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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1893)
i i rt1" "' jifl -t i ""ilii-"'' 'iff i i r r-----' ! le "" '-! r- .j.-p t,n,f1-. it mhniVifcLtii..iU- la J j-iiiJxqfrniiMa-irlitfTAriL ,7 ' ..i.8.. m ... . .4 .np; '- r ' SJEIS si ! T FIVE CENT BookCoupon (" A PTT A T JOURNAL. ue" SATURDAY, "THE PEOPLE'S P-Al'EB VOJL. 6. 8A.LEM OKEGOF TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1898. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO. 115. "' ui' lufft h l,.mm ... OPEN REBELLION! The people have rebelled against high prices and are seeking for a G-H'S-H ..,.v;-f- STORE 4 To buy their goods. '" J. W., THOMAS, 297 Commercial St., - - - Salem, Or. Keeping Pace With the Times. Have your business accounts kepi Id PERFECT books, such are Tlio Frcy Patent Flat Opening Books. Books that are worthy of the patronage and praise of the Government Of ficials of the State of Oregon, and the greater portion of the merchantilo men of the 8tate, are surely deserving of a trial by everyone. Manufactured iu Oregon ONLY by The Meston-Dygert Book Mfg. Co., Proprietors ot THE CAPITAL CITY BINDERY. Binders to the State of Oregon, Printers and Lithographers, Salem, Oregon. 5QO.OOO OSWEGO - FALL 1892. We would call the attention of dealers, and large and small planters, to our large and varied assortment of Fruit Trees and Small Fruits; Ornamental, Shade, Nut and Evergreen trees. Our trees are clean, smooth, and first-class In every respect. Send for catalogue and price list. Address, Walling& Jarisch, ""Mention this paper. Oswego, Oregon. A. N. HALE8, Proprietor. A. N. HALES' LIVERY. (Successor to K. B. Ryan.) Livery, Feed and Boarding Stable.'1 A full supply of Horses, and Buggies on band. Horses boarded byrday, week or month. Office at stable, corner of Liberty and Ferry streets, East of Willamette hotel. I W. TflORtfBORG, TIIE UPHOLSTERER. Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture. Long Experience in the trade enables me to turn out first-class wor1?, Samples of coverings. No trouble to give estimates. State Insurance block, Cbemeketa street. CHURCHILL) Spraying Omflfe, 103 BURROUGHS State Street. F. T. HART, 247 COMMERCIAL STREET. ESTABLISHED 1870. WILLIAM NILES & CO., Los Angeles. California. BREEDERS AM EXPORTERS OF1 FINE CATfLE, HOGS, l'UUL'IRY. rmjkwm l jflBSkS Ed'. 'C. w ratfgSBJBfSjgSBjhk, TREES I . NURSERIES. SPRING, 1893. R. H. PRICE, Manager. LEADING MEKCHAN1 TAILOR. INCORPORATED 189J Berkshire & Poland-China Pigs a Specially. Fancy Poultry, All Varieties. Fggs for Hatching. Incubators. Nlles Pacific Coast Poultry and Stock, illustra ted, 60 eents by mail, 1-HEND FOR CIRCULARS.-! Cross, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats af allKimln 95 Court ami 110 State Streets, ClioiGe leats. Four Lives Lost. Chicago, May 10. Four lives were lost in Lake Michigan off Lake Blufl Saturday, apparently through negli gence of the people on the shore. John Larsen, Chas.Lendberg, Peter Johnaon aud John Swanzen started from Wau kegan for Chicago Friday morning, In tending to sail the yatch when they rerched here. The craft was in a bad conditiou and became unmanageable in the high wind and the unfortunate men found watery graves in tbe lake. The Lower Mississippi floods. New Orleans, May 16. The lovee at Grand Lake, Ark., has broken. Tbe water will flood thousands of acres of tbe best farm land in Loulsana. is the right time lor everybody to drink WS.'Root J. 1. 11 WO Rpprl A temperance drink. A home-made drink. jf,. A health-giving drink. cA tliirst-quenchintr drink. I A drink that is popular everywhere, j Delicious, SparkllngvEffcnresccHt. )A j cent package makes 5 gallons of thlsl delicious bcverace. Don't be deceived If. duler. I f for the take of larger profit, tells you some other ' kind Is "just at good' 'tis false. No imitation j u at good as tbe genuine iliau . Dr.PowellReeyes&Co., The Old Reliable Specialist, Lata of New York HoiplUU. Graduate with High Honor. Twenty rear experience a Froleasor, Leoturar, Author and SpeolalUt In Cbronlo Dlseaaae. Catarrh, Bronohltls, Cough and Difficulty of Breathing Successful ly treated vrithspeoif to remedies thoroughly tested and provedbjr the OLD DOCTOR TCTfej-t im rn rf tiHtnni'i nAV.1mn thoroughly devoted to his profession and ever ready to help the afflicted. NERYOUSDEBILIT! SUi ISktffi middle aged meu. Tba awful effect of early in dUcretlou, produclug waaknea, LOST HAN HOOD, night einluloni, exhausting drain, bafthlulnoa, loss of energy, weakness ol both body and bmin, unfitting one for (tudy, builneM a nd marriage, treated with never falling lueeeu. (Jet cured and be a man. BLOOD AND SKU pcrXMrfoS; syphilitic talut, rheutnatlim, eruption, etc., ot all kinds. Wood poison (romauy cause whatever, cured promptly, leering the ayitem pur and haalthlul. . . . . . KIDHBl MD D8IKARY 7m&m?$8& der, sediment In urine, brickduilor white: pain while urinating, frequency of; ilrlght'a dilate and all dlawes ol tbe bladder of both aezv. PITIDDU throat, lungs, llrer.dypep.Ia,lndl tfllAUnn gcttlon, and all diseases affecting the bowels, stomach, etc.; dUirhoea, dyseutery, etc Trouble ol thiiebaracterrellaredatoneei cure effected a toon a poasIbU. DDIVlTl? disease. gleet, gonorrhoea, lyphllu), riUlAlu hydrocele, yarlocele. teuderuea, (welllngn weaknea 0) organ, and plies, fUtnla, rupture, quickly cured without any pain or de- t.-ntlon Irom bulnea. UDITO your trouble If living away from the HUB city. Thousand cured at home by correspondence and medlelna sent secure Irora observation. Knclose ID cent In stamp tor book on Sexual Secret. Addres, DR.PnWELL REEVES CO.. Now Ueated at 216 1WI St, Silei. Deutscher Advocat. POST0FFICE BLOCK, - - SALEM, OR. Admitted to praatlee ta all the court. Hpedal alteellon gives to Herman (peak ing people and bowne at tbe county and staTte oafeee. K. HOJTJCK, WoUry Public. E Time Vfeu .JJ I XSs-Sv1 AL sf 1 x!t3a(aaaaaaW PACIFIC COAST CELEBRATIONS f . k.d. In Honor efjjke Supremo Court iiwcision. H UPHOLDING T1HNTI-GUINESE LAW. Bonfires BIuim Cannons Boom ing nd Fireworks Illum- 3ntifko Skies. The OlaiMM View. WA8iiiNOTOKb. 0., MoylO. Mr. May, counsellor e the Chinese legation said the contestlBat the law doubt less be trausferrtd; to congress when it meets in tbe faH. Under present con ditions It lmpoeslblo for the officials to execate the law literally, be cause there ta tpractically no money with which tocjitry Its provisions Into effect. Mr. Maicalled attention to the fact that when i , effort was made to secure tbe inserjfon of the item of half a million dollar ( ' the appropriation bill for the purpjiee of enabling the ex ecutive authorities to carry out the pro visions of the law, Hoi man antagonized and defeated it, (and as u consequence congress appropriated only $50,000, a sum heretofore annually provided to deport Chinese who might unlawfully secure entrance nto the United Btates and bo detected, i Itwasan unfortunate and deplorable condition of affairs, be said, which tbre tteued the existence of the peaceful and peaceable relations of China and tbe 1 Jutted States and left hundreds of natives of each country in the territory of tthe other, practically hostages for each' other. NO ORDERS YET. , iiu uiurin uuu ueeu juaucu lit iuu treasury department at tho. close of business today as to deporting Chinese under tbe Geary act. The instructions under which the collectors of internal revenue and the Uulted States mar shals now operating direot them to make no arrests of unregistered China men until further orders. These or ders may be givej tomorrow after the cabinet mooting, or"6e deforred for a' longer period. Secretary Carlisle, soon after he heard of tbe decision of the supreme court, went to tbe executive mansion and had a oonference with tbe president on the subject. Attorney General Olney said until tbe line of action to be pursued by our government was mapped out, be could say nothing' on tbe sut'Ject, except tbe department of justice bad no money available for deporting Chinese. A conservative estimate places the amount necessary to deport the unregistered Chinese at 6,000,000 with only (10,800 available for tbe purpose. Intimations are beard that congress may be convened to consider the matter, Tbe suggestion Is mado in official cir cles here that tbe unregistered may now go to tho courts and ask to be al lowed to register and remain In the country. In any view of the case the treasury officials expect to experience great difficulty In carrying out tbe mandate of tbe law that tbe Chinese must go. They look to the cabinet to solve tbe problem at the meeting to morrow. in caljfo'kina. Citizens of Santa Kosa are holding a celebration tonight in honor of tbe su preme court's decision sustaining tho constitutionality of the Geary Chinese law. Huge bonfires are blazing in tbe streets. Fireworks Illuminate tbe heavens and are being fired to express tbe approval of tbe people at the result of the test case. Congressman Geary, interviewed by an Associated Press representative, said that ho did not think It would cost a very great sum of mouey to enforce the law aud that it would'be unreasonable to think the government would have to tie deterred from executing the law be cause au expense would be incurred In so doing. Ho still that owing to the time required Iu deciding each individ ual case aud the buikf that tbe China meu can be deported for about f 15 per head, that the llfty tbousiud dollars left In the treasury for that purpose will be sufficient to meet the expense until congress meets. He also stated that In hU opinion when the Chinese saw the government meant to enforce tbe law, they would voluntarily leave for Cuba, Urszll aud other countries, rather than remain hero aud incur tbe risk and trouble of being sent back to China. He thluks the highbinders and other criminals will be the first to be tried under tbe act. The cjugressmau Bald the Chinese have nobody to blame but themselves for not eouiplylug witb the law and that any hardships resulting la the Just penalty for vIolatlBg It. The War Outlook. New York, May 10. A Washing ton special to tho Feat.Baya: 'The out look for war with China Is now regard ed In naval oiroles as not unfavorable. The decision la a great blow to tbe Chi nese legation here, where it had been hoped down to tko last moment. The act would be declared unconstitutional. HOT GUILTY OP MURDER. 8am Orowand Mrs Govro Discharged In Justice Court. Lebanon, Oh, May 10. Journal special The case ot Bam Crow and Mrs. Goyro, for murdering John Love all, was called yesterday morning, Dis trict Attorney Wyatt appearing for tbe state and Judge J. J. Whitney for tbe defendants. Most of the day was taken up in summoning witnesses It went to trial at 0 o'clock p. m. after tbe state evidence was all in, which Includ ed tbe testimony of eleven witnesses, tho Justice dismissed the case at the motion of the defendants attorney and the prisoners were discharged. John L. Sullivan Arrested. Portland, Maine, May 10. Deputy Sheriff Harmon this morning tele graphed the city marshal of Bangor to have ex-Champion John L. Sullivan, who is under arrest in that city, brought to Portland, where be will be taken into custody by Harmon. Both criminal and civil actions will be brought against him for alleged assault upon Lawyer M. L. Llzotte on the Suuday night train. Official Misconduct. Washington, D. C, May 16. The official conduct of W. E. Slraonds, late commissioner of patents, has been in vestigated. It Is said the report will set forth facts not easily explainable. IN ABBREVIATED SKIRTS. Dress Beformers In Congress at the World'B Fair Chicago, May 10. There were lively limes today in tho seven different sim ultaneous meetings. All tbe sub-divls-Iodb of tbe women's congress are in ses sion in tbe great art palace on the lake front. l The halls and corridors of the big structure are crowded with famous women. Topics ranging from dress re form to evolution are under discussion. Mrs. May Wright Bewell of Indiana, president of the International council of women, presided over the department on dress reform. She appeared in a re form costume, with a full skirt cut eighteen Inches frbm tho floor, a.:d the limbs below tbe border were encased In neat fitting blue leggings. A number of ladles In tho audience wore reform costumes. Street Bailway Trouble. Bioux City, la,, May 10. The Bloux City Btreet Railway Company, operat ing 82 miles of electrio lines in this olty, passed into the bands of a receiver after a consultation with the Eastern credi tors. James F. Peavy, president of the company was named receiver by con sent. The plant is valued at 11,000,000. Tbe floating indebtedness is $276,000. A receivership was thought advisable because of tbe difficulty In floating con solidated bonds to secure (66,000-of first mortgago papor. Tho creditors consider tbe company's cmbarassment only temporary. Eight-Hour Strike. Indianatolih, May 10. All union teamsters and laborers in theclty,nuin bering 2000, struck this afternoon. All public street work Is at a standstill. The men demand eight hours as a day's labor. Two Failing Banks. Minneapolis, May 10. Tho North western Guaranty Loan Company has not yet suspended, though tbe officers admit that the llnauclal stringency will probably compel them to do so, It is anuouueed that Investors will probably be paid In full. IlLOOMiNCiTON, May 10. The Ex change Bank of Normal a suburb of this city, closes its doors this morning, Hanged for Murder. Concord, N, H., May 10. George H. Abbot, alias Frank C. A I my, was hanged hero this mornlug,for tbe mur der of Chrytio Warden. The execution bungled, Aluiys feet touched the floor aud he weut through tbe trap and strangled to death. Indiana Lynching. Imdianai'olih, May 10. At three o'clock this morning a mob, presum ably the same which lynched John Turuey, at Bedford yesterday, went to BrowBstown, took Lou Treuek, who shot and killed Henry Fldlw, a week go, from jail and lynched him. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S Gov't Report Roy&l ,5CgSSg?J ABSOLUTELY PURE LANE COUNTY NEWS. Euqknk, Or., May 10. The state convention of the Odd Fellows opened its session In this city by a meeting of the grand lodge of the Bebekah degree. Thirty-four delegates were reported by the committee on credentials as enti tled to, seats. Odd Fellows from all parts of tbe state are arriving on every train, and a large delegation will be present by Wednesday, when tbe grand lodge meets. Tbe grand encampment meets today. A meeting was held at Creswell Sat urday, and it was decided to oiler a bonus of $20,000 and a block of land In the city to secure the location of tho couuty-seat there. They claim that the county-seat is only temporarily lo cated at Eugene, and will endeavor to force a vote to decldo on a permanent location. Important for Lawyers. Washington, May 10. Tho su premo court bas laid down a construc tion of law of Importance to tbe West, which was Iu efl'eot that appeals will be from the territorial courts to the Un I tod Btates supremo court In cases not especially excepted ' by the fourth and Blxtb sessions of the act creating the court of appeals. THE OLKVELAND3 MOVE. President and Mrs. Cleveland have moved out to thelrcountry house. Tho Star says tho members of tbe family are looking forward to an Interesting event to occur, it I stated, In July. Tbo expected event explains why Pres ident and Mrs. Cleveland have been somewhat anxious to get- into their own country home for tho summer. The President's Men. Washington, May 10. The presi dent has made tbe following appoint appeint ments: A. C. Baker of Arizona, chief Justice supremo court of Arizona; Ed ward I. Hall of New Mexico, U. S. marshal of Now Mexico; Benjamin H. Moore of New York, collector of cus toms of Alaska, viae Edwin T. Hatch, of Oregon, removed; Wm. Pugh of Ohio,' commissioner of customs, vice B. V. Holliday, Penn., resigned Robert M. Cousar, Teun., deputy first auditor of tbe treasury, vice Alex F, McMillan, district of Columbia, resigned. Heavy Attachment. New York, May 10. An attach ment bas been granted against the West Superior Iron & Steel company for $05,000 In favor of (he Atlantic trust company. Failure and Forgery. Detroit, May 10. Herman C. Feoh helmer, a leading wholesale liquor deal er, has failed. A bank official adrnlts that muoh of tbe 9100,000 of Fecbbelm er's paper held by his bank Is forged, and bo is under arrest. Pallister Found. Bino BiNd, N. Y., Mar 10. Tbo body of Pallister, tbo murderer, under sen tence of death, who with Rohle, an other condemned murderci, escaped from the penitentiary a month ago, was found floating In tbe river oppo site tbe prison this moriilug. It is bad ly decomposed. The body of Rohle was found some days ago and at the time it was supposed Pallister had mur dered Rohle to facilitate his own escape. Election at Corvallls. Corvallib, Or., May 10. The olty election resulted in a mixed vlctory.and as Ih follews: W. T, McFadden, may or; A. Cauthorn, treasurer; oouncllmeti, O. H. Lee, George F. Eglln, E. P. Greiloz and L. G. Allmaii, The vole was tbe largest ever held hcre,thero be ing 487 ballots cast. The water faction was very much elated over the election of their candidate (or mayor uud oue councilman, while the anti-water peo ple are rejoicing over the success of tbe councilman on their ticket, oue of whom, however, was endorsed by the other Bide. Withoat Preference. New York. May 10. Eraslus Wl man made a general assignment for the benefit of his creditors. Wlmaii wou d net make a formal statement merely, saying his sMtganeut' was without preference, kind Powder ENFORCE TUB LAW. What has become of President Cleve land's famous expression about tbe plain duty of the executive In enforcing the laws of our country. Congress passed tho Geary Chinese exclusion act. The Chinese refused to comply with It, Cleveland suspended ' tbe operation of tbe act of congress. I The supremo court declares the law.' valid. Having failed to register as re quired by law the' alien Chinese race " hns no rights in this country. The Oregonian says the law canuot be onlorced. Tho Chinese say Cleve land will not enforce it. The three seem to agree. The Oregonian, Cleve land aud tbo Chiueso are In perfect harmony. Cblncso consuls everywhere threaten Injury to American residents and American Interests In China. It must' not be fonrotten tbat our ueonle have tbo Bame rights In China tbat all other f T nations have. And any other race that ? ? comes to our country, and refuse KnArriA rtt la ln-awal1a nf KnAAmtne an iii . integral part of Abaerioan citizenship r n (tiska-l I ei ra in lltn nAMatltiillnn - Inaav 'l-. HUUUtulu tu IUU VUUQtUUUUU mtu uw ordered out of our country Just the pa same as tho Chinese havo been. The. 4 threat of retaliation by ill-treatment of Americans In China ought not to deter President Cleveland a moment from' puiiing me ueary law in lorce. 'Ithen ' TftVPKH PnnU TYnTTAWrJlH if: Roseburg Plalndealer: A. J. Bellows secretary of tho soldiers' borne commis sion, went to Salem the first of tbe !' week, on official busluees. Independonoo West Bide: W. O. Cook bas Just returned from Salem with bis Oneoo colt Mr. Craven, of (ooa Balem, will havo bis raco horses here ,;? tomorrow under tho care of Leslie Gal-1( je braith. ' fcks Bclo Press: Tbe people of Iodepend- (' uuue nave tattoo upon a unique ptao w fm q1 iiiruH liih iifiiiiiiiii ! Miiinrnn run nunimaiw ' closing law. If the' saloons are notldoo nlnnnd nnxr. Rnndav. nonrv nnor In IW W. t... n.m i. i.t J... 'J MB uitjr mil ire ick iwou. VSSW Bllverton Tribune: George Cllne, aad Balecu contractor and builder, spent Jjf Saturday among old friends In this olty. J',. Davton Herald: Mr. Moore, f row, ma Salem, was here this week looking forA a location to go Into the blaoksmltlijij business. filfo Oswego Iron Werker: Owing ',JJJh bis being at Balem and not at bis mill f, tn when uresnam's dispatch was received,' Governor Pennoyer evidently did not! believe In "say nothing and saw wood.'V uaisey mews: it is a goou siory, whether true or not, that comes from .1 Washington about Bob Miller; "Good; morning, Mr. President," the gallant1 colonel addressed tbe chief magistrate; 'I suppose you recognize me" "Yes, I recognize you," solemnly answenAl tho great Democratic Moses, "but If canuot place you," 4 Forest Grove Times: Woloott GebWj lias been returned to Haiem lor treat? menu Ho has been at borne here sows time and seemed to be much better, bW It was round necessary Monuay to i him where he could havo medical aud attention, ' Vera Duvnv was eluht vears old li Monday, but did not' realize It uutll It surprisu wuioit ner moiuer nau pro v it uegati 10 oeveiop. . uumuer ui.h ncliiMilmatej aud nlav.fellows OSS trooping In early in tbe afternoon WlUji nice presents auu mementos. , a Tor Old and Yoiutg,,?, Tnfs Liver Pills r Vy'..STttl chlltl.tliudallrwtM fswals or iMruqaMjN eld Bare. vs HP aM VffxlM BMMk, , )aJJVI r -ii n'li.rl uns nils give wk MowswImJ Sta. kltlsMyu and atlauMar. " f Mt4fral, MlHttsHr J tlulf fisisnllaisai aval las vaMSl ' awl-ii m- 1.1 M yiee, 1 te Hi ! s hr J a . iU ip last' tuft. "m J&:f