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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1893)
7r r I " r 1 I ( r JOVJIHIWO m cjirmL jwmil JsH'a'i Wiping". '";",',!. i"1. 'i11 ' : ,. f OHLWHKIJ DAILY, KXOK1T MUNDAY, i HY TUB r'Mpy Jtffhit' Publishing Company. A&, vfrvri ' -.-T-rf i ', ; iru HOf Ell MOTHERS, WHwi. y , by Mirier, per mouth,. '. or man, (iw fnr,. I, pates, per year,., by malt, nor year........ 9 W HllliIIIH ,4J0M JKTWIKN THK HU0WKU8. The Chinese were iB-the ratip eltlici way the Mtfem court 'would have de eidl,;fee4te tly,bae1f not fcgUtere The cloning sxeroltwa "at the Oregon Institute for the blind will beheld or T ueeday nod WedueadWy of next week. Irwlng McQuary of the Athena Pres wrote bt the beet editorial produced In tfie'tMaleon; the JetinuyerOlev land episode. - As the vanquisher lu lair fight 01 that bully, brulaer aud slugger John L Sullivan, dandy Jim Cornell la entitle to a warm welcome lu Oregon. The couserallve party lu Germany baa Just declared that bimetallism to a foreiuoat party principle. But then we are a progressive people. The oily primaries' duel at Portland tbto week, being arranged by Jim and Joe, are but the preliminaries for, u larger battle In June of next year lu ttila state. The people who are making so man kicks at the Oregon world's fair com mission are but strippers and place seekers at beat. They should be stripped bf their places. A flaneur VWth m HuhUrr i out. "It 1 MirprMittf how nicely n nmn art WAlk with h rvmt foot," it marked a traveling than nt tho L.t olede, around wlioai ftjrromr of lis ten era W6)rfcv sitting, k'I attended it ball Inst week hi n ItrWn Id Illinois ami wad intrbdudad tkjn KcrntleihVui from Ohio, who him M a tmrtnef (ho prottlftflt Judy la tho Imllroom. Dur lag tljoerenliitrl liad'occanloa'to uo tloe this couple,- who woraconcodod to bo tho most grndofill dAUcont in tho ball, In all round Atwum tliey Woro partners, ntid tho most Intricate fig ures woro executed with a tihunnliig mm and grove oxcolldd by none, ox eopt they bo tcacbora of tho ixJotry of motion. "Ktt day, tf tor 1 had waited! P" my cufltomtrtaiid goeo to tho hotel, hi cainq'my'frlond;of tho night' be fore walking o.jA pair of cTtitehfa and ono leg off at the1 knoo joint, 1 wan surpriBod n,df romarked, 'You certainly are' not tkb gontloiniul 1 mot last night at tho' ball?' 'Mont as suredly I am, but after dancing all tho oyening my log bocomcawonriod, and to givo it a rest I loavo my rub ber foot at homo Uio"hoxTduy. I can fool ttio sensation now oh if my toon woro cramped by a pair of tight shoos. Othorwlfio I fool no incon venionco in tho loss of my lower limb.' "-8t. Louia Itopublic. OAl'XTAli -i- fTTTrn.. ,, , a COMINQ HACK. lHaKntosia .-sa TW Mf If our Mnn (had Hhotllil m lli Aid familiar t ' i'f, Horns IM'ijr would M (Item UiMeftd, A ltd lliof would flfi'l li'i ntH oule ta, 1 cflnnM fell iww It tnlnlit m In other hbbm, but ilili 1 know Cmild tnt looi tUrllftit eo'ne to i Tlilfi wduld tieref (In1 It w. OfttltriM tlit flotvf rtt lidvu (iiino Hint Kane, Oftttmes (lit wlnlrr wlridi Imve ttlutrM Tiri, wlilltlt ii'Atttu tcA went mi. Then 1 bars It riit to IIvm nlune, llr ttowlr iearneil Irum ilny Id ifnf lu all llfo'i lk( to brttr my art, flat wlietlior ftrrtVH or wlitlier roty, I bl1r) liefitt-Jmory In my lirnrt. timdi folllil'til M liK tl.(l my jr auu irianod Mrs roaim mo, into mi Tliey liftTti tlirlr lne, but Iters IwUjr itJUXtNAL, HBM .i 1 WJCMiAV, mav u, mm, iiai wfiniii,iniiTrnnTiirn fTirrnii And Irlando Mrs rooinl mo, Into ami tried, li empy'4 ilia tiny li tlldl. How wmild I uprfftK wllli Itnld hretilh, And )byUKU4p for word nrilKii. To Uka hi jr dnrllntf homo from dcMh, And one nlti to cnll Iter mlntil I rturo not dream tits MIkkuI dreiimi It flll) my limrt with wild unreal! Wher yobder cold, whlto innth'.r ttlfntn Hh tllliiuit ntnmlicrOod kllow bent. Bun Krnncltico News lMUr. Champion pugilist Corbett arrived lb Oregon Saturday evening. Thcro may be editors who will deny him the priv ilege but we for ono extend to him the most perfect freedom of tho state. Some exchanges soem to have a queer idea of what the constitution of a stable government should bo like. They scorn to tblnk certain clauses can becomo ob solete whenever It Is convenient. Governor Pennoyer has easily dlH Ueoed the field as the winning Popu list presidential possibility in 1800 by bis spirited resentment of Gresham's insult to Oregon. It will now bo Pen noyer or Llewelllng of Kantas. Hoseburg wants tho capital removed from Balem to Alblna. Against which place has it the greater grudge? Port land Telegram, The state has bad to contend with Itoeeburg politicians alto (ether too much to allow very much wholo ot Ul0 Caribbean" rogl ,llMttlH rmrr flint n.n,ti. I . MIVHItlVU 1WIU frUflfc lMUIUI, JIK aiaditon nt ffoin. When rellovcd from th6 affairs of state', Mr. Glodatono finds ho pleaa ure so great as hi homo lifo atlla warden. There his family (aro gath- erea togetner, and tno great man romps and plays with hi grandchil dren as though he never know what it woe to bo bbimod for everything that wont wrong n alj Great Britain and her colonics. Mr, Gladstone is a wonderful scholar, a busy writer and speaker, but tho little Gladstone chil dren know him best as a good, kind grandfather who is fond of f un. Ho, too, would prefer to enjoy their com- ry rather than to be surrounded England's groat mon at an all night Bonsion of parliamoat His other recroutions are walking and this is really very funny chop ping down trees. Our great George Washington, according to 'tradition, bad a llko fondnosfl in his youth, but by tho timo ho boon mo president ho had probably outgrown such fancies. Mr. Gladstone, however, is an export woodman, and though ho doesn't de stroy valuablo chorry trees ho goes out with bis ax and tokos tho keen est ploauuro in foiling trees in Ha wordon park. Harper's Young Peo plo. wWre "Vanity Vt" Wat Wrftlim In itfi7 Thackeray went to live in Young ntrcot, and ouco pointing on! the bow windowed cottago to an in quiring friend in wild to bavo re marked, "Go down on your knees, you rogue, for hero 'Vanity Fair' was ponnod, and I will go down w,ith you, for I bavo a high opinion of that littlo production myself." Hero ho also wroto "Esmond," and ono of tho houses pjoso by tn Ken sington squaro baa boon chosen ixh tho homo of Lady Castlowood and Beatrice. In 180? Tbttckoray removed from Onslow1 squaro, whero "The New comos". and "Tho Virginians" bad been composed, to the house ho had built himsolf in Palaco green, still remaining in tho old court Bubu,rb, with liii leafy trees and gardon's, to which ho was so much attached. Hero it was that tho completion of "Denis Pnval" was cut short by biti lamented death in tho following year. Chambers' Journal. KUen From tits fir. Geologists hnvo collected in Barba does and other islands in that region somo curious information, which they publish as ovidenco that during tho pliocono poriod, when man is sup posed to bavo mauo his adVent, tho on was Tiiic Journal Is porfeotly willing Roseb'jrg should have tho Boldler'a home if that was the Intention of the legislature. We have only one regret: They will get some of qur best citizens while we bavo tntako their worst. F)orlda colonels will tight It seems. Colonel Levis J. Brumby, aged 21 yearn, editor of tho Marvin Freo Press, aud Colonel Thomas Harris, aged 46, editor ofthe'New Capital of Ooaln, are at out's, and a duel Is lu prospect, a chal lenge having been sent aud accepted. Colonels u Oregon can bo fired with eathualaiTn or off a governor's stuff, bttt do not fight. ma tka World In Eighty Days. Did Julee Verne over thluk that his imaginary Phlleaa Fogg would boeelip M by an American rlrl, who ouco wade the circuit In lew thau seventy- three days? But Phlleaa had to take eoua money." Tbo futno of Dr. Fterea'a Goldeu Medical Discovery has gone around the world long ago, and left Its record everywhere as a precious boon to every nation. Iu tho whoU world of medicine, nothing equals It for the cure of scrofula of the lung (which to coueuniptton ) Coughs aud brou dblal trouble succumb to this leniwly, aud the blood Is purified by It, uutll all umHgtttly skill blotchea are driven away. Doa't be skeotloal. as thu mi. lelne to guaranteed to every purchaser. You oaly pay for the good you got. Dkeolutlon. The ftartuerablp heretofore existing Utweea J. O. Kobertaon aud F. B. Br MwatTuraer has been dUolved by urn. tttal eeDMHt. J, C. Itoberiwm will re eivt for allmoahw jald ou account due aa(4 Irsa aud pay all outalandlnir 4-13-4W I ,lmiri1tr, nltn., ..w1 n1M vvyj niiu.uiKvui AMUJf iUlllUI 1UI1 ty of earths not only in Barbadoes, but also in Jamaica and Cuba, which contain great quantities 6f tho 're--mains of radiolaria. At present no radiolarian ooze is found on tho floor of tho Caribbean sea, although tho greater part of tho sea iamorotban 12,000 feet deep. Theso earths must of course havo boon doposited in tho depths of tho soa, aud it is iUforrcd tlmt in tho couruo of tlmO thoy woro hiiacd thou sands of feet until thoy bocamo a part of tho land Burfacb. Mr. Jukes Browne and Professor Harrison think that tho Oceania deposits of Barba- doos woro formed at a depth of 12.000 to 18,000 foot below tho Bea level. Profossor Sollas says that it can no longer bo accopted as an assured fact that doep sea deposits noVer outor into tho compositiom of laud masses. American Rogistor. Korulffuilng Light Iuiloor. A well known Boston invcatiiratnr m eeonomics lms been oxiwriment- ing wiw various lauds of glass to as certain tho ono best adapted for win dows in laboratories, engraving rooms, weaving rooms, eta In theso places a Btrong light is desired, which nt tho same timo shall bo free from glaro ami shadow. Shade are unsatisfactory nt all times. Tho ox iwriiuonnt bo far show that ribbed or fluted glass most nearly njeots tbo required conditions. About 22 flutes to tbo inch are desirable. This kind of gloss ubsorbrt much less outdoor ligut than a shaded wiudow aud not much more than clear glass. Buffalo Now. Early jercto I'qr lrqwf Ioy, I havo noticed a tendency to per mit children to sit up much later than is good for them, tho natural result being a too prevalent fondness for tbo bod in tho morning. If a boy Wants to keep himsolf in prima con ditfon, to grow up strong and vigor ous, lot him got up in tho morning long enough before breakfast to have first 10 minutes of brisk work with a pair of light woodon dumbbells, then his cold bath, and afterward a sharp' walk of 18 minutes. Any boy who will follow this plan will discover bo fore many wooks that he is easily superior to his claBsniates in almost any athletic work ho undertakes, whilo headaches and other U1b too common to growing lads will bo un known tobUn. Hurpor'fl Bazar. , A Carolei Shut. A gun loaded with shot was flred into tho carriage of a nowly married couplo who woro returning from church in Cornwall. Tho shots pass ed through tho window of tho vohi clo, closo to tho faces of tho occu pants, and entered the back of tho drivor, Tho gun was flrod as a sign of rojoiclng. London Tit-Bits, A ComparUuiu Samuol Bonzloy, tho architect, not long before his death wroto bo melan choly a letter to a friend that tho latter declared, "It was liko tho first chapter of Joromlah." "You are mistaken, my dear fellow," retorted Bcazloy. "It is tho last chapter of bamuoi." txcliange. Tho KhIiiiiicIo Treed. Tho KalmuckHof Astrakhan, a rov ing pooplo nuinberiiiHr about 150.000. havo at last boon freed f rem serfdom. When tho other Russian serfs woro freod In 1801, it was cousidoml dan gorous to extend tho privilege to those pooplo owing to their wilducss. Ex change. A Fair Wartilnc. Cook (on tho day after hor arrival) Please, mum, I'm n bit flory at times, aud whon I'm llery I'm apt to bo a bit rough spoken, but vou needn't lot that put you about With a little present you can alius bring mo 'round again. "Exchange. frKOM AtMrtVlLLS, ImproVfineiiln nrollio order of tho day, mvptaI iiiw building on the way, itv Hi ItoberU i building a new reid deuce on I lie J, It, Porter addition and l)r, KIam U building a hotel on the Garb addition to Auiinvlllc. l)r, KIbm Is rtiao Lulldliig a large peach bitters More room, The Dr's builnewi has In oreawd so rapidly that a new store liouoo becomes necessary, ' Tho city men I market looms un nn a monument of Industry only ono week In I'xInleiJce, and fcqulfcs three hands to attend to tho business. The now market wagon looks flno.wlth tho "City meat market ol Aumsvlllo" painted lu large red letters on enoh elde of tho top our vestswellsout whouover we see It, and what an advertlsomenti a go;d many people will find out that'lhbfris ari AumsVllle; lu tho post tiieir place has not been advertised, they bad such a good thing that thoy Wanted to k&b It all, but Wo expect a dh bow. Tho croquet plnyors can bo seen every evening In the city park displaying their skill, Dan emth 8 tuo champion, he can hit a ball every timo, BUfTato chips or no Buflalo chips. A few weeks ago one of our citizens, one of our borne bodies, ono who loves bis Wife and fauiilv above nil nlan thought that he was bravo enougb to separate himself from them for u time; in a few hours be was In Portland and from" thence started out looking for em ployment; butulways walking towards uome, lie round plenty of work and more than plenty to do tho work, on an average one days work and twenty men to dolt, as be traveled he sang "Home Sweet Home" and when bo ar rived he was received belter than the prodigal son, for no one held buck being mad, but all fell upon bis neck and gave him a warm welcome. He says that the much quoted "crust" never tast. d so sweet before. At the store of E. E. Nott hot coiTee Is served daily and ull tho payment re quired Is to praise the coiTee. The writer Indulges roily both in praise and coflee. It Is a putont cofieo pot, and claimed to save half of the cofToo. Mr. Pound bought one and It saved most all of his coflee. Mri Ball says that Meaner has no monopoly on buttons, that he has one that Is older and better, a regular heir loom, bas been In tho family for gener ations, The election to vote $2000 bonds to build a school house will be held ou the 23 instant, It is understood that somo will oppose the bonds, believing that' at tho next eleotlou the Populist party will be victorious and money can be borrowed from the government at two per cent. Interest. On Sunday afternoon tho mill of Swank aud Co. became quiet, a search for tbo proprietors located them In a potato patch, planting potatoes. Thus for a Bbort timo tho great manufactur ing Interest of Aumovllle stopped, and gavo plaoo to the simple employment of plautlug potatoes, and common la bor was thus elevated. nousiu vAttntm, I'Al'JSlt HANGING, Natural Wood flnlthfnft (lor, vnit and Cbemtfctta fifrMt, Oco, Fontlrieh, CASH 'MARKET lint meat and fre dtllrr, I3G Slate Street. FRED A, ERIXON, STONE AND BltlCK CONTItAOTOIt. Estimate made on all klndiof ItaldeaceCor. itihatsd it. 11.81. HulMU,.' Doors Screen ANb JonutHU,- JCorlcy WJiiHlanley, shop 61 HlAle street. J, Iv. ASH BY, Meat Market, 0i Commercial Mretf. Good taftfU, . .in ii . rromfit delivery, J,VMVllYt Tilo for Sale, Brick mA TlfaYflrd, Mirth HAIJnM, Take It J EVENING JODRNAL, Onl; 1 eenU a dr dellt ered at your door, JOAN C, MARTIN, Hofsoshoolng, BIiAOitBMITUINQ. BbttflBtroot, - - Salem. 1 1 mm tiAttmm, Fruit ahiI (jlgnn tJ, BltKjk, rtl CigKtM MaA Tobacco, BILLIAHD i'AilLOil, 48 Ootti'l tr,, t W, THORNBURO, The! Upholdtercr, Itemodel. re-eoverx ami .i.. nrholitered ftirnlture. Vir., efiwi work. ChemeSeia ntS. MUt itniurancA blork. " 1! 'I t wawfiiw - Of Standard Books By the Most ""Famous ' jr. ij.i f.W tru i Authors. i s A FREE BOOK COUPON ' WORlil "FIVE CE"S GIVEN TO OUR READERS EACH SATURDAY. Head Birectlons on Coupon Carefully. THK JOURNAL'S PREMIUM B0OKS; THEJAILLAMETTE BA&EM, OREGON, '" liKfix1$2JWlo74li.OO -per Day The bit hotel between Portland tidiu. rranelioo. Flnt-claM In all IU appolmmig IU table are erved with the F1W,UUB . iXlhoiceat JFruits Grown ih the Willamette Valley. A. I, WAGNER, Prop. East and South -VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE ofth Southern Pacifid Company, CALirOKKIA XXPRIS3 TKAIIf BUN DAUT (I. TWEKN rOKTlJUIOAND8.T, HOUIh. r 7.-u; p. m. 9:18 p. m. 8:16 a.m. hv. Ar. ftunB. Jfortland Salem Ban Fran. Ar. I a. a x.v. o:8 1. B Lv. I 7fflp.a Above trulua iUid onlv ut fnllnwinir atLimti. north of Uoseburg, East Portland Orgon city. Woodburn, aalem, Albany Tangent, ahtiil Haleey, HarrUburg, JunctlonClty. Irvine nil KriHKIllIHOMAll. BAI1.Y. tkSU a. Id. I I.V. 11:17 a. m I Lv. 6-SO p. m. I Ar. fortluna Balem RoReburg Ar. j (.'lup,n Lv. I 1:40 p, m. Lv. 7:00 a. ti Albitujr Liouul, Dully Except miuclj, 6 0U p. in. TJQ p.m. 9KX) p.m. Lv: Ar. Purtlana salem Albany Ar. I lltaju.111, Lv. l7:3la.B. Lv, 1 6.30 a. m, Dining Curs on Ogrien Itoute PDLLMAN BUFFET SLKKPEHS ANO Second Class Sleeping Cars- Attached to all through trains. rVestSide Division, Between Forty and Geirallis: PAII.Y" (EXCKPT BUNDAY). 7UJ B. IU. 12:10 p. m. Lv. Ar. Ponlauu Corvallln Ar. I Lv. I U.dU p. HI At Albany and atrvallls connect tralnn ororpgon pwlflo Rallmnd. Keaitw Thrift i)u,i KxcKinttUNu. TUTT'8 PILL8 never disappoint the luvalld. 0P& Jr ' Vfci Tulr Crfac to the Woild'a aamira Abaufe TlwLlMlMKsprwa iraltw of the Chi MP, Milwaukee V 8U l'aul lUllway Mwmm Bt l'aul Md Chleavo and OwaIm aud Cblcage. TImm tndM ar veellbyled. eleotr.0 Mtkt44l asd atMiu keated, with the II u. at WulBf aad tMeeHug Car Hervlco In HwwerM, . iii raatiiiig HKbt lu eaoh .rUi U tit auoeeMTuI Novelty of thta MgrMlma, and U alhly apprwlat. d by all rwkr MttrtHia uf Uila line. W WIM OIIHM M KUOW It IHrltN, Ha UmCkkMooMUwa St. l'aul 1UII way ( the wily m Ih tlie weet enjoy. Urn Mm exoltMva ue of Ibb patent. t Amber ImWataKua aituK 1 Mamt wmumh) tMkei afit, or addreea v. . JUWY. vmweai AKnt. J. W. CUattVrmv.JJfaa. Act, m aHark ih., yortland, Of. if MawtM Levar, iaaW haHe, 87 KnvUd Mabblts. Johnuy (looking up tvoin his nvlth niwtio with a BltfU) Oh, mux, I wiali iwasarttubitl Fttthec-Iudewll And why would you lllto to be n rabbit, my boh? JolmnyDecausQ I wa ivadluR book today wlloh Bald" tliat tlioy mul Uidlwl with astouisbluB:" raiiidlty.--Exchango. An AnuUu Man' 8lnrr With. Mr. Lynch of EliaaK'th, who has bo anna, was tow out night lat week about a man iu thla dty who in imi Uirly affllctel. "I that m,"mU Mr. Lo'iich. "Woll. tho Ut hiok r ou Wiall liitn ia that wo may mvut bomo ay and Bhako haudt.,,Xowi-lc v J.) Call. takkig A lvuUorArl. Firat fioy-My aUter U fcaa?ti41m tyuLruiji aei waiBia KtrWmw 8coiul Boy Why Tin Boy'CauM BuiLt gitinkun u swlor Ubt4 iuw! amat-Qood Xewa. Thoro ia no royal rond to Kuwca any mora than thoro Ih n roynl roul to loamiuR. But any intelligent young man who ia noiu'et, ambltloiu, ob uorvant. hanlwotkiutr. iMitiant nml healthy ia pretty cortniu to nmko hia mark in buaincea. - Exchange'. A trco which funiiahcH a moat viU unblo product for thouaoof man, thu camphor troo, is ound in Japan on tho alopeaof mouutains, and, liko the cinchona, oxhihito much hartlihood and ability to adapt itsolf tocllmatio eondltioua. Tho mothod of ivasoning pureucxl by Bomo childrvn may bo Bimplo enough, but tho result aro often dia astroua. A 1kxIc of lYinlulacttumi by uio li'Mviivr oi uio inraut eia would undoubtedly provo fatal. In Coylon ojcpwimenta havo shown that it U more economical to dry tou 1aym by eluctridty than bv thu old method, aud extenalvo plants havo been erected forthat puriwse. SoHte ett aaj-a women live loager ttuw hhw. TkU U UBdoubtodly ao. Wo'luMvr obamkig young actrt who waa oa the atamt 40 vnam aad abo k only at bow. I Looking Better lceling better better in every way. There's more consolation in that than well people stop to ponder. To get, back flesh and spirits is everything. Scott's Emulsion of pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypo phosphites Is prescribed by lead ing physicians everywhere for ail ments that are causing rapid loss oi nesn and vital strength. Scott's Emulsion will do more thaa to atop a lingering Cough -It fortifies tho syatem AQAIIST coughs and colds. I'r.tvir.. l,y Bn 4 Boin. N. V. All draf'l,li UM lC ITCHIKO TILam known br mel(tui tnwm pr.piruon. wu miiw, iwnn mm . m - w rou GOT l:Wp.Tn. ILv. 1-or.laud Ar. Tbt toria and 1UH llUtaiJUCU or r&OTaUQtMO tUJk.i 'Qa f. Yirn) ATOKcmro M, aa-SAN-KO'S PILE HEMtlY, whloh ku dlrootlr ou tuu ffa mm,mm mm .i-wn iii.iiuht.IHIU lvii v P"'n, dA or null. n, u ", vkh..,.),!, f Bold by IltuUtt 4 Van Slype. l 3 8 i 6 6 7 S V 10 11 12 13 14 IS 17 18 ID ao VI 'a a u 25 26 .7 ao 31 SI S3 Called Itaok. Article Tte by F. do Uoligober. Mad to Heat. .Miwterortbe Mine. Love'a Martyr. Cae of Iteuben Malocbl. A Kiebt ror a Fortune. TbeMaapun AITalr. A timan Sacrifice. Karma. A Var Dtti'' A 1M' f th8 pDt' A House ra-ty. I he Gray and the Bine. AbH8tJel,5JeAu,e,'ndCeClr,lro'tun8 Jru, Hbe. Klnr Solomon's Mlnea. prk Uayy Death or Dlahonor. The One Thing Needful. The Kvll Geniu.. la "?a0xr."rue Tr"8e(l7 ln thRle "aUSS'A1 rDt wr1 Ueecher. Allan Quar erma n. Smith Premier Typewriter. 39 40 41 43 Haldoa;!!,!, :rrUaU W. I. STALtV, Afwat, Saitm. H.K.BUKi'KICOaaMiLatat, Mt Tfa.'rd lie, fwrtkid, HMjferaatataea, unly a i- .rmcr'a Daughter. WeatofiheMlwourl, t'aitand Loom. A Modern clrw. A i'urltan lover. J Aa lu hooking Qi.aa. 84 For Uer Dally 6rad. s A..xkc,hi.rgwomn' H A. Lli aillllv IIiw M Dr. JekTlland mV n.. TeKSufh.,toV0ge; r' NOrth "mln,t A Itatonfb- a Heart. MarrUgeaudDIv rue. Man. ih iivn.. u.. a. Th.ll.. n'r"' ",lu" it ? zr .fc (iroper. At-nnooof tb.iiiood. Mona'a cbolw. M"T,L:0r,lnBl"tofA1, SI'i?a?ie0KaO.f,An,0njrG A Ule Intereat, m AL,,rrylaDlamondi. so u.rbara. TurrTiuK!' ,rm ,,0lUn,1 Y'4' i? IS ,.r,n'. M KtnsorKuaTe. J A Itral Quod Thing, J areoa and Marie LouUo. Old uiaaart Hero. l. Ttca M ?5!iUc.,lh10ho.t., tS f5 . Caa. 7 Ralel(rh Ulvera. i Jack Dudlvy'a Wife. The MaddoieV ' W AlmBrae. 19 ThfQueen'a Token. W TbeLadlea'Uallery. S ri-3amFTu'rte?e,Rn',C,n-i Almeda. i?'i1?.u'ol''e8oUnge. ThreiPe,a.h0'AnnMle'' W Vere:T be Leading Ladv 101 Cleopatra, 01 A Crooked 1-ath. 104 Marooned m SSB1A Au'bi Ane. . fio Sr: u ""or'a Nole Book. 11 Itoland inivo. w"' n Mr.'AnS.Ihr?;S?'eof. TUKOUOH T1CHKTS T?JVJpolnu,n tbe Eastern btatea, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest ratti n. tv. nuiHNKll. Aeent. Ha em. anbu u. F, aua rafin.Ag'1 A book coupon la printed in the Daily Jodbnal every Saturday, which ia numbered differently every week. Save 5 of these coupons bavrne different numbers, and send them, with 5 cents to pay1 postage, fete, to the Journal uf ! I Ar. MoMmnviiio i.vM aks n nn.i .,. -u-1 .u...... . 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