vy wffWp1! M if II i! ft Iff CiffllL JMUMk irf oiii .J ..ll.il. li ,lAIWTf JfAWiu' iron JftWrtl rMrttoiffig Cfrtny MM OMttt WwW09WHWfWH MfM Ft ftfWHMi, Edtofi MOMBnMBMnBJlULJ'iii Jtt mil, itejww- ?& AWMH TMK CWlUtW. flftfetff' 4t lfiWff Hft MMftdwl T JWKAfH effort to ewt-blls-fi tli MMlhftt ettffWftUlon should sot l Dewed io Wrtr IU wage fund to My fct Affn eltlaens, tin BeWB pptfr 'r'pkJ hm Win deukd of even Htto&d tf eorreetnwrt of position h few Mioutd be ptovd by the ffMStfefMtir0. I II Of eoH no one would pretend that WMM M JBpancM, Malay or KmmIim eoald drive engine, act an In win, bMkemen, conductors, tnnll Urhfl or bfggeaien, the state and piMk MHatlmest ow tolerates the ! elaw when' employed m they1 0$ Od'tho'Paclflo rallroadi) to build MMNC'griUti, culverts, bridge and do teilou work. Tb ftbov preferred clftxew of labor Mtfiisk iliwAiilveM 11 nd If Invaded 11 wM,itir'di'lt aii Mi outage, Hut PM WNBnOBr JOi inn in muwi i iiKT- puitoed by the coollo classes to en 1M1 (be millionaires, and American wirTtingaen and' tbulr fainllles are Marylng in Oregon. TMC MIMSTKU8' STRIKE. Tfee Saleta mlnlstero' union should , sto fcel at all put out by tho attention It ki reeolylntf from the public it i it privilege to dloctiea the publlo at all limnt Now Is the season when the lasers are having their fun In turn Md It'li to be bbped the sbopherdB will bear 'their punlahtneut gracefully. Jkit It will not provo all a loss, to the aataletera or the publlo either, It Is to bejWiarded aa one or thoso mediatorial qs's'stuV which passes a profession tbaaagb a aort of purgatorial lire which wiK'redne aad only the real metal will laaaala. r An Impression la abroad, and ono .' probably Inherent In tho nature of their eaeepatlon; or the manner In which It k pursued, that ministers very seldom aiteiapt to deal with a public matter, without putting tbnlr foot In It. nous KKWB OOKS. ' ''How Nature Cures." Is a recent vol ana whloh adds many valuablo teeaghta to the vast umoutit of liter ittHTbn I he subject of hygienic food, by jCwaiet Deusmore, M. D, It Is a state Mat ofhls principal arKUincnts against taauee of bread, cereals, pulses, pota toes, aad all starch foods. Tho author Wsuot claim uawuevH for his Ideas, IrtU'oaiy makes a strong plea for their adaption id the interests of humanity. (JWIIb.su & Co., New York ) Supplied ay F. 9, Dearborn, the boobsoller, tiu "After Hours" Is a compilation of sweet songs from the pen of Thomas J. Kaasaurray, editor of the Mnuistlquo, Mk News, In these Hue : plainly ryatallsed the best thoughts of a busy nlad, sueh as' are ever welcomo to a oo Wmrar, (American Publishers' Asso ataUoB', Chicago.) Supplied byF.B. Dearborn, the bookseller, Balom. TWl i Chief Faotor," a novol by Qll aart Farkar, Is the latest great Loudon Mtarary aaaeeea. It la the story of some laetih aaaraeters, who are oonuected wtth Uh Hudson Bsy oompauy, and gives utwah valuable matter pvrtaloliig telhatworld'fauaou enterprise, aside Aram being a highly readable romance. (tioate Pub. Co., New York. Sup . piled by W, B. Dearborn, the bookseller, "The Siberian Exiles" Is a novel by Tbaasas W. Knox, the world-wide liaawa traveler aad author. It Is In laaaaly laterestlng, and, like all of JCaea's works, eituok full ofluforma tfea. Ha was eae of the earliest travel sa la that ley-known country, and tells watlw&ane saw. (Hubert Ilouuer'a ia,Waw'vYorK.) Buppllel byF.B. PaarWa, tae bookseller, Balem. Truth la Kletlon,by Paul Carus, Mtorafthe Open Court, embraee be- beautiful eovers twelve prose, at prasy, tales with a moral. 1 atom) all have asocial application 4 ar aewiaej to the great problems f la hour. Mlaramedy for all the Ills ft Mas aarslstiat wee of the bwthuuwu W!h-a 1.11. 1... wluU eanaotbe '"a. -.ij.i.. i.ni.iit tnoMti iViur.. i'uti. &, Galas.) ISuitlWlbyK.s,Dear. am. tba aaehseiler, Balem. MAFarpaNUHl FaHasapher,)' kf Men- iCJaarga, la a diseusetow w avsrwert 1 varleua wMeraaaee u mm mhh It tahsa up ahlefty the aet tarty y4tfsso Jftpauaer heiHve asjalty dM at (wrwii or pfsaeriy , aa4 the Partner Mat um faier ihashsagW m asiiHi.Jsaary , Hha aseat aakia4, iMtea la are 1 Ms asM awap ta aas this aWaek an the (O.L. Wehater O,, :irYai) WappWiil ayF. K.Dar. tmmmmmmp!mmm'immmmmmmmmmmmm "tAthiifii CWfa(loH," bf Wlllf AUrWi llwiMgn Ih a rtsttotHhA mHtutf IU Imprlaiit Mtjsl of w fthown haw WstWH greatsr pfraM aaa tin Made hy iite praeeM, Mpeeiill la eimHllW whefe wafry pfedtrtt the MM f llelfl, 'I'll Id fHilMH of lib hook study ef OregoM peopla who are an ggfi In fruit raisihg, (V, AMfletA' Oo,, New York,) HupplW by F H, Desrbon, the bookseller Haleni Or. "The Divine Art 0 Preaching," by Arthur T. 1'ierson, Is Resigned to be a text book for aspiring ministers, as well as to give some healthful sagestloiis to the oldei Members,, of the profession. It Is'aat ftbrlllfeHi boekVbut a good book, (Baker JcTsylor Co., New York.) Supplied by F B Dearlioru, bookseller, Halem, Or. "A Bhock to Society," by Florcnco Warden, Is a rather Intense story of English life and love, whloh can be read with much pleasure and no little profit. (Talt, Bous A Co., New Yorn.) Hupplled by F. B. Dearborn, bookseller, Balem, Or. "A Mlllbrook Komanco," and other talei, Is a pretty volume of good short stories. They aro poetic, truthful, novel, eplgramatlo. and In short above the average of current ifictlon. (Thpe. Whltaker, New York.) Bupplled by F. S. Dearborn, bookseller, Balem. "Brown's Business Correspondence and Manual on Dictation," a work for stenographers and students. It Is ad mirably adapted to the needs of a busi ness ofllco where the work is divided imong d I Huron t persons, as the forms and suggestions aro all first-class. (Ex celslor Publishing House, New York.) Supplied by F. B. Dearborn, bookseller, Balem. 'Dr. Perdue," by Btluson Jarvls, Is one of Laird & Leu's (1000 prize novels, it Is a purely American story, well written, mid published In good stylo. (LulrdA Lee, Chicago.) Bupplled by F. B. Dearborn, bookseller, Balom. 'WlioJiatrf not own'd with ropturMtnltten f UII1B Tli power or grace, tho maglo of ft name? asks Campbell, the poet, In bis "Pleas ures or nope." .neasures 01 nope, ror sooth. Many nud muny a woman knows them uo longer. They are lb despair about tholr heulth. They aru run-down, debilitated, sufrerlug from what they know not. It may bo dys pepsia, beart-dlscuse1 liver or kidney dUease; auy or all of them. The sick nesses of wonieu aro cured by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. That's where tho mugla of a name comes in. This Improves digestion, invigorates tho system, onrlclita the blood, dispels nervousness and melancholy, dispels aches and pains, produces refrcHUlnK sleep, and builds up both the flt-sh and strength of thoso reduced below a healthy standard. It is u legitimate medclno, not a beveruge. Contains tio ulcohol to luehrlate: no sugar or syrup to sour In the stomuch andcausn dig' tress. It Is ns peculiar In Uh composi tion as It Is marvelous lu Its remedial results' Tun Ladiks Uazaah. Don't full toatlmul theCuthollo Ladles Jlu7.aur, lu aid of the church, Thursday, Friday and Uaturday evenliiKS, There will bo I co cream and cuke served lu daintily nrruuged booths, delicious cofleti aild cako and tna and cako n h Mikado booth, served by tho young ludjeu lu costume. Lemouudeut tlio Rubocea nt the Well stuud. A voting content for the most popular gentleman In town, a handsome prize to bo awarded to the most eucccxiifiil candidate. Also an cloKnnt dlspluy of fanny work, luce work and other beautiful articles. A musical ami literary program Thurs day and Friday evenings. The ladlijs decided at their lust meeting, held Sunday, to charge tho small sum of ten cents admission fee. 8ALKM MAHKKT3. Wheat 00c per bushel. Onta 3604Oo per bushel. Potatoes fi000o per bushol. Flour-(3.00 ier bbl. Bran (Backed) 118.00 per ton Hhuris (Backed) $0.00 per ton. Deans, white, 3a per lb. Kggs lOo er dozen. Chickens 8 to 10c per lb. Chopped feed -(Baoked) 10.00. Ducks 12Jo per lb. flees 7u ner lb. Turkeys lOo er lb. Lard l!!l15o er lb. llutter JfoSOo per pound Beef 7lBilo dressed, Veal Hi to i2Jo, dreaseil. Pork 7ai2Jq drvamnt , Wool-loiSo per lb. lIos 1415o peril. You don't ntHHl to continue doslug with Blmiiioua Liver llegulator. A diwo a day. A Pun NonmrJH oil is the kind used in the production of Scott's Emul slon Ilypophos piiitcsof Lime anil Soda are added for their vital ef fect upon nerve and brain. No mystery surrounds this formula the only mystery is how quickly It builds up flesh and brings back strength to the weak of all ages. Scott's EiilsiM will check Coaaumpttat and ladisfMsauble in M wasting di- aWT Bf aspa4 3 AH avMilaiaS mvMitim ' oavmaij L'f'iii' si aiygwmnsiiJtuniswsBB"BBBaaBagii uml jjunuiomsw 6UlHt(Q CONSUMPTION, 1M ftMfftftifMmti M(liol tit a 0f msm Phfleian Kr Mw toft, TheVe lives not far from MeW York a Oernisn physician for whom it isclalmcd that he can perform Jnlrsclos In so far M he can cure that hitherto Incurable dlscaso- consumption of the lungs, Dr, R ' Is a man of profound learning, who has doroted his Whole life to his profession and has had wonderful stio eees. Ills tresttiiont of cofisuniptlortjis too simple to bo vory popular, as tho av erage patient Is not satisfied If ho or sho be not continually dosed with powerful medicines. Thla doslug Dr, R absolutely re fuses to do, as ho gives no drugs what ever, but confines his efforts to assisting nature to do hor own wOrk. An inter esting caso which ho is now treating is that of Mrs. M , who has snlTored for yoars with consumption. Last winter sho vory nearly died, and this winter her physician despaired of kooplng her allvo till spring. She is a woman S feet 0 inches in height and of rather large frame, and eight weeks ago sho weighed 87 pounds. Bhe suffered agonlos and oven looked forward to death as a blessed release. Her family physician, who is progress ive in his ideas and had become much interested in Dr. It arid his treat ment, persuaded Mrs. M to allow tho latter doctor to undertake her cure. Sho did so very unwillingly, as she had little faith in his power to do her good. Dr. R insis.ted upon hor staying in bed all tho timo and drinMiMr a cup of warm milk ovory half hour, this being her only nourishment, and thug began on ordoal which is not yet rtided. Tho milk caused continual nausea and later looseness of tho bowols, and it re quired a great deal of pluck to keep on .taking it. Yet from almost tho first day of this treatment Mrs. M began to improvo and now looks like a different person. In eight weeks she has gained 17 pounds in flesh, hor eyes aro bright, hor color Is good. Hor cough has great ly diminished, tho character of tho mat ter sho raises is changed, and there is much less of it. To hor frionds her im provement scorns a miracle Dr. It says that In a f ow months' timo sho will bo entirely well that Is, part of hor lungs will bo useless, as it is out of his power to roplaco tho disoascd part with, now and healthy tissue, but sho will hnvo plenty of healthy lung loft to breatho with, her cough will be gono, and sho will bo well and strong. This is not a picturesque story, but an absoluto fact. Now York Tribuno. ItoietU' Model. Acortain critic, ovidontly not num bered among tho faithful, has been to tho Uuroo-Jones exhibition at tho New gallory and is sorely troublod to account for tho likeness between Burno-Jonea' womou and thoso of Rossotti. Tho ex planation is vory simple. In their early days they both painted from tho samo modol. The long, oval faces, with tlio sweeping curvo of tho check, tho full bowed mouth, tho largo, languorous eyes and tho thick Tuscan hair, whloh crop up otomally in tho canvas of both artists, woro painted from Elizabeth Eleanor Siddall, afterward Mrs. Roa fiotti. Sho was tho daughter of a Shef field tradesman and cunio to London as a milliner's assistant. Sho was discovered by another pro Baphaelito brothor, Walter Dovoroll, from whom Rossotti stplo hor. Under his tuition she became a clover artist horsolf, and Rossotti wroto of hor that "hor fecundity of invention nnd facility aro qulto wondorful; muchgroator than mino." Her portrait appears in nearly every plcturo of his, hut I am told by ono who saw her boforo hor marriage that "Fazio's Mistress," which was at tho Qulld hall In tho spring, Is tho truest to nature, though Rossotti proforred tho "Rosa Triplex," in which sho is shown onco full faced and twico in profile. "Beata Beatrix," with its sad inscrip tion, "Quo modo sedet sola civitosl" in tho National gallory, was paintod after hor death. Loudon Figaro. IrUhtuou In Kruno. "Tho Irish may not rulo In Ireland, but an Irishman stands a good chouco of rule in Franco," said Charles D. Connor of Boston. "Ho cornea of tho old and honored family of Kavanaughs, do Bcondants of which aro found every where. Although ho splla his namo difforeutly, Mr. Cavaiguno Is of thouuno family. He Is descended from tho Mao Murrongh Kavanaghs, who woro kings of Lolnstor, and according to this au thority tho late Mr. Kavanagh of Bor ris, long a member of tho house of com mons, was a rclatlvo of M. Cavalgnac. The similarity of pronunciation in tho two names is interesting viewed. In tlds light. Should M. Cavalguao attain tho presidency of the republic, ho will bo tho second man of Irish descent to hold that high honor. Marshal MaoMahon was always proud of his Irish ancestry." St. Louis Olbbo-Democrat, A Hrav LocuiuutU Urlvvr. Wlllhuu James, a well known eagtne driver ou the Northwestern line, has just died at Crewe. Ho was the hero of the Bangor railway disaster. He had crossed the Menal tubular bridge lu charge of the Irish-wall train and was trareiutg at a twriSo speed when he saw directly in front a brokeu down goods train. James iauaediately shut oK steam and reverted Us engine. Ills mate leaped an) e- UppeJ- Jawa deehl! to rauala, though ae saw anarwaru he regarded it as eeo tab death. HU engine ran riglt thrwagh aha gBAr-Ts vaa at the luggage trahti MBUsilBW Lk iaUA UUi.tdrkwKfel nUMttatshal ffHavBWOT ni www awaaa iraa nwuj onnwm aa the tap af two preeedfeig trwehs and tat mUm ever wiihhiw. His ribs were haWeeti la, Vat ha eTsataally palled WFHHW Warr w aBsv ssm rrrn BfWMaaH jopnnjLtfguvn&vxVt A Netl tiltlsf MMl, AreWlmld Prfw, orrt bt tlio -lonrf aMtlefs1 of KAfwwhA valley. West Vlf glhk, wns Making maple mnt In a grove acroM Hie river frotn his house, when lie catight sight of three Iffdlnns skulking Irt tho vlelnlty, "Tho var mlntsr he said to hlmimti, "Bo the mertii io jtounefl on fne when I've two pulls o' sap ult&MiL" Ho was Just starting for swno of tho more distant trees, Of course he changed his purpose oil tho Inslaut, but ho was quick wilted enough to giro no sign of the fact, and M fow moments busied hlrnnelf about the boiling place, whistling merrily. ' If ho sot olf across tho river In his eanoe, the Indians would pursno and shoot him. Ho had a brother who was a sea diver. From hint ho had learned somothlng about diving bells, and ho now took a sudden resolve to mako his kettlo serve htm in that capacity, Ho emptied It, but in inch a way that nn observer nt n llttlo distance would havo supposed ho whs filling It from a tub standing near 1 As soon us fit was emptied ho lifted It quickly, and hurried down tho river bank, where ho rnlsod it, in nn inverted position, over his hood, tho rim resting on his shoulders, nnd walked into the wntor. Tho bank was steep, and the water was soon up to his shoulders. Keeping a firm hold of the kettle, he proceeded. The water got deeper and deeper until it was several feet over the top of tho kettle. Tho improvised diving bell answered its purpose excellently, supplying air for him io breatho until he emerged on. the homo sldo of tho river. So Mr. Prico saved himself and his Iron kettlo from falling Into tho hands of tho savages. Youth's Companion. - Ill kordihlp'a tVclckt. The present Earl Granville, some years since, when Lord Leveson, swal lowed half a crown during the perform ance of some conjuring trick at a Christmas party. He was none the worse for the misadventure, although the family were somewhat alarmed at first Tho late earl, on being asked aft er his son's health, told Lord Rowton that ho had gained eleven pounds, "Ahl" replied the witty peer, "that makes 11 fl. M"-London Tit-Bit. Mrs. Ed. Sxoan Duncanvllle, 111. Sick Headache 21 Years of Suflerlng Ended by One BotUoof Wood's The intense misery of those who suffer with sick headache, is beyond description. The wonderful success of Hood's SarsaparilU in curing this trouble warrants us in urging all who are afflicted by sick headache to give this medicine a trial. Read these grateful words from a well known Illinois lady; " Few p oplo suffered as much aa I have - with tick lic-xtlache. I hare had It by spells for 21 years, sometimes as oltcn as Throo Tlmoa a Week. I would get up with It, aufler all day, st b wlifc li and bave It all night I tried everything that wai recommended, but nsver was cured until about a year ago, when My Mothor-ln-Law persuaded tne to try one bottla at Ilood's Bartaparllla. I am Klau to lay that It cured me, and kaYe had sick kraSaeat since I took Hie first bottle ot Hood's tarta paxUla. It ha done mo a great deal ot Hood's Sarsaparilla Oures coed In other ways, and has Increased Bs weight (imiHUis 147 . lean not praise Hood's Oarsaparllla enough." Mas. En. SwAJf, DuncanVllle, lit HOOD'a P1LL8 do not purge, ria or grip, bat Ml promptly, cully and sStelwUr. as. HAVE YOU GOT PILES XTCntNO riLKS known tor moutnre Ilk txnplraUan, mum UUuu ttoBlna Klmi n. TbU rora Uld BLIND. suueiiimu or y&orauDiMO riuul TttATOHrHTO M. BO4AN-K0-S PILE REMCSV, whloh aot dlrvodr On part aJTct4 kbors Ivnut, ltyliuiic1MUna a prauuitai cur. 3rrtp 60a. jOnicauta erauU. Vr.M4aki,rhtUdltau.iaa Bold by thi'Lett & Van BlypA. Strayed or Stolen. One big bar ge'dlng with two white hind feel,'Ma drk blown teldlog, wuh one white h'ndriinl.ructtweUhTntf about 190. A Iberul rvward will be gives lor the r-torn of same t'l U. W. Til MA8. 4 ITSldw Aylum Avenu. lu,Oron. HOWARD,- The House Mover. MI Main Street. Haa the bM teetlltlM tor navlna ni rale lug bottkee. tave order at oiay jtrue., at SbSart rsUmi, Urn. Paper Hanger and Decorator. t?'--, ':S uil OSf.ee at Cbta. Cal en's MttHasry AlaNalS agaalaaral Atntih at, ma NEW MILLINERY STORE OI'KHA ilOOeft MAK'tt, 108 COOIlf 8T, Mrs. D. F. Hafincgan ADAMS 10U Slrtto cltraat, OIV&MA flit At, MorlojA Wliislniiloy Carpenters and Boildett, Hhop 63 HUte street. Stororittlnjrs Specially J.L.ASHBY. Meat'Market, 203 Commerolal Street. Good msats. i'rompt delivery. T. .!. KI.I.S& 110U8E l'AN'llNa, I'Al'EU HANfJlNO, Natural Wood f Inlthlng, Oof, tti and ChemeUU Street Undertaking' Embalming. J)pt facilities In the city. A, M.OUIUOH, - 106HUt8t. Of Standard Books Bv EXTRAORDINARY DISTRIBUTION Authors. A FREE BOOK COUPON WORTH FIVE "CENTS GIVEN TO OUR READERS EACH SATURDAY. 0T Head Directions on Coupon Carefully. TUB JOURNAL'S PREMIUM BOOKS. A book coupon Is printed In the Daily Journal every Saturday, which 1b numbered differently every weak. Save 5 of these coupons having different numbers, and send them, with 6 cents to pay postage, etc., to the Jouknal of fice, and your chrlco of the following books will be sent you. It is best to make 1st, 2d aud 3d choice, so lu case we aro out of the first we can send you the second or third. These books are the bt 25 cent book printed and that means a sreat deal these days of cheap books. Call and see them, or send your order by mail. We know they will please you. By simply cutting out tbe'eoupon in each, Satur day's Journal and enclosing 6 cent to pay postage and package we 'give you each month free what would ccst during the year from 2.60 to (3.00, at any book store or news stand. 1 a s 4 5 8 7 8 8 10 u 12 13 14 IS 17 18 18 20 21 23 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 80 31 SI 83 84 S5 m 37 Si 3!) 40 41 42 4.1 44 45 48 47 4H 49 60 61 62 63 64 66 68 67 68 (8 60 61 61 ffl Bl 67 3 68 70 71 73 73 74 73 78 77 7H 78 K0 81 81 83 84 8) 88 Called Rack. Artlrle nt, by F. du llolseobey. Had to BeaU Master of tbe Mine. Love'a Martyr. Cae of Reuben Malpcbl. A KiKbt for a Fortune. Tbe Ma a pan Affair. A w oman Sacrifice. Karma. A Dark Deed; A Tale ef the Peasant's War A House Pa'ty. The Gray and tbe Blue. Tbe Detect vp s Eye, and Cecil's Fortune A Rteel Necklace. Jrss. 8he. Klne Solomon's Mines. Death or oishnnnr. The One Thing Needful. 1 iuor-vu upnnm. Fedora; or, Tbe Tragedy In the Rue de la Palx. I lfeof Henry Ward Beecher. Allan Ouar'erma n. Only a F rmer-8 Daughter. A Ounimerclal Trip. West of 'he Missouri. Fast and Lonie, A Modern rirce. A Puritan Lover. As In a Looking Gloss. For Her Dally Up nd A LunKy Young Woman. Te Duche. A Ot amity Ilow. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Texar'a Revenge; or, North against Houth. A Batm fo- n Heart. Marriage aud Dlv re. ln, the Gypsy Bride. The Great Hespr. A Prince of the Blood. Jack andThree Jills. Mora's Choice. Anxelma; or, In Spite of All. Marvel TbjHtory of Antony Grace. AFalseKbvt A Life Interest. A Flurry-In Diamonds. Birbara The Pasen;er Irom Scotland Yard, llerr l'auliK. The Partners. Th Wr ns; Hoad. Kins or Knave. A Ileal Good Thing. Napoleon and Marie Louise. Cbrls Old Ulsxar's Hero. L T sea Tbe Bine hall Ghosts. The M t ster of a 11 ansom Tab. TbeHelrofLlnne. By Misadventure, ldv Mutton's Ward. Tracking tbe Truth. Mr. Meeson's Will Dr. Glennle's Daughter. In all shades. Joe; A Hemarkable Case. Danlra Living or Dead. Vol iTso, Hall a Truth. A Vera Child. Fairy Gold. Madam's Ward. 3e Mtory ofan Afr'om Farm. The Unpopular Public Th Dronm (Le lleve). The Ilogue. Mls llrethrrtnn. A Dangerous Catspaw. THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OREGON. Rates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day The best hotel between Portland and Ban Francisco. First-class in all lu appointments! IU Ubles an served with the """"" Choicest Fruits Grown la the Willamette Valley. A. I. WAGNER. Prop. J. H. HAAS, TELE WATOHMAKEK, HSX Ccnmsrclil SL, . isl,Orgos. Next door to Klein's,) Bpcdaltyot Spectacles, and repairing Cloaks, Walebtw and Jewelrr. WISC0S1N CENTRAL LINES. tNertfeirn pd!c R. R, Ca., litis-) LATEST TIME CARD. To Through Tritni Dally. weurai hi l M'un s fctfcmi 15' JPU. AhUud. al 8am t.lstnHuw tvhle.g.x j. 4.14pm &8flU Wpa SfPeSMA StittAffiA ftss .i k DAMON, Tile for Sale, Brick and Tile ford, NOttTil BALkM, W a in Take ltl EVENING JOURNAL, OnljJeentss lr dellreredat your floor, JOHN' ft MARTIN, Horsdshoelng? BLACKBMITHINO. Blats Htreet, UDU1M the Most Famous 87 RS rO 80 18 82 8J 81 85 P 87 8S 89 100 101 1C3 01 1M 108 107 1P8 1U9 110 in 112 113 115 116 117 118 liO 121 Ilalelph Rivers. J-ict Dudley's Wife. Tbe Maddoxes. A Ijm B de Th Queen's Token. Tbe Ladles' Gallery. The Englishman of the Rue Cain. Is MarrTsge a Failure? Almeda. Mademoiselle Solange. Tho Reproach of Annesley. Three Years. Vere; The Leading Lady. The Girl from Malta. rieopatra. The Ten's otShem. A Crooked Path. Marooned Could Augbt Atone. Tho Golgoiba of the Heart. Dr. Wilbur's Note Book. Roland Oliver. Rhea; or, The Case of Dr. PlemerK Mrs. Annie Green. ForL veofHer. Al an's Wife. ,. Lad Clancarty; or, Wedded and Wooed 1 he Halvatlon Army. Trollopt-'s Dilemma. UllndLove. , .. -wul,, Pyrrba; A Story ofTwo Crime: x ujj una vers j eweia. 122 Have Home 124yTrovati 12) Beatrice. P.6 127 r:s 129 liO 131 Hurrltt Durand. Cloister Wendhinan. Kvolutlnn of "Uodd." I OOkln? Flirltlflr- ITnrnrarrf Who e Hand? From Darkness to Light. Stalts of -and. Kin Bllck lndlftZukiintt.narma.. . 1 133 134 .o?u!?ob.11la,iDl5lSUFlehlZFOrWd-" U5 A Fellow ol Trinity, 16 'lime Men in b Boat 1S7 m lu8 140 141 Hi 141 144 145 148 141 141 HU 160 161 151 1.U 154 155 If 8 167 168 158 160 161 P2 161 184 165 Ibtl lt,7 1'8 168 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 The Phantom 'Rickshaw. j. uc mm nage at Nea, 1 he Burmah Treasure. Illack Beauty. The Marriage of GhbrleUe. Tbe Judge. Baroerlne nsi nee WlnUrt fboWs. " The Light that Failed. A Marriage for Love. Ho dwtnked Hortenie. Wee Willie Winkle, IdN Time Tiles. An Ideal Fanatic An American Girl in London. l'an el Trentworthy. The Slaves of Folly' UpTerraplu River. My lady Nicotine. i, ",J?ni?aSe. f Child. A Little Rebel. What's Bred In the Bone. Hints for the Millions. Male. Diana of the Crosswarr. A Matter of Skill, Ml.Judged. Bel er Dead AWepTter's Romance. The Treasure Tower. Helen Young. The MrDermntr A Daughter oil, art h. The Black Tulip. Mr. and Mrs Bewrr. i-1.ra'!Ilf: A Glrl "f Berck. '".fB'l'yofBallarat Mo1l?stVLliara.'tratt,,"etchaot i r; Farm for Sale or Trade. On easy terms, four miles east of Bubllmltv containing 147 acre: vm tron. ."?" In or near Balem. b li niivT"' S-tiHlW Bubllinlty.Or. ONLY LINE RUlMINGI 2 L THROUGH DAILY TRAINS Leaving Portland, 8:45 A- M, :ou r. m, DAYS TO 31 2 CH I C a ftri 7 Hours Quicker to St, Paul, 23 Hours Quicker to Chicago, 40, Hours Oulcker to Omtht and Kansas City. PULLMAN and TOURIST SLEEPER FREE RECLINIMG (WlR Korra,MCA5S' DUU" RS rurratea aad uui .. oraddnta. " """" UI r vBjrBPs) sun m ii'jji tuiummmmm 1 1 fiBNNUTT k SON. CAMttim, Fruit Ami Clgurs, p, 6, lalook, CiffJtra' and Tobaeee, BIM1AHI) PARLOR, 040 Oorn'l CStrei. T, W, THORNBURG The Upholsterer, Itemodels, rc-oovers and repnlrs unuolstered nirtnture. Flrnt cIrm work. Ohemeketa street, Mtate Insaranoe block. Balem, East and South -VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE ofth Soutliem ' Pacific! Company. CALIFOKKIA IZPRESS TllAIW RON DAII.T B- gZWaiN PORTLAND AND S. F. HOlllb. I fxirtn. 7.-UC p. m. 9:18 p. m. 8:16 a.m. Lv. LV. Ar. Portland Balom Ban Fran. Ar.l Liv. Lv.'l 7:itt h. m 6:28 a. in 7:00 p. m Above trains Htop only at fdllowlns; mutions nortboritoseburgr.Eait Portland OrtonCltr, Woodburn, Balem; Albany Tangent, dhedds. Halfley, Harrleburj, JunctlonClty, Irving and Eugene. KOHKRUIKl MAIL. DAILY.. 8.J0 a. in. 11:17 a. m 6:60 p. m. Lv. LV. Ar. Porllund Balem Iloneburg Ar. I 4:w p. IU. Lv, I 1:40 p. m. Ly. 7:00 a. m Albany Local, Ually ivxeept Huuclay, 6 OU p. m. 72 p.m. 6:00 p. m. Lv. Lv: Ar. PurUand 8alem Albany Ar. Lv. LV, IIMUU.UJ. 7:S(i a. m. H:30a. m. Dining Cars ou Ogden Koule PDLLMAN bdffet sleepers AND Second Class Sleeping Cars- Attached to all through trains. iVest Side Division, Between Portland and Cervallis: Jl PAII.V-(KXCTCPT SUNDAY). 7:du a. in. I 12:10 p. m. LV. Ar. Portluna Corvallls Al, Lv, I o:ao p. iu. 1 12.56 p. m. At Albany and Covallla connect trains of Oregon Palflp Railroad. with tXl'KKna fKAI (l)All.V KXIiKrTHLlM 4.-40 p. tu. I 75 p. ra. I Lv. Ar. Portland MeM inn vllle Ar. i Lv. I tuzuttui 6:4Aa.m THROUGH TICHETS To all poinu In tbe Kattern btatcs, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates lrom w. v. hKlNNKlt, Agent. Halem. K.P. ROUE1US, Akst.U. K una Push. Ag't n. Aucniiiut, nanaeer. The Yaquina Route. OREGON PACff IC It" B. And Oregon Dovelopment company's st uip .me. aa mnes snorter, it) nnura umeinanny any other route, First class inrougn passenger and lrelght line lrom Portland and all joints In tho Willamette vau.ey vu ana iromian ITunclBCO. T1MK SCHEDULE, (Except Sunday.) Lv Albany l.oo p m I Lv Coi-vullls 1:40 p m Ar Yaaulna..?Op m Lv Yaqulnu 6:4ia ra Lv Corvallls. 10:36am Ar Albany 11:10a m O, 4 C. trains Connect at Albanv and IVir. vallls. Jlhe above trains connect at Yaquina with the Oregon Develpment Co.'b lino ofMeam r between Yaqulna'and Han Francisco i.ii.-rf."""'?.8 Irom roniana and all TTlilamette vallev nnlntji nan n..b.n)n.. nn. nectlon with the trains of the Yaquina Route at Albany or Corvallls and If detained to tan Francisco, should arrange to arrive at Yaquina tbe evening before daw of Bailing. Passenger and F.elgbt Kate nlwava the SKf'S5Co"Frelht ana ticket Agents SOO and M2 i ront sireet. PorUand. Or., or O. O. HOU IJE, Ac't Jeu!J Ft, k Pass. Aat.. C. H. HABWJiXL, jr., Gen'l Freight and Pass. Agt. Ore Development Co., 304 Montgomery Ht. From Terminal or Interior Points the Is the line to take To alK Points East and South. .iMfiy dnlncar ront- "runs through vestibule trains; every day in the year io ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO (No chance of cars.) W"S?,,"?'Bi"!!L'TaMed, Of latest equipment TOURIST - Sleeping Cars. iULf8?. eoMtrnctea anfl In which SuhSna??i1.55 a71.boU ' ndlnr. Uckeu Md tort MMA MCOBd-CltJMI ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A continual L,llae eeaaestlntr with all Mrvtief 0m WtnlpuS JSX'feLJ!' ?W. J?TtteBs can be so SiJd dv LTe ttro8 ay "tent ol pjyj ,K? 'fcnnaUon concerning ratea. Usii iim A DOWKTKO. Afint Moncin War Soldiers tewisi if PewoDs! OAsidS&SafrHM are eUtlt tolaereaia. Apply to Northern Pacific Railroad O. C.BHHRUAN. USBBt uw. ruKui Tim Ajt, Ckisso, ii 8ll.ehy.Meakf atteAUsrw. T w ,MMH, WffJ, Ot