Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, May 02, 1893, Image 4

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r t - - ir
Spring Jackets.
Our Jitio of Spring Jackals nre the newest and most cow
ilU. We offer tho entire lino at Rpoainl prion for
Our Stock of
Laird, Schober
Are still utibrokon and we can
to EE. The finest
Barr & Pelzel have tho bent pumps
la the market for the purpose.
214 Commercial Btreet,
- IF -
You ars going to build or make any Und of
Jraprovemout, oil I oa tlio uudoralgued (or
Kutlsrlsl. We have a com plcte atock, and are
rsady to supply any prepared contract, owcr
work, grading, etc.
Salem Improvement Co,
laii.mi -i.n-r ' .
Portland, May 2. Tuesday and
Wednesday light ralu. Temperature
U. 8. Wkatiikh Brbvioe.
R. B. Commission. Tho Board has
adjourned Us session at bulem, aud go
to Investigate Uulon Pacific bronchos,
They had three fatality cases this time.
J. J. Oavanaugh, a railroad man, who
woe killed near Huntington; In the
ease of A. Beran, who was killed ui
the Union Depot, Portland, was found
to have been a suicide by tho coroner;
John Hans, engineer on u Portland
and Vancouver motor, tho board him
beard the testimony, hut will personal
ly Inspect the promises before render
ing their decision, They will also In
peotthe motor lines at Portland, and
will examine the steel bridge at Port
land. There Is considerable overcharge
and depot business before the Board.
A Youthful Gitoosr. An Olymplu
dispatch of Monday says: Judsoti V.
Reeves, a boy 18 years of age, a messen
ger in the otlleo of tho Heerotury of
state, was married today to Miss Carrie
Nichols, aged 34. Miss Nichols was u
clerk to the house committee on appro
prlatlons and revenue und taxation of
the last legtdaturo. She Is refined and
well educated, and was n graduate of
the Willamette university. Tho couple
left for Balem, Or, The boy's mother
sanctioned the match, and gave a cer
tificate that both wero 18 years of age.
THK CiiRitUliS. If tho baby reporters
ef the two papers that have aspersed
the motives of Tub Jouhnaii in the
Bhaw vase, would ue their columns to
bring an evil-door to Justice, there
would be at least some excuse for their
existence. Tkey can seo that all Is
wroug with a competitor, though their
own Btatemeuts exonerate hlui entire
ly, ami there Is nothing wroug In their
lafaullle peepers with a man who Is
proven a wretch of the deepest dyo.
Boot A I,. Union lodge I, O. O. T
will give u soolal In Oruugo hall, Fri
day evening, May 7th. All member
of the lodge and their families are In
vited. Free. Come.
Bee the plain ami brocaded black
Mteens, laco ourtultii, table duiuask
and summer underwear, at tho Now
York Backet, eod-dw-lit
0TATK Founduy, The state board
Mw expect to have the state stove
fMHdry In ruuulug order by the end of
3MrO"VET JJX" ooainc
$10 00 Reward
WIU b pakl for the recovery of body
' f CfelMiuaii, Jong Chung, drowned
A Baltm Saturday. Oko, Bun.
Take Mwmous Liver Bwtilator.
Ye oh eat aa much ami whuteveryou
i wuhoui injury.
We a turulug out the (lutwt picture
i of any one In the city. Kvery.
ik pleased with our work. Our
wok la a rlnUhed workman
4 prMa blwself In doing rst-olw
Oemi to anil see im about exehang
laffawaMwf yew eaw warn furniture
IwtlMMwer ntykc. We have dally
Waeati r riMr window. Wear
f - r -f J - -- --
& Mitch Shoes
fit any lady wearing from AA
Shoo in tho market
307 Com. St.
Ben a tor McAllister of Union county
Is In tho city.
Mrs. W. B. Simpson, of Bouth Balem
Is reported quite 111.
Mr. Autcrson, of tho Woodburu In
dependent was In Balem toduy.
The county court will meet In regu
lar session tomorrow.
State Printer Baker went to Portland
this afternoon.
J. A. Goodhue, of the Oregon Hedge
company, is at VVoodburn looking after
the Interests of thMr extensive business.
Bcv. Bowcrsox was a visitor at
Brooks today.
Mrs. Bowie, who has been tho gueBl
of O, L. Keller and family left for Port
land yesterday.
M. Baker of La Grande Is In tho city
on land business. Ho Is a pioneer of
this vulley,
Werner Broyman and wife departed
toduy for tho world's fair.
F. N. Derby, of tho Sulom Motor Co.,
received u telegram yesterduy announc
ing tho death of his mother hi Nebras
ka. Fovv full blood Plymouth Hock hens,
aud thoroughbred PartrldgeCochln and
Leghorn. ' Davison's market, 04 Court
Mies Stella Woodington arrived in
tho city this morning, returning from
a very pleasant visit to homo friends,
near Bllverton.
L. 8. Skill doparted for Portland to
duy. Ho visits Chicago, New York
and Washington before he returns.
Tho family of Al McCully moved to
I'lio Dalles yesterday, whero McCully
has a position as engineer on a Union
Pacific boat.
Captain Bceso Lcabo of the Pa laco
DrygoodsCo. Is at Oregon City as a
delegate to tho stato encampment Sous
of Veterans of Oregon.
Howard tho housemnvcr Is engaged
winiaiorco moving an old hnuso off
the ltlggs priMrty, corner Bummer
and Marlon, for John James tho mar
ble cutter. Mr. UlggB will put up u
nice new one.
Piiro blood, White Leghorn ,and
Black Breasted game eggs for set t'lng,
also hen with brood of eleven thorough
bred Plymouth Hook chickens, cheap
at Davison's market, 04 Court Bt, .
Miss O. Ballon, the Salem kimlnr.
gartuer, BtartB for Chicago today to at
tend tho na'.lonal conferences of kinder
garliiers to bo huld In the world's folr
city this summer. Bho will return
early In tho full, when with several la
dies well known In Oregon, who are
now In the Kust preparing themselveB
ror that work, will establish a kinder
gurtuer's training school at Balem,
The New Yoik Backet has a lino
stock of spring goods, and are doing a
neavy biuincs. Call und examine
their goudti. cod-dw-2t
If you want extra choice dry granu
lated sugar, you can net the beet at
Clark fe Kppley's, as they haudle It In
Tho following letters remaining in
the Balem postolllco April 2, 1803, un
called for. Those calling for them
please say "advertised1"
Antond lsoau BaltglsOO
Bolknan Clarence Blair Marv)
Cox Henry DeVereGeoU
lidward Mortimer Oouiler Henry
(lieeu .MIm H Hutrsmlth A
HoiSOll Jus J H Jolinntnn J W
Jeiiuliigs llev J B leathers Nick
Merlon MraU A
Melvlu Kd
Malvlli Mrs M O
Maun M V
Marcum Mrs A
Mansfield Mrs
Marquis J V
Nelwni Peter
Nott Hallle
Parker H A
ltogers J M
Heuuovecii A M
Bmiih II L
Huiltli Ltule
VeucaiuM Harry
Wilson Mm HA
WUter Henry
Wallace Mre K
Wallace J B
Bwegal Llllle
Bmltli M L
TuU David
Wlekluud B
Wartl Mrs Anna
Wain Bi.bt H
Wager J P
Trial ef Elmer Worlck
Charge of AwhuiiII,
Ills Nocturnal Habits Fully done
Orer by tlio JLnwyers.
The trial of Elmer Woflok an em
ployo of tlio Capital City nurseries,
who rooms In the postonioo blook, on
charge of shooting at W, A. Bhaw,
lost Friday night, In the hallway of
TllK JoUiinai. ofllco was begun this
morning before Bccorder Bdes. D'Aroy
& Bingham appeared for Worlck and
District Attorneys Coudll and Tllmon
Ford for tho state.
Examined by Ferd: Did not know
Worlck; left room In postofllce block to
catch 11 o'clock car, when shooting
took place as described lu these col
umns. Dr. Hall picked the powder
out of his hands and face. He grab
bed for a stick of wood in tho dark
from a pile which ho knew was there
Did not recognise Worlck as doing
Cross-ex. by Bingham: Had seen
Woilck twenty or thirty times; had
been there the night before; frequently.
Condlt objected. Court ruled this
could not bo fully gone into. Ford
mado point that Worlck was not pro
tecting any of his relatives and the
evidence should bo confined to the
Centinued: Could not swear there
waBany ball In tho pistol; thought thero
was; stated to u number of reporters
that It was only blank cartridges that
wero fired; naturally supposed they
wore blanks; knew there wus a door
there; left ti catch tho 10:40 car; met
Worlck at Miss Ferrls's room; his was
tho adjoining room; hud no ldeu who
assaulted him; oflered u reward of 8100
for his conviction; told u roporter right
away that blauks wero fired at him; be
lieved that at the time; nothing said
about pistol being loaded with balls, he
did not know the Information contained
the words "loaded with bulls," when
ho swore to It.
Condlt said It was not Mr, Shaw's
conscience that was on trial, but Wor
lck. Bingham said it was material
for tho state to prove that this pistol
was loaded with bull or there hud bcoii
no oflense committed.
Ford said It was Just as much an as
sault If thero wus no bull In it,
Blugham suld It was not an assault
with u dangerous weapon If It did not
contain a ball.
Bhaw resumes: I do not swear posi
tive It was louded with a bull.
Nothing was said during shooting.
Was not afraid of being robbed.
"Was Mrs. Shaw with you?" This
oreated great laughter lu the crowded
court room. Many humorous sallies by
opposing counsel caused the lmmeufco
crowd great merriment.
Bhaw: Light was lu Miss Ferrls's
room wheu ho left It. Miss Ferris
opeued the door to let him out and
came out Into the hull with him, she
came out first; light was burning lu
her room; sho went Into another room,
as I walked oil'; after shooting went
Into Miss Ferrls's room aud got light:
the ladles wero so scared they would
not come out; could not Identify the
Had a full lulk with Worlck about
the shooting; counsel for defendant in
sisted Dilly should state all tho sur-
rouudltig facts leading to theconfeaalon
bo ruled. Charged Worlck with know
ing it all; Worlck said It was nothing
but a scheme to scare Bhaw a llttln!
confessed to doing the shooting In pres
ence of Mlutn; said Shaw waioomlug
to fee this girl audit wus not on the
square; ho decided Bhaw would bear
watchlnKi watched him in company
with Mr. Bowman; they saw Bhaw
through a Btnvo pipe hole in pretty
close quarters lu Mhs Ferrls's
room with Miss Ferris; Worlck
sold after they saw Bhaw with Miss
Ferris they decided to scare him oil
the premiers; Bowman, 1 he Jouiinai.
foreman, was not present at tho shoot
ing; after tlrlug u blank cartridge,
Bhaw resisted him; he shot twice more
lu blank and then run; ho did not
want to havo to light him; couldn't
sleep very good; did not like to be dls-
turned; his room was next to the girl's
room; they merely Intended to scare
hlmnu'the pret'.lses. Counsel showed
their purine was laudltory.
The police testified to being after the
f 100 reward.
Ford said It made no dlflete&oe
whether Bhaw was on the prewlaea
legally or Illegally.
Dr. Hall waa called to prove Shaw's
injurlet; picked powder out of hie face
Friday night; It waa 12 o'clock.
Stated he had arrested Worlck; raid
hedldlt; eettml to treat It as a joke;
OAJti'XAati a0tttf.At
?yg.BMW -ju i i ..
(o iti girl's- foorifi didn't aim I" hurl
fifmf JJowfiMti wm not lliero dial nllit)
aid jilstol wm loded wlllf pftpff ml
powrie7 ffisOml of rufifilfig Hlmu
cfiiiio ftfler Mm) lis went (hrotiglb the
eomjxwlfig room arid ilow h tlio bsok
stairs) said Bowman wsi at home (hs(
night nl In rootu, oil illtfli atfeot ni
the time of (lie shooting) had not
wauled (o hurt Blinw and so lie got
avrny so m not to hurl lilm-
Blinw had been coming up there tor
six weeks; he and Bowman had their
suspicious aroused and thclronly object
was to drive him off; Bhaw camo there
nearly every night, and ha and Dow
man saw him In bed there with the
glrl;lhey satisfied themselves thatSliaw
had committed a crime and ruined
the girl; saw Bhaw that night; ho said
If tho pistol had beon loaded ho would
surely have been killed; ho saw Mrs.
Cosper who rooms up thore; had a talk
with Miss Ferris.
Chaa. Van Avery, JouitNAii press
man, was called but knew nothing
about the matter whatever. This
closed the case for tho stato.
IlINaif am's argument
In brief was then submitted. There
had been no proof that this pistol was
loaded with ball; bene no crlmo was
Intended ;no criminal Intent was shown;
no Intent to Injure Bhaw was shown;
If the court ruled thus no witnesses
would be oflered for the state; Wnrlok
should be discharged. His oflense was
a lark at tho utmost,
Counsel cited 17lb Oregon reports,
pago 800, ruling that to point an un
loaded weapon at another was not an
assault with a dangerous weapon.
There was a new law not yet In force,
makes ta crime to point a weapon,
louded or unloaded. Bhaw had not
even been put In fear or fled from Wor
concluded the case for the stato, claim
ing tho state had made out its case,
proving ho cluimed an assault on Shaw
with a loaded pistol. It was a conspir
ucy to do 8haw an Injury. It mado no
dlllercuco whether It was a lead ball or
a paper ball.
ford's spkeoh.
Defendant intended to Injure Shaw,
by stepping up behind blm and shoot
ing so that the blood ran down his neck
there was an attempt, intentional, by
violence, to do Bhaw great bodily in-
Jury, there waa n wad in the gun If
there was not a ball. .
At conclusion of Mr. Ford's speech
Becorder Edes adjourned court to 1 p.
m., when Mr. D'Arcy will conclude
tho motion to dismiss. Tho hearlug in
tho Bowman case is put of! till tomor
row. His landlady will prove an alibi
for him.
After the closing arguments of the
attorneys, Becorder Edes bound the
defendant over, with bounds fixed at
f 100. Bonds were promptly furnished,
aud in Juue Mr. Worlck's caso will
come before the grand Jury.
If you are all run down, fugged out,
take Simmons Liver Begulator aud be
TUTT'3 PILLS act kindly on young
and old.
LENON. To tho wife of W. F. Lenon,
of Bouth Salem, April 30. 1893, a
POPA JEKMAN-Monday, May 1st,
at the Cuihollo pursonugo in Bulem,
Chas. Popu toMltisBwia Jerman.both
of Balem, Bev.J. B. White otllclu
tlug. A pleasant wedding party was had,
when the bride aud groom went iuto
the couutry. They will make their
future home In Balem. Charley Is the
famous clarinet artist of the 2d Bel-
meiu uaiNi, nut tuts event will not
stop his making sweet music lu the
MclLWAIN. At the home of his
father, on North Howell prairie, at 2
p. in., Monday, May 1, 1893. from
consumption, Otho Mcllwaln, aged
3 years.
The funeral was conducted today at
1:30, Burial lu Lee Mission cemetery.
Why sutler from dyspepsia and head
ache when Himmous Liver Begulator
will cure you?
Kviiu mr WW momw
Mr, Blmw now com whro liUfool
fiewmmiK-f Mend, llwlll'l lilfH '"
alliu'k (lin JoirMMAl.nfiitsnfdlilffMliMf
sjmco und Ihelf iwdprti"M for Hint
purpiwc, Imvo Mfidflil lilfii. nipy win
noiv prolmhly Him on him and rend
him, Bui dm mfi who Ids lilinielr' ho
buncoed lV fllleaed hewxiirtiiof ior(ifi
deserves no worn sympathy (linn old
limn Hkliifiur got, TflH JntHNAf. is
not tho newspaper llml got Hhnw'd
money, He lmi tin mo for iw jouiw
HM, 11 was nol tlio JotmwAfhe
bought and paid for and hsd Ihrown
about people's door yard Monday, Ho
did not have JoVUHM, reporter conin
to hi house mid dictate reports of his
shooting adalr and Interviews with
Mist FerrH. Tlio ix-oplo who hnvo
been trying to shield Mr, Bhaw prob
ably could tell all about these things,
I'hoy owe the public an apology for
slandering tlio only newspaper that Urn
given tho people tho news, regardless
of thieats and of money. The wit
nesses In the trial completely exoner
ated any Journal proprietor or em
ploye from any complicity In tlioaftulr,
Mr. Bhaw was simply a trespasser lu
tho hallway of the Journal composing
room. The evldeticu shows thatull
tho Journal's allegations as to Shaw's
relations to Miss Ferris were true, if
thoy oro not true Mr. Bhaw has his
Miss Ella Edger was lu town Satur
Mr. W. H. Boberts und wlfo of Scln
spent Friday and Saturday In our
Mrs. O. C. Wlmer und daughter Min
nie left for Corvallls Saturduy, when
they go to visit Mrs. John Smith.
The town boys played a game of base
ball agulust the school boys Saturduy,
tho gumo cumo out 8 to 17 the school
boys ahead.
While on the wny from prayer meet
Ing lust Thursday night one of our
christian. bugs and marshal got Into u
scrnpo using "cuts" words to such un
extent that it Is wus tho talk of the town
Mrs. William Wlmer left for Portland
Saturduy where she will moke her fu
ture home.
Bov. Ashby is lying ill at his home
near town, his son und daughter if
Eastern Oregon will be hero next
Mrs. Anna Smith of Stayton Is lying
almost at deaths door in Corvallls ut
the home of her sister.
Four travelling actors arc In town
tins weeK lormlug a company to pro
duce u drama Frlduy night ut the operu
house. Severul of our young ludlp
will take part.
George Dorcuss while splitting wood
last week cut his urm very bad the ox
coming down with such force that an
artery was cut. Drs. Kitchen and
Huuter dressed tho wounds. He h
now getting on very nicely.
A very pleasant surprise party was
tendered Eugene Coutes lustThurcday
night the occasion being his 10th birth
day, about 20 of his friends were pres
At the resld. nee of the brides mother
In Mill City at 3:30 o'clock Sunday of
teruoon, April 23 1803. Frank Thomas
uud Miss Allle Lake were united lu
murrlugo by Bev. Budger.
'lhe contracting parties are well aud
favorably known in this city. Mr.
Thomas Is a painter liy trade and dur
Ing his stay among us, has made u boat
of warm uud true friends. Tho bride Is
ouo of Mill City's most fascinating und
beuutlful young ladies loved and re
spected by a legion of friends.
May they have a pleasant voyage on
the matrimonial sea.
Of Course You Bead
The testimonials freouenllv nnhll.i.a.i
Constlpatlon.tttidttll troubles wlththe
wSS iVp!nKaU,;Tn"11 l,ver- aM cured by
Hood a Piiu. Uue,ualled as a dinner
Loan Wanted.
I want to tret a loan of $1700 or sell an
Interest In or all of the Jted Star Mm
and water mum, with from 1 ,0 "
acres of and, joining the town ofTuni
win. .AJ ' """wunlwftlntw answered
ii ,.""'"ij"uu' "i uMaicn
4-27-1 w '
J. C. BoilKKl'BO.V,
Turner. Or.
Vin Vm' r"m,""B o IlmKl'aBarsap
arllla. They are front reliable people,
state simple fuels, uud nIh.w k-vond u
doubt that IIOOD'8 CUKES? VI,?
don't you try this medleliit? Be sure
to get Hood's.
I.. i.i.. i ...
A Line That
World's Fair Travolors Will llavo It
The publlo demand through service
when traveling. Jt Is old fashioned to
"Change Cars." On tlio through, solid
vestlbuled trains of tho Chicago, Union
Pacific tc North-Wcstorn Lino from or
to Chicago, Omaha and Intermediate
points there Is no change. This Is tho
finest and fititesl service between tho
points named, 410-Gt
Tho shops are already making a dis
play of tho serviceable castor or so called
washing gloves with good sized but
tons at tho wrists.
Four stout figures aro shown somo
very gracefully mado princess drosses
in rich clinging suinmor silks, veilings,
bengalines, fancy striped and dotted
surahs and plain India uud victoria reps,
Thero aro a host of lovely summer
novolties among tho goods opened to
vlow this week, and if one can Judgo by
tho present oxhlblt of now toilets shirr
ing and gauging are to bo quite as pop
ular as over.
Among tho protty toilets for afternoon
wear for next season aro glaco silks and
shot foulards. and taffetas in pompadour
or old chintz pattern mado up not upon
crinolino linings at all, but over Inoxpon
bIvo silks or batistes.
Diamonds and other gems studdod
about in tho hair are still in high voguo.
Moat women choose a star, crescent or
floral dovico, tlio color of tho leaf and
blossom being represented by jowols of
a huo matching each.
iTinouno except in tlio nanus or a
skilled dressmaker has a most inartistic
and awkward effect. Muny of tho now
"Easter gowns" wero spoiled by tlio In
troduction of this lining, tho exact line
whero it ceased just below or above the
kneo being plainly visible. Now York
Evening Post.
If Or Oebllitated Women Should Usa
Bradfield's Female Regulator
Every Ingredient pouesws uperb Tonlo
properties and exerts a wonderful influence
in toning up and itrengthenlng lier syilern
by driving through the proper channel! all
bnpurhle. Health and itrcngth euarsnUed
to remit from lt ute.
My wife, who wat bedridden for etjchtwn
IUMULATOH. for two monthi, U Kettlnjr well.
J. JI. Joinuojf, Malvern, Ark.
ci?!u?.r,,:LR HsoctATOn CO., Atlanta, Ga.
Bold by Urugirlata at 81.00 )r botU.
HA lr ?,TCni:fo. rILE8 kn"" T moniar
flH WC Jlk Knplr:ion. oum IhKum ItcMiS
I Oil nxniKu or I'uotuudiko villA
bold by HwLett & Van Slype.
paid for want of fnud. nAfl ,twl "d noi
alter the da"ol ih's KRe. " l "6 tt"ow,'(,
w HlateTrttturer.
Meat Market.
aHaUimMUorihebert onaH..
Paltry and atock. Krw delivery.
f . if "" ' x h
iuMmiininwtiimwwwrtUT $tn sanrt'r,mr'rxr-ir ; fffTrrj t-
Has no End
'I'lifltfollio WAV h In in l(
Tlioy Imvo mi fjiidlusa iln of
Moil's and JJuy'tfitll Wool
At tlio lowoat I'rkm.
.Suiiiplofi ftoiii on application,
In wlitt wn would like to write to Tit.
lotniMtr, icfidi'm hut wnlinvn'L time. 11
wit lake Oils nxulnjd oy uilutf thM spuce
TIlN Inlifllnw cot Inn, wnnrn nvnnttonlcnrl
unit !iiui;rcduco our klockof this pUjtr.
lib UlltV.
Patton Bros.,
DooltMullurM und Stutlonorn
HA liUIT IIU-IINK-irt IIKItK.-I)r Wlnit
J,ce. who whk formerly located on Kerry
ilroet In this rlly, lm Mild IiIm .took of druus
I'lit al of his furniture Ui Koon Kiuii iiim will
hnrtly Imvo Hiilun. 51-1h
L IlKNT now, clcnn eottiiK) nenr Vow
'urU hnltLSlI tiiillun t..... .... i
'srk nchool
Iioiiim), l'rko low. On ll ut
4-27 lit.
FOIIHAI.H, A ery nlcol- lorulrrl lot, with
liouK,nn Mill afreet wiinh of Wlllumetle
unlvprlty. Kor Kri.M o d purlknlHru, plrnxj
Inqu'ro nt this oHlre. t.& Vim
31 I1B IP VIKll ( kepi on nio nt K. (J. J),itce's
r,imv.-rBll.l,,Li -noy. 01 und 05 Msrehiuita
r-lmrKB, Ban KriinclN o. en iir.irnh, wi,,.r,.
con'rno'.'iforiidvcrtl-lnBoiti Iminiirto for H.
bittl04.old Iron in
bittl04,old Iron und all kinds of metulii!
tnotint tidll fnm .u
iwjhldtii, at old Court JIuue,Hnl,-in
""r i.toi.i'(
klndaonialoiitaMMbcriy mi'it.
or nil
liKAVfa HAM'.M
HuJ '.' n'yk al fl o'elrwk 11. m. every Mori
day, Wednesday and Huturduy. '
It?..01 ft.1. root ' WahlsBton
enirothJ.SK1"1 und 1'asM-naer liu-lnen
cnu on the agent, ALBKliiiKN,
NMarnn hu'J, elVf " ",'lt tl10 "" "
.VBd S7in?Ji! Kk.l,",' ,ll,K""HtliP, 1ms dlK
bu.lnciwmT.i,'y.,I',,tu 'ncnt. 'I ho
O MmtV.f 'cJ,enfl', to conducted by J .tin
Willi fi,J Vim.ir. " ,,nc.- nnJ ftl1 a'cotinis
tied br 1 . ,n ,!2drif?!f.llnK nrm wl" b0 "
Tlmnlclnir oiS t.!,.1"."" Hro I'able to him.
iimnainirourpiuitciMoM.wo urn rrect.
,u"7' MAItTIN A llAItKINrt.
1 1 p. 111. Vara leave If old mid
loHtiilllco dally tor AhjIiiiii,
1 ciiltciillnry and Cemetery on
Capital City Railway.
inr IcnvcH r, a. in , comicct
liiB with Overland train, and
enra icavo Hotel every 20
mlimfPH from 0:20 a in. foil
P. m. for nil noli. Im on Hie lln.-u
excepting Cemetery la r,'l aken
onto meet Passenter Trulnfi.
Steamer EIwool.
Hg j u
You ag J as K
Mly afteeUl tale. We
Bhaw eame up there too efteu; he aad
Cnm an4 MM IM.
Bowman baa bm watehlugWtaw eew