,$'. 1 .H''1www,:'' ' ' " " . JlWa, fWJ ! itk-. ' ' " :r-yrfMi(W' - K- "- Hmf'ifW .MtioiwiioiMiini.iin.m innn iiphi i i. nn.i"iiijui wmmtnmMmmmMmtmmmanmwmt IfAlip AJU) JAVKMN, Dft, TAUMA PMACMM M A CL fiUfUECT, f0V' r of Miitfti illiuiMfi b f'arM He fr mmwiih ftiM, id Kf i) di flrair ttHDOKj.w, May M, In Mi rwrjaw tliUformioonln tlio Brooklyn l'WfAoto ly, Dr. 'Mmtiwironnhtntiivml urirt timctimi conjiiwutwi tlttt M iltW(J ly n toxt pflrlmpo now Morn ciwn, Tho oinlBK hymn, M y ornn nwl cornet nM Jolinwl In 1y tliiHwJ ot voice, WM' llefore Jehovah' awful Ihron. V nation how with aairad joff ThonbJoctnnnotineoJwftj"i&irpfln1 Jrtvolln," Mm text fxffn I flawnol, efJit oontli clmpter, tenth And otovmitlr jwis( "And Onvid phtvod with hi lmnV l other times, umlithcro ww n jnvolln In Saul's hand And Haul ct tho Jnwlln, tor ho mid, I will urnlU) Dnvfd vn to tlio wnll with it. And David ftvofdud out of his prceonco twlcoj," What u spectacle for All Afceol, Hani, a giant, and David, dwarf, An imfor tunato war ballad hail been cotnpoMd And eung oulogixinff David ulwyoHdiil, TIipi Bon throw Saul inton paroxysm of raw, which brought on one of his old spoils of Insanity to which ha had, )mn subject, If ono is disposed to ewio physical nil' incnt and ho got real mad, it U vary npt to bring on ono of hU old attacks. Haul is a raving manioc, And he goes to imi' tatiug tho fiilse prophet or sibyls, who kicked and gesticulated wildly when they pretended to bo foretelling event, Wliatover tho physicians of tho royal. staff may havo precnuca for tlio flhv ordered king I know not, tont David pro scribed" music. Ifaving keyed np the harp, his fingers began to pull tho rhythm from tho vibrating strings, Thrwnl Thruml Tbruml No use. Ticking will not listen to tho cxqulsito cadences. He lets fly a javelin, expecting to pin the minstrel to tho wall, but David dodged tho weapon and kept on, for ho was con fident that bo could, as before, subdue Baal's bad. spirit by music. Again tho javelin is flung, and David dodges it and departs. What a confrastl Hosoato David with a harp and enraged Saul with a javelin. Who would not rather play tho pnp than (ling tho other? But that was not tho only time intho world's history that harp and javelin met. Where their birthplaco was I can not declare. It is said that tho Ijto was first suggested by tho tight drawing of tho sinews of a tortoise acrosa its shell, and that tho flute was first suggested by tho blowing of tho wind across a lcd of reeds, and that the ratio of musical in tervals was first suggested to Pytliago ras by the different hammers on tho nuvil of tho smithy, but tho harp seems to mo to have dropped out of tho sky and the javelin to have been thrown vy from tho pit. The oldest stringed instrument of tho world is the harp. Jubal sounded his harp in tho book of Genesis, David played many of bis psalms on tho harp while he sang them. Tho captives in Babylon hung their harps on tho willows. Josepbus celebrated tho invention of the 10-strlnged harp, Tiniothetu, tho Milo sian, was imprisoned for adding tlio twelfth strine to tho harn. becauso too much luxury of sound, might enervafo tho people. Egyptian harps, Scottish harps, Welsh harps, Irish harps have been celebrated. What an inspired tri angle! Everlasting honors to Sebastian Erard, who by pedals invented called tho foot as well as the hand to tho harp. When tho harpsicord maker for whom lie worked discharged him for his genius, tho employer not wanting to be eclipsed by his subordinate, Erard suffered from tho samo passion of jealousy tlwt threw Saul of my text intothofltdurihgvhich ho flung a javelin at tho liarpist. Tho harp is almost human, as yon find when you put your finger on Its pulse. Other instruments have louder volco and may bo better for a battle charge, but what exquisite sweetness slumbers between the harp strings, waking at tho first touch of tho tips of tho fingers. It can weep. It can plead. It can soothe. It can pray. Tho fluto Is more mellow, tho trumpet Is more startling, tho organ Is more majestic, tho cymbals are more festive, tho drum Is more resounding, but the harp has a richness of Its own and will continuo Its mission through all timo and then take part In celestial sym phonies, for St. John says he heard In heaven the harps of Ood. THE AKCIKNT JAVELIN, But the javelin of my text is just as old. It Is about fij tvkt long, yvlMi wood en handle and steel point, keen and sharp. But it belongs to the great family of death dealers and is brother to sword and spear and bayonet, and first cousin to all the Implements that wound and slay. It has cut its way through tM ages. It was old when Saul, in the scene of my text, tried to harpoon David. It has gashed the earth with grave tresebei. Its keen tip is reddened with the blood of American wars, English wn, Qer man wars, Russian wars, Prmuk war. Crusader wars and wars ot all nation nd of all ages. Th structure of tho jarella shows what It was made for. The piowsbwe is sharp, but aimed to est the earth U preparatioo for harvests. The lightning rod is sharp, but aimed to disarm the lightnings and secure safety. Tb ax sharp, but aimed to fell forests and clear the way for bnisan habitation. The knife is sharp, but aimed to cut the bread for sustnanee. But the javelis U sharp only to oprs trtueaa arteries and extinguish humri eyesight and take baaan life and fill the earth with the cries of orphanage asd widowhood asd oWMlescseea. , , Ob, I aw so glad that my text bring then so eloee toethr that wrea m tUeoeatraet betwees the barpasd the javess. Tse ose to sootse, ise vwtr v LrtjtkMnitssftve.tbthrto4tyJ the u dirise. Ue other diabetic; tbe tol4ay.t.eisertoWsrl:tsessefa htrptMir (M tfrtort Into ftoltotm ffi Hftf whHt Amn Ifif.s mnkufM HilHfr im1ot ifisfflfll ifM iffPH'flfdlwW', PrtM IwH yM ( Iflrt MfKfflil IfHlftt jHiwMrfi MftfH Uiwvr hm UiUf ANrt MiM ttnm H mwhMh YthMi vfet tor KUitt tfflfir- AMmm 1 wedNi mnt Uni,yM nnyf lUo tmUtmt U this aim has tutom, Vhy mi (i fflllfif6? firtdl H(tw io Ink lli wA sinn, A wliftfa kuAlmnt r shw of 6tifrt .tlwfArtwvHIAatuithlHiHowtiuUiefiUfiH fftur iyiwM if yon mum io imo im inkmf, U, vrn uoi Ike fnuH ot IhfUYt Mtucmmfftt, Vt His frtdlt tit tim't(ob' l)nm, om (it tlit wlst ma mi ( ll flgs, stands Mm m In tlio tel u1 inlnUtrlfiK Hi'iito tM "frrfwis AUorAtf ftnd twehrfll dl!HliirlrtfiCflftid Dnvld wm right, MtiAte 1 tli mmtk'fl for ed In nil tliorajwitles IM fwitilH uuty mi bn tmn m siidd&iily m oihor forms of euro, but It Is jmi s wontltttuL Yoti will twtrr know how jiiiIi outttttUitf rtfidso row mntltf M sfi(t m liGalod, A toUHor In tho United titnltn nrmy snld th on llw dy the redimmdn band jilaytwJ near trie iKjr)itm ah tfio sick nd wwimded rtvlvmliHfld men whowwo so Inino lliov comd not vnU btiioro t'oi up and wmit oiitnrid sat in tlitfstMsfmio, And thoj no dispirited that thy titrttst tixi&tin to uet homo f n to jwok tholf baggago And ask About tlwotablM on stcamiwftt and rail train, TheodosJns, tho emiieror, wrathful At the Iwhavlor of tho fieopto of Antloch, vho, on fconio suddoti proyocrttloti tore down tho Atfituttt ot mniHsror and tttw pro4s, resolved swcroly to jmnlsli thoni, wit tho bishop, knowing that tho emporor bod a group of Iwys to sing to him whllo eating At tho tablo, taught tlio boys a plaintive song In which tho jooplo la mentcd tholr biwl lhavlor, aikj tho king nridcr tho pathos of iliotmisld cried out, "Tlio c ty or Antiocn js rorgivon." tho rago of Achilles wasftsstiagcd by a harp. Aflclepiades swayed robolllotis tmilti' ttules by a harp. THB J-OWKK OV MV8W. Aflor tho battlo of Yorktown, when ft musician was to suffer amputation, and before tho days of nweslhelles, tho wounded artist called for a musical In strument nnd lost not a noto during tho 40 minutes of amputation. V Hippo Pal ma, tho great musician, confronted by an angry creditor, played so cnchantlng ly before him that tho creditor forgavo tho debt and gavo tho debtor 10 guineas more to appease other creditors. An eminent physician of olden tlmo contended lot couno carrying our theory too far) that all ailments of tho world conld bo cured by music, Tlio medical journals never reiwrt their recoveries by thismodo. But in what twilight hour has many a saint of Ood solaced n heartache with n hymn hummed or sung or played I Jeromo ol Prague sang while burning at tho stako. Over what keys of piano or organ consolation has walked. Yea, In church ono hymn lias rolled peace over a thousand of tho worried, perplexed and agonized. Willie tlicro Are hymns, and tunes ready for tho jubilant, there Is a rich hymnol ogy for tho suffering "Naomi" and "Eventide" and "Autumn Loaves" and "Com?) ye dujcoflsplato," and whole port folios' and librettos of tears net teynnsic. All tlio wonueriui inumpun ui Biirgury and all tlio now modes of successful treatment of physical and mental dis orders are discussed In medical conven tions and snread hbf bad in medical books, and it is high time that soma of the mil lions of souls that nave been meuicateu by music, vocal and instrumental, let tho world know what power there Is In sweet sound, whether rolling from lip or leap ing from tightened chord or ascending from ivory key. Music isAunlyersallanguago, At tho foot of tho Tower of Babol language was split Into fragments never to bo again put Jtogetbcr, but ono Jbing was not hurt, and that is music, and it is tho samo all tlio world over. Last summer in Ilnssln t n ,..riri( Tt1fl;fl wo were erected as wo entered a great auditorium, wnicn was filled vith thousands of Ittnwians, whose language I could not understand any more than they could understand rolne. . . . . . t i . But after the grand band had, out of compliment io us, played our two great American airs, I stepped on the platform and said to tho bandmaster, "Ittissian airl Kussiau airl" and then ho tapped with his baton on thd music rack, and with a splendor and majesty of power that almost mado us quail the full band poured forth their national anthem. They understood our American music, and we understood tlieir Busslan music. It is a universal language nnd so good for universal cure. I should not wonder if In the day of judgment It should bo found out that more souls have been saved by music than by preaching. 1 should not wonder if out of the one hundred and forty ami our thousand ransomed souls that John foresaw before the throne of God at least 130,000 had been saved by sweet song, Wliy docs not the church on earth take the hint? Heaven is tho great .musical center of the universe, tho place of doxolegfes and trumpets and harps, and in preparatiw for that place we ought to ake'inore of music on earth, The bawd of mulc at Waterloo played the retreat of tho Forty-second High- feeders bock to their places, and sacred mtuio 1ms returned many a faltering host of God iio the Christian conflict with as Hmcu determlHatios arid dash as Tensrson's "Mil Hundred," Who ea tell what has bees. Accomplished by Charles Lesley's 7,40 tftam, or by the e08gregtieaal eietftoff of Me time, which -1,1 L lnutfJ Una mUm iJt Wtis fV 4 pw Lewis (gone to rest all Kxiw)eo8dctda cawpeJga against &mhrmfmt t the west, and marshaled toutiiH4a b( the nobiesi nomm &f tho bad is that nagnMest caMfa( asd wljek seighboThoods asd viSaejee asd y jt up their grotf ssops, do ye kjw the ehief weapos sw Itwasthe They i"". TT for TseysssgH at tse it t4 husdrtde of WmVH m wrwwm vfrw MtWlHO OAWAf, IM Mntynftffl ( Ui WfcOfitl tf.i (Mf(M Midi fip, Xi l frfrt ttfrt'i ol '-mmf, My tUtA, m Th," Ma Ww Amu kfh1, M Hif t'flf(i vff llify lotfif't tohmn, m Miff HiImI mm imf ktftA io try, nnd at (M foatiU itm lhtf k6i frM6if iWf MUM ftgftlH, Y6ff jii -? iii Mi m ni fMt Um j hm fitl ml hv l( ofiiytbt (twffk, Olvfl Ml matt A iM wpftt ht'A And UWbitM UilW tiitf wh6l mhf Oo4i ran fcBBf.f,f6t hkim,, m , Mi wh6rt IH Wf ItAl I Ks6 fe'nl deplffi- hU ii titcMblm ot thylUmhM t&Amt Md kbiUWf UHtHhK H Jlfrt At tho Umi otjhi Id, tho fmfHsl, I tolMnk mynil at ttw f6i tht tin wwifd llfco id kill -JMftd Jldi Wtf M 6 ilOt told WtlAl ttifioIMvM wiW phlti(f tin Ii1h tM dy hat ttoiH tho oUfnOiaf o( llio niMi wn khow U wft ml a efAsy trfftdr te! w A ftwiwltw AHlfi of rt swei ot MUM timtttttve ot tito fiielodfamrt, Wit elej Vited JrttisfO, Ool ttUvl intrtto, Irtsjnfed tntiftld, fellglotu itiutAoi wllolft hcMtm Ot Hen6nip6dtlfid6fAhftf;ttifl, NO wetidef that wioked ul hated H Mid could fiot ftWd Hie sound ind with all Ms might hurled mi lusfriiment of dentil At it Iknowtheroftto stylos of tiiusldthat Mn ftdftilKs, Mid yoit hear It ad yon pfwrfi the CftsiHO Of tlio oanco nail, ana hib rfftvll M stoletl tilost 6f tho fiddled, though 1 AW glad tho Old Hulls ,11 snulclled tip tho chanied strirfgs frofn their desecration, but it Is a fact that slu hM A jaVelltl lot tfy rod B6rtn1. Iif many churches the javelin of orltlclstd lms killed thd iflHsid, jftVelltl flung frbif Afraid they way tidi Mfittf Bclontlflcally, thoy will not sing, Ai, all, or sing, will such low tone flint no ono ncarn tnom, Wmany A'churclf the jaroliii of uritl cism hao crippled tho harp of worship. If satan could silence nil tho Sunday school songs and tho hymns of Christian worship, ho would gain his greatest Achievement, When tho millennial song shall rise and it is being mado ready there will bo such n roll of voices, such a concentrated $owor of stringed and wind Instruments, such majesty, such unanimity, siicli continental and hemi spheric nfld planetary acclamation, that It will bo impossible tojmowwhoro earth stops and heaven begins. Roll on, rol in, roll up, thou millennial harmQnyj TNK MKANNKfia OV UEVfcNOK. Boo also in my subject a rejected op portunity of revenge. Why dla 'not David pick up Saul's javelin and hurl it back again? David had a skillful arm. lie demonstrated on another occasjon )io could wield a sling, and ho could havo easily picked up that javelin, aimed it at Saul, tho would bo' assassin, nnd left tho foaming and demented monster as lifeless under tho javelin as he hod loft Goliath under a sling. Oh, David, now Isyourchanco. No, no, Men and women with power of tonguo or peii or hand to reply to an imbittercd antagonist, bet ter imitate David and lot tho jaye)in Ho at your foot and keep the harp in yom hand. Do not strike back. Do not play tho gnmo of tit tor tat, Gibbon, in his history, tolls of Bnjazet, tho great Moslom general who was brought n captivo to tho tont of Tlinur. Ho had attempted thomassocroof Timur and his men. Timur said to himi "Had you vanquished us I am not ignorant of tho fa to which you reserved for myself and my troops,, but 1 disdain to retaliate. You life and honor are sccuro, and I snail express my gratitude to'God by my clem- ency w man. uuuummi Bcrvcngo on Christian's tonguo or pen or hand is inapt and mora damage to tho ono who employs it than 'tho'ono against whom it is employed. What! A javelin hurled at you and fallen at your feet, and you not hurl it back again? Yes. 1 havo tried the plan. I learned it from my father nnd havo practiced it all my Ufo, and it works well, and by tho help or yoa ana, javelins not picKea ' no 1 have conquered all my foes and prcacnou innerai sermons m nunw w most or tnein, Tho best thing you can do with a javo lin hurled at you is to lot' it Ho wliero it dropped' or hang it up In your mutfoum as a curiosity. Tho deepest wound mado by a javelin is not by tho sharp edgo, but at tho dull end of the handlo to him who wields it. I leave it to you to say which got thd best of that fight in tho palace Saul or David. See also in ray subject that the fact that a man sometimes dodges is not against his courage My text says that when Saul assailed him, "David avoided out of his presence twice" that is, when the javelin was flung, ho stepped out of its direction or bent this wayor that in other words, ho uougeu, But all thoso who havo read tho life of David know that he was not lacking in prowess. Divli had faults, but cowardice was not one of them. When David, who was, I guess, about H feet high, went out to meet the giant, who was, I guess, about 10 feet high, it was a big undertaking, and the Inequali ties of the struggle were so great that it struck the giant's idea of the ludicrous, and lie suggested to the little fellow that be would make a fine dinner for a bui wd or ft jackal "Come to rne, and 1 will give thy flesh unto the fowls of 0 tlr and to the beasts of the field." COVtUOK Of THIS WOHTBOW. When David went out to meet that tAant and conanered him, he demon strated, as he did on other occasions, his courage. But I am so glad that when Saul flung that javelin David dodged it, or the ehlef work of his life would never have been done. What a lesson this is to those who go into useless danger asd expose their lives or their reputations or their usefulness unnecessarily. When duty demands, no ahead, though all earth and hell ojipoie. Dodge not one inoh from the right position. Batwheanotli IW is tavoJved s4ep tek or step aside. Why stad fa He way of perils that yea ea avoid? On not into qulxoife battles to Agkt wisdwUfo, Yo wiM be of more see to the world ad the e4rarh mm as aaUvs Christian m tbaa as a Ut- V U tom. There sreCW, set fer jar. There ae Ctoieeiae foM fOtfiNAfi MOKDAl, MMffteVMNMIMMtfwmiMMM t-llttfehN ! Klii IllTP, if Htf M MHtJMMifitmof HiiitdMitM Of 6ofttM fcIrttl?.WPfM IhMA jF A(Ilte ,ift Hi If, nimfi ii t uo fwmwi rot U(A Ot rhd If (Hhf rfrtnd Wit 6f ho mf Id M oM1 Mil tt Ids ff mats twW" WwldtitfWt fW M hiMlity Irt JnM im tithli i. la JiM HdfnlicM IM MMf MiM Mtettll Uihtj W6 bfett dojrff bred If .6 lil ml (1nWd. ik (tdd(dd Oft Mi MitammntAbn Mew Jersey FiciLlttit Miiioiii 011 in ny io- iimiigti fallow At Wrtrfilflrtlt'iu VtM wnltod fof hf MteMMi but h look nfibtlief tfslil Afld (lodged Ik dwpefmWi Wo linvo filglt tiMfifild ot tho fnet tlint otnt!ma rt thAH will WfVdfJod best by dlsftppfAf' IfiK ffoirt. UiU ot Hint place, Mi Ot tlmC envlfohhiftit' k d L a A wolf bf6niit Clitlst to tho top 6f IliO rock bat Ot Nn,lfetli, They did hot llko liMpfcAehlnKyithd they proposed td hnrl hlni down tho precblee, OtU wlillo tliey were getting rondy for ther mftfawero Clirist (lArtcd Into tho crowd and nmld ilio confusion escaped to Cn )?rnntim nna contlnttou exorcising uov lis and cooling fevorsnnd filling flslt 110M nnd glvln liealthy clrcttlatlon of blood to pftfAlyitis and cufliitf domenttft nnd turning corpses Into living mon nnd wotnott nnd dong his chief work, What ft good thing ho dodged tho browd on tho rocks back of Nnrarothl Likewise nt Jerusalem ono day( whlto ho Was sauntering hp nnd dowii In Solo trion's ptrrcli waiting fornn opiVortunlty to say kind words or do n useful deed, tho pooplo proposed to pay him tot his self sacrifices by stoning him to dentil, but the record Is, "Ho escapod out of their hatids.H CJA0BKLE83JATnED. Sea also in my subject tho unreason able attitude c-f javelin toward harp. What had that harp in DaVld's hand dono to tho javelin in Saul's hand? Had the vibrating strings of tho ono hurt tho keen edgo of tho other? Was thoro an old grudgo between tho two families of sweet Bouhu add sharp ctlt? Had tho tri anglo ovof ihBUlted tho polished shaft? Why tho deadly aim of tho destroying . weapon against tho instrument of sooth ing, calming, healing sound? Well, 1 will answer that if you will toll md why tho hostility of so many to tho cospol. why tho virulent attacks against Christian religion, why tho angry antipathy of so many to tho mostgoninl, most inviting, most salutary influence under nil tho heavens. Why will men glvd tneifrlivos' to writing and speak ing and Warring against Christ and the, gospel? Why tho javelin of tho world's hatred nnd rago against tho harp of hoavenly love? You know arid! know iricn who get wrathfully red in thd foco and foaming at' tho mouth and ubo tho gesture of tlio clinch ed fist and put down their feet with in dignant emphasis and invoke all par cas'm and irony nnd vituperation and scorn and splto nt the Christian reli gion. What has tho Christian religion dono that it should bo so assailed? Whom hath it bitten nnd left with hy drophobia virus In their veins that it should sometimes bo chased as. though it were' a maddened canino? ' To head off and trip up and push down nnd corner our religion was tho dominant thought in tho Ufo .of David Humo and Voltaire and Shaftesbury and oven tho Earl of Bochester, until ono day In a princely houso, In which thoy blasphemously put God on trial, and tho Earl of Rochester was tho attor ney against God and religion and re ceived tho applauso of tho wholo com pany, when suddenly tho earl was struck under .conviction nnd cried: "Good God, that a man who walks uprightly, who goes tho wondorful works of God and has the 'use of his senses and reason, should use them in dofying his Croatorl I wish I had been a crawling lopor In n ditch rather than havo acted toward God as I havo dono." Javelin of wit, javelin of irony, javelin of scurrility; javolin of sophistry, javo Hn of human and diabolic hostility havo been flying for hundreds of yenrs nnd are flying now. But aimed at what? At something that has como to devastate tho world? At something that slays na tions? At something that would maul and tramplo under foot and excruciate and crush the human racoi" Tlffi WONDERFUL ium. No, aimed at the' gospel harp harp on which prophets 1 ployed with some what lingering and uncertain fingers, but harp on which' apostles played with sublime certainty, and martyrs played while their fingers were on fire. Harp that was dripping with tho blood of the Christ, out of whoso heartstrings tho harp was chorded and from whoso dying groan tbo strings were keyed. Oh, gos uel harp! All thy nerves a-tremblo with stories of self sacrifice Harp thrummod by fingers long ago turned to dust. Harp that mado heaven listen and will yet make all the earth hear. Harp that sounded pardon to my sinful soul and peaco over tho grove whore my dead sleep. Harp that will lead tho chant of tbo blood washed throng re deemed around tho throne. May a javo lin slay mo before I fling a javelin at that. Harp which it seems almost too sacred for mo to touch, and so I call down from their thrones those who used to finger it and ask' them to touch it now. "Como down, William Cooper, and run your fingers over tho strings of this harp." Ho says, "I will," and ho plays: Thers la a fountain filled with blood Drwn from IramaOEel'i Tela. "Come down, Charles Wesley, and touch the strings." Ho says, "I will," and he Jtiat, lorer of njr aeol, Lt b to thr Umom flr, "Coae down, Augustus Toplady, and sweep your fingers across this gospel btxf." He says, "I will," and he plays: Reek of Abm. cWt fer rat, fjtt m tide mrkelf In tbee. "Cecae down, Isaac Watts, and take this harp." He says, "I will," and he plays: Ala, sad 614 nr SariourUoed, A aa dM wr aavtraiffD dleT "P. P. Bliss, eeste dews and thrum this gospel harp." He saye , "I will,"aad he " JUlWUJi,,Udel JUiUreealfeeSea, JsedfaUe fcarpi Tfsssfwttof hsrpl Harp MA 10, im iMMSriMlMlMMStlVMMWMMMdMMU frlwlhf iiAfp-of liMfcHl ihtp Mfulty ttod Grille! ilnfHof Oodl uhilllko y MM bt tfwt bid rrifoiHttifflt, Id th MHrfnl efttttfoh ftt UilAfdtwM'Riiktfty, IrftAHdi tM st!lfrtuf 6fi tHnt fo6n fertml tkttgli chwlttt tootd Hail A IhOuMtld yWfs nM M npftof Info IWAJf M ttrtfii lh Ddnliittf H f Opt fehtllf( h ItHf H tttl rt tiWAi 'f lMt li Wltf0 1 Wfirf It notf I tlint I whfd ;6H lnd Wlf lnitljf It, Let tlio JAvrilffbofoteveHiurlfcMltf skW Ji tt1g dowiii but Iwtutf Urt hrtf i ttpOti Uidcfwrti , , , . And now" toii otif omi let tho hfttw f ynveii frtlit tnusld, Ahd M wlieii the iittt'H tayii ill dnt li BwlKetlatid At thd Approach of svefilldo, Atid IliO shetv ltrd (n6rirf tho Alpd pills' thd hotii to liU lip Aild blows' a blftil fttttt say, iMm y to God," And All thd sheh liwds on tho Aliniio helghlo of down in fhe deen valleyd tMtiona witii otner blasts of horns, sylntf, ''tilery y to God," and then all tho shepherds' uncover tholf heads Ana Kneel tit worsnip, nnu after a few moments of silence udmo shepherd rises front his kneed hnd blows Andther bloat of tho horn nnd sayd, "Thanks bo to God," nnd All through tho mountains tho responso comes from other shepherds, "Thnnks bo to God," so this momont lot nil tho valloya of earth re spond to tho hills of heaven with sounds of glory And thAnks, nnd it ho harp of earthly worship to harp of heavenly worship, and tho words Of St. John In tho Apocalypse bo fulfilled, "I heard a voice from henvon as tho voice of many waters nnd as the volco of a great thun dor, And I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps." fCJCKZJCJCKS tMMMMMMMSaKXXX COMPLETE MANHOOD AND HOW TO ATTAIN IT. At tiat a mnltcM work thkt telll thd CUM, It KlentlOoally the mot lujl, tlftlcsllr the moit Uoeut fuU, medical book lht ha ag pearort foryeani M paiiM, Tr page beat ng a halftone Tl untratlon la IIBla, BjiMe ql the tubjecu treated are Nerroui Debility, Invpo-JJ teooir, Sterllltr. DeTelopmept. Varicocele, The H HinCsnd. Thoio Intending Marriage, etc. M Kvtry Mnn icno itowii noio ine urnniii mini, cm rim 0 Xfdlonl .Irttnr at applMtoMa Mar- ritd who wovVl nton fiir pjil( nlUf ami nfnlilfiil urt pitfall. nii 'ONI) KRFVl,- l.ITT, F ll, fniii'li wi iw wi 'LKliOOK, i,a wno fur titM tti$ttm It mil bo Mnt free, If conrenient eneloM ten cenle to . under teal, wnnn ine on tinder ftcal. while tlnn latca. ir eonrenieni enoioM ten rran pa poitnge alone. AddreH tbo publlthen, ERIE MEDICAL CO., U BUFFALO. N. T. PUOFESSIONAt A'tfD'lJOSltoEI&tJAKbS. V, II. n'AKOY. OKO. O. B1KOHAM. D'AHOY & niNOllAM. AttorneyH at Iaw, llooranl,a aud U, U'Aroy Hulldinu, Ut ouil eireei. opecii uiiauhuu hitvu wj uuai neaslD the supreme and clroult courts of tlio itate; a 11 Rr, B013K. Attornty at inw. Balem, Ore , sou. Ufllco'lM commercial alrcet. rilLMON KOKD, Attorney ot law, Bnlcin, X Oregon, Olllce up Btulrb lu liUon block L. F.CONN, Attorney at law, room 7, Mur pby blook. . H. J. lliaUKIt, Attomey at law.Balem, Ore gon. Olllcoovcr tuiKh'H bauk. JJ.8HAW.M.W.11UNT. HHAWAHUNT . AltornejB nt lnw. Office over Capital National bank, Kalem, Oregon. m T. UiailAltDdON, Attorney ut law of 11 flceiioHinlrslu.rronlrojmi ol uewBusn block, corner Commercial and Court streets, Miiietn, uregon. JOHN A. UAKsON, Attorney at law, rooms 8 and 4, Uueh bank building, Halem,Or, II. f. 1JONUAM. W. II. IIOLMEB. BON HAM & HOLMES, Attorney at law. Olllco In llunli blook, between Btatoand ujurt, on Cofnmerclttl atreot. ME. POGUK, Htonographer nnd Tjpc . writes! Best equipped typewriting or tloouut one In Oregon. Over Uuih'a bank, Wulem, Oregon. 8" viKLLA HHEUMAN.-Typewrltln; ana oommerolul stonograpny, room 11, oruy block. H Irflt-claiS work ric. iiaioi is rouxonable, O. HItOWNK, M. D.. I'hydclan and Bur. . ge n. OlHco. Murphy bioukj reslaence, I, conuuerclal street. TK. A. U. OlliLIS.speclalUtln dUoasofl of ) the eye, ear, noso and throat, Room 10 (lust) bank building, Halera, It. T O. HM1TU, leutlt. Itt Slate street, J Balem, Oregon. Finished dental opera LI UVUIUI UJJU1W l'anleM lopera. tions or every description, tlons a specialty. I). I'UOIl, Architect, plans, speclflca- llnnti and nnnrlntpridencO for all claases ol buildings Office 2U0 Commercial street, up stairs. C. lUlllKUT, Archtiect, room w, mar , quam building, 1'orlland, Oregon. P. J. LAJRSEN & CO., Manufacturer of Wagons, Car- rlageo, etc Repairing u Spoolalty. ,..,, Huop 45 Htate street. "nilOTEOTION 1X)1)0K NO. 8 A.O.U. W. Y MeeU In their hall In Htato Insurance fol.dlng.every Wedndve. J, A. BEliWOOD, Ilecorder. THE PACIFIC DETECTIVE AND COLLECTION BURBAD 8ALKM, - - - Oragon. Oflloe removed to 211 Commercial nt. C$T reaMnable;uVub..OMana l'ubllo and rlvate work Manager. MONEY TO LOAN On Improved Rl Estate, In amounts and lime to suit. Nodelay la coBildertng loan. FEAR Jt FORD, IVwm 12. Hush (tank bloek. 61MW Autborlxed CnplUl 600,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Halem, Oregon. W. A. CU W;e. . t jfa W. MAUTIN, Vie. Bute, county and City WarranU bought ' at Fur. aw J. H. HAAS, THB WATOnIAK-BK, piCmmtMll, tii H (Next door U ICleto'.) -L. ua.4. mi am .III " j tj ' ir . a&isw, ri y , ',1 - I .'"!. (WXQw&W id oAy.wt or us, pobftCtos, but of a gtot bcml.i K3assc?sr: A'tt&WM UafMiiMi tt " PJ?s iha kert tho" h6ld willcil if t, lti on old nni fnStldlolls smdkefi What Its excellence n$i wcuted, Its 1 r.lfonnlty has always retained Arid It Is, tllefrfofe, to-day Hi (vvert(.VfiVe yeafs atot th most popular SwoWfift tobacco In Hi world. Get thd genuine, BUckwcll's DUltHAM, It. CI ft. W. COITLB & CO., General Insurance Agency. lleprenentlnit the following- HTATR 1NHORAKOK CO., Trsdera' Inaursnoe Oo, NsIIorsI IrJBuracos Uo., L,lon r"lrflinurniiOfl V".i imperial rirejnRnrnHoeun liOndoa A iAnnultlra fire Inj.Biw., Loudoa AsMraaee torp Alliance Aurntoo Co., Norwich UbIob Fire Oldest and IWtttlng rirm In the Olty Devoted Kxoltiilvely to imuraBM Ed. C. ESTABLISHED 1870. WILLIAM NILES& GO. Loa Angeles, California. BREEDERS AND EXPORTERS OF, Bcrkshifo Nllea CIvEAN, If you would be clean and have your clothes done upin. the neatest and dressiest mannor, take them to the " SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY - whero all work is dono by white manner. Strayed or Stolen. One big bay ueldlng with two white hind feet, also one dark biowti ge'dlug, villi one white hind foot, each weighing about 1300. A liberal reward wlU be given for the r'lurn of same to O. W. 'IIIOMAH, 17 l dw' Aoylum Avenue, Halem, Oregon. LEAVHB SALEM from U. 1. Peck at 6 o'clock a. in. every Wed nesday and Hatttrday, LEAVES POllTIiANI) from the Central dock at foot ol Washington street every Sunday and Thursday. LEAVES BALEM for Albany every Monday and Tuesday, re- tUtSnofrnlng freight and Pwragw bttsinaw, oall pn the agent, A L JIKHHEN . II. W. Hmlth, potmater ol Lewlsvllle, and . Murphy, of Balem, have for sajo obou W.H. aor of aood farming and stock land In lb? i.iiPklamulfl rountry In folk county. ees ranee from 14 lo t0 per acre. All good property, and on the market for inn nrsv UmS. Great bargains. Call on or addr the above. dw J-U-tl W1SC0S1N CENTRAL LINES. (NorOiirs PhMc R. R, Co., Lmih.) LATEST TIME CARD, Two Threugh Tralnt Dally. l.MlBB-.-H i JHl'auUjs I .. Dulutb, a 0-.4tam diSSBHI ll.eam aaAaro 6.47pm 4;IMiM Tilavm 4'UjWB 1M ilftw WtlAan 1 7.Hem flWptH sSsVm l.AMlaua. a I. .Chisago-a w Ttaktta-aoM and haenace eheeked. threueti 5i7rf..t4 nt, At j &, Steamer llwooi. Bapis in Land. ImWiiMmmMwMNMM iil...iiii-initiiJU. f.u1 1 miaUirn ivftiu iJvBfMlJwmn fMIHG WKACVa 'nlaiiolcliiinokeoarwl kvo ht ofia.tifrff or another tried nil tliffurWIt Siriofcitiif sinok Bull D'Urharr. cm till, Hull blirhAiri fis kwW MftdC .only by Durham Tol)iicco Co., ' wclt-known and reliable UonpsalMi ;tnR rnsuranee On., Man IrmtiratiCft Co.. Weatehetef Plre Ins. Co., ('.;. -i tn tyholcsHlo and Retail Dealer In ircsli, ShU fJniokeU Men'ta.pl' a OS Court and 110 State Street, INCORPORATED 1891 f FINE. & Poland-China Pigs a SpeciM Fancy foultry, All varieties. Egg. for Hafchlng. Incubators. Puclflp Coast PouUryand.Btockllluitiij. ttil. AH onntn hv in a4 Choke Ibis;' Miite CATTLE, m "FOWjIRT. & ifirHEND FOR CIRCULARS. lahor and in the mpst Prompt. Liberty Streyt., " PROPOSALS. FOR W0ODlJfT!,. Healod btdH for furnlahlog wood .will be -re celved nt tho office of the clerk of smoi ew tl0t NO, Z4, Until 14 0'CIO.JK 'TO., o. .InnnOO. 1KH.I. Illds Will be HMDXl at th I ia m(ini or ihn honrd'of director ..lnnlr n n of 111.) OOlh llaV nfjune. tOt 1 V u.wn, ... .. J I tT i 4T (Mk itBM . rtAiiu.... nw wrwrM rm.nr.. nnii.Kiiii.nr a. biii. U.ll'.l, .. v m 'vr""" 9 ifc me following; scnooi;,jiuoiuu, . ywvm tc 6 cords nr. 1'ark, 12 coraa oak. 96 cordaflr East Balem, 40 cords oak, H0 oordl r, Hetw. Halom.M cords oak, 40 wrds fir. ,..,.... All wood must bo 4 feet; in length, rsoaoa ably straight and corded closely... .,! The nr must bo large or body wood and the oak must be split oak and not grub wee. The hoard reserve the right to rfjeot any all bids. ' Done by order ef the board. May 3. HX. WKBSTKIt HOLMEa.PlstrlctUlerlt, ; t ! STATE TREASURER'S FOURTH NOTtCfU HTATK OK OBKOOM 1 TIIKAHUHV DKPARTMBJrr.JV u. . -., .u i.iua. n . rwiwy , ...w Not eels hereby 1 ven imi lnerearen on hand lufflclent to payalleutotMj state warranU Indorsed "I'resentee, i .M rn.ani nrrunili." orlor to. ana !.. Uih 9. IHHI. and that all MMSWI will be Dnld upon preaenUtlon atthM. Interest on said warrant will not be alter the date ot this notice. IU MKrWUAX, Htate TreaMier. (Mtf-SW DISSOLUTION, NOTIOK U herebv given that the llirilB A Uarktna. Ul&AkamUkM. solved partnership by mutual eeesMt, DuaineM win bwumiw civ"w- ,, Maviiki At. iu.mii nlana. ana all MM with the heretofore exlstlwr nrm wlU h tied bv him. and all bills are payable M Thanking our Ptou,om,2,?;tJ iuny, MARTIN. HAKk A-HOMM'm SSss '? OM IMB I fifcil ELRICBEiT J Mfe. : r - ., ssflsssssssHH ssssssssssssssW. IATI8TPATIMT8 3tTT4s!jiCrT? vim umtidro W8T wmmnmu AWfTW vmWm S"0HiU4S' 4 rui ihm ' ffi uitl C U,m t M MUM . w " U...ua ja. tkiMiaaUUa. EiWft. M . a4ft; ,w mi iw VttWfteW mufxmm Ne. 171 Pleat MUTm 1 1 jA4JZX aTHiaaeaii WM.WMMMM a7- IUIM irj-imrLyyj" r 1 1 pi rwv Si iC :'M-i k 1 ?' ' -' ,9 ., k ",J;ih- U .i. .11 . itfp 1 i David's i