r 4 JWNwtW JMBWf"r-WW ,.- W t. X . -A EfAi-t in. It I I f I tf ('4 It . m nmmmmmuMi tmmu,tiiivvmi SOMMER DRESS GOODS, ftiid boriC lino of BuftKHOi' JJfestf Uootk jjiiacAJ; HATMN, , J'kAfN JiMCK QATlto, I'M IN JJIAOK OJlAiiLiiii. MUUJlWU Md I'JiAiN JUATtBm M MOimKIJ nfid IIAIN INDIA AltSLiN. 4 , juimwoii otiAiMm, mmou satjn, JWMNCJI UltKJ'lfl, POttUM SILK. IMTIHCJl AN 001113, OOllDJfiJJ TAJWTA, 8ATJN J'ONCJIM, BATIK (iLACJJii, SATIN IIAYJB, MATIN 0L01UA. jKWfWO 01 I'M. WNnhl Ladles' Hold Wiilelt nntl iJcntitlful set of Hllvef wnro fllveil ftwuy Meptcitiuer Int. Our Sfioo took Ih still going at cost, All now goods and good quality, THE PALACE anddScompany, 307 Commercial Street. - if - You nre goliigltojbiilliloriimkomiy Hurt of Improvement, cill on Iho iimtcMlgncil or mitterlnl, Wn have- a complete sUx-k, Rtid nro readjr lo supply any prepmed contract, sower work, grading, etc. Salem Improvement Co, Bl'KAKINO AND EsHA-YH. All tllO uhlldroii In tlio Halem r-ehools nro husy learning pieces uml writing essays on the subject of kindness utid humiinu treatment of aiilmrls. The Humane society, of Batem, has nilured cash prized aggregating (15 to ho competed fur by the puhlls school children of thin city. Tilts amount Ih divided Into two classed of Uret and second prl.e, as fol fel fol eows: $6 for the bent essay by n gram mar grade pupil and (.2.60 for second best; also tbe huiiio to the primaries for declamations. These are to be on a humane suhjoct. E tcli room will bavo a separato con tent prior to tlio term ox amlnatiouB, and the wlutienj are to meet In a flnal tent during tho eloHlug week. As a grand finale, the noddy will arrange for a conical between the dlflorout buildings at a luter dato. This work la taking the place of all other rhetorlculs. PARhWHIifi ItEOhlTION. Wednes day evening tho member of the Chris tlan church, and friends of Rev. W. R. Williams and family met thoso good peoplo at tho church parlors In au In formal farewell reception. They left for tho East today, and as Air. Wil liams is not sure to return, this compli ment was extended by his friends. A pleasant tlmo was had, and a delight ful lunch was served at the clime. Many wont to tho depot yesterday to bid them bou voyage. Nkw Offiokhs. Bumptor camp has new olllcers, Lust night J. 1. Rogers waschosou captain; l'hll Thomus lHt. Lleutonaut; Hugh Qoodcll, ilud lieu tenant; Jacob Hhoomakur wuh detailed as aide to tho Chief marshal on Memor ial Day. Tho camp will assemble at its hall Just boforo tho hour for tho Memor ial Day exorclscB, wear proper Memor ial Day badges and march In a body to O. A. It headquarters. o LKOTUHK ATTIIK POI.YI.KTKOIINICJ. Prof. J. H, Douglas will deliver a lect ure at the l'olyletechulo Institute this evonlng. His subject will be, "Our Mother Touguo." Prof. Douglas has chargo of tho modern language depart ment III tho Institute, and this lecture Will, no doubt, be Interesting and In Btruotlvo to all. Admittance free. liVANOKUOAt.. There will bo ser vice In tho Gorman Kvangolleal church next Babbuth, Tho newly appointed pastor Ilov. A, A. Euglebort will preach both morning and evening. IIkhk at Last. Fair weather Is tip on us, and our grateful people are rush ing to J. A, Van Eaton's popular gro cery for staples and all seasonable dell cades. CREAM KLOUR.-Tho Blue Front 'CREAM Is guaranteed Hiiporlor to uny brand over sold In Salem. Respect fully, Damon Bros. dw-lt KELLER & SONS' CORNER, Wo carry tho lino of olllco desks that sella at sight. Our roll top desks aro au tomatlo when tho curialu or roll Is dropped every drawer Is locked. In ladles desks wo iho w somo of tho luteat productions. Carpet patent rockers at ft.oO. Tho MoLmii swing rocker I tho favorite of them all. When you buy a rocker look over our stock, wo uro leaders. Prices reduced, Just tho weather for refrigerators. Come lu ami Invest. Wo soil dozens of 'ttftrH Another largo sblpmeut of opaquo abades, all seven feet In length ami frlufed. The price we ask Is 75 cents. Where e!e eati you find a bargain like that? Folding bath tuba with gasoline fcaator-juat wtttt you ihould haye. niiiifititi i i m PERSONAL AND LO0AL. Colt show tomorrow. Danco at Macleay tonight. Tho wild roso Ih now In bloom, Btato Superintendent MoKlroy Is In Washington county holding an Insti tute. M. Itabcr has gono lo Oregon City to secure a posltton. There is no more beautiful (lower i than tho wild roso of Oregon. Mrs. Felchtlnger is visiting friends In Gervals. Frank Wlllman wont to Albany this morning, T. II. Barnes, of the Salem Land company, is In Albany on business. A. W. Dennis went up the road this morning In the Interest of the Stolz feed houso. II. H. Jory Is In Jetrersou today on business. Miss Julia Metsohan Is at Portland taking Instruction in music. lion, and Mrs. F. C. Baker wont to Portland this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Haskins, of St. Louis, who have been visiting tho fami ly of J. P. Veatch, started today on their way homo. Itov. Rowersox went to Portland this afternoon. The Salem contractors are competent and can get tho financial backing to put up thut city ball If they get a fair chance. That Is all tboy ask. Tho Immense steel lintels for the new Holmun block were put In place yes terday. Tho state gran go at Tlio Dalles de clared In favor of freo silver coinage. It would be fur more dilllcult for tho city council to declare who aro not drunkards. At least, tho city will have a HfflffNow Light Ordinanco PasBed More class lighting system hereafter. Postmaster T. W. Riches, of Silver ton, was a Salem visitor today. Ed. Jones and Win, Jonos, of Brooks, were in tlio city today. One drunk was put to work flvodas on tho streets this morning. It matters little who records your chattel mortgage. The mlstuko Is mado In giving one. Whatever tho Presbyterlaus may think about sprinkling, tho street sprinkling Is appreciated. Oregon wild (lowers aro more beauti ful than anything shown In tho hot houses at tho world's fair. Westacott & Irwin aro giving their restaurant front a fresli coat of paint. The Now York Ico cream soda at Strong's Is (ho finest driuk ever made. Andrew Beatty, accompanied by Clias, All now, of Minnesota, Is In tho elty visiting his brother H. Betty, at Englewood. A smooth arllclo Now York Ico oreum, mado only by Westacott A Ir win. Miis Wallace and her guest at the residence of J. M. Wallace, Miss Etta McCrary, of Colorado, woro visitors a the Clieumwa Indian school today. TliK JmiKNAi, wants tho public to have tho benefit of all tho competition and all the best material for that city hall. Attorney Coudlt has Just hud moved In tho old safe that was bought by tho state of Oregon lu IS 18 and for nearly n half century did sorvlco at the state hoiuo. Howard tho houso mover did tho Job, Tlio Water Co, has ordered a new 24 Inch steel suction pipe, President Wal lace believes In a generous aourco of supply when it comes to water. Home more South Salem hoys aro likely to to be prosecuted for breaking up bird's ucstx. Them Is a strict law agalutt robbing tho nests of auy of our song birds or killing the old or young. John MoNary la couuty recorder of chattel mortgage. There U tio other place to record them ho says, J, E. McCoy nnd wlfo to Mary II. Watsou, 100 acred Johu lUker d 1 c. 117. jWVAjNiiO OAi'l'Mi; JOtfiWAL, lttUAir, ftlti UkhtlH UObbH AAbKtit Hitklnti lo i'litcd (fjtmlefldt Mftttej Jri Marlon (totinly, A 6ry pfnfifilbff green Kbbdn clrclilrtf, ttfllfi llifl liiilrtl slercdlyprd hewrfpnpof clllifilffg", wft4 received yesterday at this 6me from n farmer In (Ills county, it wl foflll (lid pftrlloulflf merits ahd tibvy Um linddeelrtblllly i( a new Issue of countcfflel pnf)ef tnotiey. There wns fllswn slip pflnted In red ink enclosed, cnfiy (is followsi "Kfifcl' TllJS FOtt ItKPRHBNdB." "When you arc ready to come afid see solid me the following telegraph dlf! patch. F, EATON, Westehester Station, Westchestor County. N, Y. "Send pedigree of Highland No. 180" and sign your telegram Tom, George, Henry, Frotik or any other namoyou choose, 1 will understand who It Is from, "Caution. In sanding telegram be sure and scud the right words and number, as It li absolutely necessary, Without theso I would not know who It Is from, "itemember wrlto mo no letters. I will not recelvo or answer thom." This circular Is a very taking one and no doubt the country Is flooded with them. But Oregon Isa long ways ofrand at present high rates of faro few farmers will travel three thousand (lvo hundred miles to get a chance lo Invest with a stranger for "green goods." Still It bus happened that when the cupidity of a man of means, like farmer Skinner, Is aroused, he might travel to Australia or around tho world to chase a rainbow. In concluding the circular states: "My stock now Is as neat and wrfeet as human skill cuu make it and and absolutely no risk In using it. Re member, this Is an article which will go any where and everywhere, leaving for you a net profit of from len to twelve hundred per cent., according to tho amount you buy. These goods cannot bo detected In tho ordinary course of trade, and only at the treasury In Washington through tho duplication of tbe numbers, and not then if the genuine bill of tho same number Is in circulation, so that they are really as good as gold. Now, my friend (as will take the liberty of calling you), we aro strangers to one another, but if you aro desirous of handling theso goods, and will come here to see mo you will tlud rao a pqiiare white man in all my dealings, as my manner of doing busi ness will show. It is us follews: When you come hero I will show you my en tire stock, compare them with tbe gcnultie and in fact submit them to any j test you see fit, before you pay mo a single dollar, thou after you are thor oughly satisfied on every point, you can select whatever sIzch vou want nm? 1 pay cash for your purchase, and carry tho goods homo with you." This ought to satisfy most anyone who can bo satisfied along this line. OITY COUNCIL LABORS. Oompotition Askod on tlio City Hall. At an adjourned session of the city council held last evening tho following were present: Mayor Gatch, Alder men Albert, Cross, Gray, Klein, Laforo, Olmstead and Smith. Tho ordinance committee reported In favor of the new city lighting ordin anco, after amending to reduco tho tlmo of contract to six years, and the same was adopted by a vote of five to two, ayes, Albert, Gray, Klein, Olm stead, Smith. Noes, Cross, Laforo. Tho ordinanco declaring Tom Mo Nary and Harvy Dunn common drunks was ulso reported and passed. Street Commissioner Culver was or dered to put in a cement crossing at tho alley adjoining tho Methodist parson age. On motlou tho advertisement asking for bids mi tho now city hall was or dered published in tlio Oregoulan. Alderman Albert gave not too that ho would Introduce a resolution at tho next meeting for tho permanent Im provement and establishing grade of all streets In Salem within the follow ing beundary: The Willamette river on tho west, Marlon street ou the north, Twelfth street on the east, and on tho south by Oak, Try New York Ico cream soda at Strong's restaurant, Hawks A Le"ar, wall paper, 07 Stato, VKaKTAiu.va. Clark A Eppley have arragments for tho choicest vegetables lu theSalom market. DKp m The aly Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Aw mobU; N Ahm. Um in Millions of Hoaufi 40 Yrs & Stawkii tttitJMliOlt fJHANTHD. in the fJlrctilt fJotitt 6n fiio Solttlera I.mL cVPfilbi Judge Btirnetl nu- bounced hid decision on tho Soldiers' Home Injunction case, it was brief nnd only granted (ho preliminary in- junction m applied for, Till leaves tlio rights of the parties without prejudice Until the hearing for a permanent Injunction at Albany lu Juno, Court will convene thereon Jtirio 20t h nnd then the matter wilt como up for final determination, ROAD IMPROVEMENT. Meeting Hold to Awakon Intorest in Hotter Highways. A mcttlng of prominent business men and tax pajerH was held this fore noon to consider tho promotion of bet ter road building out of Salem, Follow ing nfflcera were chesen: John G. Wright, President; A. I. Wagner, secy. It was emphatically a cltiens road meeting to demand tlio bulldlngof per manent roads. Great enthslasm pre vailed. Those present aro fully determined not only that somo good roads be built but that no more money bo wasted on construction of unscientific dirt roads. KK80MJT10NS were adopted as follows; Resolved, That It Is the seuso of this meeting that the city of Salem render such substan tial aid In the building of good roads as Is in its power. On motion of J. II. Albert when meeting adjourned It bo to call of presi dent. 11. W. Cottlo, Win. Brown and Geo. H. Beeler were appointed a committee to ascertain tho exuetstatusof tho laws, how to loyy Mixes and Issue bonds, and report at next meeting. They aro to ascertain estimated cost of building first-class roads. It was the sense of tho meeting that all roads built bo tiled properly ou both sides. Another meeting will be held in a few days. NEWS OP THE CHURCHES. Another Division in the First gregational Society. Con- Rev. Robt. Wbltaker has received a telegram inviting hlin to become pas tor of a prominent Baptist church at Oakland, Cal. Its close connection with California college gives it runk as one of the educational churches of this denomination. Rev. Wbltaker expects fuller information from there by mail. His pastoral relations to the First Bap tist church of this city are very pleas ant, but ho thinks he would have a larger field for Hterury work at Oak land. He has never preached for the people who call him. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL. At tho meeting of this church last night some feeling grew out of a reso lution which the Christian Endeavor society had adopted and asked to bo laid before tho society. It was to the eflect that the church should have a regularly chosen fixed salaried pastor Installed. Tbe resolution was not rend by the clerk, Carl Roberts. On ques tion of continuing the paatorato of Rev. P. S. Knight as supply minister the vote was '25 for, 113 against and a num ber not voting. It is not yet known what Mr. Knight will do. It is well known that ho is not seekeug tho Job, but tried to help hold tho church to gether when it was without a shepherd. Rkcord Tiikm Twice. Hon. C. W, Fulton has called attention to one of tlio most remarkable coincidences that has occurred In any session of tho Ore gou legislature. House bill 104, by O. F. Paxtou, amending sections 8054, S055, 3050, 3057 utid 8058 of Hill's code, relating to chattel mortgages, passed .he Eeuato February 10. Senate bill 23, a bill containing the same matter, passed the house February 1G. Both bills wore slgued by the speaker of tho houso and president of the senate Febru ary 17. The house bill requires thut chattel mortgages shall be recorded with tho recorder of conveyances, and with tho county clerk where no record er of conveyances exists. Tho senate bill requires that chattel mortgages shall be recorded with tbe county clerk only. Senator Fulton, belug asked what course he would pursue under tho conflicting statutes, said he would have the recording done by both ofll cers to Insure safety. RICES Baking Powder MAY 20, 1801, Tlio question Is nflefl nskfit why llic NeW York Rocket lini sticli rt lively trade, while It appear dull In many filares? 'Unit question l easily n iwefcti, (lipy buy their shoes from one of Hie tmwt reliable ensli slioe factories lu HI, tiOiilt, paying cali for them, thereby getting llielf sloo . at the low esttirlee. Then selling for oaih, lliey liayo fin allowance to niuko for bad ac counts, That explains why they sell shoes cheap. In other llnee, such aq hats, white shirts, black sateen, and light drees shlrlP, pants, overalls, un derwear of all kinds for ladles and gonts hosiery, laces, embroideries, lace cur tains, ribbons, gloves, mltts,tnble linen, linen tablecloth, nopklns, crash, hand kerchlofs, collars, counterpane, ham mocks, brushes and notions ofall kinds which aro all bought for cash, in New York, and following that Hue, (caBh,) from factory to consumer, they can af ford to sell at low prices. They ask an examination of their stock and prices. Reputation. We stako our reputa tion on our CREAM Hour being tho best in the market. Damon Bros. dw-lt Hawks Stato. & Levar, paper hangers, 07 Incorpoatki). The Tualatin Mill company, with a capital Btock of $10, 000, today filed corporate nrtlcles, us did also the Coal Creek Improvement com pany, of Portland, with u capital stock of $15,000. m A Whisky Victim. Bherlfl Ward, of Wasco county, today brought down P. J. White to servo a three year sen tence for burglary. Whisky was tho cause. Hawks & State. Levar, paper hangers, Oi On Tin: Plaza. The Second Regi ment band plays ou tbe beautiful grounds at tho asylum this evening. The baud boys deserve great credit for their enterprise in giving these public concerts. Dui,lTi.mes.-A peep into tbe BLUE FRONT most any day is good medi cine for those who aro troubled with chronic "dull-time" blues. Everything is LIFE aud RUSTLE at this place of business. dw-lt Hawks & Levar, paper hangers, 0 State. Don't forget the great 20 days' shoe sale at the Columbia shoe store, 118 State streat. . Good new house to rent, six blocks from post olllce. Also a furnished houHe to rent. Inquire of Geo. M. Beeler. . 6 20-tf Hawks & Levar, paper hangers, 07 otaie. 1 KEEP COOL lusido, outside, aud nil tho way through, by drinking - HIRES' K This great Temperance drink; Vvl U u livultUlUl, us it (3 pleasant. Try it. ASTONISHMENT tiexpectodoncveiy side at the VA.'lIE TY and yul-IT or our display or Card Cases nd Leather Goods of every description A dne line of I'm elliig Cases. SEE THE DISPLAY. Patton Bros., Booksellers und Stationers OS 8TATK BTHKKT. NKW AUVKKTISUMKNTS. 1JMJUNI). A Bold sarf pin. Owner enncet ' wme by chiIIiik at JoUKMAi, otflce and payluc experse. tl T KI.P WAN TKI. Agents paid a good cum imu'oa. nuu iuuu mwiiciui mumr tliei era next winter. tinrrl&I uitnirtmni m i.- pushrd ihUyrar for wiilca we want the ser tlceof bi NK-euU every w ere. THRCl HTI.s I UllLISHINO CO.. Room Si, Chronicle Ublldin-, San t rnncUco. mills PAl'KK U kepton Ole at K. O. Date's .L AdertUlns Agency, tl and 6j Merchauta hxchauge, San Francis -o, California, whew conltac'aM-adiertUtpgcan be made for ll. Anr.raiUN.-ca.h moue; U'UI,oUl Irou and all k mid for ram, luds of metals. aeotildee. at old Court iloute.Malem. l-r 1. TULVOLAR. CHRISTIAN BCJKNOE-Utaratuw kifitta os Ml at MM Liberty itmt, or all .)y' COMING IT IS A OltM VI' I'l'JMitiB TO Ot'll WUttJitMltt ( UMPKTiTOiM HOW IT IS THAT Tlll-J Stare KBI5P8 COMING, COMING, COM ING I WELL, IT'S ALL DONE BY SELLING OUR I'EOI'Lifl GOOD HONEST Home Made Goods AT SUCH JtXTRKMELY LOW PRICES. SALEM, In CHILDREN'S DAY Next Saturday A Pretty Souvenir Given to each little girl calling at our store SPECIAL SALE - CHPRENS TRIMMED HATS Fop That Day. This will be the largest display of Children's Pretty Trimmed Hats ever seen in this city at SPECIAL LOW $100 FOR ONE Of two hundred Ladles' and $1.00- -FOR SEE SHOW WINDOW. This will be the latest and greatest display of pretty trimmed hats ever oflered west of the Rocky Mountains FOR R00 TIME UNLIMITED. 25 dtzen Ladies', Misses', and Children's un trimmed hats $1.00- 2octs.. FOR dozen Misses' and Children's 2.3ets.. FOR- -j dozen Ladies' 25cts. and Misses' FOR We show an exceptionally Ladies', Misses' 8toRE ..c,:: MRS. S. SALEM - 205 Commercial Street, NOTHING SALE. WEEK WE Mawp OUR mpm-o .?.HBTANT"AL REDncrrnwa nv T.r. OP TBI 3 .- anu aox-a At special low prices for eek only. nrv rQ "'' OPERA HOUSE CORNER, SewUoeofDr,. . a::;w OKurHERs Dm Good., Jacket let,Waah Glovw now THROUGH OREGON, OF - PRICES. WEEK $1.00 Misses' pretty trimmed hats ono - -2"5ctfl. trimmed every day sailors -5ets. Leghorn flats Sets. large line of the lutest and Children's i"8 m C. REED, - OREGON.. sniTA a r:: - rania, - this week nnd get a bargain, . 6b CO. BALEM, OREGOtf. G. Coneis. and Kid Fabrics R. dlinS I "V vv, A