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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1893)
p-w tyfyWIIIP&vtyii&.yTP-vitrT u cv i r . '.. V V "..-.'. .' , FIVE CEtfT, SEE BookCoupon CAPITAL JOURNAL, i-r SATURDAY. VOI. 6. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPEB. SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 1893. "TO-DAY'S NEW TO-l)A ." NO. 97. r r if THIS IS LADIES' KID SHOES LADIES' PEBBLE AND 1 u Children's School Shoes from the Cheapest to the Best. INFANT'S SHOES 25C, AND UP. CASH J. 297 Commercial Keeping Pace With the Times. Have your business accounts keptit PERFECT books, such are The Frey Patent Flat Opening Books. Bonks that are worthy of the patronage and praise of 'the Government Of ficials of the State of Oregon, and the greater portion of the mercbantlle men of the State, are surely derservlnjr of a trial by everyone. Manufactured lu Oregon ONLY by The Meatou-Dygert Book Mfg. Co., Proprietors ot THE CAPITAL CITY BINDERY. Binders to the State of Oregon, Printers and Lithographers, Salem, Oregon. Baby Carriages, Bicycles, Tricycles, Velocipedes, Boys Wagons BROOKS & SALISBURY, (SUCCESSORS TO BROOKH AND HARR1TT.) Guns, Fishing Tackle, Sporting and Athletic Goods. Bise Ball Good. Flags and FirtWoiks BOXING GLOVES, LAWN TEN NIS SETS, CROQUET BETS KNIVES, RAZORS, SCISSORS, DOLLS. TOYS, NOTIONS LEATHER AND PLUSH GOODS. SALEM, - A. N. HALES, Proprietor. ' R. H. PRICE, Manager. A. N. HALES' LIVERY. (Sucoessor to It. K. Ryan.) Livery, Feed aud Boarding Stable. A full supply of Horses and Bungles on hand. Horses boarded by day, week or month. Office at stable, corner of Liberty and Ferry streets, East of Willamette hotel. H. F. BROER, Proprietor of the DEPOT SASH AND DOOR FACTORY. All house-finishing material made to order at the lowest Portland prices. See us before you buy. 500,000 TREES I OSWEGO - NURSERIES. FALL 1892. SPRING, 1893. We would call the attention of dealers, and large and small planters, to our large and varied assortment of Fruit Trees and Small Fruits, Ornamental, 8hade, Nut and Evergreen trees. Our trees are clean, smooth, and first-class lu eyery resrect. Send for catalogue and price list. Address, Walling & Jarisch, aarMentioh this paper. Oswego, "Oregon. I W. TflORNBURG, tHE UPIIOLSTURER. Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture. Long Experience In the trade enables me to turn out first-class work. Samples of coverings. No trouble ti give estimates. State Insurance block, Cbemeketa street CHURCHILL BURROUGHS DtigaD Dros. F. T. HART, OUR SHOE WEEK GLOVE GRAIJS W. STORK THOMAS. Successor to B. Foretner & Co. St., - - OREGON. Spraying Oiiffiis, 103 State Street. SEE Future LEADING MERCHAN1 TAILOR. 25 to $3 50 to 1 50 75 Salem, Or. Excitement in Mexico. Deminq, N. M., April 25. J. P. San ford, a resident of Ascension, Mexico, arrived here yesterday. He reports much excitement iu northern Mexico; and the government is collecting all the arms and customs guards at that point, expecting to have to send them to au uprising of bandits headed by Sonoma Milts, near Tomossoglck, whose members are rapidly increasing by citizens joining the band and pre senting the appearance of a revolution in embryo. World's Fair Kegatta. New York, April 24. The commit tee, composed of Dewitt G. Crelger, jr., commodore; B. V. John, secretary, and Fred R. Pratt, chairman of the finance committee, of Chicago, are in New York In the interests of the inter national regatta, which is to take place at Lake Geneva. Wis., during tbe world's fair. They are on an extended trip through tbe east, and will visit all the leading colleges for tbe purpose of giving full information regarding tbe regatta. Fully 1500 amateur oarsmen will compete in-the event.- Boat eluba from all parts of the world will be repre sented, and will Bend entries for single, double, pairs, barget. and eight oared races. Already entries nave been re ceived from colleges in Australia, Eu rope, Canada and tbe Pacific coast; also from tbe leading boat clubs. These gentlemen, in company with Colonel Robert Rae, of Chicago, will soon visit England to consult with Oxford and Cambridge. Englishmen always eat dinner before they go out to dinner, according to a humorist, because they know the risks they are running, but nobody ever warns the stranger, and so he walks placidly into tho trap. Scientists have discovered, it is said, that tbe memory is stronger in summer than in winter. Too much food, too tnnch physical exercise and too much ed ucation are among the worst foes of the memory. The beautiful Cleonice supplant ail, brunette rivals in the heart of her royal' lover, and to do so she had only to veil her pearly tears by tho shining gold ol her hair. The French photographer, M. Moray, has succeeded in photographing a dragon fly on tho wing. The time of exposure was only l-2,600th of a second. Her Education Aldi Her lluibanC. Mrs. John Foster, wife of the oecr tary of state, received in her youth a thorough classical education, and during her long residence abroad she gained a knowledge of court life and an experi ence in etiquette that do good service in her present position. She is of great as sistance to her husband by the familiar ity with French that enables her to translate from tho Canadian papers any thing of importance Exchange. i Any jr, Time U the rfoht time Kr every Dooy w , dxinK MSaVRoot 1 1 11 WD Been A temperance drink. A home-made drink. A health-giving drink. A lilrcJnnMirhin? drink. 1 A drink that is popalar everywhere. DeUctettC, sparlUMC, aassmsMSH. l . . l. .l.. uUon. tj M( 1 .. . ?J7Jiif.dil.l f for ib ukt tf Uier fott. WJ "" " i(iuaauiuiriiti ! t - w - 81 $1 25, 1 CARLISLE'S BOND SCHEME. All Right But Impracticable You . Know. WHAT THE NEW YORK BANKERS SAY. A Few More Cyclones and Torna does Thrown Loose at t'ke Windup. New York, April 25. The morning papers say tbe proposition from Secre tary Carlisle discussed by bankers here yesterday wae to allow the government to hypothecate with banks, in return fur n minnlv of irold. fiftv millions of five percent ten year bonds, referred to In tbe resumption act, with privilege of redeeming them after oneyear,wben tbe government is in better shape. A majority "of bankers thought the sug mxittnn lii the right direction but im practicable. , Gold Rejected. Washington, April 25.-The secre tary of the treasury has rejected the terms of tbe New York bankers otter ing gold to the treasury. Nearly a Million. Washington, April 25. Gold in the treasury this morning, over and above the 1100,000,000 gold reserve, is (900,000. Harvest of tho Elements. Belton, Mo., April 25. A funnel- shaped cloud appeared about 0 o'clock last night both east and west of the city. Several barns were blown to pieces and much dam age done to orchards and forest trees, dwellings aud barns. The bouse of Dan Funk was blown to splin ters. None of the family were injured. No casualties are as yet reported. Kansas City, April 25. A regular twister swooped down on Independ ence, doing lots of minor damage, but miraculously causing no deaths. Be fore It reached tho more densely popu lated part of the city, the ugly visitor rose as quickly as It came and, passing over the city, again lighted In the out skirts. Here the damage paused a minute before was repeated. Grand Forks, N. C, April 25. For the first time since the Red river com menced its rampage the Ice moved yesterday, damaging every bridge it paused. The ice Is gorging two miles Iwlnw and it is scarcely probably the bridges will be saved. Amadee, Cal., April 25. Many Mo doc county stockmen have been ruined by the severities of the heavy storms. Dead cattle strew tho valleys of Modoc and Lassen. Honoring Columbus. Washington, D. C, April 25. President Cleveland will be absent from Washington six days in connec tion with ceremonies attending naval review at New York and opening of Columbian exposition at Chicago. He leaves for New York tomorrow after noon and makes a trip to Chicago be fore returning to Washington. He will reusli Chicago Friday noon and leave Monday noon to reach Washing ton again Tuesday evening. More Appointments. Washington, D. C, April 25. Tbe following apdolntmoutfl were announcd todav at the White Heuse: I. F. Mo- Kinney of New Hampshire, miuister to Colombia; Thomas L. Thompson or California, minister to Brazil; George Wm. Carutb of Arkansas, minister to Portugal. The TJ. P. Strike Over. Omaha, April 25. All striking Un ion Pacific Iron workers returned to work this morning. It is said terms of agreement are not to be made public before tomorrow. Prom Morphine. Bakeii Citv, April 25. Fred Bowen of this city, died last night from the effects of an overdose of morphine. Deceased leaves a mother, five sisters and five brothers. He was aged thirty- one years. Big Assignment. Hioijx Ciiy. Iowa. April 25. D. T. Hodges, tbe largest financial operator here, filed an anfessmentfor tbe benefit of creditors this afternoon. Still ob Life's Stage. Nbw Yohk, April 35. Booth's pby- Isletaa says be to so improved oeeslders hie recovery eerUla. that BOOMING WESTERN INTERESTS. Big Convention at Ogden organized and Running. Ogden. April 25. The trans-Mlssls- sippl congress assembled at 10 o'clock this morning. Tho committee on per manent organization reported as fol fel fol eows: For president, Governor W. J. McConnell, of Idaho; secretary, W. H. Harvey, of Ogden, Utab; assistant W. J. Easterbrook, of Oregon, and O. W. Crawford, of Texas. The minority report suggested also for president the names of A. C. Fisk, of Colorado and J. W. Bont, of Wash ington. Tho vote resulted as follews: 141 for minority and 140 for majority. The standing of Governor McConnell on silver was challenged. McConnell being called out placed himself on rec ord as favoring free coinage ot silver in ratio 10 to 1 of gold. THE NAVAL SQUADRON. Great Columbian Naval Review at New York City. New York, N. Y., April 25. At noon the naval squadron, from Hamp ton Roads was sighted n few miles south of Sandy Hook. It was nearly 8 p. m. when the great engines of war on sea passed Sandy Hook. Loud mouthed cannon from vessels in the harbor and on forts gavo ilism a greet ing as they swung into anchotage near the Narrows. Despite fogs and a driz zling rain thousands gathered at points of vantage to see tho incoming terrors of the sea. Columbus' Statue. Chioaoo, April 25. The great bronze statue of .Christopher Columbus, a gift of the worlds Columbian exposition company was unveiled at Lake Front this afternoon with simple ceremonies and presemted to the city by a repre sentative of the exposition company. It was accepted by Mayor Harrison. POLITICS AND BUSINESS. The Mixture Causes a Big Failure In an Adjoining State. Moscow. Idaho, April 25. The well- bnnwn nnrnoration. McConnell, Mo- Gulre & company., the largest morcan tllo house lu Idaho, of which Governor McConnell Is the head, was closed yes terdav by the sheriff. Although there had been rumors of Impending embarraeiiment, the failure caused great excitement. Tbe First National bank, of Moscow, Issued an attachment for $20,000 and the sheriff closed the doors. The Moscow National hank immediately followed with an attachment for $25,000. Attorneys for Mnmhv. Grant & Co.. of San Francisco, and Allen & Lewis, of Portland, served attachments running tho figures up to about f 100,000. More attachments are expected today, which will materially Increase liabilities. Tbe assets amount to about 880.000 In stock, a large book account and tbe firm's business proper ty, which is mortgaged for $25,000. Governor McConnell originated tho firm several years ago and two years ago it was Incorporated for $loo,uou. Tho members of tho firm are: Govern or McConnell, Frank A. David, J. C. Haskell, W. M. Chambers, and J. H. McGulre. A large brick block, valued at $00, 000, wob built In which to carry on tho business. On this Gilbert Bros., of Sa lem, have a mortgogo of $25,000. Two branch houses were established at Pullman, Wash. The firm made large purchases of wheat and It was thought profited largely thereby. The recent depression In tho wheat market, however, Is said to bave causea ueavy loss and the firm was unable to meet Its obligations. In order to save them selves, tbe Pullman business was sold last week to R. 8. Browno anuj.rt. McGulre, of this city, and the money was placed In the Moscow house. It arrived too late.boweyer, and the crash .amuvmtnrdav. Their friends doeply sympathize wltb Governor McConnell and tbe other members oi me concern, all of whom will lose heavily. It Is thought wltb careful management the firm may pay dollar for dollar. To night the firm mado a general assign ment for the benefit of creditors. The First National and Moscow National banks are not affected by the failure. Norwegians Angry. Chbibtiana, April 25.-Tbe radical malorltv In tbe storthing will postpone tbe vote on tbe civil list as a mark of HafUnm to Klntr 0car for having re fused to approve tbe demand for separ- rate consular reprenlatlon Tor Norway, The Norwegian newspapers attack tbe monarchy and are agitating for tbe aililnn of tbe badve of the uulon of be Swedes and Norway from the Nome I glaa flag. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S Gov't Report 2 RoYevl .SS5!J ABSOLUTELY PURE LATEST HAWAIIAN NEWS. Cleveland's Commissioner Stay Indefinitely. May THE POPE ANB GERMANY'S EMPEROR British Budget Shows a Deficien cy from Decreasing EoYonues. Mr. Blount Speaks. San FBANOiBCO.Aprll 25. Tho bark entino Irmgard, arrived from Honolulu brings advices up to April 12 as follews: Tbe Press correspondent called upon Commissioner Blount this morning and asked If there was any truth In the report that he Intended leaving for home on tbe steamship Australia, which leaves here April 20. Mr. Blount replied there was no truth lu it whatever. "My length of stay hero Is Indefinite. It may be two months, It may be three months." Continuing, be said In reply to a query that he hud no means of knowing what tho senate of the United States was doing, and was accordingly. not iufluonoed there by. Asked if be had been surprised at any existing conditions here, or if he could now express an opinion, he said his frame of mind bad wholly been re ceptive: he bad been receiving Impres sions but had not yet allowed himself to form any conclusions. "Of course," "when the time comes and when that may be I cannot say, I will have some conclusions to make, they may be er roneouB, but they will probably be de cided." Asked if be would visit tbe other Islands, be Bald; "I bavo hardly bad opprotunlty to get out of tbls house I have been so besieged by callers. I have seen no points of Interest about Honolulu. Mrs. Blount Is doing the vlsltiug, and I bavo been kept keeping house. I suppose after she has Inspec ted tbe island she will bo able to Impart tbe information to me, or I may be able In the futuro to go about more." The Pope and Germany, Bomb, April 25. It Is understood in official circles tbe interview yester day between tbe pope and the emperor of Germany was on questions touching the Catholic church's attitude in Ger man politics, and especially touching the attitude of tbe German clerical nartv toward tbe Imperial policy. The emperor's friendly conversation and gift of a diamond-studded snudbox, bear ing bis portrait, to Cardinal Ledochow ski, who favors tbe triple alliance, Is much commented on. Tho English Budget. London, April 25. Harcourt, chan cellor of tho exchequer, Introduced tho budget for the coming fiscal year In tbe tbe commons. The chancellor estimat ed the expenditures for the current fiscal vear at 401.000 aud tho revenue at 89,89,000, leaving a deficit of 674,- 000, due In part to the slight expected decrease of revenue, but chiefly to tho vast growth of expenditures not created by the government, but through tho demands of tho country upon parlia ment. The chancellor said the govern ment would not propose to cover the deficit by encroaching upon the sinking fund devoted to tho reduction of the national debt. Ho preferred to meet the deficit by a straightforward way of Increased taxation. Tbe government resorted to lucerne tax. Chilian News'. Nkw Yohk, April 25. The Herald's special cable says: Leading newspa pers In Santiago and Valparaiso pub- llah statements denying Mr. Egan'a as sertions that be did not connive at tbo escape of nooley, the fugitive who sought an asylum in the Uulted Stutea legation. 1 1'arvenlts declares It can nrove tbe assertions by statements of officials in tbe foreign office. It was russored here yesterday that Secretary Oreabam bad ordered Minister Kgsn to turn over the archives in the legation to Hecrstarv McCreery. Buoh an order woald nleue tbe Chilians. There are I MBbale,aertloM that tbe reseat out Baking Powder broak was encouraged by Minister Egan and Juan McKeuna, or tne HH't ing Balmacedlsts. I Church Panic. Naples, April 25. A fatal panio oc curred in the church of Torre Anaun-1 ziata. During the services the draper! lea about the altar wero blown againM? alighted candle. Tbe. flames ranldlv and the congregation fortbo doors, women and oblld were thrown to tbe door and' trampled' upon. When tbe fire was extinguisoeo it was found that elaht Women an4 .... jt I.J4 .IjimiW nve cnuaren naa oeeaoruBueu mju,j while hundreds of others were terloas- jr iujuicui j.,1 Five Million Failure. London, April 25. The suspenekm la nnnnnnnuH rt f lift r.rtnflfltl fthArifenld bank of Australia, capital 1,000,04 reserve 320.000. It has branches i Loudon. Victoria. New South Wi and Queensland. Home-Rule Amended'. London, April 25. In tho commc a motion was made to amend tne boc rule bill by providing that the goveri mnnfc withdraw the military to from Ireland before parliament Is i tabllshed In Dublin. Family Murdered. Rome. Anrll 25. A man named A nnnl and his wife and two sons W murdered as tbey slept In their One of tbe sons recently gave tbe Hoe Information as to haunts of hrlorands. 'H THE HASHSLINQER'B II Ww VnrV Walura Wake S DMOUM for Higher Wages. "j New YoitK. Anrll 25. Ser trouble wltb tbe waiters In nearly the large hotels and restaurants is mlnent. unless concessions or a stantlal naturo are made today, waiters propose to paralyze business all the restaurants of tbe better o Thnlr nlanH have been carefully lala and there is every reason for believiM that these men, skilled In their calUnj mean lust what they say. Tins mo ment among tbe beat waiters' better nav beiran only three w aeo. but has assumed really great portions, and Is one of the most marks bio and important efforts attempted by worklngmen In this Tho waiters themselves can ecareel realize that tbey bave in the short spaf of three weeks succeeded in building if a really poweriui organization. ab have nresented demands to tbe prop; tors of of tbo hotels aud restaurants, aw will strike in two of these hotels unless theli demands are gran Thrnn hntiiln have been selected for morrow and four for Wt'du Thursday, tho day for tho naval revle has been selected for tbo grand ell when strikes will be ordered ia tbe hotels that have not agreed to t demands of the men. Albany New. Auiany, April 25. E. A. Pike, I miller In the Red Crown mills, caught In the shafting, and horrlblo deatb only by bracing bit so that tbe main belt was thrown His injuries are uot serious. James Talt, a boy employed In woolen mills, had bis right arm In a carding machine this morning,' i the flesh was torn ofr tbe lower Tim tail will nrobablv recover. j . A sneolal term of tbe circuit convened vesterday to try Ms Wassom, held for the murder of A. Grubbe at Lebauon. Application ' made for a continuance, aud was l under advlsemeut by Judge Great Natleal ChutfA Leas- Chicago. April 36.-Tbe macnli nn trmorv of the First resluMOt, nols Natlousl Guard, was destroys Are earlv tbls morning. TWO I known to bave perUbed IbUmi It to supposed six owess amefate. Two otbwfs were! wltb the utmost dliHetiHy by after tbey were badly bante property lest to ever IWWf, 847 COMMERCIAL STREET. rtv, io f WfctMUuv.. i.-U Hi.,- Jriti&'r