1l w ANTKU-3 or 3 room furnlihed for houeekeeplno near ixwrt ana liign wife, no children. Ad prciurroa. drree A Man and II. U Unre.loiH4l. 0-12 8t IK)1) llulnee OI'l-UHTaWlTy-OwlDf U) tt tiruiin ma iiuaericnea win iraae hie bimlneee and factory for real twUte on rea ,oneble term. , . H. llllOKIi. Ir-ViU Oepot Hath and Door Hartory, Haiem f OHT. lUwu borte, ten yeare old, hod let hwteeeu'lhiiradaynear Oeo, illehee place U tnllMeaktofHalera, Iteturn tU, T.TIininoni, Kriflewofd,Baleni. ft- ,V)M MAI.K-A ry nloely loefd lot, with iMmte.ori Mill ttreet eouth ol Willamette unlrerilir rot icrina u iwuranumi ". .... .--. Jt &.... l..tiM .!& iD'iulrnaltti l inn omce. vm-i I fKI.H WANTKU.-A((nUps d aioodcora II rnleeioo, and lX, dividend ainorif fltn net w nter. Hpclal aUractipne o U poho liney'ar lor wuiou w nm Vice of b, ente every' ere. ,.,,.. . TIIBCUHTIM r'Ulll.IrilllNO (., Itoom 3), i.'hronleie ilblldln,Ban ranelco. illfS l'AIKU U kept on file at K. 0. fe' 111 iV.riuin J a Vno. ftl and M Merebanu Eichaoie.Mauyranele'O, Ualiforala, when eontraeiforadertllfleanbewade for ft. KlodeonealeatiiiltAbwiyetreet. --ly sift"' ib,ilun '""vwntohA. 7 THE PACIFIC DETECTIVE AND COLLECTING BDREAD BALKM, ' - Oregen Private work a epeeUUr. 0. 8, CI.KMCRT, Maaaer, OVUM SOHNO, tk tlnMcflk iliiflltl Co, fSMmVAWA iAffX Aftfi IKE llitoillltlfi) Wild Jnuso Lx Of,teVf!ANf, Jti i 1. Tlio ilrtcitea wlrdbnll coniprtli, y one oi mo largest Wineefniiof (ho iihiih neeltOitl. id In the countfy llirtbllKy to fftlMWiotiey (o meet mn Idfllitf pflpera Is tiow cause of failure Lis bllltles are onlytew.OOO widlo assots fencli (0CI,0O0 Tttf company Is ono of (ho largest nlnAifaolurors of wlro nails Iff tho UiiKedj males and backed by capitalists' of Clif Viand worth mill' lolis of dollars, jHfcnJderil tookwood of (he concern ntAiji 'Wo simply got under covef (o kr creditors from slaughtering us Wlti)Wfa61iments. Wo can pay thrto dolfalpj' for every ono wo owe," Omaha jjSafo, OMAHA, June li-Buns on tho Omaha rjavlugs bdnk subsided this morning, t Bank OJIflod. UtVlinstDB, Cal.,yuue 14. Doors of Illversldo Bankluc company failed to opoti at tho Usual sttr this morning. Tho following sign IsfHsplnyed on tho door. 'This bank Isiclosed under In structions. Deposltoriirlll all be paid.' IHO 1'AINESVILt.K, Juil "14. The run which bouafl'ori the Lake oountvbank of Aaron Wllcorf A Ciyesterda 'dul- mluatrd In its doom being closed thla morning. A notloe Is posted stating the bank has suspended temporarily, and all depositors will be paid in full. In New York. Nbw "Yoiik, June l4 A run was started on tho Irving JngBLoaUtu tlon' thla morning.' As soon as the doors opened a speculator was on hand offering to buy up all tho books bo could get for 10 nor cent, commis sion. Treasurer Lutlmer said tho bank had on hand a million dollars, and could net that tnucli at a moment's notice If necessary. Thin afternoon Superintendent of State Banks Preston mado tbo follow Ing statement: Tho run will probably be over by tomorrow, when tho ool- voncy of tho bank becomes generally knwn. Tbo shortage may bo largei than already announced, as the cbati' nels through which the money dlsap pearcd are not all discovered. There may bo other dishonest officials thun tbo throo mentioned last night. No arrests have yet beon mado. In Indiana. Indianapolis, June 14 The Citi zen's bank of Fairmont, Ind., has sus pended operations, owing to the strlngonoy In the money market. Capi tal stock, $60,000; assets, (101,000; lia bilities, (130,000. MILITARY AND THE INDIANS. U.S. Troops Called to Settle an Indian Murder In Minnesota. BitAiNBHD, June 14. Company D, 3d United Htatca Infantry arrived hero last night and early this morning started for Loooh lake. C. C. Vuodoron, who llvos near tho reservation, says Dr. Walker resisted nn attempt of an In dian to take Whisky, and whon tho Iu dlan advanced upon the doctor tho lat ter drew a revolver and shot tho In dian In tbo mouth. Dr. Walker, the wounded Indian nod throe Indian po lice, are all In ono building, which Is surroundod by pickets. American Ship Bun Down. QUKKNfeTOWN, Juue 14 TbeCunard Liner Bervla arrived hero today und reports that June 7th, during a fog, she ran down tho American ship A-Mc Calfum, Captain O'Brien, London to New York. The McCalluui filled and tank a short time after the accident. All but two of her crew were saved by the Bervla, The Infanta Departs. Chicago, Juno 14. Infanta Eulalle of Hpaln took her departure from Chi cago early this morning. An Immense crowd vtltnefwd her departure. inhuman Mother. Pakkkkshuko, V., June 14 Mrs. Kate Klrco, Hying ten miles from here having Joet her reason, poisoned two of her children, threw twq others Into a well and thea killed herself. All live I are dead. mm k yicMi m A M Vmm Will Mv id tilt but u TO HOLD A LfitfM. INQ0BST TIIBRISOtt. Oltf UUnrt mtii UkiUiUf Oefo kntlotn WAsnf noton; June 14. Tho dlstffot. supreme court this morning dismissed Colonel Alnswof Ih's petition for a man damus on two grounds. First, holding that tho deputy coroner Is not a legal Officer, which Invalidates the inquest, o far held, Second, the right of a per son to bo present at the Inquest In per son or by counsel Is dlsorotlonary with tho coroner, and therefore not subject for mandamus'. 4 ONB MUST MK. In defense to the decision of the su premo court, Deputy Coroner Shaffer, who has been conducting the Inquest of the Ford Theatre victims, adjourned proceedings until tomorrow. The cu rious point now develops that no dead body has been viewed by tho legally constituted coroner's jury. Unleeaone of the Injured victims dies, it will, bo necessary to exhume a body. "Old Glory's' Birthday. Nkw Yohk, June 14.-One hundred and sixteen years ago today the starsand sttlpes wero adopted as the flag of our country and tho American Patriotic League lias set on fool a general move ment looking to a universal display of "Old Glory" on this day. All city buildings display the flag by order of the mayor. In Now England the day Is being celebrated la the public sebebk. THS MAJtKETi. . "y Portland, June 14. Wheat 91.05 jfU5. Ban Francisco,, June 14. Wkeat very dull. December 91.848. V.CHIOA.SO., June- 14. Wfeet?-eMtrr 00j. PERSONAL AND LOOAL. Glvo us more good streets. One drunk sentenced today. Less license and more city hall. C. A. Beblbrede went to Turner this raornining to attond the camp meeting. J. D. Darby, of Clymer, was a Balem visitor today. Dr. Matteson, of Turner, was in Ba lem today. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Bishop went to Brownsville this morning to attend tbo ploneero's meeting of Linn county. Tho only known Preventive of fer mentation of Fruit is antl-fcrmentlne. Bold at Gilbert, Patterson & Co.,Salem. dw. Judge Edes, of tho recorder's court, hung out a flag In honor of Its birthday. Tho Louis Kdbn residence offered for a few days at a prlco that must make some ono money. J. 0. Booth, room 18, Bush's bank building. 0 14 2t Geo. E. Hatch, tbo mall carrier, Is a roso grower. He brings this office a Paul Neyron rose C inches across. He will show six varieties at least and look out for his P. Ns. FBOM SUBLIMITY. William Haack and famlly?of Salem, were In town visiting friends last Sun day. Ernest Mathleu, of Buttevllle, Is vhv. King Gene Nelbert. Mlfts Nellie Browning, of Turner, was visiting In town last Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Lindsay, of Dal las, are visiting in this neighborhood. Ves Lambert and Fay Wrlghtman went to Balem last Monday. Rev, Father Beutgen went down to Portland one day laet week. A. J. Faxon, of Salem, a former red dent of this vicinity, was in town hut week. Herman Scliellberg was visiting rela tives and friends at Mebama last Sat urday and Sunday. E. Eckerlln and family, of Salem, were tho guests of Henry Miller last Sunday. True Economy, Nn matter how many hundred doses of any other medicine are offered for a zh.iUr. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery Is the cheapest blood-purifier sold, through drugglaU, because It's guaranteed, and your money hi returct' ed If it dottti't benefit or etire. With its use you only pay for (be good you get. USB you aa tame ( Highest bfAiiIti Leavening Puwei'. Latest t, S tiov't Xcort RoY&l msmsi ABSOLUTELY PURE SALBM WILL CELEBRATE. Two Thoflsaml Dollar Will be IllftrYM In. THREE THOUSAND DOLLAR RACES. Greatest Bloyclo Tournament Erer on tbo Coast. Tho Bouquet City 1 Tho Bicycle City 1 1 Tho Capital City I ii The Second City of Oregon tilt Bho will celebrate the Fourth of July. Procession , Independence day oxer qlses, Music and Fireworks, Industrial parade, Bicycle und horso races. Excursion rates by rail and special steamboat excursions up and down tho river. Prepare to come to Balem. Salem la the bloyolo city of the coast, and it Is expected that several clubsof ladles and gentlemen will Jturn oWt by the hundred In grand parade on their wheels, mattv In uniform. J. B. Wetb erbee"fChauncy Lookwood and John Moifhave been designated as the com mittee and all wheel people will fall un der their direction, races at 12 m. fccikllrmr square at 11 a. m. Bloyclo races at 12 m. Horse races at Fair grounds all tho afternoon. The JouBNAi, and Btatesmun have each donated 100 worth of advertising space to the committee. Tho finance committee will reach the 91000 mark this evening. 9500 worth of fireworks will bo let off" from tho big bridge at 0 p. m. The Southern Pacific railroad will hold the northbound aftornoon train at Balem until 7 p. m. Thero will probably be no money spent on colored posters or advertising program schemes. Let all money be paid directly to glvo the thousands who are coming to Suluui on thut day tho best celebration ever got up in Oregon. THE COMMITTEK. The following named men aro tbo committee of general arrangements,aud will meet this evening at 7:80 o'clock at Gilbert and Patterson's stere: E. P. McCornuck, W. G. Westucott, I. L. Patterson, D. C. Sbermao, Jo. Albert. Any other parties Interested uro re quested to meet with the committee. The Ono Cent Daily. It goes. It goes everywhere. Farmer, politician, lawyer, business man, all are taking to It. It is American, it lc alive, It Is mod ern, It Is not afraid to have nn opinion. It Is 25 cents n month cash In ad vance by mall. It is the paper for the people. STOOD THE TEST. Allsock's Porous Plosters are unaj proachable In curutlve properties, ru IdHy and safety of action, and are the nnlv reliable piasters ever produced. They have successfully stood tue teetof over thirty years' use by tho public: their virtues nave never ueen tnuaueu bv the unscrupulous Imitators who bave sought to trade upon the repula-l tlon of Allcoek's by making plastcs with holes In them, anu claiming mom to be "ust as good as Allcoek's," and they stand today Indorsed by not only the highest medical authorities, but by millions of grateful patients who have proved their efficacy as a household Beware of Imitations, and do not be deceived by tularepresentattoB. Ask for Alleock'B, and let no solicitation or explanation luduee you to accept n sub stitute. 1 J S wi Why suffer with sick headache and UHlsusBeM wbea Simmon Liver Km uUtor will eure you. PbysteUM pmerlbe TUTT'0 PILLS Baking Powder STAYTON NEWS. Doctor Caldwell, of Ashland, WM fa town Monday. G. It. Thomas and wife were in Sa lem Saturday, W. H. Hooson went to Portland oh business Monday. Tommlo Crabtree ad wife of S-llver-ton, wero in town Sunday. G. B. Thomas went to Balem Mon day. Miss Tempest Dunlvln went lo Pert land on a few week's visit Saturday. Deputy Sheriff Cooper spent Satur day night and Sunday at home. A llttlo moro sunshlno and we will havo plenty of strawberries. D. P. Taylor has moved back to Stayton. J. P. Davis, while killing a beef Thursday, struck bis hand on an ax, cutting It pretty badly, r Mrs. Ed. Brown returned to Albany Monday, after a few week's yleit la BtaytOn. 4 There was a dlmesocial at Mrs. Mary Thomases Monday evening; given by the1Womau'8 Christian Aid Society, and a good number were In attendance, LETTER LI1T. The following letters remaining to the Salem postofflce June 14,'lMtf ii called for. Tboee calling for tbM please aay "advertised-" Alfceaoaaar. tl jmm v a. ujv JMMBSIIIWinn JM , MTIUMI Bean OO BordlnJno fioln H. T. Carroll GiW Clay Mrs 8 L Cranston Mrs O 0 CrawfordMrs MSB Clark Annie I Clark Newel G riser Geo Grlsnell dcCo Harris Mrs S A JohuB J no A McGowen T D T Martin Mrs M Patterson May Hawkins F M Jones N P Lerlue S 2 Moore Mrs Thos Parker Thos 4 Plaster Loy Beavey Fablen Semonge W TaylorFannle Wilkinson Harry Itusseii lizzie Sbulz H Smith Mies S E Woods Iloy Ward J is w mica 11 Xj Wheeler Anna A. N. GILBERT, P, M. Strongly Endorsed? Tho advertising of Hood's Sarsaparll la appeals to tbo sober, common sense of thinking people, becauso It is true: and it Is always fully . substantiated by endorsements which in the financial world would be accepted without a mo ment's hesitation. They tell the story -HOOD3 CURES. Hood's Fills cure liver Ills, Jaundice, bllllouaueea, sick headache, constipa tion. On Court Street. Wo do not scalp, Wo do not skin; We do not skimp, Nor rope you In. Although deulers resort to all kinds of methods to forco tho sale of old and unseasonable stock, wo aro not obliged to advertise a clearance sale, but meet all prices offered with a bettor class of goods, An Invoice of sailors and misses hats In all styles received today. Mrs. D. L. Flester, tho court Btreet milliner, Salem. Cool Weather Necessitates wear Ing wrups. Our Jacket salo continues unabated; prices out one-third In many cases. T. Ilolverson & Co. Don't forget tho great 20 days' shoe sale at the Columbia shoe store, 118 Htate b treat. VIGOR MEN Eiell,. fluleklf, Per atetntly Reetoretf. WIAKNKM, NERVOUINCM, DEBILITY, and all the trala of etlle (rum ul error or later ' mwmh, te retake of , ovwwetK, ! woT,M. ran glvta&everr acjiioa ni mpw.Bnri Mill EMC peer.i WnpU.aaMirlwilena. LmeliMHufeaMt N.Y, ii 1 ol I- M 1 i , am 1 i I I !!! I WIJ W .t? .mLJ. SFH 7 F " ' m ' ... . " ' 4 MM urratej