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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1893)
jH -f 4 n ik IV k. IV MlVtiri'iM OAJPi'i'Ali JOVltXAh, "W7ffr T-V,, WJioifieAy; May JMj ii& LAtlifJMiut fc. .. i SUMMER DRESS GOODS. Wo aro now prepared to show the noWcst, largoat and beat line 6f Sumtaof Drewt Goods, 'THlB 6EST LINE OF----- BEOOADED SATEEN. 4 : PLAIN BLACK SATEEN, , PLAIN BLACK" OHALLIE. ! FIGURED and PLAIN JtATlX, FIGUKED and PLAIN INDIA' MUSLIN, FBENOti CH ALLIES, FltENCH CKKPE, I3ATISCIAN CORD, SATIN PONGEE, SATIN RAIYE, Ma-TWO'GiyrS.' Eleirntit Ladlos'Qold Bllvr-wrffglVcB,way BetHi-mber Int. X Our Shoo etock is still going atj costj good quality FRENCH SATEEN, PONGEE SILK, CORDED TAFETTA, SATIN GLACE, 8ATIN GLORIA. Wutch nnd Beautiful Set of All -now goodB and DRY 'GOPDS AND SHOE COMPANY, THE PALACE ,30,7 Commercial , Street. - if - You r golnglto jwtild or make ny Hud of Improvement, cull on tho underi'gued lor material. We have complete (look, and arc roadjr to (apply nny prepated contract, lower work, grading, ato. Salem Improvement Co. Hkmkmbeuko. KlndnesB payH, whtjn Jim McCormisk run the poor farm be and his wife wore Just as kind to one pauper as another. Among them was George Young, thou penniless, the Mexican pension law gave him $3,000 back pay and (10 a mouth. After tliui be bad a great many friends, but be stuck by the McCurmloknand mado liih bomo with them after they left tho poor farm. He formed n grent attachment for little Ethel McCormlek, now ngutf six years, and signified It as his Inten tlon to will bis- money to ber. It was found upon iuqulry yeHterduy that he did make suoh a will, bequeathing the money in trust to Mrs. McCormlek, with Instructions to give it to Ethel when she becomes of age. Tho money,. nearly 13,000, Is deposited in Ludd A Bush's bank In this city. Mr. Young had no relatives anywhere. A Susricious Find. On Monduy A. Olluger found uudor the rear of their undertaking ollloe u bundle of tools In an old burlap,tbat are of rather a Busplolous character. It contained flies, a hammer, saw,wroncheH, cIiIhoIh, punches, drills, and Innumerable tools, eta. that may liavo bean intnuded eith er for a good use, or possibly constitute a burglar's kit. Tho owner is not like ly to call for thorn. Neid Lookino Ai-tkii. 8ovoral lo cal enterprises are in duuger of failure for want of a little more push. Ami rule where thoso things full fur want of publlo patrouago It Is not tho fault of the press. Tho preta subsorlluH cheerfully to races, celebrations, tour, naments, otc, is put to extra expense for typo setting and reportlug,uud then have to gloss over flnuiiolttl failures they are not to blamo for. Social Event, On June 0h MIb Julia E. Burleigh, formerly tcucher In the Oregon school for tho blind, will be married to Heury E. Hinltli, ut her borne In Omahu, Neb. Mr. Bmllh Is principal of tho sohools ut Canon City, Colo., where the couple will muko their aosue. Gottuk JIrst. Thst's what every youug muu thinks he's got In his girl. That's what she'll Know when bIh'h keeping house and buys tho Price Fla vor's at Viiu Eaton's grocery. Ori tiih Bthrkts,- If you haven't the time nor lucllnutlnn to Lo ou the streets, call a Look wood tucNiuugcr to run your errands, Wit.r, Voi & At Its meeting Thurs day evening the First Congregational church of this city will vote on furtiier pulpit supply, llov. P. 8. Knight will probably be asked to contluuo a wbllo. VnoOTAiu.KS. Clark & Eppley have rragumenU for the choleist vegetables la the Balem market. Hawks A Levar, paper, hungers, 0T lSHsilv KELLER & SONS' CORNER, Moulding! Mouldlogal That's tbo wry. We have the stock; enough or It to retell arouud Balem. Wo keep It for a purpose. Picture framlmg Is one of eur leadlHg features. Wo have corupe toat workmen turn out uothlug but Mmt-otaM work. Wo carry oyer 1000 mu framed plctur, all iwpularsubjects. For wedding preaeuta pictures aro very appepriat. Mrlug us your framing. Kindergarten chairs for the little Mtea, We sell bun red of 'em, only 73 wk. The children are delighted with ebalrs, tb4r wawma with tho HOAORIrfCr THE DL'AD. i " Memorial Day Arrangements Nearly Completed at Salem,1 The committee on proper observance of Memorial day have nearly completed tbeir program of exercises. Today an invitation' was extended to Col. Tom Shuw, commander department of Ore gon, of the Indian War veterans. They will turn out with .tbo veterans of tho Union armies. ATTifH CITY SCHOOLS thero will bo appropriate programs for tbo day next Tuesday. At the last meeting of Sedgwick Post G. A. R , tho following details woro made bj Commander Crossan to visit tbeschoo. utid maircfuddrcsses to the' schelars: For North Balem school, Comrades-G. P. Sanderson and H. L. Brown; East Balem school, Rev. V, E. Copelsnd, Mujor George Williams; Commander Crossan will accompany this detail Coutral sohool,Judge Henry and James Uatchelor. Lincoln school, .Captain D. C. Howard, G. W.' Davis and' Har rison Prescott. Park school, D, C. Sherman, James Altken nncJ, A. Folger. Tho veteruuB will visit Jbe schools at 1:30 o'clock, and Interesting speeches will be made by them. Bumpter Camp Buns of Veterans will turn out In u body. One of the camp will bo detailed to act as aide to the chief marshal of tho parade. The Second Itegimont bund will up pear In now uniforms. The commlttto on (lowers report tbut owing to the lateueuu of tho season It will bo dllll- cult to get many roses. But there will bo uu abundance of other garden und wild (lowers. Only about half tho stato militia will go Into camp this. year. Four compan ies of tho Second Itegimont, First Itegi mont and buttery will go Into an en campment at Portland. Other com panies will camp ut Fort Klaniath, Col. Mitchell nnd Gouoral Compson went to Portland today. m . STATE MILITARY BOARD. Contracts Awarded for Supplies Now Company at Balem. Tbo stato military board O. N. G. met lust night at tbo state house and awarded the contracts, for tho Oregon National Guard. Tho bulk of tho con tracts will be tilled by Oregou (Inns. Tho next ilieetlug of the hoard will bo held In tills city In about ten dayB, they continuing lu session for some time. NEW COMPANY. At tho meeting of tbo state military board Inst evening tho applleatlon of Cupt. Gesurr and others for a uow mili tary company, to to known ns "I" company of Balem, wub grunted, and under special order No. 27, Cupt. D. O. Bhormun, of "B' compuuy, was to muster the men, which will take place at tho armory tonight. Forty-four men have enlisted, and after muster tonight an election forjcap tolu uud two lieutenants will bo held. When this is done tho company will be fully equipped ami made ready for use. dooorsarui. toukkamemt, Many Good Scoroa Mado Preliminary to tho State Shoot. All day yesterday oars were running to Moriilugsldo bearing inscriptions announcing it great loco) shooting con lest. The Balem sports aro practicing up lo gel their share of tlio car load of preuj lums to be contested for Juno 27i v The Balem Itod and Gm- chlb j three contqets wiling ( weJ ed. Tho '1'umood medal shoot was WOD by O. D. Gabrlelson, who mado twctity.ono out of n possible twenty five. This Is the third tlmo Mr. On brlelson has won the shoutmnd five moro times, ngalust ouo more of B. W.' Ilnrrltt, will mako him owner of It. Tho score was as 'fof lews: B, W. Har rltt, 17; C. D. Gabrlelson, 21; T. B. Jones, 10; A. M, Lafollet, 11; Jack By an, 10; 1 A. Turner, 19; Bent Jones, 10. The second wob an amateur shoot, Louis KIbelo getting eighteen out of a possible twenty-live. Tho scoro was as follows; Chauucey Lockwood, 0; H. A. bttllsbury, 17; Jup Mlnto, 13; L'ouis KIbelo, 18; E. F. Parkbnrat, 10. Tbo last was a pool sboOt. for five pairs of blue rocks.' Bent Jones was i be lucky competitor, making ulne out of tweuty-flve. The score for tbis'con test was: A. M. Lafollet, 7; Cbas. Adams, 3; Louis Klbele, 7; Jack Ryan, 8; Bent Jones, 0. ACCIDENT AT MORNIQ SIDE. Lijoll tiled A Scaffold Falls with Two Mcnr Badly Injured. -One At 5 o'clock Tuesday evening a scaf fold fell on tho Forbes bouse In Morn ingside addition, by which W. A. Al derman broke bis thigh und his part ner, T. A. Johnson, was budly wrenched. Alderman fell about fifteen feet, re celvlugA bad cut under the chin lu which several stitches had to bo taken. Johnson saved 'lilmeelby clinging to the building. Tbo injured man was brought to Mr. Johnson's house In Yew Park annex and the limb wus Bet by Dr. Cartwrlgbt. It 1b a bad break and ' Mr. Alderman may bo laid up for some time. Juky List. For Juno term Marion county circuit ceurt: Geo. W. Watt, Fred Stalger, C. D. Gabrlelson, L. A. Davison, James Watt, A. W. Drager, Jacob Welnger, J. Q. Wilson H. C. Turpley, Balem; J. A. Motborn, Pros pect; Riley Rlngd,GervaIs; Gus Hoefer, Chumpoeg; F. L. Pound, Aumsvllle; 8. W. Leo. Sllverton; J. T. Ross, Mt. Angel; E. A. Thompson, Mill City; Phillip Painter, Lnblsh; M. Cooley, Ablquo; John R. White, Mt. Angel; B. F. Wbltlock, Gurfleld; J. W. Lubare Sllverton; W. L. Klusey, Mebama; 8. H. BiiBsell, Marlon; P. Lucier, Wood burn; L. W. Reeder, AuaiBvllle; A. W. Hunt, Marlon; F.V. Durbin, Howell;' E. G. Slegmuud, Mebama; Grant Cor byfWoodburn; A.'o Llbby, Jetlerson. New CouroHATlONS. The Ontario (Malheur county) Towuslto Co., with a capital stock of $100,000, ad tho On tario Laud and Irrigation company, with a capital stock of,$10n,000, eueb tiled articles today Also the Cunadlan Amalgamator and Mining company, capital, $10,000, Portluud, and the "De serted Treasure" mining compuuy, of Ashland, cupitul $3000,- Hied urtlcles today. PERSONAL AND LO0AL. F, S. Dear born U In Portland. ISA, V. Farkburst Is lu southern Ore gon. The New York hop crop Is a cent higher. Tho city council last night to Thursday. y(fl, -urli'lflon, presldont of the j Sportsmen's association, Is at Portland. John Culvert, a pioneer at Gervals, is reported dangerously til. W. G. Westacott Is in Portland as a witness In the Pacific Vinegar company suit. J. J. Dalrymplo returned this morn ing from Portland. Mrs. H. W. Hatch went to Albany this mornlng,to be absent several dajs. Setting hens Davison's market. Mrs. Charles Bweglo returned this morning from Portlund. Rich golden Jersey milk Is being sup plied by tho dairy of B. J. Sliurpe. Pckln ducks Davison's market. Frank Howard was sent to Jail for live days for sleeping in a box car James M. Keeno was today appoint ed guardian of Clarence W. Keene. The man Clark who was In a cabin near the Swartz mills died last night and was ordered burled today by the county. The county court Is considering ad visability of offering a bounty for scalps of road supervisors. ' Fresh shad Davison's market. Judge M. . Goodell started today for his old home, at Viroqua, Wis., and will also visit the world's fair city. Everybody will want to go to the staawberry social at the M. E. church, Friday evening, May 26th. An enter taining program will be given, Supper 25 cents. 6-24-3t Rev. Williams of tho Christian church is called East, by a telegram an nouncing illness In bis father's family. He leuves tomorrow. Fresh halibut Davison's market. Supt. Rowland, of the state insane asylum, leaves tomorrow morning for the world's fair educational congress and international convention. of super intendents of lnsaue asylums and sani tary reforms. Lafayette Ledger: A train in the East recently Attained a speed of 102 miles an hour, breaking the record, and fortunately breaking nothing else.- It is some such train beaded west, that office seekers now In Washington should be looking for. Hawks & Levar, wall paper, 07 State. Viavi. Ladles will do well to In quire into the merits of Vlavl the suc cessful homo treatment for women. No hutullluting examinations, no long doctor bills. Lady In attendance. Call at room 1, Cottle-Parkburst block. Office hours from 2 to 0 and 7 to 9 p. m. Warnino. There is a counterflet ar ticle ou the market None genuine un less sealed. 5-24-lw Oewf down and e our display of Na la mwr wlwfow at special prices, Qw4sIiwii in all mw, olau pat- tare. Wa4b Ihk apaea toworrow, t4It. Unitud RitttriiKKN, The Bubscrlp tlona to the sbovo church uow being built lu Balem, aro now due, aud can be paid to Wm. Bargeant, treasurer, or John llarrltt, secretary. Tho Time Has Come To investigate the merlti of that binder. You want the most perfect waehlut. umdo to sayo your crop this year ai'd also tw.o one that will servo you the lougeet for tho money, There la uoth lug made Hewer or, more satisfactory than the Deerlug. Investigate the exclusive features aud Improvements. Knapp, Burrell&Co,, Willamette Ho tel bloek, Balem, 1 m Lost, Hoy mare, weight 000 lb., wacK mane aud tall, wv white. Will pay for return of the animal. Thomas Holmau, 670 High street, Balera. dw-lf ' Merchants Excursion. Tho merchants excursion to Ban Francisco next Saturday meuus u good deal for tho Willamette valley, now uud lu the furture, aud every person should Join It who can do so. It will bo reciprocated in a fe,W-weeUs by a like one from Bun Francisco, nil of which will speuk for tho development of this wondertul valley. Hopklus Bros, have received tbo following letter, which speuks for tho excursion? San FiiAtscisco. May 17th, 1803. As you have no iloub been notified, therols to bo an excursion to Shu Fran cisco given by the Oregou Pacific R R. company to too merchuuts ortno will amolto valley. Tho board of trade of Ban irancUeo hits outered Into tho spirit of it,ttnd will do all In their power lomiiKoyour visn an interesting one, Owug to the faro having been greatly retiuceu, tliero has never before beeu such a favorable opportunity of the country merchants to visit Bun Fran cisco, aud wo hope to see yon among tho number. Kindly let us know if vou Intend making the trip, Dunhaxi.Cauhioan fe Haydkn Co. Rouud trip f.ira ouly $15. Inferior Qooda. Tbo only safe way for purchasers is to Insist on bavlug the genuine article, and not allow themselves to be swin dled by having plasters said to be "Just as good," or "containing superior In gredlents," imposed upon tbem. These uro only tricks to sell Inferior goods that no more compare with Allcock's Porous Plasters than copper doe with gold. One trial of Allcock's Porous Plasters will convluoe the-most skepti cal of tbeir merstB. The emineutHeory A. Mott, Jr., Pb. D , F. C 8., late Government Chemist, certltles: "My investigation of Allcock's Por ous Plaster shows It to contain vuluble aud essential Ingredients not found In any other plaster, aud I rind It superior. io nun moro eiucieni man any otner plaster." Ask for Allcock's, and let no solicita tion or explanation Induce you to ac cept a substitute. HawkB & Lovar, Stato. paper hangers, 97 Leghorn hens Davison's market. TT! F. S.Dearborn has Just opened a new lot of Blank books, special ruled, Debit aud Credits, cash books, mlulatura seta for office work. 263 Commercial street. Hawks & Lear, wall paper, 97 State. Good new bouse to ront, six blocks from post ottlee. Also a furnished bouse to reut. Inquire of Geo. M. Beeler. 5 20-tf Strawberries the freshet, the best, and at tbo lowest price Clark & Ep p'ey. Dou't forget tho great 20 dayB' shoo sale at the Columbia shoe' store, 118 State Btreat. AUdlspepUca should use TUTT'8 PILLS. ( yg It Pay. Hawk A Levar, paper haBfen, 97 PRICE'S noMBakn vsrm? owder !M!BISBtes iVifcuiiiBmBB Dotit Tou J xvnow illiifrw (-i-w COMING ""l M "I'l'Mli.lUJ ol- thfit. vntt can secure mo3t immediato relief from ' Indigestion, and that uncomfortable, full nc83 after meals, by sim ply taking a doso of Sim mons Liver Regulator? Some people think that bocauao it ia called Liver Regulator it has nothing to do with Indigestion and tho like. It is tho inaction of tho Liver that causes Indigestion, and that fullness; also Con stipation, and those Bil ious Headaches. Milliona have beeu mado to under stand this and have been cured from these troubles by Simmons Liver Regu lator a medicine unfail ing and purely vegetable.' Jfrom Iter. M.B.Wliartonultlmore.Md "It affords mo plrasuro to add my testi mony to the great virtues of Slmmont Liver Regulator. I have had experience with it, as occasion demanded, for many years, nnd regard it as the greatest medi cine of tho times. Ho good a medicine deserves universal commendation. THROUG IT 18 A CHEAT PUJHJiiB TO OUU WOULD-BE COMPETITORS HOW IT IS THTA THE Mm Mi Stem KEEPS COMING, COMING, COM ING I WELL, IT'S ALL DONE BY SELLING OUR PEOPLE GOOD HONEST Home Made Goods AT SUCH EXTREMELY PRICES. LOW MAltlMKD. GIBSON-MINTON-At II -tel Per kins, Portlund, May 23d, 1893, Miss Clara Gibson, of Indiana, to C. D. Minton, of Balem, Rev, C R.Keller man ofllclutiug. Hawks & Levar, wall paper, 97 State. Take Simmons Liver Regulator to keep the bowels regular.- One doee Is worth 100 dollars. Trusts and Combinations Are unpopular. But there is one form of trust against which no one has any thing to say. That is tbo trust which the public reposes in Hood's Sarsaparil 1a, and tbo best of it is the trust is fully justified by the merit of the medlclue. For, remember, HOOD'S Sarsaparilla CURES. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, and do not purge, pain or gripe. Bold by all druggists. WMf A Temperance Drink or temperance people a hcolth giviug drink for the masses. HS'Root till w Beer Not a harmful ingredient In its make-up. .Nothing but the pur est extracts of carefully selected herbs, roots, barks and berries. A is cent package makes Five Gallons of a Delicious, Strength ening, KHervescent Ueverage, He sure And pet TItrra1 2 M , Jj 'A sa , jfi s r"'f I ASTONISHMENT u expected on eveiy side at the VA.H1E-1 i anaQUAiaTkofourdlspliyof Card Cases nd Usathe Goods of. evwry description A flue line of fro, eling Cases. SEE THE DISPLAY. Patton Bros., I Booksellers und Stationer. 08 8TATB Bl-IIKKT. NKW Ain-EKTIHKMKNTH. REED'S OPERA HOUSE SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT. ONE MIOHT ONLV, TBURSDAUIAY.21. MRS. W. J. FLORENCE, -AJW1STKD HY- MR. HOWARD C0YENY And bw oourpaBs-mpjdV,ltlnc the "The Miglity Dollar." SALEM, OREGON, w CHILDREN'S DAY Next Satu.rday A Pretty Souvenir Given to each little girl calling atour store SPECIAL SALE ILDRISTMMira For That Day. imawillbe the largost display of Children's . Prettj" 1 rimmed Hats ever eeen in this city at SPECIAL LOW PRICES. $1.00 11.00 HK I II SALEM, MRS. S. G. REED, OREGON, 265 Co rnmercial Street. aOTHING SALE. WEEK WE Wart OR MEN.S a2. MDUCMOMfJ OH AIL " Burnt THI3 At special low or AMD PAXT8. I Tb iJrwMt were by Mrs. FkuwiM..v.w. nrW a. . r-"1' lur vriia w i WX lljo y' CaU thte week nd s1 Lar8alB- OPEIUIIOU8E COBXPP rtJiRS & CO. Tfc wily Ttu CrtMuv f Twtr Pe w4.--No AhmmmU; K Aw. Vmi im Millioi of Howm 40 Ymrs tk Stewkii HImIm " r ' AewLlUOori) - BALEM, OREGON. . W.cU ...... li SSLa 4 G. UoMoia aad KM kkJSm