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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1893)
"V X' WEAVE! "STOTX MOXTEJT Out fiprlrttf fikoak of DRY GOODS Ji iwW OHipleltf, We h1iW llie larval And tt Ution of FRENCH CHALLIES JBJver whown in Sitlotn, Our tfranoh lJanrioln aro now and attractive, Wo fllioW an elegant lino of Cotton Oliallies and WohIi Ooodfl from 10 to 20 cants por yard, W Can- SAVE On Shoos, thoy aro all qoing The Palace, 307 Cornrriepcial 51. Monoylio Loan. Onlniproved city or farm properly, 8. T. RICHARDSON, Attorney at law. Cor. Court end Commercial, SPRAY YOUR TREES, Barr k Pelzel have thu bent pumps In the market for the purpose. I J AItU A PETZBLL, 214 Commercial Bfrcet. - IF - You art going to build or make any kind of Improvement, call on the undorifgned (or mhterUl. We huvo a complete utoolf, and aro reidjr to mpply any prepared oontrnct, nowor work, grading, etc. Salem Improvement Co. Tjik Nkw Yojuc RACKKr. Right 111 It, and we're almost too busy to tell you what we've received. It's a good assort ment of ovory thing In our lino, and our line Includes almost everything. We would call your attention specially to our stock of lace curtains. Largo va riety, all prices, You'll bo surprised when you see somo of tbo bargains we offer. Do you need shoes? Wo can ill you in men's, women's orcunumn's, at a saving of 10 to 1C per cent, on re liable footwear. A good assortment of shoes, Oxford ties and boots ulwuys on band. Wo carry a full lino of summer underwear for men and women. Bee what we have In men's dress and work shirts. Embroideries, lloiinolng, luces, table linen, cashmere shawls, vulices, satchels, and a full lino of notions Jusi in at the Now York Racket. E. T. Barnes. Floiuda Wkatjikh. A good many Oregon pcoplo who huvo been kicking at tbo weather tbo past mouth, which has been anything but. heavenly, must realize that oven lu California nud Florida It has beeu no better. A Pon sacols, Florida paper, of March 18th says: "Yesterday wiih n typical Mtroh day and Peusacollaus were treutod to most disagreeable wonthor. There was a brief ball storm about 10 a. m., and a bitter east wind during tho remainder of the day. It begun to ruin about 8 p. ., and continued at Intervals through the night. Altogether It was a dl. agreeable day any prolific of colds." .I - CONOKKdATlONAL. The Utimiul neetlug of tho Wlllumetto association of Congregational churches Is being held in Cor vail Is. Rev. II. V. Rom- Inger was to deliver tho opening ad dress. The program contains what promises to bo somo live sermons nud papers. Tomorrow Rev, W. A. Trow will have a paper on "Tho Today and Tomorrow of Church Work," Mrs. Tathatu, the Albany Kindergarten us a Factor in Missionary Work." Dhnw Rkkohm, Ladles you can get some of those artUttlo dresses out of what you will save In getting honest treatment and the beet goods at J. A. Van Eateti'a. He Is the leader for Kreeerles, teas, oofteo, etc. i o Noticb, There will bo a special Meeting of the BL Joseph's society in their hall on Thursday, UOth lust., at 8 o'clock p. iu. All members aro ex peeled to attend as there Is buslueos of treat Importauoe to bo transacted. F, J, Kagau, Secretary. Memorial Bknkkit. Prof, J. M. JMom, ef the Agricultural college, will five a leeture at the opera house April Wk e the "Lot Dispatch ami Battle f AHtletam," Illustrated by maps and personal experience. The proceeds will be fw the benefit of mewtuorul MAteMia The Royal Arch Chapter Met to ulght Wednesday at Ma. Mile ball, m the Murphy block, for wwk In Mark Master degree. All plea attsod at 70 p. m, J, A. Car. M, Hr4ary. Vva Kxftmsw Waqons, Irou X f, wi'y IfeW, at 0bun' Ilaeket Tta Mew Yttric Kak4 taewliga mA Mm alt al att.Uk. wiirtii ajLU. 9VW 'r fc WTB fcl un YOU MONEY J0k.TE? A JAP WOMAN JAILED By Chinese Merchant Qeo. Sua Try ing to Habeas Corpus Her. A Japanese woman of the street named Oh Clin, one of a trio called the Mikado, who have infested Salem foi some time, was beforo Recorder Kdes today charged with larceny by George Sun, tbo Chinese merchant. Tho prop erty stolon consists of gold bracelets and Jewelry worth about 50. Tho trial Is continued to Thursday at 2 p.m. The fair Oh dim sought tp get a writ of habeas corpus before Judgo Hubbard toduy. Her theory is that she Is simply Indebted to Bun, has committed no crime but that he was detaining her for immoral purposes, contrary to her Inclinations, etc The writ was denied uud Oh Gin Is In Jail, SALEM FLORICULTURISTS. Entertain the Marlon County Growers This Evening. Fruit Following is tho program ns finally arranged by tho Bnlem Florlcultural society for tho closing session of the Marlon County Fruit Growers' conven tion at tho Y. M. C. A. Hull this Wed nesday evening: Music .. ....... ..Lustsptel Overture Leuu Rreymuu uud El ma Weller. Address Pres. J. M. Bloss Vocal Bolo An Old Garden Mr. Harris. l'spor The Children Mrs. A. F. Hofer. Recltutlon Kissing Cups, Race Miss Mario Vaudersol. Vocal Solo Selected MIsh Bcrlber. Recitation How We Entertained tho Editor Miss Venm Leeuiuu. Tho closing session of the Fruit Growers' mtotlng will be held this evening at tho Y. M. O. A. hull with an excellent program, Messrs. Cottlo and Moores of tho local committee deserve great credit for their lubors ut making tho convention a greut success as It has bcou, Stolz Victorious. Before Judge Streans today at Port laud u case of couslderuble Importance was decided. It Is explained by the following telegram: "Contempt case dismissed. Decision very full uud de cisive." O. hroLZ. This Is tho end of a oontroversv among stockholders lu thu Puclllo Vine gar Co. In widen the Balem men come out ahead. Tub Ei.woon. This popular bout came up Inst evening with a largo load of merchandise, which kept Agent Herren up till uftor midnight. She returned this morning with a load of balm blocks for Oregon City. INOOHVOKATIONB. The Tlgardvlell Hall Co., $700 stock, uud tho Columbia River Banking Co., of 8t. Helens, 120.- 000 stock, have tiled articles with tho secretary of state. 8rAR Whkokkd. The Dallas stage was wrecked today as it oatuo ofl the Polk county bridge, smashing tho tongue, and tienrly load. upsettlug with its Humank Booikty, tbo annual meeting of tho Balem brunch of the Oregon Humuuo society will be held at thu olileo of Ladd & Busli batik Friday, April 21, 2 o'clock p, in. A full at tendance Is deslded, rnKliATKBT. So worth of cum ill neat match boxes at Tho Bpa. 4 ' Raspberry Plants. Ritlluttwatl fir..... I...,. I . Wi, I m . . 1 "'. .Miut'cr nun Maiaoar.iaM ivo nu strong plants. Uitiiurul lliniiduik.l Mull iwal.. .. a eretl free toany part of t lie cltv, at r. ductHl rates, leave order at John (J, Wrk'lil'iJ urrxHtrv. If. W u....... i.'vtvifli 11 uuvnuui fan tNtriv. fir iitiit.'.. Market Gardner, tkletu. 3-lS-O-wd i . Dr. ContrU fills teeth without pain, ' P41 n,Kiu. nallrtf uuik rt h.-' 1 xirtflleeatMoni oidaUHil. Fht ehus wwk and houeet trvatawnt. Olve Mil, 3-J-ltK TUTI'W PILL purKout wakrla. VHHtm (JAMWA h -Lijumiimj;. ",'" ww ""y W em ham, pHoumHM, maud fur AHo, 'I'd eotirioM moi In fe"fr hfhl M arsulotf will All jeiwfi( r.itm Arm nuii, I-M aMWKOv Kelfor A Or of n. ..,., I ,9-rO A AO C'ufilfnl City Military (ilovsf k VltuU. ........... ... AMI j'i H W Tliilfipsoli A (Jo,. I m John Khlghl MM Ihiunu lUm, .............. 7 W Vi h i'unKft.,.. in m Alert H h h t, m Mslem JylglitAl'oWftfCo-... HI M Htdom WatrrCd, I OH Ii Win Brown k IU.. ...... ....... m Vbouiiiii Oil Co, A W John MoNnry.... 1 ff, tta KtU., ..................... M) KM Wnltfl 1'rlntliig Co . ii M rimlth k Hhlndlor M li K Mtxittn h 00 rttelner k UUmef..... 7 W dnleiii Truck nud Drsy Co Iti V, Crotilsoniid Cmk.... 2(0 Smith AHU'lncr A It) WesUicott k Bhoiin .. . 1 m H V Drake. 20 I liimipsoii and Lnforo.... ...... 10 00 Stati-smaii 1 IX) J A Von Eaton 1 00 -u!eni Truck k Dray 'M Vi HI'olilo.. 11 01 R MoKlllop , 10 00 II H Robinson 10 CO A Burnett 20 00 W Bennett 10 60 R M Wndo k Co. 2 2 WH McOsoar 2 60 inman Paulsen 0 72 The quarterly reports of the city treasurer and recorder were reported correct uud placed on fife. A letter from the city olllclals of Stay ton, asking if tho city of Balem had an engine to sell or lease, was referred, A motion was adopted showing It to be the sense of the council that tho old hand engine now over at Noith Balem should not bo sold. Petition of C. Frlckoy asking for 10 tax rebate was referred. Petition asking that north end of al ley In block 14, Capital park addition, be opened, was referrod. Tom McNary was by committee re port declared u common drunk. TJIKC1TV HALL CJ0E8, Tho city hall conimltteo submitted tho following report, which was un- anlmously adopted. "We hereby make tho following reo ommendutlon: "Fhst That the council enter into an agreement wlthW.D.Pugh, whoso plans for a city hull huvo been accepted by tho council, to bo architect lu chargo of tho construction of said building, and that the compensation of said archi tect be 4 per cent, of the contract prlco for said work, provided that In case no contract bo entered Into by the coun cil, for the construction of the city hall, then this agreement to be void; "Second That W. D. Pugh, archi tect, be Instructed by tho council to rurmsu to tuo city nan committee, as soon ns possiblo, plans and sped II ca tions In triplicate for the construction of the city hull, finishing only tho base ment and first story iusldo nnd leaving tho finishing of the lutcrlorof tho third story, to tie let by contract at somo fu ture period, but llnlsbiug the outside of the building complete, and that said specifications bo of two kinds one for thu building with stone basement, sec ond und third stories of brick, and oue for stone throughout; "Third Thut tho towor of said building bo reduced from 150 feet to 130 feet In height; "Fourth That tho city hall com mltteu be Instructed to advertise for and receive bids for tho construction of said city hall, lu accordance with said specillcatlons, reserving tho right to reject any or all bids for said work; "Fifth Whereas, Archie Mason has oflcrvd to do all excavating uecessarv for tho construction of the foundation or tho city hall nud tako as pay for said work tho earth taken therefrom, wo recommend that the committee bo uutborlzed to enter Into an agreement with Archie Mason for Bald excavat ing iu accordance with the abovo prop osition." Tho remonstruuee agelnst the va cation of any portion of Oak street west of Commercial was referred, Tho ordinance committee was grunted further time for the completion of the lleeuso ordinance. Tho street committee's contract with O. F. Royal for building the Jolut bridge across North Mill creek at the end of Capitol street wa sanctioned. Tho posit lou of Mutt Stanley, hose man in tho lire department, was de clared vacant because he bad not ijusll, (led, and Herman Luhrmuu was elected to tho place. Tho city engineer was Instructed to aK tuo capital city Railway Co. to comply with the ordinance and tluUh plunking its on Cbemeketa street fioiu 12th to tho eastern limits of the city. "Barney." onn of thn em-lna Imrw- WSH Fl4IWirtf,t lattln AMfl (liu UUIU, nt --r. r -.-.-, "' -.-..-..... . """vi ui pruvUllng another animal w as referred to Aldermau Croat and Chief Engineer iMvr, Richard Carlson, night watchman at the Capiat Lumbering mills, was an Hnttd a tpoetal iwileewaa without the petition fr sidewalks e north side efMMn street frem The petition fr sidewalks e tbe north WfMlsloB street from IStli to lith, and et the east side t.f Hth frtHu MUahMi to Uh waarArred. Tbe 4ty alter iHiy was lMtrute4 to UWHHAh, WMmHDAYi AVlUh Hi, iftllll. rfffffAM IttlUiiAMA MimAUlU (lie WdlftflrH VfliMl WHlfrt III cW Wlf id drtlfli All WArMtilH rftllpplfed fitfifffrtWIWAnW belhf Iftfpeofed bf ffr mtHtil. immAm, Ah mUunu UttwiM dm f'' (iffA sUs W ww lilfod'UMd And 6' Uiwl, All tittUtiMiM (0 ifeVfi( (lie Mil' rtliiKAtlftfA-eoMofiiMI Afilfiml w0 fh!roIl'd And ttfettdii, komx ronronwn rAom Interesting Ullntlen for a fieoto Would fta PosthiflAtdr to Htndy, bt AH the yety Meellr-nl finhm penile' men Miig to msho Mr, (Jlevolnhd believe tlul tlipy Are ijiinllflpd to pet form tho function of Nnd;y nt llni Cnpltxl oily will do well to study Ilia following! HMMII'tn AALKM I', I), For 2d niiartcr 1812, $ (i7l TJ " d " 4173 ,18 " 4th ' " 4IW 02 " 1st " 1603 0460 40 Total for year f 10,302 21 Ot this IJ0G0 10 was for box rent and 118,1)02 01 was for sales of postage nud fees of money orders, ontul notes, reg- Istered totters, etc, Tjik Journal Is under obligation to Scott Bozorth, tor these statistics. He Is the assistant postmaster at Salem. Tho figures show great growth of bust. ness at tho Salem postofllcc. FKUITS AND FLOWERS. Increased Attendance at the'Meot lags Iho Program Tonight. Tuesday afternoon President Bloss of tho government experiment station at Corvallls gave a practical lecture, Illus trated with an Implement of his own Invention, on tile drawing. It was listened fo by a large number of In tensely Interested fruit growers. President Bloss held tho closest at tention. All the afternoon was. taken up with tills subject. Miss Snell, the professor of culinary scleuco nt Cor vallls, was present, but was excus?d, as there were but a few ladles present, and the tiling question Is a very Im portant one. WKD?IE8I)AV. The society met at Insurance hall at 10 a. m. and called to order by Presi dent Cottle. The subject of spraying was handled all tho forenoon. Fungi cides and Insecticides wero considered. PresU Wttllace of tho Water Co,, Mr. Cornelius of Tumor, Supt. Smith of the reform school, Judgo Boise, Dr. Reynolds, and other prominent citi zens were present. J. M. Wallace made an address on transportation proldems that was at tentively listened to and drew out the Information that he had mude an ar rangements to con tho strawberry crop of this year nt tho Balem cannery. The afternoon session was devoted to a discussion of orgoulzatloa of fruit growers for shipping and realising re sults by co-operation in shipping di rect to rotall centers. PERSONAL AND LOCAL. Squire Evans of Brooks Is lu tho city. The steamer Hoag comes up from Portlund this evening. F. S. Diturboru tho Bookseller is mak ing speclul low prices on Bibles get his prices. Attorney 8. T, Rlohardson Is home from severul weeks speut In Idaho on icgul business. Pay your tuxes before next Baturday at the county court houseor you will have a penalty to put up for. J. L. Holinan of Kttucsvllle, O., Is In tho city, tho guest of his, The. Ilolman. Wo are permitted to announce that Miss Mablo Jeuness will return to the city next Friday and some of tho ladles are try lug to arrange for a parlor lecture from her when she returns. Miss Mabel Jenneas of New York, who lectured to a fine audience last night at Reed's opera house, accom panied by Prof. Margaret Snell of the Agricultural College, took the morning train for Albany where she will speak tuts evening. m Foil It k.nt.-One good dwelling at No. 17 Court street, opposite Cottuge. Call at 0buru' Racket store. Brewster A White have the most complete stock of hay, feed and flour 4-iwt iu the the city. Court street. Dr. ContrU tills teethwitbout pain. DPRICE'S MPffi Tlu h. buH -- r . vm i. Hoii rf h . ."""' irZ-V w jBayaamwi-MiTtiTTriWiBTTiiainBTnirri-TTriiTFi rfrirr " i i wkt ft It H to Jiftvo ffldy nl lmii'l ft fomedy Hint hflvnf falls io fofiovo Oonalibrtlion, And tlifll, Without Jifllfi bf tliseoHifofli find Almost IffimediMdy eufo4 liPAd aoIim, ftdd dispels cvofy" ayttiuum of Jtyspopslfi. Buofi ft fwiwly Is found In Hluifflons Livof Jtogii' lntof not ft swooionod cGhiotifidloiiftiif'ortlo,or no ItiloxldAlm lovorntfo to ctiltivnto mi fllcoliollo ftfipollto, but ft fnedldino pleflflftfit to tlio (nfllo, nnd perfectly liftnnlo33 when yivon to llio fitnnllcst child, H, h. II. novor (llBfipiJoltilfl. It possesses tho virtues find perfec tions of ft rolinblo remedy of tho kind endorsed by cminont physicians. "R arfords me pleftstirn tfadd tny testi mony lo tlions you receive niimmlly In referenco to tout valuable tnedlclne. I Bnlder Hlminotn l.lvor llegttlafor tr.j t fninlly medlelne on the inarket. 1 ivs ireerlbcl It wllh eicellenl resiilU." -W. . I'Akie, i(, U., Tracy City, Tenn. FROM SUBLIMITY. W. II. Smith made a business trip to the Cupital City Saturday. Mrs. Lncrolx Is confined to her bed wllh the la grippe. Jake Mitchell and wlfo were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Schott Sunday John Jtcnbergcr and daughter returned homo Monday after a visit to Beaver ton. Born, to tho wlfo of Albert Frank, on April 12th a girl, mother and child do ing well. Misses Grace Snvngo and Ella Thotn as, of Stayton, wero visiting lu town Monday. Louis Melcherand wife of Salem are visiting their daughter Mrs. Albert Frank this week. Win. Shanks and Old Loftlca twoof Turners most popular young men spent the Sabbath In our midst. Mrs. P. Sohrantz, of Alblnn, was visiting her sister, Mrs. Frank, lust week, returning homo lust Suturday. Henry Schmltt and Brother Juke wero called to Can by Saturday to at tend the funeral of their sister-in-law Mrs. Charley Schmltt. Miss Myrtle Dovo uud Ella Williams, two of our most charming young Indies, left for Balem tho past week, whore they will make their home during the minnier mouths. Henry Thompson, of Burns, was vis iting relatives .here lust week, return ing homo Saturday. Ho was aecoin puufed on ids return by bis father, Ja cob Thompson, who will make his fu ture homo lu Burns. SUPREME COURT. Balkm, April 10, '03. State of Oregon, resp. Foot You.ann.: from Multnomah county; Judgment of tno lower court alllimed fuverrullnir tho state vs. Olds & Stnto v. Cody.) Opinion by Bean, J. Eugeuo Gurrow, resp. vs. Adolph Nlcolul, et al. apps.; appeal from Mult nomah county; Judgment of the lower court modified. Opinion by Lord, C. J. Joshua, HendyMachlno Works.resp. vs. Portlund Notional Savings bank. apps.; appeal from Multnomah county; motion to dismiss; appeul overruled. N. T. Plagen ys. D. P. Thompson. Former Judgment adhered to. Opinion ter currlum. Stephen A. Lowell was appointed clerk of this court at Pendleton, In stead of T. O. Hulley, whose resigna tion wus this day accepted. Foil 8At.K.-Set of fulls, good blocks and rope, swlimlng stage complete. Inquire Hawks & Uvur, 07 State St. 4-17 01 Foil Balk Chenn. iomt n,.ri,.i., . O " "l f tr I'.-uu, inmost new, tirst claw parlor suit, heating and oue cook stove, good as new, sewing machine and other furniture, eto. Call at 001 Cbemeketa u" " '-" m. 416-tf Tim Latmt. 6u worth of gum In r"1 u,,cl' bole at T,le 8,,a Cotnpreswd yi-ast Clark it Rppley. 'ewder: "W - Na Awweula: Ko Al - 40 5S7S aSS.4 HAS TAKEN W00ll PiU STOR A POOR OIRL'S AFFLICTION. UowBho Was Cured by Electricity. Salem, Or., Atirll 13, 1893. To the A KFLtOTEu: I would say, In Justice to Dr. Durnu, thut I went to iilui about 6 years si nee, for a louthsnmo discharge of tbo ears and deafness, and In less tbnti one month I Was cured sound and well, with electrical and medical treatment. I remained so for 2 or 3 years, when I received u severe slup from a child on the ear, which gave mo u severe pain iu tbo ear, and cuiiied an abcess which has discharged profu-ely, und deafness ever since, for two years or more. I wont to ii'm uguiti uboul4 weeks since and he has cured me by tho same treatment, for which I reel ery thankful. Refer to mi' at 817 College street. Lena Stun lleld, Courud Snoudeu will vouch for the same. Tho Drs. will treat tho poor free ex cept medicines from 0 to 10 a. m. dally uud those who aro able to pay, will receive nifdlcal or electrical treat ment at $5 a mouth for each disease or in that proportion as the cases may need, sujglcal and special diseases ex cepted. Consultation free. No cases tuken If not deemed curable or im provable. Olllcc hours from 10 to 6 daily; even ings, 7 to 8; Sundays 10 to 12. All cur able chronic, acute and prlvute diseases, catarrh und deafness ure confidentially and successfully treated. Circulars and question list sent free. Most cases can receive nomo treatment after a visit to the doctor's office. Drs. ofllco 310 Commercial street, Salem, Or., room 11. Special Meetings. Rev. O. D. Thomas of Boston, will beuln special meetings at the First Bap tist church tomorrow evening. The Boston Watchman says of him: As bury Park, N. J: The church In As bury Park lias enjoyed since January 1st a continued season of refreshing. Rev. O. D. Thomas, of Boston, Mas., a-slsted the pastor, Rev. F. C. Colby, for three weeks, laying the foundutlon broad and deep for tbe work of graco which followed and still continues. The pastor savs: "I rfpnim most heartily to commend Mr. Thomas us n man void of sensationalism, or claptrap methods. He Is earnest. IllltWitit funrlm.s, TTI . i. ........0., ituijcra. ui worK win be a lasting benefit to uny church or pastor wiin wnom lie lubors. Fifty persons huvo united with our church since Junuury lst.of which u umber for ty-t wo wero received by baptism. All are cordially Invited to attend. Good music. Baby crletl, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed 1 Castoria POrrORFF-WARNFR. a, .1 Capital CltyWASSrStTTuteJJv evenlnjr. Anrll IS iboi ii' '"V orflanilMarv K. ' Warn", Judge llllinililna . . --Mr umciating. ggffjaj... &, " ! iima LKii.Mrh wit.t. "t "im one -sr--oAr 4 17 61 dw A.., . " w: TJI IMAB. '"""v,enae.Hlem,Oreioa SPECIAL DRIVE THIS WEEK. We offer this Palmer Seersuckers At the extremely ThM. .. . """! ,0 d . "Kenu a ,.rd Mmmt. MAIIKIKU. Strayed or Stolen. wTaiuwoihrea tbUiwuoo Ah2i. .,. p" B0,d hM, are ,be ATTT T xc AIrtfltaetasetottM. opERtI!EIf RTHERS & CO. SEES! THE CAKI 6UflbOY'S8MC$ljlTSjli (JOY'S JOSit SUITS WITH EXTft PAIR OF PANTS ARE TAKING m CAKE DAY AFTER DAY, THEY Aft HOME) MADE AND ALL WOOL, WE ARE CARRYING Wo ftrecnrrymi; a "b'ir loid' ofCWI Hound bo ka und T nnxlous to unload i soon as pois ble. Wolnvn UReuaiiHh od to do It quickly. We have decided i inaugurate u BIG BOOK SALE Our nrlcec will more than estonlnh Ton Now Is tbe t Ime 1 1 All up your Hbrary'wlu menu Doous wuue mey lire cneup. Patton Bros., BooUoollars and Stationer! OS BTATK BTKHKT. MEW ADVKUT1HKMKNTU FOR BALK rery nicely locatrd lot.vltM bouse, on Mill street sou'h ol WlllanetJ unlveMty. Knr urms a d partUulHrs. pliM 1U4UHO ut iuis uiuce. 4in rim Nll.T. .un uLfiri v .... ,, . i I U'-"M - ' "nnua-nil IHirilt'S KI1UW1ULB, themselves lndrbteato J. I. Uurklni.lteJ uu.scnuucr, will J1CUU CU11 RTla VelllO Wl fi iuus. r, uieiy, atamaii'H cioiume store. 4-M lr WORK WANTKD-By a competent pint jonable. Apply Hbanley, utlCOiW Htreet, upstairs. ' 47.2 riuiiHi-Ai"Kivislteptonflleat K. O. Dane', JL Advertlslnu renoy. CI and 05 MercbaoU h,xcbange,Ban Kraucls o, Canrornla, wlir contraoa for advertUIng can lie made for U CHUISTIAN BClENOELiterature kinds on sale ut 326 LI ben y street. of all 4-5-ly POWER HOUSE Meat Market. Fresh nnd Bait meats of the best quality. Poultry and stock. Free delivery. DAVIS & WAYMIRE, Proprietors, II P.M. CARS. 1 1 p. in. Cars lcavn Hotel nnd Postofflce dally for Asylum, Penitentiary and Cemetery on Capital City Railway. Car leaves 5 a. m , connect ing with Overland train, and cars leave Hotel every 20 minutes from 6:2 a. m. to 11 p. m. for all points on the lines excepting CcinctcryCar,'! aken off to meet Passenger Tralus. wk H of our- and Dress Gingh ams attractive price of .-T '" I &$ul www Xu. Ill I w!r ATTENTIONj-Ciwh money paid for ran, bottles, old Iron and all kinds of metalt ,Bh,laca. t old Court House, Hidcm. 1-2"-,y 1. TOLFOLAR. L- - . U-,t