i.;, iv Vi K . R- w t"' I. Hm i J Uo 'j tf i . ?r... Kk1 ; t P KMifiif OAjMUXi JOtfMAh VfMWttMUPA, UAt Iff JMtff 111! rnrni mmi tmmmtfuimi0mmim-tpii)(i rnii) ihiIidMhj r,J "Ol1 ll.lLlI-1'-.-!---'-"-"''"""" "" l""rif """' "' .JJ.llgllJ. CM frnal Piiblfefifrfg CoMfity HtMflfJfHCftJ, ' ' ' Uktt, trim nwi'iiimw , All t Iff I ! M'ItIi fi..f ...nAfctAM rmwir it rnr . snaa EM PH jHtfiiatnttiilsnati FJ tHK fiHINttlK MUUf 00, mm m HQtwpOLnfs, rMHfHr.MMi lifuml WM lllli MftlfleuiuJ.,! iJ All A HMAf Mfht hU,U HNIMM4I ffWflft K,ttWf Wf.f,ff At rtlif.ltl ft ftfe-M (if m a; Hwrt.nV !Mi,.!. .t &m?. """ ""v".'." "f v' ""..' "'V1, lIlW II I I Ml DYSPEPSIA tylieM tlifl OltliifM Mix Comjiftiilw i Mletl Uifrlf dftrtlfir Idling llw Ulilnwfl Iri JfMf(4r(l IM Gjritry ItW hihJ defy rtii Hoi of (lie Amrtoiui ftinKrtM Miev noted under Mee of (lie Olildww gov enmanUm! tlifttvf' (IiiWii thtftRMntfef to llio 8verimieiit of out etoifilry Had argftiilred Aworlcnii lalxir Iwued iwfck A tkrpi to IgnorS n eoirtliiuilonM law (hey would lw cnlftHi (wiclnllsto nnd fttinrolilMft, Tlie mllltla of llio ntnto mid tho teti eral troop would bo cnllcd out to miff prrM an organized tflurt of our work Ink men (u not nsldo mi not Of congrc. ItUt 120,000 orronliri nlloii eomKtltor of American lator aro In open revolt agalnt)awnnd authority and tlieprel dent of thefo United HtaU given tin world to undemtund that thin nation I Incapable of ciiforcliif II" own degree, . What ban bt'como of Mr. Ulevolaud'c boanted high nebite of exeoutlvo author Ity? Where Is hl flrmueiw In enforc Ing the laws of congrcw, so proinliienl In his messages but so ronsplcuousl absent in his attitude. Tho supreme court baa removed all doubts as to tin legality of tho law. It Is udt too Into to give to the act of congress, uphold by tho supremo court, tho backing of the national oxecutlvo authority, and en fordo the law that 'says tho Ohlneno Must Go. STATIC I'OUTICS. As all well Informed men understand, state politics In Oregon begins with the primary maohlnory at I'ortluud. Tbut ooutrols Alultnomuh county, which Ih a good ono-tblrd of the state politically speaking. So the real battle for politi cal supremacy In thestateolectlon next year Is being fought this week to get control of the ward chairmanships and city of Portland central committees, which operated under Jo. blmou's pri mary election law, cannot but yield results. It is perfectly apparent that tho ring which dominated so largoly in tho luto legislature is trying to get in control aud dictate the state ticket next year. Of course the people may be permitted to have something to say after the tloket is nominated but oven that Is a doubtful privilege. In a party, bo full of intelligence, ability and political a gnclty as the Republican party, tho real political leaders aro never In ofiico, Ileal ability coupled with political power would be too muoh for tho bosses to cope with, so as urn lo tho stars of secondary magnitude shine in tho ofll dal heavens. The big central suiib of Influence, dominate and, as in tho solar system, causa the lessor bodies to re volve about them, And thoy do re volve, you bet, or they go out like a SHUHed candle. 'V ' " tun jrfxftflily Ihhifhl jfbHf rM'ff'hl in rwflHO, lit tn MjiitiHmjnrt in tlwftlKfi, n mlf of lorkj llvcif ful inmiy ftmtn on Hm Umlat itty friiltor'i tmntoVfi Ofif) pjnlnrf n mf of yerinftmtk HfiihtM lift (lio()lco, YfUliHtlflf otifVtiyliirt llio 61(1 IIMlt JirolMlily lliolf imMlM Uoim to nhotlt liltllillllw ilinlf IlitMMtrfil till (litt ooiKwHd m tit (lio robf. Wlmif It WH r1filMli6d mid twtMil liftd l'frl Inld, (lio old foiiinln nUirk rcdtirtlOd took ft look hi 'Uio huwcotriprrt, bill Kllowexl Uit'tii W remain li UiHl hmm Iri mum Wat nllrtitloo wti irfmii (KMilsfi1iy h ntitillx'f of voting BttHwMUWii' wjlotmly woood hot' Vkwigil wM'oJoH ill ntiKora, ' rV;n rfluyn Utor (lilu i'onoloi mnOtig olrdfl wiMVownrdod by tlionr rivnl of lior old iimlo, Utit llioii mine nil end to tlio tuico wUh-,tlw yoHttt birds. That vory ovonlnj the old Btork, followed by liln fotnalo com pnnlou, flow to tho noflt Of tho how cotnorwi I3y vlolmit tiloww of tlioli beaks thoy Ami put tho yomi male slork to flight, and then bcgin to At tack tho fritting lion, I'ntjoptly ehc sufforod nil ill (tMigo and remained upon her. emu. Tho ftflsailaul then altorod their tnctlcfl. Ono continued to attack tho young mother bird, whilo tho othor. watch log till Iri hor Htruggleu to ovado the blown an egg beenmo uncovorod. in Htnntly tmnhed it out of tho neat Thus, ono by ono, thb four prcclou eggs wore romomely Bncrlflccu. Wlion all tho oggH had boon dostroyed, the young fomnlo stork, nftor standing for Bomo timo In tho courtyard look' Ing up tohor mined homo as if in do spalr, sadly flow away. Thoro woh tiovor any sign of that pair of ntorku on our roOf again. The old ones had attained their end; henceforth thoy woro tho only ntorku in that part of tho country and wore loft in solo poHejiQn of itii food sup ply. To tho inhabitiintB of our par eouago, whoso HyiupathioH for tho old storkfl woro thus rudely Bhakon, it Boomed a just rotribution that. tliougltho birds had eomo cggB that mtminor, nono was hatched, and thua tho old storks had to return mono to their southern quartoro that winter n solitary pair. Cor. London Spectator. (IW lftMiliofi ntidi'Mootl Fy llifrt YtUv Irftd fMil town l( Iff HtJ (hH( 6V6tf (fi Kfrnt nhd wIM til luftt lit llfl IIMIIflll iHfllmiiciit IntiidiNl ftt fhfe Melf. "Ildff t'fttt UrWO IO llfllt tritll Otlt ft WJCkf" Wild Oll (ilAtlttiOI'o lllrt( fltillftl body, (villi ft wllRttid ft know lll liOd fiVofl tfl tfrt'Mt Hlf llllltt ohry JMvy rMtouM llio lH of1 Uxlil Ititow(i mid cltlofl wllli faf Mi ono day flflkl Murdoch. ''W yod tnemi tyi tiw llio domo of HI VimVh tot yotif gftfl fiiotofl'' Hit WnUcr fkall ftliW tiifulohioiry of tlgiiMorf fthd of tlio coin I ii k ftttointit (o "lllti fiilHMlo ljiuUiU (villi fliooko from A MP frtotory," , Wlion tllo liott of ooounons wni AhMtyntfiM With (lo Wv llldm?. tiailt, tho rihiliKcOt Hlid ouitodlan of tho hulldliig, who IfftngluoU (lint tho KM ran flfl flro thfotigh tllo jilffl IIP dated lUhV they t6 fofrjovexi Bovoral Inolit'fl from tho wall to provuut tlio building from taking flro I tiovornl .dlBtlngulshod niomJM'ix woro aluo (Ah norvco cnroiuuy (oticiiing inu nHin with tholr gloved HngoiH and tlion Brn61Hh6f thoth lo Pod If thoy could dotoct t'to odor of burned loathor. Ht Loula Ilopiibllc, FtOM WILLAXD. Mrs. B. O. Geer, though qutto low, la thounht to be improving. Our Buuday school is lit quite a pro, perous condition, having been organ ised last Ootobr, under tho superlu-' tendency of Mr. Thomuson. It has maintained throughout tho winter months a good atteudauco and has kept alive a good Interest among tho youug m well as tho old people. It is bow planing to olvservo children's duy in an appropriate manner, at wbloli time O. II, Curtis aud Mr. Clapp, of Foctlaad, will be with us. The residence of Hen Davouport Is searing completion. Whcu done it will bo one of the (luest upjiearlug rwi dtaoM iu WllUrd. Dr, h. K, Hlbbard and J. Q.Graham, of Portland visited frieuds uud relatives about WlUard Uuuday. Pearl Ger was up from Bllverton Bunilay, The ehecM dairy of Warren Ctauaton la aow a plaoa of ootulderablu business. About live or six wagons deliver milk flTry woralug. Iu all about twenty, three hundred pounds of milk Is uwd aebfey frotu wbloli Is uudo about twa hHttdwd aud forty pounds of How Mall Clerk AmIH tlio Meniorj'. Tlio railway postal clorlcs havo a uniquomothod for learning tho routca on which postoillcea aro located. Tako, for ozamplo, tho Btato of Penn Bylvania, hi which thoro are over 6,000 ofllcoB. Tho prospectivo mail distributer buys u quantity of blank cardB, about tho bizo, of mi ordinary visiting card, and on each of those ho writes tho liiuno of an oflico. On tho back of tho card ho writes tho niuno of tho roitfo by which tho office is served with its mail. Taking in hand a pack of thoso cards, say from CO to 100, ho goosovor thorn ononftcr auothor studiously, looking at tho back each timo and getting tlio nnmo and routo dearly associated in his mind. Tho second timo ho goes through tho pack ho finds that ho knows tho half of tho routes by reading tho unmo of tho oflico. It is a dull Btu dent who, upon going over a pack of cards a dozou times, does not know thorn thorouglily Tlio method is bo elmplo niil such an aid to memoriz ing that it is adopted by all mil way mail dorks. By it clorks havo boon known tomoinorizoiistatollko Penn sylvania insidoof two months. Phil adelphia Record. Th tmetnti of Bt. flrnlt. St. Denis waa a wanderer in tho wilds of the Thcssalonian forests for the btibco of soven years. Tlio Btrango foods tliat ho ato nnd'tlio constant comimnionshlp of nothing but beasts aud birds had a startling offecf. His fingers grow claws, and his hair bocamo as tho fino fcathors of an eaglo's nock and breast Final ly, when" nearly heartbroken by tlio changes that his wild lifo was mak ing in body and mind, ho wandered over to a fino looking mulberry troo und ata, heartily of tho fruit Tho treowas onchanted, and partaking of its fruit brought a change inoro tor riblo than all his othor transforma tions ho lost ovory s6mblai)co to a man, instantly changing his shano and likeness to that of a deer. Ho lay down undor tho treo and be moaned his fntointhesq werds: "I was oi iato a man, out now a horned boast; I was a soldier, but now a proy for doges. My bod of downo I must oxchango for rrioss, andj musick.for howleing windoa." Whilo thus lamenting his fato, tho treo Bpoko to him in words of cheer. informing him that in sovon years ho would bo n man again. "Which," tlio account Bays, "did truly como to pass. " Exchange J tftti Irtftff tiftftlmt'ii ttllfll tmtemty tmti nwnffl timt yon )iOMH A (Ifnfllonl MtMWMhi &M skrttHkili Ha inn qj ill linra (lid MlrlH lifedoliifirtnl ijrrwfitotrt bttt irlistfltef burn the uhilfrtyhttt hhh it in the htrmu arid ono tiling U ml&Ui NO ono will fOiiiflln n tljrsjicptlo trlio will It vlll totntii fttpHnhtiiUf Aout Iilrlli rftad at tli mo Hubs tketri thn lAver working and hU bodily ailment ivilt dieappcar m Bpl'J ttuiitm vAMttmi, VAVMl itAHUMU, Hsfufil Wfrff Wtfildrff 0ofilmft(10hrnlM (fffWt, Qau, KoiKiflali, CASH 'MARKET ilHlmfflinfid fitidtHfttf m m sum, " MO h, MX6HP H'tOtill AMD MitUlt LbmiiAVWH K(ltrili tni OH sll slnrfef ItMfdenes tW, Mlti snd JC It, Hi, Scroon Doors -AM J0M1IM. fllittf l(sMlM. J.lASMJaY. Moat Market f ol Oifinittli Htli U'MtnHiti i'omrtiillrfi i.AJMJIPfll'. Tllo for 8alo Brfofc Mil Tlfo W, HUntH rlAi.i JOHN & MARTIN, Horsofilioclng IliAOKflMITiJIMfJ ri(l Hlfrvt - - rJaletrt i t MMBIT kW VAMHhH, ttfoek, a "'T'HiriNMifiiitJ nmutw wiimh aa. T. W, TIlOIINBIji Tli UpMtlmi, f I . . .A . . I 'XaMM'WMJJLttm,, , mT&tiswSfr m Tof man diaii tfir inn I lufliftd Is In ll wftful fofM IVflbfM doctor, but lh iffotiJMl no itUtt. BlmmoM Uttt Kf cuUlor. hl(h tvttd m irllh 1 lfld lTfj AIIMII fM mc 1 wouM not llflrld Irt Ihorl limit, f I li mhA m(IUin: U ttiihoul ll,"lAMM A. Hotmt fblld'. l'. "A. H StiWfuI rmllV rtmed tot ljttfSt, Torpid IJrrr, Contllpallon, (e., I hardly. rtf Bn.iiuiiH ci.v. finu .,bt ncTfi nvn ui.ap ld In ih effect tirm!uodf II ml la x ii aiMMfi oi mi Biomnco IcEihoy, Mcon,() olnld In ih trfrcl r FBOM HUBBARD. ra. Kiss) Ing, the KutuiltrrM, at YHtani, kaiwtlwr vletlm of the gripe. sak Oarber has Ukeu unto himself a btitwrUilf. A, IUimIhii Neutluel, Tlio stornost ideal of uiilitary duty 1b fulfillod by tlio Russian soldier, On leaving an Armenian villago tha writer iwwseu a beautiful trroen vol. loy watered by a rlvor that ilowwl botwoou strong embankments. Ills Annouion servant told him that in April, 1888, aftor n groat storm, tho fiver roso in hucIui flood that the persons' lirtng near tho bank fled for their lives. Thorq wiw iv powdur magazine noAr tho rivor, Tho Bon,tinol who was guanltug it prepared to rotroat, but tlio oillcors who wore watclilng tho bcono n-oni a mouutiun forbaqo him to iwivo ms jKist l-or an hour tho t)oor follow struggled against tlio ris ing waters, clinging dcsoratcly to tlio lock of tho maguzino door. Tho water roso to his elilrt, and when ho was literally within mi Inch of death tho flood ceased. IIo was decoratetl by tho government with tho riblon of somo honorary order In recognition of his horoio olclienco. "A Journey to Mount Ararat" A Story of lull Ur. Auioui; uio many cnaractcrutia Another Man' Loci. At tho capitol in Baton Rougo Is a portrait of Zachary Taylor, with which is connected an amusing rem iniscence Whilo General Howard, tho author of Taylor's recent "Lifo," was looking at tho picturo, an old resident said to him : "Why, sir, that is Zachary Taylor's head and body, with another man's legsl" "How Is that, my friond?" "Oh, tho old Kontloman would not sitas n, model. When ho little thought what was boing done, tho artist sketched his head and body, but as tho gonoral declared ho could not af ford tlio timo for further operations tlio painter was Obliged tofluish with another man." TI19 result iq said to bo fuirly good. It iq ft well executed picturo, though tho faco is neither eo firm nor bo Btrong as that of othor portraits, and tho flguro is that of a man somowhat taller than tho general. CofTeo In 11 tor all. On tho mountain Bidos a brilliant scarlot borry on n Binall, dark green, sinaii loaveu onsn will uUract an ob eorvnnt oyo. Rroak open tho borrv. and imbedded in each half will bo found n whito seed with a lino run ning longthwiso through tho flat, ex posed Biirfaco. In this uufumiliar gulso it will'not take you long to roo oguizo Coffco, which iB indigenous to 'tliJsBoih Bomo exports havo been mudo of this product, and it is found in tho Honolulu groceries under tho utlo or Koua coffco, Counoih&ours havo pronouueed its flavor and aro ma equal to' tho Mocha It could doubtless bo cultivated to ad vantage. BncecMiful experiments havo also boon mudo in tho cultivation of tho olive. Limes grow iu groat profu eiou und to a fino hizo,-Washington Star, I'mvmlliic Snurliiff. Wife (to hnslmnd, wIjco loud snor ing keeps her awake) -Charlie, Char Uo, do stop btionugl Turn over on your side. (Nudges him.) Husband, ouly half awako, grunts, turns on his side aud contiuues to snore. B. L. Calvert tnado a trip to Portland Friday, TI10K. of P's lultated two members In the first degree and ono In the second Friday night. Past Chancellor Fuller, of Adelphia lodge and M. Mlchol both of Woodburn, assisted in tho interest ing ceremony. Harvey Hlnkle has returned from his trip up in tho mountains. He reports a very Jolly trip (?) Earnest Illesland has improved his pluco very much, building a new fence and also a sidewalk in front of bin dwelling, J. N. Fergeson of Salem was u caller Friday evening. Norman lluck has the finest field of strawberries seen hero. Hop men aro too busy to come to town unless absolutely necessary. Geo. J. Wolfe and wife went to Cor vullla Thursday morning to attend the funeral of Mrs. Wolte's brother who was burled Friday. John C. Fowler returned Saturday from a tw.o weeks business trip iu Clackamas and Multuomub counties. The Christian Endeavor society meet every Sunday evening iu Gleasou's ball Visitors a re cordially welcome. Several of the young men of Wood burn rode down last Sunday on their bicycles. We understand Prof. Roberts and family are going to remove from this place soon. J. F. Yoder'purcbosed a now binder and Bays his small grain is iu excellent condition and spleudid prospects tor a good crop. Abrubarn Chinard finished hoeing his hops last S.iturduy,and Is now busy plowing aud cultivating them. Mr. Calvert made quite a change in the postofllco last Monday. R. F. Smith und wife of Needy, were iu towu Monday. 8. W. Hardesty aud William Thomp son buve returned from a business trip toTacoma, Washington. Youug Isreal Chinard came inear getting drowned in Mr. Wolfe'irflah pond. Ho fell out of the boat but when he cumo up the second time ho succeed ed In grosplug an oar aud wua drawn out. Parents should keep such small children away from such places. TUTT'S PILLS unver disappoint the invalid. ')(. r1 !''" v J, wn XT It A MSlWIf Of .Standard -looksi By the .Most Famous Authors, ' .i,. THE WILLAMETTE aAjtMf onnaoN, JU2lolf35.00pcrlJ ,Ths bout holKl liLMn i.,...t JLV .nJ I prsiifllnco, Klrtt-clMn in sliJUaiZiIrii Choicest Jfrutu Ornwii In the WlUameits Vlly, A, I. WAGNER, Pm East and Souti via THE SHASTA ROUTI of, the Southern Pacific! Company, CALIFORNIA. JCXMHESfl TRAllf HUK BilU J TVfBH I'0HT1.AND ANDR.r, Hll 111. A FREE BOOK COUPON WORTH FIVE CENTS GIVEN TO OUR READERS EACH SATURDAY: T V - Head Sircctions on Coupon Carefully. THE JOURNAL'S PREMIUM BOOKS. 7:a' p. in. 9:18 p. m. 8:16 a.m. TXT Lv. At. Portland Bittern Hun Frnn. Jftifiil Ar.l 7il l.T. I (KBlfl I'V. 7-CClj Above trains stun onlv 11 1 olinu in .i.t. nortb of Kosebur?. Kant I'ortlnnil llrwnnr nuuuuuiu, DHIOIJI. A1UBDV laDgenl. fihW Hnlsoy, llarrldburj.JunctlonClty.Irvlcn uukcuvi K(IHKHUIU) MAll. DAILY, 8.JU u. in. 11:17 a.m 650 p. in. I.V. IiV. Ar. I'ortlunU Halem HosebtirK Ar.) l:wp,M LV. 7-00 1 1 Albany i.ocul. Jiully Kxcit nuudt;! 600 p. in. 72 p.m. 9-00 p.m. Lv. Lv: Ar. i'ortluna salem Albany Ar. Lv. I'V, IWUl TMut ejoitl JUioing Cars ou )f,Mlcn Itou PDLLMAN BDFFET SLEEPERS AND Second Class Sleeping Can Attached to all through tr-tloi. vVest Side Division, Between ForUaJ and Cervallis: PAH.Y-- (EXCEPT 8UNDAT). 7-uua.ni. ii,v. 12:10 p. m. 1 Ar. i'urtlunu HorvallU Ar. Lv.l O.0J . . lMp.: fllWHt 1 KA l ( HA t, K Kt-lPl 111 , 4.-10 p. m. 75fflp.ro. Ly. Ar. 1'urtlaud Mr-Mlnnvllle Ar.l Kiit.4 l,v. I frMf.i At Albany and Oorvnllls connect wli A book coupon Is printed in the Daily Journal every Saturday, which is m"n'or"rfg"" '''"" 'tHiimnfl. numbered differently every week. Bave 5 of tbesej coupona having different numbers, and send them, with 6 cents to pay postage, etc., to the Journal of fice, and your cbdeo of the following books will bo sent you. It is best to make 1st, 2d and 3d choice, so in case we are out of the first we can send you the second or third. These books are the bt 25 cent book printed and that means a sreat deal these days of cheap books. Call and see them, or send yourrder by mail. We know they will please you. By simply cuttlngjout the coupon in each Satur day's Journal and enclosing 6 cenU to pay postage and package waglveyou each month free what would ccst during the year from 12.50 to f3.00, at any CARTER'SI , CURE Kick Head vhn nl relievo all the trouble incl di-nt to a bllliuu Mala of tho tTttem, tuch at Dluliwu, Nauv.n. DrgntlnnuC Plstrv aftt-i lluic 1'aiii In t!w t'Me, Ac Wlillathrtrmoai rvuurkable Kiuvcat Iim Iwva shown In cnrlai s WIf linu n l.n.w t. i.lnn r... , , ... . ... ?, , 7 . . I. " '"I'l J V- llCIIIt-UI- oiur loin oi worms mouioua in bora n lino from an nrticio called cwntinfr hia euqirisea thoro is ono of "How to Proven t Siioi-iur." Gives wiuiHiwuii uo iwwnwi lor n uuiey uer imMxuut u becouu mulge, which pwu which a groat bollo desired to elicits nnothur cruut, "Oh. Chnrlio lillVd nlicnlnl a1. ...tin.... FtM..-. .-.-...1 la -.1 . ... ' h..,h wmimi.ij iiuiijuu. xiiui;rvi u youti kcoji your Ull 't IMMttrimilriMJl rSiatorU . a wtTv.ii 1 mail tinont tlio liiuht consultinir with hU collaborators, but tho idea refused to niatorinluHi, Woaiy with their f ruitlttM tall, tho thrvo artists steniKxl out on n Imlcouy to rct ami forgot their dtfcaiipolntiuent in a vlgarotte, "Voila! It Is tho dawn," wld one, "Chdl It in tho drwa," t'nwl Worth, wnl VDwu," with iU triiWlo hanno uW of gray and violet ami row nhot liiruiHca with gold, waa the succw i ot the IM1II.-K0W Yck Sun. ' mouth nhiit. viuiM ,. ... .,...-..- - ik) an rigucr Cliarlio (still Boiuicousclons) So would you. Kxchanip. Wliy II Luoka So Cruu. "Who la that cross looking old man in tho comvr't" asketl the fair visitor who was looking through Tte Plun gvroAice, ' ' "That," replied the editor, "lg the ...... nUj nitin uui B1UUI ULUU Jokgn. "Exchange, l(alsci . yrt CanrcH'n I jTrtr Live, . aro iimlly vkIiii.Ic in lyntiii i, ft..- ivltTnitltnclliNnnii.vmrcoii-li l li lhy alsocorrrct all cliSAnler or l. jirich. llmuUti tlio liter aii.l ii1'- 't.sela. vtco u uty oau rurr: IS luit f. hrv 1 (It? r u but at tJ 5, 4 IO thOM cmpltntt - tins sot rj O' Uwm tt floa omaBTwajiihat to do Kllhout Umko. 4WHE n tl. haiM rf tta m&iiir Hv tlui l4m U km n nul our ttn'ut taast. Our E-M ew it wMU oUm- An Mnt. (Un'i Lirw l.iTm r-Hxa are trrr mall anlTvrjrmtty tulako Oon or two Utit m&k d Tur ' H-Wtlr rcvtawaad do nfH rim or purww but f I heir MHt acka Wrturt U vho uv Itwau la ik at locvaM, J( tot flj rVM rrrwv arat by Butt. SsilMM U(l book store or news stand. 1 Called Rack. 8 Uad to lleau '4 MamerortbsMme. 5 Lova'a Martyr. 8 t'anoonteiibeii Malnchl. Z A KpotrorFortnae. TheMrtapan Affair. 9 A nv oiuan f Kacnnoa. 10 Karma. 11 A V.ar Deed; A 'rale t tho Ptasant'a War. 7 1 U A Home I'tk'ty. IS The Gray and the Blue. i AbuiE?i1'1 tei Ejfe' nd CtciVt fortune 15 A Hteel Mecklace. 17 Jru. 18 Hbe. 1 KlneBolomon'iMlaei. 20 Dark llaya. Ill Dmth or Dlibonor. . ie "n?,ThnB Needful. t Tbe Kvll Goniun. fa"?al0xr,r""-T,aeedjr ,n the Ruoda m aU,ofe"r' wrd Roeeher. 2? Allan Quar orma n. -2 onlyaFdrmer'aDaujhUr. . A,0"B'"nmal rrlp. 80 r'aotand Ianmo. SI AModeruDlrco. Si A Human lover. S fcrVarnMr T.r;J,tyl.,.n, Mr yo' SSuth. ; or' Nortb ,nl 40 A lluton'fo-a Heart. 41 Warrlaaaudl)lv roo. M TbiS.Hril.,,,,,P'r- A Jrlnr of tho Hlood. it Muna'a ubolM. M A We IntorMt, a sas "- Hh,rrr?MiDull?r,r0m8cotUndYr'1 M Tho lartnera. M Tb. Wr- nf Road, fg KltucorKna.o. ii A ll-i UhmJ Thing-. 61 ciVu "ua LouU pia HUiar'i Hero. M TbonucHhallOho.u. ' '-ly Hutlon'a Ward. W Tracklm tho Truth. i7A..,UaMkco. -i rr.r."- 87 Raleigh Rivera. 88 Jack Dudley' Wife. 9 TheMadrJoxei. 90 AitarnBrde. 19 Th" Queen'i Token. W TheCadleVGallerV. W The English man ol theRue Cain. ' IarTSoaKallurtT s Almeda. o? A?d",noU8oUnfa, Thre5eY3e.h0rAnne,Ujr' ,S .Y"rej'liie Leading Lady. 101 Cleopatra. Jm ThS3'en,,0,8bem. A,-'rooked Path. 104 Marooned m JSuldnt Atone. ?S T.ne.0?i0,nsof the Heart.1 U "r.eaAnr,'.hGOrSnf0rDr-Plem' 112 XfafeTw " ! fh.,A'r'ddWoood S I,BJrne Home. 12 Trovat. 1 licatrlce. """lit Uurand. vn ClolitorWendhuaen. 15 flOlutlonoflJoddJ K. .K,70!TrlnTty. m,ld- SS AS4r?.4.TAS:ttV THROUGH TICiiKIS To allpolnuin the Kantern htatei, CaniJJ auu curope can De ooutiriea at Kiwmvws irom . W. 6KIHNKK, Ageill, Bil! imf, nuuniio, akhv. u. f. una num., R. KOKHLKH, Manacor. The Yaquina Route, It And Oregon Development comrany'J ateaii hip line. 225 mllen shorter, W boun H time than by any other route, First m through nuBflnirflr onrt (relirlil line fit roriiaiid and all lolnw ln the WllUmcs vaiiey to and from an Kranclsoo. TJMK BOHfcDUUE, (Except BunrtayJ XiV Albanv l-rVIn ml t.v IVirvnllla 1 Ull Ar Yaaulna.0 p m 1.V Yaquina ...6:4' Lt Oorvallla. 10:35 am Ar Albahy 11.10 1 1 o. 4 O. trains connect at Albany anil I vallli. . The above trains connect at Yaquina will tkeUrrgon DoveJ pment Co.' line otiltw oetween Yaquina and bun rrnclco .,' ;" TaMengero fiom Portland ano i TTummeue valley points can mnkecloe s OeCtlOn With thM iKlninrthb Vunnlna K at Albany or Corvallis and If detllutd toh r rancisco should arrange to arrlvu at Yaqu. tbeevenlnar hAhirA ntnf euiii.iv tFMtenger and Fielght Raten alwarillj HUIiMAN ACo.. IrUiibt and llcket Mi ? SX.'IVi.' "' I'orllBUd. Or., or I O. O. HUOUK, Ao't Uen'l Ft i'ats. M r. tr Pii.".ctncK' (o.Conalll,Cil t. H. IIABWi.LI,. 1r. n. nM i.'iilit and I Pass. A gl. Ore Develi)iufntCoJ BW ilOlilVWll r From Termini! or Interior Points the Northern Pacific Railroad ii lithe line to tako To all Points East and Sooth. -iiif ,h dining car route, it runs throutb vestibule trains,' every day In the year 10 ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO !1V SI Hwuty. sure. ofQabrleUe, -vlng or Deaj. int:i t. II. t. a. .. Kalnr ilni.i W Uadaru'a Want u ite" ""loerton. " Da4Jrous 0Ujv, li TheJudgeT . wutnot S THS Ug,nt tu1 'lied. Ill jo..dwined. 14i llortenie. 14 Woo Winie Winkle J An Ideal lunatic. yyofKoiiyf' l!? Th,.lifdyw",0,n" ti Iur.ncs!.or'Ch,w- IM What's Ured loth oRone !ai i)l?,uorthCrosswJs. iii .".'rorflkUl, Th.MrV4tf iii A-ttantwol earth. Jl XbiMa4kTHl 12 -5JJBdMrB'r. (No change or ears.) uf dlaltigcars uitkurpasHed, room sittwre neasi fWTjPW ;oflatt4tciuinMOt TOURIST Sleeping Cars. Best that ran be constructed and In wblrh oocoinniodatitus are Loth Irea nnd lu nlshed for holders offlrst and second-clai tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. i f--rVTt Ions can tee in ttlCCtu buy agent M , Acoulluuoio line conceiting with all lino, aaordln direct and uninterrupted fttUmaa ah euro inadrn theroao. .Through (teketo to and from all oin ? Bwctoaa and Kurope tan be wjomaay Uekot oBloe oithU com- KbI) lafc-faMoo eoaeerniBg rates, Hut tSN!l9 eUtf detalU JuruUtiKl a mj. uiunuiu.il I fasoongar Agenl. ear. Waahlsgtosii Ho. ort- TlTlii' mm HHArY DOWNING, Agcatf - " n aioniin" ntfc2jj Be . ., ..i . Ii. na "" - - """rr-TsiisTisaii