Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, May 22, 1893, Image 3

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t -1 1 ''11LJ L.-'1 "" " " ' " "!!S-!Sg5
Ob of ths test kflCnrt Valine men in CMHfO,
recroMnUUTt c-r tt gmt ttnostmt uo.
Dr. ante JKedfcal Co., Xtkhort, Xnd.
Gentlemen 1 1 take pleasure In Informing yoa
of tbo very beneficial results whloh have followed
the UM Of D. MlLf ' JlkaTARATWC NtaviNK
In the esse ofmyselr and wife. Tor year I m
subject to a distressing pala at.tbe, bsie of .the
reoommerxled to ma. Mr ease had been ho obsti
nate that I bad no confidence In tbo efficacy of
any medicine Yet u a latt resort I consented to
tire it atrial. Much to my wrpriie, I .experienced
narked benefit j my sleeplessness disappeared:
my headache wee removed t toy qjclU and general
fiet of results. - LodD,7Vamdsbvu(.
60LD ON A yoTiyrpIAWWTKK. '
Hold tv O J. Kr.V, druggist, Baltiti
Are You Ever Tired?
Do you ever ihlnkyonr skin needs a rest?
It certainly does. It needs a tonlo to tone
It up Just like a rundown ytiu.
at i iirvTVTmTir7 ytrtff'iiri.i
The Bkln Food find Tlsaur-llullaer.
Is iv food for tbo skin.
It mnkcR the skin
linn nnd prencrvea lt(
eaxtlclty, thus pre
venting wrlnkloM.
Vou cunnot freckle
or tan with the crcme
on your fttce. NOtoll
ct tabic Is complete
without It. Ona pot
(75 cents) ast tb ee
mouth-, used daltv.
FOOD on thM murk
et. BBWAItfci th
J . .. .. J M.
s imku.rbv
f'fA'l IUNH nnd accept
SB Gcory Bt., Snn Francisco, Col
For sale by VHUO LKOG. Orugglst, Patton
Block, Salem, Oregon.
For any special or complicated blemish 01
tie face and form, write to MH3. NKTrlE
HAitrtlrtON, 2 Ueary St., San Francisco,
superfluous hair permanently removed.
from U. V. Dock at 8 o'clock a. m. every Wed-
nesd iy ana tuiuraay.
lroaitheOentraldockat foot ol Washington
street every aunday and Tburs 17,
for Albany 'every Monday and Tuesday, re
turning tame days, ,
i-oncerniuB freight and pasjenger bnslncM,
call on the aijent, AL U1CU1UCN.
CflflS. WOLZ,
Proprietor of the
South Commercial Ht., B ilem.
AH klndb Fresh, oalt und Smoked MeaU
nnd Biutnges. .
I hiamuMunrmnA.
OwrwrECTIOX STBIKaStrM wlvb tmrtjU.
liclraa. DowMtSTAIK. KUTVKtnS STBICTOttl;
Cuna OONOIUlllOtA ta OLEET In 0t U foes ir
A qoicKCtmB fcr LEUcowmau whites.
SuMfcr'UnnOOOISTS. $eUlUtnTMAnttl
KAL'n,cntvrinii.'cn r:rA-r n.'ini't
.11. ' ! -
A New Remedy
A true Specific a jxwUIts nd ptmisnait dlmtnstfon
of all poiion from th blood, and a orton of htaluqr
rliror to th tiJue u vBatd to tulfertn fix Jm SrU tun
ina remedy which hi been underjoing the most ever
prirate experiment! for the put thiee year. , It n
Vet Med, and It wUI not fail, ai it U a True Specific
& Syphilitic pouon and all Wood dbcate. Do you be
Uev it ? Send for full partlculara and proof free. Stop,
fillinz your tyatm wuh mercury and otter.poUoM.;
This remedy will cure you in r o da wUfcout fafl.
Wa guarantcn o cure or refund the mosey.
170 First Street POKIT-fcAKB, OB.
Smith Premier Typewriter.
Hold ea pay .
Kor KfBt.
W. 1. 5TALEY, Agfjirt, Um,
Stealer mm.
H:X,MJRPWt,Qa,HAgtt. Tk4f Bt,
rafUMd. Bf4 far fUlegm.
ii.il.HrtMfriUi iqiil
buiiEJ) itniM jpaith
tALMAoe bltcflurtafia on
Of drlfllBt MlrlACLES,
It KftfilalH Hi Dt slstilflmtit r.f His
Tkt Math fi a I -Tim Omnfjitilrtil ft
vlotir tVa Meter Ton Una (o tin (lootl.
tlhoorfiMMny Ms-It, flr. !' I
inBj'O (otlny clioao tot Hid mibjeet of lili
tllscourflo tlio liKitilry fit1dreod by tlio
hhil i
Eitylouf to thojo wliu BUrronhdcd liliil
wliort, tho Invitlld Woiiinfl lliivlrig touollod
his gflnjlent, lie flnked, "wlio loiihcd
wo" (Mnrk y, 01)?
A gf6t crowd of OJtcllod itoojilo elbow
ii each otlior this wtty nnd Umt nnd
Oirlst in tho midst of tho commotion.
ThojWero on tho wny to boo hint restore
to cofflploW bentth n dy Ina jwrson, Borno
tuOTiKIlt, lio coilld'offecl tho ouroj bilifJro
that ho could not. At tiny rnto, It would
bo nn Interesting oxporiincnt. A vory
slek woman of 13 y6rtrs' Invitlldlsm in In
tho crowd. Somo any hor lintno Wfl
Mnrthnj others Bny It wts Veronica. 1
donot tkia6w" what her'namo was, but
tWff Is rirtlrr;'iho' dad tried nil styles of
euro. fEroryvriielf.of her hmnbld homo
had medicines on It, Sho hnd employed
many of tho doctors of that tlmo, when
, medical science was moro mdo nnd rough
nnd ignorant than wo can lmagino in
this tlmo when tlio word physician or
surgeon stands for potent and educated
skill. Professor'Lightfoot gives n list Of
what ho supposes may havo been tho
remodics nho had applied. I supposo sho
hod boon blistered from head to foot nnd
had tried tho compress and had usod nil
styles of astringent herbs, arid she had
boon mauled and hacked and cut and
lacerated until llfo to her wad a platrue.
Beside that tho Biblo indicates her'doc
tors' bills had run up frightfully, and sho
had paid money for medicines and for
surgical attendnnco and for hygionlo ap
paratus until her purso was as exhausted
as her body.
What, poor woman, are you doing in
that jostling crowd? Botter go homo
and to bed and nurso your disorders.
Nol Wan and wasted and faint, sho
stands there, her face distorted with suf
fering, and over nnd anon biting her lip
with somo acuta pain und sobbing until
her tears fall from tho hollow eye upon
tho fadod dress, only able to stand bo-
"causo the crowd is so closo to hor, push
ing her this way and that. Stand back I
Why d6 you crowd that poor body?
Have you no consideration for a dying
woman? But just at that timo tho crowd
parts, and this invalid comes almost up
to Christ. But she is bohind him, and
his human eyo docs not take her in. She
has heard so much about his kindness to
tho sick, and she does feel so wretched;
she thinks if sho can only just touch
him once it will do her good. Sho will
not touch him on tho sacred head, for
that might be irreverent. Sho will not
touch him on the hand, for that might
seem too familiar.
She says: "I will, I think, touch him
on hiacoat, not on tho top of it, or on
the bottom of tho main fabric, but on
the border, tho bluo border, tho long
threads of , tho fringe of that blub border;
there ckiiibo no harm in that. I don't
1 think" h'b will hurt mo, I have hoard so
much about him. Besides that, I can
stand .this no longer. Twelve years of
suffering have worn mo out. This is my
last hope." And she pressed through tho
crowd still farther and reaches for
Christ, but cannot quite touch him. She
pushes still farther "through the crowd
and kneels and puts her finger to the
edgpe of the blue fringe of the border.
She just touches it.. Quick as an electric
srock there thrilled back into her shat
tered' nerves, and shrunken veins, and ex
hausted arteries,, and panting lungs, and
withered muscles, health, beautiful
health, rubicund health, God given and
coafBlte health. The 13 years''march
of pain and pang and suffering over sus
pension bridge of nervo and through tun
nel of bone instantly halted.
Christ recognizes somohow that mag
netic and healthful influenco through
the' medium of tho bluo fringe of his gar
ment had shot out. He turns and looks
upon that excited crowd and startles
them with tho interrogatory of my text.
"Who touchedme?" Tho insolent crowd
in substance replied: "How do wo know?
You get in a crowd like this and you
must expect to bo jostled. You ask us n
question you know wo cannot unswer.'
But tho roseate and rejuvenated woman
came up, and knelt in front of Christ, nnd
told of the touch, and'told of tho restora
tion, and Jesus said: "Daughter, thy
faith hath 'made" thee whole. Go in
Deaco.' So Mark gives tw a dramatiza-.
tion of the gospel. Ob, what a doctor
ChristisI In every ono of our households
may he be the family physician.
Notice that there is no addition of help
to others without subtraction of power
from ourselves.' The context says that as
soon as this woman was healed Jesus felt
that virtue or strength had gono out of
him. No sdfMtiea of help fo others' with
out subtraction of strength from our
selves. Did you never get tired for oth
ers? Haye you, never risked your health
for others? Havo you never preached a
sermon, or delivered an exhortation, or
offered a burning prayer, and then felt
afterward that stre-sgth had gone out of
you? Tbea ye have never imitated
Are you curiowj t Icaow how that gar
mint of Christ should have wrought
stich'a'care for this tmppliant invalid? I
suppose that Christ was surcharged with
vitality. Yob lmow that diseases may
bo conveyed f rem city to city by gar
nests aa; In case of epUcmie, and so I
supposo that ganBMiU may be sur
charged with health. I suppose that
Christ bad each -physical mniniotisai that
it permeated all his robe down to the last
thread on the uoruer or tae vine fringe.
But Jb addttto to that there was a di
vine thrill,'therewa a Mfraelow po
teacy, there was aa eawipotest thera
peutics, without which thk J3 yeara ta
vaMd would sot have bees instantly re
stored. Now, if craiiipetesce caaaot help
other without defleUoa, bow oaa we
m aayeet to Ueas the world witboat
traxix' dxtttM
ChrkHntl 6bjeet bMHl 1ft) fak H( femil
Who HI MtwtSiiimUonot itotmum oref
tvcrfe Unit li may edtitfala lil children,
a tnfili whttfifl ftiitidrty lilght flol ltfnfirj,
nil hln hefvotis' oiiefky wrung out by ho
Jive service hi fchufolii WrMibdtli wliool,
Add thd strength lift uli9 011 1 of hlrtl.
A tooUier- who robs herself bt slem! lit
i behalf of sick efAdle a tvlfo wit) bear
that su tun? cntiuifrtK' be' titiMrttitl In
tho combat menliist dlfrrfskr, woman
w'10 ky "'frd al '" enrnwt prAysr"
pnil goou counsel wioiy kitpii nun
many years devoted tOftarititf hef frjinlly
for God and useful ties and heaven, and
tolm hart rKiUiltltf ia show for it but
protrinturd gray hairs nd n profusion of
deep wrinkles- is Ilk Christ, rwidstfongth
has gone out of her.
Tlmt str etigtli or vir trio may nave gono
out through a garment sho has uindo fo
tho home, that strength may lmvo gono
out through tho bock yon knit for the
barofoot destitute, that strotlgth may go
out tlirough thd mantle liririg up in some
closet after you nro dead, So a cripplod
child sat ovory morning on hor fnthor's
front stop bo that whon tho kind Christian
toachor pnssod by to school sho might
take hold of her dress arid let tho dress
slldo through her palo fingers. Sho said
it helped her pain so much nnd made hor
so happy all tho day. Aye, havo we not
in nil our dwellings garments of tho do
Tinrtod. a touch of which thrills us
through and through, thd Hfo of tH6b
who nf o gone thrilling through tlio lifo
of those' who stay? But mark you, the
Sincipld I ovolve from this subject,
o addition of health to others unless
thoro bo a subtraction of strength from
ourselves. He felt that strength had gono
out of him,
Notice also in this subjoct a Christ
sensitive to human touch. Wotalknbodt
God on a vast scalo so much wo hardly
appreciate his accessibility God in mag
nitude rather than God in minutiso, God
in the infinite rather than God in the in
finitesimalbut horo in my text wo havo
a God arrested by a suffering touch.
When in tho sham trial of Christ they
struck him on tho cheek wo can realize
how that cheek tingled wlthpain. When
under the scourging the rod struck tho
shoulders and back of Christ, wo can-re-alizo
how ho must have writhed uridor
the lacerations. But horo thoro is n sick
and nervoless fingor that just touchos the
long threads of tho bluo fringo of his
coat, and ho looks around and says,
"Who touched me?"
Wo talk about sensitive peoplo, but
Christ was tho impersonation of all sen
sitiveness. Tho slightest stroke of the
smallest finger of human disability
makes all tho nerves of his head and
heart and hand and feet vibrate. It is
not a stolid Christ', not a phlegmatic
Christ, not a preoccupied Christ, not a
hard Christ, not an iron cased Christ,
but an exquisitely sensitive Christ that
my text unveils. All the things that
touch us touch him, If by the hand of
prayer we make the connecting line be
tween him and ourselves complete.
Mark you, this invalid of the text might
have walked through that crowd all day
and cried about her suffering, and no
relief would have come if she had not
touched him. When in your prayer you
lay your hand on Christ you touch all
the sympathies of an ardent and glow
ing and responsive nature.
You know that in telography there aro
two currents of electricity. So when you
put out your hand of prayer to Christ
there arfc two currents a current of Bor
row rolling up from your heart to Christ
and a current of commiseration rolling
from tho heart of Christ to you. Two
enrrents. Oh, why doyou go unholped?
Why dd you go wondering about this
and wondering about that? Why do you
not touch him?
Aro you sick? I do not think you aro
any worse off than this invalid of the
text. Have you had a long struggle? 1
do not think it has been more than. 13
vears. Is your case hopeless? So was
this of which my text is the diagnosis
and prognosis, "Oh," you say, "there
aro so many things between me and
God." There wasawhole mob between
this invalid and Christ. She pressed
through, and I guess you can press
Is your trouble a home trouble? Christ
shows himself especially sympathetic)
with questions of domesticity, as when
at the wedding inCanahe alleviated a
housekeeper's predicament, as when' tears
rushed forth at the broken homo of Mary"
and Martha and Lazarus: Men aro
somotimes ashamed to weep. There aro
men who if the tears start will conceal
them. They think it Is unmanly to cry.
They do not seem to understand it is
manliness and ovidenco of a great'heart.
I am afraid of a man who does not know
how to cry. Tho Christ of the text was
not ashamod to cry over human misfor
tune. Look at that deep lake of tears
opened by the two words of the evangel
ist: "Jesus wept!" Behold Christ on the
only day of his early triumph marching
on Jerusalem, ,tho glittering domes ob
literated by the blinding rain of tears in
hU eyes and on his oheeks, for when he
rw,ifdd tho city he went over it. Oman
of the many trials, O woman of ttie'haart--
break, why do you not touch latnr
"Oh " savs somo' one, "Christ1 don't
tare for me. Christ Is looking the other
way. Christ has tho vast affairs of Ids
kingdom to look after. He has the'
armies of sin to overthrow, and there aro
so many worse cases of trouble than
I mino be doesn't care nwuv me, siw iua
face Is turned the other way." So his
back was turned to this invalid of the
. text. Ho was on his way to effect a aore
which was famous and popular and wide
resounding. But the context aays, "Ha
turned him about." If be was facta to
the north, he turned to the soatbj it be
was facing to the east, he turned to the
west. What turned him about? The
Bible says be has no shadow of teratag',
he rides oa is his chariot through the
eternities. He marshal oa, crritlilnir
, scepters aa tbosgh they ware tea era-
1 tritn aMan oa a brook's bank, aad tosa-
lag tbreM ea either ata a Ua wkbort
, JjSfai TosHtX 5i
swrnmu fcdA
l,r,.r.,1 ftUrf MhArlt,1' M, W tOM Mil tllrf
Itttf MlrtHf
allM AtmlM Of hell (.'fttiuot Aloft rtrnlfl'
did bt divert h litcli, b thd wall, Mob)
ficreirt flriifef 61 human stiff erlng- tuf h
Oh, what cWott Ultra 14 lu thin sub
jeet fof r?rl -who Aro Called hotf'
otnl Of eottfiw it lit ft misapplied word
III that ft44 but t UM It Id the Ofdl'
tiary Jtotlaitee, After It lent of suffer'
In, oil what heVvotif cleprowlon she
frifisl haVe1 bAdf You all khOvMhfttft
fcood dl fef iftedfelrffl taken If It i1wl
iot cilfd leaded the Byslelrt exhausted
nnd Ih tho lMbj 1m so many words bIio
"had suffered many things of lnanV
lihyslolrrri and was nothing bettered,
but r'athef grew worse?' Sho wai as
nervMSrW nervous' could bd, Shdknew'
All about Insomnia1, arid about tho awful
atrprehensloti 6f something going to
happen, ftfld irritability about little
thing that In health would not hnvd
perturbed her. I warrant you It was
not a straight stroke sho gave to tho
garment of Clirist, butn trembling fore
arm, and an tincdrtaln motion of the
hand, and ft quivering Anger with which
she missed thd iriark toward which she
aimed. Slid did -not touch the gArmeflt
Just where she expeotod to touch it.
Whon I see this nervous woman corn
lag to tho Lord Jesus Clirist, I say she is
making the way for all nervous peoplo.
Nervous people do hot got much sympa
thy. If a man breaks his arm, every
body Is sorry, and thoy talk about It all
tip nd down the street. If a woman
had an eya put-cat by accident, they aay,
"That's a dreadfal thing." Everybody
is asking about her; convalescence. But
when a person Is Buffering undor the all'
ment of, which I am now spoaklng thoy
aavs "Oh. that's nothing; She's a llttlo
nervous, that's all," puttinga slight upon
thembstf agonizing" of suffering.
Now, I have a new prescription to give
you. I do not ask you to discard human
medicament, I believe in it. When tho
slightest thing occurs in tho way of sick
ness in, my household, we always run for
tho doctor. I do nOt want to despise
medlcino. If you cannot sleep nights, do
not doapiso bromido of potassium. If
you havo nervotis paroxysm, do not de
spise morphine. If you want to strength
en up your system, do not despise qui
nino as a tonlo. Uso all right and prop
er medicines. But I WBnt you to bring
your insomnia, and bring your irritabili
ty, and bring all your weaknesses, and
with them touch Christ. Touch him
not only on tho' hem of his garments, but
touch himon the shoulder whero he car
ries ouir burden, touch him on tho head
whero he remembers all our sorrows,
touch him on tho heart, the center of all
his sympathies. Oh, yes, Paul was right;
when ho said, "We havo not a high priest
who cannot bo touched."
The fact WChrist himself is nervous.
All those nights out of doors' in malarial'
districts, where "an EnRlishman or on
American dies if ho goes at certain sea
sons. Sleeping out of doors so many
nights, as Christ did, and so hungry, and
his feet wet with the wash of the sea,
and the wilderness tramp, and tho per
secution, and the outrage must havo
broken down his nervous system; a'fact
proved by the statement that ho lived so'
ehort a time on the cross. That is a lin
gering death ordinarily, and many a
sufferer on the cross has writhed in pain
24 hours, 48 hours. Christ lived only
six. Why? Ho was exhausted before
he mounted tho bloody tree. Oh, it la a
wornout Christ, sympathetic with all
people worn out.
A Christian woman wont to tho Tract
House In New York and asked for tracts
for distribution. The first day sho was
out on 'her Christian errand she saw' a
policeman' taking an intoxicated Woman
to tho station house. After the woman
was discharged from custody, this Chris
tian tract distributor saw hor coming
away all unkompt and unlovely. Tho
tract distributer went up, threw her arms
around her neck and kissed her. The
woman said, "Oh, my God, why do you
Idss me?" "Well, replied tho other, "I
think Jesus Christ told me to." "Oh, no,
the woman said, "don't you kiss me. It
breaks my heart. Nobody has kissed me
since my mother died." But that sisterly
kiss brought her to Christ, started her oa
the road to heavon. The world wants
sympathy. It is dying for' sympathy
large hearted Christian sympathy. There
is omnipotence in the touch.
Oh, I am so glad that whon wo touch
Christ Christ touches ub! The knuckles;
and tho limbs, and the joints, all falling
apart with that living death called the
loprosy, a man is brought to Christ. A
hundred doctors could not euro him.
The wisest surgery would stand appalled
before that loathsomo patient. What
did Christ do? Ho did not amputate; he
did not poultice; he did not scarify; He
touched him, and he was well. Tho
inotber-ln-law of the Apostlo Peter was
In a raging rover urain tever, lypnoiu
fever, or what, I do not know. Christ
was tho physician. He offered no febri
fuge; ho prescribed no drops'; he did not
put her on plain diet. He touched her,
and she was perfectly well.
Two blind men come stumbling into a
room where Christ is. They are entirely
sightless. Clirist did not lift the eyelid
to ace whether it was cataract or oph
thalmia. He aid not put the mem Into a
dark room for three or four weeks. He
touched them, and they saw everything,
A man came to Christ. The drum of Ids
ear had ceased to vibrate, and he had a
etatteringtongue. Christ touched the ear,
and he heard; touched his tongue, and
be articulated. There la a funeral com
ing out of that gate a widow following
her only boy to the grave, jurist can
not stand it, aad he pate his hand on the
hearse, and the obsequies turn into a ret
arreetion day,
O my brother, I aw so glad when we
touch Christ with oar sorrows he touches
as. When out of your grief and'vexatioa
yoa pet year band ob Christ, it wakes
all hamaa retsiaiaceace. Are we tempt
ed? Be was tempted. Are we riok?
Hews sick. Are we persecated? Ue
was perseeated. Are we bereft? lie
was bereft.
St. Yoo of ' JTermiirtht oaa moraiac
was oat a saw kwiiNWj
uxn lf mt
.JilMl'lJUJJ IliP !J JL"Iiil-LJliL!JCiJ!J!
fntimtKud, TlTiii.ilgnl&fYorirtH-
Klled Mt btfftf to ewtotf tiji In iko
19 Ahd atop" In in Mllil'd bd wlilld
Bt, YOti trtWMtt tlrd nlihl oh III doorstep
h thd id, Somebody ftskttl, hint why
that x!chir!cliy, Hd replied! "It isn't
im. eecentflelty 1 wafit k kaW hoy
thd poof BtirTef. I want to Know tuetr
agonic that 1 tmf ympathl with
Mmw, ftad therefore I tfept On IMs &A4
tfdf, IrM night," That H thd w Chris
knowd to tnuoll about otif dorr wtttt Hd
llpt on the cold doorstep of an InliO
kttabld world that would hot let kin IA,
fla I symbftthelld now with all tho Buf
fering and all tho tired and all thd pdr;
plexed, Oil, why do yoti not go and
touch him?
You titter your' Y6i6o lil a mountain
pas, and thoro comd back 10 echoed, 1W
oboes, DO echoes perhaps weird echoes,
Every volco of prayer, every ascription
of pralnd, every groati of distress had di
vine refipdnso and celestial reVerbdratlorj,
and alt tho galleries of heaven aro filled
with sympathotio echoes nnd throngs of
ministering atlgols echo, and thd temples'
Of thd redeenied echo, and the hearts of
God tho Father, God the Soil nnd God
tho Holy Ghost echo and re-echo.
I preach a Clirist so near you can touch
him touch him with your guilt and get
pardon touch him with your troubld
and got comfort touoh him with your1
bondage ana got mnnutniMion, xou
have seen a man take hold of an electrid
chain. A man can with ono hand take
one end of tho chain, and with tho othor
band ho may tako'hold of tho other end
of tho cnain. Then iuu persons taxing
hold of that chain will altogothor fool
the electric power. You havo soon that
Well, Christ with ono wounded band
takes hold of one end of tho electric chain
of love, and with tho other wounded
band takes hold of the Othor end of the
lectrio chain of lovo, and all earthly and
angoiio beings may lay hold of that chain,
ana around and around in sublime and
Verlasting circuit runs tho thrill of ter
restrial and celestial and brotherly and
saintly and chorubio and soraphio and
archangelio and divine sympathy. So
that if this morning Christ should swoop
bis hand ovor this audionco and aay,
"Who touched me?" thoro would bo hun
dreds and thousands of voices' respond respend
ing: "II It II"
4 All for a Barloy Corn.
LaFontulne, in one of his fables, tells
nf a barnyard fo.wl that scratched up a
eem. wtulo scrutchlDur for corn. Not
knowing its value, he gave it to a stone
r,uttor tor a barley corn, thus do many
persona throw away the priceless pearl
of health. A "trilling" cough is neg
footed, then comes consumption, then
death. Stay the couidi, or look out for
a eollln. ur. rierce'a uniueu aieaioai
Discovery will euro catarrh In the bead
bronchial or throat affections, or 1udb
scrofula (commonly known ns the con
sumption of tho lungn). If taken in
time, autt given a rnir trim, u win cure,
or the money paid for It will be refund
ed. It Is the ouly guaranteed cure.
Tbo traveling public are now fully
alive to the fact that tho Chicago, Un
ion Pacific & North Western line oilers
the very best accomodations to the
public from and to Chicago, Omaha
and Intermediate points, not only dur
ing tho world's fair, but all the year
round. 4-8-ot
's Cures
Prunlc C. Stuart
Marshall, Mich.
A Business Man's Letter
Groat Prejudlc Overcome
Ittton Misery With DypepiUH
"C. L Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.i
"I hare been led to address you frost a
deep sense of graUtude for the great benefit
I nave recelred from Hood's Sarsaparlllt.
"For SO years I have been a constant
safferer from dyspepsia. Havo spent man
hundreds of dollars for medicine, with'
only temporary relief. I liave always beea
an enemy to patent medicines. ButfUrw la
my boao Hood's Barsaparllla has
A Haarty Welcome.
'"Those who have not been afflicted wltit
dyspepsia, bare no conception ot the misery
I endured, and those that have need no
description of the horrors of the unfortunate
" This Is why I changed my mind la regard
to patent medicines i An old friend had beta'
afflicted for many years with dyspepsia, and
for a low months I noticed that lie had beea
wonderfully Improving. I. ascertained that
the great change had been wholly wrought
by the use ot Hood's Barsaparilla. He ad
vised me to 'try it by all means,' but the
Idea of me taking 'patent medicine' was a
very bitter pill to swallow. Jlut urged by my
great sufferings to do sowstfiliiy, 1 finally
yielded and began to take
Hood's Sartaparilla
I am now using my fourth bottle, and fee)
better than I lare In twenty years, and eoa
slder myself cured. Use this statement u
you please. I liave been In buslaess hr
over 40 years." Vhakk a Stimkt, Mri
saH,Mleh. (letHaod'a
Head's PIHa Act aU7. ? Vmpl
aad eaeteewy, ea Um liver aad bowels.
Vurm fir le or Tnwl.
iiiiutiu tsar saltes east ef
.wuiainginsure; wlH UA
. et ssns sawvws '.rill. A-
a4w aaVftasHf.Or,
iiirfiiiTifii' r"T i ' 1i f'""'f ''""' i r
liana n",ff m.".., Jtf&.iti I i-iSuW.tMa Wiurmm-v, ,rrv , r.yitmt'imfrii
-S yrJ J-t, .
Binckweirs Bull Durham
Smoking Tobacco,
ttrmefcd only of "pure leaf' grown Irt ili him
Garftti Belt Its uniform quality, and rich fragrant aroftM
rKCrtnmnd It to ail wlio' cfaire a really good atioktv
No other smoking tobacco has ever been made which hm
secured ahd held the" pdpW favor is has BttkkweH'a
Bull Durham. It Is How, as H has been at all times dur
ing the last 25 years, the best In the world. Made only by -, g
Dl)HAM, N. & ' '
A W. CK)11LE & CO.,
General Insurance Agency. '
Representing the following well-known and reliable Compsnleet
Traders -insurance un sun js(inwii,
National Insuranoe Co , . Westebester rire las. 00.,
Lion Klre Insiranoe Co., , Imperial Klre iBsuraaes (K, Ki
liondoa A l.nafaiJhlro Klrelus.Boo Loadna Assuranae t'orMsauaa,
Alliance Assurance Co., Norwleb UBloa rir Jfbs.lPs.
Oldest and lie Jdlng Firm DV he City Devoted Kaeluslvwiy to laiaraaee. '
If you would bo clean and havo your clothes done up. in.
the noatost and drtsj-ieat mannor, tiiko them to the
Where all work isdono by white labor and in tho most prompt
T )li
D'AHOV A UINOU AM. Attorneys at Low,
Booms 1, a and 8, D'Aroy HulldiuK, Ml
aiutstreeU Special attention, given tobusi
ness In the supreme and cltcntt courts of tUo
state. 3 It
V. DOIdK. Attorniy at law, Halctri, Ore
kou. OlUce 2U commercial street.
flTlLMON 1BD, Attorney, at law, Baicra,
I uregon; umoe up iiir iu i-hikiu mw.
LF. CONN, Attorney at law, room 7, Mur
,' pay block.
J.'BiaOKR, Attoi Bey at lawaleea, Ore
gon, umoe over liusn's bunk.
. Attorney t law. Office over Capital
batik, Helen, Oregon.
3 J1
HIOHaHOHON. Attorneyatlaw Of-
flee upstairs In front routns ol newnusn'
,er uotnmerewi ana tjoun sircow,
aalem, Oregon
UAH40N. Attorney at law. rooms
8 and 4, liush bank building, balom.Or.
DON MAM dt HOLMES, Attorneys at law.
Jr Offloe In Bush block, between Btateand
court, on OommereUl street.
K. K)GUBS, Htenographer and ,11 tie-
wrltest. Best equipped typewriting or-
ue but one in
uver sum. uuu,
dalem, Orsjoa.
TELLA HHERMAN-TypeiKriling' ana
commercial nienograpny. twin n, um?
k. Urst-classwork. lutes reasonable.
0. BROWNE, M, .. Physician ana uur
smob. Office. Murphy blojki reslaenoe,
', commercial street.
r-vll. A. a. Ollil.tB.speclallstln diseases of
II the aei ear. nose and throat, Koom iu
1 bank building, Holera.
R.T.O. BM1TK, Dentist. S3 State, Stredt,
Bttlem. Oregon. Finished dental opera
ion. v inisueu u.uuh uvw
description.' Painless toperW
ttons a special
tions 01 every 1
1101 ty.
. lions and
Architect, plans, specldeo-
superiHietinanoo tor si
classes ol buildings. Office i!BO Cominwciui
street, up stairs.
A. KOHKHT, Architect, room i: Mar
quaw building, Fonland, Oregon;
Manufacturer of Wagons, Car
riages, etc
Rapalrtn a P-",'B0ftgtoto.tKl
Jr Meets In their hall In Btuto Insurance
l?ulld.ng,.very Wednyveung.
J.A.BEL'W1 0D, Recorder.
A.l,KM, - - - Oregon.
Office removed to 311 Commercial rtt.
Hates reasonable. 1'ubllo and tirlvato work
Oa Improved' Real EstaU. In, amounts and
time tosulU No delay la ooasldertng leans:
Boom 13, Bush Bank block.
Authodxed Capital 60,00;
B4ea), Oretoa.
W. A. CUHICK. Hre. W. W, MARTIN, Vic.
WarroBU iK)iciit
1111 1 ".malftltl it i
ayrerT fmnrnwmrwmm aa
",MH" rWwli3saiaaIt
Quiti Qamt
f-n iiitiiM
WlrTWtrt II
ll(r1 ifcffiy 6
Insurance Co.,
DtU.'il f
unco I.
- Steed or Stelen:
fine hlu liav coMlnff with two white DlBd
feet, hmo one dark biowurgelcHng, wKheae
nrhltnhtnrl font. par. h weighing? about 1MB.I.A
liberal reward will be given for the Ta'f
same to O. W. THOMAHf .
17 at dw Asylum Avenue, tfelem, ura).
yi r:
NOTlOK Is hersbv given that ta rm'tt
Martin A Harklns, Blacksmiths, has Jto
solved partnership bymBtnaleoaeeai. Jn
business will hereanw be conduotad irMut
0. Martin at same place, and all aeONUM.
with the heretofore xltMBsj-nrnvwal tMsat
tied by him, ana an mil are, payaow wi
'j nanaing our pasiouMoraers, m-nre'r.
Sealed bids tor furnUhtog wopd-wU
nlvorl L thn nfrlfta nf the clerk df Sfl
ulil Nn. 04 until l!l rVulnnkLBlI. eSA.Ttseedar.
June r, 18W. Wds will boprjled.at jhwsj.
lar nwUor of the hoard of dlraefefit m
o'cloek p. w. of sold 30th day, of 'Job;,, fir Um -delivery
ol wood before Heptember 30, IBM, M
the following schools) Llaclan,vu mtm ak,
Bocordsflr. Vark, 18 cords oak, M oprdsi
Kat8Hlem,0 cords oak,-l0oord'r.' Xwtta
Haiem, wcorusoaK.woorusnr.. 1 1. .1
All wood must be 4 'feet In length, i
ably straight and corded closely, . -M. ,.
The fir aiust be large or hear wood 'asM tba
oak must be split, oak and. not grab wood.
The hoard reserve the right tortjeetaay or
nil bids. , ....', a ' ,-t'--i?- 1
Poue by order ef the board. May . MH. . ,
Attest. r',M.!K;,V&iSS&.
Board o(,alrstefa.
I WEBSTER HOLMlM.DUitjlct Clerk. "M
BAtat'May'l'.MM. ,
XTotleo Is hereby ftvea that thenasataaas
IN pBbandsufaclenttopayaiioawMwa ,,
state warranUL Indorsed
id for want or funds." prior to, ana maa.
ln, March a.lBM,
1HM, ana 101 bii sua. "XIV"
will tie
mid Upon utesenutiQB .,
id u
Interest on sold worranu wUl aot be aiwwea'
otter the data ot tbfai anttee,
l"STu MEwdHA
mate iiiwiim.
The House Mover.
451 MaiN i Street.
Has the' best faellltlea lor movlBir' and rais
ins; beuses: Leave orders at uray Bros,,1 or
address Malem,Oregoa. ,.
(Nsftturn Pacific ft. R. Ce., Li-),
Two Through Trains Dally;
i aipm
7 l&nhi
7il5pm l--Htl'auinin
l.'l&iuu I.. Dnluth..a
7.Wpinll . Anhland. a
0jm lChlcwgos
Tleltets sold and t'OMaga ebeoked tbroufk
to all points in tbo United Mates and CwMda.
Clme etinneetloB made la Chletmo with all
trains going &at ana wuin
Vat IMll'tn AiruuUSAa' AlftlftU
uMrttoa'owsly tojo&wmrm
ticket agent or
KBatBj Maa
ILMare BMwa
gjsom am
6.47pm wmpai)
,- .1 -! IU '' - l'
lentor a mm, virnnv,
ties. 1'nss. n"d Tkt. Agt., Chlesmo, lit :
., waawt
lllMu Ml miMwi HWSSHIfl
rj.apB.K- rf.
hmhimh. w iri... .. 'y.'.' "''jmml. iiL' n
TJJt'.uiitM 4ls-!sa3u5STESnri ' '