4iter dm ir f 't Jk H W Sib ok Coupon U'MlltiAY, '01.. o iii tt i r I ' The Question is Often Asked Why the Th? N?W York" Racket I Hill I l ' I II t I n as sucn a nveiv trade, wnne it appears f That duostiotl is onsily answered, thoy buy thoir shoos from loo fact ones in St. Louis, Tayng cash for thoiil, thoroby getting their stock at tho lowest rieo. Then sennit? lor casli. thov iiavo no aiiowanco to make lor bad accounts. J nat ex- lains why thoy soli shoos cheap. m iint Lross onirts, A'ants, uvorans, unaorwear oi auKinuH ior inaios, anu gots xiosiory, acos. Embroideries, 1 aco Curtains, Ribbons, Gloves, Mitts, Tobio Linen, Linen Tablecloths, lapkius, Crash, Hammocks, Brushes and notions of all kinds Now York, and following that lino, (ash) from factory to consumer, thoy can afford to soil low prices. Thoy ask an examination of thoir stock and prices. T. BARNES. State keeping Pace With Havo your business nccounU kept In PERFECT books, such aro Tho Frcy Patent Flut Opening Books. Books Hint are worthy of tbo nntrouncre and nralse of tbe Government Of- ficlaltt of tbe Htato of Oregon, and tbe di tne Binio, are surety ucservniK oi a trial Manufactured in Oregon ONLY by Proprietors ot TELE CAPITAL 'Binders to tbe State of Oregon, Printers 500,000 OSWEGO - FALL 1892. SPRING, 1893. We would call the attention of dealers, and large and small planters, to our large and varied assortment of Fruit Trees and Small Fruits, Ornamental, Shade, Nut and Evergreen trees. Our trees are clean, smooth, and first-class in every respect. Send for catalogue and price list. Address, Walling & Jarisch, 2T"Mention this paper. Oswego, Oregon. A. N. HALES, Proprietor. B. H. PRICE, Manager. A. N. HALES' LIVERY. (Successor to U. R. Ilyan.) T.ivnrv. TiVxwl nnd Rnardln? Ktablo. A full sunnlv of Horses and Buircles on hand. Horses boarded bv day. week Liberty and-Ferry streetB, East of Willamette hotel. J. W. THORNBORG, THE UPHOLSTERER. Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture. Long Experience in the trade enables me to turn out first-class work. Samples of coverings. No trouble to give estimates. State Insurance block, Cbemektta street. CHURCHILL BURROUGHS F. T. HART, 247 COMMERCIAL STREET. ESTABLISHED-1870. WILLIAM NILES Los Angeles. California. BREEDERS AKD EXPORTERS OF Ed. C. mmme: to n A PIT A T "Will) 1'JMOl'Xi.lii'S 1'AlMflJti"' In othor linos, sucli as lints, White Shirts, Black Sateen, the Times. greater portion of tbo morcbautile men by everyone. Tbo Meaton-Dyjrert Book Mfe. Co., CITY BINDERY. and Lltbograpbers, Salem, Oregon. TREES 1 NURSERIES. or month. Oittce at stable, corner of Spraying OMfils, 103 State Street. LEADING MERCHANT TAILOR. INCORPORATED 1891 & CO., FINE CATTLE, MS, TOULIKY. a Berkshire & Poland-China Pigs a' Specialty. Fancy Poultry, All Varieties, Fggs for Hatching. Incubators. NHeB Pacific Coast Poultry and Stock, Illustra ted. 60 cents by mall. HEN JJ FOR CIROULAR8.-t Cross, face Meats Wkelesale artltteUU Bealer im Freak, StMam4 Sacked Meat T aMUb 98 Court and 110 8tte Mrtt auii in rnanv Places r one of tho most rolinblor cash which aro all bought for cash Ins. Block. Want to Show It. Many who have made bread from Clark & Eppley 's FAVORITE flour would like to show It, as tbey are confident it is the finest qua'ity ever made. It is rich and light, and works like a charm. F. S.Dearborn has just opened a new lot of Blank books, special ruled, Debit and Credits, cash books, miniature sets for o 111 co work. 203 Commercial street. Good new house to rent, six blocks from post office. Also a furnished Iiouho to rent. Inquire of Geo. M. Beeler. 6 20-tf Via vi. Ladles will do wll to in quire Into tho merits of Viavl the sud cessful home treatment for women. No humiliating examinations, no long doctor bills. Lady in attendance. Call at room 1, Cottle-Parkhurst block. Office hours from 2 to 0 and 7 to 0 p. m. Wabnino. There is a counterflet ar ticle on tbe market. None genuine un less sealed. 6 24-lw Everybody will want to go to tbe strawberry social at the M. E. church, Friday evening, May 26th. An enter taining program will be given. Supper i25 cents. - ' .6-24-8t VIGOR of MEN EilllV. Quickly, Permanently Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, ao3 all the train of erllf from earl erron or later exceuet. tbo ruulti of overwork, Ickneti, worrr.eto. Fullstrenctb, development and tone given to every organ and portion of the body. Blmplr, natural raethoda, Immedlatelmprovenient eeen. Failure ImpOMlbla. 2.000 references Book, explanation and proof! mailed (aealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, N. Y. Dr. Powell ReeYes & Co., The Old Reliable Specialists, Late of New York Hoipttali. Graduate with High Ilonorj. Twenty years' experience as Professor, Lecturer. Author and Specialist In Cbronlo Diseases. Catarrh, Bronchitis, Cough and Difficulty of Breathing Successful ly treated withspeolf to remedies thoroughly tested ana provedby the OLD DOCTOR Who is one of nature's noblemen, thoroughly devoted to his .profession and ever ready to help the afflicted. NERVOUS DEBILITY JUfti ?SSSk"S5 HQOD. night emissions, exhaustta drains, baibfulneu, loss of energy. J"" .o010 bodr and braln.unflttlng one for study, business and marriage, treated with new JaiUn suooasa. Oetcuredandbeaman. ' BLOOD AND SKII XrtS2F&S& srnlillltio taint, rheumatism, eruptions, etc., of allklnds. blood poison irom any cause wbaterer. cured promptly' leavlnf tho system pure and finiM MD DRIHARI ITdceia.?ad,; der, sediment In urine, brick dust or white: pain whlleurlnatlng, frequency olj Brlghfe dims and all dleaes of tbe bladder of both sexes. anuaii ".-'" ,. ,,... A...r..t. lAAI. xnres effected sssoon as possible. nntuiirD diseases, gleet, gonorrnoea, iipnun, rillAib brdrocele, Tarloceie. .Hsnownaas, , and pile, astula, WL ?" V3iiil 'uptunl; quliily cured without any pala o de- Wwlwt"nmmtU HTtBgjwsrfrom the suit) el IT. Thousands cured at hoasa by niiiiMWDdcPfS ami iss414om nt secure from iEEmSei: " " lOewrte In starajsi tor KSaei Sexual 8exta. Addms, 1.PHWELL IEEVES CO.. Kw LMfcU at 216 Ctff St, Saks. in. uaVHkaa i-if nrn A " ' i . . k. it J t ismp mi 'kRWr d " .'?tBIBr.-m i, 11'i'IL F -4wHnnu, . IS ' an jb mmWff HIHHiitJH 1 t' "T 1 nkT j( BWWWffapwS? v V , JL 11 i HALJitti, 01(ia04 MOtfJU AlAY ,rt,j, -t- TUB EXPOSITION ML mi ii i 0. e THdMnd Miles In Twenty IIoum, AN ANTI-SUNDAY INJUNCTION SUIT To Head oft tko Government In lis World's Wr Closing Enterprise CincAao, May 29. Tbo West Hound exposition flyer over tbo 'New York Central road which left New York yes terday afternoon at 8 o'clock to make tho trip to Chicago In 20 hours arrived here at 0:30 this morning thrco min utes ahead of time. ANOTHMt FAILVBK. An assignment was filed In court this morning by Weaver, Gocli 4 Co., one of the largest coal dealing firms In. this city. Liabilities are scheduled at two hundred and fifty-thousand dollars. Aesets two-hundred thousand. BUNDAY Or-OSINO UNJOINED. On application of tho 'stockholders Judge Stein of tho superior court of Chicago this morning issued a tempor ary injunction restraining tbe directors of tho world's fair from closing tbe gates on Sunday. This suit Is brought to head off the attempt of the federal governmental Washington from secur ing an injunction to closeHbe fair Sun days. In opposition to the petition it had been urged that this was a Christian government and that Christianity was part of tho law of tho country. "This" said the court "is clearlyj' not so. The position Is certainly untenable In a country of religious freedom." Judge Stein, who rendered th, decision, is a Hebrew. f& JUIHJE'BTKIN'S OPINION, The proceedings In (he state court are entirely distinct from the action be gun Saturday by tho United States dls trict attorney In the federal court. Judge Stein held that congress bad made no law compelllngl Sunday clos ing. Tho court held that ns parks were set apart for tbe recreation of the pub lic forever, tbe' park commissioners bad no power to grant tho privilege nor tbe exposition management to exercise It of closing tbe gates on Sunday. ACTUAL SONUAY ATTENDANCE. Returns of attendance at tbe world's fair yesterday are not yet completed, but the chief of tbe bureau ofadmis slons from returns In, estimates tbe at tendance at 146,379. Old Man's Crime. HuNTiNOTOtf, Ind., May 29. Last nlaht a passerby noticed smoko coming from a small dwelling at Roanoke, oc cupied by Christian Habogoz and wife, The doors were all bolted and had to be knocked Id, Mrs. Habogoz was found locked In tho bed room with her throat cut from ear to ear and the bed Lon lire. liSDOgoz was niierwurua found In a garret dead. Habogoz was 76 years old , his w 1 fe 70. It is su pposed Habogoz killed his wife and then sui cided. . Honors to Davis. Mobile, AU., May 29. As Jefferson Davis's funeral train pulled out of New Orleans last night, crowds appeared at every street corner till tho corporation limits were passed. At every station crowds assembled. Old gray haired soldiers, ladies and children, with flow ers, being prominent features. At Beauvolr, Davis's old home, tbe track and station of the platform were car peted with rhododendrons. Among the floral offerings here was a wreath of oypress from Mrs. Bt. Qreen, nee Mor gan, of Mississippi, brought all tho way from her present home, Colusa, Cal. The Briggs Case. Washington, May 29. The trial of Dr. Briggs begun this morning. Ap pellants will be allowed four and a half hours to open nnu cioae iuu vnee, Briggs Is allowed seven hours to reply and tbe New York Presbytery, from wlw" judgment the appeal Is Uken,are glvt 'To ho irs, lu ten minute speeoJ- Bis Fir Less. BcKANTd,w.Pa.,Miy S.-Tbe Blooaa ing 'II, ni Ine room and boiler uoum .!. ... . - - -- -- J t mmmmmmwHmttm UlU A89U, tit (do LnoktiAWsttnti M cohlpntiyi burned tills mofilng, The lon n olio liiindfptl ht tweiilyiflve iiiotimttiddol' Into, t" wclvo liiindffd rnert Idle, OresliaM Oil tho (learV Lw VARittHUtotf, May SO, georolnry OreiUiHtil ailtliofi.cg nneiiltiliRllo denial of the slatcmont (hat the Ohltiesa nilh lotof has iiotlflod the dcpnrtmetit ot state that (bo Chinese government would retaliate If tlio fJenry net was enforced, Gfrestinm declared that In a rcoetit Interview between himself nod t':o Chlntse minister, not a word or In tlmnllon of a threat was Used during tho Intervlow. Being Asked If nny steps had been taken toward the en forcomont of the law, Greslinm replied that It was in the hands of tho secre tary of tho treasury, and as far as he knew nothing bad been done, Two Bank Failures. Fxnoo, N.Dak., May 29. The Na tional bank of Ashley Mears was closed by tho bank examiner. The first na tional, bank of Dakota, N. D., was closed. Liabilities aro said to bo fOO, 000, with assets five times as much. Suicide in Portland. Pohtland, Or., Mav 29. J. W. Da vis, a carpen tor, committed suicide In East Portland by shooting himself through the head with a pistol.. De spondency Is assigned as tho cause of tbo deed. I MM IMS Europoan Cholera. ' Hambubo, May 29. It Is officially announced that one death from cholera ocourred hero Saturday. Paris, May 29. Deaths of a cholera ic nature at Toulouseand oneatNIsmes are reparted. A Free Man. . Denver, May 29. Dr. Graves, tho alleged poisoner of Mrs. Barnaby, has been set at liberty. SUNDAY DISPATCHES. There was an attendance of 200,000 at the world's fair, mostly working men and their families. It was em phatically the tollers day of recreation. A million- dollar sugar refinery fire at Baltimore. The Paris correspondent of tbe 'New York 'Herald telegraphs that war is in evitable In Europe. All About' Salem. A lot of excursionists from 'Boston got off the morning overland train to take a breath of our cool delicious mouutaln and sea breeze neotarino at mosphere, "Ah 1 This is tho capital of Oregon," said an old duffer in Rlusses. "This is where Pennoyer lives,'' said a smart young Harvard man. "This Is where young and old ride bloyoles," said an arch maiden in broad est cultcbawed accent. "This Is whero tbe air is kept in mo tion by tbe fan like proportions of tbe young ladles' pedal extremities," said the traveling man. This is the biblical city of peace," said the minister in tbe crowd. "It Is tbe best advertised town on the Pacific coast," said TheJouiinal reporter." the only city of New Eng land people, push and enterprise west of tbo Rockies" and the train pulled out. Try It. For one week see how much difference a bottle of Price's Flavors will make in all your tabli delicacies kept In complete stock only at Van Eaton's family grocery. Sons of Vbtkkanb.-'-AII members ofSumptorcampNo. 8., Sons of Veter ans ore requested to assemble at camp hall at 1 p. m. to march in a body to Grand Army headquarters to partici pate In Memorial Day parade. J. P. Rookhh, Caw. i i i i ss ' ''! " Masonic There will be a special communication of Pacific Lodge No. 60 A. F. and A. M. tonight at 7:30. Work in E. A. degree. All MasonB In good standing are respectfully Invited to attend. Ark You Going On the excursion? If so, secure your tickets tonight at Patton Bros. positively only eight-five can go. For Balk. My black driving mare well broken, gentle, and perfectly sound. For particulars inquire ofO. D. Gabrlelson, State Ins. oflloe. m Don't forget tbe great 20 days' shoe ale at tbe Columbia shoo store, 118 Hlate streat, D. N. Leilzel returned frrtn Fortfcu IhU Bsorslng. Rleh aokka Jersey milk to being sup plied by tbe tUky of B. J, Bbarpe. Hawks Leyar, wall paper. 07 State. 7 & T "'101A-Y'tf JfcrtWS TO-DAY," m.J3w llltjlicatof nil lit Leaveiitotf rmver. UtcllUiS Gov't Ktpwt AB50UUTELY PURE TitH Colt Hmow. fcaturdny's colt show was probablytlio best over hold In Balctn, having had about 40 entries. The following premiums were awarded! The Judges for tho first threo classes were Jap Mltilo, D, H, Loonoy and Jay Bmltli and thny awarded premiums as follews: Class thoroughbred first pre mium, W. B. McCallster, of class 2, standard, Ijrst, MoDaulel A. Will to, of tllckrcall; second, T. G. Richmond, Dallas. John Harrltt, G. B. Miller and W. H. Jory were tbe Judges of tbe second threo classes and they awarded premiums thus: Class 4, Percheron, first, C. La Follette, of Wheatland; second, J. H. Wltzol, of Salem. Class 0, .Clydesdales, first, G, W. La Follette;! second, J. L. Wood, of Howell Prairie. Of classes 7, 8, 0 and 10, William Bcott, Oliver Earl and W. D. Claggott wore tbe Judges and they made these awards: Class 7, Coach, first, 8. L, Judson, of Balem; second, V. Denkln. Class 8, graded draft first, Geo. Hosier, of Balem; second, Peter Rasmussen. Class 0, English Hackney first, Dave Greerson, of Balem;second, J. D.Narln, of Bellvue. Class 10, Normau, first, William Stephens, of Salem; second, John Schl ndler, of.Salem. In class 8, Oregon sires, there was only one entry and no premium awarded. In class 5, English sires there were no entries. No Journal. Memorial Day. Tues day. May SOth. Is one of the national holidays always observed by tbe force on this paper, and bonce there will be no Journal isued tomorrow. . r S) Hawks & Levar, paper hangers, 07 State. Gerald M. Feunell, Pacific Coast rep resentative of tboMutual Life Insur ance Co. of New York was In theolty yesterday to see his special travelling agent G. W. Slauson, who broke bis leg by a fall from a bicycle at Salem a few days since, and will bo confined here for four weeks. Hood's Cures. In sayinK that Hood's Saraaparllla cures, lis proprietors mako no Idlo or extravagant claim. Statements from thousands of reliable people of what Hood's Sarsaparllla has done for them conclusively prove the fact HOOD'S Sarsaparllla CURES. TTonrl'n Pills act esneclallv unon the liver, rousluir It from torpidity to its natural duties, cure constipation aud assist digestion. Hawks & Lovar, State. paper bangers, 97 LdBT. Bay mare, weight 900 lbs., black mane and tail.no white. Will pay for return oftbe animal. Thomas Holman, 670 High street, Saloih. dw-tf Hawks & Levar, State. paper hangers, 07 DBATUM. NICHOLS. At tbe asylum, asylum, May 28th, I. B. Nlobols, of KIW ddles, Or. The remains will be shipped on tho Overland this evening. SUN. At Balem, May 28, at 4 a. m., infant daughter of Geo. Bun, mer- chant. The remains were put in a coffin by Undertaker Clough. at 6:46 and the re mains were taken to the cemetery at 0, The Chinese do not make much fuss over a week old girl baby, It was bur led at Rural cemetery. RINGLK. At the poor farm, North Salem, Sunday aftertioou, May 28, Joseph Rlngle, aged 82, of paralysis. Burial at Rural cemetery. Ho had only been at the poor farm since May 10th. SMITH. At the home of her mother MITH. At tbe home of her mother The Poet's Soliloquy. "Kiss" rhyme to "bliss," In fact aa well as And "ill"' with "pill" and "worse" with "hearse-" In foot and verse, we find "complete recovery" Rhyme beat with ' (Jolden Medical Disco v ryV' For driving out scrofulous and all ether taints of the blood-fortifying the eoBttltutlon against lung-scrofula or eoMMmpUoB, for strengthening the dl gwtlve organs aud invigorating the en tire system by sendlBg streams of pure blood through all tbe veins there Is no tklnsf equal to Dr. Pityee's Golden Med Ustl DUoevery, It Is the only kuartn tMdJjloed liver and lung remedy sold. kK' fiVJ!l OJMfT , Book Coupon mm imiMi'Hn'iimi 0 itti Baking Powder A Curious Kxntnpfe. A youth at Oxford, bolng oxnmlned in Pnloy, was aakod Jf ho could men tion any instance of tho Dlvlno good ness which ho had found out for himself. "Yes; tho conformation of tho noso of tho bulldog. Ita noso is eo rotractcd thnt it can hang on to tho bull and yot broatho frooly. But for 'this it would soon havo to let go," Tho bull's point of viowwas not regarded at all. "Twonty-flve Years of St. Andrew's. " Not Very Wise. Teacher Who was tho wisest man that over lived? Boy Samson. Teacher No, he was tho strongest. If Samson had been wiso, ho would not havo lot his wifo cut his'hair. Boy That's so. Ho'd n-gonoto barber. Good Nowa. Encouragement for tho Feeble. Bo Ions as the foiling embo s of vitality are capable of being rekindled into a warm and gonial glow.Jiikt so long- there is hope for the woalc and emnnolotert Invalid. Ltt him not, therefore, despond, but derive encouragement from this, and from the further tact that there is r restorative most potent In renewing the dilapidated powers of a broken down system. Yes, thanks toll unexampled tonlo vlrtueti, Uostetter's Htomach Bitter Is dally reviving troniftu In i he bodies and hope In the minds oftbe feeble and nervous. Appetite, refresh ing sleep, the acquisition of fie jh and color, are blessings attendant upon the reparative pro cesses wbleh this priceless Invlgorant speedily Inltla'csandnarrles to asuocessftal oonoluslen. Digestion Is restored, the blood fertilised, and sustenance afforded to each llfo sustaining organ by the 1)1 tors, which is Inoffensive even to the feminine palate, vegetable In com position, and thoroughly safe. Use It, and re gain vigori 1 Baby cried, Mother sighed, t i ' Drtorpwscribed j Qurtorsfjuw, 1 ' i X0J what a comfort it is to havo ready at hand & remedy that never fails to relievo Constipation, and that, without pain or discomfort; and almost immediately euros head aches, and dispels every symptom of Dyspepsia. Buch a remedy is found in Simmons Livor Eogu lator not a eweo toned compound to nausoato, or an intoxicating bovorago to cultivate an alcoholic appetite, but a medicine pleasant to tho tostu, and perfectly harmless when given to tho smallest child. S. L. K. novor disappoints. It possesses the virtues and perfec tions of a roliablo remedy of tho kind endorsed by ominont physicians. "It affords mo pleasure to add my testi mony to those you rocolvo annually In reference to your valuable medicine. 1 consider- Hlmmons Liver Regulator tho best family medlclno on the market. 1 jjavo prescribed It with excellent results." W. K. 1'ahic, if, I)., Tracy City, Tenn. NKW AVVKKTIttKMKMTa. - OOl) Business Ol'l'OUTUNlTY.-Owlagto jc poor health the undersigned will trad his business and factory for real estate on rea sonable terms. M. V. BltOKK, ft-Wl Depot Bash and Door Factory, tAslem, r OST. Roan horse, ten yean old, shod, let JLi terH" nn ten shoulder. Welths lue. Just seen Thursday near Oco Rlobre place mile east of Halem. Return to U. T. Tlmmoas, Koglewood, Balem. S-S pOK DALK.-A veryilcely located lot. with Jj house, on Mill street south ot Willamette J? honse, on Mill street south ot wiiiametu rUND.-A gold searf pin. Owner can gt same by calling at JouKtf Ah oAc ana paying expenses. tl KLP WANTJtD.-AgenUPa da good com mission, and SHC30 dividend sww IWi urn next winter. Brxclal attraction to M. pushed this yrar for which we want the af vice of bst agents every wnere. TJlKUURTWfUBLWIIINaCO.. , t Room 3', Ubroalola Bblldiag.Maal'rasetoao. , miilB PArKR Is kept on l at K. 0. DSV I Advertising a geoey , M and ttHmkuU Exchange. San Vranctoro, Califorato, Wsmm coolnW-s for advertising can $( t. ATl'KNTION-Cash money vaMJmtm, brttls,old iron and all klBd ot wmm, .jjhiatomtjoart H.HsUjf, CHRItsTIAN KC1KN0K-Uttw ft aM kinds on sol at BSS Liberty tmt, i-lf i i C--j fl II m 'i 4 4 r afenBv - tnLii 3fi ""dKj, ysETL