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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1893)
r,Ll raSSIB Jfl VENltf 0- VAMTAh jfOtntNAL, TtJESDAT, -APItlL 2B, 1898, ft: r Spam's hint Ualnlli "TffllOORIST" DCTAOHABLt HAHOUt AND POINT. 4VWHX 0 tM ANY TRUNK. t RAIN fat. United tatei, Sreat Britain, Praaee aa Caaada. fltmM'i Talent Prune- have no rlrcta to weak. Any child can take It apart and put It together in a hair minute. lUM y EPliGOEiFfiEICHJorillt.O. a K el 2 w S2 w "' O M fe JS K . i w as ei B OR SHINE and Tho Tourist UmbrcJIa Sunshades aro THE RIGHT THING. Tho accompanying cut shows that it can bo detached from handle and point. The same handle and point will fit any umbrella of this make. Wo keep a complete stock of them. Tb? Palac? DRY GOODS AND SHOE CO,, 307 Commercial St SPRAY YOUR TREES, Barr ic Potzel bave thu bent pumps In tbe market for the purpose. BARR & PETZELL, 214 Commercial Htreet. - IF - You are going to build or make any Unci of Improvement, call on tho undersigned lor material. We have a cnmploto Block, nnd are ready to mpply any prepared contract, tower work, grading, eta Salem Improvement Co. DAILY WEATHER FORECAST. Portland, April, 25. Tuesday nnd VVodnesday fair, followed by rain Wed nesday ulgtit and stationery. U. 8. Wmathkii Bkiivioi:. Not All In It. -Tho newspapers of (tbe state seem to think nil theSnloin ministers belong to (ho union wliluh baa gone on a strike unless each of the state Institutions will allow tho union $5.00 for eacb service But not ull the ministers aro In It. It Is doubtful If balf of tbe regularly installed or or dained members of tho clergy nro mem bers of the union. The union lias not boeu strong hero at all. For Instanco Rev. J. 6. White, of 8t. Joseph's Catholic church, Dr. W. E. Copoluutl, of Unity church, P. B. Knight, llrst Congregational minister, Elder Mat thews, of God's churcli, and n uumbur or others, to say nothing or Dr. Tul mage, who preaches at Bultin every week, to Tkh Jouunai, congrogutloii of sinners, do not belong to thu Baloni minister' union. Grand Army Mattkkb Bedge Wlok Post, U. A. II. or tialem, Is busy preparing Its customary observance of Memorial Day, which fulls by law on Tuesday, May 30th, Tho post w ill march to Rural cemetery, wblleelectrlo oars will convey the ladles of the Wom an's Relief Corps and disabled veteran, or those who cannot muke the march. Tbe Bona of Veterans will bo Invited to participators well us tho militia coot paulea. Tbe bund has beeti engaged, and in the evening as usiiul tbero will be a public meeting at tbe opuru hou6 where Captain Adams will deliver tin addrca. Tbe day will be observed nt Salem as a public holiday. ' . . Thkhb Plantkd. Prospect IIIII obool fulfilled the request of Buperiu tendent MoElroy, by observing Arbor ay, carrying out the accustomed pro gram, uudcr the supervision of Miss Cole, teacher- from Aurora. A locust tree and various shrubs wore planted to add beauty to tho pleasant grove mid play grounds, m IIIUOMNDKU'S KNIFK. Bill) White the kulfe artist In front of tho court kouae has Just made a knife, which he ays la for a highbinder Cbluamnu. It la of heavy steel, lias a blade a foot long, a wooden handle and brass trim MlBa, It to a formidable weapon, and nay someday "do up" Its victim In fWsHlue Celestial style. Road liuiuJiNd. Thero aro several movements going forward looking to better roads. The farmers from Salem south to Mr. Culver's nlaco are onion- Uing to build a roud themselves. They do not propone to have their money wasted by Incompetent offlcials any longer. There are golDg to bo more gravel roads built than ever before. Ono furmor proposes a commission to examine road aupervlsors, who now waste so much monoy, as to what they Know or tiling, grading, capillary at traction, and as to color-blindness. A lunacy commission could also sit on u great many to good advantage. Cut ting the farms up Into smaller tracts so every man cun build n good road In front of bis own premises is going to do a great deal to solve tbe road problem Atiilktics. Secretary Wetborbeo is paying esiH'Olal attention to tbe organi zation of uthletlo clubs in connection with Y. M. O. A. work. A strong handball club is contesting font gold medul championship. A bicycle chili Is to bo organized Wednesday evening this week, A baseball club will follow hooii. Ancthletlo park Is to be estab lished near Murnlugslde and u field day for ull kinds of athletic sports will be announced later on. Today tho Albany V. M. C. A. engaged Win. P. Habcock to cnuduot a cluss In uthletlc exercises there of thirty members. To Manaok Oregon Ian: William Trallley, a well-known East em base ball man, Is In the city. He proposes to locate nt Salem and en deavor to organize an amateur base mill oiuo. 110 was tho organizer of tho original Union Paclflo bus ball team, whloh acquired a wide reputa tion. Ho bus also played slncu that time In many teams that have covered themselves with glory. As a captain, n catcher, nnd a has few superiors. MRS, JOHNSON'S STORY. She is Not a Bad Woman and Throated Her Children Like a Brute. Mrs. Martha Johnson called at Tim Journal ortloe and left a written statement In reply to Mr. Johnson's attacks on hor character. She says she Is a hard working Woman and had to support the family, and that hard work and bis ubuse has nearly ruined her health. Johnson kept none of his promises and treated her children like brutes. He is 67 years old and claims he Is only 00. "lean say that John- son works and that Is all tbe good I can say for him, I must stand for my self or fall for myself and try to Uvea christian life and that's what I Intend to do while I live in this wicked world. I do not wish him any harm but I hope that he will have enough money to pay his funeral expenses. Johnsou says I nm living with Cox; he tells a lie and he knows It. Mr. Cox has boarded here part of (ho time since I left." Martha Johnson. THE STATE WILL MAKE STOVES. Manager Loewenburg arrived In the city today to complete arrangements for transferring tbe property of the Northwestern Foundry Co. to tbe state officials who were authorized to acquire tho plant in the name of the state nnd operate tbe same. Tbe bof-rd offered $35,000 but Loewenburg holds out for (45,000, which would leave the state only $20,000 to operate with. R. B. Fleming, who bus for a number ofyeaiB been tbe yery efficient mana ger, and probably knows more about tbe conductor this business than auy muu now living, has been offered the position of superintendent of rftato stove works. It will tike about ten men to supervise tho work of tbe convicts nnd tbe state will m?ko very handsome profits. TRICK AdKKKI). Mr. Looweuborg came up this fore noon from Portland nt tbe request of the board and after a con bu! tat ton with Gov. Pennoyer aud Treasurer MeUchan it was ugreed tbut tbe state should pay $40,000 for the foundry plant. He claimed $45,000, tho board offering $35, 000, the above sum being a compromise. The pipers will be made out on Attor ney General Chamberlain's return. There were several upprulsements made by tho company owning the works aud by experts ranging from $23,000 to $112,000, so there was evidently room for greut dlflereuoe of opinion. Tbe board believes they bave got the bent figure for the state that could be ob tained. Tbe works will now start May 1st. Mun. There Is a geuernl kick at taking up mud aud filth oil' tho streets In ono plueo aud spreading It out on tho clean gravel In another place. The clean gravel should be uwil as It is, or sanded with Hue gravel. No r.oney should bo wasted taking up mud on one siuo mm putting It down on the other. The Latoii String Is Out. On F. T. Hint's door, nud everyoue Is cordial ly Invited to cull In and examine his now and beautiful lino of spring over coat Iiiim, superb blue-gray worsteds for business suits, also tho fine array of black aud blue unfinished worsteds for tultlngj. Satisfaction Is ono of tbe things that Hart, tho tailor, guarantees. PERSONAL AND LOCAL. He A WM1 ma" unJ ,n ftP'"' The ministers elrlko Is still on. Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Wilson aud Mrs. A, A. Wheeler, spent tho day In Port land, The city hall building committee meets tonight. Work on the Holman block and tbe Oberbelm block Is progressing. Beth Hammer has left law duties for a rod and reel trip amouit tbe trout of Linn and Lane counties for a few days. J. G. Bozorth returned from a busi ness trip to Portlaud. A number of anglers took the trains today that bear them north and south to good trout fishing. Mrs. E. B. McElroy went to Port land this afternoon. Miss Villie Bullou returned this after noon from a visit to Eugene. 8. C. Runnyon of Marlon county nnd L. L. Burtenshaw of Coos county were appointed notaries today. Mrs. Dr. J, A. Richardson departed this morning, for tit. Helens and The Dalles, to be away ten days. Banker A. T. Gilbert started for Idaho tola mornlog, to look after tbe interests of his firm in the McConnell failure. Miss R. F. Hall has gone to Sllyerton to lecture at tbe M. E. church tonight. Lycurgus Hunsaker of Marion and Fkxlx Uregoire of Gervais, and Cbas. LeBrun, of St. Louis, were in Salem today. Natural Wllbolt mineral water, five cents a glass at tbe Spa fountain. Balem people have news of the death of Mrs. Jas. Thomas of North Yumbill. She was quite aged and well known in that county. Hops are growing very rapidly and this warm weather will cause them to vine fust. The area in hops is neurly doubled this year, nearly every grower setting out more viues, and many en tirely now yards being set. Miss Mabel Jeuness concluded her lectures to a class of ladles in physical culture last night nnd started for Port- laud, the Souud cities nud British Co lumbia this morning. Natural WHuoit mineral water, five cents a glass at the Spa fountain. Mrs. T. Holverson and daughter Liz zie started for Eureka, Kansas, today. They will visit the world's fair and re turn in August. Miss Gertrude, who is a student la Rockford, 111., will re turn with them. Rev. F. L. Hlgglns, recently called from St. Louis Now Jerusalem church to be pastor of tbe Bwedenborglau church at Portlaud Is in the city. His wife who Is an experienced klnder- gartner accompanies him. ine sueriii's semi-annual report of taxes, lees and Hues collected and mon ies turned over to tbe treasurer was filed with the county clerk this morning. The clerk bus all tbe semi-annual re ports nearly ready for publication. FROM HUBBARD. GREAT ELEOTBIOAL RESULTS. To llio publto About one yen' ago I m In. Jurodlniliebnck by lilting Tbe twin be come so groat that I was unable lo bo about muchorihe Ime My kidneys were al; af fected. Dr. Hatrln cured me with leclrlPltf and medicln-s In three months My wife lias aim been ruiodiifdtufniMandadlsigrcfaule discharge from the eirof ten yenrs sianding. Refer tome at HUlle.ea'-,Orkil)Hmci Dr. Darrln will ulvo electric or medi cal treatment for $5 a week for each disease, or lu that proportion, ns the case may require, until further notice. An exception Is made In surglcnl opera tions. The poor treated fteo dally from 10 to ll; those able to pay, ll to 6; evenings, 7 to 8; Sundays 10 to 12. All curable chronic, acute, private and wasting diseases, Including stricture, hydrocelo aud varicocele, syphilis, gonorrhoea, gleet, Impotoucy and semi nal weakness, canrers, tumors and all malignant diseases treated successfully, and cure guaranteed and never pub lished except by request of patients. Surgical operations skillfully performed. Consultation free and strictly coufl dentlul. Seud for question blank and circular. Drs. Darrln pan be found at 310 Commercial St. Balem, Or. Thk Ladies Bazaar. Don't fall to uttond tho Cutbolio Ladies Bazaar, in uld of the church, Thunuloy, Friday and Buturuuy evenings. There will bo ico creum and cake served In daintily arranged booths, delicious coflee and eako aud toa and cake In h Mikudo booth, served by the young ladles In costume. Lcuiuuttdo ut the Rebecca ut the Weil stand. A voting contest for the most popular gentleman iu town, a haudsoiiie prize to be awarded to the most BUccvssful candidate. Also an elegant display or fancy work, luce work and other beautiful articles. A musical ami literary program Thurs day and Friday evenings. The ladles decided at their last meeting, held Sunday, lo charge the small sum or ten cents ndmlsslou fee. FROM AUMSVILLE. Mrs. Thomas Ball is preparing to start a millinery store. The building enterprise of this place is under tho careful management of Mr. Cole. A number of our people attended the Fruit Growers' association at Salem, with great profit. D. W. Smith Is having his buggy painted and fixed up new. He still speaks to bis old friends. Mr. Meaner is sick. The ring of his hammer is no 'onger heard. All join in wishing his quick recovery. The pnst week has been a busy one for our town, ull bauds bave been em ployed on the city meat market. A very pleasantand substantial dona tion party was given Rev. E. Robert". The evening was pleasantly and profit ably enjoyed. When all our business bouses ge' ready, they Intend to advertire In the Salem we expect to draw con slderable trade from that town. Preaching Sunday evening by Mr. Condon, of Turner. Turner would not do much for ua temporally, but Is willing to help us along spiritually. Orie Pound says "that brush Is gooi' for bad roads." Oriels very truthful kind and gentle, aud if be says thu brush is good, that euds the mattei and brush is good. FAIR AND SQUARE fmm fm Can You Read it? Fair and nrjuaro; and tlmf, what it is evory day tn th week. Our Home Made Good and Low Pricos mako fair weather smiles in our store the year round. woouyl w& STQKt Mr. Locke's Tortunate Find. L N. Locke, of Wayno county, was formerly an active trader. In May, 1872, he was in Chicago, and bought a lot for a small sum. He put tbe deed in an envelope and placed it in his pocket with other papers. A few days afterward, while getting into his buggy, ho lost the envelope and all its contents. He adver tised for it, but really cared only for the notes, thinking th3 lot of little value. John Ritchey, a victim of softening of tho brain, was wandering aimlessly on the street the day Locke lost his papers. Ho found them and laid them away, and even aner nis ueatn no nonce was taken of the supposed worthless papers. About ten days ago John Ritchey found the package and gave it to Mr. Locke, and through his attorneys his claim has been established. Had the deed remaiued concealed a few days longer the twenty years wo aid have ex pired and no claim would have been al lowable. It is a lot in tho boulevard ad dition, and the parties occupying it have given Mr. Locko $20,000 for a quit claim. Indianapolis News. INKUUIATK8, Three drunks were up ueroro tho recorder this morning and got tho customary line ono paid. An other wttBa drunk and disorderly, both not paying went to work on the streets at once, being thu ouly met) Iu the oltv Jail nt present. 1 lU.'CKfioN, Cards aro out to friends of the family for a marriage reception to air, ami aim. j, Frank Hughes, rnuuy evaiunir, April 28th, at a-30 o'clock, at the homo of Mr. aud Mrs. John Hughes, South High street. Tktk-A.Tktk. What H moro do Mf htful thaw to eutertulu an agreeable lly friend, liMd-to-uead aa the French My. Jm Mr your table delloaolea are porfeet with Prloe'a flavoring ex- i kept froth and iu complete stock at Van Eatea'a grocery ouly, Don't FoHarr.-Men don't forwrt that (Mr firm hold eu the Mat trad Imm been gIal by serving ly th beat, and they arc ever on thu atwtfcrUtt iut Meek that woae Mtwy, m i FIm Hy frUw ilateo, fresh and V Mc par imwmI. Clark 4 Kp4y, j train JUMPKR3. The police have been requested to enforce tho law against boya gettlug ou and oh? the Southern Pacific tralus at night. There Is great dauger that some of tho boys will be killed there If the practice is not stopped. Lahok Fruit Ckoi Tho prospects for one of the largest fruit orin kuuwii ror years aro very promising, aa the tree are uow Iu full bloom, and dauger of frosta Is thought to be past, Clkaninu tiihBthkkts. The street ooiuuihwloner has a fore at work clar lag up aud muovlug the mud from our wrveta. Pkiikkction. In side dishes, pastry, puddimss, Jollies, IceB aud cake per fection Is only reached by using J, A. Van JSatou'a special brauds of Price's extraots 3iul fiavors. For Salk. Set or rails, good blocks and rojies, swluglng stage complete. Inquire HawkH A Levar, 07 State St. Comk rNSiDK, Weilon't keepall our cheap furniture In tho show window, but have buraalns In overv nlecu In ti.. store. Wm. Sareeant. Great li:irL.iiln i.. .....ii - in nan iaK.-r, Wantkd. A first cluss talloress at once. Call ou E. Sohottle, 10(1 State streets. ,.H". T vgubl substitute for TV w, H1H?H! "' Regulator, Dr, CoatrU f Ik tth without pain- Why sutler with ludlgestlou aud dys iwpala? Simmons Liver Regulator Is pleasant nnd cures. Dr. Contrls tills teeth without palu. J natural Wllholt mineral water, five cents a glass at the Spa fouutalu. yuu wait i extra cnoice ury granu lated augar, you can get the best at Clark A Eppley'a, as they handle It lu barrels. RememberParcel delivery and all kinds of errands, with ueatiiMa and dlrpatch. Look wood mesxeneers. Prof. J. L. Ball, the taxderralst. is stuttlug the hide ofthepauthor killed by G. W. Whitney three years ago. J. C. Fowler Is taking a trip to Eagle Creek this week. S. T. Daniels Is fixing the upper part or bis building to be used as a lodge room by the KulghtB or Pythias. George J. Wolfer made a business trip to Portland lost Thursday and re turned Saturday. Paul Huumet Esq., or Portland, was doing our town last Sunday, the guest or Geo. J. Wolfer. A very pleasant social dance was given by tbe wlvea aud sweethearts of the bos of Company "E" at the Arm. ory last Saturday evening. Mr. Lashbell bis returned from Port land where he has been some mouths, being under the doctor's enre on account of weak eyes. His eyesight Is much Improved. W. T. tylm, J. R, Jordan aud J. L. Calvert purchased a small tract or land from Willis Devoreu last mouday. Mrs. Rachel Byland got off the train here last Mouday evening. Her daugh ter Grace has been very poorly all last wluter, G. II. Marker, our agreeable bachelor dentist, has Just returned rrom a two ilaib' visit to Portlaud. What's tbe attraction, doc? Strongly Endorsed. The advertising of Hood's darsapar Ilia appeals to tbe sober, common senst of thinking people, because it Is true aud it is always fully substantiated h endorsements which in the financial world would be accepted without a mo ments hesitation. They tell the storv -HOOD'S CURES. " Hood's Pills cure liver ills, jaundice, bllllousuess, sick headache, constipation. You don't need to continue dosing with Simmons Liver Regulator. A dose a dny. Mrs. Custer's "Tenting on the Plains" new $1.00 edition, at Deurborn'a book store. No one ever tried Simmons Liver Regulator without being satisfied with Its effect. Dr. Contrls fills teeth without pain. Raspberry Plants. Sougheguu, Gregg, Cuthbert and Malabar, last two red strong plantB 8everul thousand, call early, or dellvl eredfreetounv part of the city, at re duced rules. Leave orders at John G WrJ5h.lri B,rooer , H- W. Savage, Market Gurduer, Salem. 3-18 0-wd Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed : Castoria SALEM MARKETS. Wheat- GOo per bushel. Oats-354no per bushel. Potatoes- fiOQGOe, per bushel. lour $3 60 er bbl. Bnui-(8acked) $18.00 per ton Bhorts-(Bucked) fcMOO per ton. Beans, white, 3o per lb. Eggs IGo er dozen. Chlckeus-8 to 10c per lb. Chopped I feed -(Sacked) $20.00. Ducks-120 per lb. Geese 7o per lb. Turkevs loo per lb. Lard-12fai5operlb. J!ulierr30' per pound BecQialcdrewHMi, XtaM'' ' I21o, dressed. &r-712Jo dressed. Wool-rtTfSUSo per lb. nops 1416o per lb. Tlant Shnde Trees. Again the time of year has rolled around when deciduous trees shed their leaves. The boat time to transplant de ciduous trees is during the fall of their leaves in tho autumn and the bursting of the buds into leaf in the spring. There islittlo choice in many portions of thir country as to what particular time dur ing the period mentioned trees should bo transplanted so that the soil is in proper condition. In this section, where winter is well defined, the planting period is divided by cold weather into fall and spring, and the relative advan tages of the seasons aro less a matter of moment than tho fact that not nearly as many trees are planted in either as there ought to be. However, this is an oppor tune time to remind those who have a place to plant a treo that fall is a better time than spring to sot out trees. Mc Keesport Times. Railroads and the Game raws. A largo doo was struck and killed by "", "'buk i"u coming soutn on the Adirondack and St. Lawrence railroad in the Adirondacks. The carcass was ianen to a slaughter house in town and dressed. A question arises as to the lia bility of tho railroad company for killing deer out of season. Cor. Utiea (N. Y.) Herald. ' A Berlin chemist claims to have dis covered the art of reproducing colors truo to uature with tho camera. If true tho discovery is ono of tho most impor tant that has been madn in tv,a n , photography. A Lawrenco (Kan.) man recently re ceived o letter which was mailed In Chicago about twelve j ears ago. It was accidentally discovered" in a ven Water shaft with a package of other .V v.uiutt i ;' Hutu. The largest specimen of extinct anl ma ever found in the world was the skeleton of u Dinosaurian reptile dis covered in the Bad Lands in 1882. The A PRIVATE LETTER s whit we would like to write to Tn uuiwaij leaucra, out, wanavn't umr, 11 polnKe ihlH method by us! ok ttiis (tact Vo-resclllng'our 500. BOX STATIONER! AT 20 CENTS A BOX ThU Is below cost bat we are ovemtocki C i ja must reauco our stocltor tins paei Patton Bros., Booksellers and Stationers! 08 STATU BTBKliT. NKW AUVEKT1HKMENT8, TEACHER'S EXAMINATION. NOTICE is hereby given that for the par pose of making on examination of all persons who may ofler themselves as cndl rJi?. fr aers f the schools of t h Is coantr. SJJLh ? J? Public exBmlnatlon at ialem, Oregon, Wednesday, May iu, 189 1. J. a. UKA.HAM, County superintendent 4 21-tddw FR SALE A very nice r located lot, with Inquire at this omce. 4-ISiJ-lm Ci AN, Hl AU Parties knowlnr i,nr.hJS!eIv.e.? ,ndebted to J. J. Harkin,, the ih?.' ?t'JTlU.p.ieat-e,.cal1 ano settle Sti y ami'1 " Ootalng store. 4-14-lw WOHK WANTKD-Uy a competent gard euer. Pron? Dtattem Inn n.,Vi ..;,. "tree t, upstairs. " 7.2w 31UI8rtAKK.K U kePK" Ale at K. U. O&tfn -rr,JJtilul. Asency, G4 and 65 Merchants cnn.?.sef8anranc,8'. California, wtiew contract for advertising can be made for 16. ATTKNTION.-Cash bllttleS. Old Irnn m a fi' al om Coar u. Hal"" minav nnM fnm niM S'.it"e!.'.0,rJr.?n Bn1 kind of mtSS', ' TOLKlAB. CHwlii!iTIAN ,C1ENCK-Llleratnre kinds on sale at 82 Liberty atreet. of all 4-5-iy If you feel all rts aeltatn vnm Liver Regulator. nmtta ,,.. .wi ... ffiU ver with Si,n UKATU. SIK1CS, At hl home, rlv mile west ofbalew, uuda April SM, lSt, nmry m, niae, gvu 7 iear. S won ha and Uttaa. The fnxeral was eonduoted Monday, ' the rMualM UlBg ( vw burial at Zeaa. DPRICE'S . miss. weghtofthe8kunalonewa8 694pounds and of the whole skeleton 1,000 pounds 2 CW J? 0hf rooms of th0 Academ; LouUepubS6' sl t Mothers Friend" MKES CHUn RlRTH fusy. , v " D0CK MILLS. !ffiS2&Sm POWER HOUSE Meat Market. Fresh and Bait' meats of the belt quality. Poultry and stock. Free delivery. DAVIS & WAYMIRE, Proprietors;. HP-M. CARS. Up. in. Cars leave Hotel nnd osiomce dailv for Asvluui. enitcutiiiry aud Cemetery on Capital City Railway. Car leaves 5 a. m., connect ing with Overland train, and Cars leave llnrol nvorv 20 minutes from :20 a. m. to 11 P. m. for all points an the Hues excfptlHgCcmeteryCar,'.1 aken offto meet PasseHycr Trains. DRESS GOODS SALE THIS WEEK. Genuine, substantia .. AH ladiee cordially Invited. WILLIS BROTHERS OPE1U HOUSE CORNER. RS 8peeW valuca la kdla. JArtrs-na J. a JACKETS, KID GLOVJtt Goods In tbe bouee. & CO. SALXM, 0R8G0N. M4JLG.COMBTflr SLJlA Ul,