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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1893)
,vt, -jr -Kjprtmy-tBrMy-apc-E -"yTsr . - iflVEKUMO tJAJiTAli jrOtTBlTAi; TUESDAY, APKLL 25, 183. tTJ JW Til MNTAI. JOURNAL. :ifM'iii- , F0HUJIKMD DAILY, BXCJSPT BUJ1VAX. BTTBI CtpHl Journal Publishing Company. JtortOfte Wee2cori:HreUi fttreet. MOf EH MOTHERS, - - Editors. , by carrier, per mouthy ly, I page, per year,. .. torn Km '. LW Okn ,eo0u BatKVlCE. If Uk deemed necessary to bavo gunday aermoa at tho prison and other tato Intlltullona why not have Dr.' Ttktmge'a vttmoa wbleh Is printed In ThW Journal each week read to the people there? It could be read by an inmate, an officer or any iood reader, It would be a good service The Journal will furnish the er mom free, to each state Institution each ' week and it ought not to cost much to bare them read, and would not require 6.00 minister to do it either. As fur quality, aoae of the strikers at least 'will pretend to preachm bettor sermon 1 MMBJ Tatsaage dow., It suits people on Mm outatde' without regard to class or I and we presume would suit all ou i lualde equally as well. 't:fJ-MH1 KI:F()KM AT SALEM. Artlttlo dress nnd physical culture ' have become quite the rage at Balem Oder the sklllrul intiiuslasmbegeltln(t leadership aud lustruoilon of Mubel Jennees of Boston. Balem has good-looking women now. ," Oregon climate Is favorublo to delicate ' oomplexlous. With more perfect foroih "', ,lk and carriage and art applied to dress what can not our women oecomo, ' A charming woman la mora charm leg to her own sex than to tho other ex. The time has como for woman to enjoy greater freedom in dress. The It am Bteji in iui iuiuiiu it, iiuumug mi krt body-torturinKi beauty-destroyltiK cor- f set to the winds. Or rather throw them in the ash barrel. That la what many Balem ladles have done. THIS WILD FLOWERS. t,- , la spite of continuous rains, cold V sights, occasional frosts and a mini- hub of sunshine, Oregon has had an abundance of wild flowers since six weeks, They are growing mora abundant tti tyery day. The tooth wort, severul 3 lilnila a l.,ilutib.M .m l?,k III., booting stars, a small purple Illy, yel low and blue wood violets, nud a score of others not koowu to the writer, be sides a variety of (lowering shrubs, bo deek bill and vale, forest and meadow. - Every school teaoher should toauh the children to know the names ofull these common wild ilowers. Children love flowers und Bhould learn to cull them by their true names. H ROM MARION. t '" ' The school observed Arbor Day with appropriate exercises. Dr. Golden, of Balem, was In Marlon ob business last week, There was a carpet rug sewing at jlrs, A, J, Wluslow'n lust Thursday. ., Mrs. Blmmom, of Jellersou, was vis Ulug ber relatives hero lust week, Rev. B. K. Hlnshuw occupied the pulpit ia the Friends' church on Buti Jey, Bey. Hcott belug on tho sluk list. Fruit Wiseman has bought of H. N. Rutberferd three lota on Bolo street nnil the prespeet is he will build a house BOO. Alfred Cook and J. W. Wluslownro fcBolng their yards aud gardens with Itteket feaees. Ilarvey White, of the firm of I ml ley White, is at the residence of W.J. Hadley sick with typhoid fever. Dr. Hawk, ef JeflVrsou, it attending him. Key.O, B, Bcott vlaltctl Portland, Mewberg, tiherwood, Hherldau and other towns the fore partoflitst i mu iviuruvu iiuiuo ou weuued- wy evealBg. The Baatbutt ditch is belug talked of , that ta to rqu a ditch from the to Afarlou to furnish water fowec toe a will and other enterprises. . Mr.GMdMy, late of Califoruta, has ntnU tbe farm where Mr. K, Weddle Mv4 taet year, aud te setting out a hop ytftotX, Ooklea on the Edgar farm. ffrvtnU ethswi are plaHtlng hop yards te Use yWlty of Marlon this year. Ht. fftof, ot Jerlentou preached at Mm PwbyUrhm ebureb ou Bundny, A WOMAN HIIS TBS MINMTEB'B 8T&IKX. ilSTCJIKONICLBS 17 OH A P. Now It, came to pass in these days, that the ministers of Balem, the city of peace, did gather themselves together to counsel about carrying the glad tid ings of love aud salvation, to those in carcerated in prison cells, In the reform schools aud iu the insauo asylums, and it did seem good unto them, (but not uuto the spirit) that they speak not unto tbeso unfortunates, the words of reconciliation und life, without a com pensation of flvo dollars per Sunday. Aud It was so that they declared not unto them the wonderful things of the Lord. Now, Prlscllla, the daughter of An drew, who was elder In tlie house of the Lord thirty years, even until the day of his death, was sore grieved, thai among tho stewards of tho mysteries ol Ood, there was not one found faithful, do Prlscllla bowed before the Lord in prayer with these werds: O tbou King of nutlous, thy suluts shall bless thee. They shall speuk of tho glory of tb Kingdom, and talk of thy power. O, ihou thai nearest prayer, listen to these our humble coufeMslous, for thy minis isters who have departed from thy pre cepts and thy Judgments, inasmuch at they bavo refused to cry against the wickedness which has come up before inee, from these stute institutions, un less, unto them more, pelf beglvou. Now do those who believe not iu 'thy iioly name, laugh iu derision aud suy: Do they fear God for naught?" Hath not each one of them a good salary ? Hast not the Lord given them pleosunt postures? Yea, tbefutof the luud is theirs. Ho hath clothed them In good ly apparel. He hath put silk hats upon their heads (if not He, so have the people arrayed them) and fluo sandals upon their feets. Aud are not their wives and their sons und their daughters clothed as uro tho rich of our land? If not with the might und glory of the Lord, with the glory of men, hath these ministers been clothed. Now are they made "a spectacle to tho world aud to nugols aud to men," thut they so differ from that minister of Christ, who both hungered and thirsted and was naked and bufletted und hud no certain dwelling place; who worked with his own hands thut he might bo burdensome to nono. Be hold, suy they, six days In tho week, for two and one uulf cents a dsy, do some editors labor, sending "forth the tiews of the laud to euoh home which wills to receive it, with words of ud viae, eucourugeiueut aud instruction which ure as powerful iu tbe right for mation of charactor as are the Buuduy discourses of most of our ministers brain work do they give us aud not inferior to like work of our clergy. Thus speaketh titan agulnst tho shepherdi of thy Hocks, thereforo we supplicate thee O, Lord, thut thou re vive thy mlulHters, that thy poople may n-joiae. Oh, let wickedness bo ended und Justice be established, espec ially for those lu tho reform school do wo Intercede, for they are young lu sin; Oh, limy thoy bo faithfully In structed lu thy way; some of them O, Lord, are tho children of widows, others ure the offsprings of thy servunts, yea for they do lubor in thy vlueyurd at tho head of missionary work and us beurersoftho emblems; and though they cannot rule their own house well, us thy word nqulroth, they do rule well lu thy syuagoguo. Havo mercy upon their children, that thy promises l)t established, Lot no other Lord be- siuo meo nave any uoiiiitiiou over us. Bolvutlon to our Owl which sltteth upon the throne, union. Til Doublet. Tho term "doublet" during tho middlo ages had been a generic namo for initio outer clothing, tho in ner tunic being then called tho waist coat; but when for garments worn open in front tho woid "coat" began to bo employed "waistcoat" and "doublet" became used Interchange ably to denote tho underdrets. At tho effeminate court of Henry III men as far as possiblo had copied tho Medici toilets of the ladies, and the doublet, or closed Jerkin, was re introduced into England during Eliz abeth's reign in tho shapo of a pad ded and pinched imitation of tho Medici bodice, and tho doublet form, belted round tho waist, fastened at tho throat and flnished there, wheth er by ft ruff or falling collar, hold its own, both In this country and in Franco, for tho noxt hundred years, when (unless wo consider it to have (atoly revived under the guiso of the Norfolk jacket) it was finally con quered by the justo-au-corps. Not only tho bodice of tho Medici drees, but its farthingale also, iu tho shapo of grotesquely padded breeches, was as far as possible pressed into tho service of masculine costume during tho latter part of tho six teenth century, and as this clumsy fashion recommended itself particu larly to James I as a protection from the assassination of which ho lived in constant dread it survived throughout his roign, and only gave way to a fresh importation from Franco on tho marriago of Charles I with Honriotta Maria. Edinburgh Review. Writing One' Signature. "Tboro is something peculiar about tho way people sign their names," remarked Head Clerk Sims of the Coates to a reporter. "No two men do it tho same not tho writing, but tho manner. Some men will como in, pick up a pen, dart off their name and are ready for a room in a min ute's timo. Others havo to seo who has been horo for a week past, and do not nppear to know whether thoy want to register or not. There is an other manner of man, who, after looking over all tho pons, selects ono to his fancy and starts to write after many falso motions. Ho generally signs his namo in full. "This man naturally writes a small hand," remarked Mr. Sims, pointing to a signature thut nlmost required a microscopo to decipher, "but a sig nature of that kind is all the moro conspicuous. Wo havo a truvoling man who signs his name in a very peculiar way. All tho letters are of tho samo height, about hnlf un inch, but thoy nro only un eighth of an inch in width. Every time that bo loaves wo find five or six shoots of pnpor in his room covered witb his signature, whero ho has been prac ticing." Kansas City Times. Disastrous Cleanliness. A caroful, tidy young housokeoper has a small, round, nickel plated clpck which recontlygot out of order and would not run. "What havo you boon doing to it?" asked her husband. "Why, nothing but cleaning nnd brightening it up. It was vory dirty, and 1 washed it withsoap and water." "You didn't dip tho clock in water?" exclaimed tho questioner. "Yes, I did," was tho auswor, and then, as tho nbsurdity of bathing a clock burst upon bor, tears filled hor eyes in voxntion of spirit at hor mis tako. Whon tho clockmakor pulled tho rusty works apart, ho exclaimed: "Jeowhilikms, how damp that man's houso must bol" Indianapolis Journal. A Noted Ulvlne Says: "I hare ben alncTaft'al.lverf Ilia f Byapcpsls, Weak Stomach nJ CMtlTciicM. with wkich I Have less Tint's Pills ARE A SPECIAL BLESSING. I Beyer tia4 anything-todo ineRo much food. 1 reeeommend tfacm to all as bo neat medicine In zltance." BV. F. K. OSGOOD, New Torfc. " SOLD EVEBYWHERE. . Office, 140 to 141 Washington St., N. Y. left an appointment for .ifbt, STtk, when be will pwwsli Me Ut aermoa here before the We hope he will be rv It (be JeftereoH elroult another VnMME OW Ol1 II9MT. Com i no it) B.u:.. Ono or more Borgeous of tho Nutloual Burgleul Insti tute, which Is established at DID Hush street, Bun Francisco, will be lu Wil lamette hotel, Balem, Thursday and Frltluy, April 27th and SBih, This lustltute Is especially devoted to the treatment of curvature of the 8plne,dU- euttos of tlu hip aud knee Joint, crooked limbs, club feel aud all bodily deformi ties. Their success lu treating these troubles as well as uasal catarrh aud oil chronic diseases has made for tho lustltute a notional reputation. All persons who are siitlerlug from any maimer of disease or deformity, or who have children or friends so sutterlUK, slmultl uo; full to take ndvantuge of una opportunity ror rellcr. Ask your iMMtmaster for circulars. This Insti tute received the gold medal at tho world's fair for tho best apparatus and methods of treatuieut lu the world, Thousand of referenced will be glveu on applloalluu. Tim Ulvlitun or Clothes. Ono of Sam Jones' best stories is on his wlfo. Doing asked by nn no quaintanco how things got along at home, Sam replied i "Mo and my wifo uover havo any troublo becauso wo started right Whon I woko up tho morning after wo wore married, I reached over and kissed hor and Raid i 'Wifo, I seo two chairs out tltoro in tho middle of tho floor, and two piles of clothing on tliom. When you got up, I want you to chooso which you intend to wear nnd leavo tho others for inol' Well, sir, she got up and put on tho dross, and I put on tho breeches, and from that day to this wo'vo uovor Bwapped." Now York Tribune. PEOM STAYTON. T. M. Dunlvln went to Albany Mon day. Miss Maggie Coats left for Blue Den Thursday where she will visit her sis ter. Mr. Dick Keene of Salem spent a few days In town last week with his fath er, Miss Oertle Cartwright Is lying very ill at ber home near town. Mrs. Hurst Kearns of Salem Is visit ing ber husbands mother this week. Mr. Ford of Balem made us a business trip lost Thun day. Lavanger Magers of McMInnville spent a few days with his mother, Mrs. Magers, last week. Mrs. Williams of Albany was tbe guest of her sister Mrs. Dr. Kitchen last week. Mrs. Robertson aud daughter Lucy left last Saturday for a couple of weeks in Fox Valley. Mr. Anderson returned Monday from Salem where he has been under tbe doctors care for several months. Mr. Mana has sold out his interest in the barber shop to Mr. Lutz, of Leba non. Wesley Gardner" of Fox Volley was in town last week on business. 1300 has been collected for a new o.unty road from Stayton to Kingston. Mrs. Jackson returned from Portland whero she has been in the hospital for the last two months, Friday. SOCIAL. The party given by Mrs. Q. It. Thom as at ber residence Tbursduy evening proved to be a grand success. Mrs. Thomas' well known ability In tbe line of socials had raised the expectations of ber many friends to expect something most delightful, but none of them it is sifo to assert bad an idea of the glorious time In store for them. Tbe evening wus pleasantly spent In reciting quota tions from Longfellow, Byron und other authors, besides several solos beautiful ly reudered by a few of our society la dles after which u bountiful lunch was served. Those present were Misses Pearl Hnbsou, Edi'h Alderson, Busle Kerns, Luov Robertson, Ella Thornus, Grace aud Bertha Savage, Minnie Dun lveu, Mrs. Foster aud Mrs. R. G. Thorn us. Messrs. Davy Smith. Walter Lvou. McCulloch, York Richardson, George Hrown, trunk mom us, Itlley xnomus and Foster. (COMPLETE MANHOOD AND HOW TO ATTAIN IT. ,tM mmU1 work that UU Ik nun. tHkwllr IM mom hUmUl u4tlMUi iUuwiIm.i Mmm (uriui numliihiium Lurlui I ImK but lUlrik. h Matt. -u if ib Tbe iMveUmt ywlHe are ww fully jiNitoMM fteet (iMt tbe CbkMe, Uh- tfcf very beat Meewodattona to tbe liili frow hI ie Cbleajfo, Omaha 4m UHerexeilUte peliiW. tux. only tur- ! the wttfM'a Mr, but ell tb .ar UUtul. HIOk-l UMfc tbM kU ) ,7. .i!ir,'K Hf Hi mW mJ .W Jo- rtPI rU4 Mk Ad mM im Mr mamCtMKMHh' a. u.iu i. -j.Ti. WWpflUK IUlL.u.1 n-m asi m wmhIui &ru u .. I h . AUmiUhMUm4, CHIC MEDICAL CO., wrrrAL. x. t. mmmmmmmmmmamammm How Tlij Kalleu Ilrld Iu Tunis, a girt iu Mums aiier 6iie is ih trotliLHl is cooped up iu a small room, with abnuklce; of gold und silver upon hor ankles and wrists. If alio is to bo married to a nuui who Iiuh discharged, dlsjuitched or lost a former wifo, Uio iliacklea which tho former brido wore aro put upon tho now bride's limbs, md bIio is fotl till thoy are filled up to tho proper thickness, Tho food used for this custom, worthy of bar barium, is a Kccd called drough, which Is or an extraordinary fatten ing quality. With this beod and their tintloual dish, cu:uw,tho brido is forcibly fxl, aud many actually die tumor tuu ikx)ii, Jjisteni Ago. A Ultle Hoj'n .iuilillluii. General CoiohRsa llttloloy about 10 yean old, who inherits hi, father's tome of humor, Fie came Into tho room tbe other day wkett I wan at the getter' bout, and 1 aikc-.l tho Ctmeral whether lie intvtwkd to mak a eoblier at tbe sturdy young chap, "lie rather wplr, tbe geueral, "to tbe ocoutwtioH of a Bailor." Aud ' tuiokly a obiklwb treble Uiterjected, "Ov of pontwaster." Koekm Globe. Catarrh Cannot Be Cared with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the dis ease. Catarrh Is a blood or constitu tional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hulls Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, aud acts directly on tbe blood aud mucous surfaces. Hull's Catarrh Cure U not a quaok medicine. It was prescribed by ono of the best physicians In this coun try for years, and is a regular prescrip tion, It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with tbe best blood purlllers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. Tlie perfect combination of the two Ingredients Is what produces such wonderful results In curing ca tarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Ciiknky & Co., props.. Toledo, O. Bold by druggists, price 75c Before Going to tbe Wo? Id's Fair Enaulre About Tho Limited Express trains of tho Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway between Bt. Paul and Chicago aud Omaha aud Chicago. These trains ure vestlbuled. electric lighted aud steam heated, with the fin est Dlulng and Bleeping Car Service lu tho world, The Eiectrio rending light In each berth is the successful novelty of this progressive oire, aud Is blclily appreciat ed by all regular patrons of this Hue. W( wish others to kuow Its merits, as the Chicago Milwaukee & Bt. Paul Hall way is the only line in the west enjoy ing tho exclusive ue of this patent. For further Information apply to nearest coupon ticket agent, or address C. J. Lt)DY, General Agent, J. W. CASKY.Trav.Pass. Agt. tt Stark St., Portland, Or. tf A Pure Nonn&iin oil is the kind used In the production of Scott's Emul sion Hypophos phltcsof Lime and Soda are added for their vital ef fect upon nerve and brain. No ' mystery surrounds this formula the only mystery is how quickly it builds up flesh and brings back strength to the weak of all ages. NEW MILLINERY STORE OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, 108 COURT BT. Mrs, B. F- Hannegan. T. J. KRESS. HOUSE PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, Natural Wood Finishing, Cor, aoth and Chemeketa Street. Undertaking and Embalming. Best facilities In the city. A. M.CLOUOH. - 105HtateSU ADAMS & DAMON, SHAVING PARLORS, 102 State Street. GIVE US A TRIM. Jlorley & Winstanley. Carpenters and Builders, Shop 69 Btate street. StoroFlttlng a Specialty J. L. ASH BY. Meat Market, 80S Commercial Street. Good meat. Prompt delivery. J. E. MURPHY. Tile for Sale, Brick and Tile Yard, NORTH BAIAM. Take It I EVENING JOURNAL, Only 2 centa a day delivered at your door. JOAN C. MARTIN, Horseshoeing. BLACKSMITHING. State Street, - - Balem. J. I BENNETT & SON. CANDIES, Fruit and Cigars, P. O. Bloolc K. T. llUMrUUEYS, Cigars and Tobacco, BILLIARD PARLOR, 843 Oozxx'l Street. T. W. THORNBURG, The Upholsterer, Remodels, re-covere and repairs irst. tiDholstered furniture. class work. Cheiueketa Btate Insurance block. street, H. W. COTTLE & CO., General Insurance Agency. Representing the following welt-known and reliable Cempanies: STATE IN3URANCK O '., tna Insurance Co., Traders' Insurance Co., Bun Insurance Co.. National Insurance Co , Westchester Fire Ins. Co., Lion Ure Insurance Co., Imperial Klre Insurance Co., London Lancashire Fire Ins. Soc., ixndon Assurance I orporatlon, Alliance Assurance Co., Norwich Union Fire Ins.Soc. Oldest and Lending Firm In the City Devoted Exclusively to Insurance. The HOWARD, House Mover. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS. Slain Street. Has the best facilities lor moving and rais ing houses. Leave orders at bray Bros., or address alem, Oregon. STATE STREET DRUG STORE I New Cosmetics. Ferlumes, and Face Bleaches EXCLUSIVE DEPOSITORY. Lloyd's Aseps'n Soaps. Mrs. Harrison's Complexion Aids. BROOKS JS LEGG, Salem. P. H. D'ARCY. GEO. O. BIKdHAM. 'AUCV & BINGHAM, Attorneys at Law, Rooms 1, 2 and 3. D'Arcy Building, 111 ouite street. Special attention given to busi ness In the supreme and clicult courts of the mate. 3 11 D1' RP. BUIiE. Attorney at law, Halem, Ore , eon. OfllieCTI Commercial street. mlLMON FORD, Attorney at Uw, Balem, JL Oregon. Office upstairs in Fulton block F. CONN, Attorney at law, room 7, Mur phy block. IT J. BiOOKH, Attorney at law,Salem,Ore- XX. gun- umce over uusn's duuk. Strayed or Stolen. One big bay ge'dlng with two white hind feet, also one dark biown gelding, with one white hind fool, each weighing ubout 1200. A liberal reward will be given lor the r-turn of same to O. W. 'Ill MA8, 1-17 (ll dw Aylum Avenue, Salem, Oregon. J. H. HAAS, THE WATCHMAKER, 2ISH Commercial St., ialem, Oregon, (Next door to Klein's.) Specialty ol Spectacles, and repairing Clocks, WaichA and Jewelry. Money to Loan. Loans will be made on Improved city or farm property by tbe LOMBARD INVESTMENT CO. For terms, etc., apply to JOHN A. CARSON, Attorney at law, over liush's Hank, balem. Or. J J. SHAW. M.W.HUNT. BHAW&HUNT . Attorneys at law. Office over Capital nuuonai uauK,oaiem, ciregon. East and South -VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE of the Southern Pacific Company. CALIFORNIA EXPRESS TRAIN HUN DAILT B8 TWKBN PORTLAND AND S. T. Mouth. J urih. 7.-UL' p. m. 9:18 p. m. 8:15 a.m. Lv. Lv. Ar. .Fort land Balem Ban Fran. Ar. I Lv. Lv.'l 7: u. m 6.26 a. m 7:00 p. m Above trains stop only at lollowlug sihtions north of Roseburg, East Portland Oregon City, Woodburn, Balem, Albany Tangent, Bhedds. Halsey, Harrlsburg, JunctlonClty, Irving ana Eugene KOHEHUKG MAIL HAI1.Y, 8 JO a. m. I Lv. 11:17 a. m Lv. 6 50 p. m. I Ar. Forllund Balem Roseburg Ar. I 4:.HJ p. m. Lv. I 1:40 p. m. Lv. I 7:00 a. m Albauy Local, LlHlly Kxcil auiiilav. 6 (X) p. 111. 7:52 p.m. 9 00 p. m. Lv. Lv: Ar. Fort land sal em Al Uany Ar. Lv. Lv, lU'JUa.m. 7:3d a. m. .30a. m. ti T. RICHARDSON, Attorney at law Of O. tlceupsuilrs In front rojma ol new Bush biuck, corner Commercial and Court streets, salem, Oregon. JOHN A. CAR -sON, Attorney at law, rooms H and I, Bush bank bulldlug, Salem, Or. B. r.BONUAM. W. H. HoLMLB BON HAM & HOLMES. Attorneys at law. Olllceln Bush blocs, between State and court, ou Commercial street. E. 1'OCUE, Stenographer and Tjne- Deai equipp Oregon. O r. nij hut nnn In salern, Oregon. wrltest Best eaulnDed tVDewrltlne or. iver BjBh's bank, O'lELLA SHE KM AN -Typewriting and p commercial stenography, room 11, Gray block. lrst-clafs work. Rates reasonable. rvK. A. B. UlLLla.speclallstln diseases of u me eje, eur, note ana inroal, Room 10 uusb bank building, "alem. DR. T C HMITU, Dentlnt. n state street, Salem, Oregon. Hnlshed dental opera uons ol every description. Falnless opera tions a specially. WD.FUdH, Architect, plans, speclflca . uons and superintendents for ah clashes ol buildings vtrcet, up stairs. Office W0 Commercial 0. Authorized Capital 1500,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Balem, Oregon. W. A. CUHICK, Pres. W. W. MARTIN, Vice Frea. J. H. ALBERT, Cashier. Btate, County and City Warrants bought at Far. dw MONEY TO LOAN On improved Real Estate. In amounts nnd lime to suit. No delay In comtderlng loans. FEAR & FORD, Room 12, Bush Hank block. 512dn WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, 1200,000 Transact a general banking business iu nn iu Drancues. GEO. VILLIAMS WM. KMULANI) vice UUUU .UlUMAllT, A. ROBLRT, Architect, room 421, Mar quam building. Ponlaud, Oregon. P. J. LAKSEJST & CO., Manufacturer of Wagons, Car riages, etc. Repairing a. Specialty. , Mliop 15 Btate street. Diiiing ars ou Ogdeu Koutc PDLLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND Second Class Sleeping Cars- Aiiacueu 10 un inrougn trains, est Side Division, Between Portland and Cervallis: DAILY- (KrCEPT SUNDAY). 7: W a. m. I 12:10 p. m. I Lv. Ar. Portlanti Porvallls Ar. Lv. O.U p. Ul. 12.58 p. TO. At Albany and Corvnllls connect with trains of Oregon Pwlfln Rnllrond. KXt-K-t IHAI (Utl.t K l'ht- u N u . i:w p. ui. 7:25 p. in. I LV. Ar. i-or. laud McMlrnvllle Ar. Lv. : m u. in .liiiH.m TUKOUUI1 I K JhliiS To all points In the KaoUrn htatea. Canada and Europe ran be obtained at lowest nites lrom W. W. bKlNNKIt, Agent, Balem. K.P. ROGERS, At.sL U. i.aua Puss.Au'l K. KOEHLER, Manaenr. The Yaquina Route. PKOlEOriON LODGE NO. 2 A.O.U. W. . ,eet8,n thelr na'l m Htate Insurance building, every Wednesday evening. J.A.8ELWOOD,R.ra-rI!ENNlaiM-W- THE PACIFIC DETECTIVE AND COLLECTION BUREAU SAZ.KM, . - . Or.gon. OQlce removed to 214 Commercial tl. Rates reasonable, done. c. nPJ?.bUc.and pr'vate work B. CLEMENT, Manager. President President ...Cashlir. UmKCTOKS: Geo. Williams, Wm. Eng. A.n?taker. KlcnardeoD' J.W. Hodionl M.t.k-iVliewE3Ichane block onComm.r. clal street, mi,tl THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OREGON. Bales, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day Thd best hotel between Portland and Ban ifrffi1!0' "-' 1 all lu appolStments. IU Ublea are served with the Choicest Fruits Urown In the Willamette Valley. A. I. WAGNER. Prop. JP (Northern Pacific R. R. Co., Lessee.) LATEST TIME CARD. Two 'Through Trains Daily. litipil) l.JOprn lUrlum 1 (Vipn 7 zsHrHfiir;ri3sss ssffis io5pm 9 'Kainjl ..Chicago.. tolClkrSl,n?.1?nn.nhlnaaFe chwhed through trains going hiut and bouth. ' Uen. Pass, and Tkt, Agt; &ESl. Scott's Emilswn will check Consumption and is indispensable in atf wasting dis cases. nWIl lnMH tm . H. T. AH E. K. HALL, Paper Hangor and Decorator. (htift Millinery store Offleo at PhmM B4lera. Oroa Bargains in Land. 2 W slu.s,p?J,?,a,t,lro1 LUvlll, and J?" Ttfxood Srrnla and strek Und in tbL.ucktrnut muntn la tSnf count. Furw fr Sle or Tniile. ONLY LINE RUfflING THROUGH DAILY TRAINS Leaving Portland, 8:45 A- M. 1 7.50 D U Ql DAYS TO ' 2 CHICAGO 7 Hours Quicker to St. Paul, 23 Hours Quicker to Chicago, 40 Hours Ouicker to Omaha and Kansas Ctty. PULLMAN and TOURIST SLEEPERS FR" RECUNIMG CHAIR vu.. CARS dining CARS. w &, " tofenattea call n W,H.HDRl.BURT.Ai4.r. v It It And Oregon Jlovelopment company's steam ship line. 225 miles shorter, S.0 hours Ies time than hy any other route, First class through passenger and freight Hue from Portlaud and all joints In tho Willamette valley to and Iromian Kranclsco. T1MK BOHEDULE, (Except Sunday.) Lv Albany 1 00 p m I Lv Corvallis 1:10 p m Ar Yaaulna. J1:U) p m Lv Yuqulna a.f a m Lv Corvallis. 10:dS am I Ar Albany 11:10am vaM tralnS connect at Albany and Cor . Ji'J? above trains connect at Ynqulna with . hir.ei?n "vel;pment Co.'s lino of steam ers between Yaquina and Han Francisco wV1iinJhs.8e?,Ktr8 f,om Portland and all J.SS aLle? p?lnt8 ran maRe c'ose con ? fi ?nUnJ,notra.n!,of tue Yaquina ltoute S-ny ; Co."""' and If detlued to San fh?2issllon.ld ar"ie to arrive at Yaquina tbe evening before dateof sailing. ."W and Kielght Kates nlwavs the HmMAnlnfoJm.utlon aPPlv to Messrs Srii,rtwwCoVre,BllJ ana Ti'cket Agents 300 and 302 Front siren. Portland, Or., or C. O. UOUUE Ac't Oen'l Ft. Pass. Agt., n it TiQra.cfl0.K-K-(-'' ,orvallls, Or. C. H.HASWiXL, Jr., Gen'l Freight and Pass. Agt. Ore UeTelopment Co., iXH Montgomery Bt. From Terminal or Interior Points the- Northern Pacific Rai ii Is the line to take To all Points East and South. ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO (No change of cars.) Composed .of dining cars unsurpassed, Pullman drawing room sleepers .01 latest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars, SSimmJjS?. ? wn'trocted and In which Uckeu,and fflrtand 6n1ltuu, ELEGANT DAY COACHES. llmifafio'rSfn; in8 sting with all Mrvteer ' ct "ad nnlnterrnpted cuftf'.fHoMwin bee thJadi TO tooou any agent of lnTAn?eUr1eallee.U f an(1 ft a" P"t purwaaeaatany Ucket ofltoe olthU com. uf!ln?5fI?aUoa concerning rates, time Ai.tmt A' B.' taiARLTON, -RHAW A DOWyiyo, Ayenta .Mexican War Soldiers - Iwase of PeDsioDs! uottf08..-eBuu, D. C. SHERMAN, r