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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1893)
..,' .iff,, in, ... A -4 rTW1 If: ;'.) ;;: tftViS cent JOURNAL. Boirn BookCoupon SATURDAY, "TIIE KBOI'Iifi'fl VAVffltP rfALEM, OUEUON. "WtfDNlSSDAY, MAY 24, A80. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO, 1412, VOL. tii CAPITAL -apm i Iiwini ii mm hi mi i iii 1 1 in i H M iiiji ; 'J juiji ""'" j .. 1 .'. """"I ?."?' ' T" - - - - 9 ' A GOOD RESOLUTION FOR YOU TO MAKE TODAY WOUfcD HE TO ABANDON ONOE FOR - eac waei'- . EE WHAT A,flMALL AMOUNT OF CASH WILL BUY FOB TI& lJQ 11 J r i carries a drasAT Variety of STOCK and prices. E. tsBARNES, State Keep ing Pace With Have your business accounts kept The Frey Patent Flat Opening Books, 'j Books that are worthy of the patronage and praise of the Government Of ficials of the State of Oregon, and the greater portion of the merchantile men of the State, are surely deserving of a trial by everyone. Manufactured in Oregon ONLY by The Meatou-Dygort Book Mfg. Co., Proprietors of THE CAPITAL CITY BINDERY. Binders to the Slate of Oregon, Printers and Lithographers, Salem,' Oregon. 5oo,qqprxBES ! ,- osvteCr& - "nurseries. FALL. 1892. SPRING, 1893. We would call the attention of dealers, and large and small planters, to our large and.varled assortment of Fruit Trees and Small Fruits, Ornamental, Shade, Nut and Evergreen trees. Our trees are clean, smooth,, and first-class in every respect. Send for catalogue and price list. Address,' WALLIN.G.& TARISH, f . J SMention this .paper. " ' Oswego, Oregon. A. N. HALES, Proprietor.- ;.'t A; NT "tSfEfFsFB RY; ' (Successor to jlj :-i ! T.lwArv. TTpfld and Board In ar Stable. : .,, on hand. Horses boarded byolayrtWeek or. month, Office at stable, Liberty and Ferry streets, East of Willamette hotel. I W. TflORNBQRG, f, Ay Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture. Long Experience in the trade enables me to turn out first-class work. Sampres of coverings. No trouble to give estimates. State Insurance block,' Che'mektta street. CHURCHILL Spraying Offlffls, ' I. l BURROUGHS F. T. HART, 247 COMMERCIAL STREET. 'cAtatt. ESTABLISHED 1876. WILLIAM NILES & CO., Los Angeles, California. BREEDERS AM EXPORTERS OF sj EvD. U. UROSS, -4 ,?li, llmiiT leak n yomi.Ramet til fM' ' " MMi " ' -' ! j ;uj)i i btaple articles, such as every one needs, see. their the Times. - - - in PERFECT books, such are JR. H. PRICE, Manager. U. B. Ryan.) i .H li. . ' - - A full supply of Horses an d Bungles corner of THE IJPIIOLSTKItER. - .: 103 State Street. LEADING MERCHAN1 ' TAILOR. INCORPORATED 1891 FINE- CATTLE, RUGS, FUUL'iRY, ;Bufabin & Poland-China Pigs a "Specialty. Fancy Poulh-y, All Varieties. Fgg$ for Hatching. Incubators. Nlies Pacifio Coast Poultry and Stock, illustr. v ted, 50 cents by mall. IsSTriEND FOR CIRCULARS.-t Wholesale !. Retail Heater lit Frea, Halt awl gawked Meats el" allKIudK 95 Court anil 110 State Streets. THE OLD UUEDIT PLAN. .. . . i T YOU AT A OA8H HOU8E. Ins. Block. For Sale. Good team, wagon and harness. Also 4-year-old Ally, well broke single or double, fine driver. Apply to M. C. Cone,Slmpson's addltlon,25th street. Address Salem. 6-4-lm Friers and broilers, Davison's market Hawks & Levar, paper hangers, 07 State. Check the First Approach Of rheumatism, and farther attack! maybe escaped, if proper precautions against expos ure are taken, and there be no hereditary pre disposition.' Unfortunately, people who ulti mately become chronic sufferers, too often neglect the trifling twinges and premonitory stiffness which herald the advent of this ago nizing malady. Among the diseases for which Hostettei's Htomaoh Bitters has been found efficacious this is one. and the medicine being perfectly safe, It is certainly to be preferred to drugs used for its cure, which are frequently useless, and nothing more nr less than poison, bus.' The substitution of this pleasant and pure blood depuri-nt for medicines Inimical to ilf in a slight overdose. Is a measure which may fitly be urged upon persons who desire to obtain relief safely, or who have failed to obtain It rrom the numerous pseudo remedies for thin disease In the market. VI60R f MEN Etillir, Qslckly, Permanently Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and all (ho train of arils from early errors or later excesses, the result, of overwork, sickness, worry; etc. Full strength, development and tone given to every organ and portion of the body. Slmplr. natural methods. Immedtatelmprovement seen, failure fmpoarible. e,(UU references. Book, explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, H.Y. Dr. PowellReeves & Co., The Old Reliable Specialists, Late of New York Hospitals. Graduate with High Honors. Twenty years' experience as Professor, Lecturer, Author and Specialist in CbronlO Diseases: Catarrh, . . Bronohltis, Cough and Dlllioaltyof Breathing SuccessfuJ ly treated withspeolf to remedies thoroBghly tested ana proved by .tfee OLD D0CT01 Who Is one of nature's noblemen, thoroughly devoted to his profession andever ready to help the afflicted. HERVODS DEBILITY &??i?oV3S HOOD, night amissions, exhaustion Aralns, bahfune, loss of energy. JkuS, J l ,bo'S body and brain, unflttlug one for study, business and marriage, treated with never XaUUig success. Qetcuredandbeaman. BLOOD AND SKIM XTVui'nA STPhllltlo taint, rbeumallam, eruption, eW, of aifklnds. blood poison from any cause whatever, cured promptlr,leTln loe 'J"111 Pur "" 5jdMlaid driwr! $ssta&!t Md all diseases il ffie bladder ol both sexes. C1WEEH ghes,,u'i cures efTecUdassooo as poeslble. kl. private tE2SP7tf8$& swellings, weakntM of organs, and piles, fistula, rupture, quickly cured without any peia or de Imllon from bustness. . ...,, ,h, ufBtTD lour troubles If living away from the Imlfi city. Thousands cured at homy by correspondence and medlolnss sent secure from obeeVratloil EneUe JO cents in stamp book on Sexual Secret. Address, DR.PnWELL REEVES CO.. New Ueatfi at 216 Ce'I St, Salem. SMITH BROS., CONTRACTORS PLASTERERS J ALL i nKllhuuC lull) w- SLLLw FOREIGN CROPS AND FLOODS. Rain, Dronlli mid Kcmarknblo Devastation. LOCUSTS ARE RAVAGING RUSSIA. .Tkoro May boa Complete Crop Fallnro in Germany. In Italy. ROMEMay 24. Rafn has been falling in torrents In Piedment. The rivers are overflowing In tho lowlands. Boy oral villages are under water, bridges swept away, railroads flooded and traf fic suspended. In some places. France. Pa bis, May 24. A two months' drought in France is estimated to hayn destroyed. over thirty million frano's worth of crops. . , Germany. Berlin. May 24. Tho drouth re- mains unbroken.. Ofllcial statistics concerning Prussian crops show the kingdom has suffered heavjr losses. The crop in a complete failure.' Turkey. Bucharest, May 24. The resent floods devaated whole districts of Rou mania. Whole villages aresubmerged, many railway bridges are destroyed. Traffic in some places Is suspended. Eussia. Moscow, May 24. The locu?taare ravaging nearly the whole province of Saraton. Austria. Vienna. May 24. Czeruowltz. on the river Pruth, was visited by a dlsas' trous flood. Five are drowned many we rendered homeless. and Ban for Their Lives. Borlinqton,, Wis May 24. A north bound train on the Wisconsin Central was wfeoked last night near Gray's Lake,., crtf.wero some leaky gaBQlinelJMWs0! from which the "fluid siWad over the water on each side of the track. Some careless person liKbted a match from which the gaso line took flre,aud 200 persons, gathered at the scene, ran for their, lives. A numiiafcof-thenr-nrelerrlbly burned, and one section hand is burned to duath. Several Failures. Elmipa, May 24. Mayor D. C. Rob inson has made an assignment. The Elmira National bank, whloh closed Its doors yesterday, has preferred credl-' tors. Liabilities unknown. They may reach a hundred thousand dollars. The run on the Elmtra Savings Bank con tinues. All sums under one hundred dollars are being paid on demand. Wife Murder. Qkeenuay, Wis., . May 24. John Mirte, market Gardener, early this nvnulng cut his wife's throat from ear to ear, Ae then went out Into the woods and hanged himself. Ao had abused her for a long time aud yester day she began suit for divorce. Hanged for Murder. Lamar, Mo., May 24,-Amos Avery was hanged here this morning for the murder of James A. Miles. He made a speech on the gallows declaring his Innocence. Sulcide. Boise. May 21. Mrs. Eva Donovan, dp.(124. wife of a lab&rer, committed suicide today, poisoning herself with aconite, taking an ounce of the drug. There was no apparent cause but it Is supposed domestic trouble drove her to the desperate act. Will Meet in Oregon. LrnE ROCK, Arlt., May 2L The Cumberland Presbyterian assembly se lected Eugene City, Oregon, as the next place of meeting. It was a con test between Eugene uity, Mooeny, Mo., Bowling Grcen.Ky., and Chicago. Eugene City was eelecled on the 2d ballot. Sunday Closing. Cuicacio, May 21. Sunday opening has wen: thirty members of the nation al commission went on record In favor of Sunday opening. Twenty-seven yoted sgalnt consideration or the rule. Newspaper Destroyed. Hillhboho, May 24,-The building and nlaut of the Democrat were burned. The loss to the building U about $1000; sured for $1,800. The origin of the flro Is unknown, Tho JEIIItsboro flro de partment was called out, but tho fire had gained such headway before being discovered that the 'department could do little else than confine It to the burning building, whloh Is a total loss, together with Its contents. MBS. TOM VAN SENTENCED. Will Be Woman No. Two in the Ore gon Penitentiary. PouTiAND, May 24. Mrs. T. V. Van was sentenced to tho penitentiary for three years. Tho charge against her was manslaughter, in having performed a criminal operation upon Miss Helen Wilson, on February 8d, causing the young woman's death. The case has been attracting considerable attention for the past two months and well known legal talent has been engaged. Iu passing sentence upon the prisoner Judge Munley said that the crime was one of the most henlous In the criminal calendar, and though the extreme pen ally which can be inflicted under the. law Is fifteen years, yet on account of the extenuating circumstances of the case and the poor health of the prisoner, be said the court was inollned to bo lenient The attorney asked for tweu ty days to (Ilea bill of exceptions, which was granted. Want Six Millions. Nkw Yerk: May 24. A band of Cherokee Indians are hero. They came to town for f 0,000,000 and say they do not propose to leave until they get it. The principal chief, O. J. Harris, had with him a document in whloh it ap pears the Cherokee uatlon sold a Chero kee outlet, consisting of 0,250,000 acres of choice lands to the government for (8,605,730, of this sum the treasury of the United States has already paid $205,730. The remainder Is to be paid iu five annual Install ments. Chief Harris' explained that his plan is to realize on the money at once on the government's promise to pay. "The Authorities at Washington" he said, "have author ized us to issue $0,040,000 in bouds bear ing 4 per cent, interest. The United States will endorse these bouds aud we will take them up as the government pays us. We expect to get the money without any trouble and wo already have nego tiations pending In Wall street." New Receiver. - Portland, May 24. A. R. Maxwell has been appointed receiver of the. Ore con Development company. This Is the company owning the line of steam era running between 'Yaqulna bay. and Ban Francisco. FROM BBOOKS. Miss Emma Jones starts this week to take in the sights and visit friends at the great metropolitan Chicago. There was a Sunday Echool organized at the Perkins school house ou Sunday last. David Branscombe superintend ent. J. Sbafer,one of Kapp, fiurrell's men Is safely and satlnfuclorlly located In Brooks. He is an all around good, jolly fellow and bis choice of location bespeaks for his Judgment. Rev. Myers aud wife drove to the capital Wednesday, Brooks has one of the many wonders of the world in the form of a chicken with four legs. It Is doing nicely and why should it not do so, with two good pair of scratchers. MUs Alvls Norwood Is tho guest of Rev, Myers. -'John Alexander moved .to his new property near Chemawa Tuesday. ' E. M. Savage made a flying trip to Portland Monday. Rtv. Kershaw, of Hubbard, was on our streets Thursday. Mrs. M. L, Jones and two little daughters, were rpassengers to Kalem Saturday. Jim Corbett made as, good a display In Brooks as be did lu Salem. FJtOM WILLARD. Mrs. T, H. Small Is still very low. Mrs. Jeff Stormer la on the tick list, the cause Is grip. The attendance atB.S. last Sunday was slxty.nine. The organ ordered by the C. E. is on Its way. Mrs. Orpha Cranston Is suffering from an attack of the grip. Dr. J. M. Rider, Wlllard's only phy sician, Is kept riding the must of the time. , , Mrs. Blair Forward was taken sud denly with a severe attack of grip last Sunday. t , . Mrs. JEoff la not well at present. Highest of all Sn Leavening Power. Latest U. S Gov't Report PriVfevI Baking ABSOLUTELY PURE GOING TO FIRE BRIGGS, The General Assembly Fighti: g and Praying. STRUGGLING FOR KINuNESS, PEACE. "A Judicial Court of tho Lord Jesus Christ." Washington, May 24 Tho Presby terian general assembly plunged into the Brlggs question Immediately after prayer. Dr. Young, chairman of tho committee on bills and overtures, took the floor to present tho report of the distributing committees. Among them were some bearing directly or indirect ly upon the Brlggs case before the Judi cial oommlttee. Rev. Booth, of New York.entered a protest against the obvi ous attempt to Influence tho Judicial committee by pouring in upon It these overtures for and against the case. Rev. Brown, Brlggs' co-laborer and sympa thizer said: "Wo bavo tho right to know the sentiment of tho church upon any subject before it and the only proper way to secure knowledge .of that sentiment is through committees of the assembly." Dr. Herrlck John son, of McCormiok Theological semi nary, one of the foremost Brlggs lead ers to tho body, spoke briefly and Rov. Thomas G. Hall, of Cuiougo, said: "Precedents and practices In olyll courts hayo no weight with us. No court would have taken up tho prosecu tion of an innocent man. Ecclesiasti cal precedents are overwhelmingly In favor of the right of tho petition. It Is a right every citizen possesses." The recommendation of the complttee was Anally adopted by a decisive vote in tho majority. Immediately after noon prayer, Chairman Baker addressed tho moder ator and assembly as follews: ''I earn estly hoped but one report would be presented by our committee, but in this I have been disappointed; but shall we not all resolve that 'whatever be the de cision finally reaqbed we will, as loyal Presbyterians abide faithfully by the decision? Let us resolve wo will stern ly frown ddwo. ani utterly dlscounte uanco any suggestion from whatever quarter It may come, of schism of di vision In our dear church." A major ity report finds that the appeal and specifications of error alleged were tiled in due tlmo, and submits resolutions that the appeal be entertained. Three hours are allotted to the, hearing when a vote upon the resolution that the ap peal bo entertained by the general as sembly will be taken. The minority report read by Rov. B. J. Nicholls, of St. Louis. Ho said he knew that lu makng the minority io- por't he and his associates were under suspicion already as appearing to op pose the appeal. This was not their at titude. Thoy were not antagonising the claim of power In tho assembly to entertain the appeal. The minority re port recommends the majority report be amended by substituting the follow Ing: 'We find that tho appeal Is in order and recommend that the parties be heard In accordance with the book of discipline." This report was signed by Meyer, Btebblnsand Nicholls. The majority report fixed for the assembly the very form of verdict which It was asked to reach. This, the minority thought was not regular nor law. When the motion limiting debate to three hours was offered, Cutoheou, of Detroit., moved to strike out limitation, At this point Dr. Brlggs arose to ad dress the assembly and immediately he aBd the moderator engaged In animated colloquy' on bis right to be heard. Brlggs Anally yielded. Then the mod erator said: "I would suggest lu the Interest of brotherly kluduessand peace ("ay Justice," Interrupted a voice from the gallery which was said to bo that of Prof. Henry Preserved Smith, of Cin cinnati). "You wait," retorted1 Mod erator Craig. "Don't you put words lu mv mouth. 1 sneak for brotherly kind- ness and peaoe, which are higher than justice tot out of tbem comes justice." The moderator then aunouaeed that In accord with the book of government the assembly would be turned into a Judicial courtof the Lord Jesus Christ. After this was done court adjourned until today. Today.'s Session. .-.'-J """VAamNaTON, May 24. ThePresby terlan general assembly resumed ses sion this mornlpg. The committee on aid to colleges recommended the propo sition of Arthur Brown to donate a hundred aores of land at Salt Lake City as a site for the location of Westminster college of Utah, bo respectfully de clined; adopted. Report of committee on foreign missions stated an effort will be made this year to raise a million and a quarter dollars. Worn and Wan and Weak and Weary. Hoi ye women, worn ana weary, with wan faces and so inuescrinaoiy weak. Those distressing, dragging- down pains, and that coustant weak ness and woruuesa and weariness can beoured. For all such suflerers, Dr. Pierce's favorite Prescription is a pan acea of inclinable value. As an In vlgoratlug.tonlo, It Imparts strength to the whole system. For "over-worked" "wornouf. debilitated teachers, dress makers, seamstresses, "shop-girls,' housekeepers, 'nurslna; mothers, and feeble women generally. , Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the greatest earthly boon, being .Unequalled as an appetizing cordlaland restorative tonic As a's'oothlng and strengthening ner vine. Favorite Prescription Isunequaled and luvaluable in allaying and subdu ing nervous excitability, exhaustion, prostration, hysteria, spasms and other distressing, nervous symptoms, com monly attendant upon functional and organic disease. It Induces refreshing s'eep and relieves mental anxiety ana despondenoy. Some flood Sized fluid Nugget. Smith's Flat, n celebrated raining-locality in California, turned out some good sized nuggote, ono of 140 ounces, vnlmxl itt 2.717. and one of 140 ounces, vhich ppld for $2,005, and a third of '.II ounces which waansgood aa a find of $1,770 to tho lucky miner who uXwovurcd it. St. Louis Repub lic. V - i Saving Money For Papa. "Papa," said Abner, "if you will buy rao a printing press, I'll print you a news puper every .day, and then you won't lave to spend your monoy on newspa pers." Harper s Bazar. 77 Tinning- sore for t I am serentTevnn yean oM and have had my age renewed at least twentj years br the vm of S wilt's Specific Myfool and w to mv knee was a n sore lor two vearsvesa pnysiuan dw ..".. -. .! . IJ heould not be cured. After taking fiitefi snail bottles S. S.s7therelinorasoreOTrnylinibs,andl have a new lease oa If E ABC III II iue. you ought to iCAIfa ULEI Ut all suflerets know "I1Tf - 1P",i yourwontkrtutrejseoy. . ,ia r. dtii.. IS A WONDERFUL the central health. Treat i on IM Reed mailed free SWIPT SPCIWC COMPANY, At!isttaj. HBI.P WANTKDAgenU pa d a good com. mission, and WCW, dividend among n next winter, Bprolal attractions to be pushed this yrur for wlilcU wo want the vice of best agents orery were. .. TUpJOUIlTIH rUUMHHINa CO., Koom , Chronlole Ublldlng, Ba if ranoUoo T Ex tils l'APKK Is kept on file at K. 0. Pake's Advertising Agency, 61 and 05 Merchants 3.-1....... aH lf..ti.l..n,Cnmta VrhAM oontrao'a for advertising can bemado for lu ATTKNTION-Oash money paid for rags, bottltK.old Iron and all kinds of metals, it so hides, al old Court House, Hlm. 1. TOLfOhAK. 0 IIItlUTlAN HOIENUB-l.tlerture or all 4--ly klud on sale at tm woariy street. tiEO. It. dOODHlIE, THE LEADING WOOD DEALER Is now devoting his entire time to the bast, new. Every farmer having wood to aell should see him. Every ronsumeror wood la Halcin who wish" to lay. la. their 'supply should see htm. Offloewlthp. W.Jobasoa A n ' 267 GoBiroerclal street. tow Prices for Summer Trade. II. W.Hmltb,Jwrt'&tl'wtlTM' Met W. J Murphy. olSjaJew.aave tor a aJM 2MJOaerMrfgodlmFHisSsdstok tea ia the I.uklwute uy te folk . frleeawuge from U Piper aere. AHSjSM property, and oa the BNurkH to Umi m tlmeT Great bargain. tSll op er.aMMM the above. 4w.-MJ Bargains 'in U. Hi Kl LeaveordtraatOotUe-l'axkhnrstPloekooHi to,HaleialUfffoa- to the plant, $2,200. The pUnt was In xif i',mrOtitUai-.-Ai Au. .&;