Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, May 17, 1893, Image 1

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    '-- f-
VOL. 6.
WO. ti.
T'9SfT'i!rvmirw& ? vw-
" ' !--. ' '
Of buying goods on timo, from credit houses, and paying other people's debts by additional
largo profits is not a desirable, one, except to thosp who do not intend to pay their bite. If
you have the cash to ray for -what you want, got out of the old credit rut, and try tho spot
cash plan. You w.ll be surprised at tho percentage
Tb? N?u) York Racket
will save you, because they have no losses to account for and are satisfied with a smairprofit.
Cash from manufacturer to consumer is our plan.
. Our line consists of boots, shoes, hats, shirts, pants, window blinds, lace curtains, laces, em
broiders s, underwear, and a full line of notions. See some fo our bargains in table linens.
We invite an inspection of our stock, quality and prices.
E. T. BARNES, State Ins. Block.
ing Pace With
Have your business accounts kept
The Frcy Patent
Books that are worthy of the patronage and praise of tho Government Of
ficials of the State of Oregon, and the greater portion of the mercbautile men
of the State, are surely deserving of a trial by everyone.
Manufactured in Oregon ONLY by The Meston-Dygert Book Mfg. Co.,
Proprietors ot
Binders to the State of Oregon' Printers and Lithographers, Salem, Oregon.
500,000 TREES I
FALL. 1892. SPRING, 1893.
We would call the attention of dealers, and large and. small planters, to
our large and varied assortment of Fruit Trees, and Small Fruits,' Ornamental,
8bade, Nut and Evergreen trees. Our trees are clean, smooth, and first-class in
every respect. Send for catalogue and price list. Address,
Walling & Jarisch,
SMention this paper. Oswego, Oregon.
A. N. HALES, Proprietor. It. H. PRICE, Manager.
(Successor to It. R. Ryan.)
Livery, Feed and Boarding Stable. A full supply of Horses and Buggies
on band. Horses boarded by day, week or month. Office at-stable, corner of
Liberty and Ferry streets, East of Willamette hotel.
Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture. Long Experience in the trade
enables me to turn out first-class work. Samples of coverings. No trouble to
give estimates. State Insurance block, Chemeketa street
Los Angeles. California.
argaegepjpes xwi m
jIMM. Choice Meats.
the Times. - - -
In PERFEOT books, such are'
Flat Opening Books.
Spraying Oiifiils,
State Street.
Berkshire & Poland-China Figs a Specialty.
Fancy Poultry, All Varieties.
Eggs for Hatching.
Niles Pacific Coast Poultry and Stock, Illustra
ted, 60 cents by mail.
C. Cross,
Wfceleeale and Retail
Sealer la fresh. Salt aa4
Smoke Meats f allHIiitfs
OS Court and
110 Mate BtreetB.
Going to the Wo? Id's
Enquire About
The Limited Express trains of the Chi
cago, Milwaukee & 8t. Paul Railway
between St. Paul and Chicago and
Omauu and Chicago.
These trains ara vestlbueri. electrio
lighted and steam heated, with the fin
est Dining and Bleeping Car Service In
the world,
The Electrio reading light In each
berth is the successful novelty .of this
progressive age, and is highly appreciat
ed by all regular patrons of this line.
We wish others to know Its merits, as
the Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul Bail
way Is the ouly line in the west enjoy
ing the exclusive use of this patent.
For further information apply to
nearest coupon ticket agent, or address
C. J. Eddy; General Agent,
J. W. Casey, Trav. Pass. Agt.
225 Stark St., Portland, Or. tf
The partnership heretofore existing
between J. C. Robertson and F. 8. Bar
zee at Turner has been dlsolvcd by mu
tual consent. J. C. RoberUon will re
ceipt for all monies paid on account due
said firm and pay all outstanding
debts. 4-18-4W
i of (otnpcrance people a health
giving drink for the mosses.
Hires '
Not a harmful Ingredient In itt
make-up. Nothing but Uie pur
est extracts oi carefully selected
herbs, roots, barks and berries.
A i cent package makes Five
,aHonof a Dellciout, Strength
ening, BAarveiccnt Beverage.
Be eore and get Hlrae'
Dr. Powell Reeves & Co.,
Tho Old Reliable Specialists,
Lata ot New York Hoeptule. Oraduata with
High Honors. Twenty year xperlane
as Proteaeor, Lecturer, Author and
gDcclalUt in Cbromo uu
Coueh and
' Difficulty of
ly treated
to remedies
tests ana
Who Is one of nature's noblemen.
thoroughly devoted to hia profession
and ever reaay to aeip too snuoieu.
middle aged men. The awful eteoTyarfr la-rita-ratlon.
Droduelng waakneaa, LOST .MAN
HOOD, night emUelone, sxhaurtlnf drain.
. .-C...S...! tnmm f inrrrw. waakneaa of both
r-T : -w ifw
f il
1 J
jy 0 & I
body and brain, unfitting oae for study, bualnees
and aarriage, treated with oarer falling auessaa.
Oet cured and be a man.
trpbUltlo Ulnt, rbenmatlara, eruption, etc., of
elfklnde, blood pobon Jrora any cause whatoTar.
oured promptlyr lTlag Ue yte purs sad
kTdmet'amd drum y5&sas&
and all dltau ioI the bladder of both sexes.
catarrh ssssss&si
the bowel, etoroaob, etc.; dlauhoae, dratotery,
etc. Trouble of thU character rellered atoaeej
cure effected aeaoon as poeelola. mii.
nBIVITff dlae, gleet, gonorrhoea, erpbllls,
FIllATK hydrocele. Tarfocele. teodereM,
welling, weaktieea of organ, and pile, flrtula,
rupture, quickly cured without any pala or d-
lliTft iitr. fbooaand cured at fcowa by
eomaeosdeaee and medlelne sept '?
obiSrVrtSo. EBdote eau la stajaps tor
boekoa Sexual BesreUL Addrese,
Ntt LmW at 211 Oi'I St,Sil.
He and His Cabinet Say the
Law Is Dead.
Tkoy Await Ike rieagare ef tke
Pigtail Government
The Admlalaftratioa Hoped the Oeart
Would Mel the Geary Lw Un
coariittttleMl The Cabinet and the
Washington, May 17. The Chinese
queatlou occupied tho entire attention
of tho cabinet at its meeting yesterday.
Before the cabinet meeting Chief Jus
tice Fuller, who dissented from the de
cision of the supreme court, called at
the White House and bad a brief talk
with the president.
Subsequently the chief justice had an
iuterview with Secretary Gresbam. It
is understood the conclusion reached
by tbe cabinet was that tho law could
not be lnforced for tho reason that
there Is no money available for tbe
purpose. The aot only carries an ap
propriation of $100,000. Secretary Car
lisle ebowed that not more than (16,000
of the sum remained. It is estimated
It would cost to deport all the Chinese
now In tbe country, wbo havo not
complied with the law, moro than $6,
000,000. This statement exhibited what
one member of tbe cabinet called the
utter Inability of the government to
give any eilect to tho law without fur
ther action by congress. Under tue
circumstances it is understood nothing
could be done, and it Is said there Is
little, If any, probability of the federal
government making any immediate
effort to put tbe law Into eflect.
One of tbe prominent members of the
cabinet, who is regarded as a man of
great force, and Btrengtb or character,
made the broad assertion after tbe ses
sion was over tbat the law was nothing
short of a political scheme enacted for
political eilect (be said, In fact, some
thing about demagoguery), and inti
mated that there had been a general
hope among his associates that the
court would bold It to be unconstitu
tional, It Is assumed that In ordinary course
the supreme court, as soon as a major,
ity of the members determine tbe
phraseology of tbe decision It will be
transmitted to the Chinese minister to
be by him forwarded to his government.
This will necessarily delay and congress
will probably be again In session be
fore a reply can be made to the com
munication. It Is evident the administration Is
surprised by tbe decision and tbe situ
ation Is very perplexing. With the
constitutionality of the law settled, it Is
embarrassing not to be able to enforce
It, but in the absenoe of money for the
expense of deporting u me uninese
would simply accept the situation and
ooraply with the law it would simplify
matters, but tho Impression is tbat
most of tbem will not do this, but will
resist as long as possible.
As to the expense of enforcing tbe
law, It Is not by any means sure, that
if congress were in session tbe money
would bo appropriated. Tbe effect of
the decision is fur reaching and Involves
according to the views of many diplom
ats and naval ofllcers, the severance of
our diplomatic aud commercial relations
with the Chinese empire. They are
Arm In their belief tbat tbe Celestials
will retaliate against the United States.
Tbat this extreme view of the situation
is not regarded as altogether as an lm
probability Is evidenced by tbe fact
tbat tbe naval officials are considering
tbe question In connection with tbe re
organization of the American aquadron
in Chinese.
Oo the other hand, at the state de
partment rumors and surmises of Chi
nese retaliation are not given credence
to. Not even an Intimation bearing on
tb6 report that the Chinese government
intends to dejnirt American missionar
ies and all other citizens of this country
comes to the ears of the department of
ficials. The Impression Is quite gener
al tbat the administration will have to
allow the pitsent orders to the collec
tors not to make arrests to stand, A
final solution of tbe problem would
seem to devolve on congress and until
tbat body assembles It does not appear
tbe law can be enfored.
Secretary CarlUle received Many tel
egram today aektagfor suspeauleM tt
paratloM of the law for at least six
months. The beet opinion obtainable
on the subject itt the treiWMry depart
ment Is lust the law Is explicit on the
point, having set the 6th of May as the
last day on whloh registration could be
made and consequently It Is beyond
the power of eyen the prmldsnt to ex
tend this limit. Among the telegrams
received by Secretary Cail'sle was one
from the attorneys of the Chinese Six
Companies, whoasked for a suspension
of the law,
Cleveland Contemplating a Complete
Revolution la the Civil Bervice.
NRwYonK, May 17. The Bun says
Cleveland's experience with office
seekers has convinced him that tho
present method of appointment to of
fice through political Influence has be
come a scandal, and he Is revolving In
his mind a scheme to do away with it
entirely, by a complete reorganization
of the system, and that he will probab
ly recommend to congress tbe framing
ofalawfor a commission on appoint
ments, as far removed from political
Influence as the supremo court, to make
all appointments except foreign min
isters and certain high officials nearest
the executive, qualification for place
to be the only question in making
More Appointments.
Washington, May 16. The an
nouncement of the appointment of W.
H. Dimond to be superintendent of tbo
United States Mint, at Ban Franclsoo,
Is Incorrect. He is tbo present incum
bent and has tendered his resignation.
His successor was appointed this morn
ing, by tbe president, In the person of
John Leggatt, of California. Tbe presi
dent today appointed B. T. Hough, of
Ohio, solicitor of internal revenue.
Quiet at Hawaii.
Honolulu, May 17. Affairs politi
cal are still very quiet here, and cards
posted about tbe palace and state build
ings are tbe only sign tbat the govern
ment Is being conducted by force of
arms, Lorrln A. Thurston has accept
ed tho position of minister to Washing
ton. Radical annexationists are advo
cating tbe oxllo of tbe ex-queen, but It
is believed tbat as long as she remains
quiet no action will be taken. The big
Japanese cruiser, Nanlwa Kan, whloh
has been here several months, has been
recalled by the Japanese government.
Another Minneapolis Bank Falls.
Minneapolis, Minn., May 17. The
Citizens' bank suspended payment
this morning. A notlco on the door
says depositors will be paid in full.
The Citizens' Is one of tho smaller state
banks and has a capital of 125,000.
Tho deposits on May 4tb amounted to
Norway's Celebration.
Chioaoo, May 17. This is Norway's
day at tbe world's fair. Norwegians
came by thousands to celebrate the
dedication of tbe Norwegian building,
and commemorate the separation of
Norway from Denmark, this being the
anniversary of tbat event, and a boll,
day throughout Norway.
The Thomas Trouble.
GinrjAao, May 17. Tbe national
world's fair commission this afternoon
adopted the report of Its committee cal
ling for tbe resignation of musical dir
ector, Theodore Thomas
Mvwlfe cured of malaria
by SI
mens Liver Regulator. J. N. Tbomn-
son, pastor M. E. church,
.beign, jxeu.
Dr. Wbltaker preaohed at Alblus,
Sunday, May 14,
Miss Agnes Smith of South Dakota
was at chapel Monday with Mrs. Han-
L. B. Austin, a sophomore, went to
Woodburn Tuesday, and will soon go
to Minneapolis. He Is an exemplary
student and we are sorry to lose him.
Tbe general programs of commence
ment will be out next week. It prom
lues to be a most excellent one.
The preliminary oratorical content
held for the purpose of determining
who will represent the Willamette
university in the luter-colleglate orator
leal contest held Juno 2d, will, occur
ihla Wednesday evening. May 17, at S
n. m. Tbe contestants are Misses
Myrtle Marsh and Edith Krlzzell, and
Messrs J. It. Hume, J. W. Reynolds
and Floyd Field. Good muslo will be
furnished. Everybody welcome and
no admission fee charged.
Haudy for travellers Is Simmons Li
ver Regulator in powder. It eau be
carried in tbe pocket.
Levar, paper bangers, 97
Highest of all In Lcnvcnlnfj rower, latest tf, S Gov't Report
Terrible FMs in Wester
Railroftfl Traffic Suspended
Floods of Streams.
Cleveland, Ohio, May 17. A furi
ous storm raged hero sluoe Sunday
night and still prevails. Nearly 8
luchesof rain have fallen. Many un
completed bouses, sheds, and outbuild
ings are wrecked by the wind. The
Cuyahoga river la out of Its banks.
Groat quantities of lumber are being
oarrlod out Into tho lake. At noon
railroad traffic was completely suspend
ed. Trains are side tracked where they
are and unablo to move. Business is ni
a standstill. No hopes of relief till It
stops raining. Many miles of track aro
undor water.
Pennsylvania Floods.
Newcastle, Pa., May 17. A large
portion of Newcastle Is under water
eight feet and tho water Is still rising.
All boats in tbe city are being used to
rescue people from second stories. Fac
tories and mills are flooded. Several
planing mills aro washed away and a
number of houses moved from their
Sains and Floods.
PlTTsnufto, May 17. It has been
raining throughout Western Pennsyl
vania for tbo last forty-eight hours.
All streams are bank full. Disastrous
floods are foretold
Schooner Bonk.
Ashtabula, Ohky May 17. The
schooner Pelican sank at Pier last night
Peter Nelson, John Ertokson and John
McKnlght of tbe orew drowned.
Eastera Flood Accidents.
Banhsville, Ohio. May 17. This Is
the worst flood ever known in this sec
tion. Every residence on tbe lowlands
is inundated. Tbe water Is still rising.
Erie. Pa.. May 17. This section .of
tbe state is badly flooded. Buildings
and bridges are gone down by scores.
Many factories, etc., flooded. Tbe fire
department was kept out all night, res
cuing tbe people In tbe flooded districts
The waters are still rising.
Cleveland. Ohio. May 17. This
afternoon tbe life saving crew started
out to rescue two men in a skill, when
the life boat capsized and the entire
crew, except one, drowned.
Eight Fersoms Drowned.
Connkaut, O,, May 17, A dredge
and tug broke from tbe moorings this
raornlng,and was carried Into tbe lake,
where It capsized. Seven men and one
woman were drowned.
Tho following letters remaining iu
the Salem poetofflce May 10, 1803, un
called for. Those calling for them
please say "advertised"
Breyfngel S O
Bran non M
Call Carlos O
Ddvlso Elmo
Faith Geo D
iienry Nettl
Kruulz Juo 2
Rubby Wm
Reld J B
Smith Al
Taylor Ed
Willis V W
Baker Mrs A
Cox AH
Duvall Jas
Esgate Llttlo
Freuoh Jos
Harris Mrs Geo
Potter D L
Roberts Oscar J
Bblrley H
Turnbr & Co G H
Walker Will
Wankley Fratik
Wallace J uiiusu
Danger I
If you have a feeling ot opprtalon and un
eaalneiaa little aboTe tho diapbratfm, ami
lint below tn rlft-lit rib, muravuted by lyluif
oa the right aide, lookout! Anuia aafate,
your liver la aiaoraerea. foriupa noi aerioim
Jy M yet. but-UUl liepauo anseeaaea re n
uncommon, lloaletter'a Hujmwh HltUr U
thopreclae remedy to resuisle tbo liver, ami
prevent itaoonxMilun and liiflamullun, mid to
dUperae auch minor ludloaoMU deruuKD
menu a yellownM oflbe sklo and '.allot
the eye. furred Vugue, aournew. of the breutb,
canto on rlalnj iu the morning, dlialue..
elett. headaebe and eouttlpatlou. fly relating
Ibe bowel palnlKMly.lt open a channel or
Z..i . n,..iihuiuniii hii. rhMlK lend.u-
cy toooaeUoBBdssorgBinto ' ''
altbeeauio time giving am I ." '!,,1
listcereiive aetlos, aadaffitrd relief to Hie
atowaeh. waled U usually laactlre. out of or
eVandopwad will, wind wnea Ibe bowelr
areeeetlye; Uaethe WW aUo In fever aud
agae, rhetitBaUM sad kidney trouble.
What spectacle Is more dlscustlng
than that of a man or woman with a
skin disease which shows Itself in pint
pics or blotches on hands, arms, faee
and neck? It Is simply Impure blood.
See what firandreth's Pills did for
ohronlo case:
George Chapman, Plncenlng, Mica;;
r'For four years I was In tbe Mounted
Infantry Iu the U. 8. Army, residing
during tbat time principally in Texas.
Almost all or that time I bad a chronto
skin disease, characterized by an emo
tion over the entire surface of ray lege
and thighs, arms and chest. Tbe doe
tnra tnrmiul It in. T hail vlvain tin
:t; ..j "."T"; "rt2J
ail nones in ever uwiug curcu, wina
Branuroth'n Pills were recommended
to me. I concluded to try tbem, and X
havo thanked God dally since then that
I did so. I used them for about
three months, and by tbat time, was
completely cured and have never had
any troublo sluco."
A. B. George and Alvln George have".
Just finished putting up a telephone
connecting their residences, a distance
of about half a mile.
Jas. Adklns and family moved last
Friday up near Albany. .,'.
James Rutherford went last week to ;
try his luck in tho gold mines of eout
em Oregon. Jim lovea to prospect at
wo hopo his' most sanguine expeota-1
tlons may bo realized.
Wohadantco shower of rain Toes-j
day whloh was a great benefit to crops.
Shows are getting to be quite ft i
quent. There was a msglo lantern
show, at the school bouse Tuesday
night. t
Asahel Gardner has sold his team to
Mr. Dorln and has moved Into tb
house vacated by Mr. Adklns and'h
will do M. S, Norton's' chores for bin
this summer. Mr. Norten now has IS
or 18 cows to milk and be makes gUt
edge butter which he has engaged tft
parties in Portland for 80 cents per
pound the year round.
How She Became a Missionary.
"I'm doing missionary work a good
deal of the time' I was the reply of one
of the most charming women of New.
York, to a friend, who asked how sue
busied horself. "I see bv vour looks
youlwonder what I mean by that. I'll
ten vou. a rew years szo uie was
burden to me. I bad been a vlotim to
female weakness of tbe moat aggravateo
character for a long time, and tbe doe-
tors couldnot help me. Existence wm
a long, steady, terrible ' torture a Ho
o-erlnir .'llvlnsr death. One day I saw
Dr. Pierce's Favorite prescription ad
vertised in the newspaper. Something
In the advertisement impressed me lav
orably. I cauguc at tne glimmer oi
bona It held out as the drowning man
Is said to catch ata straw. Still, I did
dare to hone. But I trot the medloln.
aud behold the result! I feel so well, so
strong, and O, so thankful, tbat I go
about telling other women wnat eavea
me. In no otbor way can I so well
show my gratitude to God, and to tl
man who has nroved such a beriefaoh
of women, anq my love for my sufle
ing Blsterhood."
Wheat- 02o per bushel.
Oats 3540cper bushel.
Potatoes 6000o per bushel.
Flour 13.00 tier bbl.
Brau (Backed) tlB.00 per ton
Bhorts-(Saoked) 130.00 per toe,
Means, wiitte, iso per in. ,
ttariM lOo ner doses.
Chiokens 8 to. I0e per lb.
Chopped feed -(Basked) 130.00.
Ducks 12o ier lb,
Geese 7o per lb.
Turkeys lOe per lb.
Lard-12J16o per lb.
flutter l80o per pouud
Beef 7laJo dressed,
Veal 10 t12Jo, dressed.
Pork-712o dressed .
Wool-lo18a pt-r lb.
Hops 1416o per lb.
Wafer shaaldl
Ibe assisted tel
UireweaTiMsarf i
NethlHg dees Ml
a wall, so safatfl
....... , MU .... w,,.,...
OatfcaaaHaaSsyaaiiilial lSlfca
9mrt twaawf .. Mumwm,