Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, May 16, 1893, Image 4

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. -,-,, J
We re now prepared to ehow the newest, Urgent
and bosfc line of Summor'Drew GooM
m.ATN black: sateen.
Our Shoo Btock is still going at cost. All now goods and
good quality.
307 Commercial Street.
- if -
Ton are tain to JUulld or make any Unci of
traprorerasnt, call ou I ho undersigned lor
material. We bare a complete stock, and are
read to apply any prep.u ed contract, sewer
work, (radlai, etc.
Salem Improvement Co.
Portland, May 18. Baturdny,
fair, followed by ruin Saturday night.
Buuday oocaslotutl light rain; cooler
U. H. Wkatheh Bkuviok.
Not Tmcjiinak. County Btock hi
opeotnr W. L. Bltncrnl wan In tho city
today, and speaking of tho case of Hick
hogs reported by tilm last wluter, ho
Mid the itock In question bad recently
been Imported from the East, and pre
senled all tho symptoms of the fatal
dlseMO. Tbla be submitted to the state
veterinary, who now concludes that
the hogs must bavo had either trichina)
or rheumatlo fever, favoring the be
lief that It waa tbo latter. Tbey were
killed and burled,
mm -
Y. M. 0. A. At the regular monthly
butlness meeting of the Y. M. O. A.
last night twenty-four new members
were elected. There was n largo at
tendance of active members. Music
and strawberries and cream were the
order of the evening. Tho mnudolln
aud guitar duets by Messrs. Fred A.
ileaaober and Geo. F. ltoRers. were
loudly applauded. Tho evening was
enjoyed by all w'jo attended.
Houbk Bhbakkhh. Burglars wore
at the McCoy reslilenco on oust Capital
street, lastBaturday night. They mado
three visits, but always found someone
up, aud were unable to got In their
work. It Is believed thoy were the same
harps who went through tbo Kruuiwe
residence Sunday. Mr. McCoy's house
waa robbed of some valuables Just aye.w
ago. and he says a coroner's Inquest
would have suited him bettor this tlmo
so be sat up for them, but thoy were too
Piqsons AND PAt'Kit. Thoro arrived
over the Southern Pucltlo yesterday
from Portland 10,000 clay pigeons, con
signed to the Baleui Rod nud Gun club,
to be uacd In tbo state tournament,
which take place bore on tbo 27th,
Mtii aud 20th of Juno That fleet
little passenger steamer brought Tut;
JoUHNAti230 reams of prltt paper, two
and a half tous.
Firm Alauk. Shortly after 10
o'clock last night the old frame bouse
on the Hammer place, down the river,
waa burtaed. It Is thought to have been
the work of Incendiaries, Tho loss Is
small. 'The tiro department started to
the scene but was deceived as to the
distance and returned.
Phohatk, In estato of V. D. Patty
final aocount tiled, to be heard June
19th.... lu guardlaushlp Isenbart heirs,
order asked to sell Interest In real estate,
set for Juuo2d.
Rkxused Aid, Mrs. Mary Baliloy
applied today for assistance to live un
til aba can II ml work. Her husbamf
Sain the state prison from Umatilla
BcAU'8. Four coyote scalps y eater
day, five today aud two bear bchIjw, In
all easting the county (At.
Housekeeper should use ''Favorite"
Quite a shower today. "
Col. Jeff. Meyers Is In Portland.
Rev. Lee, of the South Salem M. E.
church, Is recovering from bis illness.
There Is one county prisoner and sev
eral city prisoners In the county Jail.
It rains awful easy In this valley
when It gets started.
L. M. Haines, tho Balom tailor de
parted for Germany this morning.
Ranker A. T. Gilbert Is at Portland
Mrs. D. L. Fleeter returned this
morning from a week's visit at Port
laud. W. A. Storey, of Portland, wbb In
tho city loduy.
Miss Carrie Moores returned this
morning from a short visit at Portland.
City Attornoy Cooko, of Bllvorton,
was in tho city today.
John Ulze, who was hurt yesterday
at tbo Woolen Mills, is doing well.
Mrs. t. B. Rcau returned this after;-
noon from Eugene,
Napoleon Davis was a passenger for
Portland ou the afternoon truln.
Archbishop Gross carao up from Port-
laud this nioi ulng, and Is tho guest of
Rev. Father White.
Miss Llnnlo Lewis, officer's seam
stress at tho Indian school, went to
Cliemuwa this uiorulug.
Remember the twenty day shoo sale
at the Columbia shoe store, 118 Btute
Daniel Whetstone, aged 20 years, was
today committed to tho asylum from
Jackson county.
Judge Duly, of Dallas, was In the city
today, cnrotito for Portland.
Miss Stella Reau, who has been the
guest of her brother, Judgo R. B. Dean,
left today for her homo In Lane county.
Norrls Rrown wont to Gervals this
ufteruooti on business.
Bupt. Fleming, of thostovo works, Is
In Portland.
Ed. F, Parkhurst, of the Salem Mo
tor company, lit In Bilvertcn.
F. P. Welch, who has a contract ou
tho stato normal school camo up f rum
Drain to spend Buuday, and returned
last evening.
Tho rubber trust has but recently
rrdered u thirty per cent advance lnall
rubber foot wear, says one Salem shoe
Circuit court In Polk county was very
dull. Farmers were too busy to even
attend as Jurors or witnesses. Law
bualtuwa Is getting very low.
The East Sitlciu school has prepared
n Memorial Day service.
Two boys have been received at the
state reform school from Coos eouuty
for burglary.
Carter, the Missouri murderer, has
wrlttuu a bok. Of course It Is highly
religious. It Is called "Twice Under
tho Gallows." What the people are
anxiously waiting for Is a surprise par
ty with Mr, Carter at one eudofthe
string or acquitted.
County BuKrlnteudont Graham Is
visiting schools In tho Bouth end of the
Tho blankets given away nt the
Woolen Mill storo resulted In coupon
number 081, this ticket being held by
T, C. King, of the Wallace fruit farm.
Washington Pambrum, a convict
from Umatilla county stitterlng from
consumption, has been pardoned.
Oon. Odell la home front a visit to
his sick brother, Dr. T. W. Odell, near
Dayton, He left him improving.
Johu R- Mills for some time ou tho
local force of the Btatesmau, a faithful
newspaper rustler, Is ott fur a visit to
his parents lu 'Illlamook county, J.
M, Lawrence of the Oregou City Era
terprUe succeed hlut.
Both bodies showed a bullet hole la
tkto head. It U imppand Rohl shot
Palllster and thenautolded.
CapU aud Mrs. J. Q. Marnsa ar In
Kn(fne vUltlug Ihwr daughter, and
will aka visit the grand lodge,
(Hawaa A Lew, wall paper, 97 Stat.
A Beautiful "Olty of the Dead'' oa
the Hills Above Salem and
the River.
Although of itself distasteful to many
people, a public cemetery can often bo
mado an attractive adjunct (o any city.
This Is what Is being undertaken by a
company of enterprising Batem busi
ness men, who aro looking after the
beauty as well an the buslnecs interests
of tho capital city. Wo refer to the
City View Cemetery association, re
cently organized aud incorporated in
our city, by such substantial citizens as
E. C. Cross, W. II. Holmes, and J. P.
Frlzzell. About forty others bavo ee
cired Interests, and on the whole thin
can be looked upon as a solid and al
ready prosperous organization.
The 22 acres lying south and west of
tbo Odd Fellows1 cemetery bos been
purchased and dedicated for this pur
pose. It is a high and sightly piece of
ground overlooking tho entire city, as
well as thebandsome Polk county bills,
Including tho valley beyond, and the
Coast Range in tbo far distance. This
beautiful spot is reached by a winding
road leading west at tbe south corner
of the' I. O. O. F. cemetery. It Is easy
of access, aud tbe Improvements about
to be made aro of such a nature that
for attractiveness "City View" will
rank with any cemetery in the state.
Drives and walks In the most conven
ient form are being laid out, and will
lie graveled. Water mains and hyd
rants will be introduced for tbe conven
ience of patrons wishing to Introduce
llowere aud plants. Rare trees and
shrubbery will be put out In abundance.
In the center a circular half-acre lot
lias been purchased by
from and about which all tbe streets
aqd walks will radiate and turn.
It Is tho purpose of the projectors to
conduct the affairs of the new cemetery
upon tho well known and popular plan
pursued by those having charge of tbe
Rlvervlew cemetery, at Portland, one
of tbe best piemen ts of which system,
Is the creation and maintenance of a
sinking fund which accrues entirely to
tbe use and benefit ot tbe subsequent
owners of tbo property (those buying
and holding lots lu same.) In the cose
hero at home, 25 per cent, of tbemouey
turned In for lots in tho "City View"
cemetery, will be devoted to tbo estab
lishment of such a fund, and a careful
estimate of the probabilities, Indicates
that by tbe time tho entire property Is
sold, this fund, Independent of accruing
Interest, should amount to $20,000,
This advantage, coupled with the
further wholesome provision that the
property owners themselves elect their
own ofllcers, and direct the admiuis
tratlou of tho cemetery's aflairs, Is of
vital and valuable Importance to those
who become investors in this new
On tho whole this project muBt meet
with the approbation of all thinking
meu, as It not only adds a new business
enterprise, but also a new and desirable
attraction to our city. Cemetery prop
erty must surely prove a good Invest
uiont, for we are all certain to get there
sooner or later, and to know that it will
be an attractive place can bo no small
consolation to all who Journey thither.
Hawks & Levtir, paper hungers, 07
I. O. O. F. Baleui is represented at
tho grand lodgo at Eugene by the fol
lowing members. Hon. and Mrs. J. G.
Wright, T. O. Barker, Dr. and Mrs. W.
l Williamson, District Attorney aud
Mrs, A. O. Coudlt, Judge Walton. Hon.
Phil. Metchan aud daughter Amelia,
Judgo and Mrs. Geo. H. Burnett, 11.
A. Thomas, Phil. K. Fretz, J. T. Gregg
aud H. A. JoIiobou, Jr.
Examination ok Tbauukiis. The
regular quarterly oxomiuailou of teach
ers resulted as follews: Fiyo were suc
cessful iu obtaining first grade certifi
cates, eleven passed second grade,
twenty-six third grade, aud sixteen
failed to get certificates.
Hawks & Levar, paper haugers, 07
A Shannon Filinq Cask given
away to every business mun who pur
chases goods to the amount of 10 cents
or over this Is a boualbJo oiler, no fake
or snap. We are simply overstocked
ou these goods and wish to dispose of
them, F. 8. Dearborn, stationer.
Musical. A musical entertalumeut
of u novel and IntewtluR character
will be given at the First Presbyterian
church, ou Friday, the 19th Inst. Ad-
uiUslonitf ceuts. Further particulars!
will be duly announced,
Danck at Maclkay. On Friday
evenlug, May 20lh., there will boa
dauco given by tbe youug men at
Macleayaud vicinity. Tho Bllvertou
orchestra will play, Invitations have
been hwued to about one-hundred ami
Get TitK llwr.-The Is no doubt but
that economy will be found lu buying
only the very best of flavoring extracts.
Buck are priew at J, A. Yau Eaton's
' i
NaixiWou Davis baa Ml ted un a utee1
la tke Burke bloek for bU private
Kalea Relating Entries nd Award
lag Premltuns
At the annual meeting of Horse
Breeders association of tho Willamette
Valley held at Balem, May 0th, resolu
tions were adopted as follows. All colts
exhibited at this show must be entered
with the secretary as followi.
Class 1, Colts sired by thoroughbred
Class 2, Colls sired by slondard bred
Class 3, Colls sired by Oregon bred
stallions of all work.
Clues 4, Colts sired by Percheron stal
lions. '
Class 6, Colts sired by English shire
Class 0, Colts sired by Clydesdale
Class 7, Colts sired by French and
English coach and Cleveland Boy stal
lions. Closa8, Colts sired by Grade Draft
This show consists of suckling colts
sires and dams only.
No charges made for entrance. Colta
not entered are not considered In the
The entry books will be opened at 8
a. m.and closed at 12 o'clock on tbe
day of the show, at tbe office In Mlnto's
barn. Anyone wishing to enter by
Direct to W. L. Slmeral, Salem, sec
retary, in care of Jap Minto.
Pardoned. The governor today is
ued pardons for the following prison prisen
ers: Jas. McGuIre, and D. W. Moore,
Cbas. Pierce, of Multnomah county,
Frank Bradburn. of Umatlllr, restored
to citizenship. Sam. S. Horu.sentenccd
lu 1800 to serve ten years for rape from
Portland; Cbas. T. Mlchels, sentenced
five years for manslaughter, from Clat
sop. -V
"Favorite" Hour is the best.
"Don't Fokuet It." The regular
weekly meeting of the Salem Prohibi
tion club, will bo held tonight at 8
o'clock, at the W. C. T. U. hall, Rev.
C.R. Kellerman, of tbe First M. E.
church, will deliver an address, and an
Interesting aud Instructive, time Is
promised. Let everybody come.
Grand Encampment. Tbe Indian
War Veterans of Oregon will meet at
Salem on June 10 h next, in annual en
campment. Grand Commander T. C,
Bbaw has issue the call, and tbo com'
mittee will make up a program in due
Hawks fe Levar, paper bangers, 07
Carpet Bale Continued all tbU
week at Willis Bros. fe Co. Bpeclal low
prices on carpets, oiioloths und mat'
tings. 6-15-3t
I. O. O. F. Encampment. The
Golden Rule encampment, I. O. O. F.,
of Portland has filed articles cf incor
Salem, May 15th 1603.
On motion, C. Llnkenback was ad
mitted upou certificate from the su
preme court of the state of Indiana to
practice In all the courts of this state.
Balkm, May 10, 1603.
Tbe court will examine applicants
for admission to the bar in tbe supreme
court room at tho state bouse Tuesday
12 o'clock m. June Otb, 1803.
"Brace Up"
Is a tantalizing admonition to those
wuo at this seasou feel all tired out,
weak, without appetite and discouraged
But tho way In which Hood's Sarsa par-
Ilia builds up the tired frame and gives
a good appetite, is reauy wouueriui.
So we say, "Tako Hood's und it will
brace you up."
For a general family cathartic we
confidently recommend Hood s Pills.
Hawks& Levar, wall paper, 07 State.
366 Summer Street Market.
Beef cuts 5 to 12 cents.
All kinds of fresh meat as low as any
In the city. Free delivery.
6-15-1 w Miller AGkuiou.
Will bo found an exeelle nt remedy for n'ck
hed.ioh. t-Hrtrr' l.tltlol.lver t'lllu. 1 lions-
aads of letters from profile vrho bave ul
lueiuprotainuiicL irymm.
Ifalek htaduchelt niUerr. what are Carter
Utile Llvrr l'llli t tber tUveiy cure It?
IVoplewbo have utcd them pek frank y of
tneir wort a. -jueyaie email uau eay 10 una.
Ifvou once trv Curler! IJltle Liver 1'IIU for
lick hntdxrhe. btllloimi'a or eonitlnttlon.
uu will never be without Item. Tbey are
purely vegetable, email and rtuy to tnko.1
w . .. m. ...a...
Tfc Mly rw Ct ef TarUr rowOcr.-No Ammonia- No Alms.
Vmi k MilUoM ff Hw4o Years the Standard
Miss Ollle Robertson went to Albnny
Grace Savage Is homo from Balem.
W. H. Hobson petit most of last
week in Portland.
Miss Tempest Duulvln wasqullolll
last week.
Arthur Wyatt and wife was in town
last Wednesday.
Mrs. A. T. Brown Is julto 111 at her
homo near town.
Miss Josle Batsley of Salem, was
visiting her mother last week,
The Misses Hoflman were tho guests
of Miss Susie Kerns Saturday and feat
u relay night.
Mrs. Dr. Kitchens returned from Al
bany Thursday, where she lias been
visiting relatives and friends for the
last week.
Rev. Waldrop, of Portland, occupied
the pulpit Sunday and Sunday night,
it tbe Baptist church.
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell, of Lyons,
were In town Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Abner Gardner were In
Salem Friday.
Miss Roslo Burson is homo from
Washington, where she has been living
with her sister for the past year.
Tbe drama, Rose do Renl, took place
at the opera house a week ago Friday.
H. H. Rnbluson, ono ot tbe employes
of tbe Southern Pacific general office,
spent Sunday In town, visiting friends.
Mrs. Hughes, of Redwood City, Cal.,
who has been the guest of Mrs. Lee
Brown, fur tho past two months, left
for her home Saturday morning.
An amateur troupe from Sublimity
will play at the Stayton opera house
next Wednesday night.
Mr, Kerns returned from the gold
mines down iu Southern Oregon, last
week. He brought back several gold
nuggets, and reports many rich finds.
A very pleasant surprise party was
tendered George Brown, at his borne
on Second street, the occasion being
bis 23d birthday. Games and music
being the principal amusements of the
evening, which were indulged in until
11 o'clock when all took their depart
ure, wishing Mr. Brown many more
such happy birthdays.
. One of the most pleasant affairs of
the season, was the marriage of David
Wyatt, sou of Dr. Wyatt, of Lyonp,
and Miss Minnie Bulsley, of this place,
which was solemnized on Wednesday,
May 10, 1803, at the residence of tbe
bride's parents, at high noon. The par
lor was beautifully decorated with cut
flowers, and the bridal partv entered to
tbe sweet strains of a wedding march
Rev. Roork, of Salem, performed tbe
ceremony in a beuutiful and impres
sive manner. After the usual congrat
ulatioos of the relatives aud friends,
an elegant repast was served to tbe
fifteen or twenty invited guests, who
were present.
Tho parents of the bride have been
residents of this city for the past two
years, and are highly esteemed. Mr,
Balsley is in the mercantile business in
Btayton. The happy couple left for
Lyons, their future home, Thursday
Tbe bride is a very charming and
beautiful youug girl, loved by all wbo
know her. The groom was formerly of
Balem, but at preseut is running a bop
farm up near Lyons, with a thriving
business, execellent morals, aud well
worthy of tlio prize he has won.
To this youug couple, who have
launched their boat on tbe sea of matri
monial bliss, wo wish them bon voyage.
For Sale.
Good team, wagon and harness
Also 4-year-old filly, well broke single
or double, flue driver. Apply to M.
C. Cone,8impson's additlon,25th street.
Address Balem. 5-4 -lm
"Favorite" flour ts a true favorite.
Danger I
II you have a reeling ot oppression and un
easlneua little above tho dmnhnn-m .nri
Jutt below the rleht ribs, m-fruvatoii in- i-in
oume risui ime, loon out! Aituie as fate,
your liver uisorntrea. l'ei haps not lerlom
ly n yet, but fatal lifpullo miregea re n t
hmi....(..uu, Minnicr cvuiuacti itinera lg
theprtcUe remedy In regulate tbe liver, and
dlperse such minor India nor It demure-
... V,.-.H o u. ... ..iu iuu mini
the eye, ru ted t"UKue, sourness or the (Heath,
nausea on rUIng iu the morning. dliilnes.
ijck headache and mnatlpatlon. By rclaxlue
i. ,b "!?.U ldn'ly.K opeus a channel or
exit ror theuierrtious bile, ihrcsa lend n
cy to conception nd engorgement or th liver,
at Ibe same time zIvIhrh euntle Impetus io
......"." "uu "" '" re'ieiioine
.-, --.hi. M-u.ig iuuluic .tuioior-
der and orpre-sed with wlud wpen i he bowels
-..., .r, u .us iiiurni hwo in (everand
sue, rheumatUm ana kidney trouble.
With my new spring
suit, just from the
I1T 1 1 f'll Pi l
Woolen Mill w.
All Wool Home Made
Deleoates. The governor today
appointed the following named dele
gates to attend the anti-trust conven
tion at Chicago, June 5th and Gth: J.
B. Eddy, E. M. Waite, J. G. Lewis, J.
J. Daly.
Try "Favorite" Hour.
H. J. Day, Eugene.
J. M. Baker, Junction.
A. R. Rutherford, Hurrlsburg.
Jos. Jacobson and assistant, N. Y.
G. W. Carlisle, Atbena.
A. A. Duck, W. H. Hart, R. M.
Wilder and wife, Portland.
Wm, Jackson, Hoxie, Kan.
Baby cried,
Mother sighed,
Doctor prescribed : Castoria
Hawks & Levar, wall paper, 07 State.
PENl'ON.-Ou Buturday, May 13,
1803, to the wife of Robert L. Penton,
a daughter.
At last a medical work that tells the ceases,
deicrlbes the effects, points tiie remedy. Tlili
Is scisntlflcally tbe most valuable, artistically
Itaa most beautiful, medical book that bss ap
peared for yearn M pages, every page bearing
a half tone Illustration In tints. Some of the
subjects treated are Nervous Debility, tmno.
tency, sterility. Development, Varicocele, The M
uusoana, i nose intending carriage, ete. H
AVery Iran who vvuU tnme the Grand Truth; H
tht riatn fHrti. the Old S4crttt and Ktic DU- U
wrenri jaeairai .virnre a appitta to Bar
ritd Life, who would atone for part MUtt
""'ytdfutunpUralU.Bhould tcrltl for Wits
It wilt be sent free, under seal, while the edi
tion lasts. If convenient encloso ten cents to
pay postage alone. Address the publishers,
FURNIHUED ROOMH.-A few desirable
Rooms, with or wit hout board, near busl
nesa centre Call at 83i Water stre-t. 6-Mi
FOR 8 ALL A very nicely located lot. with
house, on Mill afreet south of Willamette
unlvoilty. Kor terms aud particular, pleaae
'nquPe at this office. 4-loo-Im
mUIS I PAPER Is kepton file at E. O. Date's
Exchange. 8an .Franchvo. California, where
comrao-j ior advertising can be made for It.
"- uJJultB.ol7J.,ron and a11 k'na ot metals
a jo hides, at old Uoart Uoute, Halem. '
'"y 1. TOLPOLAR.
CMWTIAN ,-CIENOE-Uterature of all
klads on sale at 826 Liberty street. 4-6-ly
Meat Market.
Fresh and Bait meats of the best quality.
Poultry and stock. Free delivery.
Money to Loan.
1tflTit tvtll M tmaa, I -s.
farm property by the uu -provea cay or
For terms, etc., apply to
Attorney at law. over Bush's Banlr.SiVm: Or.
"" continue our Carpet Bale one weak lom
ffia.JUnffiUyat,h0 " PrCTh
!! MrtTCiLe "ue
Loan Wanted.
I want to get a loan of (1700 or sell an
Intnrpat. In nr nil nf thn T?el Rlor Xtlll
am! antae nnarnr. arlth frnm 91 tnAIDi
acres of land, joining tbe town of Turn
er, ah communications answered
with promptitude and dlspatcb.
Address, J. C. Robertson, .
4-27-1 w Turner. Or.
WUtfs ffUEHti
If used by Wlvej
about to experience
the painful ordeal
attomlant upon
Child-birth, protei
an In fallible sued
lo for, anil oblatet
" the tortures of con-
'ilnemcnt, lessening
rtbedangers thereof
to both mother and
LSoM by ill diurrtitt
Sent bv exnress. cnirrM
" J prepAld, on recclptoi
a- MM price, ft 50 per bottle.
JL AT book "To MothcM
f S mailed free.
We Are Opening
A New Line of
Bee the Latest In
Patton Bros.,
Booksellers and Stationers
Favorite Entertainer,
Character Impersonator.
Asslted by home talent in a musical profrsffl
nr nanpolnl lnt.r.at
Friday, May 19th, University chapel. A4
mUslnn fiOcentn. t blidren 25 cents. Ticket!
on tale at the book stores.
Farm for Sale or Trade.
On easy terms, four miles east of Mubllmttr,
containing 147 acree; will trade for propertf
In or near rtalera. r. q. DOVE.
lt-dw Hublliiilty.Of;
1 1 p. m. Curs leave Hotel and
Postofiice daily for Asylum.
Penitentiary and Cemetery oaj
Capital City Railway.
ingwiih Overland (rain, n
Pilld lauva II.4.I .......... OA
"-" aunvv 11UIC1 CTHJ -
minutes from C:0 a. m. H
1. iu. for all points on the Hues
n cphi inn-sV.t.i.fW ,.,..-!-,. Tiikl
effte meet Passcnjier Trains.
longer to give .11 n patrons a J
le will poaluvely clo-w um