Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, June 10, 1893, Image 1

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BookCoupon CAPITAL
V V 111 1 lliJi SA'lTJItDAY,
VOL. 0.
ftAJLiXflM. ORlflUOrl. SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1890.
"tfO-DAY'8 NJffiWS TO-JJAY."
NO iao,
The Question is Often Asked Why the
Tb? N?W York Racket
Has such a lively trade, while it appears dull in many places?
That question ia easily answered, they buy their shoes from one of tho most reliable cash
shoo factories in St Louis, raying cash for them, thereby getting their Btock at the lowest
price. Ihen soiling tor cash, they haye no allowance to make lor bad accounts. That ex
p'ains why they Bell shoes choap. In other lines, such as Hats, White Shirts, Bla'k Sateen,
mid litht Dress Shirts, Panto, Overalls, Underwear of all kinds for ladies, and gonts Hosiery,
Laces, Embroideries, J ace Curtams, Kibbons, Gloves, Mitts, TabJo Linen, Linen Tablecloths,
Napkins, Crash, Hammocks, Brushes and notions of all kinds which are all bought for cash
in New York, and following that line, (cash) from factory to consumer, they can afford to sell
at low prices. They ask an examination of their stock and prices.
E. T. BARNES, State Ins. Block.
Keeping Pace With the Times. - -. -
Have your business accounts kept in PERFECT books, Bucb are
The Frcy Patent Flut Opening Books.
Books that are worthy of tbe pat re-Dace and praise of the' Government Of
ficials of the Btate of Oregon, aud the greater portion of tbe mercbautiie men
of tbe State, are surely deserving of a trial by everyone.
Manufactured In Oregon ONLY by The Meston-Dygert Book Mfg. Co.,
Proprietors ot
Binders to tbe State of Oregon, Printers and Lithographers, Salem, Oregon.
500,900 TREES 1
FALL. 1892. ' SPRING, 1893.
We would call tbe attention of dealers, and large and small planters, to
our large and varied assortment of Fruit Trees and Small Fruits, Ornamental,
Shade, Nut and Evergreen trees. Our trees are clean, smooth, and first-class In
every respect. Send for catalogue and price list. Address,
Walling & Jarisch,
flJMention this paper. Oswego, Oregon.
Harness and Horse Furnishing Goods.
Campbell's Celebrated
289 Commercial St.,
General Insurance Agency.
Representing tke following well-known, and reliable Cempanies:
BTATE INSURANCE CO., JElua Insurance Co.,
Traders' Insurance Co., Bun Insurance Co..
National Insurance Co., Westobeeter Klre Ins. Co.,
.Lion Klro Insurance Co., Imperial Klre Insurance Co.,
London & Lancashire Flro Ins. Boo., London Assurance Corporation,
Alliance Assurance Co., Norwich Union Fire Ins.Boc.
Oldest anrt Leading Firm In the City Devoted Exclusively to Insurance.-;
Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture. Long Experience in the trade
enables me to turn out first-class work. Samples of coverings. No trouble to
give estimates. State Insurance block, Cbemeketa street
CHURCHILL Spraying Owllis,
B 103
BURROUGHS State Street.
Los Angeles, California.
Ed. C.
Hoof Ointment on Sale.
k Poland-China Pigs a Specialty.
Fancy Poultry, All Varieties.
tEhi for Hatching,
Pacific Coast Poultry and Btock, illustra
ted. 60 cents bv mail.
Wholesale and Retail
Dealer la Fresh, Salt ami
Smelted Meats afallKlada
95 Court and
110 State Streets.
Involved With Hogue.
Portland, June 10. Word has
reached here from Corvallls that Hamil
ton, Job & Co., private bankers, have
suspended payment. Tbe firm was
largely carrying Oregon Paclflo scrip.
8trawberkj.es and Cbeasi. At
the Christian church, Monday evening
there will be served a berry social. De
licious cake will be served with straw
berries and cream. Everybody invited.
To Oct at the Facts
Regarding Hood's Bareaparllla, ask the
people who take this medicine, or read
the testimonials often..publlshed In this
paper. They will i&Mlbly convince
you that Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses
unequalled merit, aud tuat JttUUD'o
Hood's Pills cure constipation by re
storing tbe peristalio action of the ali
mentary canal. They are the beat fam
ily cathartic
How is Your Blood?
I had a malignant breaking out on my leg
below tbe knee, and ma cured sound and weU
with two and- half bottlei of
Other blood medicine had failed
to do me any good.
Wux C. Uxatt,
YoikTlUe. S. C.
I was troubled from childhood with an af-
LVfueacase or i ettflr, ana inree Dottle or
curea me peimaneuy.
Our book on Blood and Skin DUeaaaa mailed
free. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.
Blacksmith, Horseshoeing, Repair
IInrseiboelngSl.73 per head. Shop at end
of big bridge. All work warranted. d I w
Private work a specialty.
O. B. CLEMENT, Manager.
Dr. Powell Reeves & Co.,
Tha Old Reliable) Specialists,
Late of New York Hospitals. Graduate with
High nonors. Twenty years' experience
as Professor, Lecturer. Author and
fiDeciallst In Chronlo Sliaaaaa.
Congh and
Difficulty of
ly treated
with specif
(o remedies
tested ana
proved by
tmm la Ann at nattira'a noblemen.
thoroughly devoted to his profession
and ever ready to help the afflloted.
UOOD, n ght emlMloDs, exhausting drains,
bainfuWJ, loss of energy, r60!;" ,?' .bo"i
hodr aid brain. unfitting one for study, business
ind marriage, treated with never Jailing sucoese.
JjLOUU Anil orUB pies, scrofuU, tumors,
synhllltle taint, rheumatlim, erupUons, etc., of
&NH 11D ORIHARY E2&g8&
der sadlment In urine, brick duit or white! pain
t foe urinating, frequency of; Brlgbt's dlase
wd all d Ueases ol trie bladder ol both sexes.
PIT1DD H throat, lungi. "J,-,d W'P'fc'i?.1;
CITaKAH ,eatlon, and all dUeases ff
the bowels, stomach, etc.; dUiiboea, dysentery,
to. Troubles ol this character rellered at oneei
cores erected as soon as posslbla. .,,i.
(aatlOB from business. . ...
WRIT! T" troubles If HTlngawar from the
1111 city. Thousands cured at home by
obawTstloa. EbcIom IS cents In aumpa M
l am a... AAA
ej Lw
A Doxen Business Saildlngs Burned
Lobs $00,000.
Oakland, Or., Juue 10. A Are statt
ol hern la n saloon about 1 o'clock this
morning, and in twd hourn caused a
loss of $00,000, art there wero no ade
quate means of Qghtlng the llmnec
Eleven wooden buildings and one
brick, all occupied by business firms,
were consumed. The principal losses
are estimated as follews: E. G. Young
b Co.'b warehouse burned and storo
building damaged, f 15,000; partially in
sured. W. T. Turner & Co., mercban-
dlse slock, $12,tKX); insurance, $3000.
A. F. Brown, two store buildings and
wareliouso,$10,000; no Insurance. Mrs.
Young, brick store building, $5000; no
insurance. Baker & Howard, saloon
building" and Btock, $3000:- Insurance.
$750. JoBn Bayleea, saloon, $1800; In
surance', $300, I. R. Beckley, building
in course of construction, $4,000. Ump
qua Lodge, I, Of O. F $1000; Insurance
$400. Smaller totere will make tho to-
til loss about $06,000. Farmers in tbe
vicinity lose $30ud worth on wool stored
in the burned warehouses. The origin
of tbe fire ia not known.
A Santa Fe Train Hold Up Oar Dy
namited $200,000 Oapturod.
Oimahuon, Tex., June 10. The Cal
ifornia express!! west bound on the
Atchison, Topeka & Bauta Fe, was
held up near bear and the express car
robbed of $200,000 early this morning
byflve bandltewho flagged tbe train,
forced the fireman and engineer at the
point of a revolver to accompany them
to the express car.
Eexpress Messenger Wbltttlesey re
fused to open the door, wben tbe rob
bers fired Into-the car and wounded the
messenger, who still refused to open.
Then the robber blew open the door
with dynamite and riflied the car of
everything of value except what was
contained in a through safe. Whittle
sey Is not seriously hurt. He is the
messenger who tood off the Dalton
gang at Bedrock I. T., a year ago,
WAsniNaTON,D.C, June 10Djath
list resulting from the Ford's Theater
accident now stands at 25. Btorles of
a iflering and distress growing out of
the calamity are Heart ronping. Tno
coroners jury was impanelled this
morning and will begin Inxuest Mon
day, Investigation is also to be made
by the War department.
I. W. Boody, of New York, reported
In tbe list of the deud, escaped unin
jured. This makes tbe total of deaths
22. There is also doubt about tbe
death of Jarvisof Michigan.
New Warship.
Philadelphia, June 10. The big
battleship Massachusetts was success,
fully launched from tbe yards of tbe
Cramps' this morning in presence of
the secretary of the navy, Herbert, and
Attorney General Olney, representing
tbe state of Massachusetts, a number of
distinguished naval and army officers,
and a multitude of 1500 people.
Too Fast.
CLEVELAND,0June 10. The world's
fair special train over the New York
Central and Lake Bliore ronds, making
tbe distance between Now York and
Chicago in 20 bours, has been aban
doned after two weeks trial.
Not of Oregon.
Cincinnati, 0 June 10. The Citi
zens Natioual bank of Hlllsboro was
closed by order of tbe comptroller of
currency. A cousin or .cx-uovemor
Foraker Is president.
Bayard Honored.
Bouthamiton, Juno 10. The city
Is in holiday dress in honor of tbe ar
rival on tbe steamer Paris of the first
American embassador, Hon, Thomas
F. Bayard. The municipal authorities
presented him with an illuminated ad
dress on blaarrhal.
Is Harrison a Candidate ?
New Yobk, June lo. Times says?
Bamuel E. Morce, of Indiana, counsel
general of Parln, today tailed forEurope,
"There is no doubt In my mind," said
Morse, "Harrison Is preparing to be a
candidate for the presidency In '60, bis
friends are working for that end."
Will Open Sunday.
Cjucaoo, Juno 10. Chief Justice
Fuller today enured an order suspend
ing the temporary injunction granted
by the United States circuit court to re
strain the management of tbe world's
fair from opening the grounds Sunday.
He set tbe bearing of the cause In tbe
United BUtes court of appeals, for
Thurtday Dex,t.
TN EVERY Receipt that calls for '
A baking powder use the " Royal." It
will make the food lighter, sweeter; .V
of finer flavor, more digestible and-
"We recommend the Royal Baking Powder as superior
to all others." United Cooks and Pastry Cooks9 Association
qf the United States.
Quiet on the Oanal.
Chicago, Ills., Jnne 10. Every thing
is quiet in tbe quarries and along the
drainage canal In tbe neighborhood of
Lamont today. George Kisklne ia
added to tbe list of those killed in yes
terday's fight. He died thla morning.
Another body was found today, but
the name of the victim is unknown,
though It is . said ho was ono of the
strike leaders. Later in tbe day an
other unknown body was found rid
dled with bullets. It is now believed
there are from three to five dead bodies
in the canal.
A. T. Gilbert Is at Portland.
Strawberry short cake and rich Jer
sey cream at Strong's tomorrow for
Sunday dinner.
Tho young men who have been kill
ing Mongolian pheasants in tbe Battle
Creek region have been reported, but
no arrests have as yet been made.
Andrew Bennett, of Oklahoma, ar
rived in, the city today, and is visiting
Silas Howard. He will give bis two
brothers ftt Mehama a surprise.
If you want a soiled suit of clothes
made as good as new have E. Bhoettle,
tbe BUte street tailor clean and repair
Don't worry your family with get
ting up a Sunday dinner tomorrow, but
go down ana eac cnicsen at enrong's.
Buy ftult jarsot Branson & Co., thus
saving money ana get me nest.
Strawberry short cake and rich Jer
sey cream at Strong's tomorrow for
Sunday dinner.
Dr. Davis of Los Angeles has move'd
into tbe C. B. Moores residence next to
the Methodist church.
Btawberrles the finest in tho world
for canning, at Branson & Co.'s.
Gooseberries for canning at Branson
& Co.'s.
Mrs. A. I. Boyers, who has been vlslt
itlng her mother, Mrs. A. W. Dennis,
has returned to her home at North
Young Moub' song and gospel service
In Y. M. C. A. hall at 4 o'clock Sunday
afternoon. The speaker tomorrow will
be Bev. C. M. Hill, of Portland.
Strangers, come and meet tho Salem
Joshua Smith is on tho sick list.
Miss Mabel Hutton has taken a po
sition as saleslady with Wbalo fc Ford,
muslo dealers on State street '
Congregational. Tbe morning
service will be omitted tomorrow on ao
countof Baccalaureate sermon, Willara.
ette University. Evening service as
usual conducted by P. S. Knight
Geiiman Baptist. Services will be
conducted on Sunday afternoon, June
11 at 3 n. m.. In tbe Evangelical tent In
East Salem by J. F. Ebersole and J. B.
Early, representing the German Bap
tist Brethren church. ( Dunkards.j
All Invited.
Chbistian, Rev. Clark Braden will
preach both morning aud evening at
tbe Christian church Sunday, Y. P.S.
O, E. as usual 0 30.
Evangelical. Services conducted
by Rev. Bowersox tomorrow, at 10:30
a, m. and 7:45 p. m. at Free Reading
room of W. C. T. U., 3 doors E. ol opera
bouse on Court Street Sunday school
at 12 m.
Unity Church. Services at 10:30
a. m, and U p. m. Sunday school at 12.
Rev. W. E. Copeland, pastor. Subject
of morning sermon, "A Buddhist Pray
er." Subject of evening lecture, "Tbe
Light of Asia, or tbe Hindoo Christ"
First Pkbsbytkrian. Rev, A. L.
Hutchison, pastor. Preaching morn
ing and evening at tbe usual hours. Y.
P. S. C. E. at 0:15 p. m.
Br. Paul Epiboopal. Lay service
l,t 10:30. Sunday sehool at 11:45,
Hawks Law, wall paper, $7 State.
Examination ac Salem for Two
Young Men to bo Sacrificed to
the arts of War.
The board of examiners appointed by
Congressman Hermann began work at
the state house yesterday. The list of
applicants for admission to tho military
academy at West Point Is as follews:
Joel B. Morris, McMlnnville; G.
Bruce Wattus, Myrtle Creek; Fred L.
Trulllnger, North Yamhill; Horace A.
Willis, Salem; Amos fries, Medford;
BenJ. F. Dodge, Lebanon; Mr. Perkins,
Llewellon; Robert G. Golden and Wal
ter Short, Marsh field; Douglas Waite,
Roseburg; William Langlols, Port Or
ford; A. G. Thrift, Baudon. T. A. Du
Bols, Eugene; Geo. Nichols; Riddle;
Howard W. Holegate and John H.
Beach, Corvallls; Frank Hansen, Ash
land; F.J. Jackson, Dallas; Hugh M.
Cook,, Empire City.
Those who wish to bo admitted to
the naval academy at Annapolis, are as
Clarence Purdom, Oregon City; Chas.
Rankin, Eugene; C. D. Felter and
Ralph B. Hunt, Bandon; A. D. Morri
son and Ralph F." Moclno,' Corvallls;
George L. Alderman, Dayton; George
T. Madison, Bay City.
Tbe examination proper, which is
both physical and Intellectual, and is
in charge of State Bupt. McElroy, (as
sisted by Messrs. Cbadwick and
Cuslck), begins at 0 a, m. Monday.
Petition of A.;Sloper for a tax rebate
of $20.80. bot granted. Petition of
Philip McKay for a tax rebate of $48 00,
not allowed.
Mrs. Barber, an aged widow, was ad
mitted to tbe county poor house.
Ordered that when tbe new Fletcher
road shall be put In as good condition
as tbe present road, and all expenses
paid It will be accepted by tbe county.
Geo. Crolsan, Adam Fromadater and
Hamlin Smith appointed appraisers of
dassges on tbe Leeper road, to meet at
H. C. Fletcher's place Juno 14th at 10
W. ft. Mlnier was appointed Canada
thistle commissioner In road district
No. 00.
Petition for bridge in Ajbert's addi
tion to Balem, In district No. 10, or
dered that the supervlsor.bulld a bridge
at said point,
Thomas La Lond, supervisor of dis
trict No. 11, was allowed 100 pounds of
powder for tbe use of said district
In the matter of the purchase of tho
right of way for a county road J. A.
KUIgore In district No, 8, ordered that
clerk draw warrant for $40 as soon as
Mr. Killgore delivers deed to property.
$75 appropriated by tbo court for the
improvement of the Silveston stage line
In district No. 12, and warrant ordered
drawn In favor of Thomas Bruce, sup
ervisor. $500 transferred from tho general
fund and made to appear under a new
fund to be known as indigent soldiers'
In matter of surveyor's report on
Fletcher's road, ordered that when the
proposed new road bo made In as good
condition as tbe present road, same be
In the matter of tbe Bellepacsl-Park-
ersvllle road, the court ordered report
of surveyor adopted and supervisor or
dered to open tbe road.
Henry Hymmea to Mm. Nanov H.
Zercher; pt 1 8 s, r 8 w 108, acres, $7250.
Lewis N. White aud wife to Benja
min Irving; pt E. Garrison d 1 o 61.25
acres, $2100.
J. J. Sbaw. exeeutor, to Lee Willis;
one-half d 1 o Nicholas bbrura, 322,0
acres, $10,000.
W. W, Pereival and wife to R. W.
Perelyal; pt 1 8 s, r 4 w 27.2 acres, $407.
" i i.
TaW AA&l,i4l..k4 Iai. IJIInll.nA.. a. w rt LIh.
say affeetloM take WatnoM Liver
JUfMlaWc, J
The prize for the Greek oration was
awarded to Miss Cora A. Winters, by a
committee consisting of Rev. P.- B.
Knlgbt, Hon. Napoleon Davis and
Prof. J. T. Matthetvs, The oration will
be committed and spoken in Greek on
commencement day. The prize of $10
ottered by Dr. C. H. Hall will be deliv
ered on that day.
Dr. WhTtakor delivered tho Memor
ial address at Jeflerson, Tuesday, Me
morial day. a
Prof, and Mrs. Willis C. Hawley
went to Drain Tuesday, May 80, when
tbe former delivered an oration on"Our
Foreign Pohoy" before tbo alumni of
the Btate Normal thero.
Tbo delegates from tbe various col
leges to tbe oratorical contest are finely
appearing young people, and we wel
comed them heartily.
Many delegates visited the university
session rooms Friday.
Tho first .catalogues for 1892 3 are
ready today.
Mr. C. E. Henderson, tbe orator of .
the State university at Eugene, has
never been absent or tardy during.his
entire lx years' course, except be
missed Friday to come to the contest
N. M. Newport, who baa been pass
ing examination to graduate In tbe law
course, June 15, was at chapel Monday.,
C. H. Roblln, a senior of tbe law
school, Dr. M. Epley, Prof. W. A.Ginn,
a musical alumnus, and Frank Mat
thews a student of last year, whohaa
been at Btanford this year, were at.
chapel Wednesday.
The young lady students of room 15
presented Prof, W. C. Hawley a fine
set of half-hours with best authors, at
the last roll call Wednesday.
Tho last examinations of tbe year
occur June 8-9. The work done has
been satisfactory. The coel weather
has been conducive to faithful study.
The students have been very health
ful this year, and tbelr physical wel
fare is a strong argument In favor of
an educational center.
The annual college prayer meeting
was uery excellent and was attended
by a goodly number of earnest christian
The societies held their annual reun
ion Friday night. A good probram
was rendered and well received. The
societies have prospered In many ways
this year and are to be congratulated.
Tbe various prizes that have been
won during tbo year will be awarded
Thursday at the commencement exer
cises. Tbo Tennis club have a good court
on tbe compU8 and much pleasure and
exercise are to be had out of each little
Prof. Parvln luteuded to give all tbe
graduates an outing and 0 o'clock
breakfast this morning but rains de
ferred tbe a (lair.
Tbe Handbook of this year will con
tain much useful Information and will
be of great use in many ways.
Program of the 49th commencement
of Willamette university.
Sunday, Juno 11, 10:30 a. m., Bacca
laureate sermon by Pre. Geo. Whlt-
aker, D. D. 7:80 p. m., University ser
mon by Rev. I, D. Driver, D. D.
Monday, Juno 12, 3 p. m., concert by
conservatory of music 8 p. m lecture
beforo the literary societies by Rev, J.
W. Bushoug, D, D.
Tuesday, June 18, 9 a. m annual
meeting of the trustees. 8 p. m., prize
contest aud declamation. 8. p. m.,
graduating exercises 6f university Bead
emy. Wednesday, Juue 14, Alumni day, 10
a. in., commencement exercises, eea
ervatory of music, 2 p. ro., bualMee
meeting of alumni association. 8 p. m,t
literary exercises and reunion of alunai
Thursday, Juue 16, Commsnoemsat
day, 10 a. m., CesHMneeaseat. Ad
dress by Rev. Geo. W. Gue. 8 , at.,
eeaeert bbI revaiea oeoaaervatefy ef
rfawfiri' .
-c jf-ii-- . , JCJlaiAi.
M 'j
'( h i
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