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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1893)
WW wy ,T ' fW? itVjilit iVi ii miM fcU &. "' J: ftl f m r,""'"tjr:er-fl ifOtftftttLW OAlULOPAIi J0&&A;jU djtTJJBAr iCAT) 10 atftHJ. i r 'a LMIRA HATCH. HEAJKt DlSEASE-20 YEARS. Jr. MliHittttUot C., Xlkhart, Xnrf. Dim Simi Par 20 rani wu troubled with neart disease, .Would frequently' havA-Calllng ,nnu uuu rwutuonan rnt- uiaiiti istmA iv nain gat out of b4 to bTMthfT I mid In far left) nmtnawci master laftmei at is i wmi .. dropstral. I was Terr nervous and nearly '.worn out. iub lean ezcuesBeai naaia wuu iw h THOUSANDS with fluttering. . For the last fifteen t laint. I wu tin ranch troubled i flattering, For the lMt fifteen years I could not sleep on my letted orback until began taking Tour ITm Mtart Our. I hid not taken It Terr long until I felt mob bttr, and I can now deep on either ilde or bock without the lean dlscom tort. I bate no pain, smothering, dropsyi no wind on stomach or othor dltagreeable symptoms. I am able to do all' mr own housework without any trouble and consider myssir cured. Klkhart, lnd.. 1888. . 11m. Euru Hatch. It Is now four Tear Unce I hare taken any medicine. Am In better health than I hare been in 40 Tear. I honestly be m . - . . Here that Dr. JaTiio' JT, CURED UXirl Cure saved my life Mw TKmW and made mo a well woman. I am now 92 yean of ace, and am able to do a good day's work. lUrttthrWM, y. Mai. EUtrtA ILvTCH. OLB ON JITIVK alAMANTM. TRY DR. RILES' P ILLS", 50 DOSES 25 CT8. Colli by t). J. Pryj dmitidHN Bnlimt Are You Everv Tired? Do you ever tlilni yoiir sklti needs a rrst 7 It certainly doei, Ifrieeds'a tonic to tone It iipjust Uke'a rnndbwn'Hy.stein, LOLA M.0NTEZ 'OREMBO The Skin Foodnnil Tlssur-ISullaer. Is a food for the skin It makes the skin flrraand preserves Its o astlclty, tbui pre venting wrinkles. iou cunnot irecaje or tan with the creme on j our luce.. No toll et tab e la complete wnnoui it. une pot (75 cenlsj 'ast tti ee month-, used dallv. IllstheONLYriKIN FOOD on th'i mark et. BEWARK iK WORTHLESS Till TA1 It)NH and accept n. i substitute. Him&M fttwutUf, ft lufta MRS. NETTIE HARRISON, , America's Beauty Doctor, 6 Geary St., Haa Francisco, Cal For sale by PHKD ?LEGG, UrUgglst, Fatton Block, Salem, Oregon. Foe any special or complicated blemish of the face and form, write to MKM. NETTIE iiAtiKIHON, 2H GearySt.. San Francisco. Huperfluous hulr permanently removed. Steamer Blwoot. LEAVES SALEM from U. 1. Dock al a'o'clook a. mjevery-Wednesday and Hat ur Jay. LEAVES PORTLAND irom the Central dock at foot of Washington street every Bunday'and Thursday. LEAVES SALEM for Albany every Monday and .Tuesday, re turning f am day, .iwmm concerning freight and passenger business, call on the agent, ALHKUUrN, Bargains ii Land. II. W. Smith, postmater ol Lewlsvllle, and W.H. Murphy, of Salem, have for sale nbon 2.0U0 acres of good farming and stdok. land .in tho Lucklamutft eountrv In folk .county, l'rlccs range ffom 18 to fffO per acre. All good property, ut:d on the market for the first time, ureal Bargains, Call on or address the above. aw 3-16-tl CflflS. WOLZ,. Proprietor of the GERMAN :-: MARKET South Commercial Ht., Balera. All kinds Fresh, otlt and Bmoked MeaU and Bausoces. FREE DELIVERY. DR. iUNN'S ONION SYRUP FOB COUGHS COLDS AND CROUP. GRANDMOTHER'S'ADVICE .initio. Mow ay . 5 bVon-i loaton Bjrap. wSloh U aJrjjdr P" nit mor plent to tho uit. aMeranrwhtr. lirbottJeOcnU. Take Be ataW-M for It. " Hold by DackfU A VnnHl.vpe. SYPHILIS! A New Remedy A tnn Spd& a poiUi and pnuuit eUmlaition of all poiion from the blood, aad a mtoruian of bealuy vigor to uwtluiuomdlo'itiBroiferth6iuum In a remedy bjd h bo uodossiac tb bmm print uperuncaii for th jatt lire rer. It b".npt y faM. aed k w not OflTat u U a Triie -SiMwIno faS-ybJticpeboaaiidallUooddlirim, Dayoub BUt Stnd far MiankuUri and proof kf. Stop Olias row yM rr and f;Pob? TWi rooty wffl can you m y o &. 4tko U3. IMsMe --.V Ft !WKr&y ryiiii Ta trtiarwiaa erur main - Mb MOFFAT CkMICALCO.f 17 ruu itewat VwriJaW, o. uftA83HOPPEn9 m 6HIWA. So ttntneron Tlmt floldler flare lieeri ON (lercd OUt o IIrIiI Kiera. foio great jpr6vlnco of Kfrttftj-feoo Is be ing devastated by locusts Coiisul Jones tit Chln-Kiang, eends tho etftto depart bent an ncdotint of the ctiHoud efforts Vandojbytlioafilldtdti Ae6tldfl9 to dispel tho scourge. Bomo of tho uicthods ro cortod to aro as striking as the sugges tions offered to tho Kansas peoplo when they Wero Buffering: from a similar1 visi tation somo years ago. "I know of few sights," writes tho consul "moro extraordinary than a swarm engaged in pairing, Tho air is filled with clonds of locusts drifting; circling crossing and recrossing, with a faint, whirring noise, and sottling on tho ground in thousands of couples. Tho ground is carpeted thickly with thorn. Yon cannot make a step without crunch iig heaps of thorn under your feet, whilo thousands moro start up in pattering volloys against your legs, hands and face.? v Thegga are deposited in holes drilled Jby.tho.femalo on. inch or moro deep in tho ground The timo required for hatching depends entirely on the tem perature. In very hot weather tho now brood begins' to mako its appearanco at the end of a week. At this stage they aro very small, black and asl active -as fleas, making extraordinary bounds by means of their muscular hind legs. At a little distance they suggest' tho idea of a swarm of black ants seized with sudden insanity. In shape they are ex act copies of their parents, Save for tho wings. Thoy are greedy feeders and grow rapidly. By the eighth' or ninth day wings havebuddedand th'o color be gins to change, yellow spots appearing, and in about threo weeks or1 a month they aro full grown. Tho destruction by snitablo measures of this formidable pest, involving as it does the prevention cf famine, fever epi demics and riots, is a matter of grave public concern. One constantly hears of mandarins losing their buttons and being disgraced as the penalty'of remiss ness or failure to destroy tho enemy. Consul Jones says tho Chinese consid er that tho visitation of the loensts is a "calamity from heaven', and that thero is no holpfor it." Chinese records chron icle many instances of the appearance and the calamities inflicted 'by the lo custs in former times, but they have no peculiarly effective methods df destroy ing them. The government usually is sues proclamations ordering out the sol diers and encouraging the farmers to destroy them. Tho latter are given a bounty for their destruction. The soldiers are used against the lo custs, with their officers at their head, afl'against an adverse army in tho field.' Instead of a gun or a lance; however, each 'soldier is armed with a coarse hemp en bag, attached to a bamboo pole, which, with wide open mouth, is -.waved back and forth among tb,o swarms until filled; when they are killed, and the action re newed. "In this section of the province," writes ' Mr. Jones, "tho army has taken tho field,, and the district magistrate has taken np his quarters in the country Where tho lo custs aro thickest to overlook the work of destruction and to pay tho farmers tho bounty. "The farmers use large brooms made of bamboo twigs and other bushes, and each armed with this weapon 'goes forth to slaughter. When killed and collected, they ore paid for by weight, which is at tho rate of 40 cash, or 4 cents, per pound. Tho locusts' eggs aro dug up and paid for on a similar scale." Washington Letter. Queer Things at the World's Fair. f!prtjiinlv the nromoters of the Chica go World's fair deserve some credit for the thoroughness with which they are nnrrvinrr nnt their oriirinal concention. It was proposed, wo believo, to make an exhibition of every phase or human life, of everything that could be created by tho hands of man, of every possible art and industry,, both ancient and modem. It was not possiblo to bring over to AmpHcft.tlin nvramids or. Windsor cas tle, or We havo no doubt the exhibition committee would havo done bo. As it is, they" were fain to conteutr themselvei with models of tho original buildings. Rnt in tha ease of moro nortablo ob jects their ambition has had freo scope, and they seemea to nave tairiy ransacKeo. the whole habitable globe in search of specimens of human enterprise and in genuity. To such lengths have they car ripd nnt their scheme that thev havo -now Included in their list of exhibits all tho procurable paraphernalia of tho burglar and tho criminal and havo issued a no tion to English camekeeners and land owners inviting them to supply tho ex hibition with any tools anu implements of , tho poacher's trade that they may have in their possession. London Spectator. v A Lutheran German Church. German residents in Paris who belong to tho Augsburg confession aro to have a handsome now church, it u esiunaiea tlmt nnt nf the 40.000 Teutons in the French capital 25,000 follow the Augs burg rites. Thero is at present a German Evangelical church In the Rue Chancbat, and also threo smaller places, where di vine worship is held under difficulties. Tho bow church' will therefore be a great boon to those for whose spiritual needs it b intended, and Pastor Frislns, who has initiated i tho undertaking, de serrts the support and sympathy of all his fellow countrymen in rans lor ms ex- forts. TTa haa conn to Berlin and has seen not only tho head of the Augsburg consis tory, but has been received iy me emper or, who has given him 2,000 marks to ward tho funds for the construction of the seeded edifice; Nearly all the Ger man princB Catholic as wen as rroi eefcaat have test subscriptions to tho good work. Pari Cor. London T Vonll tot Mmuniotti Reptile, Tlmt filntnhicllli f ossil discovered oh tho banks of Montezuma creek in Colorado Is not a myth, Tho work of excavation is now going on under tho direction, of nn agent of Yalo college which has bo cured tho remains. Tho feptild(foreo it is clawed), Judging from its tertobrto, ribs, etc., must havo been at least 100 feet long, Tho ribs measure 18 Inches in width, Tho bones aro imbedded itt n hillside of course sandstone and distrilt utod over tt space of .000 feet. Cmu of them havo been taken but weighing a few .pounds and others hundreds of pounds, Professor O. 0. Marsh of Yalo Writes as follows! "Ifanywhoro near1 as largo as repre sented, tho animal is probably ft dinosaur from tho jurassio, perhaps similar to the ono I named atlantosaurus, which was found near Morrison in your Btato. Other specimons noarly allied havo been found near Canon City in tho samo for mation. Othor Very largo reptiles havo been found in tho cretaceous, especially in Colorado and Wyoming, but nono is known from tho carboniferous. I havo myself nevor been in tho iinmediato re gion where this Hew fossil is 'said to have been found, but tho jurassio is well do volopod oast and north of there, making it probable that it may oxist in, tho lo cality named.' Colorado Sun. Chicago Host and' Hostesses, Tho etiquette of Chicago 'hostesses tho coming sumnior is, it seemspresenting itself to somo of them. Said one tho other day: ".My houso is to bo filled al most from May to November. I havo 'madb dates,' as tho theatrical men say. for weeks ahead, and there aro cnou'jh more of i incidental guests to fill in tho few unoccupied weeks. And now I pro pose to lot them understand that it is going to bo out of the question for mo to guide them about tho fair: As I am able arid feel the desire I shall go, but to act as perpetual cicerone I cannot," and certainly, it may be added, no sensible visitor will expect it. A word might be added on the visitor's side. Don't, as hostesses, ask of them the same qualities of responsive enter tainment that would bo expected under other.circumstances. Days of such com plex and absorbing sightseeing as the fair will offer will prove fatiguing to ex haustion to many persons, and rest and relief from "company pitch" will bo im perative. New York Times. Prloesiof Easter Flowers In Mew York. Never since New York first became a city has the flower mania broken' out bo virulently as this year. Tho florists say that while no season can vie; with Easter in tho number of flowers used the floral i observance of tho season was more gen eral this year than for many past years. Their sales during' holy week are said to have reached $500,000. One dealer under the Coleman House is Bald to have sold 30,000 worth of flowers in 48 hours. , On tho day before Easter American Beauties Bold at' $30 a dozen, or $2.50 apiece, and wero not abundant at that figure. But at tho Thirty-fourth street exchange the highest quotation for them was 60 cents, or ,$7,20 per dozen. Russian violets wero quoted at $5 per 1,000; pinks, $3 per 100; liliea of the val ley,'! per 100; Roman hyacinths,, $1 per 100J acacia hyacinths, 40 cents a.spray; gteriestas, 10 cents a spray. There ought to bo money fot young ladies in raising flowers to sell at these prices, Tho mar ket is insatiable. New York Cor. San Francisco Argonaut. Fisherman Dlnley's Luck. William Dinloy, while fishing on tho Brazos lost week, experienced a great deal of trouble with a large; fish. Ho had caught a 0-pound catfish and put him back in tho water, and beforo start ing for home went in hisboatforhim and found that another fish had Swallowed him. Ho tried to pull him out; but he was so enormously largo ho dipped the. boat in tho struggle. Tho line, which was thick with fishhooks, caught Mr. Dinley, and he' could not let go. Neither could the 'fish. Down the river they went, first ono on top and then" tho other. Poor "William was just able to keep up with his boat. At last tho man got loose, ibut the fish and the boat made their way to deep water at Velasco. The fish was supposed to weigh over ,800 pounds. Tho fisherman returned to town to see a docton His'hands wero severely cut with the 'fishhooks and tho fish lino. Sixteen fishhooks were sticking in him. Millican Cor. Galveston Nows. Amerloan.ArcbiBulogioal Work In Greece. Some interesting results havo been ob tained from tho researches of tho Amer ican School of Archeology at the Ha roeum, or Templo of Hera, situated be tween Argos and Myconse. The excava tions, which are being carried on by about 200 workmen under the superin tendence of Dr. Charles Waldstein, have revealed tho site and foundations of tho ancient temple mentioned by Homer, which was burned down in tho year 423. B. C. A platform of polygonal pave ment has been laid bare, abovo which was found a layer of dobris containing fragments of charred wood, melted bronze and other indications' of a confla gration. Numerous specimens of pottery of so called Myjenjean proto-Corinthian and geometrical patterns have been ob tained. These and the other works of art found ore all of tho remotest antiq uity and form u discovery of considerable importance and value. London Times. Hurt by Dropping Water. An American acrobat in Vienna won a nueer water on Wednesday. He bet a considerable sum with a Vienna strong man that he could not enduro to have a liter of water full drop by drop from a height of threo feet upon his hand. When COO drops liad fallen, tho athlte' face became red, and he looked as if in pain. At the four hundred and twentieth drop he gave up, saying it was impossi ble to bear the pain any longer. The palm of his hand was swollwi and in flamed, and in ono place tha. bkin had lrrnVna ones. Oalv a small portion of the liter of water bad gone to male vp to 4M drepa. Cor. New York Bm. - WON'T PRAY AGAINST CHOLEftA, Decani Heaven Help Those Who ftelp Thetnuriref. Tho inohlbera of St. Steph6n's church whd attended dlvlno service Sunday morning listened to a sermon which in tlld proper sonso of tho phraso created n MnsftUorf and furnished them with food for'dlscusftlon during tho remainder of the day The topio of Dr. McCohnell's fllseourso was on municipal govern' inotit and incidentally upon cholera, but instead of confining himself to common place utterances on tho subject ho dealt with it in its broadest bearings and gave his hearers a discoursoof which It is safe to say not a word was lost. "Wd fire told," said Dr, McCohnell "to bo on our guard against tho cholera. The medical profession is united in tho belief that the scourgo will break out again this, summer not only in Europe, but in this country. Tho germs of tho diseaso havo lain dormant during the winter, 'btit so soon as they aro revivified by the sun tho death roll will begin to, bo called; and all tho resources of mod ern science will bo called oil to combat tho plague. It is admitted on all sides that wo are in joopardy; it is admitted on all sides that tho work of prevention cannot begin too soon. "Thero aro various methods of meeting the situation, most of which ore in our owri'1handB.,"That tho most strenuous efforts aro necessary cannot be ques tioned. But it has been suggested that tho clergy should unite in offering up prayer to Divino Providence that this calamity may bo averted from us. With a full sense of the gravity of tho occasion and after tho most earnest reflection, 1 have decided that I for ono can offer no such prayer. I will hot pray that this city may. bo' spared from the cholera when I seo that the city itself is making no effort to guard against tho danger. "If tho cholera, mokes lmvoo among Tib, -it will bo because our streets are dirty, our Avater is impure, our drainage is filthy, And whose fault is this? It is your fault, it, is my fault, in that wo do 'not soe to it that our city government is rightly administered and that politic ciansnrono't permitted to' use its fran chises for their own ends. And our lothargy is all tho moro unworthy in that it is selfish. For tho cholera, if it comes will not place us in danger. Wo can avoid it. We can leave the crowded city and betake ourselves comfortably to places where puro air and good water will freo us from, apprehension. "But if you should go where I go, into tho dwellings of the poor, you would realize what a calamity is impending over tho groat moss of the inhabitants of tho city; and how empty, yes and worse, if would be'to pray that tho cholera may be staid from' entering homes which our neglect has left'to-' stand 'amid sur roundings 'which must breed the very pestilenco that wo seek to escape." Philadelphia Times. Man In the Eyes of His Inferiors. It is tho habit of man to look down upon the brute creation as his inferiors, and yet if man could know what the dumb animals think of him perhaps he would be less puffed up with his own importance and superiority. It must appear ridiculous' to tho dog. for instanco, that man should requiro bo extensive' an equipment of 'words toexi press his wants and emotions words thateervo rather to hide than to illu minate his thoughts when the dog with his limited vocabulary exprossos himself clearly. Surely a dog must regard bis bark, capable as it is of almost1 endless modulations, as superior in tho expres sion .of thought to man's cumbrous flow of 'ambiguity. Then tho swino, which man is prone to' regard as the living embodiment of gluttony, has no doubt an opinion of man which in its turn is by no means flattering to its object The hog might withreason from his point of viow criti cise man upon his manners at the tablo. "How wasteful of timo," ho might oay, "is man's practice of feeding himself with knife, fork and spoon, whon he could .satisfy his hunger more expedi tiously by following my example and consume his food without any of those adventitious time destroyers I Man con demns me because, forsooth, 1 eat with one or two feet in my trough, but ho fails to apprehend thatmypurposo is a lauda ble ono; thatmysoleobjectistogetncar or my baso of supplies and so savo valu able timo in my operations." Boston Transcript Luck and 111 Luck. "Somo persons seem lucky in any en terprise they undertake, whilo others who make investments aro euro to lose their capital," was remarked by Will Bertram. "I knew a young fellow that invested a brass watch which cost him 8 in a lot in Lincoln, His., which he sold later for $25,000. It was tho lot that the Lincoln House was later built upon, and the riso in real estate came in less than four years after his investment was made. I know another man who went to Sumner county, Kan., in 1874, and carried with him a shotgun which cost him $13. Wellington had just been made tho county seat and was then a town of 800 inhabitants, but 40 miles from a railroad. The young man was offered six choice lots in the center of Wellington for his $18. shotgun. The offer was refused, and five years later tho same Jots wero sold for,$3,700 each." St. Louis Republic. Incorrigible Miss Cannon. Miss Cannon of New Brunswick was arrested for being "incorrigible." It turned out that her Incorrigibility lay in her refuftinir to marry a man she did not ! lore to please her parents. The humor of the situation appeared to strike even tho justice who heard the charge and ex planation. This is the kind of incor risibility that may be generally com mended under the code of popular sen timent in this independent country. Parental advice as to whom a yoaag shall not marry la of tea very valuable, bat to name the man whom aha shall many is going a llttk too far. Saeeeea to M1m CasBoa la luf Torts to preveat ' a, loretoM marriage' New York World. How'a Thirl Wo oiler One Hundred DollftrrKe ward for any caso of Catarrtt that ctti nut ue.cureii iy rinii'B untarrn Vurn, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, havo known F. J, Cheney for tho last 16 years, and be lieve him perfectly nouorablo lu all bus iness transactions and financially ablo to carry out any obligations iubuo by their firm, West & Truax, Wholosale DrtiKglsts, Toledo 0., Waldlng, Kinuau & Marvin Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taked internal ly, acting tllreotly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. Price 76o. per bottle. Bold by all druggist. Testimonials freo. OUT OP SIGHT. The traveling public are now fully alive to the fact that tho Chicago, Un ion Pacific & North Western lino oilers tbd very best accomodations to the public from and to Chicago, Omaha and Intermediate point, not only dur ing tho world's fair, but all tho year round. 4-3-0t Raspberry Plants. Boughegan, Gregg, Cuthbert and Malabar, last two red strong plants. Several thousand, call early, or deliv ered free to any part of the city, at re duced rates. Leave orders at John G. Wright's grocery. H. W. Bavaqb, Market Gardner, tialem. 8-18 C-wd " Hood's Cures Mrs. Jurat Spcakman Of Philadelphia. A Week of Writing Would Not Tell The Story Scrofula for Seven Years Cured by Hood' a Saraaparlllo. "A week devoted to writing would not bo be sufficient to tell of tho good Hood's Baraaparllla has dor.o mo. Seven years ago a ruunlng soro appeared on my ankle, whlolt grew worso until it entirely covered my foot and tho bones enmo out of my toes. Then the sores appeared on my oUier foot, right arm and hand. Holes wero oaten in my lower limbs, my arm was ono great sore from tha shoulder down, and the mines came out of two of my fingers. Words Cacumot Tell My Bufferings. I could not sleep and had no appetite. My husband read of what Hood's Sarsaparllla had done for others, and urged mo to try it I was confined to Uie bed at the time, had given up all hope. However, I commenced taking the medicine, and before I had fin ished tho bottle, could sleep, and not onje; eat, but enjoy my food. Now tho Sores are All Healed Vp with the exception of one spot on my limb. I thank God for having directed my hus band's attention to Hood's Sarsaparllla, otherwise I should havo been in my grave. Anyone who could have' seen y,condlUoa when I commenced to take Hood's Sarsaparllla would marvo! that I am now alive." Mr. Makt Si'Xaxxah, 2725 Latomt Street, Philadelphia. Take Hood's Hood's Ills .euro liver ills, consti pation, bUlomaen, Jaundice, sick headache. DR.GUNN'b ntPKOVXD LIVER PILLS f A MILD PHYSIC ONE PILL FOR A DOSE. a mOTmnt ofths bowtls Mh dr,inMHwry forosaltb. Tbcm pill supply wbsi & imIio Uoks to msk It mulir, Our Itadoh. brlktn In anil lr U) OompUilon bttr Uin toamcilo. Tbr ul mildly, nlthr srlp nor Ukn a otbr pin do. To ooqTtaa you of thlr utrlu wimlll mpla fr, or full box BSs. Bold tTrrwbr. Bosasko MO.Oo rblladclpul, P. Sold by Bstkett & VnnHlype. ONLY LINE IlUfflING THR0UGHDA.LY TRAINS Leaving Portland, 8:45 A- M, " " 7i30P,M. 3 1 DAYS TO 2 CHICAGO 7 Hours Quicker to St. Paul, 93 Hours Quicker to Chicago, 40 Hours Quicker to lOmaha and Kansas City. PULLMAN .d TOURIST SLEEPERS FREE RECLINIMG CHAIR CARS, DINING CARS, iror mc aad aaanrai Information cl) cm era44reM, ' isnn'rf'r 4 Y3 i'J nar 2 smmV i. for ItifariU CMtolateswna&r4dMefcn4rmlfcf I reooaasaeei It sfs suparlor to any preJri$Uoo known to me.? n. A. Aaokui, M. &., ' Ml 8cV Oxford St, llrooidyn, K. Y. "Thesttee 'Castorla' b so untTersal and Ha BSerHa ad wall known Uwt It seema a work of supereroeaMoa to endorse It Few are tho 'lotalllgtat faralltoawkoUonotkoep Oastoria within eaayraaeh." CARLOS Kakttx, D. D. . . ' NawVorkCRy. Lata raster Bloomlngilalo Itef ormod Church. Tan CwrrAon . . k m General Insurance AenTcy. Representing- the following well-known ana reliable Cempanies: STATE INarjBANOK.CO.. Etna tnsurattoe Co.. Traders' Insurant Co., NatlonaUnsaranoeOo., Lion Fire Insurance Co., London a Lancashire Flra Ins, 'Alliance Aftturatioe Co., O dest and Leading Firm In the City If you would bo clean and CLEAN th.6 neatest and dresfiost mannor, tako them to the u AEEM STEAM LAUNDRY where all work is done by white labor and in tho most prompt manner. COLONEL J. OLMSTED, Liberty' Street. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS OABDS. r. 11. d'aiiov. gko. a. binuham. B'AHOY & BINGH.VM, Attorneys at Law, 1 UooroBl, 2 and 8, li'Arcy Hullding. Hi to street. Special attention given to busi ness in the supreme and circuit courts of 1 ho state. 3 11' Rl. 130IBB. Attorney at law. Hulcm, Ore . icon. Ufllce 'Hi commercial street. T1LMON KOUU, Attorney at law, Halem, Oregon. UiUoe upstairs in Pulton block. F. CONN, Attorney at law, room 7, Mur 1. phy block. H J, lliaQKH, Attoi ney at law,Hatom, Ore gon. Office ovor.uusli'B bank. T J.8HAW.W,W.HUN'A BHAWdtHUNT O . Attorneys at law. Office over Capital Nai.oual bankiBalemi Oregon fl T. RIOKAUD.-JON, 'Attorney t law Of O,, floe upstairs in front rojins.ol new Ilush bToor, oornor Commercial and Court streets, Halem, Oregon. JOHN A. OAltdON, Attorney nt law, rooms 8 and 4, ilush bank bulldlug, rlaleiu.Or, O. f. IIONHAM. W. IU HULMbU. BON HAM & HOliMES, AtUirnays nt law. Office In Hush block, bolween BUiteuud court, on Commercial street. ' E. POCUK, Stenographer and Tjpo- wrltost. Nest equipped typewriting of- ,ce nut one in Oregon, uver busu-s nans. tialem, Oregon. TELLA BIIKUMAN.-Typowrltlns; and I commercial stenoarraDhv. -ritom 11. Qray 00k. First-class work. Itates reasonable. O ,0. IIROWNB, M. D.. Physician and Hur O. geon. Offlco. Murphy block) reslaence, iSn, commercial street. Kit. A. B.. OILLIB, specialist in (diseases of the eye, ear. noaa and throat, Boom 10 in bank building, (Halem. EH.T.CJ HM1TH, Dentist. W State street, Salem, Oregon, Finished dental opera is of every description. Painless lopera. tlons a specially. WD.PUOI1, Archlleot, plans, speclQea . tlons and superintendence for all oiasaa oi buildings. Olllco 200 Commercial street, up stairs. OA. HOUKUT. Architect, room i, Mar , quam building, Portland, Orrgon. P. J. LARSEN & CO., Manufacturer of Wagons, Car riages, etc. Repairing a. Spooltilty. Bnop 43 Hlata street. TJIlOTISCriON IXtDQK NO. 2 AiO. U. W. I MeeU In their hall In Hlate Insurance building, every Wednesday evening. A. w. unnnin, m, n . J, A. BKLWOOD, Kocorder. THE PACIFIC DETEOTIVB AND 00LLBCH0N BUREAU BLICM, - - - Orgon Office removed to 211 Commercial H. Kates reasonable. Publlo and private work done. C.U.CLKMICNT, Managtn MONEY TO LOAN a!. inAua1 ft ail IatlttiA Itt nmnilnll niirl time to suit. Mo delay In mDfldHi.K loaui. FEAR & FORD, llonm 12. Hush Hank block, K 111 Authorized Capital SMQ.OOO. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Hales, Oregon. W. A. CIWICK. Prea. W. W. MAIITIN, Vice rrea. J, ll. A!.0rMl,vaauir. BUU, County and City WarraaU bought at Par. dw J. H. HAAS, THE WATCHMAKEB, (Kaf,aaar to Xlakt's.) ;SBr"' lsssisssismW -H ufSVU aSm' m ism mW ml I'llll mm WC J mW W 1 mmmmmJ . ml, mml Emm mV JBmml 1 ijviitiiB?-B,l shd Children. CsiatarM esres OoHoJ ConMte, Sour Btonueh, Diarrtacea, RruetaUon, KiUajWprma, gives steep, and promotes d 1W taedlcattoa. For several years I hare reoommended your Castorte. t and shall always continue to do 09 u It has Invariably produced bonnaolal reaulta." Edwin F. Pahhm, X. D., MTho WnUirop,n lasth Street and Tth Ave., Now York City Ookpakt, 77,McimiT HTarr;,KrYoR. : j M i ". T Bun Insurance Co.. WestohetteV Klre-Ins. Co.- ., Imperial Flra Insurance Co., 8 jo., London A tsurance CorporattM, Morwloh Union Flra Ins.See. Devoted Exclusively to Insurance, havo your clothes done up in Stayed or Stolen. Ono big bay ge'dlrjg. with two white hind feet, !o ono dxrk biown celdlng, with one white htnd foot; each weigh tiK about 1300. A liberal reward will bo given for the returnof same to J f. Wi TUOMAB, i 17 (it dw Aylum Avenue. Salem, Oregon. . HOWARD,.- The House Mover. 451 Maln Streot. Has the best faollltlea tor moving and rale- n t Inir houses.. Leave orders aL Uruv 8ns.. or A' address Halem, Orrgon. PROPOSALS -FOR.WOOD. Healed btds for furulsbllig , wood Will be re. celved at the ofllre of tho cleric of school die- , trifltNo. 21, Utiill 12 o'clock m., on Tutsdajr, luno30,18IKl. Utds will be opened otlherega lar meeting of the hoard of director at 3 o'clock p. in. nfsnid 50th day 'of June, for the delivery ot wood, before Heptember 20, 18S8. at the following schoels: Llnclon, 13 cords oak, X5 cords fir, Parke 12 cords oak,i85 cords fir Kast Balem, 40 cords oak, J"0 oordl fir. North Balera, 12 cords oak, 40 cords fir: ' All wood must be 4 feet in length, reason ably straight and corded closely. The flr must bo large or body iwcod and tha oak must, be split oak and, not grub wood. Tho board reserves the right to reject any or ail bids. l)oue by order af the board. May S, 1801. Atttst. P. It. SMITH, Chairman,. , , Hoard of Directors. WEB3TEH HOLM K8, 'District Clerk. td STATE TREASURER'S FOURTH NOTICE. BTATF. OF OltROON I TKBAHUKtf, DKPAHTMENT. 8AlBM.Mayl.18W. otloe Is hereby clven that I here aro luacla K IX on hand sufflolent to nay alloutsUBdlnf state warrants Indorsed ''Presented, and net fiald lor want of funds,'! prion tot and lnolud. ng, March 3, 1WH, and that all such warrants will be paid upon presentation1 at tbla oBlee. Interest on said warrant will not be allowed alter tho date ot this notice, " 1'riIU MHTHCHAN. M-dw-2w Ktaterreasurer, DISSOLUTION. NOT1CK is hereby given thai the firm ot Martin t llarklns, Ulacksmtths, has dis solved partnership by mutual consent. The business will hereafter be conducted by John O. Martin jat same place, and' ail accounts with the heretofore existing firm will be set tled by him, and all bills are payable to him. Thanking our past customers, we are respect fully, MAIITIN A llAHKINa. WISC0S1N CENTRAL-.LINES. i (Northern Pacific R. R, Co,, LetistO LATEST TIME CARD, Two Through Trains Dally. tfttfpm l:50im Iftlum 1 Uipiii 7.1&HI1 fllKpm 1 ... Minn... a 9:isml 4:15pm H.IOaMI S:8pni 11.40am 68pm funam H-aupm 0.47pm 10 4spm 7ilApill 4'lAnul ,Htl'auU.a i.. uuiutna I .Ashland, a l(,hlograj niv.iin 'ticket aold and haygaca cbeaked throuib t all ikiIu'sIii' the United tilatrs and Canada. Clokooounrclloninado ,ln Ctlleago wlttt all trains going Kiwt and Hnuih. For lull Information apply to your nenraat ticket agent or f JAM. ). POND, titn Pass. and Tkl, Agt.Ohlrago, III 1 ,AXmVM'U , H, ELLi V3IC BELT - saljlf-TsUim LATEST PATENTS BEST H-UUuial VM-VaVal-: at laialiJa tt tM4. I Mf, rAHfUtf. ItMmUaUsm, 1 14 It .aklUM(lJB lC taaMAM, aHaTUatlMlliisltaVMatlfti WmA tlUUrtMJfltM H'MUmHH tMi ur f ff rM ,, ul M tr I i4M4frMH) lltDHaH MTI 1lltS IbltaMiOW tU lii4 i,tSniunt rMrlUu, faMsJWXSIMr N, i7i .. rimjm, ( T r eTTTml -. mV, f m TT m an- mTITml TFH v TSBar-? MABstfTsn UI mmVaV-. vuntam. ml uOaTrwntM tniiiiii aa faaev hihi suMiftf. ja afJi u.JRti ikilfittk Ami iMnwii nwaaa, a1 STLXtUS Z"Zl."l 'mmF wv rwwii hi v i fe if tHTl.tJlMiaaK n.mlaMM As4sms l iMSftWaVMIsaa iv rii. uifi. frn ismm WU ? 4 i i ,1? y ,h m '"ar v 4 -tl i HlflfJ i .jjMattj mBl l r S :ilt).ij?I--